The present invention relates to amino acid sequences that are directed against (as defined herein) vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), as well as to compounds or constructs, and in particular proteins and polypeptides, that comprise or essentially consist of one or more such amino acid sequences (also referred to herein as “amino acid sequences of the invention”, “compounds of the invention”, and “polypeptides of the invention”, respectively).
The invention also relates to nucleic acids encoding such amino acid sequences and polypeptides (also referred to herein as “nucleic acids of the invention” or “nucleotide sequences of the invention”); to methods for preparing such amino acid sequences and polypeptides; to host cells expressing or capable of expressing such amino acid sequences or polypeptides; to compositions, and in particular to pharmaceutical compositions, that comprise such amino acid sequences, polypeptides, nucleic acids and/or host cells; and to uses of such amino acid sequences or polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells and/or compositions, in particular for prophylactic, therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, such as the prophylactic, therapeutic or diagnostic purposes mentioned herein.
Other aspects, embodiments, advantages and applications of the invention will become clear from the further description herein.
Angiogenesis is an important cellular event in which vascular endothelial cells proliferate, prune and reorganize to form new vessels from preexisting vascular network. The development of a vascular supply is essential for normal and pathological proliferative processes (Folkman and Klagsbrun Science 1987, 235: 442-447). Delivery of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the removal of catabolic products, represent rate-limiting steps in the majority of growth processes occurring in multicellular organisms. In adults, angiogenesis is tightly controlled by an “angiogenic balance”, i.e. a physiological balance between the stimulatory and inhibitory signals for blood vessel growth. In normal circumstances, the formation of new blood vessels occurs during wound healing, organ regeneration, and in the female reproductive system during ovulation, menstruation, and formation of the placenta. It is also an important factor in several pathological processes such as tumor growth, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and psoriasis.
In view of the remarkable physiological and pathological importance of angiogenesis, much work has been dedicated to the elucidation of the factors capable of regulating this process. It is suggested that the angiogenesis process is regulated by a balance between pro and anti-angiogenic molecules, and is derailed in various diseases, especially cancer (Carmeliet and Jain Nature 2000, 407: 249-257). A switch to the angiogenic phenotype depends on a local change in the balance between angiogenic stimulators and inhibitors.
One of the most important pro-angiogenic factors is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), also termed VEGF-A or vascular permeability factor (VPF). VEGF belongs to a gene family that includes placenta growth factor (PIGF) (Maglione et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1991, 88: 9267-9271; Maglione et al. Oncogene 1993, 8: 925-931), VEGF-B (Olofsson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1996, 93: 2576-2581), VEGF-C (Joukov et al. EMBO J. 1996, 15: 1751-1758; Lee et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1996, 93: 1988-1992), VEGF-D (Orlandini et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1996, 93: 11675-11680, Achen et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1998, 95: 548-553), VEGF-E (Hoeben et al. Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-580) and VEGF-F (Hoeben et al. Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-580). Human VEGF exists as at least six isoforms (VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF165, VEGF183, VEGF189, and VEGF206) that arise from alternative splicing of mRNA of a single gene (Ferrara and Davis-Smyth Endocr. Rev. 1997, 18: 1-22). VEGF165, the most abundant isoform, is a basic, heparin binding, dimeric glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 45,000 daltons.
Two VEGF tyrosine kinase receptors (VEGFR) have been identified that interact with VEGF, the fms-like tyrosine kinase Flt-1 (VEGFR-1 or Flt-1) and the kinase domain region, also referred to as fetal liver kinase (VEGFR-2, KDR or Flk-1) (Shibuya et al. Oncogene 1990, 5: 519-24; Matthews et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1991, 88: 9026-30; Terman et al. Oncogene 1991, 6: 1677-83; Terman et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1992, 187: 1579-86; de Vries et al., Science 1992, 255: 989-91; Millauer et al. Cell 1993, 72: 835- 46; Quinn et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1993, 90: 7533-7). VEGFR-1 has the highest affinity for VEGF, with a Kd of 10-20 pM (de Vries et al. Science 1992, 255: 989- 91), and VEGFR-2 has a somewhat lower affinity for VEGF, with a Kd of 75-125 pM (Terman et al., Oncogene 1991, 6: 1677-83; Millauer et al. Cell 1993, 72: 835-46; Quinn et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1993, 90: 7533-7). A further detailed description of VEGF, the interaction of VEGF with its receptors and the function of VEGF in normal and pathological processes can be found in Hoeben et al. (Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-580) and Ferrara (Endocrine Rev. 2004, 25: 581-611).
VEGF has been reported as a pivotal regulator of both normal and abnormal angiogenesis (Ferrara and Davis-Smyth Endocrine Rev. 1997,18: 4-25; Ferrara J. Mol. Med. 1999, 77: 527-543). Compared to other growth factors that contribute to the processes of vascular formation, VEGF is unique in its high specificity for endothelial cells within the vascular system. VEGF is essential for embryonic vasculogenesis and angiogenesis (Carmeliet et al. Nature 1996, 380: 435-439; Ferrara et al. Nature 1996, 380: 439-442). Furthermore, VEGF is required for the cyclical blood vessel proliferation in the female reproductive tract and for bone growth and cartilage formation (Ferrara et al. Nature Med. 1998, 4: 336-340; Gerber et al. Nature Med. 1999, 5:623-628).
In addition to being an angiogenic factor in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis, VEGF, as a pleiotropic growth factor, exhibits multiple biological effects in other physiological processes, such as endothelial cell survival, vessel permeability and vasodilation, monocyte chemotaxis and calcium influx (Ferrara and Davis-Smyth Endocrine Rev. 1997, 18: 4-25). Moreover, recent studies have reported mitogenic effects of VEGF on a few non-endothelial cell types, such as retinal pigment epithelial cells, pancreatic duct cells and Schwann cells (Guerrin et al. J. Cell Physiol. 1995, 164: 385-394; Oberg-Welsh et al. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 1997, 126: 125-132; Sondell et al. J. Neurosci. 1999, 19:5731-5740).
VEGF is also implicated in the development of conditions or diseases that involve pathological angiogenesis. The VEGF mRNA is overexpressed by the majority of human tumors examined (Berkman et al. J Clin Invest 1993, 91: 153-159; Brown et al. Cancer Res. 1993, 53: 4727- 4735; Brown et al. Human Pathol. 1995, 26: 86-91; Dvorak et al. Am J. Pathol. 1995, 146: 1029-1039; Mattern et al. Brit. J. Cancer. 1996, 73: 931-934).
The concentration of VEGF in eye fluids is highly correlated to the presence of active proliferation of blood vessels in patients with diabetic and other ischemia-related retinopathies (Aiello et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 1994, 331: 1480-1487).
Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated the localization of VEGF in choroidal neovascular membranes in patients affected by AMD (Lopez et al. Invest. Ophtalmo. Vis. Sci. 1996, 37: 855-868). Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of severe visual loss in the elderly population. The exudative form of AMD is characterized by choroidal neovascularization and retinal pigment epithelial cell detachment.
VEGF up-regulation has also been observed in various inflammatory disorders (Dvorak J. Clin. Oncol. 2002, 20: 4368-4380). VEGF has been implicated in the pathogenesis of RA, an inflammatory disease in which angiogenesis plays a significant role (Koch et al. J. Immunol. 1994, 152: 4149-4156; Fava et al. J. Exp. Med. 1994, 180: 341-346). VEGF is strongly expressed by epidermal keratinocytes in wound healing and psoriasis, conditions that are characterized by increased microvascular permeability and angiogenesis (Detmar et al. J. invest. Dermatol. 1995, 105: 44-50). VEGF up-regulation has also been observed in the development of brain edema. Diffuse, low-abundance, VEGF mRNA expression has been observed in the adult rat brain (Monacci et at Am. J. Physiol. 1993, 264: C995-C 1002).
The elucidation of VEGF and its role in angiogenesis and different processes has provided a potential new target of therapeutic intervention. The VEGF function has been inhibited by small molecules that block or prevent activation of VEGF receptor tyrosine kinases (Schlaeppi and Wood Cancer Metastasis Rev. 1999, 18: 473-481) and consequently interfere with the VEGF signal transduction pathway. Tumor cell-specific cytotoxic conjugates containing bacterial or plant toxins can inhibit the stimulating effect of VEGF on tumor angiogenesis. VEGF165-DT385 conjugates (diphtheria toxin domains fused or chemically conjugated to VEGF165), for example, efficiently inhibit tumor growth in vivo (Olson et al. Int. J. Cancer 1997, 73: 865-870). Tumor growth inhibition was also demonstrated with a retrovirus-delivered Flk-1 mutant (Millauer et al. Nature 1994, 367: 576-579) and soluble VEGF receptors (Kong et al. Hum. Gene Ther. 1998, 9: 823-833; Goldman et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1998, 95: 8795-8800; Gerber et al. Cancer Res. 2000, 60: 6253-6258; Kuo et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 2001, 98: 4605-4610; Holash et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2002, 99: 11393-11398).
VEGF-neutralizing antibodies, such as A4.6.1 and MV833, have been developed to block VEGF from binding to its receptors and have shown preclinical antitumor activity (Kim et al. Nature 1993, 362: 841-844; Folkman Nat. Med. 1995, 1: 27-31; Presta et al. Cancer Res. 1997, 57: 4593-4599; Kanai et al. Int. J. Cancer 1998, 77: 933-936; Ferrara and Alitalo Nat. Med. 1999, 5:1359-1364; 320, 340). Anti-VEGF antibody treatment generally converts fast-growing, angiogenesis-dependent, human tumor xenografts transplanted subcutaneously in nude or sever combined immune deficiency mice into small, avascularized microcolonies.
For a review of anti-VEGF approaches in clinical trials, see Campochiaro and Hackett (Oncogene 2003, 22: 6537-6548).
Most clinical experience has been obtained with A4.6.1, also called bevacizumab (Avastin®; Genentech, San Francisco, Calif.) (Bunn In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2001, May 12-15, San Francisco, Vol. 20, pp 395-406, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chestnut Hill, Mass.; Margolin et al. J. Clin. Oncol. 2001, 19: 851-856). Avastin in combination with chemotherapy is FDA approved or in clinical trial for a large number of cancer indications. This product combination, however, is plagued by side-effects (hemorrhages, arterial thromboembolism, hypertension, gastrointestinal (GI) perforations, wound healing problems, proteinuria and congestive heart failure) which are primarily due to the fact that the anti-VEGF activity is not restricted to the site of the tumor, but persists in circulation over a long period of time. This results in a shift of physiological to pathophysiological activity of the peripheral endothelial cells.
Anti-VEGF strategies are also FDA approved for AMD patients, using a recombinant humanized anti-VEGF Fab (rhuFab VEGF, Ranibizumab or Lucentis™) (Chen et al. J. Mol. Biol. 1999, 293: 865-881; Ferrara et al. Retina 2006, 26: 859-870). rhuFab VEGF has been found to reduce angiogenesis and vascular leakage in a primate model of AMD (Krzystolik et al. Arch. Ophthalmol. 2002, 120: 338-346). Local delivery of VEGF inhibitors to the eye causes fewer side effects than systemic administration. High intraocular concentrations can be achieved by intravitreal injections. Repeated injections for the treatment of a chronic disease such as diabetic retinopathy is, however, not ideal because of the risk of endophthalmitis, vitreous hemorrhage, and retinal detachment.
Nanobodies (as further defined herein) are more potent and more stable than conventional four-chain antibodies which leads to (1) lower dosage forms, less frequent dosage leading to less side effects; and (2) improved stability leading to a broader choice of administration routes, comprising oral or subcutaneous routes and slow-release formulations in addition to the intravenous route. Slow-release formulation with stable anti-VEGF Nanobodies, for example, could be advantageous for treatment of AMD, avoiding the need of repeated injections and the side effects associated with it. In addition, their small size and short half-fifes makes them specifically suited for treatment of AMD. The small size will facilitate the penetration of the Nanobodies deeper into the eye to reach the choroidal vessels.
Because of their small size, Nanobodies have the ability to cross membranes and penetrate into physicological compartments, tissues and organs not accessible to other, larger polypeptides and proteins. The small-sized Nanobodies have a shorter half-life and accumulate rapid in the kidney and bladder where they stay for more than 48 hours. This makes them also ideally suited for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer. Upon systemic administration of, for example, an anti-VEGF Nanobody, there would be a low anti-VEGF activity in the circulation with a reduced risk of side effects, while obtaining a high anti-VEGF activity at the side of the tumor and an effective treatment of the kidney or bladder carcinoma.
Because of their small size, Nanobodies can also selectively bind a specific epitope on VEGF (such as e.g. the VEGFR-2 binding site) while not (sterically) blocking other epitopes (such as e.g. the VEGFR-1 binding site). This may result in a selective inhibition of certain biological processes, while other biological processes are not inhibited, reducing the risk of side effects. It has indeed been shown that a monoclonal antibody (2C3) that blocks the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2, but not to VEGFR-1, causes apoptosis of the endothelial cells of newly formed immature vessels, which are dependent on VEGF to maintain cell adhesion to a provisional extracellular matrix until periendothelial cells facilitate a more prermanent mode of adhesion, while the integrity of mature vessels is not influenced by this antiangiogenic therapy (Brekken et al. Cancer Res. 2000, 60: 5117-5124).
The small size of the Nanobody also makes them ideally suited for the preparation of bispecific, or multispecific polypeptides. A bispecific anti-VEGF/anti-VEGFR Nanobody or a bispecific anti-VEGF/anti-tumor Nanobody, for example, will specifically target the tumor side, while the anti-VEGF activity in the circulation remains low with a reduced the risk of side effects. Bispecific Nanobodies binding to two different epitopes on VEGF (e.g. the VEGFR-1 binding site and the VEGFR-2 binding site) might be advantageous because of their higher potency.
The polypeptides and compositions of the present invention can generally be used to modulate, and in particular inhibit and/or prevent, binding of VEGF to VEGFR, and thus to modulate, and in particular inhibit or prevent, the signalling that is mediated by VEGF and/or VEGFR, to modulate the biological pathways in which VEGF and/or VEGFR are involved, and/or to modulate the biological mechanisms, responses and effects associated with such signalling or these pathways.
As such, the polypeptides and compositions of the present invention can be used for the prevention and treatment (as defined herein) of conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization. Generally, “conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization” can be defined as diseases and disorders that can be prevented and/or treated, respectively, by suitably administering to a subject in need thereof (i.e. having the disease or disorder or at least one symptom thereof and/or at risk of attracting or developing the disease or disorder) of either a polypeptide or composition of the invention (and in particular, of a pharmaceutically active amount thereof) and/or of a known active principle active against VEGF or a biological pathway or mechanism in which VEGF is involved (and in particular, of a pharmaceutically active amount thereof). Examples of such conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein, and for example include the following diseases and disorders: various neoplastic conditions including but not limited to tumors, and especially solid malignant tumors (Hoeben et al. Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-579), breast carcinomas (Yoshiji et al. Cancer Res. 1996, 56: 2013-2016; Brown et al. Hum. Pathol. 1998, 26: 86-91; Linderholm et al. Cancer Res. 2000, 61: 2256-2260; Fox et al. Lancet Oncol. 2001, 2: 278-289; Gasparini Crit. Rev. Oncol. Hematol. 2001, 37: 97-114), lung carcinomas such as nonsmall cell lung cancer (Giatromanolaki et al. J. Pathol. 1996, 179: 80-88; Volm et al. Anticancer Res. 1997, 17: 99-103; Volm et al. Int. J. Cancer 1997, 64-68; Bunn In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2001, May 12-15, San Francisco, Vol. 20, pp 395-406, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chestnut Hill, Mass.; Fox et al. Lancet Oncol. 2001, 2: 278-289), gastric carcinomas (Brown et al. Cancer Res. 1993, 53: 4727-4735; Suzuki et al. Cancer Res. 1996, 56: 3004-3009; Maeda et al. Cancer 1996, 77: 858-863; Ellis et al. Eur. J. Cancer 1998, 34:
337-340; Uchida et al. Br. J. Cancer 1998, 77: 1704-1709; Fox et al. Lancet Oncol. 2001, 2: 278-289), esophageal carcinomas, colorectal carcinomas (Papamicheal Anticancer Res. 2001, 21: 4349-4353), liver carcinomas, ovarian carcinomas (Olson et al. Cancer Res. 1994, 54: 276-280; Sowter et al. Lab. Invest. 1997, 77: 607-614; Yamamoto et al. Br. J. Cancer 1997, 76: 1221-1227), thecomas, arrhenoblastomas, cervical carcinomas, endometrial carcinoma (Guidi et al. Cancer 1996, 78: 454-460), endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis (McLaren et al. J. Clin. Invest. 1996, 98: 482-489; Shifren et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1996, 81: 3112-3118; Hull et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2003, 88: 2889-2899; Hoeben et al. Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-579), fibrosarcomas, choriocarcinoma, head and neck cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, laryngeal carcinomas, hepatoblastoma, Kaposils sarcoma, melanoma, skin carcinomas, hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, hemangioblastoma (Berkman et al. J. Clin. Invest. 1993, 91: 153-159; Wizigmann et al. Cancer Res. 1995, 155: 1358-1364), pancreas carcinomas, retinoblastoma, astrocytoma, glioblastoma (Shweiki et al. Nature 1992, 359: 843-845; Plate et al. Nature 1992, 359: 845-848; Phillips et al. Int. J. Oncol. 1993, 2: 913-919), Schwannoma, oligodendroglioma, medulloblastoma, neuroblastomas, rhabdomyosarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma, leiomyosarcomas, urinary tract carcinomas, kidney tumors (Brown et al. Am. J. Pathol. 1993, 143: 1255-1262; Nicol et al. J. Urol. 1997, 157: 1482-1486; Tomisawa et al. Eur. J. Cancer 1999, 35: 133-137), bladder tumors (Brown et al. Am. J. Pathol. 1993, 143: 1255-1262), thyroid carcinomas (Soh et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1997, 82: 3741-3747; Klein et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2001, 86: 656-658), Wilm's tumor, renal cell carcinoma, prostate carcinoma (Joseph et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 1997, 3: 2507-2511; Balbay et al. Clin. Cancer Res. 1999, 5: 783-789), abnormal vascular proliferation associated with phakomatoses, Meigs syndrome, hematological malignancies (Gerber and Ferrara J. Mol. Med. 2003, 81: 20-31) such as T cell lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Burkitt's lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, histiocytic lymphoma, promyelocytic leukemia, etc.; various non-neoplastic diseases and conditions including but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis (Koch et al. J. Immunol. 1994, 152: 4149-4156; Fava et al. J. Exp. Med. 1994, 180: 341-346; Walsh, Rheumatology (Oxford) 1999, 38: 103-112; Ballara et al. Int. J. Exp. Pathol. 1999, 80: 235-250; Ikeda et al. J. Pathol. 2000, 191: 426-433; de Brandt et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2000, 43: 2056-63; Lee et al. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 2001, 19: 321-324; Ballara et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2001, 44: 2055-2064), osteoarthritis (Walsh, Rheumatology (Oxford) 1999, 38: 103-112), psoriasis (Bhusan et al. 1999, atherosclerosis, diabetic and other retinopathies (Aiello et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 1994, 331: 1480-1487; Malecaze et al. Arch. Ophthalmol. 1994, 112: 1476-1482; Duh and Aiello Diabetes 1999, 48: 1899-1906; Chakrabarti et al. Diabetes Metab. Res. Rev. 2000, 16: 393-407; Ozaki et at. Am. J. Pathol. 2000, 156: 697-707), retrolental fibroplasia, neovascular glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (Lopez et al. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 1996, 37: 855-868; Chen et al. J. Mal. Biol. 1999, 293: 865-881; Krzystolik et al. Arch. Ophthalmol. 2002, 120: 338-346), thyroid hyperplasias (including Grave's disease), corneal and other tissue transplantation, allograft rejection (Reinders et al. J. Clin. Invest. 2003, 112: 1655-1665), various inflammatory disorders (Dvorak J. Clin. Oncol. 2002, 20: 4368-4380), chronic inflammation, lung inflammation, nephrotic syndrome, preeclampsia (Maynard et al. J. Clin. Invest. 2003, 111: 649-658; Hoeben et al. Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-579), ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) (McClure et al. Lancet 1994, 344: 235-269; Lee et al. Fertil. Steril. 1997, 68: 305-311; Levin et al. J. Clin. Invest. 1998, 102: 1978-1985; Artini et al. Fertil. Steril. 1998, 70: 560-565; Ferrara et al. Nat. Med. 1998, 4: 336-340), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (Agrawal et al. Hum. Reprod. 1998, 13: 651-655), ascites, pericardial effusion (such as that associated with pericarditis), and pleural effusion; edema (Kovacs et al. Stroke 1996, 27: 1865-1872; Hayashi et al. Stroke 1997, 28: 2039-2044; Lennmyr et at J. Neuropathol Exp. Neurol. 1998, 57: 874-882), including without being limiting central nervous system (CNS) edema, cerebral edema, spinal cord or spinal canal edema or other conditions leading to increased intracranial pressure (such as local spinal cord injury), vasogenic edema and cytotoxic edema, edema resulting from or accompanied by a variety of pathological conditions or stimuli, including but not limited to, acute hypertension, meningitis, encephalitis, abscess, neoplastic diseases (such as described above) (particularly solid tumors), trauma (such as head injury), hemorrhage, viral infection, cerebral malaria, stroke, radiation, multiple sclerosis, post cardiac arrest, birth asphyxia, glutamate toxicity, encephalopathy, hypoxia, ischemia and renal dialysis.
VEGF agonist can be used, for example, in cardiovascular ischemia (Hoeben et al. Pharmacol. Rev. 2004, 56: 549-579); peripheral vascular disease such as critical limb ischemia (Baumgartner et al. Circulation 1998, 97: 1114-1123), thrombangitis obliterans (Isner et al. I. Vase. Surg. 1998, 28: 964-973), ischemic vascular occlusion (Mack et al. I. Vase. Surg. 1998, 27: 699-709), peripheral artherial occlusion (PAO) and revascularization ischemic heart tissue.
In particular, the polypeptides and compositions of the present invention can be used for the prevention and treatment of conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization which are caused by excessive and/or unwanted signaling mediated by VEGF or by the pathway(s) in which VEGF is involved. Examples of such conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization will again be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein.
Thus, without being limited thereto, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention can for example be used to prevent and/or to treat all diseases and disorders that are currently being prevented or treated with active principles that can modulate VEGF-mediated signalling, such as those mentioned in the prior art cited above. It is also envisaged that the polypeptides of the invention can be used to prevent and/or to treat all diseases and disorders for which treatment with such active principles is currently being developed, has been proposed, or will be proposed or developed in future. In addition, it is envisaged that, because of their favourable properties as further described herein, the polypeptides of the present invention may be used for the prevention and treatment of other diseases and disorders than those for which these known active principles are being used or will be proposed or developed; and/or that the polypeptides of the present invention may provide new methods and regimens for treating the diseases and disorders described herein.
Other applications and uses of the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention will become clear to the skilled person from the further disclosure herein.
Generally, it is an object of the invention to provide pharmacologically active agents, as well as compositions comprising the same, that can be used in the diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization and of the further diseases and disorders mentioned herein; and to provide methods for the diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of such diseases and disorders that involve the administration and/or use of such agents and compositions.
In particular, it is an object of the invention to provide such pharmacologically active agents, compositions and/or methods that have certain advantages compared to the agents, compositions and/or methods that are currently used and/or known in the art. These advantages will become clear from the further description below.
More in particular, it is an object of the invention to provide therapeutic proteins that can be used as pharmacologically active agents, as well as compositions comprising the same, for the diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization and of the further diseases and disorders mentioned herein; and to provide methods for the diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment of such diseases and disorders that involve the administration and/or the use of such therapeutic proteins and compositions.
Accordingly, it is a specific object of the present invention to provide amino acid sequences that are directed against (as defined herein) VEGF, in particular against VEGF from a warm-blooded animal, more in particular against VEGF from a mammal, and especially against human VEGF; and to provide proteins and polypeptides comprising or essentially consisting of at least one such amino acid sequence.
In particular, it is a specific object of the present invention to provide such amino acid sequences and such proteins and/or polypeptides that are suitable for prophylactic, therapeutic and/or diagnostic use in a warm-blooded animal, and in particular in a mammal, and more in particular in a human being.
More in particular, it is a specific object of the present invention to provide such amino acid sequences and such proteins and/or polypeptides that can be used for the prevention, treatment, alleviation and/or diagnosis of one or more diseases, disorders or conditions associated with VEGF and/or mediated by VEGF (such as the diseases, disorders and conditions mentioned herein) in a warm-blooded animal, in particular in a mammal, and more in particular in a human being.
It is also a specific object of the invention to provide such amino acid sequences and such proteins and/or polypeptides that can be used in the preparation of pharmaceutical or veterinary compositions for the prevention and/or treatment of one or more diseases, disorders or conditions associated with and/or mediated by VEGF (such as the diseases, disorders and conditions mentioned herein) in a warm-blooded animal, in particular in a mammal, and more in particular in a human being.
In the invention, generally, these objects are achieved by the use of the amino acid sequences, proteins, polypeptides and compositions that are described herein.
In general, the invention provides amino acid sequences that are directed against (as defined herein) and/or can specifically bind (as defined herein) to VEGF; as well as compounds and constructs, and in particular proteins and polypeptides, that comprise at least one such amino acid sequence.
More in particular, the invention provides amino acid sequences that can bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein; as well as compounds and constructs, and in particular proteins and polypeptides, that comprise at least one such amino acid sequence. In particular, amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention are preferably such that they:
Preferably, a monovalent amino acid sequence of the invention (or a polypeptide that contains only one amino acid sequence of the invention) is preferably such that it will bind to VEGF with an affinity less than 500 nM, preferably less than 200 nM, more preferably less than 10 nM, such as less than 500 pM.
Some preferred 1050 values for binding of the amino acid sequences or polypeptides of the invention to VEGF will become clear from the further description and examples herein.
For binding to VEGF, an amino acid sequence of the invention will usually contain within its amino acid sequence one or more amino acid residues or one or more stretches of amino acid residues (i.e. with each “stretch” comprising two or amino acid residues that are adjacent to each other or in close proximity to each other, i.e. in the primary or tertiary structure of the amino acid sequence) via which the amino acid sequence of the invention can bind to VEGF, which amino acid residues or stretches of amino acid residues thus form the “site” for binding to VEGF (also referred to herein as the “antigen binding site”).
The amino acid sequences provided by the invention are preferably in essentially isolated form (as defined herein), or form part of a protein or polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), which may comprise or essentially consist of one or more amino acid sequences of the invention and which may optionally further comprise one or more further amino acid sequences (all optionally linked via one or more suitable linkers). For example, and without limitation, the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention may be used as a binding unit in such a protein or polypeptide, which may optionally contain one or more further amino acid sequences that can serve as a binding unit (i.e. against one or more other targets than VEGF), so as to provide a monovalent, multivalent or multispecific polypeptide of the invention, respectively, all as described herein. Such a protein or polypeptide may also be in essentially isolated form (as defined herein).
The amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention as such preferably essentially consist of a single amino acid chain that is not linked via disulphide bridges to any other amino acid sequence or chain (but that may or may not contain one or more intramolecular disulphide bridges. For example, it is known that Nanobodies—as described herein—may sometimes contain a disulphide bridge between CDR3 and CDR1 or FR2).
However, it should be noted that one or more amino acid sequences of the invention may be linked to each other and/or to other amino acid sequences (e.g. via disulphide bridges) to provide peptide constructs that may also be useful in the invention (for example Fab′ fragments, F(ab′)2 fragments, ScFv constructs, “diabodies” and other multispecific constructs. Reference is for example made to the review by Holliger and Hudson, Nat. Biotechnol. 2005 September; 23(9):1126-36).
Generally, when an amino acid sequence of the invention (or a compound, construct or polypeptide comprising the same) is intended for administration to a subject (for example for therapeutic and/or diagnostic purposes as described herein), it is preferably either an amino acid sequence that does not occur naturally in said subject; or, when it does occur naturally in said subject, in essentially isolated form (as defined herein).
It will also be clear to the skilled person that for pharmaceutical use, the amino acid sequences of the invention (as well as compounds, constructs and polypeptides comprising the same) are preferably directed against human VEGF; whereas for veterinary purposes, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention are preferably directed against VEGF from the species to be treated, or at least cross-reactive with VEGF from the species to be treated.
Furthermore, an amino acid sequence of the invention may optionally, and in addition to the at least one binding site for binding against VEGF, contain one or more further binding sites for binding against other antigens, proteins or targets.
The efficacy of the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention, and of compositions comprising the same, can be tested using any suitable in vitro assay, cell-based assay, in vivo assay and/or animal model known per se, or any combination thereof, depending on the specific disease or disorder involved. Suitable assays and animal models will be clear to the skilled person, and for example include ELISA; solid phase receptor binding and blocking assays, alphasereen assay (Perkin Elmer, Minn., US); Biaeore (BIAcore AB Corporation, Uppsala, Sweden); cell proliferation assays such as for example described in Winkles et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 1987, 84: 7124-7128), Miao et al. (2006, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 345: 438-445), Jo et al. (Am. J. Pathol. 2006, 168: 2036-2053) and Wu et al. (Clin. Cancer Res. 2006, 12: 6573-6584); VEGF-induced chemotaxis assays such as for example described in WO 94/10202, WO 00/37502 and Miao et al. (2006, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 345: 438-445); in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis assays such as for example the chicken chorio allantorc membrane (CAM) assay and other angiogenesis assays as described in Hasan et al. (Angiogenesis 2004, 7: 1-16); Xenograft mouse models such as for example described in WO 94/10202, WO 00/37502, Presta et al. (Cancer Res. 1997, 57: 4593-4599) and Wu et al. (Clin. Cancer Res. 2006, 12: 6573-6584); ischemic mouse retina models such as for example described in Duh and Aiello (Diabetes 1999, 48: 1899-1906); animal models for ischemic-retinopathy such as for example described in Aiello et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1995, 92: 10457-10461); primate models of AMD such as for example described in Krzystolik et al. (Arch. Ophthalmol. 2002, 120: 338-346); primate models of ischemic iris neovascularization; corneal neovascularization models such as for example described in Joussen et al. {Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2003, 44: 117-123) and Jo et al. (Am. J. Pathol. 2006, 168: 2036-2053); choroidal neovascularization (CNV) models such as for example described in Mori et al. (Am. J. Pathol. 2001, 159: 313-320) and Jo et al. (Am. J. Pathol. 2006, 168: 2036-2053); cerebral edema models such as for example described in WO 00/37502, as well as the assays and animal models used in the experimental part below and in the prior art cited herein.
In Biacore, the KD for the Nanobodies VEGF165 binding is preferably such as between 1 pM and 100 nM, preferably between 1 pM and 10 nM, more preferably between 1 pM and 1 nM, such as between 1 pM and 100 pM.
