A thermal cycle system and method suitable for mass production of DNA comprising a temperature control body having at least two sectors. Each sector has at least one heater, cooler, or other means for changing temperature. A path traverses the sectors in a cyclical fashion. In use, a piece of tubing or other means for conveying is placed along the path and a reaction mixture is pumped or otherwise moved along the path such that the reaction mixture is repetitively heated or cooled to varying temperatures as the reaction mixture cyclically traverses the sectors. The reaction mixture thereby reacts to form a product. In particular, polymerase chain reaction reactants may continuously be pumped through the tubing to amplify DNA. The temperature control body is preferably a single aluminum cylinder with a grooved channel circling around its exterior surface, and preferably has wedge-shaped or pie-shaped sectors separated by a thermal barrier.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to systems for maintaining multiple temperature regions, and in particular, to a device and associated method for the automated, bulk thermal cycling of fluids, solutions, and/or reactants.

2. Description of the Related Art

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is widely used by research professionals around the world as a means to amplify small strands of DNA. Typically, PCR is performed using automated thermal cyclers that alternately heat and cool numerous small tubes containing the PCR reaction mixture. Such a process uses a static reactor having discrete, confined spaces in which the reaction occurs when exposed to different temperatures in a repetitive sequence. This process is time intensive, labor intensive, and inefficient, as the tubes must be individually filled with the reactants, closed, processed through the automatic cycler, opened, and finally drained of the reaction product that contains the desired amplified DNA.

Accordingly, continuous thermal cyclers were developed to eliminate the need for using a multitude of small tubes to amplify DNA via PCR by using a dynamic reactor. Rather than using small tubes, continuous thermal cyclers use a constant or continuous stream of fluid repetitively passed through different temperature zones to amplify DNA. One example of a continuous thermal cycler is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,270,183 issued on Dec. 14, 1993, to Corbett et al. Corbett et al. disclose a device and method for DNA amplification in which a PCR reaction mixture is injected into a carrier fluid with which the PCR reaction mixture is immiscible, and the carrier fluid then passes through a plurality of temperature zones to facilitate DNA amplification within the PCR reaction mixture. The function of this device is to accelerate the processing of a multitude of different DNA strands contained in discrete pockets or plugs, hence the need for a carrier fluid that is immiscible with the PCR reaction mixture that acts to separate the different DNA strands. This device is not designed to produce mass quantities of DNA.

Moreover, the Corbett et al. device is not designed to be easily and quickly adaptable to different PCR reaction requirements. For example, the preferred arrangement for passing the carrier fluid through the temperature zones is to wrap tubing conveying the carrier fluid around separate cylinders maintained at different temperatures. Modifying the device for different reaction conditions therefore requires re-wrapping the tubing around one or more of the cylinders a different number of times, unwrapping the tubing around one or more of the cylinders to replace one or more of the cylinders with different cylinders, re-routing the tubing around the cylinders in different orders, or another such labor-intensive procedure. Additionally, efficiency and fine temperature control is reduced as the reaction mixture pockets pass from one cylinder to the next and thermal energy is unintentionally lost or gained at such “gaps.”

Another example of a continuous thermal cycler is disclosed in Curcio, M. and Roeraade, J. (2003, published on web 2002) Continuous Segmented Flow Polymerase Chain Reaction for High-Throughput Miniaturized DNA Amplification, Anal. Chem. 75, 1-7. This device similarly is designed for numerous small sample mixtures separated by an immiscible fluid. Rather than using separate cylinders as different temperature zones as in the Corbett et al. device, however, this device uses separate thermally controlled water baths as temperature zones. This device is not designed for easy modification for providing a number of different reaction conditions, as additional water baths would have to be prepared and added for such modification. Use of this device also entails adding, checking, and draining water from the baths on a periodic basis, as well as cleaning of the water bath containers.

For the foregoing reasons, there is a need for a continuous thermal cycler that is designed to mass produce DNA strands, that is easily adaptable to different PCR reaction requirements, and that is efficient in operation.


