The broken lines depicting the video display screen disposed on the front surface of the article represents a functional element and is included for the purpose of illustrating the article and forms no part of the claimed design.
The broken lines depicting the legs disposed on the bottom of the article represent functional elements and are included for the purpose of illustrating the article and form no part of the claimed design.
The broken lines depicting ventilation slots, access panels, and I/O ports on the rear surface of the article represent functional elements and are included for the purpose of illustrating the article and form no part of the claimed design.
The broken lines depicting I/O ports on the left surface of the article represent functional elements and are included for the purpose of illustrating the article and form no part of the claimed design.
The broken lines depicting I/O ports and a CD/DVD loading slot disposed on the right surface of the article represent functional elements and are included for the purpose of illustrating the article and form no part of the claimed design.