Adjustable Traction System and Method for Footwear


  • Patent Application
  • 20090293317
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    June 01, 2009
    15 years ago
  • Date Published
    December 03, 2009
    14 years ago
Tractional characteristics of athletic shoe cleats are adjustable by selectively blocking and unblocking the amount of flexure of dynamic traction elements on the cleat. Blocking is achieved as a function of rotational starting locations during cleat attachment to an outsole receptacle by placing material or recesses in the outsole at different final rotational positions of the tractional elements. Alternatively, adjustability is obtained by attaching and angularly positioning a separate member, such as a ring, on the cleat with segments of the member positioned or not to block traction element flexure.

1. Technical Field

The present invention pertains generally to methods and apparatus for enhancing traction for footwear and, more particularly, to improvements in footwear and cleats to permit the resulting traction to be selectively adjusted for different conditions and preferences. Although described primarily in connection with golf shoes, it will be understood that the present invention has applicability for any shoe in which a traction cleat is utilized.

2. Discussion of the Prior Art

Historically, traction for golf shoes was provided by pointed or downwardly conically converging metal spikes that penetrate turf. The metal spikes were initially permanently attached to the golf shoe outsole, experienced limited wear and lasted for many years. Ultimately, metal spikes became replaceable products and were provided with threaded stems that could engage and be disengaged from a correspondingly threaded receptacle mounted in a shoe outsole.

Metal spikes, upon penetration of turf, tend to damage grass roots, a problem that is particularly harmful to golf course greens. In an effort to improve the condition of golf greens, replaceable plastic cleats with a variety of traction elements (e.g., in the form of generally downwardly projecting teeth, legs, ribs, etc.) were developed and marketed. There are currently two primary types of plastic cleats being commercially utilized. One type has relatively long flexible legs (i.e., dynamic traction elements) that extend from a cleat hub and flex under the weight of the wearer of a golf shoe so as to tangle with turf and provide traction. Examples of cleats with dynamic traction elements are described and disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,305,104 (McMullin '104), 6,834,445 (McMullin '445) and 7,040,043 (McMullin '043); the entire contents of those patents are incorporated herein by reference. These cleats are typically over 7.5 mm in overall cleat height, and this extra height provides traction as the legs, when fully flexed and during flexure, tangle with grass on fairways and in rough. This 7.5 mm height would at times prove to be damaging to putting greens except for the fact that the dynamic traction elements flex under the weight of the golfer, thereby spreading outwardly along the surface of the green without puncturing the turf. When these cleats with longer dynamic traction elements are used on cart paths or other very hard surfaces, they flex as they do on putting greens; however, the golfer is far more aware of the flexing action and, in fact, typically enjoys the cushioned feeling of walking on the flexing traction elements of the cleat.

The second type of modern plastic cleat is one with static traction elements (i.e., elements that are substantially rigid and do not flex) that extend from the cleat hub. In order to protect greens, these cleats are shorter, typically a maximum of 6-6.25 mm in overall cleat height so as to limit any turf penetration that might occur. These cleats, although made of plastic material, are rigid and, because of their reduced height, are somewhat less effective in tangling or even biting into grass or thatch as the golfer walks on fairways and in rough. One advantage of these shorter cleats is that when the golfer walks on cart paths or hard surfaces, the cleats produce a feeling to the wearer that he/she is walking on plastic or studs. This “advantage” is an accommodation to golfers who formerly used metal cleats in that it provides a similar feeling to that experienced with the metal cleats worn as recently as 1999.

It is known to have both static and dynamic traction elements on the same cleat with the relative positions of the dynamic and static elements providing particular desired tractional effects. Examples of this type of cleat are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,834,446 (McMullin '446) and 6,675,505 (Terashima); the entire contents of those patents are incorporated herein by reference.

For several years metal spikes and plastic cleats have been replaceable in the shoe outsole by means of a threaded stem (metal or plastic) on the spike or cleat engaging a threaded socket mounted in the golf shoe outsole. Unlike the metal threads of old metal spikes and early plastic cleats which had only one screw thread lead-in (i.e., one rotational starting point for the threaded engagement), currently prevalent cleat attachment methods have multiple lead-in options (i.e., multiple starting angular positions for the cleat stem relative to the outsole socket). Examples of multiple starting point lead-ins for threaded engagements for cleats are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,810,608 (Kelly '608), and 7,137,213 (Kelly et al); the entire contents of those patents are incorporated herein by reference.

An example of multiple starting points for a non-threaded rotational engagement technique is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,631,571 (McMullin '571); the entire contents of that patent are incorporated herein by reference. In the non-threaded rotational engagement typified by the McMullin '571 patent, plural (e.g., three) angularly spaced contoured retaining members on the cleat are inserted through similarly contoured openings in a receptacle cavity and then rotated through a small angle to a final locking position. The retaining members on the cleat are substantially identical, as are the contoured openings in the receptacle, so that any of the retaining members can fit in any of the contoured openings, thereby providing plural (e.g., three) possible starting points and final positions for the rotational engagement.

