alpha-Glucosidase inhibitors from a natural source

The present invention relates to a method for providing α-glucosidase inhibition to a subject by administering a pharmaceutical composition comprising a α-glucosidase inhibitory agent selected from pipataline (formula 1a), sesamin (formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1c), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e) having therapeutic application for diabetes mellitus, cancer, viral diseases such as hepatitis B and C, HIV, AIDS etc; also the invention provides a process for the isolation of said α-glucosidase inhibitory agent from the plant source Piper longum in significant yields.


[0001] This invention relates to a method for providing α-glucosidase inhibition to a subject by administering a pharmaceutical composition comprising a α-glucosidase inhibitory agent selected from pipataline (formula 1a), sesamin (formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1c), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e). In particular this invention relates to the isolation of five compounds namely, pipataline [5-(1-dodecenyl)-b 1,3-Benzodioxol], sesamin [5,5-(tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo(3,4-e)furan-1,4-diyl)bis-1,3-Benzodioxol], pellitorine [N-(2-methyl propyl)-2,4-decaadienamide], guineensine [13-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N(2-methylpropyl)-2,4,12-tri decatrienamide] and Brachystamide-B [[15-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N(2-methylpropyl)-2,4,14-pentadecatrienamide] from the plant source Piper longum in significant yields. This invention also identifies the therapeutic application of these compounds as α-glucosidase inhibitors in the form of suitable pharmaceutical composition for diabetes mellitus, cancer, viral diseases such as hepatitis B and C, HIV, AIDS etc.


[0002] The use of plants as medicines goes back to early man. Certainly the great civilization of the ancient Indians, Chinese and North Africans provided written evidences of man's ingenuity in utilizing plants for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases (Phillipson J. D phytochemistry, 2001, 56, 237-243). As, new research and clinical experience is broadening the knowledge, changes in drug therapy are also being observed. Due to the occurrence of new diseases and identification of targets with multiple therapeutic applications there is an ongoing search for new compounds having unique structures and properties.

[0003] α-glucosidase enzyme has been identified as such a target. Inhibitors of a-glucosidase are increasingly finding therapeutic application in metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, hyperlipoproteinemia Type IV (Trusch eit, E. et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1981,20, 744-761; Puls, W. Keupu Diabelologia, 1973, 9, 97; Puls, W Habilitationssoh Chrift universitat Dusseldorf 1980), HIV, human hepatitis B virus, human cytomegalovirus and influenza (Heightman T D and vasella A T, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1999, 38, 750-770; Mehta et al., FEBS Lett. 1998, 430, 17-22; Watson A. A et al., Phytochemistry 2001, 56, 265-295), cancer and in immuno compromised cases. The serum level of glucosidases have been found to be increased in many patients with different tumors (Woollen, J. W and Tesiar, 'P. 1965, 'din. Chem. Ada. 12, 671-683) and are being realized to be involved in the degradation of the extracellular matrix, in tumor cell invasion (Bernaki, R. J et al., 1985 Cancer metastasis Rev 4, 81-102). Therefore, inhibitors of catabolic glucosidases are being actively pursued as a therapeutic strategy for cancer (Watson, A. A et al., Phytochemistry j 2001,56,265-295).

[0004] Variety of compounds bearing a-glucosidase inhibiting potential have been reviewed for their chemotherapeutic values (El Ashry et al., Pharmazie, 2000, 55, 251-262, 331-348 and 403-415). Although several drugs targeted for a-glucosidase inhibition are either in clinical practice or various stages of clinical development (Drugs of the future 1986, 11, 795-797; Dugs of the future 1986, 11, 1039-1042; Watson A. A et al., Phytochemistry 2001, 56, 265-295) the impact of the burden of diseases as discussed above underscores the clear need for new agents. It is also necessary to have a large inhibitors pool as patients can develop resistance to current regimens.

[0005] Historically, the knowledge gained from traditional medicinal practice and the screening of the extracts from the plants and as animals there in has yielded novel natural products which themselves as potential bioactive agents for the treatment of human diseases (Gullo. V. P, The discovery of natural products with therapeutic potential, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 1994; Cragg G. Metal J. Nat. Prod. 1997, 60: 52-60).