The present invention comprises an apparatus and method for a continuous thermal cycle system capable of the bulk production of DNA strands that is efficient, scalable, easily adaptable to different PCR reaction requirements, and is relatively inexpensive to produce. An embodiment of the present invention has a plurality of temperature-controlled sectors within a temperature control body, thereby resulting in a plurality of temperature zones. A fluid preferably flows continuously through or along the apparatus via a path, and thereby through or along the different temperature zones.

A preferred embodiment of the present invention is particularly suited for amplification of DNA fragments quickly, easily, and in large quantities. Mass production of DNA at rates much greater than conventional DNA production rates is thereby effectively achieved using the present invention. Low manufacturing costs and enhanced scalability of the present invention permit relatively inexpensive, continuous amplification of DNA in bulk quantities. In particular, a preferred embodiment of the present invention comprises a single cylindrical temperature control body having twelve pie-shaped or wedge-shaped sectors, each sector having a means for obtaining a desired temperature, and each sector separated from other sectors by a thermal barrier. A grooved channel circles or spirals around the exterior surface of the temperature control body, and a length of tubing placed in or on the channel conveys DNA amplification reactants cyclically from one sector to subsequent sectors. The reactants are thereby exposed to different temperature zones in a cyclical fashion, ultimately resulting in the amplification of the DNA. A means for moving the reactants establishes the flow rate of the reactants through the length of tubing to optimize the amplification via PCR based upon the characteristics of the specific reactants. Any number of sectors may be incorporated into the temperature control body by simply dividing it into additional sectors or reducing the number of sectors. Also, further adaptability can be incorporated into the temperature control body by adding layered sectors and/or using a temperature control body having a shape other than a cylinder.


The present invention is described with reference to the accompanying drawings. In the drawings, like reference numbers indicate identical or functionally similar elements.

FIG. 1 is an elevation view of an embodiment of a thermal cycle system of the present invention.

FIG. 2 is a plan view of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 1.

FIG. 3A is an elevation view of an alternate embodiment of the thermal cycle system of the present invention.

FIG. 3B is a expanded view of a portion of an exterior surface of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 3A.

FIG. 3C is an expanded view of a portion of a channel of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 3A.

FIG. 4 is an elevation view of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 1 showing an insulating layer substantially surrounding the temperature control body.

FIG. 5 is a top plan view of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 1.

FIG. 6 is a perspective view of a temperature control body of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 1 showing a portion of an insulating layer.

FIG. 7 is a top plan view of a temperature control body of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 1.

FIG. 8 is a bottom plan view of a temperature control body of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 1.

FIG. 9 is an elevation view of an alternate embodiment of the thermal cycle system of the present invention.

FIG. 10 is a top plan view of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 9.

FIG. 11 is a bottom plan view of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 9.

FIG. 12 is a plan view of a top cap of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 9.

FIG. 13 is a plan view of a bottom cap of the thermal cycle system of FIG. 9.

FIG. 14 is a photograph of an electrophoresis gel demonstrating the efficiency of an embodiment of the thermal cycle system of the present invention as compared with the efficiency of a conventional system.


The present invention is directed to an apparatus and method for simultaneously maintaining multiple temperature regions within a single physical structure. The present invention is therefore particularly suited for use in the automated thermal cycling of substances, such as those used in the amplification of nucleic acid sequences. With reference to the drawings, and in particular to FIGS. 1-13, a thermal cycle system 100 of the present invention preferably comprises a temperature control body 102 having at least two sectors 118 and a path 104 that cyclically passes from one initial sector 118 to each successive sector 118 in turn, thereafter returning to the initial sector 118 and cyclically repeating passes from one sector 118 to the next sector 118 as many times as is desired. The path 104 traverses the sectors 118 by passing along an exterior surface 132 of the temperature control body 102 from one sector 118 to each successive sector 118, by boring through the sectors 118 internally from one sector 118 to each successive sector 118, or by a combination of such external or internal travel.

