In the semiconductor manufacturing process of integrated circuits (ICs), ultrapure water (UPW) is commonly used to wash processing chemicals from semiconductor wafers. UPW is also used to clean fixtures and tools that aid in handling and transporting the wafers. Commonly, several thousand liters of UPW are used to clean a single semiconductor wafer. Any precursor or solid impurity in the UPW may form residue particles on the semiconductor wafer, resulting in IC yield loss. Yield is defined as the ratio of (i) number of operational products made and (ii) the number of operational products that could have been made. The functionality and reliability of ICs produced by the wafers are typically used as an indicator of the yield of the manufacturing process. Impurities in process liquids other than UPW can have the same or similar influences on yield.
The residue particles are typically referred to as residue after evaporation (RAE) particles. Not all RAE particles affect the yield. A particle size threshold that causes yield-relevant defects is referred to as a “critical particle size” or “killer particle size”. The critical particle size is defined by half of a critical dimension in semiconductor devices. As the feature size of the semiconductor devices decreases, so does the critical particle size.
The RAE particles include solid particles and particles formed by particle precursors in the UPW. The solid particles are mainly colloidal silica high molecular weight polymer particles from ion exchange resin, and bacteria. Particles formed by particle precursors are typically referred to as non-volatile residue (NVR) particles. Particle precursors are primarily dissolved or suspended nanomaterials that may form particles on the semiconductor wafer after evaporation. Common particle precursors in UPW include dissolved ionic silica and dissolved and suspended high molecular weight organics rinsed off of ion exchange resins.
Since particle-related defects are a key contributor to the yield loss, and many of these particles are originally from the UPW used in the process, it can be beneficial to monitor, count, measure, or a combination thereof, the UPW RAE particles (as well as those in other process liquids). The measurement provides an indication of the quality and cleanliness of the UPW. A typical UPW monitoring instrument in the semiconductor industry is the liquid optical particle counter (LPC). The size detection limit of the most sensitive commercially available LPCs is typically around 20 nm, but the detection efficiency at this size is only 2-5% or less. This means that most particles at or less than 20 nm remain undetected. Due to a significant signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) issue with LPC light-scattering methods and instrument cost, further improvements based on this optical method become very challenging and perhaps not feasible.
One particle measurement technology relies on aerosol-based liquid particle detection. This kind of measurement system utilizes an aerosol atomization and particle detection measurement technique. The technique first aerosolizes the liquid sample into droplets of a predetermined size distribution. The droplets are dried, and the residue particles are then counted by a particle counter. A condensation particle counter (CPC) is commonly used as a particle detector in this application. Instruments of this nature are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,761,074, 5,098,657 and 7,777,868. These instruments provide detection sensitivity and extend the size detection limit down to smaller than 5 nm.
However, aerosol-based liquid particle detection-based instruments are not widely adopted by the semiconductor industry as an alternative method to the industry standard measurement method LPC. One reason is that the data from the aerosol-based liquid particle detection method is not correlated well to the LPC data.
The discrepancy in particle count between the two measurement methods is significant and can be on the order of 5 or more times. One reason for the discrepancy is that the aerosol-based liquid particle detection method measures a significant amount of NVR particles. These NVR particles are not measured by the LPC method as they are in the dissolved particle precursor form in the UPW and thus are undetectable by the LPC.
An example of the present subject matter includes an improved particle detection method that reduces the effect of NVR particles on the total particle count.
Each of these non-limiting examples can stand on its own or can be combined in various permutations or combinations with one or more of the other examples.
This overview is intended to provide an overview of subject matter of the present patent application. It is not intended to provide an exclusive or exhaustive explanation of embodiments. The detailed description is included to provide further information about the present patent application.
In the drawings, which are not necessarily drawn to scale, like numerals may describe similar components in different views. Like numerals having different letter suffixes may represent different instances of similar components. The drawings illustrate generally, by way of example, but not by way of limitation, various embodiments discussed in the present document.