In an alphascreen assay (as described in the Example section), the IC50 for the Nanobodies in inhibiting the VEGF/VEGFR interaction is preferably such as between 1 pM and 100 nM, preferably between 1 pM and 10 nM, more preferably between 1 pM and 1 nM, such as between 1 pM and 1.00 pM.
In an HUVEC cell proliferation assay {as described in the Example section), the IC50 for the Nanobodies in inhibiting the VEGF stimulated proliferation is preferably such as between 0.1 pM and 10 nM, preferably between 0.1 pM and 1 nM, more preferably between 0.1 pM and 200 pM, such as between 0.1 pM and 20 pM.
Also, according to the invention, amino acid sequences and polypeptides that are directed against VEGF from a first species of warm-blooded animal may or may not show cross-reactivity with VEGF from one or more other species of warm-blooded animal. For example, amino acid sequences and polypeptides directed against human VEGF may or may not show cross reactivity with VEGF from one or more other species of primates (such as, without limitation, monkeys from the genus Macaca (such as, and in particular, cynomologus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and/or rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)) and baboon (Papio ursinus)) and/or with VEGF from one or more species of animals that are often used in animal models for diseases {for example mouse, rat, rabbit, pig or dog), and in particular in animal models for diseases and disorders associated with VEGF (such as the species and animal models mentioned herein). In this respect, it will be clear to the skilled person that such cross-reactivity, when present, may have advantages from a drug development point of view, since it allows the amino acid sequences and polypeptides against human VEGF to be tested in such disease models.
More generally, amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention that are cross-reactive with VEGF from multiple species of mammal will usually be advantageous for use in veterinary applications, since it will allow the same amino acid sequence or polypeptide to be used across multiple species. Thus, it is also encompassed within the scope of the invention that amino acid sequences and polypeptides directed against VEGF from one species of animal (such as amino acid sequences and polypeptides against human VEGF) can be used in the treatment of another species of animal, as long as the use of the amino acid sequences and/or polypeptides provide the desired effects in the species to be treated. The amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind, in addition to
VEGF-A, other members of the VEGF family. Preferably, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind to VEGF-A while not interacting with other members of the VEGF family
The amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind at least one isoform of VEGF (i.e. VEGF110, VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF165, VEGF183, VEGF189 and/or VEGF206). In a preferred aspect, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind at least two isoforms, at least three isoforms, at least four isoforms, at least five isoforms and, preferably, all isoforms of VEGF. In another preferred aspect, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind 1 isoforms of VEGF (such as e.g. VEGF121, VEGF 145 or VEGF 165), two isoforms (such as e.g. VEGF121 and VEGF145; or VEGF 145 and VEGF 165; or VEGF121 and VEGF 165), three isoforms {such as e.g. VEGF 121, VEGF145 and VEGF165; or VEGF 145, VEGF189 and VEGF 206; or VEGF121, VEGF165 and VEGF183), four isoforms (such as e.g. VEGF 110, VEGF121, VEGF165 and VEGF183; or VEGF110, VEGF121, VEGF145 and VEGF165), five isoforms (such as e.g. VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF165, VEGF183 and VEGF186; or VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF165, VEGF183 and VEGF206) or six isoforms (such as e.g. VEGF121, VEGF145, VEGF165, VEGF183, VEGF189 and/or VEGF206). In one aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may e.g. bind all soluble isoforms while not interacting with the heparing-bound isoforms; or the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind all heparin-bound isoforms while not interacting with the soluble isoforms.
The present invention is in its broadest sense also not particularly limited to or defined by a specific antigenic determinant, epitope, part, domain, subunit or confirmation (where applicable) of VEGF against which the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention are directed. For example, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides may or may not be directed against an “interaction site” (as defined herein). However, it is generally assumed and preferred that the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention are preferably directed against the VEGF binding site of the VEGF receptor (Keyt et al. J. Biol. Chem. 1996, 274: 5638-5646), or otherwise capable of interfering with VEGF binding to the VEGF receptor, such as by sterically hindering VEGF access to the VEGF receptor. Thus, in one preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention are directed against the binding site for VEGFR-1 and/or the binding site for VEGFR-2, and are as further defined herein. In one preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention interact with at least one amino acid that makes up the binding site on VEGF for VEGFR-1 and/or VEGFR-2.
In one aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention inhibit binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1, without inhibiting binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2. In another aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention inhibit binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2, without inhibiting binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1. In yet another aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention inhibit binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1 and binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2.
As further described herein, a polypeptide of the invention may contain two or more amino acid sequences of the invention that are directed against VEGF. Generally, such polypeptides will bind to VEGF with increased avidity compared to a single amino acid sequence of the invention. Such a polypeptide may for example comprise two amino acid sequences of the invention that are directed against the same antigenic determinant, epitope, part, domain, subunit or confirmation (where applicable) of VEGF (which may or may not be an interaction site); or comprise at least one “first” amino acid sequence of the invention that is directed against a first antigenic determinant, epitope, part, domain, subunit or confirmation (where applicable) of VEGF (which may or may not be an interaction site); and at least one “second” amino acid sequence of the invention that is directed against a second antigenic determinant, epitope, part, domain, subunit or confirmation (where applicable) different from the first (and which again may or may not be an interaction site). Preferably, in such “biparatopic” polypeptides of the invention, at least one amino acid sequence of the invention is directed against an interaction site (as defined herein), although the invention in its broadest sense is not limited thereto.
Also, when the target is part of a binding pair (for example, a receptor-ligand binding pair), the amino acid sequences and polypeptides may be such that they compete with the cognate binding partner (e.g. the ligand, receptor or other binding partner, as applicable) for binding to the target, and/or such that they (fully or partially) neutralize binding of the binding partner to the target.
It is also within the scope of the invention that, where applicable, an amino acid sequence of the invention can bind to two or more antigenic determinants, epitopes, parts, domains, subunits or confirmations of VEGF. In such a case, the antigenic determinants, epitopes, parts, domains or subunits of VEGF to which the amino acid sequences and/or polypeptides of the invention bind may be essentially the same (for example, if VEGF contains repeated structural motifs or occurs in a dimeric/multimeric form) or may be different (and in the latter case, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind to such different antigenic determinants, epitopes, parts, domains, subunits of VEGF with an affinity and/or specificity which may be the same or different). Also, for example, when VEGF exists in an activated conformation and in an inactive conformation, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind to either one of these confirmation, or may bind to both these confirmations (i.e. with an affinity and/or specificity which may be the same or different). Also, for example, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind to a conformation of VEGF in which it is bound to a pertinent ligand (or to the extracellular matrix such as to cell surface heparin-containing proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix), may bind to a conformation of VEGF in which it not bound to a pertinent ligand (such as a conformation in which it is soluble), or may bind to both such conformations (again with an affinity and/or specificity which may be the same or different).
It is also expected that the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention will generally bind to all naturally occurring or synthetic analogs, variants, mutants, alleles, parts and fragments of VEGF; or at least to those analogs, variants, mutants, alleles, parts and fragments of VEGF that contain one or more antigenic determinants or epitopes that are essentially the same as the antigenic determinant(s) or epitope(s) to which the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind in VEGF (e.g. in wild-type VEGF). Again, in such a case, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind to such analogs, variants, mutants, alleles, parts and fragments with an affinity and/or specificity that are the same as, or that are different from (i.e. higher than or lower than), the affinity and specificity with which the amino acid sequences of the invention bind to (wild-type) VEGF. It is also included within the scope of the invention that the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind to some analogs, variants, mutants, alleles, parts and fragments of VEGF, but not to others.
When VEGF exists in a monomeric form and in one or more multimeric forms (such as its dimeric form), it is within the scope of the invention that the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention only bind to VEGF in monomeric form, only bind to VEGF in multimeric form, or bind to both the monomeric and the multimeric form. Again, in such a case, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind to the monomeric form with an affinity and/or specificity that are the same as, or that are different from (i.e. higher than or lower than), the affinity and specificity with which the amino acid sequences of the invention bind to the multimeric form.
Also, when VEGF can associate with other proteins or polypeptides to form protein complexes (e.g. with multiple subunits), it is within the scope of the invention that the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind to VEGF in its non-associated state, hind to VEGF in its associated state, or bind to both. In all these cases, the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may bind to such multimers or associated protein complexes with an affinity and/or specificity that may be the same as or different from (i.e. higher than or lower than) the affinity and/or specificity with which the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention bind to VEGF in its monomeric and non-associated state.
Also, as will be clear to the skilled person, proteins or polypeptides that contain two or more amino acid sequences directed against VEGF may bind with higher avidity to VEGF than the corresponding monomeric amino acid sequence(s). For example, and without limitation, proteins or polypeptides that contain two or more amino acid sequences directed against different epitopes of VEGF may (and usually will) bind with higher avidity than each of the different monomers, and proteins or polypeptides that contain two or more amino acid sequences directed against VEGF may (and usually will) bind also with higher avidity to a multimer (such as its dimer) of VEGF. In one aspect of the invention, the proteins or polypeptides of the invention contain two amino acid sequences each directed against a different VEGF receptor binding site, i.e. against the binding site for VEGFR-1 and against the binding site for VEGFR-2.
Generally, amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention will at least bind to those forms of VEGF (including monomeric, multimeric and associated forms) that are the most relevant from a biological and/or therapeutic point of view, as will be clear to the skilled person.
It is also within the scope of the invention to use parts, fragments, analogs, mutants, variants, alleles and/or derivatives of the amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention, and/or to use proteins or polypeptides comprising or essentially consisting of one or more of such parts, fragments, analogs, mutants, variants, alleles and/or derivatives, as long as these are suitable for the uses envisaged herein. Such parts, fragments, analogs, mutants, variants, alleles and/or derivatives will usually contain (at least part of) a functional antigen-binding site for binding against VEGF; and more preferably will be capable of specific binding to VEGF, and even more preferably capable of binding to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein. Some non-limiting examples of such parts, fragments, analogs, mutants, variants, alleles, derivatives, proteins and/or polypeptides will become clear from the further description herein. Additional fragments or polypeptides of the invention may also be provided by suitably combining (i.e. by linking or genetic fusion) one or more (smaller) parts or fragments as described herein.
In one specific, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, which will be further described herein, such analogs, mutants, variants, alleles, derivatives have an increased half-life in serum (as further described herein) compared to the amino acid sequence from which they have been derived. For example, an amino acid sequence of the invention may be linked (chemically or otherwise) to one or more groups or moieties that extend the half-life (such as PEG), so as to provide a derivative of an amino acid sequence of the invention with increased half-life.
In one specific, but non-limiting aspect, the amino acid sequence of the invention may be an amino acid sequence that comprises an immunoglobulin fold or may be an amino acid sequence that, under suitable conditions (such as physiological conditions) is capable of forming an immunoglobulin fold (i.e. by folding). Reference is inter alia made to the review by Halaby et al. (J. Protein Eng. 1999, 12: 563-71). Preferably, when properly folded so as to form an immunoglobulin fold, such an amino acid sequence is capable of specific binding (as defined herein) to VEGF; and more preferably capable of binding to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein. Also, parts, fragments, analogs, mutants, variants, alleles and/or derivatives of such amino acid sequences are preferably such that they comprise an immunoglobulin fold or are capable for forming, under suitable conditions, an immunoglobulin fold.
In particular, but without limitation, the amino acid sequences of the invention may be amino acid sequences that essentially consist of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4 respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3 respectively); or any suitable fragment of such an amino acid sequence (which will then usually contain at least some of the amino acid residues that form at least one of the CDR's, as further described herein).
The amino acid sequences of the invention may in particular be an immunoglobulin sequence or a suitable fragment thereof, and more in particular be an immunoglobulin variable domain sequence or a suitable fragment thereof, such as light chain variable domain sequence (e.g. a VL-sequence) or a suitable fragment thereof; or a heavy chain variable domain sequence (e.g. a VH-sequence) or a suitable fragment thereof. When the amino acid sequence of the invention is a heavy chain variable domain sequence, it may be a heavy chain variable domain sequence that is derived from a conventional four-chain antibody (such as, without limitation, a VH sequence that is derived from a human antibody) or be a so-called VHH-sequence (as defined herein) that is derived from a so-called “heavy chain antibody” (as defined herein).
However, it should be noted that the invention is not limited as to the origin of the amino acid sequence of the invention (or of the nucleotide sequence of the invention used to express it), nor as to the way that the amino acid sequence or nucleotide sequence of the invention is (or has been) generated or obtained. Thus, the amino acid sequences of the invention may be naturally occurring amino acid sequences (from any suitable species) or synthetic or semi-synthetic amino acid sequences. In a specific but non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence is a naturally occurring immunoglobulin sequence (from any suitable species) or a synthetic or semi-synthetic immunoglobulin sequence, including but not limited to “humanized” (as defined herein) immunoglobulin sequences (such as partially or fully humanized mouse or rabbit immunoglobulin sequences, and in particular partially or fully humanized VHH sequences or Nanobodies), “camelized” (as defined herein) immunoglobulin sequences, as well as immunoglobulin sequences that have been obtained by techniques such as affinity maturation (for example, starting from synthetic, random or naturally occurring immunoglobulin sequences), CDR grafting, veneering, combining fragments derived from different immunoglobulin sequences, PCR assembly using overlapping primers, and similar techniques for engineering immunoglobulin sequences well known to the skilled person; or any suitable combination of any of the foregoing. Reference is for example made to the standard handbooks, as well as to the further description and prior art mentioned herein.
Similarly, the nucleotide sequences of the invention may be naturally occurring nucleotide sequences or synthetic or semi-synthetic sequences, and may for example be sequences that are isolated by PCR from a suitable naturally occurring template (e.g. DNA or RNA isolated from a cell), nucleotide sequences that have been isolated from a library (and in particular, an expression library), nucleotide sequences that have been prepared by introducing mutations into a naturally occurring nucleotide sequence (using any suitable technique known per se, such as mismatch PCR), nucleotide sequence that have been prepared by PCR using overlapping primers, or nucleotide sequences that have been prepared using techniques for DNA synthesis known per se.
The amino acid sequence of the invention may in particular be a domain antibody (or an amino acid sequence that is suitable for use as a domain antibody), a single domain antibody (or an amino acid sequence that is suitable for use as a single domain antibody), a “dAb” (or an amino acid sequence that is suitable for use as a dAb) or a Nanobody® (as defined herein, and including but not limited to a VHH sequence); other single variable domains, or any suitable fragment of any one thereof. For a general description of (single) domain antibodies, reference is also made to the prior art cited above, as well as to EP 0 368 684. For the term “dAb's”, reference is for example made to Ward et al. (Nature 1989 Oct. 12; 341 (6242): 544-6), to Holt et al., Trends Biotechnol., 2003, 21(10:484-490; as well as to for example WO 06/030220, WO 06/003388 and other published patent applications of Domantis Ltd. It should also be noted that, although less preferred in the context of the present invention because they are not of mammalian origin, single domain antibodies or single variable domains can be derived from certain species of shark (for example, the so-called “IgNAR domains”, see for example WO 05/18629).
In particular, the amino acid sequence of the invention may be a Nanobody® (as defined herein) or a suitable fragment thereof. [Note: Nanobody®, Nanohodies™ and Nanoclone® are regisered trademarks of Ablynx N.V.] Such Nanobodies directed against VEGF will also be referred to herein as “Nanobodies of the invention”.
For a general description of Nanobodies, reference is made to the further description below, as well as to the prior art cited herein. In this respect, it should however be noted that this description and the prior art mainly described Nanobodies of the so-called “VH3 class” (i.e. Nanobodies with a high degree of sequence homology to human germline sequences of the VH3 class such as DP-47, DP-51 or DP-29), which Nanobodies form a preferred aspect of this invention. It should however be noted that the invention in its broadest sense generally covers any type of Nanobody directed against VEGF, and for example also covers the
Nanobodies belonging to the so-called “VH4 class” (i.e. Nanobodies with a high degree of sequence homology to human germline sequences of the VH4 class such as DP-78), as for example described in the U.S. provisional application 60/792,279 by Ablynx N.V. entitled “DP-78-like Nanobodies” filed on Apr. 14, 2006 (see also PCT/EP2007/003259).
Generally, Nanobodies (in particular VHH sequences and partially humanized Nanobodies) can in particular be characterized by the presence of one or more “Hallmark residues” (as described herein) in one or more of the framework sequences (again as further described herein).
Thus, generally, a Nanobody can be defined as an amino acid sequence with the (general) structure
In particular, a Nanobody can be an amino acid sequence with the (general) structure
More in particular, a Nanobody can be an amino acid sequence with the (general) structure
In these Nanobodies, the CDR sequences are generally as further defined herein.
Thus, the invention also relates to such Nanobodies that can bind to (as defined herein) and/or are directed against VEGF, to suitable fragments thereof, as well as to polypeptides that comprise or essentially consist of one or more of such Nanobodies and/or suitable fragments.
SEQ ID NO's: 486-575 give the amino acid sequences of a number of VHH sequences that have been raised against VEGF.
In particular, the invention in some specific aspects provides:
Accordingly, some particularly preferred Nanobodies of the invention are Nanobodies which can bind (as further defined herein) to and/or are directed against to VEGF and which:
In these Nanobodies, the CDR sequences are generally as further defined herein.
Again, such Nanobodies may be derived in any suitable manner and from any suitable source, and may for example be naturally occurring VHH sequences (i.e. from a suitable species of Camelid) or synthetic or semi-synthetic amino acid sequences, including but not limited to “humanized” (as defined herein) Nanobodies, “camelized” (as defined herein) immunoglobulin sequences (and in particular camelized heavy chain variable domain sequences), as well as Nanobodies that have been obtained by techniques such as affinity maturation (for example, starting from synthetic, random or naturally occurring immunoglobulin sequences), CDR grafting, veneering, combining fragments derived from different immunoglobulin sequences, PCR assembly using overlapping primers, and similar techniques for engineering immunoglobulin sequences well known to the skilled person; or any suitable combination of any of the foregoing as further described herein. Also, when a Nanobody comprises a VHH sequence, said Nanobody may be suitably humanized, as further described herein, so as to provide one or more further (partially or fully) humanized Nanobodies of the invention. Similarly, when a Nanobody comprises a synthetic or semi-synthetic sequence (such as a partially humanized sequence), said Nanobody may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein, again so as to provide one or more further (partially or fully) humanized Nanobodies of the invention.
In particular, humanized Nanobodies may be amino acid sequences that are as generally defined for Nanobodies in the previous paragraphs, but in which at least one amino acid residue is present (and in particular, in at least one of the framework residues) that is and/or that corresponds to a humanizing substitution (as defined herein). Some preferred, but non-limiting humanizing substitutions (and suitable combinations thereof) will become clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein. In addition, or alternatively, other potentially useful humanizing substitutions can be ascertained by comparing the sequence of the framework regions of a naturally occurring VHH sequence with the corresponding framework sequence of one or more closely related human VH sequences, after which one or more of the potentially useful humanizing substitutions (or combinations thereof) thus determined can be introduced into said VHH sequence (in any manner known per se, as further described herein) and the resulting humanized VHH sequences can be tested for affinity for the target, for stability, for ease and level of expression, and/or for other desired properties. In this way, by means of a limited degree of trial and error, other suitable humanizing substitutions (or suitable combinations thereof) can be determined by the skilled person based on the disclosure herein. Also, based on the foregoing, (the framework regions of) a
Nanobody may be partially humanized or fully humanized.
Some particularly preferred humanized Nanobodies of the invention are humanized variants of the Nanobodies of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485.
Thus, some other preferred Nanobodies of the invention are Nanobodies which can bind (as further defined herein) to VEGF and which:
According to another specific aspect of the invention, the invention provides a number of streches of amino acid residues (i.e. small peptides) that are particularly suited for binding to VEGF. These streches of amino acid residues may be present in, and/or may be corporated into, an amino acid sequence of the invention, in particular in such a way that they form (part of) the antigen binding site of an amino acid sequence of the invention. As these streches of amino acid residues were first generated as CDR sequences of heavy chain antibodies or VHH sequences that were raised against VEGF (or may be based on and/or derived from such CDR sequences, as further described herein), they will also generally be referred to herein as “CDR sequences” (i.e. as CDR1 sequences, CDR2 sequences and CDR3 sequences, respectively). It should however be noted that the invention in its broadest sense is not limited to a specific structural role or function that these streches of amino acid residues may have in an amino acid sequence of the invention, as long as these streches of amino acid residues allow the amino acid sequence of the invention to bind to VEGF. Thus, generally, the invention in its broadest sense comprises any amino acid sequence that is capable of binding to VEGF and that comprises one or more CDR sequences as described herein, and in particular a suitable combination of two or more such CDR sequences, that are suitably linked to each other via one or more further amino acid sequences, such that the entire amino acid sequence forms a binding domain and/or binding unit that is capable of binding to VEGF. It should however also be noted that the presence of only one such. CDR sequence in an amino acid sequence of the invention may by itself already be sufficient to provide an amino acid sequence of the invention that is capable of binding to VEGF; reference is for example again made to the so-called “Expedite fragments” described in WO 03/050531.
Thus, in another specific, but non-limiting aspect, the amino acid sequence of the invention may be an amino acid sequence that comprises at least one amino acid sequence that is chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1 sequences, CDR2 sequences and CDR3 sequences that are described herein {or any suitable combination thereof). In particular, an amino acid sequence of the invention may be an amino acid sequence that comprises at least one antigen binding site, wherein said antigen binding site comprises at least one amino acid sequence that is chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1 sequences, CDR2 sequences and CDR3 sequences that are described herein (or any suitable combination thereof).
Generally, in this aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence of the invention may be any amino acid sequence that comprises at least one stretch of amino acid residues, in which said stretch of amino acid residues has an amino acid sequence that corresponds to the sequence of at least one of the CDR sequences described herein. Such an amino acid sequence may or may not comprise an immunoglobulin fold. For example, and without limitation, such an amino acid sequence may be a suitable fragment of an immunoglobulin sequence that comprises at least one such CDR sequence, but that is not large enough to form a (complete) immunoglobulin fold (reference is for example again made to the “Expedite fragments” described in WO 03/050531). Alternatively, such an amino acid sequence may be a suitable “protein scaffold” that comprises least one stretch of amino acid residues that corresponds to such a CDR sequence (i.e. as part of its antigen binding site). Suitable scaffolds for presenting amino acid sequences will be clear to the skilled person, and for example comprise, without limitation, to binding scaffolds based on or derived from immunoglobulins (i.e. other than the immunoglobulin sequences already described herein), protein scaffolds derived from protein A domains (such as Affibodies™), tendamistat, fibronectin, lipocalin, CTLA-4, T-cell receptors, designed ankyrin repeats, avimers and PDZ domains (Binz et al., Nat. Biotech 2005, Vol 23:1257), and binding moieties based on DNA or RNA including but not limited to DNA or RNA aptamers (Ulrich et al., Comb Chem High Throughput Screen 2006 9(8):619-32).
Again, any amino acid sequence of the invention that comprises one or more of these CDR sequences is preferably such that it can specifically bind (as defined herein) to VEGF, and more in particular such that it can bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein), that is as defined herein.
More in particular, the amino acid sequences according to this aspect of the invention may be any amino acid sequence that comprises at least one antigen binding site, wherein said antigen binding site comprises at least two amino acid sequences that are chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1 sequences described herein, the CDR2 sequences described herein and the CDR3 sequences described herein, such that (i) when the first amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR1 sequences described herein, the second amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR2 sequences described herein or the CDR3 sequences described herein; (ii) when the first amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR2 sequences described herein, the second amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR1 sequences described herein or the CDR3 sequences described herein; or (iii) when the first amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR3 sequences described herein, the second amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR1 sequences described herein or the CDR3 sequences described herein.
Even more in particular, the amino acid sequences of the invention may be amino acid sequences that comprise at least one antigen binding site, wherein said antigen binding site comprises at least three amino acid sequences that are chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1 sequences described herein, the CDR2 sequences described herein and the CDR3 sequences described herein, such that the first amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR1 sequences described herein, the second amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR2 sequences described herein, and the third amino acid sequence is chosen from the CDR3 sequences described herein. Preferred combinations of CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences will become clear from the further description herein. As will be clear to the skilled person, such an amino acid sequence is preferably an immunoglobulin sequence (as further described herein), but it may for example also be any other amino acid sequence that comprises a suitable scaffold for presenting said CDR sequences.
Thus, in one specific, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to an amino acid sequence directed against VEGF, that comprises one or more stretches of amino acid residues chosen from the group consisting of:
When an amino acid sequence of the invention contains one or more amino acid sequences according to b) and/or c):
Similarly, when an amino acid sequence of the invention contains one or more amino acid sequences according to e) and/or f):
Also, similarly, when an amino acid sequence of the invention contains one or more amino acid sequences according to h) and/or i):
It should be understood that the last preceding paragraphs also generally apply to any amino acid sequences of the invention that comprise one or more amino acid sequences according to b), c), e), f), h) or i), respectively.
In this specific aspect, the amino acid sequence preferably comprises one or more stretches of amino acid residues chosen from the group consisting of:
Also, preferably, in such an amino acid sequence, at least one of said stretches of amino acid residues forms part of the antigen binding site for binding against VEGF.
In a more specific, but again non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to an amino acid sequence directed against VEGF, that comprises two or more stretches of amino acid residues chosen from the group consisting of:
In this specific aspect, the amino acid sequence preferably comprises two or more stretches of amino acid residues chosen from the group consisting of:
Also, in such an amino acid sequence, the at least two stretches of amino acid residues again preferably form part of the antigen binding site for binding against VEGF.
In an even more specific, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to an amino acid sequence directed against VEGF, that comprises three or more stretches of amino acid residues, in which the first stretch of amino acid residues is chosen from the group consisting of:
Preferably, in this specific aspect, the first stretch of amino acid residues is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 171-215; the second stretch of amino acid residues is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 261-305; and the third stretch of amino acid residues is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 351-395.
Again, preferably, in such an amino acid sequence, the at least three stretches of amino acid residues forms part of the antigen binding site for binding against VEGF.
Preferred combinations of such stretches of amino acid sequences will become clear from the further disclosure herein.
Preferably, in such amino acid sequences the CDR sequences have at least 70% amino acid identity, preferably at least 80% amino acid identity, more preferably at least 90% amino acid identity, such as 95% amino acid identity or more or even essentially 100% amino acid identity with the CDR sequences of at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485. This degree of amino acid identity can for example be determined by determining the degree of amino acid identity (in a manner described herein) between said amino acid sequence and one or more of the sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485, in which the amino acid residues that form the framework regions are disregarded. Also, such amino acid sequences of the invention can be as further described herein.
Also, such amino acid sequences are preferably such that they can specifically bind (as defined herein) to VEGF; and more in particular bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein.
When the amino acid sequence of the invention essentially consists of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4, respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3, respectively), the amino acid sequence of the invention is preferably such that:
In particular, such an amino acid sequence of the invention may be such that CDR1 is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 171-215; and/or CDR2 is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 261-305; and/or CDR3 is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 351-395.
In particular, when the amino acid sequence of the invention essentially consists of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4, respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3, respectively), the amino acid sequence of the invention is preferably such that:
In particular, such an amino acid sequence of the invention may be such that CDR1 is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 171-215; and CDR2 is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 261-305; and CDR3 is chosen from the group consisting of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 351-395.
Again, preferred combinations of CDR sequences will become clear from the further description herein.
Also, such amino acid sequences are preferably such that they can specifically bind (as defined herein) to VEGF; and more in particular bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a K0-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein.
In one preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to an amino acid sequence that essentially consists of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4, respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3, respectively), in which the CDR sequences of said amino acid sequence have at least 70% amino acid identity, preferably at least 80% amino acid identity, more preferably at least 90% amino acid identity, such as 95% amino acid identity or more or even essentially 100% amino acid identity with the CDR sequences of at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485. This degree of amino acid identity can for example be determined by determining the degree of amino acid identity (in a manner described herein) between said amino acid sequence and one or more of the sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485, in which the amino acid residues that form the framework regions are disregarded. Such amino acid sequences of the invention can be as further described herein.
In such an amino acid sequence of the invention, the framework sequences may be any suitable framework sequences, and examples of suitable framework sequences will be clear to the skilled person, for example on the basis the standard handbooks and the further disclosure and prior art mentioned herein.
The framework sequences are preferably (a suitable combination of) immunoglobulin framework sequences or framework sequences that have been derived from immunoglobulin framework sequences (for example, by humanization or camelization). For example, the framework sequences may be framework sequences derived from a light chain variable domain (e.g. a VL-sequence) and/or from a heavy chain variable domain (e.g. a VH-sequence). In one particularly preferred aspect, the framework sequences are either framework sequences that have been derived from a VHH-sequence (in which said framework sequences may optionally have been partially or fully hurnanzed) or are conventional VH sequences that have been camelized (as defined herein).
The framework sequences are preferably such that the amino acid sequence of the invention is a domain antibody (or an amino acid sequence that is suitable for use as a domain antibody); is a single domain antibody (or an amino acid sequence that is suitable for use as a single domain antibody); is a “dAb” (or an amino acid sequence that is suitable for use as a dAb); or is a Nanobody™ (including but not limited to VHH sequence). Again, suitable framework sequences will be clear to the skilled person, for example on the basis the standard handbooks and the further disclosure and prior art mentioned herein.
In particular, the framework sequences present in the amino acid sequences of the invention may contain one or more of Hallmark residues (as defined herein), such that the amino acid sequence of the invention is a Nanobody™. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of (suitable combinations of) such framework sequences will become clear from the further disclosure herein.
Again, as generally described herein for the amino acid sequences of the invention, it is also possible to use suitable fragments (or combinations of fragments) of any of the foregoing, such as fragments that contain one or more CDR sequences, suitably flanked by and/or linked via one or more framework sequences (for example, in the same order as these CDR's and framework sequences may occur in the full-sized immunoglobulin sequence from which the fragment has been derived). Such fragments may also again be such that they comprise or can form an immunoglobulin fold, or alternatively be such that they do not comprise or cannot form an immunoglobulin fold.
In one specific aspect, such a fragment comprises a single CDR sequence as described herein (and in particular a CDR3 sequence), that is flanked on each side by (part of) a framework sequence (and in particular, part of the framework sequence(s) that, in the immunoglobulin sequence from which the fragment is derived, are adjacent to said CDR sequence. For example, a CDR3 sequence may be preceded by (part of) a FR3 sequence and followed by (part of) a FR4 sequence). Such a fragment may also contain a disulphide bridge, and in particular a disulphide bridge that links the two framework regions that precede and follow the CDR sequence, respectively (for the purpose of forming such a disulphide bridge, cysteine residues that naturally occur in said framework regions may be used, or alternatively cysteine residues may be synthetically added to or introduced into said framework regions). For a further description of these “Expedite fragments”, reference is again made to WO 03/050531, as well as to the US provisional application of Ablynx N.V. entitled “Peptides capable of binding to serum proteins” of Ablynx N.V. (inventors: Revets, Hilde Adi Pierrette; Kolkman, Joost Alexander; and Hoogenboom, Hendricus Renerus Jacobus Mattheus) filed on Dec. 5, 2006 (see also PCT/EP2007/063348).