In currently marketed cleats, each of the above-described connection techniques has three rotational starting point choices which allow for three different 120° -spaced positions or final orientations of, for example, an asymmetrical cleat in an outsole. The asymmetrical cleat features could be cosmetic (e.g., a logo which typically is not symmetrical) as shown in U.S, Patent No. D466,275, or functional (e.g., an asymmetric shape or array of traction elements, as in McMullin '446) providing different traction effects at different rotational positions. The different rotational positions, then, may be viewed as permitting a degree of traction adjustability whereby the rotational positions of the dynamic and traction elements relative to the shoe outsole periphery produce different traction effects depending upon which rotational starting position is chosen during cleat connection to the shoe mounted receptacle. However, the differences between the tractional effects produced in the three angular positions, both from a tactile perspective and from a tractional function perspective, are subtle at best and are not necessarily sensed or appreciated by the person wearing the shoe.

It is desirable, but not possible until the present invention, to provide a basic cleat configuration that dramatically accommodates the tractional and comfort preferences of substantially all golfers. It is similarly desirable to provide a cleat having individual traction elements that can function in either a dynamic or static mode, depending on the adjustable rotational position of the cleat on a shoe outsole or the adjustable position of a structural component attached to the cleat. It is likewise desirable to permit tractional and comfort characteristics of a single cleat to be selectively modified.


It is an object of the invention to provide traction adjustability for a cleat in an athletic shoe such that the wearer of the shoe definitively senses and feels different tractional effects. Specifically, it is one object of the present invention to provide in one cleat a choice between at least two, and in some cases more, different cleat “feels” and traction characteristics. More specifically, one embodiment of the invention provides a cleat and outsole combination that allows the user to choose which of the two types of traction “feels” he or she prefers based on how the cleats are selectively installed in the outsole of the golf shoe. Alternatively, the different tractional effects may be provided by an adjustment ring that can be selectively secured to and positioned on the cleat.

In general, the present invention pertains to selectively changing the amount of flexure permitted for dynamic traction elements to achieve a desired tractional effect of comfort feeling for the wearer of an athletic shoe.

According to one aspect of the present invention, the number of dynamic traction elements on a cleat is such that the three starting locations for the rotational engagement combine with the angular spacing between the traction elements to provide traction element locations which differ for each starting location. Stated otherwise, the angular locations of each dynamic traction element for the installed cleat are different depending on which of the three starting locations is chosen. In addition, a portion of the outsole of the golf shoe surrounding the receptacle is defined as an annular array of repeating segments of raised, recessed and neutral adjustment segments of angular width generally corresponding to the angular width of each traction element. The radial location of the array of adjustment segments in relation to the socket rotational axis corresponds to the radial location on the cleat of an upper surface of each dynamic traction element relative to the stem rotational axis such that the upper surface of each traction element is always aligned with either a raised, recessed or neutral adjustment section. Each raised adjustment segment projects downwardly a sufficient distance from the outsole to interfere with an aligned traction element and prevent it from being deflected upward (i.e., toward the outsole) under the weight of the wearer. Each recessed adjustment segment receives an aligned traction element such that the element is permitted to deflect upwardly a maximum amount under the wearer's weight. Each neutral adjustment segment, which is typically co-planar with the exposed outsole bottom surface, permits an intermediate amount of upward deflection of an aligned traction element. This arrangement permits the degree of flexure of the dynamic elements to be varied as a function of the final rotational or angular position of the cleat in the receptacle. When the permitted traction element flexure is zero, the wearer of the shoe experiences a hard “feel” much like that provided by static traction elements. When the permitted flexure is maximum, the “feel” is softer, much like that provided by the cleat in the McMullin '104 patent. In the cleat position permitting and intermediate amount of flexure the “feel” is correspondingly intermediate that provided in the other two positions. In addition to “feel” perceived by the wearer of the shoe, the tractional effects differ in each position for the reasons described above in connection with dynamic and static traction.

In another aspect of the invention, rather than modifying the bottom surface of the shoe outsole to selectively restrict flexure of dynamic traction elements as a function of the selected rotational starting location, a separate element such as an adjustment ring may be placed on the upper surface of the cleat hub about the cleat connector. In one embodiment the adjustment ring is not rotationally adjustable once mounted and includes spaced depending adjustment segments that are angularly aligned with and positively engage the top surfaces of respective dynamic traction elements so as to prevent the traction element from flexing under the weight of the wearer of the shoe. Alternatively, an adjustment ring may be rotatable and have raised, recessed and/or neutral adjustment segments to interact at different heights with the dynamic traction elements depending on the angular position of the ring on the cleat.

These and other objects of the present invention are not mutually dependent and should be considered as individual objects as well as objects in combination.