One example of the present subject matter reduces the influence of NVR particles on the total particle count measured by the particle detector by separating solid particles from NVR particles. For solid particles (non-soluble particles), as long as the droplet sizes are reasonably small, the final particle sizes after evaporation are determined by the physical size/diameter of the solid particles. For NVR particles, the final particle sizes are determined by the particle precursor concentration in the liquid and initial liquid droplet size generated by the aerosolization process. That is, for certain particle precursor concentration, the NVR particle sizes solely depend on the initial liquid droplet size because the NVR particles are soluble. The smaller the initial droplet size the smaller the NVR particle size.
According to one example, an effective way to separate solid particles from NVR particles is to generate initial liquid droplets that will produce distinct NVR particle and solid particle size distributions after drying.
After the distributions of the solid and NVR particles are separated, the particle detector response function can be adjusted to minimize or reduce the particle counts from NVR particles. In one example, this includes adjusting the particle detector counting threshold so that the detector does not count NVR particles. For a given CPC, the response function is represented by its counting efficiency curve. A typical CPC counting efficiency curve with 9 nm cut point (50% count efficiency at 9 nm) is shown in
The combined effect of CPC counting efficiency and solid and NVR particle size distributions are shown in
Atomizers produce relatively large liquid droplets, typically in the range of 0.5 to few micrometers in size. According to one example, an impactor or a virtual impactor, can be used to remove a majority of the large droplets after the atomization process. One example includes a virtual impactor.
The liquid supply unit 440 receives liquid 454 and provides liquid 466 at a constant liquid flow rate to the atomizer 456 The purpose of the bypass liquid flow 455 is to allow higher liquid flow rate from the point of connection to the instrument liquid-in port so that liquid resident time inside the transport tubing can be minimized resulting in better instrument response time. The liquid 454 can include UPW or other ultra-pure liquids, such as isopropyl alcohol (IPA), hydrogen fluoride (HF) or hydrofluoric acid, standard clean one (SC1) solution, standard clean two (SC2) solution, or the like. The liquid supply unit 440 can include a filter 458, a shut-off valve 460, a regulator 462, and a pressure gauge 464. The filter 458 can remove large debris from the liquid 454. Large in this context can include particles greater than a specified size (e.g., 60 um or a greater or lesser specified size). In some examples, the filter 458 can be a stainless-steel filter. The valve 460 can be a gas-actuated shut-off valve. The valve 460 can control whether filtered liquid is provided to the regulator 462. The regulator 462 can be a liquid pressure regulator. The regulator 462 and the pressure gauge 464 can be set to control and monitor the liquid flow rate of the liquid 466.
The atomizer 456 aerosolizes the liquid 466 by breaking the liquid stream injected into the atomizer 456 with a supersonic jet of gas (from gas 472) through an orifice. Droplets resulting from the liquid stream breakup exit the orifice and then flow into a virtual impactor 446 chamber in which they are separated into small and large droplets according to the cut point of the virtual impactor 446. Small droplets are carried out by the major flow 468 while large droplets are carried out by the minor flow 470. In one example, a nanoparticie atomizer (NPA) is used to aerosolize the liquid and separate the droplets into the major flow 468 and the minor flow 470. The NPA combines the atomizer 456 and virtual impactor 446 into a small package. The atomizer 456 can generate small droplets, droplets that are less than 200 nm in diameter. The smaller the droplet, the less time it will take for the evaporator 448 to dry the droplet and if the droplet contains only dissolved content and no solid content, the small droplet will eventually evaporate and form a smaller size RAE particle for counting by the CPC 450.
