The present invention relates to a method for quantifying microscopic diffusion anisotropy in a material with magnetic resonance imaging or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Molecular self-diffusion measured with NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) (Callaghan, 2011 in “Translational Dynamics & Magnetic Resonance” (Oxford, Oxford University Press); Price, 2009 in “NMR Studies of Translational Motion” (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)) is used to non-invasively study the morphology of the water-filled pore space of a wide range of materials, e.g., rocks (Hürlimann et al., 1994 “Restricted diffusion in sedimentary rocks. Determination of surface-area-to-volume ratio and surface relaxivity”. J Magn Reson A 111, 169-178), emulsions (Topgaard et al., 2002, “Restricted self-diffusion of water in a highly concentrated W/O emulsion studied using modulated gradient spin-echo NMR”. J Magn Reson 156, 195-201.), and cheese (Mariette et al., 2002, “1H NMR diffusometry study of water in casein dispersions and gels”. J Agric Food Chem 50, 4295-4302.).
Anisotropy of the pore structure renders the water self-diffusion anisotropic, a fact that is utilized for three-dimensional mapping of nerve fiber orientations in the white matter of the brain where the fibers have a preferential direction on macroscopic length scales (Basser et al., 1994, “MR diffusion tensor spectroscopy and imaging”. Biophys J 66, 259-267; Beaulieu, 2002, “The basis of anisotropic water diffusion in the nervous system - a technical review”. NMR Biomed 15, 435-455; Moseley et al., 1991, “Anisotropy in diffusion-weighted MRI”. Magn Reson Med 19, 321-326.). The degree of the macroscopic diffusion anisotropy is often quantified by the non-dimensional fractional anisotropy index (Basser and Pierpaoli, 1996, “Microstructural and physiological features of tissues elucidated by quantitative-diffusion-tensor MRI”. J Magn Reson B 111, 209-219.).
Also microscopic anisotropy in a globally isotropic material can be detected with diffusion NMR, originally through the characteristic curvature observed in the echo attenuation of conventional single-PGSE (pulsed gradient spin-echo) techniques (Callaghan and Soderman, 1983, in “Examination of the lamellar phase of aerosol OT/water using pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance”. J Phys Chem 87, 1737-1744; Topgaard and Soderman, 2002, in “Self-diffusion in two- and three-dimensional powders of anisotropic domains: An NMR study of the diffusion of water in cellulose and starch”. J Phys Chem B 106, 11887-11892.) and, more recently, by using double-PGSE approaches in which the NMR signal is encoded for displacements over two separate time periods (Mitra, 1995, in “Multiple wave-vector extension of the NMR pulsed-field-gradient spin-echo diffusion measurement”. Phys Rev B 51, 15074-15078.). The presence of microscopic anisotropy can be inferred by comparing echo attenuation data obtained with collinear and orthogonal displacement encoding (Callaghan and Komlosh, 2002, in “Locally anisotropic motion in a macroscopically isotropic system: displacement correlations measured using double pulsed gradient spin-echo NMR”. Magn Reson Chem 40, S15-S19.; Komlosh et al., 2007, in “Detection of microscopic anisotropy in gray matter and in novel tissue phantom using double Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo MR”. J Magn Reson 189, 38-45.; Komlosh et al., 2008, in “Observation of microscopic diffusion anisotropy in the spinal cord using double-pulsed gradient spin echo MRI”. Magn Reson Med 59, 803-809.), by the characteristic signal modulations observed when varying the angle between the directions of displacement encoding (Mitra, 1995, in “Multiple wave-vector extension of the NMR pulsed-field-gradient spin-echo diffusion measurement”. Phys Rev B 51, 15074-15078.; Shemesh et al., 2011, in “Probing Microscopic Architecture of Opaque Heterogeneous Systems Using Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient NMR”. J Am Chem Soc 133, 6028-6035, and “Microscopic and Compartment Shape Anisotropies in Gray and White Matter Revealed by Angular Bipolar Double-PFG MR”. Magn Reson Med 65, 1216-1227.), or by a two-dimensional correlation approach (Callaghan and Furó, 2004, in “Diffusion-diffusion correlation and exchange as a signature for local order and dynamics”. J Chem Phys 120, 4032-4038; Hubbard et al., 2005, 2006, in “A study of anisotropic water self-diffusion and defects in the lamellar mesophase”. Langmuir 21, 4340-4346, and “Orientational anisotropy in polydomain lamellar phase of a lyotropic liquid crystal”. Langmuir 22, 3999-4003.).
