Meso compounds are compounds that have an internal plane of symmetry. This can be found and described in any organic chemistry textbook. Due to the existence of a meso compound an anti-meso compound exists. Stacking these molecules thus becomes easier. You can stack in an anti, meso-, anti, meso, anti, ect. The anti-symmetry displayed by the anti meso and the symmetry played by the meso will bond together with the appropriate constituents. A benzene ring with an appropriate constitute can be stacked with its meso and create a long polymer like compound that displays resonance and strong ionic or covalent bond depending on the group attached. You can now stack materials at a much greater strength and create new structures of great molecular strength.
Molecular stacking can be achieved with every meso compound. For example, A benzene ring with an appropriate constitute can be stacked with its meso and create a long polymer like compound that displays resonance and strong ionic or covalent bond depending on the group attached. You can now stack materials at a much greater strength and create new structures of great molecular strength.
The intended use is to stack materials at a much greater strength and create new structures of great molecular strength. This novel technique will allow for many derivative discoveries and molecules.
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