The CPC 450 provides a humid environment in which the particles from the evaporator 448 (or evaporation space if no heater is used) serve as a seed to create droplets. The seed particles of sufficient size (e.g., greater than a condensation cut point of the CPC) grow to larger droplets and then these droplets reflect light and are counted by circuitry of the CPC 450. A CPC cut point, sometimes called “D50”, is a function of temperatures in various locations of the CPC 450. The locations can include an initiator, conditioner, and moderator sections of a growth tube of the CPC 450. The D50 indicates a size at which about 50% of the seed particles grow to droplets detectable by the CPC 450. For example, a CPC 450 with a D50 of 10 nm will convert about 50% of the seed particles at 10 nm size to droplets and count the droplets. The other 50% of the seed particles remain at 10 nm and are undetectable by the CPC 450 counting circuitry because their sizes are below the counting threshold. The growth tube is the portion of the CPC 450 in which the particle becomes activated and grows to a larger size droplet if it is of sufficient size. The CPC 450 can use water (as opposed to alcohol) as a condensation fluid. In the aerosol field, the condensation fluid is commonly referred to as working fluid. A growth tube is a porous material that serves as a wick that is saturated with the working fluid and the temperature of the wick is regulated to create supersaturation for the environment within the wick, such as to “grow” a droplet out of a particle.
The evaporator 448 is coupled to the first output port 564, such as to receive droplets smaller than the virtual impactor size cut point. The waste liquid unit 452 (sometimes called a discharge reservoir) is coupled to the second output port 566, such as to receive droplets larger than the size cut point. The CPC 450 can be coupled to the first output port 564 at a location downstream of the evaporator 448 (to receive particles that have been dried by the evaporator 448). The evaporator 448 can include a region of conduit (e.g., with air or other gas flow) that provides droplets with time to dry, a heater that increases a temperature of air within the conduit, a combination thereof, or the like. The evaporator 448 can be internal to external to the atomizer 456. A heater can help speed up the evaporation process but is optional.
The virtual impactor 446 is distinct from a real impactor. In a real impactor, a gas stream that includes a corner in its path is created. Particles are injected into the gas stream. Particles with sufficient momentum (by having larger size) are unable to negotiate the corner and impact on a surface that forms the corner. In a virtual impactor 446, a gas stream is created that includes a corner in its path. However, in a virtual impactor, particles with sufficient momentum that are unable to make the corner do not impact the surface that forms the corner. Instead, those particles that do not navigate the corner traverse to the second output port 566 of the virtual impactor. Such a configuration allows the larger droplets to be collected at the waste liquid unit 452 (rather than collecting on a wall or surface of the impactor) and be used for determining liquid flow rate, particle count per volume, or the like. These calculations are not reliable when using a real impactor. Also, the virtual impactor 446 does not interrupt the minor flow that contains the droplets as happens in a real impactor. This allows more liquid to be analyzed through the major flow per unit time when using a virtual impactor as compared to a real impactor. Further, a different set of design parameters for the virtual impactor provides the ability to collect the larger droplets through the minor flow (rather than having to mitigate a volume of liquid at the real impactor collection point, an internal sidewall) allowing for measurement of total liquid flow. Further, liquid collected on the impaction surface in a real impactor can be re-atomized by gas flowing over the surface, typically resulting in generation of large droplets, and thereby large NVR particles. The liquid collected in the receiving tube in the virtual impactor is expelled with the minor flow, preventing re-atomization and generation of large NVR particles.
A combination of a portion of the makeup flow 590 and a portion of the major flow 468 (indicated by arrow 594) is provided at the port 564. The flow indicated by arrow 594 can be provided directly to the particle counter 450 (without the evaporator 448, see
The cut point of the virtual impactor 446 influences the ability to generate small droplets which then produce small NVR particles after evaporation. The smaller the virtual impactor 446 cut point, the smaller the NVR particles generated resulting in better separation between NVR and solid particles.
The small droplets carried out by the major flow can be dried by an evaporator 448 before entering the particle detector (e.g., CPC 450) for particle count measurement. To facilitate the drying process of small droplets, the evaporator 448 at an elevated temperature can be used. The flow exits the evaporator 448 and is merged with gas flow from the gas supply unit 442, such as to reduce chances that water vapors re-condense on the dried particles or plumbing surfaces, potentially resulting in re-atomization. The filtered gas for the atomizer 456 and the flow from the evaporator 448 can be provided by the gas supply unit 442. The gas supply unit 442 can include a gas pressure regulator 476, a shut-off valve 478, and a filter 480. A valve 482 can control gas flow from the gas supply unit 442 to the output of the evaporator 448. A flow meter 484 can monitor the gas flow from the valve 482. To provide an accurate particle count measurement, the CPC 450 can be used as the particle detector.
