The goal of the project is to create a sustainable network of women STEM faculty who work in small predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs) where isolation is particularly pronounced. This project proposes to create both horizontal and vertical mentoring for women STEM faculty at 12 PUIs across four STEM areas (i.e., Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science/ Engineering/physics, and Mathematics) The mentoring will target women early in their careers, mid-career, and at the senior level. <br/><br/>INTELLECTUAL MERIT<br/><br/>The proposers have done a very nice job of documenting the need for the mentoring program and leadership development among STEM women faculty at PUIs. They have done an excellent job of setting up a highly sustainable program thorough the cooperation of three national organizations. Each of the 12 participating institutions as well as the three organizations has submitted letters of support and commitment. Overall, this proposal is extremely well constructed. The PIs are well qualified to carry out the duties of this project. <br/><br/><br/>BROADER IMPACTS<br/><br/>Through the mentoring and leadership activities 70 STEM women academics will be directly affected. In addition the proposers make a compelling case that the retention and increased job satisfaction of these faculty will have the potential to influence about 25,660 female undergraduate students who are in their classes. Additionally, the outcomes of this project, through traditional dissemination activities, conference activities, and the social networking components are positioned to impact broadly women STEM faculty at PUIs.