Antivibration sleeve and a motor vehicle including such a sleeve

An antivibration sleeve comprising an inner strength member which extends longitudinally along a central axis, a rigid annular strength member surrounding the inner strength member, and an elastomer body which interconnects the two strength members. The strength members have respective wedge-shaped bearing zones placed in register with each other to compress the elastomer body when the antivibration sleeve is supporting a static axial load. The bearing zones of the annular strength member enabling passages to be formed between two hydraulic chambers defined by the elastomer body.


The present invention relates to antivibration sleeves and to motor vehicles including such sleeves.

More particularly, the invention relates to an antivibration sleeve comprising:

a rigid inner strength member which extends longitudinally along a central axis; and

at least a first rigid annular strength member which surrounds the inner strength member and the central axis, and at least one elastomer body connecting the inner strength member to the first annular strength member, said elastomer body including two diametrically opposite arms each extending along a first radial direction from the inner strength member to said first annular strength member, the elastomer body being shaped so that the antivibration sleeve presents relatively high elastic stiffness in said first radial direction and lower elastic stiffness in a second radial direction substantially perpendicular to said first radial direction.


Document DE-A-34 41 560 describes an example of such an antivibration sleeve for connecting a vehicle rear axle to the vehicle body. In that document, the central axis of the antivibration sleeve is disposed vertically, which provides numerous advantages, in particular:

it is possible to select the elastic stiffness of the antivibration sleeve along its central axis independently of its stiffness along the first and second radial directions, thereby making it possible in particular to obtain an antivibration sleeve that presents low stiffness along its central axis, thus improving the comfort of the vehicle; and

it is possible to select optimum orientations for the first and second radial directions relative to the longitudinal direction of the vehicle, when designing the rear axle.

Nevertheless, that type of assembly presents the drawback that when the sleeve is to carry static vertical forces, e.g. due to the weight of the vehicle and the rear suspension, the arm of the elastomer body is subjected to shear stresses, and possibly even to traction stresses, and that is harmful to the longevity of the elastic body.


A particular object of the present invention is to mitigate that drawback.

To this end, according to the invention, in an antivibration sleeve of the kind in question:

the inner strength member presents, at least in register with the two arms of the elastomer body, two wedge-shaped bearing zones which extend so as to converge towards the central axis in a first direction parallel to said central axis;

the first annular strength member also presents, at least in register with the two bearing zones of the inner strength member, first and second complementary bearing zones in the form of wedges which converge towards the central axis in said first direction; and

each arm of the elastomer body is bonded to at least one of the bearing zones of the inner strength member and to one of the complementary bearing zones of the first annular strength member.

By means of these dispositions, the antivibration sleeve of the invention is adapted to supporting a static axial load urging the inner strength member in the first direction relative to the first annular strength member and to do so without any harmful effect on the lifetime of the antivibration sleeve.

Because of the wedge-shaped bearing zones provided on the inner strength member and on the first annular strength member, the axial static load supported by the antivibration sleeve becomes a compression prestress in the elastomer body. Such compression prestress is well accepted by the elastomer body and gives rise to no accelerated aging of the antivibration sleeve; on the contrary, said compression prestress prevents or limits the appearance of traction stresses when the inner strength member is subjected to vibratory motion relative to the first annular strength member (i.e. while the vehicle is running and the antivibration sleeve of the invention is used to connect a vehicle rear axle to the vehicle body).

In preferred embodiments of the invention, it is possible also to make use of one or more of the following dispositions:

the elastomer body is overmolded on the first annular strength member and said first annular strength member is surrounded by a second strength member which is secured to the first annular strength member and to the elastomer body, co-operating with said elastomer body to define first and second hydraulic chambers filled with liquid and separated from each other by the two arms of the elastomer body, the first and second hydraulic chambers communicating with each other via at least one narrow passage which is provided between the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member, and the second strength member;

the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member co-operates with the second annular strength member to define a first liquid duct which extends in a circumferential direction about the central axis and which communicates firstly with the first hydraulic chamber and secondly with the second hydraulic chamber, said first liquid duct presenting a flow section that is at least three times greater than the flow section of said narrow passage, the elastomer body having a first axial rib which extends radially and parallel to the central axis from the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member to an outside edge in contact with the second annular strength member, said first axial rib thus closing the first liquid duct and presenting sufficient flexibility to enable a certain amount of decoupling between the inner strength member and the first and second annular strength members with respect to at least some radial vibrations at a frequency lying in the range 5 hertz (Hz) to 50 Hz;