In another aspect, the invention relates to a compound or construct, and in particular a protein or polypeptide (also referred to herein as a “compound of the invention” or “polypeptide of the invention”, respectively) that comprises or essentially consists of one or more amino acid sequences of the invention (or suitable fragments thereof), and optionally further comprises one or more other groups, residues, moieties or binding units. As will become clear to the skilled person from the further disclosure herein, such further groups, residues, moieties, binding units or amino acid sequences may or may not provide further functionality to the amino acid sequence of the invention (and/or to the compound or construct in which it is present) and may or may not modify the properties of the amino acid sequence of the invention.
For example, such further groups, residues, moieties or binding units may be one or more additional amino acid sequences, such that the compound or construct is a (fusion) protein or (fusion) polypeptide. In a preferred but non-limiting aspect, said one or more other groups, residues, moieties or binding units are immunoglobulin sequences. Even more preferably, said one or more other groups, residues, moieties or binding units are chosen from the group consisting of domain antibodies, amino acid sequences that are suitable for use as a domain antibody, single domain antibodies, amino acid sequences that are suitable for use as a single domain antibody, “dAb”'s, amino acid sequences that are suitable for use as a dAb, or Nanobodies.
Alternatively, such groups, residues, moieties or binding units may for example be chemical groups, residues, moieties, which may or may not by themselves be biologically and/or pharmacologically active. For example, and without limitation, such groups may be linked to the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention so as to provide a “derivative” of an amino acid sequence or polypeptide of the invention, as further described herein.
Also within the scope of the present invention are compounds or constructs, that comprises or essentially consists of one or more derivatives as described herein, and optionally further comprises one or more other groups, residues, moieties or binding units, optionally linked via one or more linkers. Preferably, said one or more other groups, residues, moieties or binding units are amino acid sequences.
In the compounds or constructs described above, the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention and the one or more groups, residues, moieties or binding units may be linked directly to each other and/or via one or more suitable linkers or spacers. For example, when the one or more groups, residues, moieties or binding units are amino acid sequences, the linkers may also be amino acid sequences, so that the resulting compound or construct is a fusion (protein) or fusion (polypeptide).
The compounds or polypeptides of the invention can generally be prepared by a method which comprises at least one step of suitably linking the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention to the one or more further groups, residues, moieties or binding units, optionally via the one or more suitable linkers, so as to provide the compound or polypeptide of the invention. Polypeptides of the invention can also be prepared by a method which generally comprises at least the steps of providing a nucleic acid that encodes a polypeptide of the invention, expressing said nucleic acid in a suitable manner, and recovering the expressed polypeptide of the invention. Such methods can be performed in a manner known per se, which will be clear to the skilled person, for example on the basis of the methods and techniques further described herein.
The process of designing/selecting and/or preparing a compound or polypeptide of the invention, starting from an amino acid sequence of the invention, is also referred to herein as “formatting” said amino acid sequence of the invention; and an amino acid of the invention that is made part of a compound or polypeptide of the invention is said to be “formatted” or to be “in the format of” said compound or polypeptide of the invention. Examples of ways in which an amino acid sequence of the invention can be formatted and examples of such formats will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein; and such formatted amino acid sequences form a further aspect of the invention.
In one specific aspect of the invention, a compound of the invention or a polypeptide of the invention may have an increased half-life, compared to the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of such compounds and polypeptides will become clear to the skilled person based on the further disclosure herein, and for example comprise amino acid sequences or polypeptides of the invention that have been chemically modified to increase the half-life thereof (for example, by means of pegylation); amino acid sequences of the invention that comprise at least one additional binding site for binding to a serum protein (such as serum albumin, see for example EP 0 368 684 B 1, page 4); or polypeptides of the invention that comprise at least one amino acid sequence of the invention that is linked to at least one moiety (and in particular at least one amino acid sequence) that increases the half-life of the amino acid sequence of the invention. Examples of polypeptides of the invention that comprise such half-life extending moieties or amino acid sequences will become clear to the skilled person based on the further disclosure herein; and for example include, without limitation, polypeptides in which the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention are suitable linked to one or more serum proteins or fragments thereof (such as (human) serum albumin or suitable fragments thereof) or to one or more binding units that can bind to serum proteins (such as, for example, domain antibodies, amino acid sequences that are suitable for use as a domain antibody, single domain antibodies, amino acid sequences that are suitable for use as a single domain antibody, “dAb”'s, amino acid sequences that are suitable for use as a dAb, or Nanobodies that can bind to serum proteins such as serum albumin (such as human serum albumin), serum immunoglobulins such as IgG, or transferrine; reference is made to the further description and references mentioned herein); polypeptides in which an amino acid sequence of the invention is linked to an Fc portion (such as a human Fc) or a suitable part or fragment thereof; or polypeptides in which the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention are suitable linked to one or more small proteins or peptides that can bind to serum proteins (such as, without limitation, the proteins and peptides described in WO 91/01743, WO 01145746, WO 02/076489 and to the US provisional application of Ablynx N.V. entitled “Peptides capable of binding to serum proteins” of Ablynx N.V. filed on Dec. 5, 2006 (see also PCT/EP2007/063348).
Generally, the compounds or polypeptides of the invention with increased half-life preferably have a half-life that is at least 1.5 times, preferably at least 2 times, such as at least 5 times, for example at least 10 times or more than 20 times, greater than the half-life of the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention per se. For example, the compounds or polypeptides of the invention with increased half-life may have a half-life that is increased with more than 1 hours, preferably more than 2 hours, more preferably more than 6 hours, such as more than 12 hours, or even more than 24, 48 or 72 hours, compared to the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention per se.
In a preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, such compounds or polypeptides of the invention have a serum half-life that is increased with more than 1 hours, preferably more than 2 hours, more preferably more than 6 hours, such as more than 12 hours, or even more than 24, 48 or 72 hours, compared to the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention per se.
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, such compounds or polypeptides of the invention exhibit a serum half-life in human of at least about 12 hours, preferably at least 24 hours, more preferably at least 48 hours, even more preferably at least 72 hours or more. For example, compounds or polypeptides of the invention may have a half-life of at least 5 days (such as about 5 to 10 days), preferably at least 9 days (such as about 9 to 14 days), more preferably at least about 10 days (such as about 10 to 15 days), or at least about 11 days (such as about 11 to 16 days), more preferably at least about 12 days (such as about 12 to 18 days or more), or more than 14 days (such as about 14 to 19 days).
In another aspect, the invention relates to a nucleic acid that encodes an amino acid sequence of the invention or a polypeptide of the invention (or a suitable fragment thereof). Such a nucleic acid will also be referred to herein as a “nucleic acid of the invention” and may for example be in the form of a genetic construct, as further described herein.
In another aspect, the invention relates to a host or host cell that expresses (or that under suitable circumstances is capable of expressing) an amino acid sequence of the invention and/or a polypeptide of the invention; and/or that contains a nucleic acid of the invention. Some preferred but non-limiting examples of such hosts or host cells will become clear from the further description herein.
The invention further relates to a product or composition containing or comprising at least one amino acid sequence of the invention, at least one polypeptide of the invention (or a suitable fragment thereof) and/or at least one nucleic acid of the invention, and optionally one or more further components of such compositions known per se, i.e. depending on the intended use of the composition. Such a product or composition may for example be a pharmaceutical composition (as described herein), a veterinary composition or a product or composition for diagnostic use (as also described herein). Some preferred but non-limiting examples of such products or compositions will become clear from the further description herein.
The invention also relates to the use of an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention, or of a composition comprising the same, in (methods or compositions for) modulating VEGF, either in vitro (e.g. in an in vitro or cellular assay) or in vivo (e.g. in an a single cell or in a multicellular organism, and in particular in a mammal, and more in particular in a human being, such as in a human being that is at risk of or suffers from a [insert diseases and disorders]).
The invention also relates to methods for modulating VEGF, either in vitro (e.g. in an in vitro or cellular assay) or in vivo (e.g. in an a single cell or multicellular organism, and in particular in a mammal, and more in particular in a human being, such as in a human being that is at risk of or suffers from a condition or disease characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization), which method comprises at least the step of contacting VEGF with at least one amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention, or with a composition comprising the same, in a manner and in an amount suitable to modulate VEGF, with at least one amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
The invention also relates to the use of an one amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention in the preparation of a composition (such as, without limitation, a pharmaceutical composition or preparation as further described herein) for modulating VEGF, either in vitro (e.g. in an in vitro or cellular assay) or in vivo (e.g. in an a single cell or multicellular organism, and in particular in a mammal, and more in particular in a human being, such as in a human being that is at risk of or suffers from a condition or disease characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization).
In the context of the present invention, “modulating” or “to modulate” generally means either reducing or inhibiting the activity of, or alternatively increasing the activity of, VEGF, as measured using a suitable in vitro, cellular or in vivo assay (such as those mentioned herein). In particular, “modulating” or “to modulate” may mean either reducing or inhibiting the activity of, or alternatively increasing the activity of VEGF, as measured using a suitable in vitro, cellular or in vivo assay (such as those mentioned herein), by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the activity of VEGF in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
As will be clear to the skilled person, “modulating” may also involve effecting a change (which may either be an increase or a descrease) in affinity, avidity, specificity and/or selectivity of VEGF for one or more of its targets, ligands or substrates; and/or effecting a change (which may either be an increase or a decrease) in the sensitivity of VEGF for one or more conditions in the medium or surroundings in which VEGF is present (such as pH, ion strength, the presence of co-factors, etc.), compared to the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention. As will be clear to the skilled person, this may again be determined in any suitable manner and/or using any suitable assay known per se, such as the assays described herein or in the prior art cited herein.
“Modulating” may also mean effecting a change (i.e. an activity as an agonist or as an antagonist, respectively) with respect to one or more biological or physiological mechanisms, effects, responses, functions, pathways or activities in which VEGF (or in which its substrate(s), ligand(s) or pathway(s) are involved, such as its signalling pathway or metabolic pathway and their associated biological or physiological effects) is involved. Again, as will be clear to the skilled person, such an action as an agonist or an antagonist may be determined in any suitable manner and/or using any suitable (in vitro and usually cellular or in assay) assay known per se, such as the assays described herein or in the prior art cited herein. In particular, an action as an agonist or antagonist may be such that an intended biological or physiological activity is increased or decreased, respectively, by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the biological or physiological activity in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
Modulating may for example involve reducing or inhibiting the binding of VEGF to one of its substrates or ligands and/or competing with a natural ligand, substrate for binding to VEGF. Inhibition or blocking of the binding of VEGF to its receptor may reduce the effect of excessive angiogenesis and/or neovascularisation, such as for example in the different cancers, tumors and carinomas as described herein as well as in non-neoplastic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, AMD, psoriasis, etc. (see supra). Preferably excessive angiogenesis and/or neovascularisation is reduced by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to angiogenesis and/or neovascularisation in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
In one aspect, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention inhibit and/or blocks binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1. Preferably the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1 is inhibited by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the binding in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
In another aspect, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention inhibits and/or blocks binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1 without inhibiting binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2. Preferably the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1 is inhibited by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the binding in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
In another aspect, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention inhibit and/or blocks binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2. Preferably the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2 is inhibited by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the binding in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanohody or polypeptide of the invention.
In another aspect, the amino acid sequence, Nanohody or polypeptide of the invention inhibits and/or blocks binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2 without inhibiting binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1. Preferably the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2 is inhibited by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the binding in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanohody or polypeptide of the invention.
In yet another aspect, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention inhibits and/or blocks binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1 and the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-2. Preferably the binding of VEGF to VEGFR-1 and/or of VEGF to VEGFR-2 is inhibited by at least 1%, preferably at least 5%, such as at least 10% or at least 25%, for example by at least 50%, at least 60%, at least 70%, at least 80%, or 90% or more, compared to the binding in the same assay under the same conditions but without the presence of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
Modulating may also involve activating VEGF or the mechanism or pathway in which it is involved (e.g. with an amino acid or polypeptide of the invention with an increased half-life), which may be relevant for treatment of ischaemic conditions such as for example peripheral arhterial occlusion (PAO) and revascularization ischemic heart tissue.
Modulating may be reversible or irreversible, but for pharmaceutical and pharmacological purposes will usually be in a reversible manner.
The invention further relates to methods for preparing or generating the amino acid sequences, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein. Some preferred but non-limiting examples of such methods will become clear from the further description herein.
Generally, these methods may comprise the steps of:
In such a method, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be any suitable set, collection or library of amino acid sequences. For example, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be a set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences (as described herein), such as a naïve set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences; a synthetic or semi-synthetic set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences; and/or a set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences that have been subjected to affinity maturation.
Also, in such a method, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be a set, collection or library of heavy chain variable domains (such as VH domains or VHH domains) or of light chain variable domains. For example, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be a set, collection or library of domain antibodies or single domain antibodies, or may be a set, collection or library of amino acid sequences that are capable of functioning as a domain antibody or single domain antibody.
In a preferred aspect of this method, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be an immune set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences, for example derived from a mammal that has been suitably immunized with VEGF or with a suitable antigenic determinant based thereon or derived therefrom, such as an antigenic part, fragment, region, domain, loop or other epitope thereof. In one particular aspect, said antigenic determinant may be an extracellular part, region, domain, loop or other extracellular epitope(s).
In the above methods, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be displayed on a phage, phagemid, ribosome or suitable micro-organism (such as yeast), such as to facilitate screening. Suitable methods, techniques and host organisms for displaying and screening (a set, collection or library of) amino acid sequences will be clear to the person skilled in the art, for example on the basis of the further disclosure herein. Reference is also made to the review by Hoogenboom in Nature Biotechnology, 23, 9, 1105-1116 (2005).
In another aspect, the method for generating amino acid sequences comprises at least the steps of:
For example, when the desired amino acid sequence is an immunoglobulin sequence, the collection or sample of cells may for example be a collection or sample of B-cells. Also, in this method, the sample of cells may be derived from a mammal that has been suitably immunized with VEGF or with a suitable antigenic determinant based thereon or derived therefrom, such as an antigenic part, fragment, region, domain, loop or other epitope thereof. In one particular aspect, said antigenic determinant may be an extracellular part, region, domain, loop or other extracellular epitope(s).
The above method may be performed in any suitable manner, as will be clear to the skilled person. Reference is for example made to EP 0 542 810, WO 05/19824, WO 04/051268 and WO 04/106377. The screening of step b) is preferably performed using a flow cytometry technique such as FACS. For this, reference is for example made to Lieby et al., Blood, Vol. 97, No. 12, 3820 (2001).
In another aspect, the method for generating an amino acid sequence directed against VEGF may comprise at least the steps of:
In such a method, the set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding amino acid sequences may for example be a set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding a naïve set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences; a set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding a synthetic or semi-synthetic set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences; and/or a set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding a set, collection or library of immunoglobulin sequences that have been subjected to affinity maturation.
Also, in such a method, the set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences may encode a set, collection or library of heavy chain variable domains (such as VH domains or VHH domains) or of light chain variable domains. For example, the set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences may encode a set, collection or library of domain antibodies or single domain antibodies, or a set, collection or library of amino acid sequences that are capable of functioning as a domain antibody or single domain antibody.
In a preferred aspect of this method, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be an immune set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences, for example derived from a mammal that has been suitably immunized with VEGF or with a suitable antigenic determinant based thereon or derived therefrom, such as an antigenic part, fragment, region, domain, loop or other epitope thereof. In one particular aspect, said 1.0 antigenic determinant may be an extracellular part, region, domain, loop or other extracellular epitope(s).
The set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences may for example encode an immune set, collection or library of heavy chain variable domains or of light chain variable domains. In one specific aspect, the set, collection or library of nucleotide sequences may encode a set, collection or library of VHH sequences.
In the above methods, the set, collection or library of nucleotide sequences may be displayed on a phage, phagemid, ribosome or suitable micro-organism (such as yeast), such as to facilitate screening. Suitable methods, techniques and host organisms for displaying and screening (a set, collection or library of) nucleotide sequences encoding amino acid sequences will be clear to the person skilled in the art, for example on the basis of the further disclosure herein. Reference is also made to the review by Hoogenboom in Nature Biotechnology, 23, 9, 1105-1116 (2005).
The invention also relates to amino acid sequences that are obtained by the above methods, or alternatively by a method that comprises the one of the above methods and in addition at least the steps of determining the nucleotide sequence or amino acid sequence of said immunoglobulin sequence; and of expressing or synthesizing said amino acid sequence in a manner known per se, such as by expression in a suitable host cell or host organism or by chemical synthesis.
Also, following the steps above, one or more amino acid sequences of the invention may be suitably humanized (or alternatively carnelized); and/or the amino acid sequence(s) thus obtained may be linked to each other or to one or more other suitable amino acid sequences (optionally via one or more suitable linkers) so as to provide a polypeptide of the invention. Also, a nucleic acid sequence encoding an amino acid sequence of the invention may be suitably humanized (or alternatively camelized) and suitably expressed; and/or one or more nucleic acid sequences encoding an amino acid sequence of the invention may be linked to each other or to one or more nucleic acid sequences that encode other suitable amino acid sequences (optionally via nucleotide sequences that encode one or more suitable linkers), after which the nucleotide sequence thus obtained may be suitably expressed so as to provide a polypeptide of the invention.
The invention further relates to applications and uses of the amino acid sequences, compounds, constructs, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein, as well as to methods for the prevention and/or treatment for diseases and disorders associated with VEGF. Some preferred but non-limiting applications and uses will become clear from the further description herein.
The invention also relates to the amino acid sequences, compounds, constructs, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein for use in therapy.
In particular, the invention also relates to the amino acid sequences, compounds, constructs, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein for use in therapy of a disease or disorder that can be prevented or treated by administering, to a subject in need thereof, of (a pharmaceutically effective amount of) an amino acid sequence, compound, construct or polypeptide as described herein.
More in particular, the invention relates to the amino acid sequences, compounds, constructs, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein for use in therapy of conditions and diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization.
Other aspects, embodiments, advantages and applications of the invention will also become clear from the further description herein, in which the invention will be described and discussed in more detail with reference to the Nanobodies of the invention and polypeptides of the invention comprising the same, which form some of the preferred aspects of the invention.
As will become clear from the further description herein, Nanobodies generally offer certain advantages (outlined herein) compared to “dAb's” or similar (single) domain antibodies or immunoglobulin sequences, which advantages are also provided by the Nanobodies of the invention. However, it will be clear to the skilled person that the more general aspects of the teaching below can also be applied (either directly or analogously) to other amino acid sequences of the invention.
In the present description, examples and claims:
(1)Sometimes also considered to be a polar uncharged amino acid.
(2)Sometimes also considered to be a nonpolar uncharged amino acid.
(3)As will be clear to the skilled person, the fact that an amino acid residue is referred to in this Table as being either charged or uncharged at pH 6.0 to 7.0 does not reflect in any way on the charge said amino acid residue may have at a pH lower than 6.0 and/or at a pH higher than 7.0; the amino acid residues mentioned in the Table can be either charged and/or uncharged at such a higher or lower pH, as will be clear to the skilled person.
(4)As is known in the art, the charge of a His residue is greatly dependant upon even small shifts in pH, but a His residu can generally be considered essentially uncharged at a pH of about 6.5.
Ab-Y for the target) resulting from the choice of which amino acid sequence to use as the coating amino acid sequence or other binding agent and which to use as the second (competitor) amino acid sequence or other binding agent, the cross-blocking assay may to be run in two formats: 1) format 1 is where Ab-X is the amino acid sequence that is coated onto the ELISA plate and Ab-Y is the competitor amino acid sequence that is in solution and 2) format 2 is where Ab-Y is the amino acid sequence that is coated onto the ELISA plate and Ab-X is the competitor amino acid sequence that is in solution. Ab-X and Ab-Y are defined as cross-blocking if, either in format 1 or in format 2, the solution phase anti-target amino acid sequence or other binding agent is able to cause a reduction of between 60% and 100%, specifically between 70% and 100%, and more specifically between 80% and 100%, of the target detection signal {i.e. the amount of target bound by the coated amino acid sequence) as compared to the target detection signal obtained in the absence of the solution phase anti- target amino acid sequence or other binding agent (i.e. the positive control wells).
For a general description of heavy chain antibodies and the variable domains thereof, reference is inter alia made to the prior art cited herein, to the review article by Muyldennans in Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology 74(2001), 277-302; as well as to the following patent applications, which are mentioned as general background art: WO 94/04678, WO 95/04079 and WO 96/34103 of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel; WO 94/25591, WO 99/37681, WO 00/40968, WO 00/43507, WO 00/65057, WO 01/40310, WO 01/44301, EP 1134231 and WO 02/48193 of Unilever; WO 97/49805, WO 01/21817, WO 03/035694, WO 03/054016 and WO 03/055527 of the Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB); WO 03/050531 of Algonomics N.V. and Ablynx N.V.; WO 01/90190 by the National Research Council of Canada; WO 03/025020 (=EP 1 433 793) by the Institute of Antibodies; as well as WO 04/041867, WO 04/041862, WO 04/041865, WO 04/041863, WO 04/062551, WO 05/044858, WO 06/40153, WO 06/079372, WO 06/122786, WO 06/122787 and WO 06/122825, by Ablynx N.V. and the further published patent applications by Ablynx N.V. Reference is also made to the further prior art mentioned in these applications, and in particular to the list of references mentioned on pages 41-43 of the International application WO 06/040153, which list and references are incorporated herein by reference.
In accordance with the terminology used in the art (see the above references), the variable domains present in naturally occurring heavy chain antibodies will also be referred to as “VHH domains”, in order to distinguish them from the heavy chain variable domains that are present in conventional 4-chain antibodies (which will be referred to hereinbelow as “VH domains”) and from the light chain variable domains that are present in conventional 4-chain antibodies (which will be referred to hereinbelow as “VL domains”).
As mentioned in the prior art referred to above, VHH domains have a number of unique structural characteristics and functional properties which make isolated VHH domains (as well as Nanobodies based thereon, which share these structural characteristics and functional properties with the naturally occurring VHH domains) and proteins containing the same highly advantageous for use as functional antigen-binding domains or proteins. In particular, and without being limited thereto, VHH domains (which have been “designed” by nature to functionally bind to an antigen without the presence of, and without any interaction with, a light chain variable domain) and Nanobodies can function as a single, relatively small, functional antigen-binding structural unit, domain or protein. This distinguishes the VHH domains from the VH and VL domains of conventional 4-chain antibodies, which by themselves are generally not suited for practical application as single antigen-binding proteins or domains, but need to be combined in some form or another to provide a functional antigen-binding unit (as in for example conventional antibody fragments such as Fab fragments; in ScFv's fragments, which consist of a VH domain covalently linked to a VL domain).
Because of these unique properties, the use of VHH domains and Nanobodies as single antigen-binding proteins or as antigen-binding domains (i.e. as part of a larger protein or polypeptide) offers a number of significant advantages over the use of conventional VH and VL domains, scFv's or conventional antibody fragments (such as Fab- or F(ab′)2-fragments):
In a specific and preferred aspect, the invention provides Nanobodies against VEGF, and in particular Nanobodies against VEGF from a warm-blooded animal, and more in particular Nanobodies against VEGF from a mammal, and especially Nanobodies against human VEGF; as well as proteins and/or polypeptides comprising at least one such Nanobody.
In particular, the invention provides Nanobodies against VEGF, and proteins and/or polypeptides comprising the same, that have improved therapeutic and/or pharmacological properties and/or other advantageous properties (such as, for example, improved ease of preparation and/or reduced costs of goods), compared to conventional antibodies against VEGF or fragments thereof, compared to constructs that could be based on such conventional antibodies or antibody fragments (such as Fab′ fragments, F(ab′)2 fragments, ScFv constructs, “diabodies” and other multispecific constructs (see for example the review by Holliger and. Hudson, Nat Biotechnol. 2005 September; 23(9):1126-36)), and also compared to the so-called “dAb's” or similar (single) domain antibodies that may be derived from variable domains of conventional antibodies. These improved and advantageous properties will become clear from the further description herein, and for example include, without limitation, one or more of:
As generally described herein for the amino acid sequences of the invention, the
Nanobodies of the invention are preferably in essentially isolated form (as defined herein), or form part of a protein or polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), which may comprise or essentially consist of one or more Nanobodies of the invention and which may optionally further comprise one or more further amino acid sequences (all optionally linked via one or more suitable linkers). For example, and without limitation, the one or more amino acid sequences of the invention may be used as a binding unit in such a protein or polypeptide, which may optionally contain one or more further amino acid sequences that can serve as a binding unit (i.e. against one or more other targets than VEGF), so as to provide a monovalent, multivalent or multispecific polypeptide of the invention, respectively, all as described herein. In particular, such a protein or polypeptide may comprise or essentially consist of one or more Nanobodies of the invention and optionally one or more (other) Nanobodies (i.e. directed against other targets than VEGF), all optionally linked via one or more suitable linkers, so as to provide a monovalent, multivalent or multispecific Nanobody construct, respectively, as further described herein. Such proteins or polypeptides may also be in essentially isolated form (as defined herein).
In a Nanobody of the invention, the binding site for binding against VEGF is preferably formed by the CDR sequences. Optionally, a Nanobody of the invention may also, and in addition to the at least one binding site for binding against VEGF, contain one or more further binding sites for binding against other antigens, proteins or targets. For methods and positions for introducing such second binding sites, reference is for example made to Keck and Huston, Biophysical Journal, 71, October 1996, 2002-2011; EP 0 640 130; WO 06/07260.
As generally described herein for the amino acid sequences of the invention, when a
Nanobody of the invention (or a polypeptide of the invention comprising the same) is intended for administration to a subject (for example for therapeutic and/or diagnostic purposes as described herein), it is preferably directed against human VEGF; whereas for veterinary purposes, it is preferably directed against VEGF from the species to be treated. Also, as with the amino acid sequences of the invention, a Nanobody of the invention may or may not be cross-reactive (i.e. directed against VEGF from two or more species of mammal, such as against human VEGF and VEGF from at least one of the species of mammal mentioned herein).
Also, again as generally described herein for the amino acid sequences of the invention, the Nanobodies of the invention may generally be directed against any antigenic determinant, epitope, part, domain, subunit or confirmation (where applicable) of VEGF. However, it is generally assumed and preferred that the Nanobodies of the invention (and polypeptides comprising the same) are directed against the binding site for VEGFR-1 and/or the binding site for VEGFR-2. As already described herein, the amino acid sequence and structure of a Nanobody can be considered - without however being limited thereto—to be comprised of four framework regions or “FR's” (or sometimes also referred to as “FW's”), which are referred to in the art and herein as “Framework region 1” or “FR1”; as “Framework region 2” or “FR2”; as “Framework region 3” or “FR3”; and as “Framework region 4” or “FR4”, respectively; which framework regions are interrupted by three complementary determining regions or “CDR's”, which are referred to in the art as “Complementarity Determining Region 1” or “CDR1”; as “Complementarity Determining Region 2” or “CDR.2”; and as “Complementarity Determining Region 3” or “CDR3”, respectively. Some preferred framework sequences and CDR's (and combinations thereof) that are present in the Nanobodies of the invention are as described herein. Other suitable CDR sequences can be obtained by the methods described herein.
According to a non-limiting but preferred aspect of the invention, (the CDR sequences present in) the Nanobodies of the invention are such that:
Preferably, (the CDR sequences present in) the Nanobodies of the invention are such that: a monovalent Nanobody of the invention (or a polypeptide that contains only one
Nanobody of the invention) is preferably such that it will bind to VEGF with an affinity less than 500 nM, preferably less than 200 nM, more preferably less than 10 nM, such as less than 500 pM.
The affinity of the Nanobody of the invention against VEGF can be determined in a manner known per se, for example using the general techniques for measuring KD, KA, koff or kon mentioned herein, as well as some of the specific assays described herein.
Some preferred IC50 values for binding of the Nanobodies of the invention (and of polypeptides comprising the same) to VEGF will become clear from the further description and examples herein.
In a preferred but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a Nanobody (as defined herein) against VEGF, which consists of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4 respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3 respectively), in which:
In particular, according to this preferred but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a Nanobody (as defined herein) against VEGF, which consists of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4 respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3 respectively), in which:
As generally mentioned herein for the amino acid sequences of the invention, when a Nanobody of the invention contains one or more CDR1 sequences according to b) and/or c):
Similarly, when a Nanobody of the invention contains one or more CDR2 sequences according to e) and/or f):
Also, similarly, when a Nanobody of the invention contains one or more CDR3 sequences according to h) and/or i):
It should be understood that the last three paragraphs generally apply to any Nanobody of the invention that comprises one or more CDR1 sequences, CDR2 sequences and/or CDR3 sequences according to b), c), e), f), h) or i), respectively.
Of the Nanobodies of the invention, Nanobodies comprising one or more of the CDR's explicitly listed above are particularly preferred; Nanobodies comprising two or more of the CDR's explicitly listed above are more particularly preferred; and Nanobodies comprising three of the CDR's explicitly listed above are most particularly preferred.
Some particularly preferred, but non-limiting combinations of CDR sequences, as well as preferred combinations of CDR sequences and framework sequences, are mentioned in Table A-1 below, which lists the CDR sequences and framework sequences that are present in a number of preferred (but non-limiting) Nanobodies of the invention. As will be clear to the skilled person, a combination of CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences that occur in the same clone (i.e. CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences that are mentioned on the same line in Table A-1) will usually be preferred (although the invention in its broadest sense is not limited thereto, and also comprises other suitable combinations of the CDR sequences mentioned in Table A-1). Also, a combination of CDR sequences and framework sequences that occur in the same clone (i.e. CDR sequences and framework sequences that are mentioned on the same line in Table A-1) will usually be preferred (although the invention in its broadest sense is not limited thereto, and also comprises other suitable combinations of the CDR sequences and framework sequences mentioned in Table A-1, as well as combinations of such CDR sequences and other suitable framework sequences, e.g. as further described herein.).
Also, in the Nanobodies of the invention that comprise the combinations of CDR's mentioned in Table A-1, each CDR can be replaced by a CDR chosen from the group consisting of amino acid sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity (as defined herein) with the mentioned CDR's; in which:
However, as will be clear to the skilled person, the (combinations of) CDR sequences, as well as (the combinations of) CDR sequences and framework sequences mentioned in Table A-1 will generally be preferred.
Thus, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; or from the group of CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% “sequence identity” (as defined herein) with at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, that have 3, 2 or only 1 “amino acid difference(s)” (as defined herein) with at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
In this context, by “suitably chosen” is meant that, as applicable, a CDR1 sequence is chosen from suitable CDR1 sequences (i.e. as defined herein), a CDR2 sequence is chosen from suitable CDR2 sequences (i.e. as defined herein), and a CDR3 sequence is chosen from suitable CDR3 sequence (i.e. as defined herein), respectively. More in particular, the CDR sequences are preferably chosen such that the Nanobodies of the invention bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein.
In particular, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least the CDR3 sequence present is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1 or from the group of CDR3 sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR3 sequences that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid differenee(s) with at least one of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1.
Preferably, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least two of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present are suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1 or from the group consisting of CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, that have 3, 2 or only 1 “amino acid difference(s)” with at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
In particular, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least the CDR3 sequence present is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1 or from the group of CDR3 sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1, respectively; and at least one of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences present is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1 or from the group of CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with at least one of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
Most preferably, in the Nanobodies of the invention, all three CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present are suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1 or from the group of CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
Even more preferably, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least one of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1. Preferably, in this aspect, at least one or preferably both of the other two CDR sequences present are suitably chosen from CDR sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the corresponding CDR sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR sequences that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with at least one of the corresponding sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
In particular, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least the CDR3 sequence present is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR3 listed in Table A-1. Preferably, in this aspect, at least one and preferably both of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences present are suitably chosen from the groups of CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with at least one of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
Even more preferably, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least two of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present are suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1. Preferably, in this aspect, the remaining CDR sequence present is suitably chosen from the group of CDR sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the corresponding CDR sequences listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of CDR sequences that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with at least one of the corresponding sequences listed in Table A-1.
In particular, in the Nanobodies of the invention, at least the CDR3 sequence is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1, and either the CDR1 sequence or the CDR2 sequence is suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1 and CDR2 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1. Preferably, in this aspect, the remaining CDR sequence present is suitably chosen from the group of CDR sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with at least one of the corresponding CDR sequences listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of CDR sequences that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with the corresponding CDR sequences listed in Table A-1.
Even more preferably, in the Nanobodies of the invention, all three CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present are suitably chosen from the group consisting of the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
Also, generally, the combinations of CDR's listed in Table A-1 (i.e. those mentioned on the same line in Table A-1) are preferred. Thus, it is generally preferred that, when a CDR in a Nanobody of the invention is a CDR sequence mentioned in Table A-1 or is suitably chosen from the group of CDR sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with a CDR sequence listed in Table A-1; and/or from the group consisting of CDR sequences that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with a CDR sequence listed in Table A-1, that at least one and preferably both of the other CDR's are suitably chosen from the CDR sequences that belong to the same combination in Table A-1 (i.e. mentioned on the same line in Table A-1) or are suitably chosen from the group of CDR sequences that have at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, more preferably at least 95%, even more preferably at least 99% sequence identity with the CDR sequence(s) belonging to the same combination and/or from the group consisting of CDR sequences that have 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference(s) with the CDR sequence(s) belonging to the same combination. The other preferences indicated in the above paragraphs also apply to the combinations of CDR's mentioned in Table A-1.
Thus, by means of non-limiting examples, a Nanobody of the invention can for example comprise a CDR1 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR1 sequences mentioned in Table A-1, a CDR2 sequence that has 3, 2 or 1 amino acid difference with one of the CDR2 sequences mentioned in Table A-1 (but belonging to a different combination), and a CDR3 sequence.
Some preferred Nanobodies of the invention may for example comprise: (1) a CDR1 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR1 sequences mentioned in Table A-1; a CDR2 sequence that has 3, 2 or 1 amino acid difference with one of the CDR2 sequences mentioned in Table A-1 (but belonging to a different combination); and a CDR3 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR3 sequences mentioned in Table A-1 (but belonging to a different combination); or (2) a CDR1 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR1 sequences mentioned in Table A-1; a CDR2 sequence, and one of the CDR3 sequences listed in Table A-1; or (3) a CDR1 sequence; a CDR2 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR2 sequence listed in Table A-1; and a CDR3 sequence that has 3, 2 or 1 amino acid differences with the CDR3 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination as the CDR2 sequence.
Some particularly preferred Nanobodies of the invention may for example comprise: (1) a CDR1 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR1 sequences mentioned in Table A-1; a CDR2 sequence that has 3, 2 or 1 amino acid difference with the CDR2 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination; and a CDR3 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with the CDR3 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination; (2) a CDR1 sequence; a CDR 2 listed in Table A-1 and a CDR3 sequence listed in Table A-1 (in which the CDR2 sequence and CDR3 sequence may belong to different combinations).
Some even more preferred Nanobodies of the invention may for example comprise: (1) a CDR1 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with one of the CDR1 sequences mentioned in Table A-1; the CDR2 sequence listed in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination; and a CDR3 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to a different combination; or (2) a CDR1 sequence mentioned in Table A-1; a CDR2 sequence that has 3, 2 or 1 amino acid differences with the CDR2 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination; and a CDR3 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with the CDR3 sequence listed in Table A-1 that belongs to the same or a different combination.
Particularly preferred Nanobodies of the invention may for example comprise a CDR1 sequence mentioned in Table A-1, a CDR2 sequence that has more than 80% sequence identity with the CDR2 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination; and the CDR3 sequence mentioned in Table A-1 that belongs to the same combination.
In the most preferred Nanobodies of the invention, the CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences present are suitably chosen from one of the combinations of CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 sequences, respectively, listed in Table A-1.
According to another preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention (a) CDR1 has a length of between 1 and 12 amino acid residues, and usually between 2 and 9 amino acid residues, such as 5, 6 or 7 amino acid residues; and/or (b) CDR2 has a length of between 13 and 24 amino acid residues, and usually between 15 and 21 amino acid residues, such as 16 and 17 amino acid residues; and/or (c) CDR3 has a length of between 2 and 35 amino acid residues, and usually between 3 and 30 amino acid residues, such as between 6 and 23 amino acid residues.
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a Nanobody in which the CDR sequences {as defined herein) have more than 80%, preferably more than 90%, more preferably more than 95%, such as 99% or more sequence identity {as defined herein) with the CDR sequences of at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485.
Generally, Nanobodies with the above CDR sequences may be as further described herein, and preferably have framework sequences that are also as further described herein. Thus, for example and as mentioned herein, such Nanobodies may be naturally occurring Nanobodies (from any suitable species), naturally occurring VHH sequences (i.e. from a suitable species of Camelid) or synthetic or semi-synthetic amino acid sequences or Nanobodies, including but not limited to partially humanized Nanobodies or VHH sequences, fully humanized Nanobodies or VHH sequences, camelized heavy chain variable domain sequences, as well as Nanobodies that have been obtained by the techniques mentioned herein.
Thus, in one specific, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a humanized Nanobody, which consists of 4 framework regions (FR1 to FR4 respectively) and 3 complementarity determining regions (CDR1 to CDR3 respectively), in which CDR1 to CDR3 are as defined herein and in which said humanized Nanobody comprises at least one humanizing substitution (as defined herein), and in particular at least one humanizing substitution in at least one of its framework sequences (as defined herein).
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a Nanobody in which the CDR sequences have at least 70% amino acid identity, preferably at least 80% amino acid identity, more preferably at least 90% amino acid identity, such as 95% amino acid identity or more or even essentially 100% amino acid identity with the CDR sequences of at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485. This degree of amino acid identity can for example be determined by determining the degree of amino acid identity (in a manner described herein) between said Nanobody and one or more of the sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485, in which the amino acid residues that form the framework regions are disregarded. Such Nanobodies can be as further described herein.
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a Nanobody with an amino acid sequence that is chosen from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485 or from the group consisting of from amino acid sequences that have more than 80%, preferably more than 90%, more preferably more than 95%, such as 99% or more sequence identity (as defined herein) with at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485.
Another preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention relates to humanized variants of the Nanobodies of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485, that comprise, compared to the corresponding native VHH sequence, at least one humanizing substitution (as defined herein), and in particular at least one humanizing substitution in at least one of its framework sequences (as defined herein).
The polypeptides of the invention comprise or essentially consist of at least one Nanobody of the invention. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of polypeptides of the invention are given in. SEQ ID NO's: 486-677.
It will be clear to the skilled person that the Nanobodies that are mentioned herein as “preferred” (or “more preferred”, “even more preferred”, etc.) are also preferred (or more preferred, or even more preferred, etc.) for use in the polypeptides described herein. Thus, polypeptides that comprise or essentially consist of one or more “preferred” Nanobodies of the invention will generally be preferred, and polypeptides that comprise or essentially consist of one or more “more preferred” Nanobodies of the invention will generally be more preferred, etc.
Generally, proteins or polypeptides that comprise or essentially consist of a single Nanobody (such as a single Nanobody of the invention) will be referred to herein as “monovalent” proteins or polypeptides or as “monovalent constructs”. Proteins and polypeptides that comprise or essentially consist of two or more Nanobodies (such as at least two Nanobodies of the invention or at least one Nanobody of the invention and at least one other Nanobody) will be referred to herein as “multivalent” proteins or polypeptides or as “multivalent constructs”, and these may provide certain advantages compared to the corresponding monovalent Nanobodies of the invention. Some non-limiting examples of such multivalent constructs will become clear from the further description herein.
According to one specific, but non-limiting aspect, a polypeptide of the invention comprises or essentially consists of at least two Nanobodies of the invention, such as two or three Nanobodies of the invention. As further described herein, such multivalent constructs can provide certain advantages compared to a protein or polypeptide comprising or essentially consisting of a single Nanobody of the invention, such as a much improved avidity for VEGF. Such multivalent constructs will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein; some preferred, but non-limiting examples of such multivalent Nanobody constructs are the constructs of SEQ ID NO's: 486-677.
According to another specific, but non-limiting aspect, a polypeptide of the invention comprises or essentially consists of at least one Nanobody of the invention and at least one other binding unit (i.e. directed against another epitope, antigen, target, protein or polypeptide), which is preferably also a Nanobody. Such proteins or polypeptides are also referred to herein as “multispecific” proteins or polypeptides or as ‘multispecific constructs”, and these may provide certain advantages compared to the corresponding monovalent Nanobodies of the invention (as will become clear from the further discussion herein of some preferred, but-nonlimiting multispecific constructs). Such multispecific constructs will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein; some preferred, but non-limiting examples of such multispecific Nanobody constructs are the constructs of SEQ ID NO's: 576-677.
In on aspect, a polypeptide, compound or construct of the invention is a multispecific (e.g. bispecific) polypeptide, compound or construct that comprises or essentially consists of a Nanobody of the invention against VEGF and a Nanobody against VEGFR-1 and/or VEGR-2. In another aspect, a polypeptide, compound or construct of the invention is a multispecific (e.g. bispecific) polypeptide, compound or construct that comprises or essentially consists of a Nanobody of the invention against VEGF and a Nanobody against a tumor antigen.
In another aspect, a polypeptide, compound or construct of the invention is a multiparatopic (biparatopic) polypeptide, compound or construct that comprises or essentially consists of a Nanobody against the binding site on VEGF for VEGFR-1 and a Nanobody against the binding site on VEGF for VEGFR-2.
According to yet another specific, but non-limiting aspect, a polypeptide of the invention comprises or essentially consists of at least one Nanobody of the invention, optionally one or more further Nanobodies, and at least one other amino acid sequence (such as a protein or polypeptide) that confers at least one desired property to the Nanobody of the invention and/or to the resulting fusion protein. Again, such fusion proteins may provide certain advantages compared to the corresponding monovalent Nanobodies of the invention. Some non-limiting examples of such amino acid sequences and of such fusion constructs will become clear from the further description herein.
It is also possible to combine two or more of the above aspects, for example to provide a trivalent bispecific construct comprising two Nanobodies of the invention and one other Nanobody, and optionally one or more other amino acid sequences. Further non-limiting examples of such constructs, as well as some constructs that are particularly preferred within the context of the present invention, will become clear from the further description herein.
In the above constructs, the one or more Nanobodies and/or other amino acid sequences may be directly linked to each other and/or suitably linked to each other via one or more linker sequences. Some suitable but non-limiting examples of such linkers will become clear from the further description herein.
In one specific aspect of the invention, a Nanobody of the invention or a compound, construct or polypeptide of the invention comprising at least one Nanobody of the invention may have an increased half-life, compared to the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of such Nanobodies, compounds and polypeptides will become clear to the skilled person based on the further disclosure herein, and for example comprise Nanobodies sequences or polypeptides of the invention that have been chemically modified to increase the half-life thereof (for example, by means of pegylation); amino acid sequences of the invention that comprise at least one additional binding site for binding to a serum protein (such as serum albumin); or polypeptides of the invention that comprise at least one Nanobody of the invention that is linked to at least one moiety (and in particular at least one amino acid sequence) that increases the half-life of the Nanobody of the invention. Examples of polypeptides of the invention that comprise such half-life extending moieties or amino acid sequences will become clear to the skilled person based on the further disclosure herein; and for example include, without limitation, polypeptides in which the one or more Nanobodies of the invention are suitable linked to one or more serum proteins or fragments thereof (such as serum albumin or suitable fragments thereof) or to one or more binding units that can bind to serum proteins (such as, for example, Nanobodies or (single) domain antibodies that can bind to serum proteins such as serum albumin, serum immunoglobulins such as IgG, or transferrine); polypeptides in which a Nanobody of the invention is linked to an Fc portion (such as a human Fc) or a suitable part or fragment thereof; or polypeptides in which the one or more Nanobodies of the invention are suitable linked to one or more small proteins or peptides that can bind to serum proteins (such as, without limitation, the proteins and peptides described in WO 91/01743, WO 01/45746, WO 02/076489 and to the U.S. provisional application of Ablynx N.V. entitled “Peptides capable of binding to serum proteins” of Ablynx N.V. filed on. Dec. 5, 2006 (see also PCT/EP/2007/063348).
Again, as will be clear to the skilled person, such Nanobodies, compounds, constructs or polypeptides may contain one or more additional groups, residues, moieties or binding units, such as one or more further amino acid sequences and in particular one or more additional Nanobodies (i.e. not directed against VEGF), so as to provide a tri- of multispecific Nanobody construct.
Generally, the Nanobodies of the invention (or compounds, constructs or polypeptides comprising the same) with increased half-life preferably have a half-life that is at least 1.5 times, preferably at least 2 times, such as at least 5 times, for example at least 10 times or more than 20 times, greater than the half-life of the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention per se. For example, the Nanobodies, compounds, constructs or polypeptides of the invention with increased half-life may have a half-life that is increased with more than 1 hours, preferably more than 2 hours, more preferably more than 6 hours, such as more than 12 hours, or even more than 24, 48 or 72 hours, compared to the corresponding amino acid sequence of the invention per se.
In a preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, such Nanobodies, compound, constructs or polypeptides of the invention exhibit a serum half-life in human of at least about 12 hours, preferably at least 24 hours, more preferably at least 48 hours, even more preferably at least 72 hours or more. For example, compounds or polypeptides of the invention may have a half-life of at least 5 days (such as about 5 to 10 days), preferably at least 9 days (such as about 9 to 14 days), more preferably at least about 10 days (such as about 10 to 15 days), or at least about 11 days (such as about 11 to 16 days), more preferably at least about 12 days (such as about 12 to 18 days or more), or more than 14 days (such as about 14 to 19 days).
In another one aspect of the invention, a polypeptide of the invention comprises one or more (such as two or preferably one) Nanobodies of the invention linked (optionally via one or more suitable linker sequences) to one or more (such as two and preferably one) amino acid sequences that allow the resulting polypeptide of the invention to cross the blood brain barrier. In particular, said one or more amino acid sequences that allow the resulting polypeptides of the invention to cross the blood brain barrier may be one or more (such as two and preferably one) Nanobodies, such as the Nanobodies described in WO 02/057445, of which FC44 (SEQ ID NO: 189 of WO 06/040153) and FCS (SEQ ID NO: 190 of WO 06/040154) are preferred examples.
In particular, polypeptides comprising one or more Nanobodies of the invention are preferably such that they:
Preferably, a polypeptide that contains only one amino acid sequence of the invention is preferably such that it will bind to VEGF with an affinity less than 500 nM, preferably less than 200 nM, more preferably less than 10 nM, such as less than 500 pM. In this respect, it will be clear to the skilled person that a polypeptide that contains two or more Nanobodies of the invention may bind to VEGF with an increased avidity, compared to a polypeptide that contains only one amino acid sequence of the invention.
Some preferred IC50 values for binding of the amino acid sequences or polypeptides of the invention to VEGF will become clear from the further description and examples herein.
Other polypeptides according to this preferred aspect of the invention may for example be chosen from the group consisting of amino acid sequences that have more than 80%, preferably more than 90%, more preferably more than 95%, such as 99% or more “sequence identity” (as defined herein) with one or more of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 486-677, in which the Nanobodies comprised within said amino acid sequences are preferably as further defined herein.
Another aspect of this invention relates to a nucleic acid that encodes an amino acid sequence of the invention (such as a Nanobody of the invention) or a polypeptide of the invention comprising the same. Again, as generally described herein for the nucleic acids of the invention, such a nucleic acid may be in the form of a genetic construct, as defined herein.
In another aspect, the invention relates to host or host cell that expresses or that is capable of expressing an amino acid sequence (such as a Nanobody) of the invention and/or a polypeptide of the invention comprising the same; and/or that contains a nucleic acid of the invention. Some preferred but non-limiting examples of such hosts or host cells will become clear from the further description herein.
Another aspect of the invention relates to a product or composition containing or comprising at least one amino acid sequence of the invention, at least one polypeptide of the invention and/or at least one nucleic acid of the invention, and optionally one or more further components of such compositions known per se, i.e. depending on the intended use of the composition. Such a product or composition may for example be a pharmaceutical composition (as described herein), a veterinary composition or a product or composition for diagnostic use (as also described herein). Some preferred but non-limiting examples of such products or compositions will become clear from the further description herein.
The invention further relates to methods for preparing or generating the amino acid sequences, compounds, constructs, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein. Some preferred but non-limiting examples of such methods will become clear from the further description herein.
The invention further relates to applications and uses of the amino acid sequences, compounds, constructs, polypeptides, nucleic acids, host cells, products and compositions described herein, as well as to methods for the prevention and/or treatment for diseases and disorders associated with VEGF. Some preferred but non-limiting applications and uses will become clear from the further description herein.
Other aspects, embodiments, advantages and applications of the invention will also become clear from the further description hereinbelow.
Generally, it should be noted that the term Nanobody as used herein in its broadest sense is not limited to a specific biological source or to a specific method of preparation. For example, as will be discussed in more detail below, the Nanobodies of the invention can generally be obtained: (1) by isolating the VHH domain of a naturally occurring heavy chain antibody; (2) by expression of a nucleotide sequence encoding a naturally occurring VHH domain; (3) by “humanization” (as described herein) of a naturally occurring VHH domain or by expression of a nucleic acid encoding a such humanized VHH domain; (4) by “camelization” (as described herein) of a naturally occurring VH domain from any animal species, and in particular a from species of mammal, such as from a human being, or by expression of a nucleic acid encoding such a camelized VH domain; (5) by “camelization” of a “domain antibody” or “Dab” as described by Ward et al (supra), or by expression of a nucleic acid encoding such a camelized VH domain; (6) by using synthetic or semi-synthetic techniques for preparing proteins, polypeptides or other amino acid sequences known per se; (7) by preparing a nucleic acid encoding a Nanobody using techniques for nucleic acid synthesis known per se, followed by expression of the nucleic acid thus obtained; and/or (8) by any combination of one or more of the foregoing. Suitable methods and techniques for performing the foregoing will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein and for example include the methods and techniques described in more detail herein.
One preferred class of Nanobodies corresponds to the VHH domains of naturally occurring heavy chain antibodies directed against VEGF. As further described herein, such VHH sequences can generally be generated or obtained by suitably immunizing a species of Camelid with VEGF (i.e. so as to raise an immune response and/or heavy chain antibodies directed against VEGF), by obtaining a suitable biological sample from said Camelid (such as a blood sample, serum sample or sample of B-cells), and by generating VHH sequences directed against VEGF, starting from said sample, using any suitable technique known per se. Such techniques will be clear to the skilled person and/or are further described herein.
Alternatively, such naturally occurring VHH domains against VEGF, can be obtained from naive libraries of Camelid VHH sequences, for example by screening such a library using VEGF, or at least one part, fragment, antigenic determinant or epitope thereof using one or more screening techniques known per se. Such libraries and techniques are for example described in WO 99/37681, WO 01/90190, WO 03/025020 and WO 03/035694.
Alternatively, improved synthetic or semi-synthetic libraries derived from naïve VHH libraries may be used, such as VHH libraries obtained from naive VHH libraries by techniques such as random mutagenesis and/or CDR shuffling, as for example described in WO 00/43507.
Thus, in another aspect, the invention relates to a method for generating Nanobodies, that are directed against VEGF. In one aspect, said method at least comprises the steps of:
In such a method, the set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences may be a naïve set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences; a synthetic or semi-synthetic set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences; and/or a set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences that have been subjected to affinity maturation.
In a preferred aspect of this method, the set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences may be an immune set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences, and in particular an immune set, collection or library of VHH sequences, that have been derived from a species of Camelid that has been suitably immunized with VEGF or with a suitable antigenic determinant based thereon or derived therefrom, such as an antigenic part, fragment, region, domain, loop or other epitope thereof. In one particular aspect, said antigenic determinant may be an extracellular part, region, domain, loop or other extracellular epitope(s).
In the above methods, the set, collection or library of Nanobody or VHH sequences may be displayed on a phage, phagemid, ribosome or suitable micro-organism (such as yeast), such as to facilitate screening. Suitable methods, techniques and host organisms for displaying and screening (a set, collection or library of) Nanobody sequences will be clear to the person skilled in the art, for example on the basis of the further disclosure herein. Reference is also made to WO 03/054016 and to the review by Hoogenboom in Nature Biotechnology, 23, 9, 1105-1116 (2005).
In another aspect, the method for generating Nanobody sequences comprises at least the steps of:
In the method according to this aspect, the collection or sample of cells may for example be a collection or sample of B-cells. Also, in this method, the sample of cells may be derived from a Camelid that has been suitably immunized with VEGF or a suitable antigenic determinant based thereon or derived therefrom, such as an antigenic part, fragment, region, domain, loop or other epitope thereof. In one particular aspect, said antigenic determinant may be an extracellular part, region, domain, loop or other extracellular epitope(s).
The above method may be performed in any suitable manner, as will be clear to the skilled person. Reference is for example made to EP 0 542 810, WO 05/19824, WO 04/051268 and WO 04/106377. The screening of step b) is preferably performed using a flow cytometry technique such as FACS. For this, reference is for example made to Lieby et al., Blood, Vol. 97, No. 12, 3820. Particular reference is made to the so-called “Nanoclone™” technique described in International application WO 06/079372 by Ablynx N.V.
In another aspect, the method for generating an amino acid sequence directed against VEGF may comprise at least the steps of:
In such a method, the set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding heavy chain antibodies or Nanobody sequences may for example be a set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding a naive set, collection or library of heavy chain antibodies or VHH sequences; a set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding a synthetic or semi-synthetic set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences; and/or a set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding a set, collection or library of Nanobody sequences that have been subjected to affinity maturation.
In a preferred aspect of this method, the set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be an immune set, collection or library of nucleic acid sequences encoding heavy chain antibodies or VHH sequences derived from a Camelid that has been suitably immunized with VEGF or with a suitable antigenic determinant based thereon or derived therefrom, such as an antigenic part, fragment, region, domain, loop or other epitope thereof. In one particular aspect, said antigenic determinant may be an extracellular part, region, domain, loop or other extracellular epitope(s).
In the above methods, the set, collection or library of nucleotide sequences may be displayed on a phage, phagemid, ribosome or suitable micro-organism (such as yeast), such as to facilitate screening. Suitable methods, techniques and host organisms for displaying and screening (a set, collection or library of) nucleotide sequences encoding amino acid sequences will be clear to the person skilled in the art, for example on the basis of the further disclosure herein. Reference is also made to WO 03/054016 and to the review by Hoogenboom in Nature Biotechnology, 23, 9, 1105-1116 (2005).
As will be clear to the skilled person, the screening step of the methods described herein can also be performed as a selection step. Accordingly the term “screening” as used in the present description can comprise selection, screening or any suitable combination of selection and/or screening techniques. Also, when a set, collection or library of sequences is used, it may contain any suitable number of sequences, such as 1, 2, 3 or about 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 or more sequences.
Also, one or more or all of the sequences in the above set, collection or library of amino acid sequences may be obtained or defined by rational, or semi-empirical approaches such as computer modelling techniques or biostatics or datamining techniques.
Furthermore, such a set, collection or library can comprise one, two or more sequences that are variants from one another (e.g. with designed point mutations or with randomized positions), compromise multiple sequences derived from a diverse set of naturally diversified sequences (e.g. an immune library)), or any other source of diverse sequences (as described for example in Hoogenboorn et al, Nat Biotechnol 23:1105, 2005 and Binz et al, Nat Biotechnol 2005, 23:1247). Such set, collection or library of sequences can be displayed on the surface of a phage particle, a ribosome, a bacterium, a yeast cell, a mammalian cell, and linked to the nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid sequence within these carriers. This makes such set, collection or library amenable to selection procedures to isolate the desired amino acid sequences of the invention. More generally, when a sequence is displayed on a suitable host or host cell, it is also possible (and customary) to first isolate from said host or host cell a nucleotide sequence that encodes the desired sequence, and then to obtain the desired sequence by suitably expressing said nucleotide sequence in a suitable host organism. Again, this can be performed in any suitable manner known per se, as will be clear to the skilled person.
Yet another technique for obtaining VHH sequences or Nanobody sequences directed against VEGF involves suitably immunizing a transgenic mammal that is capable of expressing heavy chain antibodies (i.e. so as to raise an immune response and/or heavy chain antibodies directed against VEGF), obtaining a suitable biological sample from said transgenic mammal that contains (nucleic acid sequences encoding) said VHH sequences or Nanobody sequences (such as a blood sample, serum sample or sample of B-cells), and then generating VHH sequences directed against VEGF, starting from said sample, using any suitable technique known per se (such as any of the methods described herein or a hybridoma technique). For example, for this purpose, the heavy chain antibody-expressing mice and the further methods and techniques described in WO 02/085945, WO 04/049794 and. WO 06/008548 and Janssens et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2006 Oct. 10; 103(41):15130-5 can be used. For example, such heavy chain antibody expressing mice can express heavy chain antibodies with any suitable (single) variable domain, such as (single) variable domains from natural sources (e.g. human (single) variable domains, Camelid (single) variable domains or shark (single) variable domains), as well as for example synthetic or semi-synthetic (single) variable domains.
The invention also relates to the VHH sequences or Nanobody sequences that are obtained by the above methods, or alternatively by a method that comprises the one of the above methods and in addition at least the steps of determining the nucleotide sequence or amino acid sequence of said VHH sequence or Nanobody sequence; and of expressing or synthesizing said VHH sequence or Nanobody sequence in a manner known per se, such as by expression in a suitable host cell or host organism or by chemical synthesis.
As mentioned herein, a particularly preferred class of Nanobodies of the invention comprises Nanobodies with an amino acid sequence that corresponds to the amino acid sequence of a naturally occurring VHH domain, but that has been “humanized”, i.e. by replacing one or more amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence of said naturally occurring VHH sequence (and in particular in the framework sequences) by one or more of the amino acid residues that occur at the corresponding position(s) in a VH domain from a conventional 4-chain antibody from a human being (e.g. indicated above). This can be performed in a manner known per se, which will be clear to the skilled person, for example on the basis of the further description herein and the prior art on humanization referred to herein. Again, it should be noted that such humanized Nanobodies of the invention can be obtained in any suitable manner known per se (i.e. as indicated under points (1)-(8) above) and thus are not strictly limited to polypeptides that have been obtained using a polypeptide that comprises a naturally occurring VHH domain as a starting material.
Another particularly preferred class of Nanobodies of the invention comprises
Nanobodies with an amino acid sequence that corresponds to the amino acid sequence of a naturally occurring VH domain, but that has been “camelized”, i.e. by replacing one or more amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence of a naturally occurring NTH domain from a conventional 4-chain antibody by one or more of the amino acid residues that occur at the corresponding position(s) in a VHH domain of a heavy chain antibody. This can be performed in a manner known per se, which will be clear to the skilled person, for example on the basis of the further description herein. Such “camelizing” substitutions are preferably inserted at amino acid positions that form and/or are present at the VH-VL interface, and/or at the so-called Camelidae hallmark residues, as defined herein (see for example WO 94/04678 and Davies and Riechmann (1994 and 1996), supra). Preferably, the VH sequence that is used as a starting material or starting point for generating or designing the camelized Nanobody is preferably a VH sequence from a mammal, more preferably the VH sequence of a human being, such as a VH3 sequence. However, it should be noted that such camelized Nanobodies of the invention can be obtained in any suitable manner known per se (i.e. as indicated under points (1)-(8) above) and thus are not strictly limited to polypeptides that have been obtained using a polypeptide that comprises a naturally occurring VH domain as a starting material.
For example, again as further described herein, both “humanization” and “camelization” can be performed by providing a nucleotide sequence that encodes a naturally occurring VHH domain or VH domain, respectively, and then changing, in a manner known per se, one or more codons in said nucleotide sequence in such a way that the new nucleotide sequence encodes a “humanized” or “camelized” Nanobody of the invention, respectively. This nucleic acid can then be expressed in a manner known per se, so as to provide the desired Nanobody of the invention. Alternatively, based on the amino acid sequence of a naturally occurring VHH domain or VH domain, respectively, the amino acid sequence of the desired humanized or camelized Nanobody of the invention, respectively, can be designed and then synthesized de novo using techniques for peptide synthesis known per se. Also, based on the amino acid sequence or nucleotide sequence of a naturally occurring VHH domain or VH domain, respectively, a nucleotide sequence encoding the desired humanized or camelized Nanobody of the invention, respectively, can be designed and then synthesized de novo using techniques for nucleic acid synthesis known per se, after which the nucleic acid thus obtained can be expressed in a manner known per se, so as to provide the desired Nanobody of the invention.
Other suitable methods and techniques for obtaining the Nanobodies of the invention and/or nucleic acids encoding the same, starting from naturally occurring VH sequences or preferably VHH sequences, will be clear from the skilled person, and may for example comprise combining one or more parts of one or more naturally occurring VH sequences (such as one or more FR sequences and/or CDR sequences), one or more parts of one or more naturally occurring VHH sequences (such as one or more FR sequences or CDR sequences), and/or one or more synthetic or semi-synthetic sequences, in a suitable manner, so as to provide a Nanobody of the invention or a nucleotide sequence or nucleic acid encoding the same (which may then be suitably expressed). Nucleotide sequences encoding framework sequences of VHH sequences or Nanobodies will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein and/or the further prior art cited herein (and/or may alternatively be obtained by PCR starting from the nucleotide sequences obtained using the methods described herein) and may be suitably combined with nucleotide sequences that encode the desired CDR's (for example, by PCR assembly using overlapping primers), so as to provide a nucleic acid encoding a Nanobody of the invention.
As mentioned herein, Nanobodies may in particular be characterized by the presence of one or more “Hallmark residues” (as described herein) in one or more of the framework sequences.
Thus, according to one preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, a Nanobody in its broadest sense can be generally defined as a polypeptide comprising:
Thus, in a first preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
In particular, a Nanobody in its broadest sense can be generally defined as a polypeptide comprising:
Thus, according to a preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
In particular, a Nanobody against VEGF according to the invention may have the structure:
In particular, according to one preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, a Nanobody can generally be defined as a polypeptide comprising an amino acid sequence that is comprised of four framework regions/sequences interrupted by three complementarity determining regions/sequences, in which;
Thus, in another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
Two particularly preferred, but non-limiting groups of the Nanobodies of the invention are those according to a) above; according to (a-1) to (a-4) above; according to b) above; according to (b-1) to (b-4) above; according to (c) above; and/or according to (c-1) to (c-4) above, in which either:
Thus, in another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may have the structure
In the Nanobodies of the invention in which the amino acid residues at positions 43-46 according to the Kabat numbering form the sequence KERE or KQRE, the amino acid residue at position 37 is most preferably F. In the Nanobodies of the invention in which the amino acid residues at positions 44-47 according to the Kabat numbering form the sequence GLEW, the amino acid residue at position 37 is chosen from the group consisting of Y, H, I, L, V or F, and is most preferably V.
Thus, without being limited hereto in any way, on the basis of the amino acid residues present on the positions mentioned above, the Nanobodies of the invention can generally be classified on the basis of the following three groups:
Also, where appropriate, Nanobodies may belong to (i.e. have characteristics of) two or more of these classes. For example, one specifically preferred group of Nanobodies has GLEW or a GLEW-like sequence at positions 44-47; P, R or S (and in particular R) at position 103; and Q at position 108 (which may be humanized to L).
More generally, it should be noted that the definitions referred to above describe and apply to Nanobodies in the form of a native (i.e. non-humanized) VHH sequence, and that humanized variants of these Nanobodies may contain other amino acid residues than those indicated above (i.e. one or more humanizing substitutions as defined herein). For example, and without limitation, in some humanized Nanobodies of the GLEW-group or the 103 P, R, S-group, Q at position 108 may be humanized to 108L. As already mentioned herein, other humanizing substitutions (and suitable combinations thereof) will become clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein. In addition, or alternatively, other potentially useful humanizing substitutions can be ascertained by comparing the sequence of the framework regions of a naturally occurring VHH sequence with the corresponding framework sequence of one or more closely related human VH sequences, after which one or more of the potentially useful humanizing substitutions (or combinations thereof) thus determined can be introduced into said VHH sequence (in any manner known per se, as further described herein) and the resulting humanized VHH sequences can be tested for affinity for the target, for stability, for ease and level of expression, and/or for other desired properties. In this way, by means of a limited degree of trial and error, other suitable humanizing substitutions (or suitable combinations thereof) can be determined by the skilled person based on the disclosure herein. Also, based on the foregoing, (the framework regions of) a Nanobody may be partially humanized or fully humanized.
Thus, in another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may be a Nanobody belonging to the GLEW-group (as defined herein), and in which CDR], CDR2 and CDR3 are as defined herein, and are preferably as defined according to one of the preferred aspects herein, and are more preferably as defined according to one of the more preferred aspects herein.
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may be a Nanobody belonging to the KERE-group (as defined herein), and CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 are as defined herein, and are preferably as defined according to one of the preferred aspects herein, and are more preferably as defined according to one of the more preferred aspects herein.
Thus, in another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention may be a Nanobody belonging to the 103 P, R, S-group (as defined herein), and in which CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 are as defined herein, and are preferably as defined according to one of the preferred aspects herein, and are more preferably as defined according to one of the more preferred aspects herein.
Also, more generally and in addition to the 108Q, 43E/44R and 103 P, R, S residues mentioned above, the Nanobodies of the invention can contain, at one or more positions that in a conventional VH domain would form (part of) the VH/VL interface, one or more amino acid residues that are more highly charged than the amino acid residues that naturally occur at the same position(s) in the corresponding naturally occurring VH sequence, and in particular one or more charged amino acid residues (as mentioned in Table A-2). Such substitutions include, but are not limited to, the GLEW-like sequences mentioned in Table A-3 below; as well as the substitutions that are described in the International Application WO 00/29004 for so-called “microbodies”, e.g. so as to obtain a Nanobody with Q at position 108 in combination with KLEW at positions 44-47. Other possible substitutions at these positions will be clear to the skilled person based upon the disclosure herein.
In one aspect of the Nanobodies of the invention, the amino acid residue at position 83 is chosen from the group consisting of L, M, S, V and W; and is preferably L.
Also, in one aspect of the Nanobodies of the invention, the amino acid residue at position 83 is chosen from the group consisting of R, K, N, E, G, I, T and Q; and is most preferably either K or E (for Nanobodies corresponding to naturally occurring VHH domains) or R (for “humanized” Nanobodies, as described herein). The amino acid residue at position 84 is chosen from the group consisting of P, A, R, S, D T, and V in one aspect, and is most preferably P (for Nanobodies corresponding to naturally occurring VHH domains) or R (for “humanized” Nanobodies, as described herein).
Furthermore, in one aspect of the Nanobodies of the invention, the amino acid residue at position 104 is chosen from the group consisting of G and D; and is most preferably G.
Collectively, the amino acid residues at positions 11, 37, 44, 45, 47, 83, 84, 103, 104 and 108, which in the Nanobodies are as mentioned above, will also be referred to herein as the “Hallmark Residues”. The Hallmark Residues and the amino acid residues at the corresponding positions of the most closely related human VH domain, VH3, are summarized in Table A-3.
Some especially preferred but non-limiting combinations of these Hallmark Residues as occur in naturally occurring VHH domains are mentioned in Table A-4. For comparison, the corresponding amino acid residues of the human VH3 called DP-47 have been indicated in italics.
(1)In particular, but not exclusively, in combination with KERE or KQRE at positions 43-46.
(2)Usually as GLEW at positions 44-47.
(3)Usually as KERE or KQRE at positions 43-46, e.g. as KEREL, KEREF, KQREL, KQREF or KEREG at positions 43-47. Alternatively, also sequences such as TERE (for example TEREL), KECE (for example KECEL or KECER), RERE (for example REREG), QERE (for example QEREG), KGRE (for example KGREG), KDRE (for example KDREV) are possible. Some other possible, but less preferred sequences include for example DECKL and NVCEL.
(4)With both GLEW at positions 44-47 and KERE or KQRE at positions 43-46.
(5)Often as KP or EP at positions 83-84 of naturally occurring VHH domains.
(6)In particular, but not exclusively, in combination with GLEW at positions 44-47.
(7)With the proviso that when positions 44-47 are GLEW, position 108 is always Q in (non-humanized) VHH sequences that also contain a W at position 103.
(8)The GLEW group also contains GLEW-like sequences at positions 44-47, such as for example GVEW, EPEW, GLER, DQEW, DLEW, GIEW, ELEW, GPEW, EWLP, GPER, GLER and ELEW.
In the Nanobodies, each amino acid residue at any other position than the Hallmark Residues can be any amino acid residue that naturally occurs at the corresponding position (according to the Kabat numbering) of a naturally occurring VHH domain.
Such amino acid residues will be clear to the skilled person. Tables A-5 to A-8 mention some non-limiting residues that can be present at each position (according to the Kabat numbering) of the FR1, FR2, FR3 and FR4 of naturally occurring VHH domains. For each position, the amino acid residue that most frequently occurs at each position of a naturally occurring VHH domain (and which is the most preferred amino acid residue for said position in a Nanobody) is indicated in bold; and other preferred amino acid residues for each position have been underlined (note: the number of amino acid residues that are found at positions 26-30 of naturally occurring VHH domains supports the hypothesis underlying the numbering by Chothia (supra) that the residues at these positions already form part of CDR I).
In Tables A-5-A-8, some of the non-limiting residues that can be present at each position of a human VH3 domain have also been mentioned. Again, for each position, the amino acid residue that most frequently occurs at each position of a naturally occurring human VH3 domain is indicated in bold; and other preferred amino acid residues have been underlined.
For reference only, Tables A-5-A-8 also contain data on the Van entropy (“VHH Ent.”) and VHH variability (“VHH Var.”) at each amino acid position for a representative sample of 1118 VHH sequences (data kindly provided by David Lutje Hulsing and Prof. Theo Verrips of Utrecht University). The values for the VHH entropy and the VHH variability provide a measure for the variability and degree of conservation of amino acid residues between the 1118 VHH sequences analyzed: low values (i.e. <1, such as <0.5) indicate that an amino acid residue is highly conserved between the VHH sequences (i.e. little variability). For example, the G at position 8 and the G at position 9 have values for the VHH entropy of 0.1 and 0 respectively, indicating that these residues are highly conserved and have little variability (and in case of position 9 is G in all 1118 sequences analysed), whereas for residues that form part of the CDR's generally values of 1.5 or more are found (data not shown). Note that (1) the amino acid residues listed in the second column of Tables A-5-A-8 are based on a bigger sample than the 1118 VHH sequences that were analysed for determining the VHH entropy and VHH variability referred to in the last two columns; and (2) the data represented below support the hypothesis that the amino acid residues at positions 27-30 and maybe even also at positions 93 and 94 already form part of the CDR's (although the invention is not limited to any specific hypothesis or explanation, and as mentioned above, herein the numbering according to Rabat is used). For a general explanation of sequence entropy, sequence variability and the methodology for determining the same, see Oliveira et al., PROTEINS: Structure, Function and Genetics, 52: 544-552 (2003).
S, T, I
Q, R
Q, E, K, P, R
T, A, I
T, I, A
V, A, I
S, F
S, A, L, P, T
Thus, in another preferred, but not limiting aspect, a Nanobody of the invention can be defined as an amino acid sequence with the (general) structure
The above Nanobodies may for example be VHH sequences or may be humanized Nanobodies. When the above Nanobody sequences are VHH sequences, they may be suitably humanized, as further described herein. When the Nanobodies are partially humanized Nanobodies, they may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein.
In particular, a Nanobody of the invention can be an amino acid sequence with the (general) structure
The above Nanobodies may for example be VHH sequences or may be humanized Nanobodies. When the above Nanobody sequences are VHH sequences, they may be suitably humanized, as further described herein. When the Nanobodies are partially humanized Nanobodies, they may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein.
In particular, a Nanobody of the invention of the KERE group can be an amino acid sequence with the (general) structure
and in which:
and in which:
and in which:
and in which:
In the above Nanobodies, one or more of the further Hallmark residues are preferably as described herein (for example, when they are VHH sequences or partially humanized Nanobodies).
Also, the above Nanobodies may for example be VHH sequences or may be humanized Nanobodies. When the above Nanobody sequences are VHH sequences, they may be suitably humanized, as further described herein. When the Nanobodies are partially humanized Nanobodies, they may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein.
With regard to framework 1, it will be clear to the skilled person that, when an amino acid sequence as outlined above is generated by expression of a nucleotide sequence, the first four amino acid sequences (i.e. amino acid residues 1-4 according to the Kabat numbering) may often be determined by the primer(s) that have been used to generate said nucleic acid. Thus, for determining the degree of amino acid identity, the first four amino acid residues are preferably disregarded.
Also, with regard to framework 1, and although amino acid positions 27 to 30 are according to the Kabat numbering considered to be part of the framework regions (and not the CDR's), it has been found by analysis of a database of more than 1000 VHH sequences that the positions 27 to 30 have a variability (expressed in terms of VHH entropy and VHH variability—see Tables A-5 to A-8) that is much greater than the variability on positions 1 to 26. Because of this, for determining the degree of amino acid identity, the amino acid residues at positions 27 to 30 are preferably also disregarded.
In view of this, a Nanobody of the KERE class may be an amino acid sequence that is comprised of four framework regions/sequences interrupted by three complementarity determining regions/sequences, in which:
and in which:
The above Nanobodies may for example be VHH sequences or may be humanized Nanobodies. When the above Nanobody sequences are VHH sequences, they may be suitably humanized, as further described herein. When the Nanobodies are partially humanized Nanobodies, they may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein.
A Nanobody of the GLEW class may be an amino acid sequence that is comprised of four framework regions/sequences interrupted by three complementarity determining regions/sequences, in which
and in which:
and in which:
and in which:
and in which:
In the above Nanobodies, one or more of the further Hallmark residues are preferably as described herein (for example, when they are VHH sequences or partially humanized Nanobodies).
With regard to framework 1, it will again be clear to the skilled person that, for determining the degree of amino acid identity, the amino acid residues on positions 1 to 4 and 27 to 30 are preferably disregarded.
In view of this, a Nanobody of the GLEW class may be an amino acid sequence that is comprised of four framework regions/sequences interrupted by three complementarity determining regions/sequences, in which:
and in which:
The above Nanobodies may for example be VHH sequences or may be humanized Nanobodies. When the above Nanobody sequences are VHH sequences, they may be suitably humanized, as further described herein. When the Nanobodies are partially humanized Nanobodies, they may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein. In the above Nanobodies, one or more of the further Hallmark residues are preferably as described herein (for example, when they are VHH sequences or partially humanized Nanobodies).
A Nanobody of the P, R, S 103 class may be an amino acid sequence that is comprised of four framework regions/sequences interrupted by three complementarity determining regions/sequences, in which
and in which
and in which:
and in which:
and in which:
In the above Nanobodies, one or more of the further Hallmark residues are preferably as described herein (for example, when they are VHH sequences or partially humanized Nanobodies).
With regard to framework 1, it will again be clear to the skilled person that, for determining the degree of amino acid identity, the amino acid residues on positions 1 to 4 and 27 to 30 are preferably disregarded.
In view of this, a Nanobody of the P,R,S 103 class may be an amino acid sequence that is comprised of four framework regions/sequences interrupted by three complementarity determining regions/sequences, in which:
and in which:
The above Nanobodies may for example be VHH sequences or may be humanized Nanobodies. When the above Nanobody sequences are VHH sequences, they may be suitably humanized, as further described herein. When the Nanobodies are partially humanized Nanobodies, they may optionally be further suitably humanized, again as described herein.
In the above Nanobodies, one or more of the further Hallmark residues are preferably as described herein (for example, when they are VHH sequences or partially humanized Nanobodies).
In another preferred, but non-limiting aspect, the invention relates to a Nanobody as described above, in which the CDR sequences have at least 70% amino acid identity, preferably at least 80% amino acid identity, more preferably at least 90% amino acid identity, such as 95% amino acid identity or more or even essentially 100% amino acid identity with the CDR sequences of at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485. This degree of amino acid identity can for example be determined by determining the degree of amino acid identity (in a manner described herein) between said Nanobody and one or more of the sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485, in which the amino acid residues that form the framework regions are disregarded. Such Nanobodies can be as further described herein.
As already mentioned herein, another preferred but non-limiting aspect of the invention relates to a Nanobody with an amino acid sequence that is chosen from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485 or from the group consisting of from amino acid sequences that have more than 80%, preferably more than 90%, more preferably more than 95%, such as 99% or more sequence identity (as defined herein) with at least one of the amino acid sequences of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485.
Also, in the above Nanobodies:
Preferably, the CDR sequences and FR sequences in the Nanobodies of the invention are such that the Nanobodies of the invention (and polypeptides of the invention comprising the same):
Preferably, CDR sequences and FR sequences present in the Nanobodies of the invention are such that the Nanobodies of the invention will bind to VEGF with an affinity less than 500 nM, preferably less than 200 nM, more preferably less than 10 nM, such as less than 500 pM.
According to one non-limiting aspect of the invention, a Nanobody may be as defined herein, but with the proviso that it has at least “one amino acid difference” (as defined herein) in at least one of the framework regions compared to the corresponding framework region of a naturally occurring human VH domain, and in particular compared to the corresponding framework region of DP-47. More specifically, according to one non-limiting aspect of the invention, a Nanobody may he as defined herein, but with the proviso that it has at least “one amino acid difference” (as defined herein) at at least one of the Hallmark residues (including those at positions 108, 103 and/or 45) compared to the corresponding framework region of a naturally occurring human VH domain, and in particular compared to the corresponding framework region of DP-47. Usually, a Nanobody will have at least one such amino acid difference with a naturally occurring VH domain in at least one of FR2 and/or FR4, and in particular at at least one of the Hallmark residues in FR2 and/or FR4 (again, including those at positions 108, 103 and/or 45).
Also, a humanized Nanobody of the invention may be as defined herein, but with the proviso that it has at least “one amino acid difference” (as defined herein) in at least one of the framework regions compared to the corresponding framework region of a naturally occurring VHH domain. More specifically, according to one non-limiting aspect of the invention, a humanized Nanobody may be as defined herein, but with the proviso that it has at least “one amino acid difference” (as defined herein) at at least one of the Hallmark residues (including those at positions 108, 103 and/or 45) compared to the corresponding framework region of a naturally occurring VHH domain. Usually, a humanized Nanobody will have at least one such amino acid difference with a naturally occurring VHH domain in at least one of FR2 and/or FR4, and in particular at at least one of the Hallmark residues in FR2 and/or FR4 (again, including those at positions 108, 103 and/or 45).
As will be clear from the disclosure herein, it is also within the scope of the invention to use natural or synthetic analogs, mutants, variants, alleles, homologs and orthologs (herein collectively referred to as “analogs”) of the Nanobodies of the invention as defined herein, and in particular analogs of the Nanobodies of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485. Thus, according to one aspect of the invention, the term “Nanobody of the invention” in its broadest sense also covers such analogs.
Generally, in such analogs, one or more amino acid residues may have been replaced, deleted and/or added, compared to the Nanobodies of the invention as defined herein. Such substitutions, insertions or deletions may be made in one or more of the framework regions and/or in one or more of the CDR's. When such substitutions, insertions or deletions are made in one or more of the framework regions, they may be made at one or more of the Hallmark residues and/or at one or more of the other positions in the framework residues, although substitutions, insertions or deletions at the Hallmark residues are generally less preferred (unless these are suitable humanizing substitutions as described herein).
By means of non-limiting examples, a substitution may for example be a conservative substitution (as described herein) and/or an amino acid residue may be replaced by another amino acid residue that naturally occurs at the same position in another VHH domain (see Tables A-5 to A-8 for some non-limiting examples of such substitutions), although the invention is generally not limited thereto. Thus, any one or more substitutions, deletions or insertions, or any combination thereof, that either improve the properties of the Nanobody of the invention or that at least do not detract too much from the desired properties or from the balance or combination of desired properties of the Nanobody of the invention (i.e. to the extent that the Nanobody is no longer suited for its intended use) are included within the scope of the invention. A skilled person will generally be able to determine and select suitable substitutions, deletions or insertions, or suitable combinations of thereof, based on the disclosure herein and optionally after a limited degree of routine experimentation, which may for example involve introducing a limited number of possible substitutions and determining their influence on the properties of the Nanobodies thus obtained.
For example, and depending on the host organism used to express the Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention, such deletions and/or substitutions may be designed in such a way that one or more sites for post-translational modification (such as one or more glycosylation sites) are removed, as will be within the ability of the person skilled in the art. Alternatively, substitutions or insertions may be designed so as to introduce one or more sites for attachment of functional groups (as described herein), for example to allow site-specific pegylation (again as described herein).
As can be seen from the data on the VHH entropy and VHH variability given in Tables A-5 to A-8 above, some amino acid residues in the framework regions are more conserved than others. Generally, although the invention in its broadest sense is not limited thereto, any substitutions, deletions or insertions are preferably made at positions that are less conserved. Also, generally, amino acid substitutions are preferred over amino acid deletions or insertions.
The analogs are preferably such that they can bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an 1050 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein for the Nanobodies of the invention.
The analogs are preferably also such that they retain the favourable properties the Nanobodies, as described herein.
Also, according to one preferred aspect, the analogs have a degree of sequence identity of at least 70%, preferably at least 80%, more preferably at least 90%, such as at least 95% or 99% or more; and/or preferably have at most 20, preferably at most 10, even more preferably at most 5, such as 4, 3, 2 or only 1 amino acid difference (as defined herein), with one of the Nanobodies of SEQ 1D NOs: 441-485.
Also, the framework sequences and CDR's of the analogs are preferably such that they are in accordance with the preferred aspects defined herein. More generally, as described herein, the analogs will have (a) a Q at position 108; and/or (b) a charged amino acid or a cysteine residue at position 45 and preferably an. E at position 44, and more preferably E at position 44 and R at position 45; and/or (c) P, R or S at position 103.
One preferred class of analogs of the Nanobodies of the invention comprise Nanobodies that have been humanized (i.e. compared to the sequence of a naturally occurring Nanobody of the invention). As mentioned in the background art cited herein, such humanization generally involves replacing one or more amino acid residues in the sequence of a naturally occurring VHH with the amino acid residues that occur at the same position in a human VH domain, such as a human VH3 domain. Examples of possible humanizing substitutions or combinations of humanizing substitutions will be clear to the skilled person, for example from the Tables herein, from the possible humanizing substitutions mentioned in the background art cited herein, and/or from a comparision between the sequence of a Nanobody and the sequence of a naturally occurring human VH domain.
The humanizing substitutions should be chosen such that the resulting humanized Nanobodies still retain the favourable properties of Nanobodies as defined herein, and more preferably such that they are as described for analogs in the preceding paragraphs. A skilled person will generally be able to determine and select suitable humanizing substitutions or suitable combinations of humanizing substitutions, based on the disclosure herein and optionally after a limited degree of routine experimentation, which may for example involve introducing a limited number of possible humanizing substitutions and determining their influence on the properties of the Nanobodies thus obtained.
Generally, as a result of humanization, the Nanobodies of the invention may become more “human-like”, while still retaining the favorable properties of the Nanobodies of the invention as described herein. As a result, such humanized Nanobodies may have several advantages, such as a reduced immunogenicity, compared to the corresponding naturally occurring VHH domains. Again, based on the disclosure herein and optionally after a limited degree of routine experimentation, the skilled person will be able to select humanizing substitutions or suitable combinations of humanizing substitutions which optimize or achieve a desired or suitable balance between the favourable properties provided by the humanizing substitutions on the one hand and the favourable properties of naturally occurring VHH domains on the other hand.
The Nanobodies of the invention may be suitably humanized at any framework residue(s), such as at one or more Hallmark residues (as defined herein) or at one or more other framework residues (i.e. non-Hallmark residues) or any suitable combination thereof. One preferred humanizing substitution for Nanobodies of the “P,R,S-103 group” or the “KERE group” is Q108 into L1.08. Nanobodies of the “GLEW class” may also be humanized by a Q108 into L108 substitution, provided at least one of the other Hallmark residues contains a camelid (camelizing) substitution (as defined herein). For example, as mentioned above, one particularly preferred class of humanized Nanobodies has GLEW or a GLEW-like sequence at positions 44-47; P, R or S (and in particular R) at position 103, and an L at position 108.
The humanized and other analogs, and nucleic acid sequences encoding the same, can be provided in any manner known per se. For example, the analogs can be obtained by providing a nucleic acid that encodes a naturally occurring VHH domain, changing the codons for the one or more amino acid residues that are to be substituted into the codons for the corresponding desired amino acid residues (e.g. by site-directed mutagenesis or by PCR using suitable mismatch primers), expressing the nucleic acid/nucleotide sequence thus obtained in a suitable host or expression system; and optionally isolating and/or purifying the analog thus obtained to provide said analog in essentially isolated form (e.g. as further described herein). This can generally be performed using methods and techniques known per se, which will be clear to the skilled person, for example from the handbooks and references cited herein, the background art cited herein and/or from the further description herein. Alternatively, a nucleic acid encoding the desired analog can be synthesized in a manner known per se (for example using an automated apparatus for synthesizing nucleic acid sequences with a predefined amino acid sequence) and can then be expressed as described herein. Yet another technique may involve combining one or more naturally occurring and/or synthetic nucleic acid sequences each encoding a part of the desired analog, and then expressing the combined nucleic acid sequence as described herein. Also, the analogs can be provided using chemical synthesis of the pertinent amino acid sequence using techniques for peptide synthesis known per se, such as those mentioned herein.
In this respect, it will be also be clear to the skilled person that the Nanobodies of the invention (including their analogs) can be designed and/or prepared starting from human VH sequences (i.e. amino acid sequences or the corresponding nucleotide sequences), such as for example from human VH3 sequences such as DP-47, DP-51 or DP-29, i.e. by introducing one or more camelizing substitutions (i.e. changing one or more amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence of said human VH domain into the amino acid residues that occur at the corresponding position in a VHH domain), so as to provide the sequence of a Nanobody of the invention and/or so as to confer the favourable properties of a Nanobody to the sequence thus obtained. Again, this can generally be performed using the various methods and techniques referred to in the previous paragraph, using an amino acid sequence and/or nucleotide sequence for a human VH domain as a starting point.
Some preferred, but non-limiting camelizing substitutions can be derived from Tables A-5-A-8. It will also be clear that camelizing substitutions at one or more of the Hallmark residues will generally have a greater influence on the desired properties than substitutions at one or more of the other amino acid positions, although both and any suitable combination thereof are included within the scope of the invention. For example, it is possible to introduce one or more camelizing substitutions that already confer at least some the desired properties, and then to introduce further camelizing substitutions that either further improve said properties and/or confer additional favourable properties. Again, the skilled person will generally be able to determine and select suitable camelizing substitutions or suitable combinations of camelizing substitutions, based on the disclosure herein and optionally after a limited degree of routine experimentation, which may for example involve introducing a limited number of possible camelizing substitutions and determining whether the favourable properties of Nanobodies are obtained or improved (i.e. compared to the original VH domain).
Generally, however, such camelizing substitutions are preferably such that the resulting an amino acid sequence at least contains (a) a Q at position 108; and/or (b) a charged amino acid or a cysteine residue at position 45 and preferably also an E at position 44, and more preferably E at position 44 and R at position 45; and/or (c) P, R or S at position 103; and optionally one or more further camelizing substitutions. More preferably, the camelizing substitutions are such that they result in a Nanobody of the invention and/or in an analog thereof (as defined herein), such as in a humanized analog and/or preferably in an analog that is as defined in the preceding paragraphs.
As will also be clear from the disclosure herein, it is also within the scope of the invention to use parts or fragments, or combinations of two or more parts or fragments, of the Nanobodies of the invention as defined herein, and in particular parts or fragments of the Nanobodies of SEQ ID NO's: 441-485. Thus, according to one aspect of the invention, the term “Nanobody of the invention” in its broadest sense also covers such parts or fragments.
Generally, such parts or fragments of the Nanobodies of the invention (including analogs thereof) have amino acid sequences in which, compared to the amino acid sequence of the corresponding full length Nanobody of the invention (or analog thereof), one or more of the amino acid residues at the N-terminal end, one or more amino acid residues at the C-terminal end, one or more contiguous internal amino acid residues, or any combination thereof, have been deleted and/or removed.
The parts or fragments are preferably such that they can bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein for the Nanobodies of the invention.
Any part or fragment is preferably such that it comprises at least 10 contiguous amino acid residues, preferably at least 20 contiguous amino acid residues, more preferably at least 30 contiguous amino acid residues, such as at least 40 contiguous amino acid residues, of the amino acid sequence of the corresponding full length Nanobody of the invention.
Also, any part or fragment is such preferably that it comprises at least one of CDR1, CDR2 and/or CDR3 or at least part thereof (and in particular at least CDR3 or at least part thereof). More preferably, any part or fragment is such that it comprises at least one of the CDR's (and preferably at least CDR3 or part thereof) and at least one other CDR (i.e. CDR1 or CDR2) or at least part thereof, preferably connected by suitable framework sequence(s) or at least part thereof. More preferably, any part or fragment is such that it comprises at least one of the CDR's (and preferably at least CDR3 or part thereof) and at least part of the two remaining CDR's, again preferably connected by suitable framework sequence(s) or at least part thereof.
According to another particularly preferred, but non-limiting aspect, such a part or fragment comprises at least CDR3, such as FR3, CDR3 and FR4 of the corresponding full length Nanobody of the invention, i.e. as for example described in the International application WO 03/050531 (tasters et al.).
As already mentioned above, it is also possible to combine two or more of such parts or fragments (i.e. from the same or different Nanobodies of the invention), i.e. to provide an analog (as defined herein) and/or to provide further parts or fragments (as defined herein) of a Nanobody of the invention. It is for example also possible to combine one or more parts or fragments of a Nanobody of the invention with one or more parts or fragments of a human VH domain.
According to one preferred aspect, the parts or fragments have a degree of sequence identity of at least 50%, preferably at least 60%, more preferably at least 70%, even more preferably at least 80%, such as at least 90%, 95% or 99% or more with one of the Nanobodies of SEQ ID NOs: 441-485.
The parts and fragments, and nucleic acid sequences encoding the same, can be provided and optionally combined in any manner known per se. For example, such parts or fragments can be obtained by inserting a stop codon in a nucleic acid that encodes a full-sized Nanobody of the invention, and then expressing the nucleic acid thus obtained in a manner known per se (e.g. as described herein). Alternatively, nucleic acids encoding such parts or fragments can be obtained by suitably restricting a nucleic acid that encodes a full-sized Nanobody of the invention or by synthesizing such a nucleic acid in a manner known per se. Parts or fragments may also be provided using techniques for peptide synthesis known per se.
The invention in its broadest sense also comprises derivatives of the Nanobodies of the invention. Such derivatives can generally be obtained by modification, and in particular by chemical and/or biological (e.g enzymatical) modification, of the Nanobodies of the invention and/or of one or more of the amino acid residues that form the Nanobodies of the invention.
Examples of such modifications, as well as examples of amino acid residues within the Nanobody sequence that can be modified in such a manner (i.e. either on the protein backbone but preferably on a side chain), methods and techniques that can be used to introduce such modifications and the potential uses and advantages of such modifications will be clear to the skilled person.
For example, such a modification may involve the introduction (e.g. by covalent linking or in an other suitable manner) of one or more functional groups, residues or moieties into or onto the Nanobody of the invention, and in particular of one or more functional groups, residues or moieties that confer one or more desired properties or functionalities to the Nanobody of the invention. Example of such functional groups will be clear to the skilled person.
For example, such modification may comprise the introduction (e.g. by covalent binding or in any other suitable manner) of one or more functional groups that increase the half-life, the solubility and/or the absorption of the Nanobody of the invention, that reduce the immunogenicity and/or the toxicity of the Nanobody of the invention, that eliminate or attenuate any undesirable side effects of the Nanobody of the invention, and/or that confer other advantageous properties to and/or reduce the undesired properties of the Nanobodies and/or polypeptides of the invention; or any combination of two or more of the foregoing. Examples of such functional groups and of techniques for introducing them will be clear to the skilled person, and can generally comprise all functional groups and techniques mentioned in the general background art cited hereinabove as well as the functional groups and techniques known per se for the modification of pharmaceutical proteins, and in particular for the modification of antibodies or antibody fragments (including ScFv's and single domain antibodies), for which reference is for example made to Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16th ed., Mack Publishing Co., Easton, Pa. (1980). Such functional groups may for example be linked directly (for example covalently) to a Nanobody of the invention, or optionally via a suitable linker or spacer, as will again be clear to the skilled person.
One of the most widely used techniques for increasing the half-life and/or reducing the immunogenicity of pharmaceutical proteins comprises attachment of a suitable pharmacologically acceptable polymer, such as poly(ethyleneglycol) (PEG) or derivatives thereof (such as methoxypoly(ethyleneglycol) or mPEG). Generally, any suitable form of pegylation can be used, such as the pegylation used in the art for antibodies and antibody fragments (including but not limited to (single) domain antibodies and ScFv's); reference is made to for example Chapman, Nat. Biotechnol., 54, 531-545 (2002); by Veronese and Harris, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 54, 453-456 (2003), by Harris and Chess, Nat. Rev. Drug. Discov., 2, (2003) and in WO 04/060965. Various reagents for pegylation of proteins are also commercially available, for example from Nektar Therapeutics, USA.
Preferably, site-directed pegylation is used, in particular via a cysteine-residue (see for example Yang et al., Protein Engineering, 16, 10, 761-770 (2003). For example, for this purpose, PEG may be attached to a cysteine residue that naturally occurs in a Nanobody of the invention, a Nanobody of the invention may be modified so as to suitably introduce one or more cysteine residues for attachment of PEG, or an amino acid sequence comprising one or more cysteine residues for attachment of PEG may be fused to the N- and/or C-terminus of a Nanobody of the invention, all using techniques of protein engineering known per se to the skilled person.
Preferably, for the Nanobodies and proteins of the invention, a PEG is used with a molecular weight of more than 5000, such as more than 10,000 and less than 200,000, such as less than 100,000; for example in the range of 20,000-80,000.
Another, usually less preferred modification comprises N-linked or O-linked glycosylation, usually as part of co-translational and/or post-translational modification, depending on the host cell used for expressing the Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention.
Yet another modification may comprise the introduction of one or more detectable labels or other signal-generating groups or moieties, depending on the intended use of the labelled Nanobody. Suitable labels and techniques for attaching, using and detecting them will be clear to the skilled person, and for example include, but are not limited to, fluorescent labels (such as fluorescein, isothiocyanate, rhodamine, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, o-phthaldehyde, and fluorescamine and fluorescent metals such as 152Eu or others metals from the lanthanide series), phosphorescent labels, chemiluminescent labels or bioluminescent labels (such as luminal, isoluminol, theromatic acridinium ester, imidazole, acridinium salts, oxalate ester, dioxetane or GFP and its analogs), radio-isotopes (such as 3H, 125I, 32P, 35S, 14C, 51Cr, 36Cl, 57Co, 58Co, 59Fe, and 75Se), metals, metal chelates or metallic cations (for example metallic cations such as 99mTc, 123I , 111In, 131I, 97Ru, 67Cu, 67Ga, and 68Ga or other metals or metallic cations that are particularly suited for use in in vivo, in vitro or in situ diagnosis and imaging, such as (157Gd, 55Mn, 162Dy, 52Cr, and 56Fe), as well as chromophores and enzymes (such as malate dehydrogenase, staphylococcal nuclease, delta-V-steroid isomerase, yeast alcohol dehydrogenase, alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, triose phosphate isomerase, biotinavidin peroxidase, horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, asparaginase, glucose oxidase, beta-galactosidase, ribonuclease, urease, catalase, glucose-VI-phosphate dehydrogenase, glucoamylase and acetylcholine esterase). Other suitable labels will be clear to the skilled person, and for example include moieties that can be detected using NMR or ESR spectroscopy.
Such labelled Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may for example be used for in vitro, in vivo or in situ assays (including immunoassays known per se such as ELISA, RIA, EIA and other “sandwich assays”, etc.) as well as in vivo diagnostic and imaging purposes, depending on the choice of the specific label.
As will be clear to the skilled person, another modification may involve the introduction of a chelating group, for example to chelate one of the metals or metallic cations referred to above. Suitable chelating groups for example include, without limitation, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
Yet another modification may comprise the introduction of a functional group that is one part of a specific binding pair, such as the biotin-(strept)avidin binding pair. Such a functional group may be used to link the Nanobody of the invention to another protein, polypeptide or chemical compound that is bound to the other half of the binding pair, i.e. through formation of the binding pair. For example, a Nanobody of the invention may be conjugated to biotin, and linked to another protein, polypeptide, compound or carrier conjugated to avidin or streptavidin. For example, such a conjugated Nanobody may be used as a reporter, for example in a diagnostic system where a detectable signal-producing agent is conjugated to avidin or streptavidin. Such binding pairs may for example also be used to bind the Nanobody of the invention to a carrier, including carriers suitable for pharmaceutical purposes. One non-limiting example are the liposomal formulations described by Cao and Suresh, Journal of Drug Targetting, 8, 4, 257 (2000). Such binding pairs may also be used to link a therapeutically active agent to the Nanobody of the invention.
For some applications, in particular for those applications in which it is intended to kill a cell that expresses the target against which the Nanobodies of the invention are directed (e.g. in the treatment of cancer), or to reduce or slow the growth and/or proliferation such a cell, the Nanobodies of the invention may also be linked to a toxin or to a toxic residue or moiety. Examples of toxic moieties, compounds or residues which can be linked to a Nanobody of the invention to provide—for example—a cytotoxic compound will be clear to the skilled person and can for example be found in the prior art cited above and/or in the further description herein. One example is the so-called ADEPT™ technology described in WO 03/055527.
Other potential chemical and enzymatical modifications will be clear to the skilled person. Such modifications may also be introduced for research purposes (e.g. to study function-activity relationships). Reference is for example made to Lundblad and Bradshaw, Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem., 26, 143-151 (1997).
Preferably, the derivatives are such that they bind to VEGF with an affinity (suitably measured and/or expressed as a KD-value (actual or apparent), a KA-value (actual or apparent), a kon-rate and/or a koff-rate, or alternatively as an IC50 value, as further described herein) that is as defined herein for the Nanobodies of the invention.
As mentioned above, the invention also relates to proteins or polypeptides that essentially consist of or comprise at least one Nanobody of the invention. By “essentially consist of” is meant that the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide of the invention either is exactly the same as the amino acid sequence of a Nanobody of the invention or corresponds to the amino acid sequence of a Nanobody of the invention which has a limited number of amino acid residues, such as 1-20 amino acid residues, for example 1-10 amino acid residues and preferably 1-6 amino acid residues, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 amino acid residues, added at the amino terminal end, at the carboxy terminal end, or at both the amino terminal end and the carboxy terminal end of the amino acid sequence of the Nanobody.
Said amino acid residues may or may not change, alter or otherwise influence the (biological) properties of the Nanobody and may or may not add further functionality to the Nanobody. For example, such amino acid residues:
According to another aspect, a polypeptide of the invention comprises a Nanobody of the invention, which is fused at its amino terminal end, at its carboxy terminal end, or both at its amino terminal end and at its carboxy terminal end to at least one further amino acid sequence, i.e. so as to provide a fusion protein comprising said Nanobody of the invention and the one or more further amino acid sequences. Such a fusion will also be referred to herein as a “Nanobody fusion”.
The one or more further amino acid sequence may be any suitable and/or desired amino acid sequences. The further amino acid sequences may or may not change, alter or otherwise influence the (biological) properties of the Nanobody, and may or may not add further functionality to the Nanobody or the polypeptide of the invention. Preferably, the further amino acid sequence is such that it confers one or more desired properties or functionalities to the Nanobody or the polypeptide of the invention.
For example, the further amino acid sequence may also provide a second binding site, which binding site may be directed against any desired protein, polypeptide, antigen, antigenic determinant or epitope (including but not limited to the same protein, polypeptide, antigen, antigenic determinant or epitope against which the Nanobody of the invention is directed, or a different protein, polypeptide, antigen, antigenic determinant or epitope).
Example of such amino acid sequences will be clear to the skilled person, and may generally comprise all amino acid sequences that are used in peptide fusions based on conventional antibodies and fragments thereof (including but not limited to ScFv's and single domain antibodies). Reference is for example made to the review by Holliger and Hudson, Nature Biotechnology, 23, 9, 1126-1136 (2005).
For example, such an amino acid sequence may be an amino acid sequence that increases the half-life, the solubility, or the absorption, reduces the immunogenicity or the toxicity, eliminates or attenuates undesirable side effects, and/or confers other advantageous properties to and/or reduces the undesired properties of the polypeptides of the invention, compared to the Nanobody of the invention per se. Some non-limiting examples of such amino acid sequences are serum proteins, such as human serum albumin (see for example WO 00/27435) or haptenic molecules (for example haptens that are recognized by circulating antibodies, see for example WO 98/22141).
In particular, it has been described in the art that linking fragments of immunoglobulins (such as VH domains) to serum albumin or to fragments thereof can be used to increase the half-life. Reference is for made to WO 00/27435 and WO 01/077137).
According to the invention, the Nanobody of the invention is preferably either directly linked to serum albumin (or to a suitable fragment thereof) or via a suitable linker, and in particular via a suitable peptide linked so that the polypeptide of the invention can be expressed as a genetic fusion (protein). According to one specific aspect, the Nanobody of the invention may be linked to a fragment of serum albumin that at least comprises the domain III of serum albumin or part thereof. Reference is for example made to the U.S. provisional application 60/788,256 of Ablynx N.V. entitled “Albumin derived amino acid sequence, use thereof for increasing the half-life of therapeutic proteins and of other therapeutic proteins and entities, and constructs comprising the same” filed on Mar. 31, 2006 (see also PCT/EP2007/002817).
Alternatively, the further amino acid sequence may provide a second binding site or binding unit that is directed against a serum protein (such as, for example, human serum albumin or another serum protein such as IgG), so as to provide increased half-life in serum. Such amino acid sequences for example include the Nanobodies described below, as well as the small peptides and binding proteins described in WO 91/01743, WO 01/45746 and WO 02/076489 and the dAb's described in WO 03/002609 and WO 04/003019. Reference is also made to Harmsen et al., Vaccine, 23 (41); 4926-42, 2005, as well as to EP 0 368 684, as well as to the following the U.S. provisional applications 60/843,349 (see also PCT/EP2007/059475), 60/850,774 (see also PCT/EP2007/060849), 60/850,775 (see also PCT/EP2007/060850) by Ablynx N.V. mentioned herein and U.S. provisional application of Ablynx N.V. entitled “Peptides capable of binding to serum proteins” filed on Dec. 5, 2006 (see also PCT/EP2007/063348).
Such amino acid sequences may in particular be directed against serum albumin (and more in particular human serum albumin) and/or against IgG (and more in particular human IgG). For example, such amino acid sequences may be amino acid sequences that are directed against (human) serum albumin and amino acid sequences that can bind to amino acid residues on (human) serum albumin that are not involved in binding of serum albumin to FcRn (see for example WO 06/0122787) and/or amino acid sequences that are capable of binding to amino acid residues on serum albumin that do not form part of domain III of serum albumin (see again for example WO 06/0122787); amino acid sequences that have or can provide an increased half-life (see for example the U.S. provisional application 60/843,349 by Ablynx N.V. entitled “Serum albumin binding proteins with long half-lives” filed on Sep. 8, 2006; see also PCT/EP2007/059475); amino acid sequences against human serum albumin that are cross-reactive with serum albumin from at least one species of mammal, and in particular with at least one species of primate (such as, without limitation, monkeys from the genus Macaca (such as, and in particular, cynomologus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and/or rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)) and baboon (Papio ursinus), reference is again made to the U.S. provisional application 60/843,349 and PCT/EP2007/059475); amino acid sequences that can bind to serum albumin in a pH independent manner (see for example the U.S. provisional application 60/850,774 by Ablynx N.V. entitled “Amino acid sequences that bind to serum proteins in a manner that is essentially independent of the pH, compounds comprising the same, and uses thereof”, filed on Oct. 11, 2006; see also and PCT/EP2007/059475) and/or amino acid sequences that are conditional binders (see for example the U.S. provisional application 60/850,775 by Ablynx N.V. entitled “Amino acid sequences that bind to a desired molecule in a conditional manner”, filed on Oct. 11, 2006; see also PCT/EP2007/060850).
According to another aspect, the one or more further amino acid sequences may comprise one or more parts, fragments or domains of conventional 4-chain antibodies (and in particular human antibodies) and/or of heavy chain antibodies. For example, although usually less preferred, a Nanobody of the invention may be linked to a conventional (preferably human) VH or VL domain or to a natural or synthetic analog of a VH or VL domain, again optionally via a linker sequence (including but not limited to other (single) domain antibodies, such as the dAb's described by Ward et al.).
The at least one Nanobody may also be linked to one or more (preferably human) CH1, CH2 and/or CH3 domains, optionally via a linker sequence. For instance, a Nanobody linked to a suitable CH1 domain could for example be used—together with suitable light chains—to generate antibody fragments/structures analogous to conventional Fab fragments or F(ab′)2 fragments, but in which one or (in case of an F(ab′)2 fragment) one or both of the conventional VH domains have been replaced by a Nanobody of the invention. Also, two Nanobodies could be linked to a CH3 domain (optionally via a linker) to provide a construct with increased half-life in vivo.
According to one specific aspect of a polypeptide of the invention, one or more Nanobodies of the invention may be linked (optionally via a suitable linker or hinge region) to one or more constant domains (for example, 2 or 3 constant domains that can be used as part of/to form an Fc portion), to an Fe portion and/or to one or more antibody parts, fragments or domains that confer one or more effector functions to the polypeptide of the invention and/or may confer the ability to bind to one or more Fe receptors. For example, for this purpose, and without being limited thereto, the one or more further amino acid sequences may comprise one or more CH2 and/or CH3 domains of an antibody, such as from a heavy chain antibody (as described herein) and more preferably from a conventional human 4-chain antibody; and/or may form (part of) and Fc region, for example from IgG (e.g. from IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 or IgG4), from IgE or from another human Ig such as IgA, IgD or IgM. For example, WO 94/04678 describes heavy chain antibodies comprising a Camelid VHH domain or a humanized derivative thereof (i.e. a Nanobody), in which the Camelidae CH2 and/or CH3 domain have been replaced by human CH2 and CH3 domains, so as to provide an immunoglobulin that consists of 2 heavy chains each comprising a Nanobody and human CH2 and CH3 domains (but no CH1 domain), which immunoglobulin has the effector function provided by the CH2 and CH3 domains and which immunoglobulin can function without the presence of any light chains. Other amino acid sequences that can be suitably linked to the Nanobodies of the invention so as to provide an effector function will be clear to the skilled person, and may be chosen on the basis of the desired effector function(s). Reference is for example made to WO 04/058820, WO 99/42077, WO 02/056910 and WO 05/017148, as well as the review by Holliger and Hudson, supra and to the non-prepublished U.S. provisional application by Ablynx N.V. entitled “Constructs comprising single variable domains and an Fc portion derived from IgE” which has a filing date of Dec. 4, 2007. Coupling of a Nanobody of the invention to an Fe portion may also lead to an increased half-life, compared to the corresponding Nanobody of the invention. For some applications, the use of an Fc portion and/or of constant domains (i.e. CH2 and/or CH3 domains) that confer increased half-life without any biologically significant effector function may also be suitable or even preferred. Other suitable constructs comprising one or more Nanobodies and one or more constant domains with increased half-life in vivo will be clear to the skilled person, and may for example comprise two Nanobodies linked to a CH3 domain, optionally via a linker sequence. Generally, any fusion protein or derivatives with increased half-life will preferably have a molecular weight of more than 50 kD, the cut-off value for renal absorption.
In another one specific, but non-limiting, aspect, in order to form a polypeptide of the invention, one or more amino acid sequences of the invention may be linked (optionally via a suitable linker or hinge region) to naturally occurring, synthetic or semisynthetic constant domains (or analogs, variants, mutants, parts or fragments thereof) that have a reduced (or essentially no) tendency to self-associate into dimers (i.e. compared to constant domains that naturally occur in conventional 4-chain antibodies). Such monomeric (i.e. not self-associating) Fc chain variants, or fragments thereof, will be clear to the skilled person. For example, Helm et al., J Biol Chem 1996 271 7494, describe monomeric FCE chain variants that can be used in the polypeptide chains of the invention.
Also, such monomeric Fc chain variants are preferably such that they are still capable of binding to the complement or the relevant Fe receptor(s) (depending on the Fc portion from which they are derived), and/or such that they still have some or all of the effector functions of the Fe portion from which they are derived (or at a reduced level still suitable for the intended use). Alternatively, in such a polypeptide chain of the invention, the monomeric Fc chain may be used to confer increased half-life upon the polypeptide chain, in which case the monomeric Fc chain may also have no or essentially no effector functions.
Bivalent/multivalent, bispecific/multispecific or biparatopic/multiparatopic polypeptides of the invention may also be linked to Fc portions, in order to provide polypeptide constructs of the type that is described in the non-prepublished U.S. provisional application entitled “immunoglobulin constructs” filed on Dec. 4, 2007.
The further amino acid sequences may also form a signal sequence or leader sequence that directs secretion of the Nanobody or the polypeptide of the invention from a host cell upon synthesis (for example to provide a pre-, pro- or prepro-form of the polypeptide of the invention, depending on the host cell used to express the polypeptide of the invention).
The further amino acid sequence may also form a sequence or signal that allows the Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention to be directed towards and/or to penetrate or enter into specific organs, tissues, cells, or parts or compartments of cells, and/or that allows the Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention to penetrate or cross a biological barrier such as a cell membrane, a cell layer such as a layer of epithelial cells, a tumor including solid tumors, or the blood-brain-barrier. Suitable examples of such amino acid sequences will be clear to the skilled person, and for example include, but are not limited to, the “Peptrans” vectors mentioned above, the sequences described by Cardinale et al. and the amino acid sequences and antibody fragments known per se that can be used to express or produce the Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention as so-called “intrabodies”, for example as described in WO 94/02610, WO 95/22618, U.S. Pat. No. 7,004,940, WO 03/014960, WO 99/07414; WO 05/01690; EP 1 512 696; and in Cattaneo, A. & Biocca, S. (1997) Intracellular Antibodies: Development and Applications. Landes and Springer-Verlag; and in Kontermann, Methods 34, (2004), 163-170, and the further references described therein.
For some applications, in particular for those applications in which it is intended to kill a cell that expresses the target against which the Nanobodies of the invention are directed (e.g. in the treatment of cancer), or to reduce or slow the growth and/or proliferation of such a cell, the Nanobodies of the invention may also be linked to a (cyto)toxic protein or polypeptide. Examples of such toxic proteins and polypeptides which can be linked to a Nanobody of the invention to provide—for example—a cytotoxic polypeptide of the invention will be clear to the skilled person and can for example be found in the prior art cited above and/or in the further description herein. One example is the so-called ADEPT™ technology described in WO 03/055527.
According to one preferred, but non-limiting aspect, said one or more further amino acid sequences comprise at least one further Nanobody, so as to provide a polypeptide of the invention that comprises at least two, such as three, four, five or more Nanobodies, in which said Nanobodies may optionally be linked via one or more linker sequences (as defined herein). Polypeptides of the invention that comprise two or more Nanobodies, of which at least one is a Nanobody of the invention, will also be referred to herein as “multivalent” polypeptides of the invention, and the Nanobodies present in such polypeptides will also be referred to herein as being in a “multivalent format”. For example a “bivalent” polypeptide of the invention comprises two Nanobodies, optionally linked via a linker sequence, whereas a “trivalent” polypeptide of the invention comprises three Nanobodies, optionally linked via two linker sequences; etc.; in which at least one of the Nanobodies present in the polypeptide, and up to all of the Nanobodies present in the polypeptide, is/are a Nanobody of the invention.
In a multivalent polypeptide of the invention, the two or more Nanobodies may be the same or different, and may be directed against the same antigen or antigenic determinant (for example against the same part(s) or epitope(s) or against different parts or epitopes) or may alternatively be directed against different antigens or antigenic determinants; or any suitable combination thereof. For example, a bivalent polypeptide of the invention may comprise (a) two identical Nanobodies; (b) a first Nanobody directed against a first antigenic determinant of a protein or antigen and a second Nanobody directed against the same antigenic determinant of said protein or antigen which is different from the first Nanobody; (c) a first Nanobody directed against a first antigenic determinant of a protein or antigen and a second Nanobody directed against another antigenic determinant of said protein or antigen; or (d) a first Nanobody directed against a first protein or antigen and a second Nanobody directed against a second protein or antigen (i.e. different from said first antigen). Similarly, a trivalent polypeptide of the invention may, for example and without being limited thereto. comprise (a) three identical Nanobodies; (b) two identical Nanobody against a first antigenic determinant of an antigen and a third Nanobody directed against a different antigenic determinant of the same antigen; (c) two identical Nanobody against a first antigenic determinant of an antigen and a third Nanobody directed against a second antigen different from said first antigen; (d) a first Nanobody directed against a first antigenic determinant of a first antigen, a second Nanobody directed against a second antigenic determinant of said first antigen and a third Nanobody directed against a second antigen different from said first antigen; or (e) a first Nanobody directed against a first antigen, a second Nanobody directed against a second antigen different from said first antigen, and a third Nanobody directed against a third antigen different from said first and second antigen.
In a preferred aspect of the invention, a bivalent polypeptide of the invention is a polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against the binding site on VEGF for VEGFR-1, and a second Nanobody directed against the binding site on VEGF for VEGFR-2, in which said first and second Nanobody may optionally be linked via a linker sequence (as defined herein).
Polypeptides of the invention that contain at least two Nanobodies, in which at least one Nanobody is directed against a first antigen (i.e. VEGF) and at least one Nanobody is directed against a second antigen (i.e. an antigen different from VEGF), will also be referred to as “multispecific” polypeptides of the invention, and the Nanobodies present in such polypeptides will also be referred to herein as being in a “multispecific format”. Thus, for example, a “bispecific” polypeptide of the invention is a polypeptide that comprises at least one Nanobody directed against a first antigen (i.e. VEGF) and at least one further Nanobody directed against a second antigen (i.e. an antigen different from VEGF), whereas a “trispecific” polypeptide of the invention is a polypeptide that comprises at least one Nanobody directed against a first antigen (i.e. VEGF), at least one further Nanobody directed against a second antigen (i.e. an antigen different from VEGF) and at least one further Nanobody directed against a third antigen (i.e. different from both the first, and the second antigen); etc.
Accordingly, in another form, a bispecific polypeptide of the invention is a bivalent polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against VEGF, and a second Nanobody directed against a second antigen, in which said first and second Nanobody may optionally be linked via a linker sequence (as defined herein); whereas a trispecific polypeptide of the invention in its simplest form is a trivalent polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against VEGF, a second Nanobody directed against a second antigen and a third Nanobody directed against a third antigen, in which said first, second and third Nanobody may optionally be linked via one or more, and in particular one and more, in particular two, linker sequences.
In a preferred aspect of the invention, a bispecific polypeptide of the invention is a bivalent polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against VEGF, and a second Nanobody directed against a VEGF receptor, in which said first and second Nanobody may optionally be linked via a linker sequence (as defined herein). The bispecific polypeptide of the invention may be a bivalent polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against VEGF, and a second Nanobody directed against VEGFR-1, in which said first and second Nanobody may optionally be linked via a linker sequence (as defined herein); else, the bispecific polypeptide of the invention is a bivalent polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against VEGF, and a second Nanobody directed against VEGFR-2, in which said first and second Nanobody may optionally be linked via a linker sequence (as defined herein).
In another preferred aspect of the invention, a bispecific polypeptide of the invention is a bivalent polypeptide of the invention (as defined herein), comprising a first Nanobody directed against VEGF, and a second Nanobody directed against a tumor antigen, in which said first and second Nanobody may optionally be linked via a linker sequence (as defined herein).
Such targetting of the Nanobodies of the invention via bispecific polypeptides will result in a low systemic exposure of said Nanobodies and a presence of said Nanobodies in high concentrations at the tumor site, which may increase the efficacy of a tumor therapy while decreasing the side effects observed with the current therapeutics.
However, as will be clear from the description hereinabove, the invention is not limited thereto, in the sense that a multispecific polypeptide of the invention may comprise at least one Nanobody against VEGF, and any number of Nanobodies directed against one or more antigens different from VEGF.
Furthermore, although it is encompassed within the scope of the invention that the specific order or arrangement of the various Nanobodies in the polypeptides of the invention may have some influence on the properties of the final polypeptide of the invention (including but not limited to the affinity, specificity or avidity for VEGF, or against the one or more other antigens), said order or arrangement is usually not critical and may be suitably chosen by the skilled person, optionally after some limited routine experiments based on the disclosure herein. Thus, when reference is made to a specific multivalent or multispecific polypeptide of the invention, it should be noted that this encompasses any order or arrangements of the relevant Nanobodies, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.
Finally, it is also within the scope of the invention that the polypeptides of the invention contain two or more Nanobodies and one or more further amino acid sequences (as mentioned herein).
For multivalent and multispecific polypeptides containing one or more VHH domains and their preparation, reference is also made to Conrath et al., J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 276, 10. 7346-7350, 2001; Muyldermans, Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology 74 (2001), 277-302; as well as to for example WO 96/34103 and WO 99/23221. Some other examples of some specific multispecific and/or multivalent polypeptide of the invention can be found in the applications by Ablynx N. V. referred to herein.
One preferred, but non-limiting example of a multispecific polypeptide of the invention comprises at least one Nanobody of the invention and at least one Nanobody that provides for an increased half-life. Such Nanobodies may for example be Nanobodies that are directed against a serum protein, and in particular a human serum protein, such as human serum albumin, thyroxine-binding protein, (human) transferrin, fibrinogen, an immunoglobulin such as IgG, IgE or IgM, or against one of the serum proteins listed in WO 04/003019. Of these, Nanobodies that can bind to serum albumin (and in particular human serum albumin) or to IgG (and in particular human IgG, see for example Nanobody VH-1 described in the review by Muyldermans, supra) are particularly preferred (although for example, for experiments in mice or primates, Nanobodies against or cross-reactive with mouse serum albumin (MSA) or serum albumin from said primate, respectively, can be used. However, for pharmaceutical use, Nanobodies against human serum albumin or human IgG will usually be preferred). Nanobodies that provide for increased half-life and that can be used in the polypeptides of the invention include the Nanobodies directed against serum albumin that are described in WO 04/041865, in WO 06/122787 and in the further patent applications by Ablynx N. V., such as those mentioned above.
For example, the some preferred Nanobodies that provide for increased half-life for use in the present invention include Nanobodies that can bind to amino acid residues on (human) serum albumin that are not involved in binding of serum albumin to FcRn (see for example WO 06/0122787); Nanobodies that are capable of binding to amino acid residues on serum albumin that do not form part of domain III of serum albumin (see for example WO 06/0122787); Nanobodies that have or can provide an increased half-life (see for example the US provisional application 60/843,349 by Ablynx N. V mentioned herein; see also PCT/EP2007/059475); Nanobodies against human serum albumin that are cross-reactive with serum albumin from at least one species of mammal, and in particular with at least one species of primate (such as, without limitation, monkeys from the genus Macaca (such as, and in particular, cynomologus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and/or rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)) and baboon (Papio ursinus)) (see for example the U.S. provisional application 60/843,349 by Ablynx N. V; see also PCT/EP2007/059475); Nanobodies that can bind to serum albumin in a pH independent manner (see for example the U.S. provisional application 60/850,774 by Ablynx N. V. mentioned herein; see also PCT/EP2007/060849) and/or Nanobodies that are conditional binders (see for example the U.S. provisional application 60/850,775 by Ablynx N. V.; see also PCT/EP2007/060850).
Some particularly preferred Nanobodies that provide for increased half-life and that can be used in the polypeptides of the invention include the Nanobodies ALB-1 to ALB-10 disclosed in WO 06/122787 (see Tables II and III) of which ALB-8 (SEQ ID NO: 62 in WO 06/122787) is particularly preferred.
Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of polypeptides of the invention that comprise at least one Nanobody of the invention and at least one Nanobody that provides for increased half-life are given in SEQ ID NO's: 576-677.
According to a specific, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, the polypeptides of the invention contain, besides the one or more Nanobodies of the invention, at least one Nanobody against human serum albumin.
Generally, any polypeptides of the invention with increased half-life that contain one or more Nanobodies of the invention, and any derivatives of Nanobodies of the invention or of such polypeptides that have an increased half-life, preferably have a half-life that is at least 1.5 times, preferably at least 2 times, such as at least 5 times, for example at least 10 times or more than 20 times, greater than the half-life of the corresponding Nanobody of the invention per se. For example, such a derivative or polypeptides with increased half-life may have a half-life that is increased with more than 1 hours, preferably more than 2 hours, more preferably more than 6 hours, such as more than 12 hours, or even more than 24, 48 or 72 hours, compared to the corresponding Nanobody of the invention per se.
In a preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, such derivatives or polypeptides may exhibit a serum half-life in human of at least about 12 hours, preferably at least 24 hours, more preferably at least 48 hours, even more preferably at least 72 hours or more. For example, such derivatives or polypeptides may have a half-life of at least 5 days (such as about 5 to 10 days), preferably at least 9 days (such as about 9 to 14 days), more preferably at least about 10 days (such as about 10 to 15 days), or at least about 11 days (such as about 11 to 16 days), more preferably at least about 12 days (such as about 12 to 18 days or more), or more than 14 days (such as about 14 to 19 days).
According to one aspect of the invention the polypeptides are capable of binding to one or more molecules which can increase the half-life of the polypeptide in vivo.
The polypeptides of the invention are stabilised in vivo and their half-life increased by binding to molecules which resist degradation and/or clearance or sequestration. Typically, such molecules are naturally occurring proteins which themselves have a long half-life in vivo.
