The invention relates to an integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a movable skatemill belt whose direction and speed may be controlled. The invention is equipped with safety, stabilization, signalization and display elements, optical scanning cameras and puck feeders. It is also equipped with a system that can measure tensile or compressive forces exerted by a skater or a hockey player. The skatemill is designed to practise skating skills or skating and shooting skills of a hockey player on the synthetic ice by means of the Shooting at the light and Watch the light trainings as well as the Exercise according to the pattern and Live view training methods, and to test performance of a hockey player through the Skating posture, Skating power, Skating endurance, Skating power and endurance and Skater's aerobic skills on Skatemill tests.
Currently, hockey players practise the skating and shooting skills mainly on a nonmoving ice surface where it is a skater or rather a hockey player who moves on the ice, i.e. a skater or a hockey player changes his position and speed relative to the reference point connected with the ice surface. What is disadvantageous about this method is that it is rather difficult or even impossible to measure decisive biomechanical parameters of the skating technique performed by a skater or a hockey player that are important to identify opportunities to improve the skating technique of a hockey player.
Equally, under such conditions it is rather difficult to measure precisely a hockey player's preparedness in relation to the monitoring and evaluation of the determined visual signals that are important in order to identify opportunities to improve and practise the shooting skills of a hockey player.
There are several ice hockey treadmills/skatemills on the market that focus on the needs of the skating skills training based on a “treadmill” belt that is adapted for the purposes of a skating training, such as treadmills made by Woodway, Blazin Thunder Sports, xHockeyProducts, Skating Trademill, Pro Flight Sports, Skate Trek, Benicky System and RapidShot. These skatemills use surfaces of the so-called endless belts that are covered by slats made of PVC or the so-called artificial ice, i.e. from materials based on a high-density polyethylene that enable a hockey player to perform skating techniques on the working part of the belt without changing his/her position relative to the stationary parts of the skatemill or the static environment of the skatemill. The skatemills of the aforementioned manufacturers are typical representatives of the so-called island solutions that are designed solely for the skating techniques practice and, occasionally, for their testing, too. The island solution refers to a solution that uses an isolated skatemill without an integrated stationary area of the synthetic ice or without a barrier-free connection to the adjacent stationary synthetic ice area and which is not functionally integrated with other systems designed for training and measurement of the skating and hockey skills as well as for the measurement of the physical performance of skaters and hockey players. Because of this, these skatemills do not offer any realistic opportunities to practise shooting, nor do they make it possible to carry out other exercises focused on honing hockey skills—on practice and development of a hockey player's ability to react to visual stimuli (which are typical in a sport like hockey) and development of a hockey player's peripheral vision. Equally, these skatemills do not enable skaters, nor hockey players, to measure their physical performance. Another downside of the aforementioned skatemills is the fact that they are not suitable for the training of beginners or less able skaters as they are not equipped, in most cases, with adequate stabilization and restraint systems providing support and facilitating movement of the beginners on the movable part of the skatemill as well as their safety in the event of their complete loss of balance resulting in a fall.
State of the art is documented in the U.S. Pat. No. 5,385,520 where we completely describe the principle of the skatemill belt with a base support and a longitudinally tilting skating deck whose positive or negative incline may be adjusted by a lifting device using two threaded rods with an electric drive. The skating deck consists of a frame fitted with the drive and idler rollers running the endless belt with artificial ice surface slats in addition to the belt support rollers and an electric motor with electric switch including a drive inverter and other necessary electrical components with a control panel including indicators of speed and belt incline as well as control features such as Start, Stop, Incline etc. Used in the construction are: a rubber belt with the polyester core, contact strips made from the so-called hardened polyethylene fixed to the belt, dovetail mounts connecting the strips to the belt and a cross handle on the front side of the skating area.
In the state of the art is also known the patent CA2672558C which describes the basic principle of the skatemill belt with a single-axis longitudinal tilting with a platform adjacent to the front side of the belt. This construction consists of a base support, a load-bearing frame of the endless belt defining the skating area, a motor connected to the belt drive, a pivotal connection of the belt-bearing frame with the base support that allows tilting of the longitudinal skating area around the axis of the front roller and connecting the stationary platform to the front of the skating platform.
In addition to these solutions, the state of art is also documented in the patent RU 2643640 C1 and (in) the Slovak utility model UV 8220 SK which describe an integrated multi-purpose ice hockey skatemill and a method of controlling it for individual skating and skating skills testing. The skatemill consists of an immovable area of artificial ice and a movable artificial ice area. The movable part of artificial ice of the skatemill is made up of a skatemill belt that is slidingly mounted on metal beams (without additional cooling) supporting the work area of the skatemill belt.
With regard to the integrated multi-purpose ice hockey skatemill, as described in the patent RU 2643640 C1 and (in) the Slovak utility model UV 8220 SK, two of its limitations are known—The first one is “load” of the skatemill belt, i.e. a load exerted by weight of a skater or a hockey player at which it is still possible to perform routine exercises (normally lasting 2-5 minutes) without a risk of doing damage to the skatemill belt due to thermal overload of its inner plastic layer to approximately 80 kilograms. The second is “endurance”, i.e. time of continuous operation of the skatemill belt that is limited, depending on the speed of the skatemill belt, to maximum of tens of minutes (when using the speeds of the upper speed range of the skatemill) as during the longer operation, thermal overload of the inner plastic layer on the skatemill belt occurs that leads in better case to lower lifetime of the skatemill belt or its immediate destruction.
Furthermore, in the state of art is also the U.S. Pat. No. 5,509,652, which describes a hockey practice alley without a moveable belt for practicing shooting skills at the goal structure. The surface of the hockey practice alley is made of artificial ice, the material whose friction properties are similar to those of natural ice. As the goal structure may be rotatably mounted on the shooting surface for simulating a variety of angle shots, the hockey player may select a stationary position on the platform.