Each sector 118 comprises at least one means for changing or obtaining a temperature 120. The means for changing temperature 120 is capable of achieving and maintaining a specific desired temperature. The means for changing temperature 120 is therefore preferably a heater, cooler, Peltier device, heat pump, oven, firebox, thermal reaction chamber, or similar means. Each sector 118 is preferably substantially made of aluminum, aluminum alloy, metal, metal alloy, a thermal conductor, an asymmetric thermal conductor, or combinations thereof. The means for changing temperature 120 thereby heats, cools, or maintains the temperature of the sector 118 such that the section of the path 104 located in or on each sector 118 is similarly heated, cooled, or maintained at the particular temperature of that sector 118.

Each sector 118 is also preferably separated from other sectors 118 by a thermal barrier 122 located between the sectors 118. The thermal barrier 122 may be passive, and may comprise a thermal insulator, air, gas, liquid, solid, and/or a combination thereof. The thermal barrier 122 may alternatively or additionally be an active device or material, such as a Peltier device, which can maintain a significant temperature differential. Each sector 118 therefore acts as an independent temperature sink wherein the means for changing temperature 120 for that sector 118 achieves and maintains a desired temperature throughout that sector 118, and a thermal barrier 122 thermally isolates each sector 118 from the other sectors 118. Multiple temperature regions are thereby efficiently achieved and maintained in a single body. An insulating layer 124 may optionally substantially surround the temperature control body 102 to minimize thermal transfer between the sectors 118 and the surrounding environment.

The temperature control body 102 may have any desired shape, such as a cylinder, cone, triangle, rectangle, pyramid, polygon, block, or cube. The sectors 118 may also have any desired shape conforming to sections, parts, or pieces of the temperature control body 102. For example, the sectors 118 may be wedge shaped, arc shaped, or pie-slice shaped, or may have the shape of sliced portions of a cylinder, cone, triangle, rectangle, pyramid, polygon, block, or cube. The sectors 118 may also be layered, one atop another. There may be any number of desired sectors 118. All the sectors 118 may be the same size, or one or more of the sectors 118 may be a different size.

The thermal cycle system 100 also preferably comprises a plurality of temperature sensors 130. Each sector 118 preferably has one or more temperature sensors 130 located within or adjacent to that sector 118 to measure the temperature within that sector 118 or portion of sector 118. Each temperature sensor 130 produces temperature values output that directly or indirectly represents the temperature of that sector 118. Such temperature sensors 130 may be any conventional instrument for determining temperature. Such temperature sensors 130 may optionally be placed in or on the insulating layer 124.

The thermal cycle system 100 also preferably comprises a means for regulating temperature 134. The means for regulating temperature 134 regulates each means for changing temperature 120, such that desired temperatures within each sector 118 are achieved. Any number of means for regulating temperature 134 may be used to regulate the means for changing temperature 120. The means for regulating temperature 134 preferably comprises a thermostat. In one embodiment, a computer system executing a software program is in communication with the means for changing temperature 120 and the temperature sensors 130, wherein the software uses a predefined set of target temperatures for each sector 118 for control and regulation of the means for changing temperature 120. The target temperatures are dictated by the desired application and use of the thermal cycle system 100, which in a preferred embodiment is PCR. The software receives the temperature values output from the temperature sensors 130. Each such temperature value represents directly or indirectly the temperature of a sector 118. The software compares the temperature value output of each sector 118 with its predefined target temperature for that sector 118. Then, if the temperature value output received from a temperature sensor 130 falls above or below a minimum predefined value, the software engages one or more of the means for changing temperature 120 in that sector 118 to increase or decrease the heat in that sector 118 or in an appropriate portion of that sector 118. That is, according to a temperature sensor's 130 value and position, the system may engage all or a subset of the means for changing temperature in the sector 118. Alternative means for regulating temperature 134 can be used such as any conventional thermostat system.

The thermal cycle system 100 also preferably comprises a means for moving 106 a fluid 128 along the path 104. The fluid 128 thereby cyclically passes from one sector 118 to another sector 118, and the temperature of the fluid 128 equilibrates with the temperature of the sector 118 through which or on which the fluid 128 is passing. The temperature of the fluid 128 thereby cyclically changes as it flows along the path 104. The fluid 128 preferably comprises any thermally dependent reaction mixture, reactants, or reagents. The fluid moving means 106 preferably comprises a pump, such as a peristaltic pump, a pressurized gas system, or similar means. For example, a pressurized helium system can be used to pump the fluid 128 along the path 104.

