This invention relates generally to electronic sensors. More particularly, this invention is directed toward sensors for multivariate impact injury risk and recovery monitoring.
Participation in athletic activities, military training and deployments, and a variety of industrial workplace activities often exposes the participants to risks of physical injuries that can be caused by both direct and indirect mechanical impacts to the head and other parts of the body. These impacts can cause rapid accelerations and decelerations of many different body parts, including: the head, neck, and brain; torso and internal organs; limbs and extremities such as arms, legs, hands, and feet, including the corresponding muscles and nerves; and joints such as the knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, shoulders, including the corresponding bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Linear and rotational motion transfers mechanical energy from the outside environment to the various body parts for the duration of the impact. For example, a knee joint forced inward may result in a medial collateral ligament sprain, a knee joint forced outward may result in a lateral collateral ligament injury, a violent knee rotation with the foot in a fixed position may sprain ligaments in the center of the knee joint and hyper-extension of a leg may lead to a cruciate collateral and capsular ligament sprain. The impact forces giving rise to linear motion and impact torques giving rise to rotational motion, coupled with the resulting linear and rotational displacements, determine the amount of energy transferred to a specific body part. This energy, together with the duration of the impact, determines the power transferred to the body part.
Above certain thresholds, which may vary from user to user and for different body parts, the transferred power can lead to physiological changes that cause both reversible and permanent injuries spanning a broad continuum in terms of their extent and severity. The extent of the damage may be localized to the site of the mechanical impact, also referred to as a focal injury, or it may affect a much wider volume, also referred to as a diffuse injury. The severity of the injury may vary from localized cellular damage to torn tissues, ruptured blood vessels, bleeding, and broken bones. Head impacts may also lead to a wide range of additional short-term and long-term “concussion” symptoms that can be observed in a clinical examination as changes in cognitive functions (degraded attention and memory), motor functions (impaired coordination and balance), sensory functions (damage to vision, speech, hearing), and emotional and behavioral conditions (depression, anxiety, aggression, impulse control, mood, and other personality traits).
Until recently, it was widely proposed that most concussions are temporary and reversible injuries, and that most individuals who sustain a concussion eventually achieve a full recovery, since the observable symptoms eventually returned to their pre-injury status or baseline levels. However, it is now understood that underlying physiological changes may be present even in the absence of any diagnosed symptoms in the first place. It is also now recognized that head impacts can initiate complex molecular and metabolic pathologies, along with neurotoxic and neuro-inflammatory reactions, which may lead to longer term neurodegenerative disorders.
The various injuries described above may be the result of a single impact event, or may be caused by cumulative physiological changes from multiple impacts over time, and the corresponding physiological change thresholds may differ. The various physiological changes and observed symptoms arising from impact injuries may not all be present at the time of injury, but may instead evolve over time. Certain injuries may be risk factors for later conditions, triggering or contributing to progressive deterioration or long term degenerative consequences. For example, repetitive impacts to the knees, hips, and ankles are a major risk factor for the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis many years post-injury, often leading to severely limited mobility due to joint pain, swelling, and fluid accumulation that result from deterioration of cartilage and bones. Repetitive head impacts are now known to be a significant risk factor for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a debilitating degenerative disease of the brain.
Because of the wide range of cognitive, motor, and sensory impairments that can arise from repetitive head impacts, as well as changes in mood, behavior, and personality, this issue is now recognized as an enormous public health challenge. Although much attention has been directed specifically at the issue of concussion injuries, a significant volume of evidence has revealed that physiological changes in the brain resulting from the accumulation of many small direct or indirect head impacts, none of which on their own trigger any concussion symptoms, also lead to neurological injuries and long-term degenerative neural disorders, and significantly increase the head impact injury risk pool. Because of this evidence, concussions are beginning to be viewed not as a single distinct class of injury, but as one segment of a wide and continuous spectrum of cumulative head impact injuries that all trigger some level of axonal damage, often referred to as diffuse axonal injury (DAI). This spectrum of injuries is characterized by highly heterogeneous and multifactorial disorders, complex and diverse pathological changes that may continue for months or years, and some epidemiological support showing associations with other classical chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). The prevalence of CTE in subjects with no history of concussion suggests that sub-concussive hits are sufficient to lead to the development of CTE, and it has recently been argued that it is the chronic and repetitive nature of head trauma, irrespective of concussive symptoms, that is the most important driver of disease.
