Certain exemplary embodiments provide a method comprising: automatically: receiving a plurality of elements for each of a plurality of continuous data streams; treating the plurality of elements as a first data stream matrix that defines a first dimensionality; reducing the first dimensionality of the first data stream matrix to obtain a second data stream matrix; computing a singular value decomposition of the second data stream matrix; and based on the singular value decomposition of the second data stream matrix, quantifying approximate linear correlations between the plurality of elements.
A wide variety of potential embodiments will be more readily understood through the following detailed description, with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
a)-(d) are plots of various exemplary accuracy measures for exemplary eigenvalues and eigenvectors computed with an exemplary embodiment of algorithm StreamSVD;
a) and (b) are plots of exemplary performance measures for an exemplary embodiment of algorithm StreamSVD;
a)-(d) are plots of exemplary performance measures for an exemplary embodiment of algorithm StreamSVD;
When the following terms are used herein, the accompanying definitions apply:
1. Introduction
In a variety of modern applications, data are commonly viewed as infinite time ordered data streams rather as finite data sets stored on disk. This view challenges fundamental assumptions in data management and poses interesting questions for processing and optimization.
Certain exemplary embodiments approach and/or address the problem of identifying correlations between multiple data streams. Certain exemplary embodiments provide algorithms capable of capturing correlations between multiple continuous data streams in a highly efficient and accurate manner. Certain exemplary embodiments provide algorithms and/or techniques that are applicable in the case of both synchronous and asynchronous data streaming environments. Certain exemplary embodiments capture correlations between multiple streams using the well known technique of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Correlations between data items, and the SVD technique in particular, have been repeatedly utilized in an off-line (non stream) context in the database community, for a variety of problems, for example, approximate query answering, mining, and indexing.
Certain exemplary embodiments provide a methodology based on a combination of dimensionality reduction and sampling to make the SVD technique suitable for a data stream context. Certain exemplary techniques are approximate, trading accuracy with performance, and this tradeoff can be analytically quantified. Presented herein is an experimental evaluation, using both real and synthetic data sets, from a prototype implementation of certain exemplary embodiments, investigating the impact of various parameters in the accuracy of the overall computation. The results indicate that correlations between multiple data streams can be identified, in some cases very efficiently and accurately. The algorithms proposed herein, are presented as generic tools, with a multitude of applications on data streaming problems.
In many modern applications, data are commonly viewed as an infinite, possibly ordered data sequences rather as a finite data set stored on disk. Such a view, challenges fundamental assumptions related to the analysis and mining of such data, for example, the ability to examine each data element multiple times, through random or sequential access. In many traditional applications, such as networking and multimedia, as well as in new and emerging applications, like sensor networks and pervasive computing, this view of application data is prevalent. Commonly such (potentially) infinite ordered sequences of data, are referred to as data streams.
Networking infrastructure, such as routers, hubs, and traffic aggregation stations, can produce vast amounts of performance and fault related data in a streaming fashion. Such information can be vital for network management operations and sometimes needs to be collected and analyzed online. Network operators can require precise characterizations of the temporal evolutions of such data and/or identification of abnormal events.
Sensor networks are becoming increasingly commonplace. The vision of pervasive computing can involve hundreds of autonomous devices collecting data (such as highway traffic, temperature, etc.) from dispersed geographic locations. Such data, subsequently can be made available to inter-operating applications which can utilize them to make intelligent decisions.
Data elements in real data sets are rarely independent (see Reference 15). Correlations commonly exist and are primarily due to the nature of the applications that generate the data. In settings involving multiple data streams, correlations between stream elements are encountered as well. Effectively quantifying correlations between multiple streams can be of substantial utility to a variety of applications, including but not limited to:
Certain exemplary embodiments provide fast and/or efficient techniques to identify correlations between multiple data streams. Certain exemplary embodiments focus on a fundamental form of correlations between multiple streams, namely linear correlations, and adapt a technique widely utilized for identifying linear correlations. In particular, certain exemplary embodiments adapt the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) (see Reference 7) in a data stream context. Certain exemplary embodiments make at least the following contributions:
The next portion of this description is organized as follows: In Section 2 we present background material and definitions. Section 3 demonstrates the difficulties of adapting known SVD computation techniques to a streaming context. In Section 4 we present certain exemplary embodiments of our techniques and analysis enabling adaptation of SVD to a continuous stream environment. In section 5 we present the StreamSVD algorithm. In section 6 we present the results of our experimental evaluation of certain proposed algorithms. Section 7 concludes this portion of the description, raising issues for further work in this area.
2. Background and Additional Definitions
2.1 Data Stream Models
A data stream S is an ordered sequence of data points that can be read only once. Formally, a data stream is a sequence of data items . . . xi, . . . read in increasing order of the indices i. On seeing a new item xi, two situations of interest arise: either we are interested in all N items seen or we are interested on a sliding window of the last n items, xi−n, . . . , xi. The former is defined as the standard data stream model and the latter as a sliding window data stream model (see Reference 3). The central aspect of most data stream computation is modeling in small space relevant to the parameter of interest N or n.