In a preferred embodiment of the thermal cycle system 100, the temperature control body 102 is a single substantially cylindrical body having a plurality of substantially pie-slice shaped or wedge-shaped sectors 118. The path 104 comprises a grooved channel circling or spiraling around the exterior surface 132 of the temperature control body 102. A length of tubing 126 is placed within or along the grooved channel. The desired temperature for each sector 118 is determined based upon the characteristics and requirements of a particular thermal-dependent reaction. The means for regulating temperature 134 and the means for changing temperature 120 are activated such that the desired temperature for each sector 118 is attained. The temperature sensors 130 measure the actual temperatures of each sector 118, and each means for changing temperature 120 is activated or inactivated as appropriate to attain and maintain the desired temperature for each sector 118. The fluid moving means 106 moves or pumps the fluid 128 through the length of tubing 126. The fluid 128 is thereby subjected to a series of different temperature regions on a cyclical basis that ultimately results in a transformation or reaction of the fluid 128 into a product or products. The temperature control body 102 may optionally be attached to a base for support. A means for rotating the temperature control body 102 may also optionally be used to facilitate placing the length of tubing 126 within or along the grooved channel. Such means for rotating may comprise an electric motor with wheel and gear assemblies or similar alternative.

The thermal cycle system 100 is particularly suited for large scale amplification of DNA via PCR. Thus, a preferred embodiment of the thermal cycle system 100 has grooved channel path 104 circling around the exterior surface 132 of a single cylindrical temperature control body 102. Thus, the channel has a first end 114 near the top edge 110 of the temperature control body 102 and a second end 116 near the bottom edge 112 of the temperature control body 102. The depth of the groove is discretionary and may depend on the diameter of the length of tubing 126 that can be placed within or along the groove and/or may depend on the particular application of the thermal cycle system 100. The cylindrical temperature control body has twelve equally sized arc-shaped sectors 118, and each sector 118 has one means for changing temperature 120. Each sector 118 has one temperature sensor 130, specifically a type K thermocouple, internally placed within the sector 118. A fluid moving means 106, preferably a pressurized helium system, moves a fluid 128 through the length of tubing 126. The fluid 128 preferably comprises a DNA strand to be amplified, two primers, and a heat stable Taq polymerase. Additional substances may be included in the fluid 128 to facilitate DNA amplification via PCR. A single means for regulating temperature 134 preferably regulates every means for changing temperature 120. The fluid moving means 106 moves the fluid 128 from sector 118 to sector 118 such that DNA amplification via PCR is optimized.

In one embodiment of the thermal cycle system 100, the cylindrical temperature control body 102 is divided into 3 equal pie-slice shaped sectors 118, and there are about 30 to about 40 “turns” of the channel around the cylinder with the preferred number being about 33 turns. Each “turn” of the channel is a “cycle” of the fluid 128 traveling around the circumference of the exterior surface 132 of the cylinder. Also, tubing 126, e.g., polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tubing or TEFLON tubing or synthetic resinous fluorine-containing polymer tubing, within the channels is surrounded by 3 insulating layers 124 (one per sector 118), wherein each insulating layer 124 has eight temperature sensors 130. A peristaltic pump 106 is positioned about six to about seven inches from the point at which the tubing 126 extends away from the bottom 112 of the cylinder. Using this arrangement of the apparatus, the preferred method for using the present apparatus pumps the fluid 128 through the tubing 126 at a rate of about 45 seconds per sector 118 (temperature zone), resulting in a flow rate of about 135 seconds per cycle (1 “turn” of the tubing 126 around the cylinder).

The temperatures and cycle times imposed on the reagents by the sectors/temperature zones 118 are preferably consistent with the well-known and current process of PCR. The preferred use of the present apparatus and method for a continuous thermal cycle system is amplifying DNA, but this use of the present invention is for convenience purposes only. It would be readily apparent to one of ordinary skill in the relevant art to use the apparatus and method of the present invention in a different application requiring the continuous heating or cooling of a fluid 128 through multiple temperature zones.