A variety of wearable devices have been developed and utilized in attempts to predict the occurrence of concussion injuries based on measured impact biomechanics such as the number of impacts or the linear and rotational head acceleration or velocity. None of these tools, however, are effective at monitoring and limiting brain injury risks arising from exposure to head impacts accumulated over time, in the absence of any reported or diagnosed concussion symptoms.
Given the above complexities and potential long-term risks of impact injuries, there is a need for more effective means of assessing physiological changes and injury severity to the head and other body parts at the time of impact, and to track cumulative injury risks over time to improve injury prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as provide objective support for remove-from-play and return-to-play decisions. The present invention enables significant advances and improvements in real-time monitoring of impact injury risks and recovery by providing guidance to users and supervisory personnel when a user should be removed from activity to avoid onset or further accumulation of transient or permanent physiological changes that are indicative of potential injury or progressive deterioration due to exposure to mechanical impacts. The present invention also provides guidance to users and supervisory personnel when a user can return to activity following sufficient recovery from transient physiological changes.
An apparatus has a housing adapted for mechanical coupling with a skull of a human. A first sensor is positioned in the housing to collect linear motion signals. A second sensor is positioned in the housing to collect rotational motion signals. A processor is positioned in the housing connected to the first sensor and the second sensor. The processor is configured to process the linear motion signals and the rotational motion signals to derive a cumulative impact power measure of repetitive sub-concussive head impacts. The cumulative impact power measure is compared to a threshold indicative of the onset of neural tissue deformations corresponding to physiological changes from repetitive sub-concussive head impacts. An alert is supplied when the cumulative impact power measure is proximate the threshold.
Preferred and alternative examples of the present invention are described in detail below with reference to the following drawings.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research have both shown that repeated head impacts, from a single season of soccer or football for example, result in objectively measurable brain damage in the absence of diagnosed concussion symptoms. The current invention has been used to show that routine sub-concussive impacts in many athletic activities can transfer mechanical powers in the range 0.25 kW-5 kW per impact from the outside environment to an athlete's brain. In parallel, high-angular-resolution diffusion spectrum MRI (DSI) imaging and voxel-wise multi-dimensional anisotropy (MDA) techniques have been developed, and their application has revealed that the accumulation of multiple sub-concussive head impacts at these levels during athletic training and competition generates observable transient and persistent physiological changes to the brain, even in the absence of any reported or diagnosed concussion symptoms. These physiological changes indicate the presence of both localized and diffuse damage to neural cells and tissues, as well as damage that can contribute to progressive deterioration over time.
The data in
A shown in
In the present invention, MRI diffusion weighted images (DWI) using diffusion spectrum image (DSI) sampling at 2.0×2.0×2.0 mm3 resolution were acquired using a Siemens 3T Prisma scanner, for athletes exposed to sub-concussive head impacts, at multiple time points throughout the season: scan 1 at the beginning of the season, scan 2 in the middle of the season, scan 3 at the end of the season, and scan 4 three months after the season was over (washout period and pseudo-baseline). As a control group, four DSI scans were also acquired over the same period for age- and gender-matched healthy subjects without high risks for head trauma or history of concussion. High resolution (0.94 mm3) isotropic T1 and T2 weighted scans were also acquired for all subjects. Each diffusion dataset consisted of a series of images in 257 diffusion directions, from which spatial diffusion images were reconstructed using the generalized q-ball imaging (GQI) algorithm as implemented in DSI-Studio, following which generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) images were extracted. Multimodal spatial normalization (ANTs) was applied to previously skull stripped, aligned, and distortion corrected T1 and T2 weighted volumes, which were previously rigidly registered to the subject's GFA volume. The ANTs symmetric group-wise normalization (SyGN) method was utilized to construct a custom multimodal population-specific brain template of all subjects, centered in MNI space. For each diffusion scan, primary (MDA0), second order (MDA1), and third order (MDA2) anisotropy values were calculated at each WM voxel and then spatially normalized at an isotropic spatial resolution of 1 mm3. MDA values have been shown analytically and experimentally to be an important alternative to widely utilized fractional anisotropy (FA) or GFA measures of WM because they provide information about diffusivity in more than one direction, and can thus provide superior accuracy and differentiation of the underlying white matter structure and account for anisotropy in regions with multi-directional fiber crossings. Both local and global diffusion changes within brain WM were assessed for the players vs. the controls.
