Adsorber aftertreatment system having dual adsorbers

The present invention provides for an NOx adsorber aftertreatment system for internal combustion engines which utilizes adsorber catalysts arranged in parallel. The exhaust flow from the engine is divided in a predetermined ratio between the two catalysts during lean operation (e.g. 50-50). At a predetermined regeneration time (for example, when the adsorber catalyst is 20% full), the exhaust gas flow is reduced through the parallel leg that is to be regenerated (e.g., 20% through the leg to be regenerated, 80% of the flow to the other leg). A quantity of hydrocarbon is injected into the reduced-flow leg in order to make the mixture rich. Since the flow has been reduced in this leg, only a small fraction of the amount of hydrocarbon that would have been required to make the mixture rich during full flow is required. This will result in a substantial reduction in the fuel penalty incurred for regeneration of the adsorber catalyst. Once the leg has been regenerated, the flow distribution between the parallel legs is reversed, and the other catalyst leg is regenerated while the other side (which is now clean) receives the majority of the exhaust flow. Another advantage of the present invention is that since NOx is being stored in one leg while the other leg is being regenerated, the regeneration operation can be performed for a longer period of time, resulting in greater regeneration efficiency. Once both catalyst legs have been regenerated, the exhaust flow is adjusted back to normal (e.g. 50-50) until the catalysts are again ready for regeneration and reduction.


The present invention generally relates to internal combustion engines and, more particularly, to an NOx adsorber aftertreatment system for internal combustion engines.


As environmental concerns have led to increasingly strict regulation of engine emissions by governmental agencies, reduction of nitrogen-oxygen compounds (NOx) in exhaust emissions from internal combustion engines has become increasingly important. Current indications are that this trend will continue.

Future emission levels of diesel engines will have to be reduced in order to meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulated levels. In the past, the emission levels of US diesel engines have been regulated according to the EPA using the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) cycle, with a subset of more restrictive emission standards for California via the California Air Resources Board (CARB). For example, the Tier II emission standards, which are being considered for 2004, are 50% lower than the Tier I standards. Car and light truck emissions are measured over the FTP


test and expressed in gm/mi. Proposed Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle (ULEV) emission levels for light-duty vehicles up to model year 2004 are 0.2 gm/mi NOx and 0.08 gm/mi particulate matter (PM). Beginning with the 2004 model year, all light-duty Low Emission Vehicles (LEVs) and ULEVs in California would have to meet a 0.05 gm/mi NOx standard to be phased in over a three year period. In addition to the NOx standard, a full useful life PM standard of 0.01 gm/mi would also have to be met.

Traditional methods of in-cylinder emission reduction techniques such as exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and injection rate shaping by themselves will not be able to achieve these low emission levels required by the standard. Aftertreatment technologies will have to be used, and will have to be further developed in order to meet the future low emission requirements of the diesel engine.

Some promising aftertreatment technologies to meet future NOx emission standards include lean NOx catalysts, Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) catalysts, and Plasma Assisted Catalytic Reduction (PACR). Current lean NOx catalyst technologies will result in the reduction of engine out NOx emissions in the range of 10 to 30 percent for typical conditions. Although a promising technology, SCR catalyst systems require an additional reducing agent (aqueous urea) that must be stored in a separate tank, which opens issues of effective temperature range of storage (to eliminate freezing) as well as distribution systems that must be constructed for practical use of this technology. PACR is similar to lean NOx in terms of reduction efficiency but is more expensive due to plasma generator. These technologies, therefore, have limitations which may prevent their use in achieving the new emissions requirements.

NOx adsorber catalysts have the potential for great NOx emission reduction (60-90%). The NOx adsorber is one of the most promising NOx reduction technologies. During lean-burn operation of the engine, the trap adsorbs nitrogen oxide in the form of stable nitrates. Under stoiciometric or rich conditions, the nitrate is thermodynamically unstable and the stored nitrogen oxides are released and subsequently catalytically reduced. Therefore, the operation cycle alternates between lean and rich conditions around the catalyst. During lean operation the catalyst stores the NOx and during rich operation the NOx is released and reduced to N


. However, to make the conditions around the catalyst rich, a significant amount of hydrocarbon (HC) needs to be injected. The amount of HC required for reduction is only a small fraction of the total hydrocarbon injected, resulting in a significant fuel penalty. If the HC required to make conditions rich can be reduced, the fuel penalty can be brought down substantially.

There is therefore a need for an engine aftertreatment system employing an NOx adsorber which reduces the fuel penalty associated with these. The present invention is directed toward meeting this need.