[0006] The screening of natural sources has led to the discovery of many clinically useful drugs that play a major role not only in the treatment of diseases discussed above, but also in the prevention of such diseases. Therefore, increasing clinical importance of epidemics of diabetes, cancer, HIV and other viral diseases as well as drug resistance has led additional urgency to identify novel resources for active compounds to have a large pool.

[0007] As described hereafter, our search for a-glucosidase inhibitors from traditional medicinal plants has led to the identification of Piper longum which contained in significant yield potent a-glucosidase inhibitors.


Piper longum
Linn. (Pippali) has been described in traditional medical practice of India for malarial fever, heart disease, splenomegaly, cough, oeadema and so on (P. V. Sharma, Classical uses of medicinal plants, Haridas Ayurveda series (4), Chaukambha Viswabharathi, Varanasi, 1996)

[0009] The present invention relates to the identification and isolation of potent a-glucosidase inhibitors from Piper iongum in the form of suitable pharmaceutical composition which may find therapeutic application in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, cancer, tumor, metastasis, immunomodulation and as broad spectrum antiviral agents.

[0010] Various piper species from which compounds claimed in this invention as a-glucosidase inhibition has been tabulated in table 1 and their biological activities in table 2.

[0011] Application and Administration:

[0012] The α-glucosidase inhibitors of this invention can be applied or administered by any conventional method to the management and treatment of diabetes mellitus, cancer, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis B and or C, other viral infections, immunocompromised cases, multiple sclerosis, arthritis etc. where o-glucosidase inhibition improves and cure the disease.

[0013] For human, animals and/or veterinary application compounds as a-glucosidase inhibitors of the invention may be administered through various routes as per the suitability and clinical condition. For human application compounds as α-glucosidase inhibitor may be administered through various routes including oral, intraperitoneai, intravenous, and/or intramuscular as per the case may be.

[0014] Formulations:

[0015] The compounds as a-glucosidase inhibitors of this invention may be formulated with any of the pharmaceutically applicable additive, carrier vehicle that by no means should alter the potency and property of the compound in any form.

[0016] For human applications, the compounds of this invention as α-glucosidase inhibitors may be formulated with many of the pharmaceutically acceptable carriers and additives useful for administration of pharmaceutical, which is well known in the art.

[0017] The selected carriers or vehicles would of course be consistent with the mode of application or administration of glucosidase inhibitors.

[0018] Effective Levels:

[0019] The expressions “an effective amount” and or “a suppressive amount” are used to that quantity of the a-glucosidase inhibitor compound of the invention which appears necessary to obtain a reduction in the level of disease, such as reduction in post prandial blood glucose level and insulin level in cases of diabetes and suppression cancer, tumor or viral infection significantly as the case may be, relative to that occurring in an untreated control under suitable conditions of the treatment as per the disease condition and severity. It implies that an effective amount of a-glucosidase inhibitor compound of this invention would be less than any amount that would induce significant unwanted side effects in the organism being treated for a particular disease. This implication is reinforced by the use of the expression “pharmaceutically effective amount”. The actual rate and amount of application may vary depending on the disease conditions. This may be irrespective of the concentrations as described in the examples of the invention.

[0020] The actual rate and amount of application may vary depending upon the disease and/or infection severity and may also depend upon the plurality of the factors like age and sex of the individual being treated and the mode of administration etc. Upon taking these factors into account, actual dose level and regimen could be readily determined by the person of ordinary skill in the art. Table 1:
1COMPOUNDS. NoNAMEPLANT SOURCEREFERENCE1PipatalinePiperPhytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3523.brachystachyumPiper peepuloidesPlanta Medico, 1973, 23, 295.Piper sylvaticumPhytochemistry, 1990, 29, 27332.SesaminPiperIndian Journal of Chemistry, 1976, 14B, 389.brachystachyumPiper guineenseJournal of the Chemical Society, Perkintransactions I, 1974, 19, 2 195.Piper longumIndian Journal of Chemistry, 1966, 4, 252.Piper lowongPhytochemistry, 1993, 33, 523.Piper peepuloidesPlanta Medica,\913, 23, 295.Piper sylvaticumPhytochemistry, 1974, 13, 2327Piper retrofractumPhytochemistry, 1 985, 24, 2793.PellitorinePiper attenautuntIndian Journal of Chemistry 1979, 17B, 538.AnacyclusJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 1949, 71, 366-7.pyrethrumPiper chabaFltoterapia, 1995, 66, 188.Piper guineenseToxicon, 1992.30, 1037.Piper longum, PiperIndian Journal of Chemistry, 1 967, 5, 588.peepuloidesPiper nepalensPhytochemistry, 1972, 11, 2646.Piper nigrumJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,1981, 29, 115.Piper ribesioidesPlata Medica, 1989, 55, 193.Piper sarmentosumTetrahedron, 1987, 43, 3689.Piper sylvaticumExperientia, 1974, 30, 223.FagaraJournal of Chemical Society, 1963, 3503-5.xanthoxylodea4.GuineensinePiper attenauiumIndian Journal of Chemistry 1979, 17B, 538.Piper guineenseJournal of the Chemical Society, Perkintransactions I, 1974, 19, 2195.Piper brachys tachyumPhytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3523.Piper longumChem. pharma. BulL, 1983, 31, 3562.p. nigrumChem. pharma. BulL, 1988, 36, 2452Piper officinarumPhytochemistry, 1976, 15, 425.Piper sylvaticumIndian Journal of Chemistry 1980, 19B, 346.5.Brachyslamide-BPiperPhytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3039.brachystachyumPiper longumNat. Prod. Sci,, 4(1), 23-25, 1999.

