ABSTRACT/PROJECT SUMMARY The research theme of the proposed consortium focuses on the early detection of cancer, deciphering cancer pathogenesis, and the identification of potential biomarkers of Kaposi?s Sarcoma (KS) and ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN), two of the most prevalent AIDS-associated cancers in Zambia. The Zambia AIDS Malignancies Diagnosis and Pathogenesis Program (ZAMDAPP)?s goal, which will link key expertise and resources of the Nebraska Center for Virology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Zambia University Teaching Hospital, and Zambia?s Cancer Disease Hospital (CDH), is to develop the CDH cancer research infrastructure in three areas critical to the consortium?s overall research theme: cancer diagnosis, viral oncology, and cancer treatment. An Administrative Core will provide the administrative and programmatic leadership and infrastructure necessary to ensure the consortium functions efficiently and effectively. The Administrative Core will pursue four specific aims: 1) provide the administrative expertise and resources necessary to support the consortium?s Career Enhancement Core, Shared Resources Cores, and research projects in the accomplishment of their goals and specific aims; 2) implement a consortium-wide series of operational processes designed to create a collaborative research environment and build capacity for increased self-sufficiency in Zambian health institutions; 3) provide communications infrastructure to engage key stakeholders and promote the consortium locally and globally; and 4) establish and cultivate a strong working relationship with an External Advisory Group composed of key stakeholders and expertise leaders to connect research efforts with Zambian communities and identify research outcomes that will inform healthy policy changes. The organization of the Administrative Core is designed to be responsive, inclusive, and robust, which is essential to successfully address the broad mission and complex relationships within ZAMDAPP, among partnering and collaborating institutions, and with NIH. This core will focus on meeting the needs of the partnership and collaborators in the current climate of rapidly changing scientific and technological advances, which will result in a sustainable consortium with vibrant research programs that work toward the reduction of cancer in Africa.