To explore local changes of primary anisotropy (MDA0), each player's and control's end-of-season scan (scan 3) was normalized (as a % change) with the same participant's out-of-season washout scan (scan 4). Differences in these normalized scan-3 MDA0 values between players and controls were estimated in SPM12 with an unpaired t-test with exploratory statistical significance thresholds of p<0.005 and p<0.0005).
To estimate global changes of MDA0 and MDA1 diffusion, a 99.9% confidence limit of expected diffusion values was defined from the out-of-season washout scan (scan 4) at each voxel; this procedure was done separately for the players and controls. The numbers of voxels in WM surpassing the expected limit were then summed for each player and control in each of their respective scans 1, 2 and 3. A t-test was used to determine if there was a significantly greater than expected number of outlier values of MDA0 or MDA1 in the players for scans 1, 2 and 3.
When the number of outlier voxels in the above WM clusters was plotted as a function of the maximum cumulative daily impact dose, along with the total cumulative impact power measured over the 1-day and 2, 3, and 4-week periods immediately preceding each player's mid-season scan, the data exhibited a non-linear relationship, as shown in
To test the hypotheses that global impact-related diffusion changes might demonstrate a regional susceptibility (deep vs. superficial WM) or local structural susceptibility (single vs. multiple fiber crossings), we partitioned the white matter into four compartments. To do this, we first processed 467 diffusion scans from the Human Connectome Project data set as described above. From this, we created an independent probability map indicating whether a white matter voxel was most likely (>70% of the population) to consist of only a single fiber track (MDA0 but no MDA1 or MDA2 above noise threshold) or to consist of more than a single fiber track (MDA1 and MDA2 above noise threshold). These two compartments were then divided into those WM voxels that were within 2 mm of the gray matter (superficial WM) and those that were deeper than 2 mm from the gray matter (deep WM). These four compartments are shown in
The MDA0 data was utilized first to test for a group effect (players vs. controls), as well as potential WM region (superficial or deep) or local WM structure (1 or >1 fiber directions) interactions. We ran a fully factored 4-way ANOVA based on subject-specific averaged MDA0 percentage difference from scan 4, averaging within each of the three in-season scans and within each of the two WM regions and two WM fiber crossing categories. After dropping insignificant terms, group (players vs. controls) was the only remaining significant effect (F=41.23 on 1 and 206 df, p<1e-09).
These results demonstrate a significant difference of diffusion anisotropy throughout the white matter of soccer players throughout the season (scans 1, 2, and 3), compared with the pseudo-baseline values observed following the 4-month washout period. For the controls, none of the in-season (scan 1, 2, or 3) MDA values were statistically different from the corresponding washout values (scan 4). The diffusion changes observed for the players are similar across all four WM compartments, and show no statistically significant differences in the degree of change between superficial vs. deep WM, or between WM regions with different local structure (1 or >1 fiber directions).
The MDA0 data was next utilized to investigate the hypothesis that lower accumulated exposure doses may initially trigger transient physiological changes in the brain WM, whereas accumulated exposure doses above an observable threshold may trigger persistent WM changes, or WM changes that require a longer recovery time.
Above the damage threshold illustrated in
The present invention demonstrates that the cumulative mechanical power transferred to the brain is a valid neuro-mechanical biomarker for cumulative impact trauma, and that the linear, rotational, and total mechanical power can be calculated directly from the outputs of a MEMS accelerometer and MEMS gyroscope within a universally deployable wearable device. In addition, most spurious impacts, even if they register high peak linear and rotational accelerations, are observed to have small physical displacements, and hence contribute minimal errors to measurements of cumulative impact power.
The observation that global diffusion changes emerge throughout an athletic season as players accumulate head impacts (
The present invention might also help to assess reorganization or recovery processes occurring after head trauma, and therefore enable the investigation of white matter plasticity. As shown in
This invention has shown that the measurement of longitudinal changes in white matter diffusion using high-angular-resolution DSI imaging and voxel-wise MDA estimates, combined with the measurement of head impact biomechanics using wearable sensors, enables detection and characterization of sub-concussive head trauma via calibration of the sensor using the DSI results. The current invention may also be utilized to characterize localized mechanical damage thresholds and the temporal evolution of corresponding physiological, biochemical, and neuropsychological manifestations.
These findings demonstrate the applicability and reliability of DSI techniques for assessing brain injuries at a microscopic level, and reveal the correlation between neuro-mechanical biomarkers and neuroimaging biomarkers in deriving parameters of tissue integrity/physiological changes.