[0021] Piper compounds show a wide range of biological activities Biological activities pipataline, sesamin, pellilorine, guineensine and brachystamide-B are depicted in Table 2.
2TABLE 2S.COMPOUNDNo.NAMEBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITYREFERENCE1.Pipataline2SesaminAnti oxidantSpec-pub! ˜R-Sac. Chew., 181,230-5, 19§6Anti fungalJ. Chem. Ecol., 22(7), 1325-1330,1998.Anti bacterialFitoterapiaJQ(\), 89-92, 1999.Live protective, antioxidantFood Style., 21, 2(12), 35-38.Anti feedantFitoterapia, 72 (5), 538-543.3.PellitorineInsecticidal activities againstPestc. sci. 1991, 18(3), 211-21.Moth fly (TelmatoscopusAlbipunctatus).Insecticidal against MuscaToxicon, 1992.30, 1037.DomesticaInsectgrowth inhibitor againstExperientia 1984, 40(4), 340-1.p. gossipiella, H. virescens,H. zeLarvicida activity againstJ. Chem. Ecol. 1980, 6(1), 35-48.Aedus Eriseratus larvae.Antituberculotic against 8Bull. Med Ethno Bot. Res. 1980, (1),Mycobacterium stains99-106.Ovicidal against LeplinotarsaBiosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.,dectmlineata1994, 58(5), 936-7Local anaestheticJournal of Chemical Society*1963, 3503-5-Insecticidal againstJournal of Agricultural andCollosobruchus chinensesFood Chemistry, 1981, 29, 1 15.Antifungal againstPhytochemistry, 55(6), 621-Cladosporiumsphaerosperm626, 2000.4.GuineensineInsectcidal againstJournal of Agricultural andCollosobruchus chinensesFood Chemistry, 1981, 29, 1 15.Larvicidal against ToxocaraChem. Pharma. Bull., 1988, 36,canis2452Insecticidal activityJ. Ind. Chem. Soc., 76(1 1-12),713-717.5.Brachystamide-B

[0022] Objects of the Invention

[0023] The main object of the invention is to provide a new activity for pipataline or sesamin or pellitorine or guineensine or brachystamide-B obtained from piper longum as α-glucosidase inhibitor.

[0024] Another object of the present invention is to provide a method of treating a subject for α-glucosidase inhibition.

[0025] An other object of this invention relates to therapeutic application of these compounds as α-glucosidase inhibitor in the management and treatment of human diseases like hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipoproteinemea, cancer, viral infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV and AIDS etc.

[0026] Another object of the present invention is to provide a method of treating a subject for α-glucosidase inhibition using a pharmaceutical comprising pipataline or sesamin or pellitorine or guineensine or brachystamide-B obtained from piper longum.

[0027] Further more, the object of the invention relates to, the isolation of pipataline from an entirely new source.

[0028] Still another further object of the invention relates to the isolation of five compounds namely pipataline, sesamin, Pellitorine, guineensine, brachystamide-B from P. longum.