The above and still further features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent upon consideration of the following definitions, descriptions and descriptive figures of specific embodiments thereof wherein like reference numerals in the various figures are utilized to designate like components. While these descriptions go into specific details of the invention, it should be understood that variations may and do exist and would be apparent to those skilled in the art based on the descriptions herein.


FIG. 1 is a view in perspective of the bottom surface of a portion of a shoe outsole configured to interact with a cleat according to a first embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 2 is a bottom view in plan of a first cleat engaged in a first angular position with the shoe outsole of FIG. 1.

FIG. 3 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 2.

FIG. 4 is a bottom view in plan of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 2 engaged in a second angular position.

FIG. 5 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 4.

FIG. 6 is a bottom view in plan of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 2 engaged in a third angular position.

FIG. 7 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 6.

FIG. 8 is a bottom view in plan of a second cleat engaged in a first angular position with the shoe outsole of FIG. 1.

FIG. 9 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 8.

FIG. 10 is a bottom view in plan of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 8 engaged in a second angular position.

FIG. 11 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 10.

FIG. 12 is a bottom view in plan of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 8 engaged in a third angular position.

FIG. 13 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and outsole of FIG. 12.

FIG. 14 is a top view in perspective of a cleat useful in connection with another embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 15 is a top view in plan of the cleat of FIG. 14.

FIG. 16 is a view in perspective of the bottom surface of a portion of a shoe outsole configured according to another embodiment of the present invention to interact with the cleat of FIG. 15.

FIG. 17 is a detailed view of the surface of FIG. 15 showing a raised adjustment segment.

FIG. 18 is a view in perspective of the cleat of FIG. 16 with a first adjustment ring attached in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 19 is a side view in elevation of the cleat and attached adjustment ring of FIG. 18.

FIG. 20 is a bottom view in perspective of the adjustment ring shown in FIG. 18.

FIG. 21 is a bottom view in perspective of a second adjustment ring attached in accordance with yet another embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 22 is a top view in plan of the adjustment ring of FIG. 21.

FIG. 23 is a bottom view in plan of the adjustment ring of FIG. 21.


The following detailed description of FIGS. 1-23 and of the preferred embodiments reveals the methods and apparatus of the present invention. It is to be understood that the relative directional terms “top”, “bottom”, “upward”, downward”, “vertical” and horizontal”, and the like, as used herein, refer to the orientation in a shoe outsole in which the cleat of the invention is installed when the shoe outsole rests on or is forced against a horizontal surface such as the ground, and these terms are not limiting on the orientation of the shoe, the cleat or the scope of the invention. For purposes of understanding, the following directional terms as used herein shall have the following meanings: “angular” means the rotational direction about the central longitudinal axis of the cleat about which the cleat is rotated during installation in a receptacle in a shoe outsole; “radial” refers to the transverse direction perpendicular to the central longitudinal axis; and “axial” refers to the longitudinal direction along or parallel to that axis. In addition, to provide a dimensional frame of reference to facilitate understanding of the invention, the description may include dimensions for some of the structural features. It is to be understood that these dimensions are for reference and understanding and are not intended as limiting the scope of the invention. When the term “rotational engagement”, or the like, is used herein in connection with a connector on a cleat engaging a receptacle in a shoe outsole, it is meant to include any form of rotational engagement, including but not limited to threaded engagement such as that disclosed in the Kelly '608 and Kelly et al patents and non-threaded rotational engagement such as that disclosed in the McMullin '571 patent. Additionally, the term “connector stem” is used herein to refer to the connector on the cleat that rotationally engages a receptacle connector mounted in the shoe sole; it is to be understood that this term includes a single shaft (threaded or not) concentric with the cleat longitudinal axis about which rotational engagement is effected, or plural separate stems disposed at short radially spaced locations from that axis.

A first embodiment of the present invention is illustrated in FIGS. 1-7 to which specific reference is now made. According to this embodiment, the number of dynamic traction elements on a cleat is such that the three possible starting locations for the rotational engagement combine with the angular spacing between the traction elements to provide traction element locations which differ for each lead-in location. Stated otherwise, the angular locations of each traction element for the installed cleat are different depending on which of the three thread starting locations is chosen. As shown in FIG. 1, a portion of the outsole 10 of the golf shoe surrounding the receptacle is defined as an annular array of repeating sections of raised, recessed and neutral adjustment segments of angular width generally corresponding to the angular width of each traction element. More specifically, FIG. 1 illustrates a portion of an outsole 10 including a recess or aperture 11 in which a receptacle is typically mounted to serve as a shoe connector. The multi-start receptacle itself is not shown in FIG. 1 for purposes of preserving clarity and understanding of the invention, but it is to be understood that the receptacle may be threaded or not and take the form described and illustrated in any of the above-referenced Kelly '608, Kelly et al or McMullin '571 patents. The receptacle and the corresponding connecting stem of the cleat provide for three angularly spaced lead-ins or rotation starting points for the engagement of the cleat and receptacle. The rotation required for full cleat insertion is typically limited by stop members on the cleat and in the receptacle to an angle on the order of 60° or less. Thus, selection of a particular lead-in permits the final angular position of the dynamic traction elements on the cleat to be selected.