Large droplets carried out by the minor flow 470 enter a waste liquid unit 452 which, in one example, includes a liquid level sensor 486 in a liquid trap container and a liquid pump 488. The function of the waste liquid unit 452 is to separate liquid droplets from the gas stream. After liquid droplets are separated from the flow, the gas stream then flows upward and exits the container from the top. The liquid collected in the liquid trap container will accumulate over time and the collected liquid can be removed from the container by activating the pump 488 before it overfills and floods the instrument.
The liquid level sensor 486 can be used to monitor the level of the liquid in the waste liquid unit 452. According to one example, the liquid level sensor 486 can include a capacitive sensor. The liquid level sensor 486 measures the liquid level. The liquid level can then be calibrated to provide liquid volume and liquid flow rate for the system 400. After the liquid level reaches a specified threshold value, the liquid pump 488 can be triggered to remove the liquid from the unit 452. The liquid level sensor 486 can be used to estimate the amount of liquid injected into the atomizer 456. The liquid level sensor 486 can measure the liquid flow rate and reduce or eliminate the risk of contaminating the liquid. The relationship between the atomizer 456 sample flow and the total liquid volume carried out by the minor flow 470 can be determined by injecting a known volume of liquid into the atomizer 456 (for example, via a syringe pump) and measuring the total liquid volume collected in the waste liquid unit 452. The liquid-to-aerosol conversion rate (droplets carried out by the major flow 468) can then be determined from these two liquid flow rates. Note that some liquid losses may occur in the measurement system, and these losses can be considered to improve measurement accuracy.
Capacitive Sensor
One example of the present subject matter includes a liquid level sensor 486 that operates based on capacitive level-sensing. A capacitive sensor uses a change in capacitance between two electrodes to measure the change in liquid level. The change in liquid level can be calibrated to provide liquid volume and flow rate. One of the advantages of this measurement method is that it has a simple mechanical construction and no moving parts leading to wear and tear. An example of a capacitive sensor has two parallel plate electrodes as illustrated in
Capacitance C can be determined as follows:
where, Q is the charge on the capacitor, V is voltage, ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum, εr is the relative permittivity (dielectric constant), A is the surface area of the electrodes, and d is the gap between the two electrodes. As the liquid level changes, the amount of dielectric material between the two electrodes changes resulting in change in capacitance. The higher the dielectric constant of the medium between the electrodes, the higher the amount of charge can be stored in the capacitor. Since the dielectric constant of the liquid is typically much higher than the dielectric constant of gas, the capacitance can be approximated by the submerged section of the electrodes. The variations in capacitance can be measured by varying the voltage applied to the electrodes.
As shown in
A variety of capacitive sensors 600A, 600B, 600C, 600D, and 600E are illustrated in
The capacitive sensor 600B of
The capacitive sensor 600D of
As a level of liquid 664 increases and displaces air in the container 666, the capacitance between the electrodes 660, 662, 668, 670 changes. This change in capacitance is directly proportional to a volume of the liquid 664 in the container 666. The change in liquid volume over time helps determine a flow rate, total liquid volume, or other property of a particle detection and counting system.
The disclosed subject matter can be evaluated with UPW. The particle count per second measured by the CPC is shown in
The liquid level capacitive sensor 600 can also be evaluated with UPW. An example of the capacitance vs liquid volume response curve is shown in
The capacitive sensor 600 has sensitivity to allow detection of change in capacitance caused by each waste-liquid droplet. As illustrated in
To help evaluate correlation of the data from an example of the present subject matter with that from an LPC instrument in situations in which a sufficient number of solid particles are in the particle count, one example of the present subject matter includes removing, excluding, or reducing the number of NVR particles from the CPC count. According to one example, one approach to further reduce or exclude the NVR particles includes shifting the CPC cut point to a larger size. Using NVR particles 332 and solid particles 336 in
Since size-dependent particle counts may provide useful information about the composition, origin, distribution, or other parameters of aerosols of interest, one may be able to obtain this size-dependent particle count information by measuring the same particle sample with various CPC cut points. This can be done with using multiple standalone CPC units with various cut point. Disadvantages of using this multiple CPC approach are higher instrument cost and larger overall instrument footprint.