For the purposes of this description, data points in a single stream, have the form (i,Δ) representing a sequence of updates or modifications (increment or decrement) of a vector U. In the case of an update U[i]=Δ. Similarly, for modifications U[i]=U[i]+Δ. Notice that an evolving time series can be represented by elements of updates (i,Δ) with the restriction that data arrives in increasing order of i, (indicating time of observation). Thus, for a time series model, Δ corresponds to the observed value at time i.
Let S1, . . . , Sm−1, Sm be a collection of m data streams. In creating envisioned applications, m≦n; that is, the number of streams is usually much smaller than the number of items or points of observation in each stream. We use the notation A[i][j] to refer to the j-th point of the i-th stream. Thus, we treat the data streams as a matrix, A. Notice that our treatment of the streams as a matrix A is purely conceptual. Our techniques neither require nor materialize matrix A at any point. At each point in time, data elements (tuples) (i, t, Δ) appear, which denote that in the tth observation of stream i, the entry A[i][t] is either updated to Δ or modified (incremented or decremented) by Δ. In the sliding window model, at time τ we are interested in A[i][t′] for all τ−n≦t′≦τ; we refer to all other items as expired.
If there are no restrictions on the tuples (i, t, Δ), then the streams are considered asynchronous. For example, we can observe a sequence . . . , (1,3,3), (2,3,1), (1,1,5), . . . , for two streams which denotes that the streams are modified arbitrarily without any coordination between successive tuples. Assuming a collection of m streams, we will say that these streams are synchronous if at every time t, m values, each corresponding to one of the streams arrive. It is not necessary that the tuples be ordered according to the stream i, but it is required that the tuples be ordered in time. If a tuple (i, t, Δ) is not present at time t for stream i, the tuple (i, t, 0) is assumed present, allowing streaming of “sparse” streams.
Given this structure, observe that modifications are superfluous in synchronous streams since all modifications to the element A[i][t] (tth element of ith stream) have to be grouped together. In a sense, Δ values in the tuple (i, t, Δ) in synchronous streams always expresses updates. Since we wish to present stream algorithms for both asynchronous and synchronous streams, we will proceed with the assumption of arbitrary arrivals of (i, t, Δ) (no restriction on t) assuming that Δ values express modifications. This, naturally expresses asynchronous as well as (suitably restricted requiring ordered t values and Δ values expressing updates) synchronous streams.
2.2 Correlations and SVD
The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a very popular technique to identity correlations, with many applications in signal processing, visualization, and databases. Informally the SVD of a collection of points (high dimensional vectors) identifies the “best” subspace to project the point collection in a way that the relative point distances are persevered as well as possible under linear projection. Distances are quantified using the L2 norm. More formally:
Theorem 1 (SVD). Let A∈Rm×n be an arbitrary m-by-n matrix with m≧n. Then we can write A=UΣVT where U is m-by-r and satisfies UTU=I, V is m-by-r and satisfies VTV=I and Σ=diag(σ1, . . . , σr), where σ1≧. . . ≧σr≧0. The columns u1, . . . , ur of U are called left eigenvectors. The columns ν1, . . . νr of V are called right eigenvectors. The σ1 are called eigenvalues and r is the rank of matrix A, that is the number of linearly independent rows (if m≦n, the SVD is defined by considering AT.).
For each eigenvalue there is an associated eigenvector; commonly we refer to the largest eigenvalue as the principal eigenvalue and to the associated eigenvector as the principal eigenvector. Notice that if u is the principal eigenvector, ∥Au∥≧∥Au′∥∀u′,∥u′∥=1.
This theorem has an intuitive geometric interpretation. Given any m-by-n matrix A, think of it as a mapping of a vector x∈Rn to a vector y∈Rm. Then we can choose one orthogonal coordinate system for Rn (where the unit axes are the columns of V) and another orthogonal coordinate system for Rm (where the unit axes are the columns of U) such that A is diagonal (Σ), i.e., maps a vector x=Σi=1rμ1ν1 to a y=Ax=Σi=1rσ1μ1u1.
According to theorem 1, A=Σi=1rσiuiνiT. Matrix A has small rank when data are correlated (r≦m). Consequently, using k≦r eigenvectors (projecting to a subspace of dimension k) we have A≈Σi=1kσiuiνiT. Such a projection introduces error which is quantified by
The guarantee of SVD however, is that among all possible k dimensional projections, the one derived by SVD has the minimum error, i.e., minimizes
The basis of the “best” k-dimensional subspace to project, consists of the k left eigenvectors of U. Essentially, this subspace identifies the strongest linear correlations in the underling data set.
Definition 1 (Linear Correlations). Given a matrix A, let UΣV be its Singular Value Decomposition; we refer to the set of linear combinations of the k eigenvectors, corresponding to the k largest eigenvalues of A as the k strongest linear correlations in A.