Surrounding recess 11 is the annular array of traction adjustment segments comprising: raised segments 12; recessed segments 13; and neutral segments 14 which are co-planar with outsole 10. In this embodiment the series of three adjacent adjustment segments is repeated in eight successive sections to form the annular array. The radial centerline of each segment is angularly spaced from the radial centerline of its two adjacent segments by 15°, thereby permitting a cleat with eight equiangularly spaced dynamic traction elements to be rotated 15° to have each traction element moved from one traction adjustment segment to the next adjacent segment.

The radial location of the array of adjustment segments 12, 13, 14 relative to the center of recess 11 (or the longitudinal rotation axis of an attached cleat) corresponds to the radial location on the cleat of an upper surface of each traction element relative to the connector stem axis such that the upper surface of each traction element is always aligned with either the raised, recessed or neutral adjustment section. More specifically, as illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3, a cleat 15 of the type disclosed in the McMullin '104 patent is shown attached to outsole 10 in a first angular position. Cleat 15 has eight dynamic traction elements equally spaced angularly about the rotation axis A of the cleat, extending from the periphery of the cleat hub. In this first position, the top surface of each of the elements 16 is angularly aligned with a respective raised traction adjustment segment 12. In the illustrated embodiment this alignment produces an abutting relationship between the traction element and the adjustment segment so that no deflection of the traction element is possible. In this regard the surface of the adjustment segment is preferably angled and contoured, as shown in FIG. 3, to be flush with the contacted angled upper surface of the traction element to maximize the contact area between them and thereby optimize the force opposing traction element deflection. It is to be understood that, depending on the tractional or “feel” characteristics desired, the raised adjustment segment could be configured to be slightly spaced from the top surface of the traction element so as to permit a small deflection of the traction element when the cleat is under load from the weight of the shoe wearer. For purposes of this discussion, this first angular position of cleat 15 relative the adjustment segment array is considered to be the 0° position. In this regard, note that the peripheral edge of the traction element in the twelve o'clock position in FIG. 2 has a small outwardly pointed arrow to show its angular position. As described, this 0° position of the cleat in its outsole-mounted connector is achieved by starting the rotational insertion of the cleat connecting stem in a particular one of three possible starting positions for engaging the cleat in the shoe mounted receptacle.

FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate a second angular position of the cleat rotated 120° clockwise from the position illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3. In this position, achieved by starting insertion of the connecting stem of the cleat in a second start position in the outsole socket, the traction elements 16 are angularly aligned with respective neutral or flat traction adjustment segments 14. The traction elements in this position are permitted to deflect until their upper surfaces abut the surface in segment 14 which is in the plane of outsole 10. This is considered an intermediate amount of deflection for purposes of this embodiment.

FIGS. 6 and 7 illustrate a third angular position of the cleat rotated 240° clockwise from the position illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3. In this position, achieved by starting rotational insertion of the connector shaft of the cleat in a third starting position in the outsole socket, the traction elements 16 are angularly aligned with respective recessed traction adjustment segments 13. In this position the traction elements are permitted to deflect maximally until their upper surfaces abut the defining top wall of the recess in segment 13 which is recessed from the plane of outsole 10. This is considered the maximum amount of deflection for purposes of this embodiment.

Summarizing the operation in the different angular positions of the cleat in the embodiment of FIGS. 1-7, each raised adjustment segment 12 projects downwardly a sufficient distance from the outsole 10 to interfere with an aligned traction element 16 and prevent it from being deflected upward (i.e., toward the outsole) under the weight of the wearer. Each recessed adjustment segment 13 receives an aligned traction element 16 such that the element is permitted to deflect upwardly a maximum amount under the wearer's weight. Each neutral adjustment segment 14, which is typically co-planar with the exposed outsole surface, permits an intermediate amount of upward deflection of an aligned traction element 16. In the case of a symmetrical cleat 15 with eight equally spaced dynamic traction elements 16, the centerline of each traction element 16 is angularly spaced 45° from the centerlines of the adjacent traction elements. For each of the three rotational starting positions for cleat insertion into the shoe mounted socket, each traction element is re-positioned by 120°. The combinations of traction element locations and starting position spacing provide the possibility that a traction element could end up in any one of twenty-four different angular locations, successive locations being spaced by 15°. In actuality, for the example stated (i.e., eight symmetrically disposed traction elements, three lead-in positions and eight sets of three repeating adjustment sections) there are only three possible conditions due to the limitation of rotation produced by locking the cleat in the socket after insertion rotation of approximately 60°.

If a cleat has only four flexing traction elements located symmetrically, the numbers are reduced to twelve element locations with 30° spacing between them. It is to be understood that the principles of the invention include any number of unique starting positions for the rotational engagement combined with traction element multiples that result in separate and distinct final element locations. It is also to be understood that the cleat need not be symmetrical; that is, the traction elements can be oriented in an asymmetric array about the cleat periphery. Of course, this may require modification of the adjustment segment positions in the outsole.

Likewise, although the essence of this aspect of the invention is to permit selective adjustment of the flexibility of dynamic traction elements as a function of cleat rotational position in the outsole connector, the cleat may additionally include one or more static traction elements positioned so as to not interfere with the adjustable flexure feature of the dynamic elements. Typically, the static elements would be located in alternating positions with the dynamic elements, or inboard from the cleat periphery. An example of a cleat with only four flexible traction elements, and containing alternating dynamic and static elements used with an array of adjustment segments according to the present invention is illustrated in FIGS. 8-13.

FIGS. 8 and 9 illustrate a portion of an outsole 20 having a receptacle (not shown) mounted in an aperture or recess 21 in which a cleat 25 is rotationally engaged by means of its connector stem 27 which in this embodied is externally treaded. The multi-start internally threaded mating receptacle itself is not shown for purposes of preserving clarity and understanding of the invention, but it is to be understood that the receptacle may take the form described and illustrated in either of the above-referenced Kelly '608 and Kelly et al patent. Alternatively, the rotational connection need not be threaded but instead can be of the type described and disclosed in the above-referenced McMullin '571 patent. Surrounding recess 21 is the annular array of traction adjustment segments comprising raised segments 22, recessed segments 23 and neutral segments 24 which are co-planar with outsole 20. In this embodiment the three adjustment segments are repeated in four successive sections to form the annular array. The radial centerline of each segment is angularly spaced from the radial centerline of its two adjacent segments by 30°, thereby permitting a cleat with four equi-angularly spaced dynamic traction elements 26 to be rotated 30° to have each traction element moved from one traction adjustment segment to the next adjacent segment.

The radial location of the array of adjustment segments 22, 23, 24 relative to the center of recess 21 (or the central longitudinal axis of an attached cleat) corresponds to the radial location on the cleat of an upper surface of each traction element relative to the connector rotation axis such that the upper surface of each traction element is always aligned with either the raised, recessed or neutral adjustment section. More specifically, as illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 9, a cleat 25 is shown with four dynamic traction elements 26 alternating with four static traction elements 28 spaced angularly about the axis A of the cleat. Cleat 25 is of the type disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/399,183, filed Feb. 26, 2009 by Krikorian et al with the title “Improved Athletic Shoe Cleat with Dynamic Traction and Method of Making and Using Same” (the Krikorian et al patent application). The entire contents of that patent application are incorporated herein by reference. Cleat 25 is shown attached to outsole 20 in a first angular position. In this first position, the top surface of each of the dynamic elements 26 is angularly aligned with a respective raised traction adjustment segment 22. In the illustrated embodiment this alignment produces an abutting relationship between the top transversely extending surface of the dynamic traction element and the adjustment segment so that no deflection of the traction element is possible. In this regard the surface of the adjustment segment is preferably parallel to the abutting traction element surface, as shown in FIG. 9, so as to be in flush contact to maximize the contact area between them and thereby optimize the force opposing traction element deflection. It is to be understood that, depending on the tractional or “feel” characteristics desired, the raised adjustment segment could be configured to be slightly spaced from the top surface of the traction element so as to permit a small element deflection when the cleat is under load from the weight of the shoe wearer. For purposes of this discussion, this first angular position of cleat 25 relative the adjustment segment array is considered to be the 0° position. As described, this 0° position of the cleat in its outsole-mounted connector is achieved by starting the insertion of the cleat connecting shaft in a particular one of three possible starting positions for engaging the cleat in the shoe mounted receptacle.

FIGS. 10 and 11 illustrate a second angular position of the cleat rotated 120° clockwise from the position illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 9. In this position, achieved by starting insertion of the connector shaft of the cleat in a second start position in the outsole socket, the traction elements 26 are angularly aligned with respective neutral or flat traction adjustment segments 24. The traction elements in this angular position of the cleat are permitted to deflect until their upper surfaces abut the surface in segment 24 which is in the plane of outsole 20. This is considered an intermediate amount of deflection for purposes of this embodiment.

FIGS. 12 and 13 illustrate a third angular position of the cleat rotated 240° clockwise from the position illustrated in FIGS. 8 and 9. In this position, achieved by starting insertion of the connector stem of the cleat in a third rotational start position in the outsole socket, the dynamic traction elements 26 are angularly aligned with respective recessed traction adjustment segments 23. In this position the traction elements 26 are permitted to deflect maximally until their upper surfaces abut the top wall of the recess in segment 23 which is below the plane of outsole 20. This is considered the maximum amount of deflection for purposes of this embodiment.