[0029] Still another object of the invention is to provide a process for isolating pipataline or sesamin or pellitorine or guineensine or brachystamide-B obtained from piper longum in good yeilds


[0030] Accordingly, the present invention relates to a method for providing α-glucosidase inhibition to a subject by administering a pharmaceutical composition comprising a α-glucosidase inhibitory agent selected from pipataline (formula 1a), sesamin (formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1c), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e).

[0031] The present invention relates to a new activity for pipataline or sesamin or pellitorine or guineensine or brachystamide-B obtained from piper longum as a α-glucosidase inhibitor in the management and treatment of human diseases like hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipoproteinemea, cancer, viral infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV and AIDS.

[0032] The invention also relates to isolation of isolation of pipataline from a new source namely piper longum. Another aspect of the invention is to provide a process for isolating pipataline or sesamin or pellitorine or guineensine or brachystamide-B obtained from piper longum in good yeilds

[0033] Detailed Description of the Invention

[0034] In accordance to the objectives of the invention, the present invention provides a method for providing α-glucosidase inhibition to a subject, said method comprising administering to the subject, an effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition comprising a α-glucosidase inhibitiory agent selected from pipataline (formula 1a), sesamin (formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1e), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e) along with a pharmaceutically acceptable ingredient in management and treatment of diseases like hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipoproteinemea, cancer, viral infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV and AIDS in the subject.

[0035] In an embodiment of the invention, pipataline provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 77.45% having an IC50 value of 26.52 (μg/ml).

[0036] Another embodiment of the invention, sesamin provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 76.18% having an IC50 value of 36.35(μ/ml).

[0037] Another embodiment of the invention, pellitorine provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 86.03% having an C50 value of 34.43(μg/ml).

[0038] Another embodiment of the invention, guineensine provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 61.71% having an IC50 value of 20.15(μg/ml).

[0039] Another embodiment of the invention, brachystamide-B provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 73.90% having an IC50 value of 33.61(μg/ml).

[0040] In another embodiment of the invention, the pharmaceutical composition containing pipataline or sesamin or pellitorine or guineensine or brachystamide-B optionally consists of pharmaceutically acceptable ingredients.

[0041] Still another embodiment of the present invention provides a process for isolation of pipataline from piper longum for the first time.

[0042] One more embodiment of the invention provides a process of isolation of α-glucosidase inhibitory agent selected from pipataline (formula 1a), sesamin (formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1c), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e) from the plant source Piper longum, the said process comprising the steps of:

[0043] a. extraction the dried fruits of Piper longum with a solvent,

[0044] b. concentrating the extract under vacuum to obtain a residue;

[0045] c. eluting the residue of step (b) with hexane to obtain pipataline and a residue,

[0046] d. eluting the residue of step (c) with about 3% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain sesamin and a residue,

[0047] e. eluting the residue of step (d) with about 5% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain pellitorine and a residue,

[0048] f. eluting the residue of step (e) with about 10% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain guineensine and a residue; and

[0049] g. subjecting further elution of the residue of step (f) with about 11% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain brachystamioe-B.

[0050] In an embodiment, the solvent used in step (a) is selected from hexane, cyclohexane or n-pentane.

[0051] Another embodiment of the invention relates to the isolation of pipataline from an entirely new source.

[0052] Still another embodiment of the invention relates to the isolation of these compounds from Piper longum as o-glucosidase inhibitors.

[0053] The present invention embodies the isolation of pipataline, sesamin, pellitorine, guineensine, brachystamide-B as o-glucosidase inhibitory principles from Piper longum among which pipataline is from an entirely new source.

[0054] The present invention relates to the isolation of five compounds namely pipataline [5-(1-dodecenyl)-1,3-Benzodioxol], sesamin [5,5-(tetrahydro-1H,3H-furo{3,4-e)furan-1,4-diyl) bis-1,3-Benzodioxol], pellitorine [N-(2-methyl propyl)-2,4-decaadienamide], guineensine [13-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N{2-methyl propyl)-2,4,12-tridecatrienamide], brachystamide-B [[15-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N(2-methyl propyl)-2,4,14-pentadecatrienamide] from the plant source Piper longum in significant yields. Among the above said compounds pipataline is from an entirely new source. This invention also relates to the new use of these compounds as a-glucosidase inhibitors.

[0055] The present invention embodies isolation of of pipataline, sesamm, pellitorine, guineensine and brachystamide-B, five a-glucosidase inhibitory principles from Piper longum, among which pipataline is from an entirely new source.