Another patent in the state of art is U.S. Pat. No. 5,498,000, which describes a technical solution for a goaltender simulator system without a moveable belt designed to practice shooting on a hockey goal. This system simulates behavior of a live goaltender in such a way that the trajectory of a puck launched by a player toward the goal is tracked by a camera and based on the detected positions of the puck, a computer control predicts the trajectory of the puck and a place where it is anticipated to enter the goal and moves the goaltender figure to the appropriate position to prevent it from entering the goal. The shooting surface of the simulator where the practice takes place, i.e. from where the hockey player shoots pucks is made of artificial ice, the material whose friction properties are similar to those of natural ice.
In the state of art of the U.S. Pat. No. 3,765,675 may be found a description of other, simplified technical solution for a simulated hockey goalie without a moveable skatemill belt that is designed to practice shooting on a goal. In this case, the simulated hockey goalie does not use a system for the puck trajectory prediction but rather a simple cyclical move across the mouth of a hockey goal from one side to the other. Like in the previous cases, the shooting alley surface of the simulator is made of artificial ice, the material whose friction properties are similar to those of natural ice.
Marginally, the issue is addressed in the treadmill walking as described in the published application WO2012/016131A1 which describes the applied principle of biaxial tilting of the belt. The technical solution comprises a walking belt tiltable in two axes which allows to walk in any direction without the need to leave a relatively small area of the walking surface, i.e. the surface of the belt may move in any direction. The suspension system is merely to simulate the gravitational force and dynamic impulses disrupting the walker's stability but not to provide any safety feature.
Similarly, the issue is dealt with only marginally in the case of a simulator for a stickhandling practice as described in the published application WO 2008/151418 A1 with the use of optical monitoring system.
Another marginal solution to the issue is a simulator designed to practice a training method intended mainly for players of collective sports in which the so-called permitted field is dynamically delimited by controlled illumination, in which an athlete nor his gear are allowed to leave a given area, as described in the published application RU 2490045 C1. The training field is monitored by means of an infrared camera and a method of comparing video footage recognized by the computer to the permitted area is used to evaluate and signal when the athlete leaves the specific area.
Marginally and in the scope limited to technical solutions of hockey shooting simulators, i.e. the simulators that do not feature moveable skatemill belts nor stationary platforms covered by artificial ice, are such solutions described in the following patents:
U.S. Pat. No. 5,776,019 describes a goalkeeping apparatus designed to practice shooting on a hockey goal. This apparatus does not include a skatemill belt, nor a solid surface made of artificial ice, but a blocking element, a movable figure of a goaltender in standard position, that is moved by the control system of the simulator from side to side and simultaneously or independently of the translational motion positioning the figure around the vertical axis in both directions.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,509,650 describes an apparatus for improving the scoring skills in sports such as hockey, field hockey, futsal, handball, lacrosse etc. The apparatus does not include a skatemill belt, nor a stationary surface made of artificial ice but a goal with a nonmoving goalkeeper figure in the standard position. Based on the current position of a player, the control system of the apparatus dynamically marks some of the target places in the open areas as a current target for which the player should aim in a predetermined time and the system evaluates the shooting percentage of the player.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,607,842 describes an apparatus for use by hockey players to practice their slap and wrist-shots on a goal. The apparatus does not include a skatemill belt and by means of light signals generated by lamps in each of the goal's corners it visually indicates to the players which target they must try to aim at. The apparatus comprises an endless belt that transports the pucks shot at the goal back to the player and automatically dispenses them to him/her. The surface of the elevated platform between the player's position and the goal which is covered by the belt for the return transport of pucks is made of a material with properties similar to those of natural ice.
Because of the aforementioned shortcomings in the existing training platforms consisting of either stationary ice surface or an isolated movable belt covered with artificial ice but without a functional integration and lacking possibilities to test skating and hockey skills, an idea for an integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill has appeared. A system that would offer an individual training and provide skating and hockey tests on the skatemill belt with safety, stabilization, signalization and display features, optical scanning cameras, puck feeders, a system for measuring tensile and compressive forces exerted by skaters or hockey players, a control computing hardware tool such as a computer designed for continuous (i.e. with no time limitations) individual training and skating and hockey skills tests, as the one which is described in the submitted invention.
The said deficiencies are to a great deal dealt with by means of an integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill and the way it is controlled/used for the individual training and testing of a skater's or hockey player's skating and hockey skills. The summary of an integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill is to achieve a continuous surface formed by a barrier-free artificial ice, that functions as a “working area” with a general ground plan comprising two or more functionally integrated planar regions, i.e. one stationary region of artificial ice and one or more regions of movable artificial ice, with a possibility to configure the spatial area as “a barrier-free training zone” defined by the height level of 2.20±0.1 m above the working surface area that may be used by a skater or hockey player to practice their skating techniques. In addition to this, the invention makes it possible to use optical signalization/display functions intended mainly to measure and practice reactions of a hockey player to visual stimuli as well as to manage workouts and practice performed by a skater or a hockey player using a puck feeder that enables the player to realistically practice shooting technique. Moreover the invention uses the system of optical sensing cameras that may scan the skater or the hockey player from the front and sideways as they perform an exercise on the movable skatemill belt and it may also take advantage of measuring tensile/compressive forces exerted by skaters or hockey players when performing “Skating power”, “Skating endurance”, “Skating power and endurance” or other tests concerning their physical performance measurements or physiological parameters.
The shape and dimensions of the working area ground plan for the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill are not determined by any limitations—the working area ground plan for the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill may be assembled from any combination of basic geometric shapes such as square, rectangle, rhombus/parallelogram, triangle, circle, ellipse and/or their parts.
The work surface of the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill is entirely barrier-free and planar, i.e. without deflections or ripples of any parts of the work surface—planar surfaces of the movable or even more than one movable areas and that of the stationary artificial ice are vertically balanced to each other and their common surface plane is not disrupted by any component between the movable part(s) and the stationary part of the artificial ice. Each movable area of the artificial ice is completely, i.e. from all sides surrounded by the stationary area of the artificial ice, which allows for all the parts of the work surface to be functionally integrated into a single whole to be used for skating and/or hockey practice.