the elastomer body further includes a bead which extends in the circumferential direction between the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member and the second annular strength member, said bead cooperating with the second annular strength member to define said narrow passage and also defining part of the first liquid duct;

the second bearing zone of the first annular strength member co-operates with the second annular strength member to define a second circumferential liquid duct which communicates firstly with the first hydraulic chamber and secondly with the second hydraulic chamber, and the elastomer body includes a second axial rib which extends radially and parallel to the central axis from the second bearing zone of the first annular strength member to an outside edge in contact with the second annular strength member, the second axial rib closing the second liquid duct and presenting sufficient flexibility to enable a certain amount of decoupling between the inner strength member and the first and second annular strength members with respect to at least some radial vibrations at a frequency lying in the range 5 Hz to 50 Hz;

the first annular strength member is constituted by a metal ring which presents two openings disposed respectively in register with the first and second hydraulic chambers, these two openings being separated from each other by said first and second bearing zones which are constituted by stamped portions of the metal ring;

the first and second hydraulic chambers are occupied in part by inserts adapted to limit radial movements between the inner strength member and the first and second annular strength members;

the inner strength member has two bulges projecting outwards respectively into the first and second hydraulic chambers in register with the inserts disposed in said chambers;

the inner strength member presents at least one axial end secured to a rigid abutment member which extends substantially radially relative to the central axis overlying at least part of the second annular strength member, elastomer studs being interposed axially between said abutment member and a first end of the second annular strength member; and

the second axial end of the second annular strength member has elastomer studs extending axially away from said abutment member.

The invention also provides a motor vehicle comprising a body supported at least by a front axle and a rear axle, the rear axle being connected to the body via at least two antivibration sleeves as defined above, each sleeve being disposed with its central axis oriented vertically and with its first and second radial directions oriented in such a manner as to correct deformations of the rear axle tending to make said rear axle oversteer, each antivibration sleeve supporting a static vertical compression load oriented in such a manner as to urge the inner strength member in said first direction relative to the first annular strength member.


Other characteristics and advantages of the invention appear from the following description of an embodiment thereof given by way of non-limiting example and with reference to the accompanying drawings.

In the drawings:

FIG. 1

is a diagrammatic view of a motor vehicle suitable for being fitted with antivibration sleeves of the invention;

FIG. 2

is a diagrammatic view of the rear axle of the

FIG. 1

vehicle fitted with antivibration sleeves of the invention;

FIG. 3

is a perspective view showing one of the longitudinal arms of the

FIG. 2

rear axle fitted with an antivibration sleeve constituting an embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 4

is a cutaway view of the antivibration sleeve fitted to the longitudinal arm of

FIG. 3


FIG. 5

is a plan view of the antivibration sleeve of

FIG. 4


FIGS. 6 and 7

are respective section views on lines VI—VI and VII—VII of

FIG. 5


FIG. 8

is a perspective view of the elastomer body of the antivibration sleeve of

FIG. 4

, seen looking along arrow VIII of

FIG. 5

; and

FIG. 9

is a perspective view of an intermediate strength member embedded in the elastomer body of FIG.




In the various figures, the same references are used to designate elements that are identical or similar.

FIG. 1

shows a motor vehicle


whose body


is supported by a front axle


and a rear axle



As shown in

FIG. 2

, the rear axle


can be constituted by a flexible axle comprising two longitudinal metal arms


each extending in the longitudinal direction X of the vehicle and interconnected by a metal cross-member


, e.g. presenting a certain amount of flexibility in bending and/or twisting (where appropriate, the rear axle


could be of a different type, for example of the multi-arm longitudinal draw-bar type).

At its rear end, each of the longitudinal arms


carry one of the rear wheels


of the vehicle while the front end of said longitudinal arm


is connected to the rigid outer strength member


of an antivibration sleeve



The outer annular strength member


of each sleeve is substantially in the form of a vertical-axis cylindrical part which surrounds a rigid inner tubular strength member


that is generally made of metal. This inner strength member


which is fixed to the vehicle body extends longitudinally along a vertical central axis Z and is connected to the outer annular strength member


via an elastomer body


which presents two diametrically-opposite elastomer arms


extending in a first radial direction R



In this way, each antivibration sleeve


presents relatively high elastic stiffness in the radial direction R


and much lower elastic stiffness in the radial direction R


perpendicular to R


, while the elastic stiffness of each antivibration sleeve


along the vertical central axis Z is generally fixed to have a low value so as to improve the comfort of the vehicle.

The respective orientations of the radial directions R


and R


of the two antivibration sleeves


of the rear axle are selected in such a manner as to induce a steering effect on the rear axle to compensate the natural tendency of said rear axle to oversteer. In particular, in the example shown, the radial directions R


of greater stiffness of the antivibration sleeve


are selected so as to converge rearwards towards a central point O situated between the two longitudinal arms


and advantageously in the vicinity of the cross-member



Thus, when the vehicle turns in the direction of arrow V, the rear axle


which was initially in the position shown in dashed lines in

FIG. 2

takes up the position shown in continuous lines in said FIG.


: in other words, the two longitudinal arms


and the cross-member


flex under the effect of the inertia of the vehicle which, without the antivibration sleeves


, would tend to cause the rear wheels


to be oriented in such a manner as to reduce the radius of the curvature of the turn, thereby causing the vehicle to oversteer.

This tendency is avoided by the antivibration sleeves


since the outer strength members


of both sleeves move in the direction indicated by arrow


, i.e. along the directions R


of lower stiffness of the two antivibration sleeves. This movement compensates the deformation of the rear axle


and keeps the rear wheels


substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis X of the vehicle: this ensures that the vehicle does not exhibit oversteer behavior while turning.

As shown in

FIGS. 3 and 4

, the outer annular strength member


of each antivibration sleeve


can advantageously be a piece of sheet metal that has been stamped and cut to shape, and which is received in a vertical housing


of the corresponding longitudinal arm


, the top edge of the strength member


having two horizontal tabs


, for example, which extend radially outwards and which come to bear against the arm


around the housing



An elastomer stud


can optionally be molded on each horizontal tab


, and two elastomer studs


can also, where appropriate, be molded on the bottom end of the strength member


to project downwards. The top studs


are to co-operate with an abutment member


such as a bearing plate by coming into abutment therewith, said member being secured to the top end of the inner strength member


and being designed for fixing to the vehicle body together with said inner strength member


. The elastomer studs


thus limit vertical relative displacements between the outer strength member


and the inner strength member


in the direction where the abutment member


and the horizontal tabs


of the outer strength member come closer together.

In addition, the bottom elastomer tabs


co-operate with a portion that is secured to the body


of the vehicle by coming into abutment therewith so as to limit downward movement of the rear end of the longitudinal arm



Also, as shown in




, the inner strength member


of the antivibration sleeve (which member is advantageously made as a light alloy casting) is in the form of a tubular part pierced by a central hole


which allows a bolt or other fixing member to pass therethrough in order to fix the inner strength member


to the vehicle body.

The outer surface of the strength member


has two wedge-shaped bearing zones


in register with the two arms


of the elastomer body, the bearing zones projecting radially outwards and converging downwards towards the central axis Z (see FIGS.





The elastomer body


is overmolded and bonded onto the outside surface of the inner strength member


and it extends radially outwards as far as an intermediate annular strength member


which is in the form of a ring of stamped and cutout sheet metal that can clearly be seen in FIG.



This intermediate strength member


has two continuous annular load-carrying surfaces




which are interconnected by two outwardly-punched bearing zones


co-operating the annular load-carrying surfaces




to define two open windows



As can be seen in

FIGS. 4 and 5

, the bearing zones


are placed facing the bearing zones


of the inner strength member


and each presents:

a top portion



which extends parallel to the corresponding bearing zone


, converging downwards and inwards; and

a bottom portion



which is at a greater angle relative to the vertical than is the top portion



and extends downwards while diverging strongly outwards.

By means of these dispositions, the static forces due to the weight of the vehicle


and to the rear suspension, which give rise to the outer strength member


being urged upwards, generate compression prestress in the arms


of the elastomer body instead of generating shear and/or traction stresses. This improves the longevity of the antivibration sleeve, particularly since such prestress makes it possible to eliminate or at least limit traction stresses while the antivibration sleeve is in dynamic operation.

Furthermore, as can be seen in




, and


, the elastomer body


has two cavities formed in correspondence with the windows


of the intermediate strength member between the arms


. These cavities co-operate with the outer strength member


to define two hydraulic chambers A and B which are filled with liquid, which are closed in leakproof manner by radial clamping of the outer strength member


against the annular load-carrying surfaces




of the intermediate strength member


, the outer strength member


also being secured axially to the intermediate strength member


via tabs


of said outer strength member which are crimped against the axial ends of the intermediate strength member



The two hydraulic chambers A and B are mutually aligned in the direction R


of low elastic stiffness of the antivibration sleeve. To limit radial movements between the inner strength member


and the outer strength member


in the direction R


, each of the hydraulic chambers A and B advantageously receives an insert


, e.g. made of a substantially rigid plastic material, and adapted to co-operate in abutment against a bulge


that projects radially outwards from the inner strength member


into the corresponding hydraulic chamber A and B.

The two hydraulic chambers A and B communicate with each other via a narrow passage C which can advantageously be defined between the outer strength member


and a circumferential groove formed in an elastomer bead


which extends circumferentially in the bottom and outer portion of one of the bearing zones


of the intermediate strength member


, known as the first bearing zone



Thus, the relative radial vibratory motion between the inner strength member


and the outer strength member


causes liquid to be interchanged between the hydraulic chambers A and B via the narrow passage C, and these interchanges of liquid enable said radial vibratory motion to be damped, in conventional manner.

Said first bearing zone


of the intermediate strength member


also co-operates with the outer strength member


, above the elastomer bead


, to define a first liquid duct D which communicates firstly with the hydraulic chamber A and secondly with the hydraulic chamber B. This first liquid duct D is closed by an axial rib


made of elastomer of relatively small thickness which extends parallel to the axis Z and radially outwards as far as an outer edge bearing in leaktight manner against the inside surface of the strength member



This rib


is sufficiently flexible to act as a decoupling valve, which given the relatively large flow section of the first liquid duct D (in practice three times the flow section of the narrow passage C), enables vibration of relatively small amplitude (e.g. less than 1 mm) and of relatively high frequency (e.g. lying in the range 5 Hz to 50 Hz) to be transmitted directly from one hydraulic chamber to the other, thereby enabling such low amplitude and high frequency vibrations to be filtered without transmitting them from one strength member to the other.

Similarly, the second bearing zone


of the intermediate strength member


co-operates with the outer strength member


to define a second liquid duct E which is closed by a radial rib


extending parallel to the axis Z and radially outwards to an outer edge in leaktight contact with the outer strength member