[0056] The invention is illustrated by the accompanying drawings wherein:

FIG. 1(a) represents formula of pipataline [5-(1-dodeeenyl)-1,3-benzodioxol];

FIG. 1(b) represents formula of sesamin [5,5-(tetrariydro-1H,3H-furo(3,4-e) furan-1,4-diyl)bis-1,3-benzodioxol];

FIG. 1(c) represents formula of pellitorine (N-(2-methyl propyl)-2,4decaadienamide];

FIG. 1(d) represents formula of guineensine [1,3-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N (2-methyl propyl)-2,4,12-tndecatrienamide);

FIG. 1(e) represents formula of brachystamide-B [[1,5-(1,3-ben£odioxol-5-yl)-N (2-methyl propyl)-2,4,14-pentadecatrienamidel;

FIG. 2(a) is a graphical representation depicting the o-glucosidase inhibitory activity of pipataline, sesamin, pellitorine, guineensine and brachystamide-B.

[0063] Some of the embodiments of the present invention are represented by the following examples, which should not be construed, as limitations on the inventive scope of this invention.

[0064] In another embodiment of the invention, pipataline obtained from piper longum has the following spectrochemical and physical properties.

[0065] Molecular Formula: C19H28O2

[0066] MP: 38° C. IR (KBr) γmax cm-1 2829,1468,1248,1040,980,960. H NMR (200 MHz, CDCI3) (δ) 0.95 (3H, t, H-1), 1.20-1.60 (16H, b, H-2-9), 2.20 (2H, q, H-10), 5.90(2H, s, —OCH2O), 6.0-6.15 (1H, q, H-11), 6.30 (1H, d, J=15.5 Hz, H-12), 6.70 (2H, s, H-5′,6′), 6.88 (1H, s, H-21). 13C NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3) 14.12 (C-1), 22.71 (C-2), 29.37-29.66 (C-3-8), 31.95 (C-9), 32.95 (C-10), 100.89 (--), 105.46 (C-20, 108.20 (C-51), 120.17 (C-6f), 129.27 (C-11), 129.57 (C-12), 132.61 (C-1′), 146.68 (C-4′), 148.01 (C-3′) EI-MS M+288

[0067] In another embodiment of the invention, Sesamin has the following spectrochemical and physical properties

[0068] Molecular Formula: C20H18O6 MP: 122° C. UV λmax (EtOH) 286, 235 nm IR (KBr) γmax cm−1 2800, 1600, 1071, 925, 913, 718 cm−1 ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) (δ): 3.08 (1H, mn, H-8), 3.90 (1H, dd, J=10 Hz, 4 Hz, H-2b), 4.20-4.30 (1H, m, H-2a), 4.75 (1H, d, J=5 Hz, H-4), 6.0 (2H, s, —OCH2O—), 6.80 (2H, s, H-2′, 5% 6.84 (IH, s, H-6′) EI-MS M+354, 203, 161,149. [α]D +78.3°

[0069] In another embodiment of the invention, pellitorine has the following spectrochemical and physical properties

[0070] Molecular formula: C14H2sNO MP: 83° C. UV λmax (EtOH) 260 nm. IR(KBr) γmax cm−1 3260, 1655, 1600, 1255 cm−1. H NMR (200 M H z,CDCl3) (δ) 0.91 (6H, d, J=6 Hz), 0.8-1.0 (3H), 1.25 (6H, bs), 1.7-2.4 (3H, m), 3.15 (2H, t), 5.55 (IH, t), 5.75 (IH, d, J=15 Hz), 6.0-6.2 (2H, m), 6.80-7.20 (IH, m). EI-MS m/z (%) 223 (M+, 33), 208 (7), 180 (6), 166 (6), 152 (33), 151 (100), 96 (50), 81 (64), 72 (4), 57 (16), 43 (10).

[0071] In another embodiment of the invention, Guineensine [13-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N(2-methyl propyl)-2,4,12-tndecatrienamide) has the following spectrochemical and physical properties.