The present invention provides for an NOx adsorber aftertreatment system for internal combustion engines which utilizes adsorber catalysts arranged in parallel. The exhaust flow from the engine is divided in a predetermined ratio between the two catalysts during lean operation (e.g. 50-50). At a predetermined regeneration time (for example, when the adsorber catalyst is 20% full), the exhaust gas flow is reduced through the parallel leg that is to be regenerated (e.g., 20% through the leg to be regenerated, 80% of the flow to the other leg). A quantity of hydrocarbon is injected into the reduced-flow leg in order to make the mixture rich. Since the flow has been reduced in this leg, only a small fraction of the amount of hydrocarbon that would have been required to make the mixture rich during full flow is required. This will result in a substantial reduction in the fuel penalty incurred for regeneration of the adsorber catalyst. Once the leg has been regenerated, the flow distribution between the parallel legs is reversed, and the other catalyst leg is regenerated while the other side (which is now clean) receives the majority of the exhaust flow. Another advantage of the present invention is that since NOx is being stored in one leg while the other leg is being regenerated, the regeneration operation can be performed for a longer period of time, resulting in greater regeneration efficiency. Once both catalyst legs have been regenerated, the exhaust flow is adjusted back to normal (e.g. 50-50) until the catalysts are again ready for regeneration and reduction.

In one form of the invention, an internal combustion engine aftertreatment system for treating exhaust gases exiting an engine is disclosed, the system comprising a sulfur trap having a sulfur trap input operatively coupled to the engine exhaust and having a sulfur trap output, a catalytic soot filter having a soot filter input operatively coupled to the sulfur trap output and having a soot filter output, a valve system having a valve input operatively coupled to the soot filter output, a first valve output and having a second valve output, a first adsorber having a first adsorber input operatively coupled to the first valve output and having a first adsorber output, a second adsorber having a second adsorber input operatively coupled to the second valve output and having a second adsorber output, and a diesel oxidation catalyst having a DOC input operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber outputs and having a DOC output.

In another form of the invention, an internal combustion engine aftertreatment system for treating exhaust gases exiting an engine is disclosed, the system comprising a catalytic soot filter having a soot filter input operatively coupled to the engine exhaust and having a soot filter output, a sulfur trap having a sulfur trap input operatively coupled to the soot filter output and having a sulfur trap output, a valve system having a valve input operatively coupled to the sulfur trap output, a first valve output and having a second valve output, a first adsorber having a first adsorber input operatively coupled to the first valve output and having a first adsorber output, and a second adsorber having a second adsorber input operatively coupled to the second valve output and having a second adsorber output.

In another form of the invention, an internal combustion engine aftertreatment system for treating exhaust gases exiting an engine is disclosed, the system comprising a first adsorber having a first adsorber input operatively coupled to engine exhaust and having a first adsorber output, a second adsorber having a second adsorber input operatively coupled to the engine exhaust and having a second adsorber output, and an igniter having an igniter output operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber inputs.


FIG. 1

is a schematic block diagram of a first preferred embodiment system of the present invention.

FIG. 2

is a schematic block diagram of a second preferred embodiment system of the present invention.

FIG. 3

is a process flow diagram illustrating a preferred embodiment process of the present invention.


For the purposes of promoting an understanding of the principles of the invention, reference will now be made to the embodiment illustrated in the drawings and specific language will be used to describe the same. It will nevertheless be understood that no limitation of the scope of the invention is thereby intended, and alterations and modifications in the illustrated device, and further applications of the principles of the invention as illustrated therein are herein contemplated as would normally occur to one skilled in the art to which the invention relates.

Referring to

FIG. 1

, there is illustrated a schematic block diagram of a first preferred embodiment of the present invention. The system is designed to remove NOx compounds from the exhaust stream of an internal combustion engine


, such as a diesel engine. The exhaust produced by the engine


exits the exhaust manifold


of the engine and is passed through an optional sulfur trap


. NOx adsorber catalysts are extremely sensitive to the level of sulfur in the fuel. The fuel and the lubrication oil of the engine contain sulfur and therefore sulfur-oxygen compounds (SOx) are contained in the exhaust gas. This SOx is adsorbed into the NOx adsorber and reduces its capacity. Unlike NOx, SOx does not regenerate under rich conditions within the operating temperature range of the engine. Eventually the adsorber is filled up with sulfate and becomes inactive. The optional sulfur trap


may therefore be used to trap SOx compounds before they reach the NOx adsorbers downstream.