Another commonly used method is to use one CPC but varying the CPC cut points sequentially. The drawbacks of this method are longer measurement time and slower instrument response time as the measurements are done sequentially. Such a solution is sometimes called a scanning threshold particle counter. A scanning threshold particle counter (described in U.S. Pat. No. 10,697,879) is unsuitably slow since the particle distribution is obtained only after each set point is reached using a single CPC. In contrast, using multiple growth tubes in a single CPC unit or multiple independent CPCs allows the instantaneous measurement of a size distribution as described herein. Further, the scanning threshold particle counter does not include a virtual impactor, it includes a real impactor, and it does not use water as its working fluid.
One improved technique proposed here is to use a multi-headed CPC design which includes multiple growth tubes and optical detection systems in which the growth tubes can include different temperature-controlled regions. An example of a multi-growth tube, multi-optical detection system CPC is disclosed in the U.S. Pat. No. 10,578,539.
The flow from the meter 484 (see
Each of the growth tubes 1014, 1016, 1018 can provide droplets to respective optical counters 1022, 1024, 1026. Each of the optical counters 1022, 1024, 1026 can determine, using optical means, how many droplets (and ultimately particles), are provided through the growth tube 1014, 1016, 1018, respectively. The number of counted droplets is provided as a respective count 1028, 1030, 1032 from the optical counter 1022, 1024, 1026, respectively.
As the growth tubes 1014, 1016, 1018 can be configured with different D50s by the temperature controls 1020A-1020F they can be configured to count particles with different size ranges, simultaneously. Comparing to the multiple CPC approach, the system 1000 has the benefit of smaller footprint as all the components can be housed in the same chassis and many of the electronics can be consolidated into fewer components. The performance of this multi-headed system 1000 is also superior to the single CPC multiple D50 approach in term of measurement time and instrument response function as all the size-dependent measurements are done in parallel. That is, using a plurality of growth tubes 1014, 1016, 1018 configured to provide different D50 cut points through temperature control 1020A-1020F, enables instantaneous measurement of a size-dependent particle count measurement. This size-dependent particle count information may be useful to further differentiate solid particles from NVR particles. This can also result in better correlation to the LPC instrument. The counting efficiencies of a CPC with various cut points (D50s) are shown in the
Consider the problem of detecting particles that are between 10 nm and 30 nm in size. A growth tube or CPC with a D50 at about 10 nm can be used in conjunction with a growth tube or CPC with a D50 at about 30 nm. The difference in count between the 10 nm and 30 nm can indicate the number of particles between 10 nm and 30 nm.
Another improved technique proposed here is to use a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) that provides multiple outputs. Each output from the DMA can provide particles of a different size range (different mobility) to a respective particle counter 450.
The DMA 1220 includes two concentric electrodes and a flow path between the electrodes in which particles move. When a voltage is applied across the electrodes, particles are diverted from the straight path in the resulting electrical field and organized based on their electrical mobility. When the voltage is constant the DMA generates monodisperse aerosols from a polydisperse particle source. When the voltage is varied the output is a size classified aerosol that, when counted with the particle counters 450, gives the particle size distribution. The DMA 1220 provides multiple outputs 1222, 1224 that carry particles of different sizes. Thus, one particle counter 450 counts particles provided on output 1222, and another particle counter 450 counts particles provided on another output 1224. Since the counting occurs in parallel, the system 1200 operates faster than the scanning threshold particle counter.
Yet another improved technique proposed here is to use a mobility separator and an imaging device, such as a charge coupled device (CCD) to perform particle counting. This technique is similar to the system 1200 with some modifications. A mobility separator and imaging device are described in U.S. Pat. No. 9,395,281.