[0072] Molecular Formula: C24H33N03 MP: 119° C. UV λmax (MeOH) 261 nm. IR(KBr) Ymax cm-′ 3300, 1655, 1630, 1545, 1250, 1035 cm′1. ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) (δ) 0.93 (6H, d, J=6.5 Hz), 1.25-1.50 (8H), 1.80 (IH, m), 2.12-2.21 (4H, m), 3.16 (2H, t, J=6.4 Hz), 5.48 (IH, br), 5.74 (IH, d, J=15.0 Hz), 5.93 (2H, s), 6.05-6.15 (3H, m), 6.28 (IH, d, 15.5 Hz), 6.72-6.90 (3H), 7.19 (IH, dd, J=15 Hz, 1OHz). EI-MS 383 (M+, 35), 249 (32), 180 (22), 152 (45), 135 (100).

[0073] In another embodiment of the invention, Brachystamide-B has the following spectrochemical and physical properties.

[0074] Molecular formula: C26H37NO3 UV λmax (EtOH) 260, 208 nm. IR (KBr) ymax 1654, 1625, 1000. ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCI3) (δ) 0.86 (6H, d, H-3″,4″), 1.20-1.70 (12H, b, H-7-12), 1.70-1.90 (IH, m, H-2′), 2.05-2.20 (2H, m, H-6, 15), 3.15 (2H, t, H-1″), 5.68 (IH, d, J=15.5 Hz, H-2), 5.84 (2H, s, —OCH2O—), 5.95-6.15 (3H, m, H-4, 5, 14), 6.23 (IH, d, J=16 Hz, H-15), 6.72 (2H, s, H-5′, 6′), 6.83 (IH, s, H-2\7.12 (IH, m, H-3). 13C NMR (50 MHz, CDCI3) (6) 166.39 (C-1), 121.85 (C-2), 142.92 (C-3), 128.33 (C-4), 141.23 (C-5), 32.86 (C-6), 28.64-29.51 (C-7-12), 32.81 (C-13), 129.36 (C-14), 129.42 (C-15), 132.58 (C-11), 105.48 (C-2′), 147.96 (C-3% 146.59 (C-40, 108.21 (C-5% 120.18 (C-60, 46.97 (C-1″), 28.66 (C-2″), 20.69 (C-3″,4″), 100.88 (—OC&O—). EI-MS M+411, 396 (42), 299 (20), 149 (28), 97 (30), 69 (88), 57 (100).


Experimental Protocol: A Process for the Isolation of Pipataline, Sesamin, Pellitorine, Guineensine and Brachystamide-B

[0075] The dried, powdered fruits of Piper longum (500 g) were loaded on a soxhlet apparatus. The powder was extracted with hexane. The hexane extract was concentrated under vaccum. The dark green colored residue was loaded on silica gel column 60-120 mesh, 3.5-cm dia column loaded to a height of 60 cm.

[0076] Initially the column was eluted with hexane to get pipataline. The yield of pipataline is around 6.0 g. Further elution of the column with 3% ethyl acetate in hexane yielded sesamin. The yield of sesamin is around 200 mg.

[0077] Further elution of the column with 5% ethyl acetate in hexane yielded pellitorine. The yield of pellitorine is around 200 mg.

[0078] Further elution of the column with 10% ethyl acetate in hexane yielded guineensine. The yield of guineensine is around 300 mg.

[0079] Further elution of the column with 1 1% ethyl acetate in hexane yielded Brachystamide-B. The yield of brachystamide-B is around 120 mg.

[0080] All the above compounds were obtained in 90% purity.

[0081] The spectrochemical and physical properties of the above said compounds are as under:

[0082] Pipataline has the following spectrochemical and physical properties.

[0083] Molecular Formula: C19H28O2 MP: 38° C. IR (KBr) γmax cm-1 2829,1468,1248,1040,980,960. ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCI3) (δ) 0.95 (3H, t, H-1), 1.20-1.60 (16H, b, H-2-9), 2.20 (2H, q, H-10), 5. 90(2H, s, —OCH2O), 6.0-6.15 (1H, q, H-11), 6.30 (1H, d, J=15.5 Hz, H-12), 6.70 (2H, s, H-5′,6′), 6.88 (1H, s, H-21). 13C NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3) 14.12 (C-1), 22.71 (C-2), 29.37-29.66 (C-3-8), 31.95 (C-9), 32.95 (C-10), 100.89 (−−), 105.46 (C-20, 108.20 (C-51), 120.17 (C-6f), 129.27 (C-11), 129.57 (C-I 2), 132.61 (C-1′), 146.68 (C-4′), 148.01 (C-3′) EI-MS M+288