Another preferred, but non-limiting example of a multispecific polypeptide of the invention comprises at least one Nanobody of the invention and at least one Nanobody that directs the polypeptide of the invention towards, and/or that allows the polypeptide of the invention to penetrate or to enter into specific organs, tissues, cells, or parts or compartments of cells, and/or that allows the Nanobody to penetrate or cross a biological barrier such as a cell membrane, a cell layer such as a layer of epithelial cells, a tumor including solid tumors, or the blood-brain-barrier. Examples of such Nanobodies include Nanobodies that are directed towards specific cell-surface proteins, markers or epitopes of the desired organ, tissue or cell (for example cell-surface markers associated with tumor cells), and the single-domain brain targeting antibody fragments described in WO 02/057445 and WO 06/040153, of which FC44 (SEQ ID NO: 189 of WO 06/040153) and FC5 (SEQ ID NO: 190 of WO 06/040154) are preferred examples.
In the polypeptides of the invention, the one or more Nanobodies and the one or more polypeptides may be directly linked to each other (as for example described in WO 99/23221) and/or may be linked to each other via one or more suitable spacers or linkers, or any combination thereof.
Suitable spacers or linkers for use in multivalent and multispecific polypeptides will be clear to the skilled person, and may generally be any linker or spacer used in the art to link amino acid sequences. Preferably, said linker or spacer is suitable for use in constructing proteins or polypeptides that are intended for pharmaceutical use.
Some particularly preferred spacers include the spacers and linkers that are used in the art to link antibody fragments or antibody domains. These include the linkers mentioned in the general background art cited above, as well as for example linkers that are used in the art to construct diabodies or ScFv fragments (in this respect, however, its should be noted that, whereas in diabodies and in ScFv fragments, the linker sequence used should have a length, a degree of flexibility and other properties that allow the pertinent VH and VL domains to come together to form the complete antigen-binding site, there is no particular limitation on the length or the flexibility of the linker used in the polypeptide of the invention, since each Nanobody by itself forms a complete antigen-binding site).
For example, a linker may be a suitable amino acid sequence, and in particular amino acid sequences of between 1 and 50, preferably between 1 and 30, such as between 1 and 10 amino acid residues. Some preferred examples of such amino acid sequences include gly-ser linkers, for example of the type (glyxsery), such as (for example (gly4ser)3 or (gly3ser2)3, as described in WO 99/42077 and the GS30, GS 15, GS9 and GS7 linkers described in the applications by Ablynx mentioned herein (see for example WO 06/040153 and WO 06/122825), as well as hinge-like regions, such as the hinge regions of naturally occurring heavy chain antibodies or similar sequences (such as described in WO 94/04678).
Some other particularly preferred linkers are poly-alanine (such as AAA), as well as the linkers GS30 (SEQ ID NO: 85 in WO 06/122825) and GS9 (SEQ ID NO: 84 in WO 06/122825).
Other suitable linkers generally comprise organic compounds or polymers, in particular those suitable for use in proteins for pharmaceutical use. For instance, poly(ethyleneglycol) moieties have been used to link antibody domains, see for example WO 04/081026.
It is encompassed within the scope of the invention that the length, the degree of flexibility and/or other properties of the linker(s) used (although not critical, as it usually is for linkers used in ScFv fragments) may have some influence on the properties of the final polypeptide of the invention, including but not limited to the affinity, specificity or avidity for VEGF, or for one or more of the other antigens. Based on the disclosure herein, the skilled person will be able to determine the optimal linker(s) for use in a specific polypeptide of the invention, optionally after some limited routine experiments.
For example, in multivalent polypeptides of the invention that comprise Nanobodies directed against a multimeric antigen (such as a multimeric receptor or other protein), the length and flexibility of the linker are preferably such that it allows each Nanobody of the invention present in the polypeptide to bind to the antigenic determinant on each of the subunits of the multimer. Similarly, in a multispecific polypeptide of the invention that comprises Nanobodies directed against two or more different antigenic determinants on the same antigen (for example against different epitopes of an antigen and/or against different subunits of a multimeric receptor, channel or protein), the length and flexibility of the linker are preferably such that it allows each Nanobody to bind to its intended antigenic determinant. Again, based on the disclosure herein, the skilled person will be able to determine the optimal linker(s) for use in a specific polypeptide of the invention, optionally after some limited routine experiments.
It is also within the scope of the invention that the linker(s) used confer one or more other favourable properties or functionality to the polypeptides of the invention, and/or provide one or more sites for the formation of derivatives and/or for the attachment of functional groups (e.g. as described herein for the derivatives of the Nanobodies of the invention). For example, linkers containing one or more charged amino acid residues (see Table A-2 above) can provide improved hydrophilic properties, whereas linkers that form or contain small epitopes or tags can be used for the purposes of detection, identification and/or purification. Again, based on the disclosure herein, the skilled person will be able to determine the optimal linkers for use in a specific polypeptide of the invention, optionally after some limited routine experiments.
Finally, when two or more linkers are used in the polypeptides of the invention, these linkers may be the same or different. Again, based on the disclosure herein, the skilled person will be able to determine the optimal linkers for use in a specific polypeptide of the invention, optionally after some limited routine experiments.
Usually, for easy of expression and production, a polypeptide of the invention will be a linear polypeptide. However, the invention in its broadest sense is not limited thererto. For example, when a polypeptide of the invention comprises three of more Nanobodies, it is possible to link them by use of a linker with three or more “arms”, which each “arm” being linked to a Nanobody, so as to provide a “star-shaped” construct. It is also possible, although usually less preferred, to use circular constructs.
The invention also comprises derivatives of the polypeptides of the invention, which may be essentially analogous to the derivatives of the Nanobodies of the invention, i.e. as described herein.
The invention also comprises proteins or polypeptides that “essentially consist” of a polypeptide of the invention (in which the wording “essentially consist of has essentially the same meaning as indicated hereinabove).
According to one aspect of the invention, the polypeptide of the invention is in essentially isolated from, as defined herein.
The amino acid sequences, Nanobodies, polypeptides and nucleic acids of the invention can be prepared in a manner known per se, as will be clear to the skilled person from the further description herein. For example, the Nanobodies and polypetides of the invention can be prepared in any manner known per se for the preparation of antibodies and in particular for the preparation of antibody fragments (including but not limited to (single) domain antibodies and ScFv fragments). Some preferred, but non-limiting methods for preparing the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies, polypeptides and nucleic acids include the methods and techniques described herein.
As will be clear to the skilled person, one particularly useful method for preparing an amino acid sequence, Nanobody and/or a polypeptide of the invention generally comprises the steps of:
In particular, such a method may comprise the steps of:
A nucleic acid of the invention can be in the form of single or double stranded DNA or RNA, and is preferably in the form of double stranded DNA. For example, the nucleotide sequences of the invention may be genomic DNA, cDNA or synthetic DNA (such as DNA with a codon usage that has been specifically adapted for expression in the intended host cell or host organism).
According to one aspect of the invention, the nucleic acid of the invention is in essentially isolated from, as defined herein.
The nucleic acid of the invention may also be in the form of, be present in and/or be part of a vector, such as for example a plasmid, cosmid or YAC, which again may be in essentially isolated form.
The nucleic acids of the invention can be prepared or obtained in a manner known per se, based on the information on the amino acid sequences for the polypeptides of the invention given herein, and/or can be isolated from a suitable natural source. To provide analogs, nucleotide sequences encoding naturally occurring VHH domains can for example be subjected to site-directed mutagenesis, so at to provide a nucleic acid of the invention encoding said analog. Also, as will be clear to the skilled person, to prepare a nucleic acid of the invention, also several nucleotide sequences, such as at least one nucleotide sequence encoding a Nanobody and for example nucleic acids encoding one or more linkers can be linked together in a suitable manner.
Techniques for generating the nucleic acids of the invention will be clear to the skilled person and may for instance include, but are not limited to, automated DNA synthesis; site-directed mutagenesis; combining two or more naturally occurring and/or synthetic sequences (or two or more parts thereof), introduction of mutations that lead to the expression of a truncated expression product; introduction of one or more restriction sites (e.g. to create cassettes and/or regions that may easily be digested and/or ligated using suitable restriction enzymes), and/or the introduction of mutations by means of a PCR reaction using one or more “mismatched” primers. These and other techniques will be clear to the skilled person, and reference is again made to the standard handbooks, such as Sambrook et al. and Ausubel et al., mentioned above, as well as the Examples below.
The nucleic acid of the invention may also be in the form of, be present in and/or be part of a genetic construct, as will be clear to the person skilled in the art. Such genetic constructs generally comprise at least one nucleic acid of the invention that is optionally linked to one or more elements of genetic constructs known per se, such as for example one or more suitable regulatory elements (such as a suitable promoter(s), enhancer(s), terminator(s), etc.) and the further elements of genetic constructs referred to herein. Such genetic constructs comprising at least one nucleic acid of the invention will also be referred to herein as “genetic constructs of the invention”.
The genetic constructs of the invention may be DNA or RNA, and are preferably double-stranded DNA. The genetic constructs of the invention may also be in a form suitable for transformation of the intended host cell or host organism, in a form suitable for integration into the genomic DNA of the intended host cell or in a form suitable for independent replication, maintenance and/or inheritance in the intended host organism. For instance, the genetic constructs of the invention may be in the form of a vector, such as for example a plasmid, cosmid, YAC, a viral vector or transposon. In particular, the vector may be an expression vector, i.e. a vector that can provide for expression in vitro and/or in vivo (e.g. in a suitable host cell, host organism and/or expression system).
In a preferred but non-limiting aspect, a genetic construct of the invention comprises
Preferably, in the genetic constructs of the invention, said at least one nucleic acid of the invention and said regulatory elements, and optionally said one or more further elements, are “operably linked” to each other, by which is generally meant that they are in a functional relationship with each other. For instance, a promoter is considered “operably linked” to a coding sequence if said promoter is able to initiate or otherwise control/regulate the transcription and/or the expression of a coding sequence (in which said coding sequence should be understood as being “under the control of” said promotor). Generally, when two nucleotide sequences are operably linked, they will be in the same orientation and usually also in the same reading frame. They will usually also be essentially contiguous, although this may also not be required.
Preferably, the regulatory and further elements of the genetic constructs of the invention are such that they are capable of providing their intended biological function in the intended host cell or host organism.
For instance, a promoter, enhancer or terminator should he “operable” in the intended host cell or host organism, by which is meant that (for example) said promoter should be capable of initiating or otherwise controlling/regulating the transcription and/or the expression of a nucleotide sequence—e.g. a coding sequence—to which it is operably linked (as defined herein).
Some particularly preferred promoters include, but are not limited to, promoters known per se for the expression in the host cells mentioned herein; and in particular promoters for the expression in the bacterial cells, such as those mentioned herein and/or those used in the Examples.
A selection marker should be such that it allows—i.e. under appropriate selection conditions—host cells and/or host organisms that have been (successfully) transformed with the nucleotide sequence of the invention to be distinguished from host cells/organisms that have not been (successfully) transformed. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of such markers are genes that provide resistance against antibiotics (such as kanamycin or ampicillin), genes that provide for temperature resistance, or genes that allow the host cell or host organism to be maintained in the absence of certain factors, compounds and/or (food) components in the medium that are essential for survival of the non-transformed cells or organisms.
A leader sequence should be such that—in the intended host cell or host organism—it allows for the desired post-translational modifications and/or such that it directs the transcribed mRNA to a desired part or organelle of a cell. A leader sequence may also allow for secretion of the expression product from said cell. As such, the leader sequence may be any pro-, pre-, or prepro-sequence operable in the host cell or host organism. Leader sequences may not be required for expression in a bacterial cell. For example, leader sequences known per se for the expression and production of antibodies and antibody fragments (including but not limited to single domain antibodies and ScFv fragments) may be used in an essentially analogous manner.
An expression marker or reporter gene should be such that—in the host cell or host organism—it allows for detection of the expression of (a gene or nucleotide sequence present on) the genetic construct. An expression marker may optionally also allow for the localisation of the expressed product, e.g. in a specific part or organelle of a cell and/or in (a) specific cell(s), tissue(s), organ(s) or part(s) of a multicellular organism. Such reporter genes may also be expressed as a protein fusion with the amino acid sequence of the invention. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples include fluorescent proteins such as GFP.
Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of suitable promoters, terminator and further elements include those that can be used for the expression in the host cells mentioned herein; and in particular those that are suitable for expression in bacterial cells, such as those mentioned herein and/or those used in the Examples below. For some (further) non-limiting examples of the promoters, selection markers, leader sequences, expression markers and further elements that may be present/used in the genetic constructs of the invention—such as terminators, transcriptional and/or translational enhancers and/or integration factors—reference is made to the general handbooks such as Sambrook et al. and Ausubel et al. mentioned above, as well as to the examples that are given in WO 95/07463, WO 96/23810, WO 95/07463, WO 95/21191, WO 97/11094, WO 97/42320, WO 98/06737, WO 98/21355, U.S. Pat. No. 7,207,410, U.S. Pat. No. 5,693,492 and EP 1 085 089. Other examples will be clear to the skilled person. Reference is also made to the general background art cited above and the further references cited herein.
The genetic constructs of the invention may generally be provided by suitably linking the nucleotide sequence(s) of the invention to the one or more further elements described above, for example using the techniques described in the general handbooks such as Sambrook et al. and Ausubel et al., mentioned above.
Often, the genetic constructs of the invention will be obtained by inserting a nucleotide sequence of the invention in a suitable (expression) vector known per se. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples of suitable expression vectors are those used in the Examples below, as well as those mentioned herein.
The nucleic acids of the invention and/or the genetic constructs of the invention may be used to transform a host cell or host organism, i.e. for expression and/or production of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention. Suitable hosts or host cells will be clear to the skilled person, and may for example be any suitable fungal, prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell or cell line or any suitable fungal, prokaryotic or eukaryotic organism, for example:
The amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can also be introduced and expressed in one or more cells, tissues or organs of a multicellular organism, for example for prophylactic and/or therapeutic purposes (e.g. as a gene therapy). For this purpose, the nucleotide sequences of the invention may be introduced into the cells or tissues in any suitable way, for example as such (e.g. using liposomes) or after they have been inserted into a suitable gene therapy vector (for example derived from retroviruses such as adenovirus, or parvoviruses such as adeno-associated virus). As will also be clear to the skilled person, such gene therapy may be performed in vivo and/or in situ in the body of a patient by administering a nucleic acid of the invention or a suitable gene therapy vector encoding the same to the patient or to specific cells or a specific tissue or organ of the patient; or suitable cells (often taken from the body of the patient to be treated, such as explanted lymphocytes, bone marrow aspirates or tissue biopsies) may be treated in vitro with a nucleotide sequence of the invention and then be suitably (re-)introduced into the body of the patient. All this can be performed using gene therapy vectors, techniques and delivery systems which are well known to the skilled person, and for example described in Culver, K. W., “Gene Therapy”, 1994, p. xii, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers, New York, N.Y); Giordano, Nature F Medicine 2 (1996), 534-539; Schaper, Circ. Res. 79 (1996), 911-919; Anderson, Science 256 (1992),808-813; Verma, Nature 389 (1994),239; Isner, Lancet 348 (1996),370-374; Muhlhauser, Circ. Res. 77 (1995),1077-1086; Onodera, Blood 91; (1998), 30-36; Verma, Gene Ther. 5 (1998),692-699; Nabel, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.: 811 (1997), 289-292; Verzeletti, Hum. Gene Ther. 9 (1998), 2243-51; Wang, Nature Medicine 2 (1996),714-716; WO 94/29469; WO 97/00957, U.S. Pat. No. 5,580,859; U.S. Pat. No. 5,5895466; or Schaper, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 7 (1996), 635-640. For example, in situ expression of ScFv fragments (Afanasieva et al., Gene Ther., 10, 1850-1859 (2003)) and of diabodies (Blanco et al., J. Immunol, 171, 1070-1077 (2003)) has been described in the art.
For expression of the Nanobodies in a cell, they may also be expressed as so-called “intrabodies”, as for example described in WO 94/02610, WO 95/22618 and U.S. Pat. No. 7,004,940; WO 03/014960; in Cattaneo, A. & Biocca, S. (1997) Intracellular Antibodies: Development and Applications. Landes and Springer-Verlag; and in Kontermann, Methods 34, (2004), 163-170.
The amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can for example also be produced in the milk of transgenic mammals, for example in the milk of rabbits, cows, goats or sheep (see for example U.S. Pat. No. 6,741,957, U.S. Pat. No. 6,304,489 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,849,992 for general techniques for introducing transgenes into mammals), in plants or parts of plants including but not limited to their leaves, flowers, fruits, seed, roots or turbers (for example in tobacco, maize, soybean or alfalfa) or in for example pupae of the silkworm Bombix mori.
Furthermore, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can also be expressed and/or produced in cell-free expression systems, and suitable examples of such systems will be clear to the skilled person. Some preferred, but non-limiting examples include expression in the wheat germ system; in rabbit reticulocyte lysates; or in the E. coil Zubay system.
As mentioned above, one of the advantages of the use of Nanobodies is that the polypeptides based thereon can be prepared through expression in a suitable bacterial system, and suitable bacterial expression systems, vectors, host cells, regulatory elements, etc., will be clear to the skilled person, for example from the references cited above. It should however be noted that the invention in its broadest sense is not limited to expression in bacterial systems.
Preferably, in the invention, an (in vivo or in vitro) expression system, such as a bacterial expression system, is used that provides the polypeptides of the invention in a form that is suitable for pharmaceutical use, and such expression systems will again be clear to the skilled person. As also will be clear to the skilled person, polypeptides of the invention suitable for pharmaceutical use can be prepared using techniques for peptide synthesis.
For production on industrial scale, preferred heterologous hosts for the (industrial) production of Nanobodies or Nanobody-containing protein therapeutics include strains of E. coil, Pichia pastoris, S. cerevisiae that are suitable for large scale expression/production/fermentation, and in particular for large scale pharmaceutical (i.e. GMP grade) expression/production/fermentation. Suitable examples of such strains will be clear to the skilled person. Such strains and production/expression systems are also made available by companies such as Biovitrum (Uppsala, Sweden).
Alternatively, mammalian cell lines, in particular Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, can be used for large scale expression/production/fermentation, and in particular for large scale pharmaceutical expression/production/fermentation. Again, such expression/production systems are also made available by some of the companies mentioned above.
The choice of the specific expression system would depend in part on the requirement for certain post-translational modifications, more specifically glycosylation. The production of a Nanobody-containing recombinant protein for which glycosylation is desired or required would necessitate the use of mammalian expression hosts that have the ability to glycosylate the expressed protein. In this respect, it will be clear to the skilled person that the glycosylation pattern obtained (i.e. the kind, number and position of residues attached) will depend on the cell or cell line that is used for the expression. Preferably, either a human cell or cell line is used (i.e. leading to a protein that essentially has a human glycosylation pattern) or another mammalian cell line is used that can provide a glycosylation pattern that is essentially and/or functionally the same as human glycosylation or at least mimics human glycosylation. Generally, prokaryotic hosts such as E. coli do not have the ability to glycosyl ate proteins, and the use of lower eukaryotes such as yeast usually leads to a glycosylation pattern that differs from human glycosylation. Nevertheless, it should be understood that all the foregoing host cells and expression systems can be used in the invention, depending on the desired amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide to be obtained.
Thus, according to one non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is glycosylated. According to another non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is non-glycosylated.
According to one preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is produced in a bacterial cell, in particular a bacterial cell suitable for large scale pharmaceutical production, such as cells of the strains mentioned above.
According to another preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is produced in a yeast cell, in particular a yeast cell suitable for large scale pharmaceutical production, such as cells of the species mentioned above.
According to yet another preferred, but non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is produced in a mammalian cell, in particular in a human cell or in a cell of a human cell line, and more in particular in a human cell or in a cell of a human cell line that is suitable for large scale pharmaceutical production, such as the cell lines mentioned hereinabove.
When expression in a host cell is used to produce the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and the polypeptides of the invention, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can be produced either intracellullarly (e.g. in the cytosol, in the periplasma or in inclusion bodies) and then isolated from the host cells and optionally further purified; or can be produced extracellularly (e.g. in the medium in which the host cells are cultured) and then isolated from the culture medium and optionally further purified. When eukaryotic host cells are used, extracellular production is usually preferred since this considerably facilitates the further isolation and downstream processing of the Nanobodies and proteins obtained. Bacterial cells such as the strains of E. coli mentioned above normally do not secrete proteins extracellularly, except for a few classes of proteins such as toxins and hemolysin, and secretory production in E. coli refers to the translocation of proteins across the inner membrane to the periplasmic space. Periplasmic production provides several advantages over cytosolic production. For example, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the secreted product can be identical to the natural gene product after cleavage of the secretion signal sequence by a specific signal peptidase. Also, there appears to be much less protease activity in the periplasm than in the cytoplasm. In addition, protein purification is simpler due to fewer contaminating proteins in the periplasm. Another advantage is that correct disulfide bonds may form because the periplasm provides a more oxidative environment than the cytoplasm. Proteins overexpressed in E. coli are often found in insoluble aggregates, so-called inclusion bodies. These inclusion bodies may be located in the cytosol or in the periplasm; the recovery of biologically active proteins from these inclusion bodies requires a denaturation/refolding process. Many recombinant proteins, including therapeutic proteins, are recovered from inclusion bodies. Alternatively, as will be clear to the skilled person, recombinant strains of bacteria that have been genetically modified so as to secrete a desired protein, and in particular an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or a polypeptide of the invention, can be used.
Thus, according to one non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide that has been produced intracellularly and that has been isolated from the host cell, and in particular from a bacterial cell or from an inclusion body in a bacterial cell. According to another non-limiting aspect of the invention, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide that has been produced extracellularly, and that has been isolated from the medium in which the host cell is cultivated.
Some preferred, but non-limiting promoters for use with these host cells include,
Some preferred, but non-limiting vectors for use with these host cells include:
Some preferred, but non-limiting secretory sequences for use with these host cells include:
Suitable techniques for transforming a host or host cell of the invention will be clear to the skilled person and may depend on the intended host cell/host organism and the genetic construct to be used. Reference is again made to the handbooks and patent applications mentioned above.
After transformation, a step for detecting and selecting those host cells or host organisms that have been successfully transformed with the nucleotide sequence/genetic construct of the invention may be performed. This may for instance be a selection step based on a selectable marker present in the genetic construct of the invention or a step involving the detection of the amino acid sequence of the invention, e.g. using specific antibodies.
The transformed host cell (which may be in the form or a stable cell line) or host organisms (which may be in the form of a stable mutant line or strain) form further aspects of the present invention.
Preferably, these host cells or host organisms are such that they express, or are (at least) capable of expressing (e.g. under suitable conditions), an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention (and in case of a host organism: in at least one cell, part, tissue or organ thereof). The invention also includes further generations, progeny and/or offspring of the host cell or host organism of the invention, that may for instance be obtained by cell division or by sexual or asexual reproduction.
To produce/obtain expression of the amino acid sequences of the invention, the transformed host cell or transformed host organism may generally be kept, maintained and/or cultured under conditions such that the (desired) amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention is expressed/produced. Suitable conditions will be clear to the skilled person and will usually depend upon the host cell/host organism used, as well as on the regulatory elements that control the expression of the (relevant) nucleotide sequence of the invention. Again, reference is made to the handbooks and patent applications mentioned above in the paragraphs on the genetic constructs of the invention.
Generally, suitable conditions may include the use of a suitable medium, the presence of a suitable source of food and/or suitable nutrients, the use of a suitable temperature, and optionally the presence of a suitable inducing factor or compound (e.g. when the nucleotide sequences of the invention are under the control of an inducible promoter); all of which may be selected by the skilled person. Again, under such conditions, the amino acid sequences of the invention may be expressed in a constitutive manner, in a transient manner, or only when suitably induced.
It will also be clear to the skilled person that the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention may (first) be generated in an immature form (as mentioned above), which may then be subjected to post-translational modification, depending on the host cell/host organism used. Also, the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention may be glycosylated, again depending on the host cell/host organism used.
The amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention may then be isolated from the host cell/host organism and/or from the medium in which said host cell or host organism was cultivated, using protein isolation and/or purification techniques known per se, such as (preparative) chromatography and/or electrophoresis techniques, differential precipitation techniques, affinity techniques (e.g. using a specific, cleavable amino acid sequence fused with the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention) and/or preparative immunological techniques (i.e. using antibodies against the amino acid sequence to be isolated).
Generally, for pharmaceutical use, the polypeptides of the invention may be formulated as a pharmaceutical preparation or compositions comprising at least one polypeptide of the invention and at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, diluent or excipient and/or adjuvant, and optionally one or more further pharmaceutically active polypeptides and/or compounds. By means of non-limiting examples, such a formulation may be in a form suitable for oral administration, for parenteral administration (such as by intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injection or intravenous infusion), for topical administration, for administration by inhalation, by a skin patch, by an implant, by a suppository, etc. Such suitable administration forms—which may be solid, semi-solid or liquid, depending on the manner of administration—as well as methods and carriers for use in the preparation thereof, will be clear to the skilled person, and are further described herein.
Thus, in a further aspect, the invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition that contains at least one amino acid of the invention, at least one Nanobody of the invention or at least one polypeptide of the invention and at least one suitable carrier, diluent or excipient (i.e. suitable for pharmaceutical use), and optionally one or more further active substances.
Generally, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can be formulated and administered in any suitable manner known per se, for which reference is for example made to the general background art cited above (and in particular to WO 04/041862, WO 04/041863, WO 04/041865 and WO 04/041867) as well as to the standard handbooks, such as Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 18th Ed., Mack Publishing Company, USA (1990) or Remington, the Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 21th Edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2005).
For example, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may be formulated and administered in any manner known per se for conventional antibodies and antibody fragments (including ScFv's and diabodies) and other pharmaceutically active proteins. Such formulations and methods for preparing the same will be clear to the skilled person, and for example include preparations suitable for parenteral administration (for example intravenous, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraluminal, intra-arterial or intrathecal administration) or for topical (i.e. transdermal or intradermal) administration.
Preparations for parenteral administration may for example be sterile solutions, suspensions, dispersions or emulsions that are suitable for infusion or injection. Suitable carriers or diluents for such preparations for example include, without limitation, sterile water and aqueous buffers and solutions such as physiological phosphate-buffered saline, Ringer's solutions, dextrose solution, and Hank's solution; water oils; glycerol; ethanol; glycols such as propylene glycol or as well as mineral oils, animal oils and vegetable oils, for example peanut oil, soybean oil, as well as suitable mixtures thereof. Usually, aqueous solutions or suspensions will be preferred.
The amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can also be administered using gene therapy methods of delivery. See, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 5,399,346, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. Using a gene therapy method of delivery, primary cells transfected with the gene encoding an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention can additionally be transfected with tissue specific promoters to target specific organs, tissue, grafts, tumors, or cells and can additionally be transfected with signal and stabilization sequences for subcellularly localized expression.
Thus, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may be systemically administered, e.g., orally, in combination with a pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle such as an inert diluent or an assimilable edible carrier. They may be enclosed in hard or soft shell gelatin capsules, may be compressed into tablets, or may be incorporated directly with the food of the patient's diet. For oral therapeutic administration, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may be combined with one or more excipients and used in the form of ingestible tablets, buccal tablets, troches, capsules, elixirs, suspensions, syrups, wafers, and the like. Such compositions and preparations should contain at least 0.1% of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention. Their percentage in the compositions and preparations may, of course, be varied and may conveniently be between about 2 to about 60% of the weight of a given unit dosage form. The amount of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention in such therapeutically useful compositions is such that an effective dosage level will be obtained.
The tablets, troches, pills, capsules, and the like may also contain the following: binders such as gum tragacanth, acacia, corn starch or gelatin; excipients such as dicalcium phosphate; a disintegrating agent such as corn starch, potato starch, alginic acid and the like; a lubricant such as magnesium stearate; and a sweetening agent such as sucrose, fructose, lactose or aspartame or a flavoring agent such as peppermint, oil of wintergreen, or cherry flavoring may be added. When the unit dosage form is a capsule, it may contain, in addition to materials of the above type, a liquid carrier, such as a vegetable oil or a polyethylene glycol. Various other materials may be present as coatings or to otherwise modify the physical form of the solid unit dosage form. For instance, tablets, pills, or capsules may be coated with gelatin, wax, shellac or sugar and the like. A syrup or elixir may contain the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention, sucrose or fructose as a sweetening agent, methyl and propylparabens as preservatives, a dye and flavoring such as cherry or orange flavor. Of course, any material used in preparing any unit dosage form should be pharmaceutically acceptable and substantially non-toxic in the amounts employed. In addition, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may be incorporated into sustained-release preparations and devices.
Preparations and formulations for oral administration may also be provided with an enteric coating that will allow the constructs of the invention to resist the gastric environment and pass into the intestines. More generally, preparations and formulations for oral administration may be suitably formulated for delivery into any desired part of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, suitable suppositories may be used for delivery into the gastrointestinal tract.
The amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may also be administered intravenously or intraperitoneally by infusion or injection. Solutions of the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention or their salts can be prepared in water, optionally mixed with a nontoxic surfactant. Dispersions can also be prepared in glycerol, liquid polyethylene glycols, triacetin, and mixtures thereof and in oils. Under ordinary conditions of storage and use, these preparations contain a preservative to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
The pharmaceutical dosage forms suitable for injection or infusion can include sterile aqueous solutions or dispersions or sterile powders comprising the active ingredient which are adapted for the extemporaneous preparation of sterile injectable or infusible solutions or dispersions, optionally encapsulated in liposomes. In all cases, the ultimate dosage form must be sterile, fluid and stable under the conditions of manufacture and storage. The liquid carrier or vehicle can be a solvent or liquid dispersion medium comprising, for example, water, ethanol, a polyol (for example, glycerol, propylene glycol, liquid polyethylene glycols, and the like), vegetable oils, nontoxic glyceryl esters, and suitable mixtures thereof. The proper fluidity can be maintained, for example, by the formation of liposomes, by the maintenance of the required particle size in the case of dispersions or by the use of surfactants. The prevention of the action of microorganisms can be brought about by various antibacterial and antifungal agents, for example, parabens, chlorobutanol, phenol, sorbic acid, thimerosal, and the like. In many cases, it will be preferable to include isotonic agents, for example, sugars, buffers or sodium chloride. Prolonged absorption of the injectable compositions can be brought about by the use in the compositions of agents delaying absorption, for example, aluminum monostearate and gelatin.
Sterile injectable solutions are prepared by incorporating the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention in the required amount in the appropriate solvent with various of the other ingredients enumerated above, as required, followed by filter sterilization. In the case of sterile powders for the preparation of sterile injectable solutions, the preferred methods of preparation are vacuum drying and the freeze drying techniques, which yield a powder of the active ingredient plus any additional desired ingredient present in the previously sterile-filtered solutions.