The fluid 128 may be mixed or created in a large batch prior to its introduction into the length of tubing 126, or the fluid 128 may be created just-in-time or on-the-fly right before it is introduced into the length of tubing 126. The fluid 128 is preferably a substantially homogeneous temperature-dependent reaction mixture, and there is preferably a continuous supply of such fluid 128 through the length of tubing 126. A means for controlling the introduction of the fluid 128 may be used, such as a computer system and software program. The software program preferably uses a predefined protocol for determining the proper mix (by proportions), sequential order, and timing for inputting the fluid 128, and/or the fluid components, into the length of tubing 126. In one embodiment, the protocol for introducing the fluid 128 components is determined by particular PCR requirements. Any means for introduction of the fluid 128 may be used, such as a pump and valve manifold or network known to those skilled in the art.

The resulting fluid 128 output from an end of the tubing is collected by conventional means. In a preferred embodiment, the resulting fluid contains amplified DNA. In addition, it is readily apparent that the apparatus and method of the present invention will provide a continual supply of amplified DNA so long as the pump is feeding the fluid components through the apparatus as described herein.

A method of the present invention for the facilitation of a chemical reaction requiring cyclical temperature changes therefore comprises activating a means for changing temperature 120 on a thermal cycle system 100 having a means for conveying a fluid such as a length of tubing 126 extending along a path 104, introducing a substantially homogeneous temperature-dependent reaction mixture into the means for conveying, activating a means for moving 106 such that the reaction mixture moves through the means for conveying and such that the reaction mixture reacts to form a product, and collecting the product at an end of the means for conveying. The chemical reaction is preferably a polymerase chain reaction. The method optionally further comprises continuously replenishing the fluid at one end of the means for conveying.


A sample was prepared containing: 12% MgCl2 (25 mM), 0.33% Tag DNA polymerase (5 units/μl), 2.0% dNTP's (deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP), deoxycytidine triphosphate (dCTP), deoxyguanosine triphosphate (dGTP) and deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP)), 8.0% template (2 μg/ml), 61.66% PLURONIC® F108 solution (1.5% solution; PLURONIC® is a registered trademark of BASF Corporation of Mount Olive, N.J.), 4% forward primer, 4% reverse primer, 8% reaction buffer (10× concentration). The solution can be scaled up to the correct volume using these figures. The twelve vertical sectors 118 of the cylindrical temperature control body 102 were heated to three different temperatures, four adjacent sectors 118 were heated to 95° C., another four adjacent sectors were heated to 59° C., and the final four adjacent sectors 118 were heated to 72° C. 1/32″ ID, 1/16″ OD TEFLON® PTFE tubing (TEFLON® is a registered trademark of E.I. Dupont De Nemours Company of Wilmington, Del.) was wrapped around the temperature control body 102 thirty times to subject the length of tubing 126 and reaction mixture to the three different temperatures thirty different times in succession. The reaction mixture was then pumped through this tubing 126 using a pressurized vessel at 20 PSI. After the reaction mixture was fed to the temperature control body 102, mineral oil was used to push the sample through the entire length of tubing 126. The flow rate of the reaction mixture was controlled with a flow valve to 0.25 ml/min. The specific DNA sequence (whose limits are defined by the oligonucleotide primers) present in the sample was amplified as it passed cyclically through the temperature zones. After the thirtieth cycle, the tubing 126 exited the cylinder 102, and the contents were collected. The sample was then analyzed on a Cambrex Reliant Precast 2% Agarose Gel and stained with ethidium bromide.

An image of the gel was acquired using a BIORad Geldoc EQ system and is shown in FIG. 14. The lane contents were as follows: lane 1 empty; lane 2 ladder; lane 3 no template negative control (sample A); lane 4 empty; lane 5 sample amplified in an embodiment of the thermal cycle system 100 (sample B); lane 6 empty; lane 7 sample amplified in an embodiment of the thermal cycle system 100 followed by amplification in a conventional Perkin Elmer 480 machine (sample C); lane 8 empty; lane 9 positive control sample run with the conventional Perkin Elmer 480 machine (sample D); lane 10 ladder; lane 11 empty; and lane 12 empty.