[0084] Sesamin has the following spectrochemical and physical properties

[0085] Molecular Formula: C20H18O6 MP: 122° C. UV λmax (EtOH) 286, 235 nm IR (KBr) γmax cm−1 2800, 1600, 1071, 925, 913, 718 cm−1 ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) (δ): 3.08 (IH, m, H-8), 3.90 (IH, dd, J=10 Hz, 4 Hz, H-2b), 4.20-4.30 (IH, m, H-2a), 4.75 (IH, d, J=5 Hz, H-4), 6.0 (2H, s, —OCH2O—), 6.80 (2H, s, H-2′, 5% 6.84 (IH, s, H-6′) EI-MS M+354, 203, 161, 149. [α]D +78.3°

[0086] Pellitorine has the following spectrochemical and physical properties

[0087] Molecular formula: C14H2sNO MP: 83° C. UV λmax (EtOH) 260 nm. IR(KBr) γmax cm−1 3260, 1655, 1600, 1255 cm−1. H NMR (200 M Hz, CDCl3) (δ) 0.91 (6H, d, J=6 Hz), 0.8-1.0 (3H), 1.25 (6H, bs), 1.7-2.4 (3H, m), 3.15 (2H, t), 5.55 (IH, t), 5.75 (IH, d, J=15 Hz), 6.0-6.2 (2H, m), 6.80-7.20 (IH, m). EI-MS m/z (%) 223 (M+, 33), 208 (7), 180 (6), 166 (6), 152 (33), 151 (100), 96 (50), 81 (64), 72 (4), 57 (16), 43 (10).

[0088] Guineensine [13-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-N(2-methyl propyl)-2,4,12-tndecatrienamide) has the following spectrochemical and physical properties.

[0089] Molecular Formula: C24H33N03 MP: 119° C. UV λmax (MeOH) 261 nm. IR(KBr) Ymax cm-′3300, 1655, 1630, 1545, 1250, 1035 cm+1. ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) (δ) 0.93 (6H, d, J=6.5 Hz), 1.25-1.50 (8H), 1.80 (IH, m), 2.12-2.21 (4H, m), 3.16 (2H, t, J=6.4 Hz), 5.48 (IH, br), 5.74 (IH, d, J=15.0 Hz), 5.93 (2H, s), 6.05-6.15 (3H, m), 6.28 (IH, d, 15.5 Hz), 6.72-6.90 (3H), 7.19 (IH, dd, J=15 Hz, 1O Hz). EI-MS 393 (M+, 35), 249 (32). 180 (22), 152 (45), 135 (100).

[0090] Brachystamide-B has the following spectrochemical and physical properties.

[0091] Molecular formula: C26H37NO3 UV λmax (EtOH) 260, 208 nm. IR (KBr) ymax 1654, 1625, 1000. ′H NMR (200 MHz, CDCI3) (δ) 0.86 (6H, d, H-3″, 4″), 1.20-1.70 (12H, b, H-7-12), 1.70-1.90 (IH, m, H-2′), 2.05-2.20 (2H, m, H-6, 15), 3.15 (2H, t, H-1″), 5.68 (IH, d, J=15.5 Hz, H-2), 5.84 (2H, s, —OCH2O—), 5.95-6.15 (3H, m, H-4, 5, 14), 6.23 (IH, d, J=16 Hz, H-15), 6.72 (2H, s, H-5′, 6′), 6.83 (IH, s, H-2\7.12 (IH, m, H-3). 13C NMR (50 MHz, CDCI3) (6) 166.39 (C-1), 121.85 (C-2), 142.92 (C-3), 128.33 (C-4), 141.23 (C-5), 32.86 (C-6), 28.64-29.51 (C-7-12), 32.81 (C-13), 129.36 (C-14), 129.42 (C-15), 132.58 (C-11), 105.48 (C-2′), 147.96 (C-3% 146.59 (C-40, 108.21 (C-5% 120.18 (C-60, 46.97 (C-1″), 28.66 (C-2″), 20.69 (C-3″, 4″), 100.88 (—OC&O—). EI-MS M+411, 396 (42), 299 (20), 149 (28), 97 (30), 69 (88), 57 (100).


