Brookhaven National Laboratory is hosting a workshop on May 30-31, 2001 to promote the formation of research partnerships between college and university faculty in designated EPSCoR states and the scientific staff from Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories and facilities. The workshop is sponsored by the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences EPSCoR program and is co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation EPSCoR Program.<br/>The primary objective of the meeting is to provide a forum for research scientists from EPSCoR states to: (1) report advances in EPSCoR funded research activities, (2) update their knowledge of Department of Energy programs and initiatives, (3) learn about BNL National User Faciliti4es and research directions, (5) develop plans for future research projects, and (6) learn about DOE laboratory opportunities for training and hands-on research experience for undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral fellows and new faculty.