The relative magnitude of the eigenvalues determine the relative “strength” of correlations along the direction of the associated eigenvectors. This means that if one eigenvalue, σ is very large compared to the others, the eigenvector corresponding to σ signifies a stronger liner correlation towards the direction of the eigenvector in the subspace spanned by the k strongest linear correlations. We formalize this intuition by quantifying the relative magnitude of the eigenvalues with the following definition:
Definition 2 (ε-separated eigenvalues) Let A be a matrix of rank r and σ1, . . . σr its eigenvalues. Assume, without loss of generality, that |σ1|≧. . . ≧|σr|. The ε-separating value for the collection of eigenvalues, is the smallest ε≧0, such that ∀i,1≦i≦r,|σi|≧(1+ε)|σi+1|. For this ε, we say that the eigenvalues are ε-separated.
Notice that such an ε always exists; its magnitude however, specifies how significant are the eigenvectors in the linear combination. If ε is small, eigenvalues are close in magnitude and all the eigenvectors are significant. If ε is large, the linear correlations along the directions of the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues are more significant in the linear combination.
Given a matrix A m-by-n there exists a O(m2n) algorithm to computer the SVD of A using the following celebrated theorem (see Reference 7 for full details and a proof)
Theorem 2. Let A=UΣVT be the SVD of the m-by-n matrix A, with eigenvalues σi and orthogonal eigenvectors ui, where m≧n. (There are analogous results for m≦n.) The eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix AAT are σi2. The left eigenvectors ui are corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors of the eigenvalues σi2.
The benefit of the above theorem appears in computation of SVD of sparse matrices. If the number of entries in a column is r<<m then the matrix AAT can be computed in time O(r2n) which is O(r) times the number of nonzero entries in the matrix. The pseudo code is provided below. The algorithm remains a good candidate for computing incremental SVD since the number of operations performed on an update is (on an average) the number of non-zero entries in a column.
What follows is pseudo-code for an algorithm we call NaiveSVD. Note that Function SVD( ) can implement any SVD technique:
2.3 Low Rank Approximations
The quadratic space requirement of O(m2) can be prohibitive and the approach is expensive even if we are interested in just the top eigenvector. The computation for non sparse matrices requires O(m2n) no matter if we are interested in just the topmost eigenvector. A step in this direction is the following column sampling result of (see References 9, 8).
Theorem 3. Given a matrix A with columns Ci, if with probability ∥Ci∥F2I∥A∥F2 we sample O(k/ε2) columns then we can construct a matrix D of rank k such that for any matrix D*
Note that the subscript on the probability indicates that the norm is Frobenius. ∥A∥F2 is the sum of squares of the elements in the matrix A. Note that if nice bounds on the ratios are know then sampling can be performed in one pass else in two.
The exact parameters of the process are somewhat large theoretically; (see Reference 9) requires constants ˜107 which are improved but not explicitly stated in Reference 8. Note that Reference 8 suggests alternate “test and sample” schemes for practical considerations, thus making the algorithm multi-pass. A problem of the above result is that the approximation of the matrix need not be a good approximation of the eigenvalue which denotes the strength of the correlations. For example suppose we are interested in the topmost eigenvalue σ1. Following the result of (see Reference 8) one can relate minD*∥A−D*∥F2=σ12. Thus, ∥A−D∥F2 gives us an estimate of σ1. If ∥A∥F is large, as is the case in non-sparse matrices, the above is a bad approximation since ∥A∥F2 can be m times σ12. Thus, ε cannot be a constant to provide a good guarantee for the topmost eigenvalue. The result is useful in the context of approximating the entries of a matrix and as pointed out by the authors in (see Reference 8), the approach is used if the matrix is sparse.
3. Problems with SVD on Streams
We will now discuss potential problems associated with SVD computation upon streams. The fundamental potential problem with most approaches to SVD is the reliance on the matrix A for the computation. We will elaborate on the issues arising from this reliance in the cases of synchronous and asynchronous streams.
3.1 Synchronous Streams
In this case, m values arrive at each time step each specifying a new value for each of the m streams and the same time unit t. Maintaining the SVD decomposition of A will either involve recomputation of the SVD on matrix A (suitably adjusted depending on the specific streaming model, standard or sliding window) at every time step. This has two main potential drawbacks namely (a) the memory requirements can be significant as matrix A has to be memory resident and (b) the computational overhead associated with maintenance of the SVD decomposition at every time step can be high.
3.2 Asynchronous Streams
In this case we discuss three problems, which are inter-related but arise out of different concerns. The discussion will establish that in the case of asynchronous streams, the memory and computational overheads for maintaining the SVD persist, albeit for different reasons. Out of Sync Arrival Stream of Sparse Transactions
If the data sources produce stream values infrequently then only non-zero entries are streamed. This is a favorable condition for the SVD computation. But even if every individual stream is in order, there is no way to foretell that the entry (i, t) is zero till an entry (i, t′) arrives with t′≧t. If for stream i one defines ti to be last time an observation is seen, known algorithms will have to remember all the entries after time min ti which is akin to Out of Order Arrival
Stream SVD
We will present an approximate technique to obtain the k largest eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors trading accuracy for computation speed. We will first present the case for the principal eigenvalue and the associated principal eigenvector, and then generalize to arbitrary k eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Given a matrix A∈Rm×n the set of all k correlations is defined as the set of linear combinations of the left eigenvectors corresponding to the k largest eigenvalues. Recall that u is a left eigenvector with eigenvalue σ if and only if uT A=σuT. Theorem 1 asserts that we can find a set of orthonormal eigenvectors of any matrix A. The number of such vectors is the rank r of the matrix concerned. Before we proceed in the discussion let us assume that the eigenvectors of A are ū1,ū2, . . . ūr with respective eigenvalues σ1,σ2, . . . σr. Let us assume, without loss of generality that |σ1|≧|σ2|≧. . . ≧|σr|.
Our methodology will make use of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma (JL Lemma) (see Reference 20) to reduce the dimension in a Euclidean space.
Lemma 1 (JL Lemma). Given a set of N vectors V in space Rn, if we have a matrix S∈Rs×n where
such that each element Sij is drawn from a Gaussian distribution, appropriately scaled, for any vector x ∈ V, then ∥x∥2≦∥Sx∥2≦(1+ε)∥x∥2 holds true with vanishingly high probability, 1−o(1/N).
We discuss issues in computation and storage of maintaining AST in Section 4.1. For the present we investigate how matrix AST allows us to computer SVD.
Informally, the JL lemma states that if we distort vectors of dimensionality n with a matrix whose elements are suitably chosen from a Gaussian distribution we can preserve the relative distances between the vectors in the resulting space (of dimensionality s) upto (1+ε) with arbitrarily high probability. Intuitively, suppose every vector is represented by a line segment starting from the origin. The length of the vector is the distance between the origin and the endpoint of the vector. The intuition behind the algorithm is that if we preserve distances between points (the origin and the endpoints of the vectors), then we preserve the length of the vectors. The Single Eigenvalue Case
We make the simple observation that ∥x∥2=∥xT∥2. So the JL lemman rewrites to,
∥xT∥2≦∥(Sx)T∥2=∥xTST∥2≦(1+ε)∥xT∥2 (1)
Both lemma 1 and theorem 2 are concerned with linear operations on the underlying vector space. It appears natural to first apply lemma 1 on A to reduce the dimensionality and then apply SVD on the “smaller” matrix obtained. This could be beneficial, because we will be running SVD on a much smaller matrix. Under such an approach, the relationship between the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A before and after the application of lemma 1 need to be established. This gives rise to the following:
Lemma 2. Suppose ū1 is the principal left eigenvector of A and u the principal left eigenvector of AST for a matrix S satisfying the JL Lemma with
Then ∥ū1TA∥2≦(1+ε)∥uTA∥2
Proof: Since u is the principal left eigenvector of AST, we have ∥ū1TAST∥2≦∥uTAST∥2. Substituting xT=ū1TA in equation 1, we get ∥ū1TA∥2≦∥ū1TAST∥2≦(1+ε)∥ū1TA∥2 and similarly xT=uTA. From these we have ∥ū1TA∥2≦∥ū1TAST∥2≦∥uTAST∥2≦(1+ε)∥uTA∥2. This proves the lemma.
Let σ′1 the principal eigenvalue of AST. From lemma 2 it is evident that |σ1|≦|σ′1|≦(1+ε)|σ1|. Thus, the first eigenvalue is approximated within (1+ε) factor in magnitude by application of lemma 1. The Single Eigenvector Case
Lemma 2 shows that instead of computing the SVD of the matrix AAT applying theorem 2, we can compute the SVD of AST to get a vector such that the columns of A have a large projection along it. The dimension of the matrix AST is m×m whereas the dimension of AST is
log n. For large m compared to
one has achieved a significant saving in computing the SVD. In particular the time to perform SVD has been reduced from O(m3) to O(ms2). Also we have saved the space and update time in the data stream context, from O(m2) to O(ms).
Lemma 2 shows that the projections of a matrix are preserved under the application of lemma 1. We now show what is the quality of the approximation obtained to the actual principal eigenvector. A measure of quality of approximation of the principal eigenvector, is the inner product with the actual principal eigenvector. Assuming all vectors are represented with unit length, a large value of the projection indicates a better approximation. Notice that such an approximation is meaningful only if the principal eigenvector is unique. Consider the case of a matrix A with |σ1|≈|σ2|. Then any linear combination of ū1 and ū2, say u=aū1+bū2 (where a2+b2=1 to preserve length of ∥u∥2=1) is a principal eigenvector, since there are a lot of vectors preserving the variation in the data, in this case. To see this, observe that in this case
This is best illustrated if the data are uniformly distributed along a circuit; any vector in the plane containing the circuit is a good eigenvector. To clarify the situation, we assume that there is a significant linear trend in the data. This means that the eigenvalues are separated in magnitude. In case of the principal eigenvector this would imply |σ1|>>|σ2|; we will address multiple eigenvectors in the subsequent subsections. In particular assume |σ1|=(1+δε)|σ2| for some δ>4.