Cleat 25 is illustrated in greater detail in FIGS. 14 and 15 to which specific reference is now made as to the portions of the cleat relevant to the present invention. Details regarding the complete structure and function of cleat 25 may be found in the above-referenced Krikorian et al patent application. The threaded connecting stem 27 of the cleat is shown to have three separate threads to accommodate the requirement for a three start thread for the three lead-ins described hereinabove. FIGS. 16 and 17 illustrate a portion of a shoe outsole 40 having an aperture or recess 41 in which a receptacle of the type described above would be mounted. Four equiangularly spaced traction adjustment segments 42 are raised from the exposed outsole surface. Each segment 42 has a recess in the form of a slot 43 defined in its distal surface that faces an engaged cleat. Slot 43 extends angularly and is open at one end and closed at the other end and along its sides. The open end of slot 43 is designed to permit the distal end of a dynamic traction element 26 to readily enter the slot angularly as the cleat is rotated relative to the outsole. The slot is contoured to generally match the contour of the distal end of the traction element so that the traction element is positively retained along three sides once it has entered the slot. Thus, rather than relying only on forced contact of the abutting surfaces of the traction element and the adjustment segment as described in connection with the embodiments of FIGS. 2 and 8, the embodiment of FIGS. 14-17 functions with both forced contact and the additional engagement of the distal end of the traction element by three sides of slot 43. In this regard it is noted that, in the embodiment of FIG. 15 the distal tip of each of traction elements 26 has a modified oval configuration wherein one long side is slightly concave, the other long side is slightly convex, and the two ends are sharply convex. Slot 43 is similarly contoured except at its open end.

The slotted traction adjustment segment 42 is shown in outsole 40 at four locations without intermediate recessed segments such as segments 13 and 23 of the previously described embodiments. It will be appreciated that recesses and neutral segments can be employed in combination with raised segments 42 in the same manner as described in connection with the above-described embodiments of FIGS. 2-7 and 8-13.

The particular configuration for slot 43 is designed to match the configuration of the distal end of a particular traction element 26. It will be appreciated that, for traction elements having different distal end configurations, the slot can be similarly differently configured.

It should be understood that it is common for cleats of the type described to have a cooperative locking arrangement with the receptacle to which they are attached to prevent inadvertent relative rotation between the traction element and the raised traction adjustment segments 12, 22, 42. In this regard, also illustrated in FIGS. 14 and 15, although not part of the present invention, are locking posts 35 on the top surface of the cleat hub which cooperate with locking structure (i.e., typically an annular array of radially projecting locking teeth) formed as part of the receptacle. This locking arrangement is fully disclosed in the aforesaid Krikorian et al patent application and serves to prevent inadvertent rotation of the cleat relative to the receptacle once the two are fully engaged.

It will be appreciated that a golf shoe constructed to take advantage of the embodiments of the present invention as thus far described utilizes unique combinations of: number and angular positions of rotational starting positions; number and angular spacing of dynamic traction elements; and final angular positions of the dynamic traction elements upon full cleat insertion into the receptacle. This combination of parameters makes it possible for the user/wearer of the shoe to modify the functional attributes of dynamic traction elements depending on which rotational starting position is chosen for the engagement of the cleat and receptacle. More particularly, this approach of modifying the tractional attributes exhibited by a traction element involves taking advantage of the known rotational stopping points of the traction elements during the rotational engagement of the cleat depending on which of the three unique starting position options is chosen.

In another aspect of the invention, selective restriction of flexure of dynamic traction elements is made possible by adding a separate piece or member to the cleat rather than requiring interaction between the traction element and special topography of the shoe outsole. Embodiments pertaining to that aspect of the invention are illustrated in FIGS. 18-23.

Referring specifically to FIGS. 18-23, and using cleat 25 of FIG. 14 as an exemplary cleat to demonstrate the principles described, a traction adjustment member is positioned on the top surface of the cleat. In this embodiment the adjustment member is a ring 50 disposed concentrically about the cleat rotational axis. Ring 50 is preferably molded as a single piece of polymer material. The ring has a substantially flat top surface and four traction adjustment segments 51 projecting downwardly from four respective locations spaced by 90°. In addition, segments 51 extend radially outward from the remainder of the ring circumferential edge to correspond to the radial position of the exposed top surface of the dynamic traction elements 26. In the rotational ring position shown in FIGS. 18 and 19, segments 51 are angularly aligned with respective dynamic traction elements 26 and abut the top surfaces of those elements. In other words, the radial and angular positions of segments 51 relative to the cleat axis are substantially the same as the radial and angular positions of the proximal portions of the top surfaces of traction elements 26. The bottom surface of each segment 51 is substantially flat as is the abutting portion of the top surface of the aligned traction element 26. When the cleat is fully inserted into its receptacle, the flat top surface of ring 50 is in flush contact with the shoe outsole, and the bottom surface of each segment 51 is in flush contact with a respective dynamic traction element 26. Accordingly, dynamic traction elements 26 are blocked by the adjustment segments 51 from flexing upwardly under load of the weight of the wearer of the shoe.

