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Optics Letters- May 15, 1989, vol. 14. No. 10 “Measurement of polarization mode dispersion in single-mode fibers with random code coupling” 523-525 by C.D. Poole. |
Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, Center for Telecommunication Studies and Pontifica Universita Catolica de Rio de Janiero , “How accurately can one measure a statistical quantity like Polarization Mode Dispersion?”, N. Gisin, B. Gisin, J.P. Von der Weid, and R. Passy, p. 131-133. |
Wireless Personal Communications 6: 1998-Kluwer Academic Publishers: “On Limits of Wireless Communications in a Fading Environment when Using Multiple Antennas”, p. 311-335 by G.J. Foschini and M.J. Gans. |
Electronics Letters, 7th Jan. 1983, vol. 29, No. 1, “Simple Dispersion Measurement Technique with High Resolution,:” by B. Christensen, J. Mark, G. Jacobsen and E. Bediker, p. 132-134. |