E. H. Lin, A. J. Giger, and G. D. Alley, "Angle Diversity on Line-of-Sight Microwave Paths Using Dual-Beam Dish Antennas" I.C.C., 1987, paper 23.5. |
A. Malaga and S. A. Parl, "Experimental Comparison of Angle and Space Diversity for Line-of-Sight Microwave Links" Milcom, 1985, paper 19.5. |
R. W. Hubbard, "Angle Diversity Reception for LOS Digital Microwave Radio" Milcom, 1985, paper 19.6. |
E. T. Harkless and H. F. Lenzing, "Excitation of Higher Order Antenna Modes by Multipath Propagation", IEEE Transactions on Communications Technology, Aug. 1967, pp. 597-603. |