Ring 50 may be selectively rotated 45° to angularly position the adjustment segments 51 between dynamic traction elements 26 so as to not prevent upward flexible deflection of dynamic traction elements under load, thereby effectively converting the tractional function of these elements from static to dynamic. In other words, by simply changing the angular position of ring 50, the tractional characteristics of the individual traction elements of the cleat may be changed. It will be appreciated that ring 50 may have two or more different types of traction adjustment segments to permit different types of tractional adjustment. For example, the extent of the downward dependence of the different segments may be varied to differently limit the amount of flexible deflection permissible for the dynamic elements in each angular position of the cleat.

An alternative type of adjustment ring 60 is illustrated in FIGS. 21-23. Ring 60 is preferably a single piece of molded polymer including four traction adjustment segments 61 extending at a slanted radially outward and downward angle from respective 90° spaced angular locations along the ring periphery. Each segment 61, instead of contacting a respective traction element 26 in flush flat surface abutment, includes a notch 62 defined in its distal edge for receiving a similarly configured rib formed on the top surface of the traction element. This arrangement permits segment 61 to grip the rib on the traction element and has the advantage of preventing inadvertent angular movement of between segment 61 and traction element 26.

It will be appreciated that, with regard to the embodiments of FIGS. 1-17 one can add material to or delete material from the shoe outsole during manufacture to accommodate the attributes that a golfer prefers or chooses; with regard to the embodiments of FIGS. 18-20 one can selectively rotate the adjustment ring to accommodate those attributes; and with respect to the embodiment of FIGS. 21-23 one can selectively attach the adjustment ring or not to accommodate those attributes. If the golfer prefers the hard feel while walking on hard surfaces, support would be added to the outsole in the cleat insertion stopping locations of one of the rotation starting locations (which would be marked in the outsole to indicate that this starting location produces a firm feel) such that the flexing nature of the traction elements is restricted by interference in the flexing path of the element. Stated differently, the element would be supported by a standoff of support material in the outsole under and supporting the traction element, restricting its ability to flex.

If a second lead in position was chosen, the support or stand-off would be less extreme, and the setting would be advertised as normal traction feel. The third feel or setting would be a result of inserting the cleat at the third lead-in position and would allow the maximum flexing of the cleat and the greatest cushioning or shock absorbing feel on a hard surface. This very soft feel could include a recess in the outsole of the shoe which would allow greater flexing than normally allowed.

Having described preferred embodiments of new and improved traction system having traction elements with selectively adjustable tractional characteristics and athletic shoes employing same, it is believed that other modifications, variations and changes will be suggested to those skilled in the art in view of the teachings set forth herein. It is therefore to be understood that all such variations, modifications and changes are believed to fall within the scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims. Although specific terms are employed herein, they are used in a generic and descriptive sense only and not for purposes of limitation.