The above solution of the work surface, as the only one from all known skatemill solutions, makes it possible to practice and test ice hockey skills in realistic conditions—i.e. the conditions in which a hockey player in training is exposed to a genuine physical burden generated by means of the movable area of the skatemill belt fitted with artificial ice, while stickhandling takes place without a relative puck motion to the reference point, which helps to capture and then precisely evaluate the player's stickhandling, including the shooting skills. Functional integration, i.e. smooth and barrier-free binding of the movable and stationary parts of the artificial ice, is in this case a prerequisite for creating right conditions for a realistic hockey player's training on the artificial ice surface.
It is possible to configure the barrier-free training zone on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill by tilting or extending the stabilization system construction and the brackets bearing optical signalization and display devices and sensors to measure the forces vertically upwards, above the height level of 2.2±0.1 m or horizontally outside the ground plan of the work surface clearing the space above for the needs of skating and/or shooting practice.
The movable part of the artificial ice, i.e. the variable part of the work surface, comprises the so-called endless belt whose external surface is fitted with artificial ice, hence “skatemill” belt. The skatemill belt with the said construction rests on two load-bearing rotating drums that are fixed to the common base support through ball bearings. At least one of the load-bearing drums is powered by a drive unit. Any drive unit can be used to drive the skatemill belt, the direction and speed of rotation of which can be smoothly steered.
The area of the skatemill belt, whose surface is part of the working area, may perform straightforward sliding movement both ways. The skatemill belt is in this section propped up by solid beams with the stationary sliding surfaces at the point of contact with the skatemill belt whose longer dimensions of the beams are oriented in the direction of the skatemill belt's movement.
The said support of the skatemill belt by means of solid load-bearing construction makes sure that the firmness of the movable part of artificial ice is identical to the firmness of the stationary part of the ice surface and in fact it is not much different than the firmness of the actual ice surface which contributes to authenticity of the skating or hockey practice on this hockey skatemill.
Cooling of the solid beams featuring immovable sliding surfaces that support the skatemill belt in the work area by means of liquid or gaseous cooling medium that is by default circulating in the hollows of the solid beams, provides cooling, i.e. temperature regulation of the sliding surfaces on the solid beams that are in contact with the inner plastic part of the skatemill belt in such a way that there is no thermal overload of the structural elements (components) of the skatemill belt and thus no accelerated wear and tear or even destruction.
The skatemill belt is powered by a three-phase asynchronous electric motor. Continuous regulation of the direction and the speed of the electric motor is carried out by a frequency converter controlled by a computational hardware tool. The direction and the speed of the skatemill may be run continuously or incrementally by 0.5 km/h from 1 km/h up to the maximum design speed of the skatemill.
The direction and the speed of the skatemill belt is controlled by the electronic control system which allows automated implementation of training and testing performed on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Electronic control system also serves as a controller for the operator of the skatemill, i.e. to switch the skatemill ON/OFF and to change the direction and the speed of the skatemill belt. By the automated implementation of training or testing one means a physical control and time coordination of the controllable functions of the skatemill related to the motion of the skatemill belt.
Restraint system protects the skater or hockey player from falling on the moving skatemill belt when losing their footing. The restraint system comprises a personal harness system, e.g. a full body fall protection harness with a dorsal D-ring and adjustable straps connected via carabiner clips on one side to the skater's full body harness and on the other to the anchoring point attached to a safety switch that will stop the skatemill belt from moving if pulled by the weight of the skater.
Above the skatemill belt there is a skater's/hockey player's stabilization system consisting of two top-hung vertical beams with the foldable horizontal handrails whose position, i.e. the height from the work surface may be set up according to the physical proportions or needs of a skater. The handrails may be tipped into an upright position, i.e. in parallel with the vertical beams, thus freeing the space of the movable part of artificial ice in order to perform skating exercises.
The vertical beams are hung in places over the side of the movable and stationary lines of the work surface so that the beams with unfolded handrails do not interfere with the space above the skatemill belt.
Optical signalization/display features comprise display units, i.e. lights, point, segment and/or flat imaging displays that are fitted on the tilting or openable and height-adjustable brackets positioned on a semicircular line whose center is identical with the center of the skatemill belt. Control of the optical signalization/display elements is automated by means of the electronic control system of the integrated multi-purpose skatemill.
The optical signalization/display system is intended for the Shooting at the light and/or Watch the light trainings that focus on the development of a hockey player's reaction capabilities to visual stimuli during shooting practice (Shooting at the light) and on the development of the so-called peripheral vision (Watch the light), as well as for the skaters or hockey players doing the Exercise according to the pattern training method. The Exercise according to the pattern training method is based on a visual presentation of one or more views of an exercise or practice to be performed by a skater or a hockey player on the skatemill belt just before they actually start carrying the exercise or practice out.
During the Shooting at the light training, by means of a frequency converter, the skatemill's electronic control system controls, i.e. sets the skatemill belt in motion in such a way that it moves by a predetermined speed. The electronic control system also controls the display of light and optical signals S1-S5 on the flat screen of the central display element in zones Z1=“LEFT TOP CORNER”, Z2=“RIGHT TOP CORNER”, Z3=“BOTTOM CENTER”, Z4=“LEFT BOTTOM CORNER” and Z5=“RIGHT BOTTOM CORNER” in any given or random order. A hockey player skating on the skatemill belt responds to these light stimuli by shooting a puck to the indicated target zone defined as e.g. the frontal plane of a hockey goal structure. Should the hockey player fail to shoot in a specified period “tsignal”, the application will evaluate this as a failed attempt. After the test the electronic control system stops the movement of the skatemill belt. The total number of the signals sent by the application N=ΣNq, q=1-5 and the number of accurate hits of the indicated target zone n=Σnq, q=1-5 achieved by a hockey player within the given time limit are logged automatically or non-automatically. These data represent the test results. By configuring the so-called mapping signals vector in any other way than based on the “1:1” scheme represented by the incidence of the signals and target zones: S1->Z1, S2->Z2, S3->Z3, S4->Z4 a S5->Z5, it is possible to configure any other incidence, i.e. to map signals S and target zones Z, e.g. S1->Z2, S2->Z1, S3->Z3, S4->Z4 a S5=Z5, or e.g. S1->Z4, S2->Z5, S3->Z3, S4->Z1 a S5->Z2 etc., thus making it possible to alternate the training's level of difficulty according to the needs of a hockey player. The electronic control system provides automatic detection of the precise hits of the target zones through mechanical contact, piezoelectric or contactless optical or inductive sensors fitted in the target zones of a hockey goal Z1-Z5 placed in front of the skatemill belt on the borderline defining the front side of the work area in the extension of the longitudinal axis of the skatemill belt. Non-automated monitoring of the valid hits is carried out by the operator of the skatemill.
