Foley et al., Computer Graphics: Principle and Practice, pp. 1070-1077, 1990. |
Adams et al., Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Graphics & Applications, pp. 43-51, May 1990. |
Breen et al., Object Oriented Programming in a Conventional Programming Environment, Computer Software and Applications Conference, pp. 334-343, Sep. 1989. |
Heath et al., Visualizing the Performance of Parallel Programs, IEEE Software, pp. 29-39, Sep. 1991. |
Publication: A Visual Programming Language for Interactive Graphics by Paul E. Haeberli, Computer Graphics vol. 22, No. 4 Aug. 88. |
The Best Book of Word Perfect Ver 5.0 by Vincent Alfieri, Hayden Books 1988. |
Publication: Macuser, Sep. 89, "Presentations with Punch|", Parascandolo et al. pp. 93, 94, 95, 98, 100, 102, 104, 109, 113 and 117. |
Publication: Computer Graphics, Aug. 88, Con Man: A Visual Programming Language for Interactive Graphics, Haeberli, pp. 103-111. |
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 32, No. 10B, Mar. 1990, Armonk, NY, pp. 438-440 `Operator Interface for the Creation of Animation Sequences`. |
IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages, Oct. 1989, Rome, pp. 68-73, Tonomura et al., `Content Oriented Visual Interface Using Video Icons for Visual Database Systems`. |