. This second axial rib


likewise forms a decoupling valve, in the same manner as the above-mentioned rib



  • 1. An antivibration sleeve comprising:a rigid inner strength member which extends longitudinally along a central axis; and at least a first rigid annular strength member which surrounds the inner strength member and the central axis, and at least one elastomer body connecting the inner strength member to the first annular strength member, said elastomer body including two diametrically opposite arms each extending along a first radial direction from the inner strength member to said first annular strength member, the elastomer body being shaped so that the antivibration sleeve presents relatively high elastic stiffness in said first radial direction and lower elastic stiffness in a second radial direction substantially perpendicular to said first radial direction; wherein the inner strength member presents, at least in register with the two arms of the elastomer body, two wedge-shaped bearing zones which extend so as to converge towards the central axis in a first direction parallel to said central axis; wherein the first annular strength member also presents, at least in register with the two bearing zones of the inner strength member, first and second complementary bearing zones in the form of wedges which converge towards the central axis in said first direction; wherein each arm of the elastomer body is bonded to at least one of the bearing zones of the inner strength member and to one of the complementary bearing zones of the first annular strength member; and wherein the elastomer body is overmolded on the first annular strength member and said first annular strength member is surrounded by a second strength member which is secured to the first annular strength member and to the elastomer body, co-operating with said elastomer body to define first and second hydraulic chambers filled with liquid and separated from each other by the two arms of the elastomer body, the first and second hydraulic chambers communicating with each other via at least one narrow passage which is provided between the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member, and the second strength member.
  • 2. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 1, in which the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member co-operates with the second annular strength member to define a first liquid duct which extends in a circumferential direction about the central axis and which communicates firstly with the first hydraulic chamber and secondly with the second hydraulic chamber, said first liquid duct presenting a flow section that is at least three times greater than the flow section of said narrow passage, the elastomer body having a first axial rib which extends radially and parallel to the central axis from the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member to an outside edge in contact with the second annular strength member, said first axial rib thus closing the first liquid duct and presenting sufficient flexibility to enable a certain amount of decoupling between the inner strength members with respect to at least some radial vibrations at a frequency lying in the range 5 Hz to 50 Hz.
  • 3. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 2, in which the elastomer body further includes a bead which extends in the circumferential direction between the first bearing zone of the first annular strength member and the second annular strength member, said bead co-operating with the second annular strength member to define said narrow passage and also defining part of the first liquid duct.
  • 4. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 1, in which the second bearing zone of the first annular strength member co-operates with the second annular strength member to define a second circumferential liquid duct which communicates firstly with the first hydraulic chamber and secondly with the second hydraulic chamber, and the elastomer body includes a second axial rib which extends radially and parallel to the central axis from the second bearing zone of the first annular strength member to an outside edge in contact with the second annular strength member, the second axial rib closing the second liquid duct and presenting sufficient flexibility to enable a certain amount of decoupling between the inner strength member and the first and second annular strength members with respect to at least some radial vibrations at a frequency lying in the range 5 Hz to 50 Hz.
  • 5. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 1, in which the first annular strength member is constituted by a metal ring which presents two openings disposed respectively in register with the first and second hydraulic chambers, these two openings being separated from each other by said first and second bearing zones which are constituted by stamped portions of the metal ring.
  • 6. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 1, in which the first and second hydraulic chambers are occupied in parts by inserts adapted to limit radial movements between the inner strength member and the first and second annular strength members.
  • 7. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 6, in which the inner strength member has two bulges projecting outwards respectively into the first and second hydraulic chambers in register with the inserts disposed in said chambers.
  • 8. An antivibration sleeve comprising:a rigid inner strength member which extends longitudinally along a central axis; and at least a first rigid annular strength member which surrounds the inner strength member and the central axis, and at least one elastomer body connecting the inner strength member to the first annular strength member, said elastomer body including two diametrically opposite arms each extending along a first radial direction from the inner strength member to said first annular strength member, the elastomer body being shaped so that the antivibration sleeve presents relatively high elastic stiffness in said first radial direction and lower elastic stiffness in a second radial direction substantially perpendicular to said first radial direction; wherein the inner strength member presents, at least in register with the two arms of the elastomer body, two wedge-shaped bearing zones which extend so as to converge towards the central axis in a first direction parallel to said central axis; wherein the first annular strength member also presents, at least in register with the two bearing zones of the inner strength member, first and second complementary bearing zones in the form of wedges which converge towards the central axis in said first direction; wherein each arm of the elastomer body is bonded to at least one of the bearing zones of the inner strength member and to one of the complementary bearing zones of the first annular strength member; and wherein the inner strength member presents at least one axial end secured to a rigid abutment member which extends substantially radially relative to the central axis overlying at least part of the second annular strength member, elastomer studs being interposed axially between said abutment member and a first end of the second annular strength member.
  • 9. An antivibration sleeve according to claim 8, in which the second axial end of the second annular strength member has elastomer studs extending axially away from said abutment member.
  • 10. A motor vehicle comprising a body supported at least by a front axle and a rear axle, the rear axle being connected to the body via at least two antivibration sleeves, each antivibration sleeve comprising:a rigid inner strength member which extends longitudinally along a central axis; and at least a first rigid annular strength member which surrounds the inner strength member and the central axis, and at least one elastomer body connecting the inner strength member to the first annular strength member, said elastomer body including two diametrically opposite arms each extending along a first radial direction from the inner strength member to said first annular strength member, the elastomer body being shaped so that the antivibration sleeve presents relatively high elastic stiffness in said first radial direction and lower elastic stiffness in a second radial direction substantially perpendicular to said first radial direction; wherein the inner strength member presents, at least in register with the two arms of the elastomer body, two wedge-shaped bearing zones which extend so as to converge towards the central axis in a first direction parallel to said central axis; wherein the first annular strength member also presents, at least in register with the two bearing zones of the inner strength member, first and second complementary bearing zones in the form of wedges which converge towards the central axis in said first direction; wherein each arm of the elastomer body is bonded to at least one of the bearing zones of the inner strength member and to one of the complementary bearing zones of the first annular strength member; and wherein each sleeve is disposed with its central axis oriented vertically and with its first and second radial directions oriented in such a manner as to correct deformations of the rear axle tending to make said rear axle oversteer, each antivibration sleeve supporting at least a static vertical compression load oriented in such a manner as to urge the inner strength member in said first direction relative to the first annular strength member.
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00 16924 Dec 2000 FR
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Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
Official Preliminary Search Report for related French Application No. 0016924, report dated Aug. 28, 2001.