One approach to exclude, remove, or reduce the NVR particles is to shift the CPC cut point to a larger size so that majority of the NVR particles smaller than the CPC cut points will not be counted. However, experimental data indicates that this method might not reduce the NVR particle count sufficiently in some cases and other means to further reduce the count may be helpful. One approach utilizes a diffusion screen.
Various Notes
The above description includes references to the accompanying drawings, which form a part of the detailed description. The drawings show, by way of illustration, specific embodiments in which the invention can be practiced. These embodiments are also referred to herein as “examples.” Such examples can include elements in addition to those shown or described. However, the present inventors also contemplate examples in which only those elements shown or described are provided. Moreover, the present inventors also contemplate examples using any combination or permutation of those elements shown or described (or one or more aspects thereof), either with respect to a particular example (or one or more aspects thereof), or with respect to other examples (or one or more aspects thereof) shown or described herein.
In the event of inconsistent usages between this document and any documents so incorporated by reference, the usage in this document controls.
In this document, the terms “a” or “an” are used, as is common in patent documents, to include one or more than one, independent of any other instances or usages of “at least one” or “one or more.” In this document, the term “or” is used to refer to a nonexclusive or, such that “A or B” includes “A but not B,” “B but not A,” and “A and B,” unless otherwise indicated. In this document, the terms “including” and “in which” are used as the plain-English equivalents of the respective terms “comprising” and “wherein.” Also, in the following claims, the terms “including” and “comprising” are open-ended, that is, a system, device, article, composition, formulation, or process that includes elements in addition to those listed after such a term in a claim are still deemed to fall within the scope of that claim. Moreover, in the following claims, the terms “first,” “second,” and “third,” etc. are used merely as labels, and are not intended to impose numerical requirements on their objects.
Geometric terms, such as “parallel”, “perpendicular”, “round”, or “square”, are not intended to require absolute mathematical precision, unless the context indicates otherwise. Instead, such geometric terms allow for variations due to manufacturing or equivalent functions. For example, if an element is described as “round” or “generally round,” a component that is not precisely circular (e.g., one that is slightly oblong or is a many-sided polygon) is still encompassed by this description.
Method examples described herein can be machine or computer-implemented at least in part. Some examples can include a computer-readable medium or machine-readable medium encoded with instructions operable to configure an electronic device to perform methods as described in the above examples. An implementation of such methods can include code, such as microcode, assembly language code, a higher-level language code, or the like. Such code can include computer readable instructions for performing various methods. The code may form portions of computer program products. Further, in an example, the code can be tangibly stored on one or more volatile, non-transitory, or non-volatile tangible computer-readable media, such as during execution or at other times. Examples of these tangible computer-readable media can include, but are not limited to, hard disks, removable magnetic disks, removable optical disks (e.g., compact disks and digital video disks), magnetic cassettes, memory cards or sticks, random access memories (RAMs), read only memories (ROMs), and the like.
The above description is intended to be illustrative, and not restrictive. For example, the above-described examples (or one or more aspects thereof) may be used in combination with each other. Other embodiments can be used, such as by one of ordinary skill in the art upon reviewing the above description. The Abstract is provided to allow the reader to quickly ascertain the nature of the technical disclosure, it is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. Also, in the above Detailed Description, various features may be grouped together to streamline the disclosure. This should not be interpreted as intending that an unclaimed disclosed feature is essential to any claim. Rather, inventive subject matter may lie in less than all features of a particular disclosed embodiment. Thus, the following claims are hereby incorporated into the Detailed Description as examples or embodiments, with each claim standing on its own as a separate embodiment, and it is contemplated that such embodiments can be combined with each other in various combinations or permutations. The scope of the invention should be determined with reference to the appended claims, along with the full scope of equivalents to which such claims are entitled.
This application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/185,840 titled “Aerosol-Based Liquid Particle Detection Measurement” and filed on May 7, 2021 and to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/225,066 titled “Aerosol-Based Liquid Particle Detection Measurement” and filed on Jul. 23, 2021, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.
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“Israel Application Serial No. 308365, Office Action dated Dec. 25, 2023”. |
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63185840 | May 2021 | US |