During the Watch the light training, the electronic control system of the skatemill controls, i.e. sets the skatemill belt in motion by means of a frequency converter, so that it could move at the default or set speed. The electronic control system also controls the display of the light signals Y={0-9|00-99|aA-zZ|▪●▴} (i.e. numbers and digits, alphabetic characters and simple geometric figures) apart from the central display element, also on the display elements positioned in the LEFT zone and in the RIGHT zone of a hockey player's peripheral vision in any given time or in a random order. A hockey player who is skating on the moving skatemill belt responds to these light stimuli via identifying and verbalizing a symbol and/or doing something else, e.g. shooting at the predetermined target zone. After the test, the electronic control system stops the movement of the skatemill belt. The total number of the signals sent by the application N=ΣNq, q=1-5 and the number of correctly identified symbols by a hockey player within the time limit “tdisplay” n=Σnq, q=1-5 are logged automatically or non-automatically. These data represent the test results. Automated detection of the correctly identified symbols in the case of their verbalization by a hockey player is provided by the application Watch the light using a speech recognition system. An acoustic microphone monitoring verbal messages of a hockey player is in this case placed on a protective helmet of the hockey player or on a headset holder. Alternatively, if the hockey player responds to the visualized signals by shooting at the designated zones, the automated detection of the impacts on the target zones is provided by the electronic control system by means of mechanical contact or piezoelectric or the contactless optical and inductive sensors fitted in the target zones of a hockey goal Z1-Z5 placed in front of the skatemill belt on the borderline defining the front side of the work area in the extension of the longitudinal axis of the skatemill belt. Non-automated monitoring of the valid hits is carried out by the operator of the skatemill.
During the Exercise according to the pattern training, on one or more display elements, the electronic control system of the skatemill shows a recorded digital video footage “Sample( )” of the practice or exercise that a skater or a hockey player on the skatemill is supposed to carry out. After viewing the video recording of the practice or exercise, the electronic control system, by means of a frequency converter, controls, i.e. sets the skatemill belt in motion so that it could move at the default or set speed. After the given time “Tduration” planned to carry out the training or exercise has elapsed, the electronic control system stops the movement of the skatemill.
The optical scanning cameras are placed at the borders of the training area in the vertical planes passing through the longitudinal and transverse axis of the movable skatemill belt so that they allow to watch a skater or a hockey player on the movable skatemill belt from the front and side views. Control of the optical scanning cameras is automated by means of the electronic control system of the integrated multi-purpose skatemill.
The optical scanning cameras system is intended for the Skating posture test, in which the system is used for making a video footage of the skater or hockey player performing exercises on the moving skatemill belt.
During the Skating posture training, by means of a frequency converter, the electronic control system of the skatemill controls, i.e. sets the skatemill belt in motion so that it could move at the default or set speed. The electronic control system also manages the creation and storage of digital video recordings of the course of the skating performed by a skater or a hockey player on the movable skatemill belt from the front (StreamRecord1) and the side (StreamRecord2) views. After the test, i.e. after the time “TPERIOD” has elapsed, the electronic control system stops the movement of the skatemill. Following that, canonical segments are added to the digital video recordings, e.g. in MPEG4 format, via video editing tools in either automated or non-automated way. The canonical segments represent positions of the lower extremities or their parts, mutual positions and kinematic movement patterns whose canonical segments are further analyzed in order to identify shortcomings and/or optimize skating skills of a skater or a hockey player.
In combination with the optical signalization/display elements system, the optical scanning cameras system is intended for the Live view training method. The basis of the Live view training method is a delayed visual presentation of one or more views of an exercise or training performed by a skater or a hockey player on the skatemill belt.
During the Live view training, by means of a frequency converter, the electronic control system of the skatemill controls, i.e. sets the skatemill belt in motion so that it could move at the default or set speed. The electronic control system also manages the creation and temporary storage of digital video recordings (the front “StreamRecord1” and the side “StreamRecord2”) and a delayed (with a delay “Tdelay”=<5 s-15 min>) presentation of the created video recordings of a prior exercise or training performed by a skater or a hockey player. If the delay “Tdelay” is set at the same time as the duration of an exercise or a training, it is possible for the skater or the hockey player to watch his very own just finished exercise or training in order to realize their potential shortcomings committed at the training.
During the skating training, it is possible to place two removable laser markers on the stationary area of artificial ice in order to define the width of the skating “band”, the so-called skating track. This aid may be used during the skating training, especially in exercises related to identifying and correcting mistakes in the glide phase.
Puck feeders used at the shooting practice are placed on the borders of the work area, i.e. they do not interfere with the work area. The puck feeders may be used in the manual mode or they may be managed automatically by means of the electronic control system of the skatemill. The puck feeders may be used for shooting training or practice in the static mode when the hockey player does not skate, only shoots the incoming pucks or for shooting training or practice in the dynamic mode when the hockey player simultaneously shoots the incoming pucks and actively performs skating technique on the moving skatemill belt.
Alternately, during the Shooting at the light training, the electronic control system may control puck feeders in coordination with the course of the Shooting at the light exercise, i.e. the incoming pucks are time-synchronized with anticipated moment of shooting from the hockey player as a response to a light navigation symbol.