The output of the sulfur trap


may be passed through an optional catalytic soot filter


in order to trap any diesel soot particulate matter that may be entrained in the exhaust gases. In addition to trapping diesel soot particulate matter by physical filtering, the catalytic soot filter also acts as an oxidation catalyst by the addition of precious metal catalysts which reduce the volatile organic fraction of the soot material by the catalyzed oxidation reaction (e.g. C+Oxidant→CO). A sensor


may be placed at the output of the soot filter


in order to measure the temperature and air/fuel (A/F) ratio (lambda) of the exhaust stream. The output of the optional sensor


is provided to an electronic engine control module



The engine controller


is additionally coupled to the engine


for reading various engine sensor data, such as engine position sensor data, speed sensor data, air mass flow sensor data, fuel rate data, etc., as is known in the art. The engine controller


may further provide data to the engine


in order to control the operating state of the engine


, as is well known in the art.

The flow of exhaust leaving the soot filter


is controlled by a proportional control 3-way valve


. As is known in the art, a proportional control 3-way valve may be used to divide the flow of a gas stream into two separate paths, wherein the percentage of the total gas flow being directed to either path is controllable. In the embodiment of

FIG. 1

, the proportional control 3-way valve


is coupled to the engine controller


in order to control the relative proportions of exhaust gas flow routed to either output of the valve



The two outputs of the valve


are coupled to the respective inputs of a pair of NOx adsorbers (catalytic converters)




. Therefore, by providing control signals from the engine controller


to the proportional control 3-way valve


, the percentage of the total exhaust flow from the engine


entering either the adsorber


or the adsorber


may be precisely controlled. A fuel injector


is positioned to inject a measured quantity of fuel (hydrocarbon) into the exhaust gas flow entering the adsorber


. Similarly, a second fuel injector


is positioned to inject a quantity of fuel into the exhaust gas flow entering adsorber


. Both injectors




are controlled by the engine controller


and are supplied with fuel from a pump


supplied by the vehicle fuel tank


. Preferably, the fuel pump


is a low-cost diaphragm-type fuel pump. Two igniters


are provided to ignite the fuel being injected by the injectors




under the control of the engine controller



Because the exhaust flow is reduced in the adsorber leg being regenerated, the amount of reductant required to burn off the oxygen reduces. The concentration of reductant required for reduction remains the same, but this amount is a small fraction of the total reductant during full exhaust flow. It will be appreciated that any flow ratios may be utilized during reduction and regeneration and during normal flow, even though exemplary flows are used herein for illustrative purposes. The optimum flow ratios for any given system will depend upon the particular system configuration.

The exhaust gases exiting the adsorbers




are combined together before being input to an optional diesel oxidation catalyst


. Due to the pulse injection of relatively large quantities of reductant (normally hydrocarbon) for short periods during regeneration of the NOx adsorbers




of the present invention, some unburned hydrocarbon can slip through the adsorber catalyst. The use of a diesel oxidation catalyst


downstream of the adsorbers




virtually eliminates hydrocarbon emission from the tailpipe. Such catalysts contain precious metals in them that reduce the activation energy of hydrocarbon combustion, such that the unburned hydrocarbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. The exhaust gases exiting the diesel oxidation catalyst


may then exit the vehicle. An optional NOx sensor


may be placed between the adsorbers




and the diesel oxidation catalyst


in order to directly measure the NOx levels leaving the adsorbers




. The output of the optional NOx sensor


is provided to the engine controller



Referring now to

FIG. 2

, there is illustrated a second preferred embodiment of the present invention. The second embodiment of the present invention is similar to the first embodiment illustrated in

FIG. 1

, and like reference designators refer to like components. In the second embodiment, the proportional control 3-way valve is replaced with a pair of 2-way valves




. Valve


controls the flow of exhaust gases into the adsorber


, while valve


controls the flow of exhaust gases into adsorber


. Each of the valves




is coupled to the engine controller


for control thereby. The injectors




may be located downstream (as shown) or upstream of the valves







The valves




may comprise either variable flow rate control valves or may comprise valves having a fixed number of flow rate settings. For example, if the aftertreatment system design dictates that the relative flow between adsorbers




will always be 20-80 during regeneration, then the valves




may have discrete settings that will allow the engine controller


to switch them between reduced flow (20%) and max flow (80%) settings in order to achieve the desired flow reduction in one of the adsorbers




. Optionally, the valves




may have variably adjustable flow rates, such that the engine controller


can infinitely adjust the flow percentage through each valve




in order to divide the exhaust flow between the adsorbers




in any desired proportion.

