Summary The overall goal of the Undergraduate Research Initiative for Student Enhancement (U- RISE) program at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is to increase the number of competitively-prepared, historically-underrepresented undergraduates in basic biomedical and behavioral research careers ? whether they be racial minorities, disabled, or Pell-eligible. The goals of the proposed program are to develop a cadre of well- prepared students who will complete their undergraduate degree programs, successfully compete for positions in graduate programs, and ultimately complete the Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D. and transition to careers in basic biomedical science research. Our aim for the U-RISE supplement is to introduce research awareness and preparedness to students taking biology core course through a series of online training modules that will align concepts learned in these courses with ongoing research opportunities offered on campus. These Portals to CUREs and Research training modules are iterative, curriculum embedded online course modules to be integrated into the core biology classes taken by the potential U-RISE students.