Magnetic materials are everywhere in our daily lives: computer hard drives, loudspeakers, ceiling fans, microwave ovens and many other items. Moreover, the advancement in important areas as nanomedicine and information technology cannot continue without strong research activity in the field of magnetism. Magnetism research is necessarily multidisciplinary so training in the field is difficult to achieve under any single traditional college degree program. In order to provide a better and more efficient training in magnetism for graduate students, the IEEE Magnetics Society initiated in 2008 an annual Summer School. During one week, graduate students working in magnetism and related areas have the opportunity to learn from world experts about fundamental and advanced topics in magnetism. Bringing together students from all geographical regions will enable collaborations of future scientists working in this important field.<br/><br/>This award supports participation of a diverse group of ten U.S. graduate students in the 2016 IEEE Summer School in Magnetics, to be held at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan from July 10-16, 2016. The Summer School aims to advance three objects: 1) enrich students' knowledge of the theory of magnetism, technology, applications and characterization of magnetic materials; 2) provide a platform for students to present their own research to an audience including both peers and leading international experts; and 3) encourage networking, helping to build professional relationships among participants to further future collaborations. <br/><br/>This award is cofunded by the Directorate for Engineering Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems.