DeWitt, Jack R., "Models and Sabots for Two-Stage Light-Gas Launcher", presented by John Cable, Calspan Corporation/AEDC Division, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. (copy of hand-out material presented at the Electromagnetic Launcher Assoc. Charter Meeting, Nov. 5-7, 1985 at the Center for Electromechanics, The University of Texas at Austin). |
Thio, Y. Chia and Tidman, Derek A., "High Velocity Electrothermal (HVET) Ground-to-Space Launcher", published in AIAA/DARPA Meeting on Lightweight Satellite Systems, Naval Postgraduate School, Aug. 4-6, 1987, Monterey, Calif. |
Lantz, Edward, "A High Energy Launcher for Trans Atmospheric Vehicles". |