The sensors for measuring the power are piezoelectric ortensiometric force measuring sensors. They are located in a vertical plane passing through the axis of the skatemill belt to the front or to the back of a skater/hockey player. They are connected to a personal harness system, e.g. full-body harness, through a rigid rod or that of a fiber type and they measure tensile or compressive forces exerted by a skater or a hockey player. These forces are the only measurable quantities indicating the physical performance of a skater or a hockey player that may be measured on the hockey skatemill. This kind of power measurement is necessary for the Skating Power, Skating endurance or Skating power and endurance tests that are performed on the moving skatemill belt. Measuring and recording data from the sensors to measure the forces is carried out via electronic control system of the skatemill, with a minimum frequency of 1 kHz for the data measurement on the tensile or compressive force exerted by a skater. The result of the Skating power and endurance test is a speed performance profile for a skater or a hockey player based on the speed of skating represented by the speed of the skatemill belt, as a “skating speed”. In addition to that, it serves as an endurance performance profile and a fatigue index for a skater or a hockey player. It is possible to determine the speed performance profile for a skater or a hockey player through the Skating Power test alone. The endurance performance profile and the fatigue index may be also determined independently via the Skating endurance test. All the said cases represent dynamic tests. It is the way how they are performed that actually makes it possible to measure and evaluate the power-speed and power-endurance capabilities of a skater and a hockey player in conditions that realistically correspond to the skating conditions.
The speed performance profile for a skater or a hockey player is laid as an 8-element sequence of the values of power (expressed in watts) exerted by a skater or a hockey player while skating on a level surface facing forward in eight different reference skating speeds, as follows: 15.0-16.5-18.0-19.5-21.0-22.5-24.0-25.5 km/h. Power given by skater is determined by the method described below.
From the measured tensile or compressive forces respectively, one measures the power attained by a skater or a hockey player in each of the eight reference skating speeds “vstride” 15.0-16.5-18.0-19.5-21.0-22.5-24.0-25.5 km/h, by relation:
in which “P” stands for performance exerted by a skater or a hockey player, “k” is a serial number of a skating stride in an 8-step series and “Fk” represents the maximum tensile or compressive forces exerted by a skater or a hockey player as measured by the sensor for measuring the force in the skating stride “k”.
Between the respective tests, i.e. between the tests at the reference speeds 15.0-16.5-18.0-19.5-21.0-22.5-24.0-25.5 km/h are included relaxation intervals of not less than 120 seconds.
The Skating endurance test is a version of the standard anaerobic test which is used to determine the maximum anaerobic power and fatigue index of a skater or a hockey player. To determine the said parameters, i.e. to determine the maximum anaerobic performance and fatigue index, one uses in the Skating endurance test an endurance performance profile. It is determined as the 6-element sequence of average values of power (expressed in watts) exerted by a skater while skating on a level surface facing forward in six different time intervals, as follows: <0-5 s>, <5-10 s>, <10-15 s>, <15-20 s>, <20-25 s>, <25-30 s>. Power given by skater or hockey player is determined by the method that is based on the “Skating endurance” algorithm. This test is to determine the endurance performance profile of a skater or a hockey player using the measured tensile or compressive forces F respectively through the Skating endurance application. It is represented by average values of performance (P[0-5], P[5-10], P[10-15], P[15-20], P[20-25], P[25-30]) in the 6-step sequence detected at a speed vstrideMAX in time intervals: <0-5 s>, <5-10 s>, <10-15 s>, <15-20 s>, <20-25 s>, <25-30 s> by the relations:
in which “P[ ]” is average power exerted by a skater or a hockey player within the measured 5-second interval and “Fstride(t)” is a function that expresses time dependency of the tensile or compressive forces exerted by a skater or a hockey player as measured by the sensor for measuring the force in the measured 5-second interval.
Fatigue index of a skater or a hockey player is the extent (size) of the power loss exerted by a skater or a hockey player at the start, in time interval <0-5 s> and at the end, in time interval <25-30 s> of the Skating endurance test. It is expressed in % of the extent of power loss and the average performance attained by a skater in the interval <0-5 s> by the relation in %:
This test refers to the ratio of fast and slow muscle fibers activation, thus indirectly on their proportional representation in the muscles of tested individuals.
The Skating power and endurance test which is performed based on the “Skating power and endurance” algorithm is used to determine simultaneously the speed performance profile of a skater and the endurance performance profile with fatigue index of a skater. It is calculated from the measured tensile or compressive forces FK and Fstride at the reference skating speeds vstride by the Skating power and endurance application.
Speed control feature of the skatemill belt of the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill may be used to perform the so-called Skater's aerobic skills test. The Skater's aerobic skills on Skatemill test is a version of the aerobic capabilities test, i.e. the level of maximum oxygen consumption of a skater or a hockey player as intended for the aerobic capabilities test on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. The result of the Skater's aerobic skills on Skatemill test is an aerobic performance profile recorded by an external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor.
During Skater's aerobic skills on Skatemill test, it is the electronic control system of the skatemill that controls the speed of the skatemill belt through a frequency converter in autonomous or coupled mode. In the coupled mode, it is an external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor that controls the speed of the skatemill belt. The external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor is connected to the universal communication interface of the electronic control system of the skatemill via own signal or data cable. Connection between the external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor and the electronic control system is not included in the technical solution of the skatemill.
When in the autonomous mode of the Skater's aerobic skills on skatemill test, the electronic control system controls the movement of the skatemill belt through a frequency converter in such a way that it starts to move at a speed “vSTART” and then it incrementally increases the speed of the skatemill belt in the I. speed zone by a 2 km/h stride until it reaches II. speed zone. Once in the II. speed zone, the speed incrementally increases each minute by a 1 km/h stride until the end of the test. The test itself finishes either after 1 minute of the maximum speed of the skatemill belt “vskateMAx” or in any given moment on request of the skater or hockey player. After taking the test, the electronic control system of the skatemill stops the movement of the skatemill belt. Result of the test is a data set recorded by an external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor.