The image was analyzed using ImageJ version 1.33u software wherein intensity data was extracted to obtain integrated intensities and calculations included a background subtraction, and no other normalization. The band intensity for sample A was 0.07, the band intensity for sample B was 3.62, the band intensity for sample C was 3.77, and the band intensity for sample D was 3.19.

This data indicates that the system and method of this invention is as efficient, if not more efficient, than an example of a standard commercial system; a Perkin Elmer 480 machine. Three identical reaction mixtures were prepared and one sample was examined in its unamplified form without template (sample A), one sample was run with the system of this invention (sample B), one sample was first run with the system of this invention and then run through a conventional commercial system (sample C), and one sample was run on a conventional commercial system (sample D). The intensity of the band on a gel at the targeted mass (300 bp) is an indicator of the quantity of DNA product produced.

Sample C produced the most intense band, but it is not very much more intense than the sample produced by this invention alone. Since sample C was subjected to thirty cycles with an embodiment of the thermal cycle system 100, then with thirty cycles of a commercial system, it is reasonable to expect some additional amplification if active reagents remain after exiting the machine of the present invention.

Sample B, the DNA produced using the machine of this invention, produced the second most intense band. Sample D is included to demonstrate the relative quantity of DNA to be expected from a conventional commercial system, the Perkin Elmer system. The band from the commercial system, sample D, is less intense than the band from the system and method of this invention, sample B. This means that the system and method of this invention is equal or better in efficiency than the commercial system. Sample A is used to indicate that no DNA (or a negligible amount of signal) is observed in a system subjected to amplification conditions (in the Perkin Elmer commercial system) but lacking template DNA, that there is not a contaminant in the reaction solution which could be misinterpreted as amplification. The important feature of this data is the fact that the sample B band is more intense (indicating a better reaction) than the same reaction carried out on the conventional system.


While various embodiments of the present invention have been described above, it should be understood that they have been presented by way of example only, and not limitation. It will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. Thus, the breadth and scope of the present invention should not be limited by any of the above-described exemplary embodiments, but should be defined only in accordance with the following claims and their equivalents.