In typical diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiments, only a voxel average anisotropy can be detected. Detection of microscopic anisotropy in a globally isotropic material through the characteristic echo attenuation curve in conventional single-PGSE techniques demands high diffusion weighting, often not feasible in clinical applications, and suffers from very low sensitivity to microscopic anisotropy. Information about microscopic anisotropy is further hindered in such experiments by possible isotropic diffusion contributions to the echo attenuation which are superposed to anisotropic contributions. The low sensitivity to microscopic anisotropy is the main pitfall also in analysis of data from double PGSE experiments.
The present techniques are not adequately sensitive to microscopic anisotropy and are not best suited for clinical applications. Highly sensitive techniques to detect microscopic anisotropy, feasible for clinical applications, are thus needed. Furthermore, there is a need for a robust and fast data analysis approach allowing for an unambiguous quantification of microscopic anisotropy associated with a simple but concise parameter for its quantification. One aim of the present invention is to provide a new analysis method along with the novel parameter, microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA), providing a robust, fast and highly sensitive means for quantifying microscopic anisotropy, which is suitable in non-clinical and in clinical applications alike.
The stated purpose above is achieved by a method for quantifying microscopic diffusion anisotropy and/or mean diffusivity in a material by analysis of echo attenuation curves acquired with two different gradient modulations schemes, wherein one gradient modulation scheme is based on isotropic diffusion weighting and the other gradient modulation scheme is based on non-isotropic diffusion weighting, and wherein the method comprises analyzing by comparing the signal decays of the two acquired echo attenuation curves.
The present analysis is highly sensitive to microscopic anisotropy independent of the particular choice of the isotropic diffusion weighting protocol. The analysis allows for a robust and fast quantification of microscopic anisotropy applicable in non-clinical and in clinical applications alike.
The analysis could be applied in combination with multi-dimensional (2D, 3D . . . ) correlation MR experiments to quantify microscopic anisotropy of different diffusion components. The analysis could also be applied in combination with other NMR or MRI methods. Therefore, according to one specific embodiment of the present invention the method is performed in an NMR and/or MRI method or experiment, or in a combination with another NMR or MRI method. For example, with an additional isotropic-weighted experiment, the analysis could be combined with the diffusion tensor and/or diffusion kurtosis measurement to provide additional information about morphology and microscopic anisotropy as well as anisotropic orientation dispersion. The analysis can be used to facilitate and strengthen the interpretation of diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis measurements in vivo. For example, the analysis can provide information on the degree of anisotropy and on multi-exponential signal decays detected in kurtosis tensor measurements by attributing kurtosis to different isotropic and/or anisotropic diffusion contributions. The characterization of any pathology involving the change in microscopic anisotropy will benefit from the improvements that our method introduces.
Below there will be disclosed one possible method for isotropic diffusion weighting as a background to the analysis method according to the present invention. It is important to understand that this is only given as an example and as a background for the isotropic diffusion weighting. The analysis method according to the present invention is of course not limited to this route or method. Fact is that all possible diffusion weighting methods involving one part (gradient modulation scheme) for isotropic diffusion weighting and one other part for the non-isotropic diffusion weighting are possible starting points, and thus pre-performed methods, for the analysis method according to the present invention.
Assuming that spin diffusion in a microscopically anisotropic system can locally be considered a Gaussian process and therefore fully described by the diffusion tensor D(r), the evolution of the complex transverse magnetization m(r,t) during a diffusion encoding experiment is given by the Bloch-Torrey equation. Note that the Bloch-Torrey equation applies for arbitrary diffusion encoding schemes, e.g. pulse gradient spin-echo (PGSE), pulse gradient stimulated echo (PGSTE) and other modulated gradient spin-echo (MGSE) schemes. Assuming uniform spin density and neglecting relaxation, the magnetization evolution is given by
where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio and g(t) is the time dependent effective magnetic field gradient vector. The NMR signal is proportional to the macroscopic transverse magnetization
If during the experiment each spin is confined to a domain characterized by a unique diffusion tensor D, the macroscopic magnetization is a superposition of contributions from all the domains with different D. Evolution of each macroscopic magnetization contribution can thus be obtained by solving Eqs. (1, 2) with a constant and uniform D. The signal magnitude contribution at the echo time tE is given by
where I0 is the signal without diffusion encoding, g=0, and q(t) is the time-dependent dephasing vector
defined for the interval 0<t<tE. The dephasing vector in Eqs. (3) and (4) is expressed in terms of its maximum magnitude q, the time-dependent normalized magnitude |F(t)|≦1 and a time-dependent unit direction vector {circumflex over (q)}(t). Note that in spin-echo experiments, the effective gradient g(t) comprises the effect of gradient magnitude reversal after each odd 180° radio frequency (RF) pulse in the sequence. Eq. (3) assumes that the condition for the echo formation q(tE)=0 is fulfilled, which implies F(tE)=0. In general there might be several echoes during an NMR pulse sequence.
The echo magnitude (3) can be rewritten in terms of the diffusion weighting matrix,
Integral of the time-dependent waveform F(t)2 defines the effective diffusion time, td, for an arbitrary diffusion encoding scheme in a spin-echo experiment
In the following we will demonstrate that even for a single echo sequence, gradient modulations g(t) can be designed to yield isotropic diffusion weighting, invariant under rotation of D, i.e. the echo attenuation is proportional to the isotropic mean diffusivity,
In view of what is disclosed above, according to one specific embodiment of the present invention, the isotropic diffusion weighting is invariant under rotation of the diffusion tensor D.
According to the present invention, one is looking for such forms of dephasing vectors F(t){circumflex over (q)}(t), for which
is invariant under rotation of D. If diffusion tenor D is expressed as a sum of its isotropic contribution,
is fulfilled.
In spherical coordinates, the unit vector {circumflex over (q)}(t) is expressed by the inclination and azimuth angle Ψ as
{circumflex over (q)}
T(t)={{circumflex over (q)}x(t),{circumflex over (q)}y(t),{circumflex over (q)}z(t)}={sinζ(t)cosΨ(t),sinζ(t)sinΨ(t),cosζIt)}. (11)
The symmetry of the diffusion tensor, D=DT, gives
{circumflex over (q)}
·D·{circumflex over (q)}={circumflex over (q)}
+{circumflex over (q)}
+{circumflex over (q)}
zz+2{circumflex over (q)}x{circumflex over (q)}yDxy+2{circumflex over (q)}x{circumflex over (q)}zDxz+2{circumflex over (q)}y{circumflex over (q)}zDyz (12)
or expressed in spherical coordinates as
{circumflex over (q)}
·D·{circumflex over (q)}=sin
2ζcos2ΨDxx+sinζ2sinΨ2Dyy+cos2ζDzz+2sinζcosΨsinζsinΨDxy+2sinζcosΨcosζDxz+2sinζsinΨcosζDyz. (13)
Equation (13) can be rearranged to
The first term in Eq. (14) is the mean diffusivity, while the remaining terms are time-dependent through the angles ζ(t) and Ψ(t) which define the direction of the dephasing vector (4). Furthermore, the second term in Eq. (14) is independent of Ψ, while the third and the forth terms are harmonic functions of Ψ and 2Ψ, respectively (compare with Eq. (4) in [13]). To obtain isotropic diffusion weighting, expressed by Eq. (9), the corresponding integrals of the second, third and fourth terms in Eq. (14) must vanish. The condition for the second term of Eq. (14) to vanish upon integration leads to one possible solution for the angle ζ(t), i.e. the time-independent “magic angle”
ζm=acos(1/√{square root over (3)}). (15)
By taking into account constant ζm, the condition for the third and the fourth term in Eq. (14) to vanish upon integration is given by
Conditions (16) can be rewritten in a more compact complex form as
which must be satisfied for k=1, 2. By introducing the rate {dot over (τ)}(t)=F(t)2, the integral (17) can be expressed with the new variable τ as
Note that the upper integration boundary moved from tE to td. The condition (18) is satisfied when the period of the exponential is td, thus a solution for the azimuth angle is
for any integer n other than 0. The time dependence of the azimuth angle is finally given by
The isotropic diffusion weighting scheme is thus determined by the dephasing vector q(t) with a normalized magnitude F(t) and a continuous orientation sweep through the angles ζm (15) and Ψ(t) (20). Note that since the isotropic weighting is invariant upon rotation of D, orientation of the vector q(t) and thus also orientation of the effective gradient g(t) can be arbitrarily offset relative to the laboratory frame in order to best suit the particular experimental conditions.
As understood from above, according to yet another specific embodiment, the isotropic diffusion weighting is achieved by a continuous sweep of the time-dependent dephasing vector q(t) where the azimuth angle Ψ(t) and the magnitude thereof is a continuous function of time so that the time-dependent dephasing vector q(t) spans an entire range of orientations parallel to a right circular conical surface and so that the orientation of the time-dependent dephasing vector q(t) at time 0 is identical to the orientation at time tE. Furthermore, according to yet another embodiment, the inclination ζ chosen to be a constant, time-independent value, i.e. the so called magic angle, such that ζ=ζm=acos(1/√{square root over (3)}).
The orientation of the dephasing vector, in the Cartesian coordinate system during the diffusion weighting sequence, spans the entire range of orientations parallel to the right circular conical surface with the aperture of the cone of 2*ζm (double magic angle) and the orientation of the dephasing vector at time 0 is identical to the orientation of the dephasing vector at time tE, i.e. Ψ(tE)−Ψ(0)=2*π*n, where n is an integer (positive or negative, however not 0) and the absolute magnitude of the dephasing vector, q*F(t), is zero at time 0 and at time tE. The isotropic weighting can also be achieved by q-modulations with discrete steps in azimuth angle v, providing q(t) vector steps through at least four orientations with unique values of eiΨ, such that Ψ modulus 2π are equally spaced values. Choice of the consecutive order and duration of the time intervals during which Ψ is constant is arbitrary, provided that the magnitude F(t) is adjusted to meet the condition for isotropic weighing (10, 16).
Specific implementations
The pulsed gradient spin-echo (PGSE) sequence with short pulses offers a simplest implementation of the isotropic weighting scheme according to the present invention. In PGSE, the short gradient pulses at times approximately 0 and tE cause the magnitude of the dephasing vector to instantaneously acquire its maximum value approximately at time 0 and vanish at time tE. The normalized magnitude is in this case given simply by F(t)=1 in the interval 0<t<tE and 0 otherwise, providing td=tE. A simplest choice for the azimuth angle (20) is the one with n=1 and Ψ(0)=0, thus
The dephasing vector is given by
The corresponding effective gradient, calculated from
Here δ(t) is the Dirac delta function. Rotation around the y-axis by atan(√2) yields
The effective gradient in Eqs. (24, 25) can conceptually be separated as the sum of two terms,
g(t)=gPGSE(t)+giso(t). (26)
The first term, gPGSE, represents the effective gradient in a regular PGSE two pulse sequence, while the second term, giso, might be called the “iso-pulse” since it is the effective gradient modulation which can be added to achieve isotropic weighting.
As may be seen from above, according to one specific embodiment of the present invention, the method is performed in a single shot, in which the latter should be understood to imply a single MR excitation.
Below the analysis method according to the present invention will be discussed in detail.
Fractional anisotropy (FA) is a well-established measure of anisotropy in diffusion MRI. FA is expressed as an invariant of the diffusion tensor with eigenvalues λ1, λ2 and λ3,
In typical diffusion MRI experiments, only a voxel average anisotropy can be detected. The sub-voxel microscopic anisotropy is often averaged out by a random distribution of main diffusion axis. Here we introduce a novel parameter for quantifying microscopic anisotropy and show how it can be determined by diffusion NMR.
Information about the degree of microscopic anisotropy can be obtained from comparison of the echo-attenuation curves, E(b)=I(b)/I0, with and without the iso-tropic weighting. Multi-exponential echo attenuation is commonly observed in diffusion experiments. The multi exponential attenuation might be due to isotropic diffusion contributions, e.g. restricted diffusion with non-Gaussian diffusion, as well as due to the presence of multiple anisotropic domains with varying orientation of main diffusion axis. The inverse Laplace transform of E(b) provides a distribution of apparent diffusion coefficients P(D), with possibly overlapping isotropic and anisotropic contributions. However, in isotropically weighed diffusion experiments, the deviation from mono-exponential attenuation is expected to originate mainly from isotropic contributions.
In practice, the diffusion weighting b is often limited to a low-b regime, where only an initial deviation from mono-exponential attenuation may be observed. Such behaviour may be quantified in terms of the kurtosis coefficient K (Jensen, J. H., and Helpern, J. A. (2010). MRI quantification of non-Gaussian water diffusion by kurtosis analysis. NMR Biomed 23, 698-710.),
The second term in Eq. (28) can be expressed by the second central moment of the distribution P(D).
Provided that P(D) is normalized,
the normalized echo signal is given by the Laplace transform
The distribution P(D) is completely determined by the mean value
and by the central moments
The second central moment gives the variance, μ2=σ2, while the third central moment, μ3, gives the skewness or asymmetry of the distribution P(D). On the other hand, the echo intensity can be expressed as a cumulant expansion (Frisken, B. (2001). Revisiting the method of cumulants for the analysis of dynamic light-scattering data. Appl Optics 40) by
The first-order deviation from the mono-exponential decay is thus given by the variance of P(D).
Assuming diffusion tensors with axial symmetry, i.e. λ1=D∥ and λ2=λ3=D⊥, and an isotropic distribution of orientation of the tensor's main diffusion axis, the echo-signal E(b) and the corresponding distribution P(D) can be written in a simple form. In case of the single PGSE experiment, using a single diffusion encoding direction, the distribution is given by
with the mean and variance,
The echo-attenuation for the single PGSE is given by
For a double PGSE with orthogonal encoding gradients, the distribution is given by
with the same mean value as for the single PGSE but with a reduced variance,
As in the single PGSE, also in double PGSE the echo-attenuation exhibits multi-component decay,
For randomly oriented anisotropic domains, the non-isotropic diffusion weighting results in a relatively broad distribution of diffusion coefficients, although reduced four-fold when measured with a double PGSE compared to the single PGSE. On the other hand the isotropic weighting results in
and a mono-exponential signal decay
The variance μ2 could be estimated by applying a function of the form (33) to fitting the echo attenuation data. However, in case of randomly oriented anisotropic domains, the convergence of the cumulant expansion of (36) is slow, thus several cumulants may be needed to adequately describe the echo attenuation (36). Alternatively, the distribution (34) may be approximated with the Gamma distribution
parameter. For where α is known as the shape parameter and β is known as the scale the Gamma distribution, the mean diffusivity is given by D=α·β, while the variance is given by μ2=α·β2. The Gamma distribution is an efficient fitting function. With the two parameters it can capture a wide range of diffusion distributions, with both isotropic as well as anisotropic contributions. Conveniently, the Laplace transform of the Gamma function takes a simple analytical form,
The variance, μ2iso, obtained by fitting the function (44) to the isotropic diffusion weighted echo-decay is related to the isotropic diffusion contributions, since the variance is expected to vanish with isotropic weighting in a pure microscopically anisotropic system (see Eq. 41). The same fitting procedure on non-isotropically weighted data will yield the variance μ2 due to both isotropic and anisotropic contributions. The difference μ2-μ2iso vanishes when all diffusion contributions are isotropic and therefore provides a measure of microscopic anisotropy. The mean diffusivity
The difference μ2-μ2iso along with
The μFA is defined so that the μFA values correspond to the values of the well-established FA when diffusion is locally purely anisotropic and determined by randomly oriented axially symmetric diffusion tensors with identical eigenvalues. Eq. (45) is obtained by setting μFA=FA (27), assuming μ2−μ2iso=μ2 and expressing the eigenvalues D∥ and D⊥ in terms of D and μ2 (see Eq. 35). In the case of a one-dimensional curvilinear diffusion, when D1>>D⊥, μFA=FA=1 and in the case of two-dimensional curvilinear diffusion, when D∥<<D⊥, μFA=FA=1/√{square root over (2)}.
The difference μ2-μ2iso in Eq. (45) ensures that the microscopic anisotropy can be quantified even when isotropic diffusion components are present. Isotropic restrictions, e.g. spherical cells, characterised by non-Gaussian restricted diffusion, are expected to cause a relative increase of both μ2 and μ2iso by the same amount, thus providing the difference μ2-μ2iso independent of the amount of isotropic contributions. The amount of non-Gaussian contributions could be quantified for example as the Ratio √{square root over (μ2iso)}|
For anisotropic diffusion with finite orientation dispersion, i.e. when local diffusion tensors are not completely randomly oriented, the
Eq. (44) could be expanded by additional terms in cases where this is appropriate. For example, the effects of a distinct signal contribution by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in brain could be described by adding a mono-exponential term with the isotropic CSF diffusivity D1 to Eq. (44),
where f is the fraction of the additional signal contribution. Eq. (46) could be used instead of Eq. (44) to fit the experimental data.
A further explanation directed to inter alia μFA estimation and optimal range of the diffusion weighting b is given below in the section describing the figures in more detail.
In relation to the description above and below it should be mentioned that also multi-echo variants of course are possible according to the present invention. Such may in some cases be benefitial for flow/motion compensation and for compensation of possible assymetry in gradient generating equipment. Specific embodiments of the present invention
Below, specific embodiments of the analysis method according to the present invention will be disclosed. According to one specific embodiment, the method involves approximating the distribution of apparent diffusion coefficients by using a Gamma distribution and the signal attenuation by its inverse Laplace transform. This may increase the speed of the fitting procedure discussed below. The distribution of diffusion coefficients may contain isotropic and/or anisotropic contributions, it may arise due to a distribution of Gaussian diffusion contributions or it may be a consequence of a non-Gaussian nature of diffusion, e.g. restricted diffusion, or it may be due to orientation dispersion of anisotropic diffusion contributions (randomly oriented diffusion tensors) or it may be due to a combination of the above.
One of the main advantages of the analysis method according to the present invention is that it can quantify degree of microscopic anisotropy with high precision from low b-range signal intensity data even in the presence of isotropic contributions, i.e. when they cause deviation from mono-exponential decay. Typically, isotropic contributions would bias the quantification of anisotropy from single PGSE attenuation curves, because multi-exponential signal decays due to isotropic contributions may look similar or indistinguishable to the ones caused by anisotropic contributions. The analysis according to the present invention allows to separate the influence of anisotropic diffusion contributions from the influence of isotropic diffusion contributions on the first order deviation from the mono-exponential decays, where the first order deviation may be referred to as diffusion kurtosis or the second central moment of diffusion distribution, and therefore allows for quantification of the degree of microscopic anisotropy. Therefore, according to the present invention, the method may involve using a fit function (44) comprising the parameters: initial value
initial slope
i.e. the volume weighted average diffusivity or the mean diffusivity of a diffsuion tensor D) and curvature, i.e. the second central moment of diffusion distribution (μ2). See Eq. (44). Note that E(b)=I(b)/I0. Therefore, according to one specific embodiment of the present invention, the two acquired echo attenuation curves (logE vs. b, where E is echo amplitude, which may be normalized, and b is the diffusion weighting factor) are compared in terms of initial value, initial slope or curvature, and/or the ratio between the two echo attenuation curves is determined, so that the degree of microscopic anisotropy may be determined.
The method may involve fitting the isotropic and non-isotropic weighted data with the fit function (44) comprising the parameters: initial values
for isotropic and non-isotropic data, initial slope
i.e. the volume weighted average diffusivity or the mean diffusivity of a diffsuion tensor
Moreover, according to another embodiment of the present invention, the microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA) is calculated from mean diffusivity (
The method may also involve fitting the isotropic and non-isotropic weighted data, where non-isotropic weighted data is acquired separately for several directions of the magnetic field gradients with the fit function (44) comprising the parameters: initial value
initial slope
i.e. the volume weighted average diffusivity
The method may involve the use of additional terms in Eq. (44), such as Eq. (46), applied to the analysis described in the above paragraphs. Eq. (46) comprises two additional parameters, i.e. fraction of the additional diffusion contribution (f) and diffusivity of the additional contribution (D1). One such example may be the analysis of data from the human brain, where the additional term in Eq. (46) could be assigned to the signal from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The parameter
In addition, valuable information about anisotropy may be obtained from the ratio of the non-isotropically and the isotropically weighted signal or their logarithms. For example, the ratio of the non-isotropically and the isotropically weighted signals at intermediate b-values, might be used to estimate the difference between the radial (D⊥) and the axial (D∥) diffusivity in the human brain tissue due to the diffusion restriction effect by the axons. Extracting the information about microscopic anisotropy from the ratio of the signals might be advantageous, because the isotropic components with high diffusivity, e.g. due to the CSF, are suppressed at higher b-values. Such a signal ratio or any parameters derived from it might be used for generating parameter maps in MRI or for generating MR image contrast.
It is interesting to note that the μFA parameter is complementary to the FA parameter, in the sense that μFA can be finite in cases when FA=0, while, on the other hand, μFA tends to vanish when FA is maximized by anisotropy on the macroscopic scale. Such approach could be used to analyse microscopic anisotropy and orientation distribution in a similar way as the diffusion tensor and kurtosis tensor analysis is used. Compared to the kurtosis tensor analysis, here presented microscopic fractional anisotropy analysis is advantageous in that it can separate the isotropic diffusion components that may contribute to the values of kurtosis detected with the present methodology for kurtosis tensor measurements.
The analysis method according to the present invention is applicable in many different situations. According to one embodiment, the method is performed so that mean diffusivity is constrained to be identical for both isotropic and non-isotropic diffusion weighted data. If Eq. (46) is employed, then parameters f and D1 are also constrained to be equal for isotropic and non-isotropic diffusion weighted data. Furthermore, according to another specific embodiment of the present invention, the echo attention curve acquired with the gradient modulation scheme based on isotropic diffusion is assumed to be monoexponential. This may be of interest for the sake of approximating the microscopic anisotropy.
According to another embodiment, the method is performed so that a mean diffusivity for isotropic diffusion weighted data is allowed to be different from the mean diffusivity for non-isotropic diffusion weighted data. This latter case would be better in cases when the micro-domains do not have random orientations, i.e. orientation dispersion is not isotropic. In such cases the mean diffusivity depends on orientation of the non-isotropic weighting. The analysis method according to the present invention may involve different forms of experiments. In this sense it should be noted that the present analysis encompasses all diffusion weighting pulse sequences where one achieves isotropic diffusion weighting and the other with a non-isotropic diffusion weighting. According to the present invention, there are however some specific set-up alternatives that may be mentioned additionally. According to one specific embodiment, the isotropic diffusion weighting and the non-isotropic diffusion weighting is achieved by two different pulse gradient spin echos (PGSEs). According to one specific embodiment of the present invention, the gradient modulation scheme based on isotropic diffusion weighting comprises at least one harmonically modulated gradient, which removes curvature of logE vs. b originating from anisotropy. According to yet another embodiment, the method involves a single-PGSE yielding maximum curvature of logE vs. b for the non-isotropic diffusion weighting, and a single-PGSE augmented with sinusoidal isotropic gradients for the isotropic diffusion weighting.
As discussed above and shown in
Furthermore, intended is also the use of a method according to the present invention, wherein microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA) is used for characterizing tissue and/or diagnosing, such as for diagnosing a tumour disease or other brain or neurological disorders.
Moreover, also as hinted above, the analysis method according to the present invention may also be coupled to a pre-performed method involving isotropic and non-isotropic diffusion weighting.
In relation to the analysis performed and the presented results it may also be mentioned that comparing the signal decays of the two acquired echo attenuation curves may involve analysis of the ratio and/or difference between the two acquired echo attenuation curves.
For μFA estimation, the optimal choice of the b-values is important. To investigate the optimal range of b-values, a Monte-Carlo error analysis depicted in
The optimal range of the diffusion weighting b is given by a compromise between accuracy and precision of the μFA analysis and it depends on the mean diffusivity. If the maximum b value used is lower than 1/
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
1250453-6 | May 2012 | SE | national |
This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/389,272, filed on Oct. 31, 2014, which is a National Phase of PCT/SE2013/050493, which has an International Filing Date of May 3, 2013, which claims priority to Swedish patent application No. SE 1250453-6 filed on May 4, 2012, and U.S. Provisional application No. 61/642,589 filed May 4, 2012, the entire contents of each of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
61642589 | May 2012 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 14398272 | Oct 2014 | US |
Child | 15063641 | US |