For two vectors u, ν, let (u, ν) denote their inner product. If σ1, σ2 are the first and second eigenvalues and ū1,ū2 the associated eigenvectors, then
since the coefficients (u1,ū1) represent the projection of u1 to an orthogonal basis defined by {ūi}, the sum of their squares evaluate to 1. Thus
The above rewrites to
For a specific value of ε, equation 2 shows the quality of the approximation to ū1 obtained. Notice that if δ>>ε (that is, the strength of linearity is greater than the precision lemma 1 guarantees) then (u1,ū1)2≈(1+ε)−2 which approaches 1. Thus, if the first two eigenvalues are δε-separated, u1 the approximated eigenvector and ū1 the true eigenvector are very close. Effectively this establishes that if there is a significant linear trend in the data, performing SVD on matrix AST as opposed to matrix AAT results in the same principal eigenvector. Smaller values of ε increase the time to compute the SVD of matrix AST, but yield a better approximation to the principal eigenvector and vice versa.
Lemma 3. If the data have a unique strong linear correlation, we can approximate the principal eigenvector.
It is evident, that to guarantee a good approximation of the eigenvectors we have to compute at a greater precision than we need to identify the eigenvalues. That is ε, the precision set by lemma 1 has to significantly smaller than the separating value of the eigenvalues. The Multiple Eigenvalues Case
We consider the case of obtaining an approximation to multiple eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original matrix A. We will extend the above process to multiple eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In such a case what one can guarantee is that with a similar application of lemma 1, the entire subspace spanned by the largest k eigenvectors can be approximated. Let U be the subspace spanned by k approximated eigenvectors. Assume that we desire to obtain a space U such that the finest granularity on a basis axis is
We claim the following,
Lemma 4. Given a matrix A∈Rm×n, and a matrix S∈Rs×n in accordance to lemma 1 such that
and any fixed subspace U spanned by at most k (not necessarily known) vectors, such that the finest granularity on an axis is 1/G, if u∈U then with high probability (vanishingly close to 1)
The above lemma is a generalization of lemma 1, with the observation that if we are trying to preserve the distance between objects specified by a linear combination with precision G, then we have at most Gk objects. Applying n=Gk in the statement of lemma 1 gives the result. Intuitively lemma 4 states that a larger matrix S (smaller distortion to matrix A) is required in order to obtain an approximation to the largest k eigenvectors.
Assume that via the application of lemma 2 we find a vector u1 with ∥u1∥2=1 and maximum ∥u1TAST∥2. According to lemma 2 (1+ε)−1|σ1|≦∥u1TA∥2≦|σ1|. Now consider the subspace of all vectors u such that (u,u1)=0(the subspace of all vectors orthogonal to u1). Consider the second largest eigenvector of AST, denoted by ū2. Denote y2 to be normalized component of ū2 which is orthogonal to u1. Notice y2 can be a candidate for the second largest eigenvector for AST.
Lemma 5. If |σ1|>(1+ε)|σ2| then ∥y2TA∥2≧|σ2|, and therefore we get a vector u2 such that ∥u2TA∥2≧(1+ε)−1|σ2|.
This lemma establishes that if |σ1|>(1+ε)|σ2| (i.e., σ1 and σ2 are ε-separated) an excellent approximation to the second largest eigenvalue of A exists. Generalizing for k eigenvalues, we have:
Lemma 6. If for each i, 1≦i≦k we have |σi|>(1+ε)|σi+1| we can find a ui+1 such that ∥ui+1TA∥2≧(1+ε)−1|σi+1| The Multiple Eigenvector Case
The reasoning about the quality of u1 as an approximation carries over in this case. We would need the eigenvalues to be more than ε-separated (say δε-separated) to obtain a good approximation. Following similar reasoning as in the case of u1 one can show that u2 gets arbitrarily close to ū2, depending on the separation between σ2 and σ3. For a specific value of ε, and δ the quality of approximation to ū2 is obtained from an equation similar to equation 2. As in the single eigenvector case, to achieve approximation of the eigenvectors we have to complete at a greater precision than we need to identify the eigenvalues.
Thus, the subspace obtained via this approximation can be arbitrarily close to the subspace obtained by the true k largest eigenvectors, given that the eigenvalues are at least ε-separated. For a specific value of ε the quality of the approximation obtained to each ūi is dictated by equations similar to equation 2. Larger values of ε decrease the SVD computation time but decrease the quality to the subspace approximation one obtains. This gives rise to a tradeoff that we will experimentally quantify in section 6.
4.1 Discussion
The analysis of the previous section established that it is possible to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix A (of size m×n) up to desired accuracy, by computing the SVD decomposition (using any applicable technique) of a much smaller matrix AST (of size m×s). This could have significant performance benefits, independently of the specific technique used to computer the SVD, since the procedure would operate on a much smaller matrix.
Matrix S is populated initially from a suitably scaled Gaussian distribution in accordance to lemma 1. The full matrix S is not realized, instead it is stored as a collection of s hash functions h[j] such that S[j][t]=h[j][t]. This is one of the central techniques in streaming computation and Reference 1 phrases the inner product M[i][j]=ΣtA[i][t]S[j][t] as sketches of the data.
