PROJECT SUMMARY ? CORE A The Analytical Immunopharmacology Core (Core A) is designed to meet the specific drug and biologic therapeutic development needs of each of the U19 Research Projects and at the same time draw on the strength of the existing City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center (COHCCC) cores without unnecessary duplication of services. Core A will work closely and synergistically with COHCCC cores, as well as with the U19 Administrative Core and the Molecular Profiling and Bioinformatics Core (Core B) to provide exceptional support for all of the proposed Research Projects and inter-U19 collaborations. The overarching goals of Core A are to assist the Glioblastoma Therapeutics Network (GTN) U19 Project Leaders with pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) correlative studies performed in support of the proposed clinical trials. The work will be accomplished by leveraging the Core?s significant expertise in intracerebral microdialysis (ICMD), analytical chemistry, and analytical immunochemistry, as well as its access to state-of-the-art instrumentation. The overall purpose will be achieved through the following Specific Aims: Aim 1. Provide conceptual and analytical support to U19 investigators for correlative neuro-PK analyses (e.g., analysis of drugs and metabolites in the CNS). Support provided by Core A to U19 investigators under this aim will include all aspects of ICMD neuro-PK studies, including experimental design, analytical method development, sample analysis, and final interpretation of the data. Core A is staffed by highly trained personnel and equipped with analytical instrumentation that will be ideal for the quantitative analyses of small molecules (e.g., LC-MS/MS and ICP-MS/MS). Aim 2. Provide conceptual and analytical support to U19 investigators for their correlative neuro-PD analyses (e.g., analysis of biomarkers of drug response in the CNS). Support provided by Core A to U19 investigators under this aim will include all aspects of ICMD neuro-PD studies, including experimental design, analytical method development, sample analysis, and final interpretation of the data. Core A will provide a spectrum of immunoassay platforms (e.g., Luminex and ELISA) in the context of ICMD neuro-PD studies in support of the proposed clinical trials.