The advantages of an integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with the method of control/management for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills based on the invention are evident from its external effects. The effects of the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with the method of control/management for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills rest in the fact that it is a training tool that faithfully mimics skating on real ice. It is the dynamic skating mode, i.e. the mutual relative movement of a skater or a hockey player and the skating surface that is provided by a translational movement of the movable skatemill belt whose friction properties correspond with the friction conditions of the ice surface.
Furthermore, the effects of the operation of an integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill to the method of its control/management for training and testing of the skating and hockey skills based on the invention rest in the fact that in shooting skills practice (Shooting at the light), in peripheral vision development (Watch the light), in the Exercise according to the pattern training method and in skating skills test (Skating Posture) and in performance tests such as Skating power and endurance, or Skating Power and Skating endurance, it is possible to effectively stabilize the position of a skater or a hockey player against the static elements of the optical signalization/display system and the optical scanning cameras system. The same goes for the sensors measuring tensile/compressive forces, i.e. the position of a skater or a hockey player against the stationary parts of the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill does not change. Due to the precise and repeatable position of a skater or a hockey player against the static parts of the hockey skatemill, such as display features, cameras and force measuring sensors and considering the possibility to precisely control the physical load of a skater or a hockey player by regulating the speed of the skatemill belt, it is possible to manage and evaluate each training and testing on the integrated multi-purpose skatemill with each repetition. This allows to improve a great extent the way how to select from trainings based on the individual needs of skaters or hockey players and by measuring the ability of skaters or hockey players, under deterministic conditions, to evaluate the actual effectiveness of these trainings.
The integrated assembly of a multi-purpose hockey skatemill and the method of control/management for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills according to the invention will be further described in the enclosed drawings where
It is understood that individual examples of the implementation of the invention are presented to illustrate and not to limit. Using no more than routine experimentation, any knowledgeable professionals may find or be able to find a number of equivalents to the specification of the implementation of the invention which are not explicitly described here. Such equivalents are meant to fall within the scope of the following patent claims. Any topological or kinematic modification of this kind of hockey skatemill, including necessary design, choice of materials and design layout may not be problem, therefore these features have not been dealt with in detail. In the following examples one can find individual descriptions of different manners of implementation that use an electric motor to drive the skatemill. It is understood that in an analogous way it is possible to use any undisclosed drive unit to drive the skatemill and smoothly control its direction and speed of rotation.
This example of a specific implementation of the invention describes a structure design of the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with its control/management system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, in a maximum operational assembly modified for a hockey training center as depicted in the enclosed
Electronic control system 9 of the integrated multi-purpose ice hockey skatemill with a system for individual training and testing of skating and hockey skills serves to control the skatemill by an operator of the skatemill or for an automated switching on and switching off of the skatemill, for changing direction and speed of rotation of the movable skatemill belt 2 as well as for controlling individual functional or controllable features of the skatemill while performing standard trainings and testing on the skatemill. Individual features of the skatemill can be controlled at the same time by one or more functional blocks of the electronic control system. The block diagram of the electronic control system 9 in the form of its decomposition into functional blocks is shown in the
Function of each microcontroller 90 is firmly given by configuration of its internal logic gates structure and registers, in the case of the use of configurable electronic elements such as PGA/FPGA and/or fixed circuit wiring in the case of the use of one purpose custom integrated circuit of ASIC type. The configuration of the internal logic gates structure and registers or the circuit wiring of the microcontrollers 90 of each functional block is determined by one of the configuration prescriptions described in the
It is possible to place two detachable laser markers 12 on optional mounts 12a on the stationary area of the artificial ice 1 facing the front border of the movable skatemill belt in order to define the width of the skate track, as depicted in
Alternatively, there is a solution for the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill in combination with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills as depicted in the FIG. 2 where the electronic control electronic control system 9 is connected to a data LAN network 9a. This allows to manage or monitor functions of the skatemill remotely through the so-called control/management console 9d, i.e. by means of different networking equipment that makes it possible to implement the operator console comprising at least a display unit, e.g. graphic or character display device and a data input apparatus, e.g. a keyboard, touchpad or mouse or it is possible to remotely control or monitor the skatemill's functions by another automatic system. If the LAN data network 9a is a communication gate or a firewall 9b connected to the Internet 9c, it is possible to remotely control or monitor the skatemill through a control/management console 9d connected via the Internet.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills described in Example 1 can be used in combination with the functional block 9a-11 of the Shooting at the light of the electronic control system 9 for automated management of the movement of the movable skatemill belt 2, for automated management of the optical signalization/display elements 5 and for automated recording of signals from the sensors 11a detecting impacts on the target zones during the “Shooting at the light” training on the skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 2 featuring the functional block 9a-11 of the Shooting at the light while performing the “Shooting at the light” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
In such case, i.e. during the Shooting at the light training, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls a frequency converter 13, by means of which it manages (switches on) the movement of the movable skatemill belt 2 so that it moves at a (set) speed. It also controls the display of light or optical signals S1-S5 on a flat display of the middle optical signalization/display element 5 in the zones Z1=“LEFT TOP CORNER”, Z2=“RIGHT TOP CORNER”, Z3=“BOTTOM CENTER”, Z4=“LEFT BOTTOM CORNER” and Z5=“RIGHT BOTTOM CORNER” in any given or random order. A hockey player skating on the running skatemill belt 2 reacts to these light stimuli by shooting a puck into a given target zone Z defined for instance on the frontal plane of a hockey goal structure 11. Unless the hockey player shoots the puck within certain time “tsignal”, the application will evaluate it as a failed attempt. After the test, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill will stop the skatemill belt 2 from moving. The total number of signals sent out by the application N=ΣNq, q=1-5 and the count of impacts on the given target zone n=Σnq, q=1-5 achieved by the hockey player within a given time are recorded in an automated or non-automated way. At the same time these data represent the test result. By setting up the so-called mapping vector of signals in any other way than in the “1:1” scheme represented by incidence rate of signals and target zones: S1->Z1, S2->Z2, S3->Z3, S4->Z4 a S5->Z5, it is possible to set up any other incidence (mapping) of signals S and target zones Z, e.g. S1->Z2, S2->Z1, S3->Z3, S4->Z4 a S5=Z5, or e.g. S1->Z4, S2->Z5, S3->Z3, S4->Z1 a S5->Z2 etc., thus making it possible to adjust the level of training difficulty to the needs of hockey players. Automated detection of impacts on the target zones is provided by the electronic control system 9 by means of mechanical contact or piezoelectric or contactless optical or inductive impact detection sensors 11a placed in the target zones Z1-Z5 of a hockey goal structure 11 located in front of the movable skatemill belt 2 on the border line defining the front side of the work area in the extension of the longitudinal axis of the movable skatemill belt 2.