Thus, as new stream elements arrive, matrix AST can be updated in a very efficient fashion. Let us first assume that we are in the standard stream model. For synchronous streams a single tuple (i, t, Δ) arrives for element A[i][t] and the correct values A[i][t]S[j][t] gets added to M[i][j]. For the asynchronous case the value A[i][t] accepts (possibly multiple) modifications. But the contribution to M[i][j] over all the modifications is again A[i][t]S[j][t] which is the correct value. The entire procedure is presented below as the MapSVD algorithm for the standard stream model. Notice that updates/modifications are provided in an incremental fashion to matrix AST, and that matrix A is not explicitly materialized.
The problem with the computation of the MapSVD algorithm is that algorithm the SVD computation performed is expected to be faster (because it operates on a smaller matrix), one still has to perform the computation each time matrix AST changes. This is required to assure that the eigenvector and eigenvalues maintained stay within desired accuracy levels.
4.2 Recomputations and Sampling
We will develop a sampling strategy that will select stream tuples and periodically apply SVD while, at the same time, is able to preserve the quality of the underlying eigenvectors and eigenvalues obtained.
Suppose the stream has not changed significantly from a certain time when we computed the SVD for it. Then, the matrix corresponding to the stream has also not changed significantly. Suppose we recomputed the SVD last when the matrix corresponding to the stream was A1. Suppose the stream currently corresponds to matrix A. These matrixes are used conceptually only; in practice we never store them. Suppose the two matrices agree almost everywhere, and thus their eigenvectors/values agree as well. This is captured by the following lemma:
Lemma 7. If ∥yTA1ST∥2=σ and ∥y∥2=1 then ∥yTA∥2≧σ/(1+ε)−∥A1−A∥F. ∥A1−A∥F2 is the square of the Frobenius norm of A1−A and is equal to the sum of squares of all elements.
Proof: From the previous section we are guaranteed that if ∥yTA1ST∥2=σ then by Lemma (see Reference 20) (1+ε)∥yTA∥2≧∥yTA1ST∥2=σ. From Linear Algebra, ∥yTA1∥2−∥yTA∥2≦∥yT(A1−A)∥2≦∥yT∥2∥A1−A∥F. Since ∥yT∥2=∥y∥2=1, the proof follows.
This means that if y was an eigenvector with a large projection in A1 and ∥A1−A∥F is small compared to σ, then y still has a large projection. In other words it is an approximate eigenvector. We first show that
Lemma 8. Suppose we computed SVD for the stream which corresponds to the matrix A1 at time t1 and did not recompute SVD since. Suppose after that we saw tuples (i, t, Δ) and currently the matrix corresponding to the stream is A. Suppose further that not tuple expired (which is always true in standard streaming model),
Proof: Let us focus on one element A1[i][t] which is modified by several Δ1, . . . , Δu. Based on the specific model standard or sliding window, synchronous or asynchronous the number u will vary. But we will give the most general proof which holds for all cases. Thus A[i][t]=A1[i][t]+Δ1+ . . . +Δu.
Adding this over i, t, the right hand side is the D, the sum of all magnitudes of changes seen. Now
Therefore ∥A1−A∥F≦D.
If we do not recompute the SVD and ∥A1−A∥F is small compared to σ the eigenvectors of A1 are still reasonable for our current stream matrix A. Suppose we are interested in preserving the principal eigenvector (for other eigenvectors the discussion is similar). Since we are interested in 1±ε approximation, we will have to ensure that D˜εσ1. An excellent way to achieve this is by randomly recomputing the SVD depending on the magnitude |Δ| seen. If |Δ| is large compared to εσ1 we should choose to recompute, otherwise we would not. Thus the recomputation should be done with probability |Δ|/(εσ1).
The ε factor in the probability ensures that after we have seen enough new information which satisfies Σ|Δ|≧εσ1 we would have very likely (probability
have recomputed the SVD. If we did not, then by the time Σ|Δ|≧2εσ1, we would have recomputed the SVD with probability
The probability of not having computed the SVD for long, decreases exponentially. The Expected value is 1.4 εσ1. Thus from Lemma 7 and Lemma 8 the principal eigenvector of A1ST would have a projection on A which is at least 1−O(ε) with some high probability.
5. The StreamSVD Algorithm
The sampling procedure introduced leads to an effective way to save on the number of times the SVD is computed. Instead of computing the SVD of matrix AST every time an time arrives, in accordance to lemma 7, we can comprises it less often and still get a good approximation to eigenvectors and eigenvalues of matrix A.
Combining the result of Section 4 we can now realize efficient algorithms for maintaining the SVD decomposition on the various stream models, namely the standard and the sliding window stream model. The algorithm is provided below for the case of the sliding window model as the StreamSVD algorithm. The algorithm for the standard model is the same, there is no expiry and that condition is never used.