  • 1-27. (canceled)
  • 28. A thermal cycle system for facilitating a chemical reaction, comprising: a temperature control body having an exterior surface and at least two sectors forming at least a portion of the exterior surface, said temperature control body further defining a path cyclically passing through said sectors, with each said sector including a means for changing temperature and each said sector acting as an independent temperature sink;a tubing for continuously receiving and conveying a reaction mixture along the path defined by said temperature control body, said tubing having a length that extends along the path defined by said temperature control body, said tubing further including a first end and a second end, said tubing further defining a volume, and said tubing configured to convey the reaction mixture through said tubing without impediment; anda fluid moving means in communication with said tubing and adapted for moving the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end, wherein, said fluid moving means causes the reaction mixture to fill the volume of said tubing along the length of said tubing from the second end to the first end, while continuously conveying the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end, so that the reaction mixture is conveyed without impediment from the second end to the first end.
  • 29. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein the path is defined by a grooved channel on the exterior surface of said temperature control body.
  • 30. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein the path is defined by a channel formed internally within said temperature control body so as to pass internally through the sectors.
  • 31. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein said temperature control body is a cylinder having a circumference, wherein each said sector is wedge-shaped, and wherein the path is a channel that circles around the circumference of the cylinder.
  • 32. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 31, wherein the channel circles around the circumference of the cylinder by one of (i) boring through the sectors internally from one sector to each successive sector, (ii) passing along an exterior surface of the cylinder from one sector to each successive sector, and (iii) alternating between boring through one or more successive sectors and passing along the exterior surface of the cylinder so as to traverse one or more successive sectors.
  • 33. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 31, wherein a first end of the channel terminates near a top edge of said temperature control body and a second end of the channel terminates near a bottom edge of said temperature control body.
  • 34. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein said temperature control body is a cylinder having a circumference and a longitudinal axis, wherein the sectors are split into discontinuous layers, each said sector being split along a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis so that successive sectors are layered adjacent to one another along the longitudinal axis of the cylinder.
  • 35. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 38, wherein each said sector is substantially made of a thermal conductor.
  • 36. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 35, wherein the thermal conductor is selected from the group consisting of aluminum, aluminum alloy, metal, alloy, ceramic, and combinations thereof.
  • 37. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein each said sector is separated from other sectors by a thermal barrier.
  • 38. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein each said sector is substantially equivalent in size.
  • 39. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein each said sector has one or more temperature sensors located within or adjacent to that sector to measure a temperature within that sector or portion of that sector.
  • 40. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 28, wherein the fluid moving means is a pump for moving the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end.
  • 41. A thermal cycle system for facilitating a chemical reaction, comprising: a temperature control body having an exterior surface and at least twelve sectors forming at least a portion of the exterior surface, said temperature control body further defining a path passing through the at least twelve sectors repeatedly for several consecutive cycles, wherein for each cycle, the path passes once through a width of a first sector, and passes once through a width of one or more successive sectors, before returning to the first sector;a means for changing temperature associated with each of the at least twelve sectors, such that each of the at least twelve sectors acts as an independent temperature sink;a tubing for continuously receiving and conveying a reaction mixture along the path defined by said temperature control body, said tubing having a length that extends along the path defined by said temperature control body, said tubing further including a first end and a second end, said tubing further defining a volume, and said tubing configured to convey the reaction mixture through said tubing without impediment; anda fluid moving means in communication with said tubing and adapted for moving the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end, wherein, said fluid moving means causes the reaction mixture to fill the volume of said tubing along the length of said tubing from the second end to the first end, while continuously conveying the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end, so that the reaction mixture is conveyed without impediment from the second end to the first end.
  • 42. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 41, wherein the path is defined by a grooved channel on the exterior surface of said temperature control body.
  • 43. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 42, wherein a first end of said channel terminates near a top edge of said temperature control body and a second end of said channel terminates near a bottom edge of said temperature control body.
  • 44. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 41, wherein the fluid moving means is a pressurized helium system.
  • 45. The thermal cycle system as recited in claim 41, wherein each of the at least twelve sectors is substantially equivalent in size.
  • 46. A thermal cycle system for facilitating amplification of DNA via a polymerase chain reaction, comprising: a temperature control body having an exterior surface and at least twelve arc-shaped sectors forming at least a portion of the exterior surface, said temperature control body further defining a channel circling around the exterior portion of said temperature control body and passing through the at least twelve sectors repeatedly for several consecutive cycles, wherein for each cycle, the channel passes once through a width of a first sector, and passes once through a width of one or more successive sectors, before returning to the first sector;a means for changing temperature associated with each of the at least twelve sectors, such that each of the at least twelve sectors acts as an independent temperature sink;a tubing received in the channel for continuously receiving and conveying a reaction mixture containing DNA around the exterior portion of said temperature control body, said tubing having a length, said tubing further including a first end and a second end, said tubing further defining a volume, and said tubing configured to convey the reaction mixture through said tubing without impediment; anda fluid moving means in communication with said tubing and adapted for moving the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end, wherein, said fluid moving means causes the reaction mixture to fill the volume of said tubing along the length of said tubing from the second end to the first end, while continuously conveying the reaction mixture through said tubing from the second end to the first end;wherein each of the means for changing temperature associated with each of the at least twelve sectors is controlled to expose the reaction mixture to different temperatures as it is conveyed through said tubing from the second end to the first end, thus resulting in the amplification of the DNA contained in the reaction mixture.

This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/045,526 filed Jan. 28, 2005, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/540,225 filed Jan. 28, 2004.


The U.S. Government has a paid-up license in this invention and the right in limited circumstances to require the patent owner to license others on reasonable terms as provided for by the terms of Award No. 0314742 awarded by the National Science Foundation.

Provisional Applications (1)
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60540225 Jan 2004 US
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Parent 11045526 Jan 2005 US
Child 13622529 US