Determination of α-Glucosidase Inhibition Activity of Compounds Isolated From P. longum

[0092] The α-glucosidase inhibitory assay was done by the chromogenic method. In brief 10 μl of test compounds dissolved in DMSO (5 mg/ml and subsequent dilutions) were incubated for 5 min. with 5 μl of yeast α-glucosidase enzyme prepared in 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.00). After 5 minutes of incubation, 50 fil of 5 mM substrate (p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside prepared in the same buffer) was added. The pre-substrate and 5-min post-substrate addition absorbances were recorded at 405 nm spectrophotometrically. The increase in absorbance from pre-substrates addition to post substrates reaction were obtained. Percent inhibition was calculated by (1-O.D test/O.D control)×100 and inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) was calculated by applying suitable regression analysis.

[0093] In accordance with the practice of this invention, it has been found that pipataline, sesamin, pellitorine, guineensine and brachystamide-B are isolated from Piper longum among which pipataline is from an entirely new source. The yields of these compounds are also substantial. Also, it has been found that all the above said compounds show a-glucosidase inhibition property.

[0094] Advantages:

[0095] α-glucosidasse inhibitors recently have attracted the attention due to their broad-spectrum activities in disorders of multiple origin viz. diabetes, viral disorders, cancer, HIV, Hepatitis-B and C etc. Much attention being directed now to procure the a-glucosidase inhibitors from natural sources.

[0096] The compounds pipataline, sesamin, pellitorine, guineensine, brachystamide-B are used in pure form. Hence, isolation of pipataline, sesamin, pellitorine, guineensine and brachystamide-B from piper longum in significant yields as a-glucosidase inhibitors makes the invention very important.

  • 1. A method for providing α-glucosidase inhibition to a subject, said method comprising administering to the subject, an effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition comprising a α-glucosidase inhibitiory agent selected from pipataline (formula 1a), sesamin (formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1c), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e) along with a pharmaceutically acceptable ingredient in management and treatment of diseases like hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipoproteinemea, cancer, viral infection, hepatitis B and C, HIV and AIDS in the subject.
  • 2. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, pipataline provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 77.45% having an IC50 value of 26.52 (μg/ml).
  • 3. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, sesamin provides (α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 76.18% having an IC50 value of 36.35 (μg/ml).
  • 4. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, pellitorine provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 86.03% having an IC50 value of 34.43 (μg/ml).
  • 5. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, guineensine provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 61.71% having an IC50 value of 20.15 (μg/ml).
  • 6. The method as claimed in claim 1 wherein, brachystamide-B provides α-glucosidase inhibitory activity up to 73.90% having an IC50 value of 33.61 (μg/ml).
  • 7. A process for isolation of α-glucosidase inhibitiory agent selected from pipataline (Formula 1a), sesamin (Formula 1b), pellitorine (Formula 1c), guineensine (Formula 1d) and brachystamide-B (formula 1e) from the plant source Piper longum, the said process comprising the steps of: a) extracting dried fruits of Piper longum with a solvent, b) concentrating the extract of step (a) under vacuum to obtain a residue, c) subjecting the residue of step (b) to an elution with hexane to obtain pipataline and a residue, d) subjecting the residue of step © to an elution with about 3% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain sesamin and a residue, e) subjecting the residue of step (d) to an elution with about 5% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain pellitonine and a residue, f) subjecting the residue of step (e) to an elution with about 10% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain guineensine, and a residue, and g) subjecting further the residue of step (f) to an elution with about 11% ethyl acetate in hexane to obtain brachystamide-B.
  • 8. A nrocess as claimed in claim 7, wherein the solvent used in step (a) is selected from hexane, n-pentane or cyclohexane.
  • 9. A process as claimed in claim 7 wherein, the yield of pipataline is about 1.2% w/w with respect to of the dried fruits.
  • 10. A process as claimed in claim 7 wherein, the yield of sesamin is about 0.04% w/w with respect to of the dried fruits.
  • 11. A process as claimed in claim 7 wherein, the yield of pellitorine is about 0.04% w/w with respect to of the dried fruits.
  • 12. A process as claimed in claim 7 wherein, the yield of guineensine is about 0.06% w/w with respect to of the dried fruits.
  • 13. A process as claimed in claim 7 wherein, the yield of brachystamide-B is about 0.024% w/w with respect to of the dried fruits.
  • 14. A process as claimed in claim 7, wherein the purity of compounds obtained from the above process is up to 90%.