The StreamSVD algorithm starts from MapSVD and probabilistically recomputes the SVD depending on the magnitude |Δ| of the value seen compared to the eigenvalue σ1 (assuming that we are interested in the topmost eigenvalue; if interested in all the k-th largest eigenvalues, we substitute σ1 with σk). For the case of the synchronous model, the sampling procedure breaks the stream into several sub-matrices, B1 . . . Bc depending on when we sample. This is shown in
Lemma 9. The maximum number of blocks created in case of synchronous sliding window streams is at most O(m/ε).
The above follows from the fact that we have an estimate of the Frobenius norm of the blocks related to σ1 and likewise the Frobenius norm A is related to σ1. The proof is completed by relating the norms of the blocks to norms of A.
The case of asynchronous streams is more involved. Since the data do not arrive in order, the pieces of matrix whose inner product is in the different blocks overlap. The eigenvalue is still preserved up to 1±1.4 ε. A lemma analogous to lemma 9 can be proved under certain restrictions. We omit details due to lack of space.
The StreamSVD algorithm for the sliding window model is as follows. A similar algorithm can be designed for the case of the standard stream model.
Independently, this sampling step could be applied to algorithm NaiveSVD surpassing the dimensionality reduction step. This would provide an (1−ε) approximation to the eigenvalues, for some ε≧0. Following reasoning related to that in Section 4 the eigenvectors are preserved well also. Indeed we explore this option for algorithm NaiveSVD in section 6.
6. Experimental Evaluation
In this section we present a performance analysis of the algorithms and techniques discussed thus far. We seek to quantify the benefits both in terms of accuracy and performance of the proposed techniques. We present the data sets we experimented on, as well as the metrics used to quantify accuracy.
Description of Data Sets: Correlation affects the sampling component of our algorithms and thus is vital for the performance of our schemes. In addition to real data sets, we used synthetic data sets, in which we had the freedom to vary the degree of the underlying correlations and gain additional intuition about the performance of our proposal. We describe the data sets below:
Several parameters affect the accuracy and performance of our approach and should be quantified. We evaluate the accuracy of the SVD computer with algorithm StreamSVD by reporting on the accuracy of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors computed. We quantify the accuracy of eigenvalues using the Average Absolute Relative Error (AARE) defined as follows:
Definition 3. Let V be an eigenvalue computed with algorithm NaiveStreamSVD and V′ the corresponding eigenvalue computed using algorithm StreamSVD. The Absolute Relative Error (ARE) between the two eigenvalues is defined as
In the experiments that follow we report the Average Absolute Relative Error (AARE) as the average over a large number of stream tuples (100 K) of the ARE. We also report the standard deviation of ARE over the same number of stream tuples.
Let u be an eigenvector computed using algorithm NaiveSVD and u′ the corresponding eigenvector computed using StreamSVD. If the vectors were identical, then (u,u′)=1. To quantify the accuracy of eigenvectors computed using algorithm StreamSVD, we report the average value of (u,u′) as well as the standard deviation of (u,u′) over a large number (100 K) stream tuples.
6.1 Evaluating StreamSVD
The first set of experiments we present, evaluate the accuracy of the approximation on eigenvalues and eigenvectors. We present results for the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding principal eigenvector. These results are indicative of the overall accuracy. Results of similar quality are obtained for additional eigenvalues and eigenvectors as described in section 4. Moreover, results of similar quality are obtained for the case of performing StreamSVD on arbitrary subsets of streams, as discussed in section 4 We omit these results for brevity.
6.2 Accuracy and Space Tradeoff
In these experiments, algorithm NaiveSVD is applied to obtain the exact eigenvalues and eigenvectors. That is, sampling stream tuples in not enabled and thus the eigenvalues and eigenvectors computed are exact. Recall that StreamSVD makes use of a matrix Ss×m in accordance to lemma 1 as well as sampling. We vary the value of s in these experiments and observe the accuracy implications. Thus, we change the values of ε of our approximation, by changing the value of s. Larger s means smaller ε and vice verso. We use n=103 and m=100 in these experiments.
b) presents the standard deviation of ARE as the value of s increases for the data sets used in our study. In all case, the trends are related to those observed for AARE, with deviation tailing off for larger s values. Notably, in the case of data set Real, standard deviations appears very low, demonstrating the quality of the approximation our technique offers on real data sets as well.
c) presents the mean value of the inner product for the principal eigenvector computed with algorithm NaiveSVD and the principal eigenvector computed with algorithm StreamSVD.
6.3 Performance Issues
The second set of experiments we report, evaluate the performance of algorithm treamSVD compared with that of NaiveSVD. We report on the average time spent per stream tuple during the execution of the algorithms. This time consists of the time to update matrix M(AAT in the case of NaiveSVD and AST in case of StreamSVD) as well as the time to perform SVD on M, if required, amortized over a large number of stream tuples (100 K). In these experiments algorithm NaiveSVD employs sampling of stream tuples, as proposed in section 4, boosting its performance. The performance gain is arising out of the fact that we require O(m) time as opposed to O(m2) required by NaiveSVD to update the necessary matrices and not from sampling.
As far as performance is concerted two parameters are of interest; the number of streams involved m, as well as the value of s that affects the quality of the approximation.