As a variant, during the Shooting at the light training, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill can also manage puck feeders 7 in such a way that their (puck feeders) operation is coordinated with the course of the Shooting at the light training, i.e. actions of the puck feeders 7 (shooting of a puck) are time-synchronized with the expected moment of a hockey player's launching a shot. All this happens following the display of a light navigation symbol.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-12 of the Watch the light of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 for automated management of optical signalization/display elements 5 as well as for automated recording of signals from the detection sensors 11a picking up the impacts on the target zones and an acoustic microphone, which is a sensor 11b monitoring/recording verbal messages of a hockey player during the Watch the light training on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-12 of the Watch the light while performing the “Watch the light” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
In such case, i.e. during the Watch the light training, the electronic control block 9 of the skatemill controls a frequency converter 13, by means of which it manages (switches on) the movement of the movable skatemill belt 2 so that it moves at a (set) speed. It also controls the display of light signals Y={0-9|00-99|aA-zZ|▪●▴} (i.e. numbers and digits, alphabetic characters and simple geometric figures) apart from the central display element 5, also on the display elements positioned in the LEFT zone and in the RIGHT zone of a hockey player's peripheral vision in any given or random order. A hockey player who is skating on the moving skatemill belt 2 responds to these light stimuli via identifying and verbalizing a symbol and/or doing something else, e.g. shooting at the predetermined target zone. After the test, the electronic control system 9 stops the movement of the skatemill belt 2. The total number of the signals sent by the application N=ΣNq, q=1-5 and the number of correctly identified symbols by a hockey player within the time limit “tdisplay” n=Σnq, q=1-5 are logged automatically or non-automatically. These data represent the test results. Automated detection of the correctly identified symbols in the case of their verbalization by a hockey player is provided by the electronic control system 9 using a speech recognition system. An acoustic microphone 11b monitoring verbal messages of a hockey player is in this case placed on a protective helmet of the hockey player or on the headset holder. Alternatively, if the hockey player responds to the visualized signals by shooting to the designated zones, the automated detection of the impacts on the target zones is provided by the electronic control system 9 by means of mechanical contact or piezoelectric or the contactless optical and inductive sensors fitted in the target zones of a 11 hockey goal Z1-Z5 placed in front of the skatemill belt 2 on the borderline defining the front side of the work area in the extension of the longitudinal axis of the skatemill belt 2.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-13 of the Exercise according of the electronic control system 2. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 and for automated management of optical signalization/display elements 5 during the Exercise according to the pattern training on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 2 featuring the functional block 9a-13 of the Exercise according to the pattern while performing the “Exercise according to the pattern” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Exercise according to the pattern training, on one or more display elements, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill shows a recorded digital video footage “Sample( )” of the practice or exercise a skater or a hockey player on the skatemill should carry out. After viewing the video recording of the practice or exercise, the electronic control system 9, by means of a frequency converter 13, controls (switches on) the movement of the skatemill belt 2 so that it could move at the default (set) speed. After the given time “Tduration” planned to carry out the training or exercise has elapsed, the electronic control system stops the movement of the skatemill belt 2.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-14 of the Live view of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 and for automated management of optical signalization/display elements 5 during the Live view training on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-14 of the Live view while performing the “Live view” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Live view training, by means of a frequency converter 13 the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls (switches on) the movement of the skatemill belt 2 so that it could move at the default (set) speed. The electrobic control system also manages the creation and temporary storage of digital video recordings (the front “StreamRecord1” and the side “StreamRecord2”) and a delayed (with a delay “Tdelay”=<5 s-15 min>) presentation of the created video recordings of a prior exercise or training performed by a skater or a hockey player on the skatemill belt 2. If the delay “Tdelay” is set at the same time as the duration of an exercise (training), it is possible for the skater or the hockey player to watch his very own just finished exercise or training in order to realize their potential shortcomings committed at the training.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-15 of the Skating posture of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 for automated management of optical signalization/display elements 5 as well as for the optical scanning cameras 6 during the Skating posture test on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-15 of the Skating posture while performing the “Skating posture” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Skating posture test, by means of a frequency converter 13, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls (switches on) the movement of the skatemill belt 2 so that it could move at the default (set) speed. The electronic control system also manages the creation and storage of digital video recordings of the course of the skating performed by a skater or a hockey player on the movable skatemill belt from the front (StreamRecord1) and the side (StreamRecord2) views. After the test, i.e. after the time “TPERIOD” has elapsed, the electronic control system 9 stops the movement of the skatemill belt 2. Following that, canonical segments are added to the digital video recordings, e.g. in MPEG4 format, via video editing tools in either automated or non-automated way. The canonical segments represent positions of the lower extremities or their parts, mutual positions and kinematic movement patterns whose canonical segments are further analyzed in order to identify shortcomings and/or optimize skating skills of a skater or a hockey player.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-16 of the Skating Power of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 and for automated measuring and recording of the tensile or compressive force exerted by a skater or a hockey player during the Skating Power test on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-16 of the Skating Power while performing the “Skating Power” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Skating Power test, by means of a frequency converter 13, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls the speed of the skatemill belt 2 so that it could move at required speeds in order to determine a skater's or a hockey player's speed performance profile. The electronic control system also controls measuring and recording of data on values of the tensile or compressive force exerted by a skaters or hockey players during the test.