Referring now to

FIG. 3

, there is illustrated a preferred embodiment process of the present invention. The process begins at step


, which represents the steady state operation of the engine with exhaust gas flow split evenly between the adsorbers




. At step


, the engine controller


determines whether either of the adsorber




catalysts need be regenerated. The decision made at step


can be made under open-loop control, by using stored catalyst adsorption maps in the engine controller


. These catalyst adsorption maps may be predetermined using empirical data from laboratory tests utilizing the same or similar engine and exhaust system. The regeneration decision at step


may also be made under closed-loop control, wherein the engine controller


examines the data being produced by the NOx sensor


which is proportional to the level of NOx being emitted at the output of the adsorbers





If step


determines that the adsorbers




need to be regenerated (e.g. the adsorption efficiency has dropped to 80%), then the process continues at step


in which the flow of exhaust through the system is controlled such that the adsorber to be regenerated receives a reduced level of exhaust flow. For example, if the engine controller


determines that adsorber


needs to be regenerated, then the flow of exhaust through the adsorber


can be reduced to 20% of the total exhaust flow, with the remaining 80% being routed through the adsorber


. The relative proportions of exhaust flow routed to either adsorber will depend upon various system design parameters. The 20-80 split discussed herein is for illustrative purposes only.

Control of the relative flow of exhaust gases through adsorbers




is performed under control of the engine controller


(for example, based upon the engine sensor parameters being sent to the controller


(engine position sensor, speed sensor, air mass flow sensor, fuel rate, etc.)) through operation of either the proportional control 3-way valve


of the system of

FIG. 1

or through control of the dual 2-way valves




of the system of

FIG. 2

, which are adjusted to achieve the correct predetermined exhaust flow velocity needed for regeneration of the aftertreatment system.

Once the correct flow velocity has been achieved through each of the adsorbers




, the process moves to step


in which the engine controller


determines the temperature and air/fuel ratio of the regeneration exhaust stream using the sensor


. If the temperature of the exhaust stream is sufficient for regeneration of the catalysts (according to a predetermined temperature limit), then the process continues to step


. If step


determines that the temperature of the regeneration exhaust stream needs to be raised, then the process continues at step


in which the engine controller


causes the igniter


to be activated in order to ensure ignition of the regeneration fuel injection.

At step


, the fuel injector




in the leg being regenerated is used to inject the required amount of fuel into the exhaust stream as a reductant to completely regenerate the catalysts within the adsorber. The injectors




are controlled by the engine controller


. The exhaust fuel injector




is used to achieve a rich air/fuel ratio (lambda less than 1.0) in the regeneration stream. Because of the reduced amount of exhaust gas flowing through the regeneration leg, the quantity of fuel needed to be injected by the injector




is greatly reduced, thereby significantly reducing the fuel penalty associated with adsorber regeneration. This injected fuel will be ignited by the temperature of the exhaust gas stream (possibly supplemented by the igniter


) in order to facilitate regeneration of the adsorber.

Once regeneration of the leg is determined to be complete at step


(e.g. after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed), the process continues at step


, where the engine controller


determines if both legs of the system have been regenerated. If they have not, then the process continues at step


, where the engine controller


operates either the proportional control 3-way valve


or the 2-way valves




in order to route the majority of the exhaust gas flow to the recently regenerated leg and to reduce the amount of exhaust gases flowing through the leg which is to be regenerated. The process is then returned to step


in order to regenerate the next leg. If, on the other hand, step


determines that both legs have been regenerated, then the process is returned to step


where the engine controller


operates the proportional control 3-way valve


or the 2-way valves




in order to evenly split the exhaust gas flow through the adsorbers





As detailed hereinabove, the adsorber regeneration cycle switches back and forth between the two sides of the exhaust as necessary in order to keep the outlet exhaust stream purified of excessive emissions. It will be appreciated that since dual exhaust streams are being utilized, the regeneration cycle of the adsorber does not necessarily have to be short. During the entire time that the adsorber is being regenerated, the second adsorber is available for cleaning the majority of the exhaust gas stream. It should also be noted that the temperature of the regeneration exhaust gas stream may also be controlled by adjustment of the proportional control 3-way valve in conjunction with the igniter


. By allowing slightly more exhaust gas to pass into the regeneration side of the exhaust, the temperature thereof may be raised.