  • 1. An adjustable traction-producing combination comprising: a cleat for attachment at the exposed bottom surface of an outsole of an athletic shoe, said cleat including at least one dynamic traction element adapted for flexure upwardly toward the outsole under the weight of the wearer of the shoe;a traction adjustment member provided to permit selective relative movement between said cleat and said member for restricting said flexure when angularly aligned with said traction element.
  • 2. The combination of claim 1 wherein said cleat includes a cleat connector adapted to rotationally engage a shoe connector in the shoe outsole about a longitudinal axis, and wherein said traction adjustment member is a raised segment on the shoe outsole.
  • 3. The combination of claim 2 wherein said outsole has a recess segment defined in said bottom surface for receiving said traction element when angularly aligned therewith to permit maximization of said flexure.
  • 4. The combination of claim 3 wherein said outsole has a plane segment that is neither raised nor recessed for abutting the traction element when angularly aligned therewith to permit an intermediate amount of said flexure.
  • 5. The combination of claim 2 wherein said outsole has a plane segment that for abutting the traction element when angularly aligned therewith to permit said flexure.
  • 6. The combination of claim 1 wherein said traction adjustment member is a member selectively attachable to said cleat to engage said traction element and restrict said flexure.
  • 7. The combination of claim 1 wherein said cleat further comprises: a plurality of said dynamic traction elements angularly spaced about said cleat and adapted for flexure upwardly toward the outsole under the weight of the wearer of the shoe; anda plurality of said traction adjustment members angularly spaced and movable relative to said cleat for restricting said flexure for a respective traction element when angularly aligned therewith.
  • 8. The combination of claim 7 wherein said cleat includes a cleat connector adapted to rotationally engage a shoe connector in the shoe outsole about a longitudinal axis, and wherein said traction adjustment members are angularly spaced raised segments on the shoe outsole.
  • 9. The combination according to claim 8 wherein said cleat connector includes plural alternative angular starting locations for rotationally engaging the shoe connector, each starting location determining a respective final rotational position for said cleat relative to said outsole, and wherein for at least one final rotational position at least one of said traction elements is angularly aligned with at least one of said raised segments, and wherein for at least a second final rotational position said at least one of said traction elements is angularly aligned with a space between two of said raised segments.
  • 10. The combination of claim 8 wherein said outsole has a plurality of angularly spaced recess segments defined in said bottom surface for receiving respective traction elements when angularly aligned therewith to permit maximization of said flexure.
  • 11. The combination of claim 10 wherein said outsole has a plurality of plane segments that are neither raised nor recessed for abutting respective traction elements when angularly aligned therewith to permit an intermediate amount of said flexure.
  • 12. The combination according to claim 11 wherein said cleat connector includes at least first, second and third alternative angular starting locations for rotationally engaging the shoe connector for determining a respective first, second and third respective final rotational positions for said cleat relative to said outsole, and wherein in said first final rotational position at least one of said traction elements is angularly aligned with a first of said raised segments, in said second final rotational position said least one of said traction elements is angularly aligned with a first of said recessed segments, and in said third final rotational position said at least one of said traction elements is angularly aligned with a first of said plane segments.
  • 13. The combination of claim 7 wherein said traction adjustment members are members selectively attachable to said cleat to engage respective traction elements and restrict said flexure.
  • 14. The combination of claim 13 wherein said cleat includes a cleat connector adapted to rotationally engage a shoe connector in the shoe outsole about a rotation axis, wherein said traction adjustment members are provided in angularly spaced relation on a ring adapted to be mounted concentrically about said axis.
  • 15. The combination of claim 14 wherein said ring is rotatable about said axis to selectively alternatively position said traction adjustment members in angular alignment with either said traction elements or spaces between said traction elements.
  • 16. A method of providing adjustable traction with a cleat adapted for attachment at the exposed bottom surface of an outsole of an athletic shoe, said cleat including at least one dynamic traction element adapted for flexure upwardly toward the outsole under the weight of the wearer of the shoe, said method comprising: selectively aligning said traction element with a traction adjustment member to permit said traction adjustment member to impede said flexure.
  • 17. The method of claim 16 wherein said cleat is attached to said outsole by means of a stem connector rotatable about a rotation axis, wherein said traction adjustment member is a raised structure on said outsole, and wherein said step of aligning comprises rotating said cleat about said axis until said traction element and said traction adjustment member are angularly aligned.
  • 18. The method of claim 16 wherein said traction adjustment member is part of a structure separable from said cleat and said outsole and selectively attachable to said cleat, and wherein said step of aligning includes positioning said traction element and said traction adjustment member in angular alignment.
  • 19. The method of claim 18 wherein said cleat includes a plurality of said dynamic traction elements angularly spaced about said cleat and adapted for flexure upwardly toward the outsole under the weight of the wearer of the shoe, wherein said structure includes plural spaced traction adjustment members, and wherein said step of aligning comprises: selectively securing said structure to said cleat such that said traction adjustment members are in contact with respective traction elements to impede said flexure.
  • 20. The method of claim 19 wherein said cleat is attached to said outsole by means of a stem connector rotatable about a longitudinal axis, wherein said structure is a ring adapted to be mounted concentrically about said cleat connector, wherein said plurality of traction adjustment members are provided in angularly spaced relation about said axis on said ring, and wherein said step of aligning includes angularly positioning said ring about said axis such that each traction adjustment member is in angular alignment with a respective traction element.
  • 21. An athletic shoe comprising: a shoe having an outsole with an exposed bottom surface in which at least one shoe connector mounted;a cleat having a cleat connector adapted for attachment to the shoe connector, said cleat including at least one dynamic traction element adapted for flexure upwardly toward the outsole under the weight of the wearer of the shoe;a traction adjustment member capable of selective movement relative to said cleat for restricting said flexure when angularly aligned with said traction element.
  • 22. The athletic shoe of claim 21 wherein said traction adjustment member is a raised segment on the shoe outsole.
  • 23. The athletic shoe of claim 21 wherein said cleat further comprises: a plurality of said dynamic traction elements angularly spaced about said axis adapted for flexure upwardly toward the outsole under the weight of the wearer of the shoe;a plurality of said traction adjustment members angularly spaced about said axis and movable relative to said cleat for restricting said flexure for a respective traction element when angularly aligned therewith;wherein said traction adjustment members are members selectively attachable to said cleat to engage respective traction elements and restrict said flexure and are provided in angularly spaced relation on a ring adapted to be mounted concentrically about said cleat connector.

This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/057,311, filed May 30, 2008, and entitled “Adjustable Traction Cleat For Footwear,” the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61057311 May 2008 US