The speed performance profile for a skater or a hockey player is laid as an 8-element sequence of the values of power (expressed in watts) exerted by a skater or a hockey player while skating on a level surface facing forward in eight different reference skating speeds, as follows: 15.0-16.5-18.0-19.5-21.0-22.5-24.0-25.5 km/h. Power given by skater is determined by the method described below.
From the measured tensile or compressive forces respectively, one measures the power attained by a skater or a hockey player in each of the eight reference skating speeds “vstride” 15.0-16.5-18.0-19.5-21.0-22.5-24.0-25.5 km/h by relation:
in which “P” stands for performance exerted by a skater or a hockey player, “k” is the serial number of a skating stride in an 8-step series and “Fk” represents the maximum tensile or compressive forces exerted by a skater or a hockey player as measured by the sensor for measuring the force in the skating stride “k”. Between the respective tests, i.e. between the tests at the reference speeds 15.0-16.5-18.0-19.5-21.0-22.5-24.0-25.5 km/h are included relaxation intervals of not less than 120 seconds.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-17 of the Skating endurance of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 and for automated measuring and recording of the tensile or compressive force exerted by a skater or a hockey player during the Skating endurance test on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-17 of the Skating endurance while performing the “Skating endurance” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Skating endurance test, by means of a frequency converter 13, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls (switches on) the movement of the skatemill belt 2 so that it could move at a given (set) speed “vstrideMAX” in order to determine a skater's or a hockey player's endurance performance profile and fatigue index. The electronic control system 9 also controls measuring and recording of data on values of the tensile or compressive force exerted by skaters or hockey players during the test.
The endurance performance profile is determined as the 6-element sequence of average values of power (P[0-5], P[5-10], P[10-15], P[15-20], P[20-25], P[25-30] expressed in watts) exerted be a skater while skating on a level surface facing forward in 6 different time intervals: <0-5 s>, <5-10 s>, <10-15 s>, <15-20 s>, <20-25 s>, <25-30 s> by the relations:
in which “P[ ]” is average power exerted by a skater or a hockey player within the measured 5-second interval and “Fstride(t)” is a function that expresses time dependency of the tensile or compressive forces exerted by a skater or a hockey player as measured by the sensor for measuring the force in the measured 5-second interval.
Fatigue index of a skater or a hockey player is the extent (size) of the power loss exerted by a skater or a hockey player at the start, in time interval <0-5 s> and at the end, in time interval <25-30 s> of the Skating endurance test. It is expressed in % of the extent of power loss and the average performance attained by a skater in the interval <0-5 s> by the relation in %.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-18 of the Skating power and endurance of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 and for automated measuring and recording of the tensile or compressive force exerted by a skater or a hockey player during the Skating power and endurance test on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-18 of the Skating power and endurance while performing the “Skating power and endurance” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Skating power and endurance test, by means of a frequency converter 13, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls the speed of the skatemill belt 2 so that it could move at required speeds. The electronic control system also controls measuring and recording of data on values of the tensile or compressive force exerted by skaters or hockey players during the test in order to determine a skater's or a hockey player's speed performance profile, as described in Example 7 and then to continually (within one test) determine the endurance performance profile and fatigue index of a skater or a hockey player, as described in Example 8.
The integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills, as described in Example 1, can be used in a similar way to the previous example in combination with the functional block 9a-19 of the Skater's aerobic skills of the electronic control system 9. It can be used for automated management of the movement of the skatemill belt 2 during the Skater's aerobic skills test on the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill. Integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill control (method) by means of the electronic control system 9 featuring the functional block 9a-19 of the Skater's aerobic skills while performing the “Skater's aerobic skills” training is implemented by the configuration prescription of the microcontroller 92 of this functional block is shown in the
During the Skater's aerobic skills test, by means of a frequency converter 13, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill controls the movement of the skatemill belt 2 either_in autonomous or coupled mode in order to determine an aerobic performance profile by an external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor. The external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor is connected to the universal communication interface of the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill via own signal or data cable. Connection between the external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor and the electronic control system 9 is not included in the technical solution of the skatemill.
When in the autonomous mode of the Skater's aerobic skills test, the electronic control system 9 controls the movement of the skatemill belt 2 through a frequency converter 13 in such a way that it starts to move at a speed “vSTART” and then it incrementally increases the speed of the skatemill belt in the I. speed zone by a 2 km/h stride until it reaches II. speed zone. Once in the II. speed zone, the speed incrementally increases each minute by a 1 km/h stride until the end of the test. The test itself finishes either after 1 minute of the maximum speed of the skatemill belt “vskateMAX” or in any given moment on request of the skater or hockey player. After taking the test, the electronic control system 9 of the skatemill stops the movement of the skatemill belt 2.
In both cases, the result of the test is a data set on aerobic performance profile recorded by an external spirometric or cardiopulmonary monitor.
This example of a particular implementation of the technical solution describes a “not shown” variant design solution for the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills in a modification meant for a hockey training center in the enclosed
Another “not shown” example of the technical solution that is described sufficiently in basic features in Example 1 is the use of multiple electronic computing systems, computers used to perform the same control, logic and computing functions as those carried out by the electronic control system 9, as described in Example 1.
This example of a particular implementation of the technical solution describes a variant design solution for the integrated multi-purpose hockey skatemill with a system for the individual training and testing of the skating and hockey skills in a modification meant for a hockey training center whose basic features are sufficiently described in Example 1 and shown in the
Alternatively, the
The invention is intended especially for the individual training and testing of hockey players and other athletes who perform their activities on ice and use skates.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PUV 228-2018 | Dec 2018 | SK | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/SK2018/050017 | 12/19/2018 | WO | 00 |