Varying s: The results are present in
Varying number of streams m: In
The effects of sampling remain the same as in the experiment associated with
To summarize, there are two main conclusions from our experiments with StreamSVD. First, the performance implications of the application of lemma 1 to StreamSVD can be considered to be profound. Even small values of s are enough to potentially provide excellent accuracy providing large savings in time spent per tuple to maintain the SVD in a stream context. Second, even for a small number of streams StreamSVD currently appears to be the algorithm of choice.
We considered the problem of identifying correlations between multiple data streams using Singular Value Decomposition. We have proposed one or more exemplary algorithms to maintain the SVD of multiple data streams and identify correlations between the streams. We have quantified the accuracy of our proposal both analytically and experimentally and through detailed experimental results using real and synthetic data sets evaluated its performance. We also presented a case study of the application of our technique to the problem of querying multiple data streams.
This study raises various issued for further research and exploration. The algorithms and techniques presented herein are likely to be of interest to other forms of computation over multiple streams. In particular, reasoning and mining dynamically multiple data streams is a problem of central interest in network data management. Identification of correlations between streams, via the proposed StreamSVD algorithm, can be a first step in designing mining procedures over multiple streams and/or advanced querying processing techniques, such as queries over arbitrary subsets of streams. We plan to investigate these directions in our future work.
Thus, certain exemplary embodiments provide a method comprising: automatically: receiving a plurality of elements for each of a plurality of continuous data streams; treating the plurality of elements as a first data stream matrix that defines a first dimensionality; reducing the first dimensionality of the first data stream matrix to obtain a second data stream matrix; computing a singular value decomposition of the second data stream matrix; and based on the singular value decomposition of the second data stream matrix, quantifying approximate linear correlations between the plurality of elements
Any of the continuous data stream sources 8100 can be coupled to a network 8200. Coupled to network 8200 can be any number of information devices 8300 to which continuous data streams are directed. Coupled to network 8200 can be an information device 8400 which can identify linear correlations between data stream elements, and which can comprise a stream element processor 8410, a first matrix processor 8420, and a second matrix processor 8430. Coupled to information device 8400 can be a memory device 8500 that can store a first matrix, a second matrix, and/or linear correlations between data stream elements.
At activity 9500, a user-specified accuracy metric can be obtained, the accuracy matrix related to the degree of approximation of linear correlations between elements of the continuous data streams. At activity 9600, based on the singular value decomposition of the second data stream matrix, approximate linear correlations between the plurality of elements can be quantified. The approximate linear correlations can meet the user-specified accuracy metric. At activity 9700, the approximate linear correlations between the plurality of elements can be output and/or reported. In certain exemplary embodiments, the approximate linear correlations can comprise a plurality of eigenvalues that approximate principal eigenvalues of the first data stream matrix. In certain exemplary embodiments, the approximate linear correlations can comprise a plurality of eigenvectors that approximate principal eigenvectors of the first data stream matrix.
In certain exemplary embodiments, any portion of method 9000 can be repeated in any defined manner, including periodically, pseudo-randomly, and randomly. In certain exemplary embodiments, any portion of method 9000 can occur dynamically.
In certain exemplary embodiments, at least one of the plurality of continuous data streams can be synchronous, asynchronous, bursty, sparse, and/or contain out-of-order elements.
In certain exemplary embodiments, the reducing activity can apply the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma.
In certain exemplary embodiments, via one or more user interfaces 10600, such as a graphical user interface, a user can implement an exemplary embodiment of the StreamSVD algorithm.
Still other embodiments will become readily apparent to those skilled in this art from reading the above-recited detailed description and drawings of certain exemplary embodiments. It should be understood that numerous variations, modifications, and additional embodiments are possible, and accordingly, all such variations, modifications, and embodiments are to be regarded as being within the spirit and scope of the appended claims. For example, regardless of the content of any portion (e.g., title, field, background, summary, abstract, drawing figure, etc.) of this application, unless clearly specified to the contrary, there is no requirement for the inclusion in any claim of the application of any particular described or illustrated activity or element, any particular sequence of such activity, or any particular interrelationship of such elements. Moreover, any activity can be repeated, any activity can be performed by multiple entries, and/or any element can be duplicated. Fuhrer, any activity or element can be excluded, the sequence of activities can vary, and/or the interrelationship of elements can vary. Accordingly, the descriptions and drawings are to be regarded as illustrative in nature, and not as restrictive. Moreover, when any number or range is described herein, unless clearly stated otherwise, that number or range is approximate. When any range is described herein, unless clearly stated otherwise, that range includes all values therein and all subranges therein. Any information in any material (e.g., a United States patent, Unite States patent application, book, article, etc.) that has been incorporated by reference herein, is only incorporated by reference to the extent that no conflict exists between such information and the other statements and drawings set forth herein. In the event of such conflict, including a conflict that would render a claim invalid, then any such conflicting information in such incorporated by reference material is specifically not incorporated by reference herein.
The following references are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety:
This application claims priority to, and incorporates by reference herein in its entirety, pending U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/461,910, filed 10 Apr. 2003.
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