For topical administration, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may be applied in pure form, i.e., when they are liquids. However, it will generally be desirable to administer them to the skin as compositions or formulations, in combination with a dermatologically acceptable carrier, which may be a solid or a liquid.
Useful solid carriers include finely divided solids such as talc, clay, microcrystalline cellulose, silica, alumina and the like. Useful liquid carriers include water, hydroxyalkyls or glycols or water-alcohol/glycol blends, in which the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can be dissolved or dispersed at effective levels, optionally with the aid of non-toxic surfactants. Adjuvants such as fragrances and additional antimicrobial agents can be added to optimize the properties for a given use. The resultant liquid compositions can be applied from absorbent pads, used to impregnate bandages and other dressings, or sprayed onto the affected area using pump-type or aerosol sprayers.
Thickeners such as synthetic polymers, fatty acids, fatty acid salts and esters, fatty alcohols, modified celluloses or modified mineral materials can also be employed with liquid carriers to form spreadable pastes, gels, ointments, soaps, and the like, for application directly to the skin of the user.
Examples of useful dermatological compositions which can be used to deliver the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention to the skin are known to the art; for example, see Jacquet et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 4,608,392), Geria (U.S. Pat. No. 4,992,478), Smith et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 4,559,157) and Wortzman (U.S. Pat. No. 4,820,508).
In a preferred aspect, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention are delivered in a slow-release preparation. Slow-release preparations include (but are not limited to) semipermeable matrices of solid hydrophobic polymers containing the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention. These matrices are in the form of shaped articles, e.g. films, or microcapsules. Examples of slow-release matrices include polyesters, hydrogels such as poly (2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate) as described by Langer et al. (J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 1981, 15: 167) and Langer (Chem. Tech., 1982, 12: 98-105), or poly(vinylalcohol), polylactides (U.S. Pat. No. 3,773,919), copolymers of L-glutamic acid and gamma ethyl-L-glutamate (Sidman et al. Biopolymers, 1983, 22: 547), non-degradable ethylene-vinyl acetate (Langer et al., supra), degradable lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymers such as the Lupron Depot™ (injectable micropheres composed of lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymer and leuprolide acetate), Dextran HydroxyEthylMethAcrylate polymers (Vlugt-Wensink et al., Biomacromolecules, 2006, 7: 2983) and poly-D-(−)-3-hydroxybutyric acid. While polymers such as ethylene-vinyl acetate and lactic acid-glycolic acid enable release of molecules for over 100 days, certain hydrogels release proteins for shorter time periods. When encapsulated amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention remain in the body for a long time, they may denature or aggregate as a result of exposure to moisture at 37° C., resulting in a loss of biological activity and possible changes in immunogenicity.
Slow-release compositions of amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention also include liposomally entrapped amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention. Liposomes containing the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention are prepared by methods known in the art, such as described in Epstein et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1985, 82: 3688), Hwang et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1980, 77: 4030), U.S. Pat. No. 4,485,045 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,544,545. Ordinarily the liposomes are the small (about 200-800 Angstroms) unilamelar type in which the lipid content is greater than about 30 mol % cholesterol, the selected proportion being adjusted for the optimal therapy. Liposomes with enhanced circulation time are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,013,556.
Useful dosages of the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention can be determined by comparing their in vitro activity, and in vivo activity in animal models. Methods for the extrapolation of effective dosages in mice, and other animals, to humans are known to the art; for example, see U.S. Pat. No. 4,938,949.
Generally, the concentration of the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention in a liquid composition, such as a lotion, will be from about 0.1-25 wt-%, preferably from about 0.5-10 wt-%. The concentration in a semi-solid or solid composition such as a gel or a powder will be about 0.1-5 wt-%, preferably about 0.5-2.5 wt-%.
The amount of the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention required for use in treatment will vary not only with the particular amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide selected but also with the route of administration, the nature of the condition being treated and the age and condition of the patient and will be ultimately at the discretion of the attendant physician or clinician. Also the dosage of the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention varies depending on the target cell, tumor, tissue, graft, or organ.
The desired dose may conveniently be presented in a single dose or as divided doses administered at appropriate intervals, for example, as two, three, four or more sub-doses per day. The sub-dose itself may be further divided, e.g., into a number of discrete loosely spaced administrations; such as multiple inhalations from an insufflator or by application of a plurality of drops into the eye.
An administration regimen could include long-term, daily treatment. By “long-term” is meant at least two weeks and preferably, several weeks, months, or years of duration. Necessary modifications in this dosage range may be determined by one of ordinary skill in the art using only routine experimentation given the teachings herein. See Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences (Martin, E. W., ed. 4), Mack Publishing Co., Easton, Pa. The dosage can also be adjusted by the individual physician in the event of any complication.
In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one condition or disease characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization, said method comprising administering, to a subject in need thereof, a pharmaceutically active amount of an amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention, and/or of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the same.
In the context of the present invention, the term “prevention and/or treatment” not only comprises preventing and/or treating the disease, but also generally comprises preventing the onset of the disease, slowing or reversing the progress of disease, preventing or slowing the onset of one or more symptoms associated with the disease, reducing and/or alleviating one or more symptoms associated with the disease, reducing the severity and/or the duration of the disease and/or of any symptoms associated therewith and/or preventing a further increase in the severity of the disease and/or of any symptoms associated therewith, preventing, reducing or reversing any physiological damage caused by the disease, and generally any pharmacological action that is beneficial to the patient being treated.
The subject to be treated may be any warm-blooded animal, but is in particular a mammal, and more in particular a human being. As will be clear to the skilled person, the subject to be treated will in particular be a person suffering from, or at risk of, the diseases and disorders mentioned herein.
The invention relates to a method for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one disease or disorder that is associated with VEGF, with its biological or pharmacological activity, and/or with the biological pathways or signalling in which VEGF is involved, said method comprising administering, to a subject in need thereof, a pharmaceutically active amount of an amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention, and/or of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the same. In particular, the invention relates to a method for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one disease or disorder that can be treated by modulating VEGF, its biological or pharmacological activity, and/or the biological pathways or signalling in which VEGF is involved, said method comprising administering, to a subject in need thereof, a pharmaceutically active amount of an amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention, and/or of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the same. In particular, said pharmaceutically effective amount may be an amount that is sufficient to modulate VEGF, its biological or pharmacological activity, and/or the biological pathways or signalling in which
VEGF is involved; and/or an amount that provides a level of the amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention in the circulation that is sufficient to modulate VEGF, its biological or pharmacological activity, and/or the biological pathways or signalling in which VEGF is involved.
The invention furthermore relates to a method for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one disease or disorder that can be prevented and/or treated by administering an amino acid sequence of the invention, a Nanobody of the invention or a polypeptide of the invention to a patient, said method comprising administering, to a subject in need thereof, a pharmaceutically active amount of an amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention, and/or of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the same.
More in particular, the invention relates to a method for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one disease or disorder chosen from the group consisting of the diseases and disorders listed herein, said method comprising administering, to a subject in need thereof, a pharmaceutically active amount of an amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention, and/or of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the same.
In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for immunotherapy, and in particular for passive immunotherapy, which method comprises administering, to a subject suffering from or at risk of the diseases and disorders mentioned herein, a pharmaceutically active amount of an amino acid sequence of the invention, of a Nanobody of the invention, of a polypeptide of the invention, and/or of a pharmaceutical composition comprising the same.
In the above methods, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and/or polypeptides of the invention and/or the compositions comprising the same can be administered in any suitable manner, depending on the specific pharmaceutical formulation or composition to be used. Thus, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and/or polypeptides of the invention and/or the compositions comprising the same can for example be administered orally, intraperitoneally (e.g. intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or via any other route of administration that circumvents the gastrointestinal tract), intranasally, transdermally, topically, by means of a suppository, by inhalation, again depending on the specific pharmaceutical formulation or composition to be used. The clinician will be able to select a suitable route of administration and a suitable pharmaceutical formulation or composition to be used in such administration, depending on the disease or disorder to be prevented or treated and other factors well known to the clinician.
The amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and/or polypeptides of the invention and/or the compositions comprising the same are administered according to a regime of treatment that is suitable for preventing and/or treating the disease or disorder to be prevented or treated. The clinician will generally be able to determine a suitable treatment regimen, depending on factors such as the disease or disorder to be prevented or treated, the severity of the disease to be treated and/or the severity of the symptoms thereof, the specific amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention to be used, the specific route of administration and pharmaceutical formulation or composition to be used, the age, gender, weight, diet, general condition of the patient, and similar factors well known to the clinician.
Generally, the treatment regimen will comprise the administration of one or more amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and/or polypeptides of the invention, or of one or more compositions comprising the same, in one or more pharmaceutically effective amounts or doses. The specific amount(s) or doses to administered can be determined by the clinician, again based on the factors cited above.
Generally, for the prevention and/or treatment of the diseases and disorders mentioned herein and depending on the specific disease or disorder to be treated, the potency of the specific amino acid sequence, Nanobody and polypeptide of the invention to be used, the specific route of administration and the specific pharmaceutical formulation or composition used, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention will generally be administered in an amount between 1 gram and 0.01 microgram per kg body weight per day, preferably between 0.1 gram and 0.1 microgram per kg body weight per day, such as about 1, 10, 100 or 1000 microgram per kg body weight per day, either continuously (e.g. by infusion), as a single daily dose or as multiple divided doses during the day. The clinician will generally be able to determine a suitable daily dose, depending on the factors mentioned herein. It will also be clear that in specific cases, the clinician may choose to deviate from these amounts, for example on the basis of the factors cited above and his expert judgment. Generally, some guidance on the amounts to be administered can be obtained from the amounts usually administered for comparable conventional antibodies or antibody fragments against the same target administered via essentially the same route, taking into account however differences in affinity/avidity, efficacy, biodistribution, half-life and similar factors well known to the skilled person.
Usually, in the above method, a single amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention will be used. It is however within the scope of the invention to use two or more amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and/or polypeptides of the invention in combination.
The Nanobodies, amino acid sequences and polypeptides of the invention may also be used in combination with one or more further pharmaceutically active compounds or principles, i.e. as a combined treatment regimen, which may or may not lead to a synergistic effect. Again, the clinician will be able to select such further compounds or principles, as well as a suitable combined treatment regimen, based on the factors cited above and his expert judgement.
In particular, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention may be used in combination with other pharmaceutically active compounds or principles that are or can be used for the prevention and/or treatment of the diseases and disorders cited herein, as a result of which a synergistic effect may or may not be obtained. Examples of such compounds and principles, as well as routes, methods and pharmaceutical formulations or compositions for administering them will be clear to the clinician.
In an embodiment of the invention, the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies and polypeptides of the invention are used in combination with chemotherapeutic agents that are or can be used for the prevention and/or treatment of neoplastic diseases such as the different tumors, cancers and/or carcinoma mentioned herein. Any chemotherapeutic agent exhibiting anticancer activity can be used combined treatment with the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention. Preferably, the chemotherapeutic agent is selected from the group consisting of alkylating agents, antimetabolites, folic acid analogs, pyrimidine analogs, purine analogs and related inhibitors, vinca alkaloids, epipodopyyllotoxins, antibiotics, L-Asparaginase, topoisomerase inhibitor, interferons, platinum coordination complexes, anthracenedione substituted urea, methyl hydrazine derivatives, adrenocortical suppressant, adrenocorticosteroides, progestins, estrogens, antiestrogen, androgens, antiandrogen, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog. More preferably, the chemotherapeutic agent is selected from the group consisting of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), leucovorin (LV), irenotecan, oxaliplatin, capecitabine, paclitaxel and doxetaxel. Two or more chemotherapeutic agents can be used in a cocktail to be administered in combination with administration of the amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention. One preferred combination chemotherapy is fluorouracil-based, comprising 5-FU and one or more other chemotherapeutic agent(s). Suitable dosing regimens of combination chemotherapies are known in the art and described in, for example, Saltz et al. (Proc. ASCO 1999, 18: 233a) and Douillard et al. (Lances 2000, 355: 1041).
When two or more substances or principles are to be used as part of a combined treatment regimen, they can be administered via the same route of administration or via different routes of administration, at essentially the same time or at different times (e.g. essentially simultaneously, consecutively, or according to an alternating regime). When the substances or principles are to be administered simultaneously via the same route of administration, they may be administered as different pharmaceutical formulations or compositions or part of a combined pharmaceutical formulation or composition, as will be clear to the skilled person.
Also, when two or more active substances or principles are to be used as part of a combined treatment regimen, each of the substances or principles may be administered in the same amount and according to the same regimen as used when the compound or principle is used on its own, and such combined use may or may not lead to a synergistic effect. However, when the combined use of the two or more active substances or principles leads to a synergistic effect, it may also be possible to reduce the amount of one, more or all of the substances or principles to be administered, while still achieving the desired therapeutic action. This may for example be useful for avoiding, limiting or reducing any unwanted side-effects that are associated with the use of one or more of the substances or principles when they are used in their usual amounts, while still obtaining the desired pharmaceutical or therapeutic effect.
The effectiveness of the treatment regimen used according to the invention may be determined and/or followed in any manner known per se for the disease or disorder involved, as will be clear to the clinician. The clinician will also be able, where appropriate and on a case-by-case basis, to change or modify a particular treatment regimen, so as to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, to avoid, limit or reduce unwanted side-effects, and/or to achieve an appropriate balance between achieving the desired therapeutic effect on the one hand and avoiding, limiting or reducing undesired side effects on the other hand.
Generally, the treatment regimen will be followed until the desired therapeutic effect is achieved and/or for as long as the desired therapeutic effect is to be maintained. Again, this can be determined by the clinician.
In another aspect, the invention relates to the use of an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for prevention and/or treatment of at least one condition or diseases characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization; and/or for use in one or more of the methods of treatment mentioned herein.
The subject to be treated may be any warm-blooded animal, but is in particular a mammal, and more in particular a human being. As will be clear to the skilled person, the subject to be treated will in particular be a person suffering from, or at risk of, the diseases and disorders mentioned herein.
The invention also relates to the use of an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for the prevention and/or treatment of at least one disease or disorder that can be prevented and/or treated by administering an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention to a patient.
More in particular, the invention relates to the use of an amino acid sequence, Nanobody or polypeptide of the invention in the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for the prevention and/or treatment of a condition or disease characterized by excessive and/or pathological angiogenesis or neovascularization, and in particular for the prevention and treatment of one or more of the diseases and disorders listed herein.
Again, in such a pharmaceutical composition, the one or more amino acid sequences, Nanobodies or polypeptides of the invention may also be suitably combined with one or more other active principles, such as those mentioned herein.
Finally, although the use of the Nanobodies of the invention (as defined herein) and of the polypeptides of the invention is much preferred, it will be clear that on the basis of the description herein, the skilled person will also be able to design and/or generate, in an analogous manner, other amino acid sequences and in particular (single) domain antibodies against VEGF, as well as polypeptides comprising such (single) domain antibodies.
For example, it will also be clear to the skilled person that it may be possible to “graft” one or more of the CDR's mentioned above for the Nanobodies of the invention onto such (single) domain antibodies or other protein scaffolds, including but not limited to human scaffolds or non-immunoglobulin scaffolds. Suitable scaffolds and techniques for such CDR grafting will be clear to the skilled person and are well known in the art, see for example U.S. Pat. No. 7,180,370, WO 01/27160, EP 0 605 522, EP 0 460 167, U.S. Pat. No. 7,054,297, Nicaise et al., Protein Science (2004), 13:1882-1891; Ewert et al., Methods, 2004 October; 34(2):184-199; Kettleborough et al., Protein Eng. 1991 October 4(7): 773-783; O'Brien and Jones, Methods Mol. Biol. 2003: 207: 81-100; Skerra, 7. Mol. Recognit. 2000: 13: 167-187, and Saerens et al., J. Mol. Biol. 2005 Sep. 23; 352(3):597-607, and the further references cited therein. For example, techniques known per se for grafting mouse or rat CDR's onto human frameworks and scaffolds can be used in an analogous manner to provide chimeric proteins comprising one or more of the CDR's of the Nanobodies of the invention and one or more human framework regions or sequences.
It should also be noted that, when the Nanobodies of the inventions contain one or more other CDR sequences than the preferred CDR sequences mentioned above, these CDR sequences can be obtained in any manner known per se, for example from Nanobodies (preferred), VH domains from conventional antibodies (and in particular from human antibodies), heavy chain antibodies, conventional 4-chain antibodies (such as conventional human 4-chain antibodies) or other immunoglobulin sequences directed against VEGF. Such immunoglobulin sequences directed against VEGF can be generated in any manner known per se, as will be clear to the skilled person, i.e. by immunization with VEGF or by screening a suitable library of immunoglobulin sequences with VEGF, or any suitable combination thereof. Optionally, this may be followed by techniques such as random or site-directed mutagenesis and/or other techniques for affinity maturation known per se. Suitable techniques for generating such immunoglobulin sequences will be clear to the skilled person, and for example include the screening techniques reviewed by Hoogenboom, Nature Biotechnology, 23, 9, 1105-1116 (2005). Other techniques for generating immunoglobulins against a specified target include for example the Nanoclone technology (as for example described in the published US patent application 2006-0211088), so-called SLAM technology (as for example described in the European patent application 0 542 810), the use of transgenic mice expressing human immunoglobulins or the well-known hybridoma techniques (see for example Larrick et al, Biotechnology, Vol.?, 1989, p. 934). All these techniques can be used to generate immunoglobulins against VEGF, and the CDR's of such immunoglobulins can be used in the Nanobodies of the invention, i.e. as outlined above. For example, the sequence of such a CDR can be determined, synthesized and/or isolated, and inserted into the sequence of a Nanobody of the invention (e.g. so as to replace the corresponding native CDR), all using techniques known per se such as those described herein, or Nanobodies of the invention containing such CDR's (or nucleic acids encoding the same) can be synthesized de novo, again using the techniques mentioned herein.
Further uses of the amino acid sequences, Nanobodies, polypeptides, nucleic acids, genetic constructs and hosts and host cells of the invention will be clear to the skilled person based on the disclosure herein. For example, and without limitation, the amino acid sequences of the invention can be linked to a suitable carrier or solid support so as to provide a medium than can be used in a manner known per se to purify VEGF from compositions and preparations comprising the same. Derivatives of the amino acid sequences of the invention that comprise a suitable detectable label can also be used as markers to determine (qualitatively or quantitatively) the presence of VEGF in a composition or preparation or as a marker to selectively detect the presence of VEGF on the surface of a cell or tissue (for example, in combination with suitable cell sorting techniques).
The invention will now be further described by means of the following non-limiting examples and figures, in which the Figures show:
Two llamas (No. 99 and No. 102) were immunized, according to standard protocols, with 6 intramuscular injections (100 or 50 μg/dose at weekly intervals) of hVEGF165 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) formulated in Titermax. Gold (Titermax USA, Norcross, Ga., US). At week 4, sera were collected to define antibody titers against hVEGF165 by ELISA. In short, 96-well Maxisorp plates (Nunc Wiesbaden, Germany) were coated with hVEGF165. After blocking and adding diluted sera samples, the presence of anti-hVEGF165 Nanobodies was demonstrated by using rabbit anti-llama immunoglobulin antiserum and anti-rabbit immunoglobulin alkaline phosphatase conjugate. The titer exceeded 16000 for both animals.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were prepared from the serum samples using Ficoll-Hypaque according to the manufacturer's instructions. Next, total RNA was extracted from these cells and used as starting material for RT-PCR to amplify Nanobody encoding gene fragments. These fragments were cloned into an expression vector derived from pUC119 which contained the LacZ promoter, a coliphage pIII protein coding sequence, a resistance gene for ampicillin or carbenicillin, a multicloning site and the gen3 leader sequence. In frame with the Nanobody coding sequence, the vector coded for a C-terminal c-myc tag and a (His)6 tag. Phage was prepared according to standard methods (see for example the prior art and applications filed by applicant cited herein) and stored after filter sterilization at 4° C. for further use.
Phage libraries obtained from llamas No. 99 and No. 102 were used for different selections.
In a first selection, hVEGF121 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) was coated onto Maxisorp 96-well plates (Nuns, Wiesbaden, Germany) at 1 and 0.2 μg/ml. Following incubation with the phage libraries and extensive washing, bound phage was a specifically eluted with trypsin (1 mg/ml) or glycin (0.1 M).
In a second selection, biotinylated hVEGF165 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) was captured on a neutravidin coated solid phase. Following incubation with the phage libraries and extensive washing, bound phage was specifically eluted with Avastin® (Genentech, Roche), VEGFR1 or VEGFR2.
In a third selection, soluble biotinylated hVEGF165 was incubated with the phage libraries. After extensive washing, the biotinylated hVEGF165 was captured on a neutravidin coated solid phase. Bound phage was specifically eluted with Avastin®, VEGFR1 or VEGFR2.
In all selections, enrichment was observed. The output from each selection was recloned as a pool into an expression vector derived from pUC119 which contained the LacZ promoter, a resistance gene for ampicillin or carbenicillin, a multicloning site and the gen3 leader sequence. In frame with the Nanobody coding sequence, the vector coded for a C-terminal c-myc tag and a (His)6 tag. Colonies were picked and grown in 96 deep well plates (1 ml volume) and induced by adding IPTG for Nanobody expression. Periplasmic extracts (volume: ˜80 μl) were prepared according to standard methods (see for example the prior art and applications filed by applicant cited herein). The sequences of the clones obtained are depicted in Table B-1.
The periplasmic extracts obtained in Example 1 were screened in VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 ELISA's to evaluate the blocking capacity of the expressed Nanobodies. ELISA's were performed as follows: 1 μg/ml VEGFR1-Fc and VEGFR2-Fc (R&D Systems; Minneapolis, Minn., US) chimeras were coated overnight at 4° C. The plates were washed 5 times with 300 μl PBST and then blocked with 300 μl PBS/1% casein during 2 h at RT. This was followed by 5 washes with 300 μl PBST. 1/10 diluted periplasmic extracts were pre-incubated with 2 nM hVEGF165 during 1 h at RT. The pre-incubation mixture was added to the ELISA plate and incubated during 10 min at RT. The plate was subsequently washed 5 times with 300 μl PBST and 100 μl biotinylated anti-VEGF (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) was added. After washing, 100 μl streptavidin-HRP (DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark) was added. After washing, 100 μl 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) (Pierce, Rockford, Ill., US) was added. The reaction was stopped with 100 μl 2M H2SO4 and the OD was read at 450 nm.
Alternatively biotinylated hVEGF165 was preincubated with periplasmic extracts and VEGF—receptor binding was detected using streptavidin—HRP.
Screening of the extracts in these VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 ELISA's identified clones that can block the VEGF-VEGFR1 and/or VEGFR2 interaction up to 50% (
The blocking interaction of the purified Nanobodies was then evaluated in a VEGFR1 and a VEGFR2 Alphascreen assay. VEGFR1and VEGFR2 Fc chimera (R&D systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) were coupled to acceptor beads according to manufacturer instructions (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, Mass., US). hVEGF165 was biotinylated using biotin (Sigma, St Louis, Mo., US) and biotinamidohexanoic acid 3-sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester sodium salt (Sigma, St Louis, Mo., US). This biotinylated hVEGF165 was shown to be still functional for VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 binding using ELISA.
Binding of VEGF to the respective receptors was determined by adding 10 μl of biotinylated hVEGF165 (2.5 nM) to 5 μl of VEGFR2 or VEGFR1 acceptorbeads (100 μg/ml). After 45 min incubation at RT and in the dark, 5 μStreptavidin donor beads (100 μg/ml) were added, followed by an incubation during 1 hr at RT and in the dark. Upon excitation of the donorbead, the emitted fluorescent signal by the acceptor bead correlated with the levels of VEGF bound to the respective receptor.
The neutralizing capacity of the anti-VEGF Nanobodies was determined as follows in the alpha screen assays. A Nanobody dilution series, starting from 2 μM was prepared and pre-incubated with biotinylated hVEGF165 during 30 minutes at RT. To this mixture, the VEGFR acceptor beads and the streptavidin donor beads were added and the experiment was performed as described previously. The observed decrease in fluorescence signal with increasing concentrations of the Nanobodies indicated the blocking of the VEGF binding to the respective receptors.
To evaluate whether bivalent and bispecific anti-VEGF Nanobodies could have a similar effect, bivalent and bispecific construct were generated using a GGGGSGGGS (SEQ ID NO: 678) linker and/or a GGGGSGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSGGGGSGGGGS (SEQ ID NO: 679) linker (Tables B-3, B-4, B-5 and 13-6), expressed and purified according to standard methods (see for example the prior art and applications filed by applicant cited herein).
Evaluation of 1H10-1H10 and 1C4-1C4 in the VEGFR2 alpha screen assay, showed that these molecules are also able to block the VEGF-VEGFR2 interaction (
VEGF is a known stimulator of endothelial cell proliferation and the neutralization capacity of VEGF antagonists can therefore be determined in an assay evaluating the proliferation of endothelial cells.
HUVEC (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) (Cambrex, Verviers, Belgium) were cultured in EBM2 supplemented medium at 37° C. Two days before the start of the experiment, the cells were made quiescent using RPMI 1640/M119 medium (1:1) containing 10% FCS, 10% human AB serum and 1% penicillin—streptomycin (PS). Cells were seeded in a 96 well plate at a cell density of 3750 cells/well in M199 medium containing 5% FCS and 1% PS and incubated at 37° C. in a humidified chamber. The anti-VEGF Nanobodies were pre-incubated with hVEGF165 during 1 h. 6 h after seeding, the VEGF Nanobody mixture was added to the cells, resulting in a final concentration of 10 ng/ml hVEGF165. After 1 day and 4 days, additional hVEGF165 was added. At day 4 BrdU was added to the cells. The cells were further incubated for another 18 h and the BrdU incorporation was determined using the chemiluminescent BrdU cell proliferation ELISA (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). An LPS low preparation (<100 Eu/mg) of bivalent anti-VEGF Nanobody (1H10-1H10) and a negative control Nanobody (12B2) were tested in this assay. Inhibition of the VEGF stimulated proliferation was observed only for the 1H10-1H10 bivalent Nanobody, underscoring the VEGF neutralizing activity by the anti-VEGF Nanobodies (
Two llamas (No. 150 and No. 151) were immunized, according to standard protocols, with 5 intramuscular injections (100 or 50 μg/dose at 2-weekly intervals) of hVEGF165-KLH (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) formulated in Stimune (Cedi Diagnostics, the Netherlands). One month later, this was followed by 4 intramuscular injections of E. coli expressed VEGF109 (APMAEGGGQNHHEVVKFMDVYQRSYCHPIETLVDIFQEYPDEIEYIFKP SCVPLMRCGGCCNDEGLECVPTEESNITMQIMRIKPHQGQHIGEMSFLQHNKCECRP KKD; SEQ ID NO: 680) formulated in Stimune (100 or 50 μg/dose at 1 weekly and 2-weekly intervals).
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were prepared from the serum samples using Ficoll-Hypaque according to the manufacturer's instructions. Next, total RNA was extracted from these cells and used as starting material for RT-PCR to amplify Nanobody encoding gene fragments. These fragments were cloned into an expression vector derived from pUC119 which contained the LacZ promoter, a coliphage pIII protein coding sequence, a resistance gene for ampicillin or carbenicillin, a multicloning site and the gen3 leader sequence. In frame with the Nanobody coding sequence, the vector coded for a C--terminal c-myc tag and a (His)6 tag. Phage was prepared according to standard methods (see for example the prior art and applications filed by applicant cited herein) and stored after filter sterilization at 4° C. for further use.
Phage libraries obtained from llamas No. 150 and No. 151 were used for selections. In a first selection round, biotinylated hVEGF165 (R&D systems, Minneapolis, Minn., US) was captured onto a neutravidin coated Maxisorp 96-well plate (Nunc, Wiesbaden, Germany) at 2-0.2 μg/ml. Following incubation with the phage libraries and extensive washing, bound phage was eluted a-specifically with TEA. The phages were rescued and used in a next selection round.
In the second round, biotinylated hVEGF109 was captured on a neutravidin coated Maxisorp 96-well plate at 2-0.02 μg/ml. Following incubation with the phage libraries and extensive washing, bound phage was eluted a-specifically with triethanolamine (TEA). The phages were rescued, plated, individual colonies were picked and periplasmic extracts were generated.
Sequences of the clones obtained are depicted in Table B-2.
The periplasmic extracts obtained in Example 5 were screened in a VEGF109 ELISA. ELISA's were performed as follows: 1 μg/ml biotinylated VEGF109 was captured during 30 minutes in a neutravidine coated plate. The plates were washed 5 times with 300 μl PBST. Periplasmic extracts were diluted 1/10 in 0.1% Casein/PBS, added to the ELISA plate and incubated during 1 h at RT. The plate was subsequently washed 5 times with 300 μl PBST. After washing 1/2000 anti-myc (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) was added and incubated during 1 h. The plate was subsequently washed 5 times with 300 μl PBST. After washing, anti-mouse horse radish peroxidase (HRP) (DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark) was added and binding was detected using 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) (Pierce, Rockford, Ill., US). The reaction was stopped with 100 μl 2M H2SO4 and read the OD at 450 nm.
Screening of the extracts in this VEGF109 ELISA identified clones that can bind VEGF109 (
VEGF109 and VEGF165 were coated on a CM5 chip and the binding kinetics of periplasmic extracts of the anti-VEGF Nanobodies obtained in Example 5 was assessed using a Biacore 3000. Analysis of the results was done using BIAevaluation software. Off-rates were determined by the ‘fit kinetics separate ka/kd’ model, langmuir dissociation. A time interval of ±100s was used for the fitting. The dissociation curves indicated off rates ranging from 10−1 to 10−4 /s (Table C-1).
The results indicate that the Nanobodies interact with both VEGF165 and VEGF109.
The neutralizing capacity of the anti-VEGF Nanobodies was evaluated in VEGF165-VEGFR1 and VEGF165-VEGFR2 ELISA.
VEGFR1-Fc and VEGFR2-Fc (R&D Systems, US) were solid phase coated overnight in a MaxiSorp plate. The following day, the plate was washed with PBS and blocked with PBS/1% casein. 1/5 dilutions of the periplasmic extracts of the Nanobodies were precincubated during 1 h with 2 nM biotinylated VEGF165 and then added for 10 minutes to the VEGFR1 or VEGFR2 coated plates. After washing with PBST, the binding of the biotinylated VEGF165 to the receptors was detected using Extravidin-HRP (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo., US) and TMB (Pierce, Rockford, Ill., US), after which the reaction was stopped with H2SO4. The OD at 450 nm was measured and the resulting values correlate with VEGF binding. The results shown in
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP08/52119 | 2/21/2008 | WO | 00 | 11/13/2009 |
Number | Date | Country | |
60902532 | Feb 2007 | US | |
61015957 | Dec 2007 | US |