PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The transfer of information between macromolecules is one of the defining aspects of life at the molecular level and is critical for all homeostatic and disease processes. The Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (CIBC) fosters interdisciplinary research focused on spatial and temporal aspects of biomolecular communication using approaches that span a continuum ranging from the molecular to the tissue levels. CIBC has significantly increased biomedical research expertise in Nebraska by developing independently funded interdisciplinary research collaborations that are pursuing high impact research into complex diseases from diverse perspectives. The goal of the Administrative Core in Phase 2 is to continue to provide the overall coordination and administrative infrastructure that will enable CIBC to continue growing the interdisciplinary biomedical expertise and approaches needed to understand the regulation of biomedically relevant communication pathways. The specific aims are: 1) provide the scientific, administrative, and programmatic leadership and research infrastructure needed to ensure CIBC operations function effectively and efficiently and support progress toward the Center?s overall goals and specific aims, 2) coordinate a strong mentoring and development plan to catalyze the research and career development of early stage investigators and their transition to independent investigator status, 3) support and expand a suite of Center-wide enrichment activities to create a collaborative research environment, provide meaningful opportunities for CIBC members to interact with one another, and promote a clear pathway by which additional faculty, postdoctoral research associates, and graduate and undergraduate students will affiliate with the Center; and 4) support CIBC?s eventual transition to a self-sustaining center of biomedical research excellence by supporting Center members in securing program project grants; large-scale, multi-investigator grants; individual investigator projects; and training grants. By accomplishing these aims, the Administrative Core will support CIBC?s central goals of 1) supporting the growth of biomedical research infrastructure at the University of Nebraska and 2) advancing the understanding of the regulation of biomedically relevant communication pathways and the development of interventions to detect, prevent, and treat disease, improving health outcomes among the broader population.