Besides the aforementioned advantages in adsorber regeneration, the arrangement of catalysts illustrated in

FIGS. 1 and 2

of the present invention provides other benefits. Placing the catalytic soot filter


before the adsorbers




helps in multiple ways. The catalytic soot filter


converts the NO in the exhaust stream to NO


which helps NOx storage in the adsorber




. The catalytic soot filter


also prevents particulate matter from clogging the adsorber system and it also helps increase the temperature of the exhaust stream in order to make the adsorber




more efficient.

In another embodiment, the sulfur trap


may be placed downstream from the catalytic soot filter


. By placing the catalytic soot filter


upstream of the sulfur trap


, the catalytic soot filter


will convert SO


to SO


, which is more readily trapped by the sulfur trap



Therefore, the system illustrated and described herein is effective in addressing all legislatively-controlled emissions including NOx, SOx and hydrocarbons. The adsorbers are used for reduction of NOx levels and are more easily regenerated than in prior art systems. The sulfur trap removes sulfur from the exhaust, making the operation of the adsorber more efficient and longer lasting. The catalytic soot filter traps particulate soot from the exhaust stream. Finally, the diesel oxidation catalyst cleans up any leftover hydrocarbons exiting the adsorbers, thereby allowing the exhaust emitted by the system of the present invention to meet or exceed the requirements of the various legislative bodies.

While the invention has been illustrated and described in detail in the drawings and foregoing description, the-same is to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive in character, it being understood that only the preferred embodiment has been shown and described and that all changes and modifications that come within the spirit of the invention are desired to be protected.

  • 1. An internal combustion engine aftertreatment system for treating exhaust gases exiting an engine, the system comprising:a sulfur trap having a sulfur trap input operatively coupled to the engine exhaust and having a sulfur trap output; a catalytic soot filter having a soot filter input operatively coupled to the sulfur trap output and having a soot filter output; a valve system having a valve input operatively coupled to the soot filter output, a first valve output and having a second valve output; a first adsorber having a first adsorber input operatively coupled to the first valve output and having a first adsorber output; a second adsorber having a second adsorber input operatively coupled to the second valve output and having a second adsorber output; and a diesel oxidation catalyst having a DOC input operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber outputs and having a DOC output.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, further comprising:a supply of fuel; a pump having a pump inlet operatively coupled to the supply of fuel and having a pump outlet; a first fuel injector having a first injector input operatively coupled to the pump outlet and having a first injector output operatively coupled to the first adsorber input; and a second fuel injector having a second injector input operatively coupled to the pump outlet and having a second injector output operatively coupled to the second adsorber input.
  • 3. The system of claim 1, further comprising:An igniter operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber inputs.
  • 4. The system of claim 1, further comprising:a temperature and lamda sensor having a sensor input operatively coupled to the soot filter output.
  • 5. The system of claim 1, further comprising:an NOx sensor having an NOx sensor input operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber outputs.
  • 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the valve system comprises a proportional control 3-way valve.
  • 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the valve system comprises a pair of 2-way valves.
  • 8. An internal combustion engine aftertreatment system for treating exhaust gases exiting an engine, the system comprising:a catalytic soot filter having a soot filter input operatively coupled to the engine exhaust and having a soot filter output; a sulfur trap having a sulfur trap input operatively coupled to the soot filter output and having a sulfur trap output; a valve system having a valve input operatively coupled to the sulfur trap output, a first valve output and having a second valve output; a first adsorber having a first adsorber input operatively coupled to the first valve output and having a first adsorber output; and a second adsorber having a second adsorber input operatively coupled to the second valve output and having a second adsorber output.
  • 9. The system of claim 8, further comprising:a diesel oxidation catalyst having a DOC input operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber outputs and having a DOC output.
  • 10. The system of claim 8, further comprising:a supply of fuel; a pump having a pump inlet operatively coupled to the supply of fuel and having a pump outlet; a first fuel injector having a first injector input operatively coupled to the pump outlet and having a first injector output operatively coupled to the first adsorber input; and a second fuel injector having a second injector input operatively coupled to the pump outlet and having a second injector output operatively coupled to the second adsorber input.
  • 11. The system of claim 8, further comprising:an igniter operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber inputs.
  • 12. The system of claim 8, further comprising:a temperature and lamda sensor having a sensor input operatively coupled to the soot filter output.
  • 13. The system of claim 8, further comprising:an NOx sensor having an NOx sensor input operatively coupled to the first and second adsorber outputs.
  • 14. The system of claim 8, wherein the valve system comprises a proportional control 3-way valve.
  • 15. The system of claim 8, wherein the valve system comprises a pair of 2-way valves.
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