Duracell Information: Batterie Historie, undated. |
Haftklebstoffbeschichtung Aus Der Sicht Der Industriellen Anwendung, H.P. Ast., undated. |
Selbstklebe-Etiketten aus Kunstoff für Packmittal aus Kunststoff, H.P. Ast., published in Die Verpackung 1/84 Küsnacht. |
Paper, Film & Foil Converter, Mar. 1985, p. 107. |
L émballage En Matiére Plastique El Le Développement De LÉtiquetage Adhésif Plastique, Technigie Technologie, H.P. Ast, Mar. 1984, pp. 21-27. |
Den här produkten blev en av de mest Iönsamma fr Svensk Fackhandel 1981, Sweden 1981, 14 sheets. |
Pressure-Sensitive PVC Battery Covers From West Germany, USITC Publication 2265, Mar. 1990. |
Haftetikett ersetzt Stahlmantel Super Power im neuen Anzug, Verpackungs-Rundschau Jun. 1983. Ast. |
“Paper Converting” 1979, vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 1 to 8, and 22. |
“Labels Makes Batteries Last Longer”, Packaging, A Cahners Publication, May 1986. |
Handbook of Adhesives, 3rd Edition, Irving Skeist, New York 1990, pp. 641-663. |
Handbook of Adhesives, 2nd Edition, Irving Skeist, New York 1977, p. 552. |
Memorandum, Avery Label Systems Ltd., Apr. 24, 1984. |
Memorandum, Avery Label, Jan. 7, 1982. |
Pressure Sensitive Products, Skeist Laboratories, New Jersey 1984, pp. 294 and 319. |
O.D. Parfenov, Technology of Micro-Circuits, Moscow, 1986, pp. 248-249, “Insulation by Polyamide Lacquer” and Insulation by Polyamide Film. |
A.A. Fedulova, et al. Technology of Multi-Layer Print Boards, Moscow, 1990 pp. 30-31, section 3.1, “Copper Foil”. |
U.N. Tschernjaev, et al., Technology of Production of Integrated Macro-Circuits and Microprocessors, Moscow, 1987, p. 46, section Metallization. |
“Die Herstellung von Haftklebstoffen”, BASF, Dec. 1979 (including English language translation). |
Handbook of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Technology, Donatas Satas, New York, 1982, pp. 397-399, 481 and 572. |
Handbook of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Technology, 2nd Ed. Donatas Satas, New York 1989, pp. 746, 747, 766, 767, 768 and 807. |
Pressure-Sensitive PV Battery Covers From West Germany, Determination of the Commission in Investigation No. 731-TA-452 (Preliminary) Under the Tarriff Act of 1930, Together With the Information Obtained in the Investigation, USITC Publication 2265, Mar. 1990. |
Letter dated May 5, 2000 from National Label Company Inc. |
Draft of letter to Chinese Patent Office. |
Excerpt from Dictionary of Adhesion Terms with pertaining translation. (No Date). |
Publication Classification of Adhesives with a translation of the passages named in the notice of opposition. (No Date). |