Brian R. Gaines; Transforming Rules and Trees into Comprehensible Knowledge Structures; 1996; University of Calgary; EDAG94; 1-16.* |
U.S. patent application of Joseph Martinka, et al. entitled Apparatus For A Multi-Modal Ontology Engine, Ser. No. unknown, filed on the same date as the present application. |
The Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 13:1, 1998, 5-29, Knowledge Level Modelling: Concepts and Terminology of Mike Uschold. |
AdvantageKBS from Logica Corporation web sites and |
The Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 13:3, 1998, 225-246, A Tutorial on Default Reasoning of Grigoris Antoniou. |
Knowledge Science Institute, University of Calgary, Structured and Unstructured Induction with EDAGs of Brian R. Gaines. |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 11, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1999 Rule-Induction and Case-Based Reasoning: Hybrid Architectures Appear Advantageous of Cercone, et al. |
ServiceWare, Inc. website at |