The present invention is generally applicable to any body part susceptible to mechanical impact injuries and to which an IMD can be attached using methods described in further detail below. An IMD attached to a specific body part can be used to determine the above impact forces, torques, displacements, and impact durations, which in turn can be used to calculate the energy and power transferred to the body part due to impact exposure. It is an object of this invention to use biomechanical sensor data to provide critical mechanical loading information for single impact events and cumulative exposure to multiple impacts over time. A biomarker derived directly from the mechanical loading and correlated with physiological changes that are indicative of injury or progressive deterioration to the specific body part as a function of impact biomechanics would have universal applicability for athlete safety and performance monitoring, and may help to better understand the early biological changes which occur after acute injury.
One or more components of the transferred power can be used as a biomarker which, when compared to physiological change thresholds, is indicative of the potential severity of the injury resulting from the impact exposure. Physiological change thresholds can be stored in the IMD for a population of similar users, and be used to alert the wearer or supervisory personnel in real time when a specific injury threshold is being approached or has been exceeded.
As illustrated in
As illustrated in
With reference to the block diagram of
In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention shown in
As illustrated in
As illustrated in
As illustrated in
To fit behind ear, the overall dimensions of the IMD should not exceed approximately 22 mm in length, 13 mm in width, or 5 mm in thickness. To avoid distortions in motion measurement due to mass-spring motion of the sensor on the user's skin, the mass of the IMD should not exceed 2 gr. To eliminate external electrical contacts and enable hermetic sealing for environmental stability and in-mouth applications, the IMD utilizes wireless input and output of control and data signals, as well as wireless power delivery for battery charging and operation. To enable secure and simultaneous data and control I/O to 10 or more devices over a range of 100 m or greater (typical of an athletic playing field or stadium), and connectivity to existing smart grid or smart city utility networks, the IMD utilizes a multi-channel 868/915 MHz radio transceiver.
Since the single heaviest component in the IMD is typically the battery, the mass of the impact sensor can be further reduced, to minimize motion on the user's skin, by segmenting the device into two sections as illustrated in
In one version of the invention, a separate adhesive sticker is used to attach the IMD to the user. In this configuration, the sticker may be discarded after each use. In a preferred version incorporating a separate adhesive sticker, the sticker includes a device adhesion area that matches the footprint of the IMD surface to which the sticker is to be attached. The sticker includes a backing sheet that covers the IMD adhesive area until the sticker and IMD are ready for use. At the time of use, the backing sheet is removed to expose the adhesive and the IMD is attached to the exposed adhesive of the device adhesion area. The opposing side of the sticker likewise includes a backing sheet covering an adhesive formulated to stick to the user's skin. To attach the IMD to the user's head, such as shown in
In an alternate version of the invention, the sticker includes an adhesive back side as described above to attach to the user, but incorporates a hook and loop (“Velcro”) or similar fastener on the front side for attaching the IMB to the sticker; the front side of the sticker includes a first component of a hook and loop fastener while the back side of the IMB includes the second complementary component of a hook and loop fastener, thereby allowing the IMD to be removably attached to the sticker.
In another alternative version of the invention, a reusable adhesive is attached to the skin-facing side of the IMB, as shown in
In further alternate versions of the invention, the sticker includes a sleeve, box, pouch, or other similar enclosure into which the IMB can be removably inserted.
MEMS accelerometers measure the linear components of an applied force. The force of an impact generates a displacement of an internal test mass mounted on a miniature cantilever beam, membrane, or spring assembly, which changes the internal capacitance of the structure and generates a voltage. A three axis MEMS accelerometer generates three output voltages VLX(t), VLY(t), TLZ(t) that are proportional to the three corresponding linear components of the applied force due to the impact. These output voltages are read by the processor. Given the calibrated relationship between the applied force, the internal test mass, and the resulting acceleration of the sensor, calibrated scaling factors SLX, SLY, SLZ are generated for the accelerometer and provided by the manufacturer. The three linear acceleration components of the sensor's motion are calculated in the IMD CPU by multiplying the measured output voltages by the corresponding scaling factors:
MEMS gyroscopes measure the angular components of any rotational velocity of the head and sensor that results from an impact. The rotational motion also generates a displacement of an internal test mass mounted on a miniature cantilever beam, membrane, or spring assembly, which changes the internal capacitance of the structure and generates a voltage. A three axis MEMS gyroscope generates three output voltages VRX(t), VRY(t), VRZ(t) that are proportional to the three corresponding rotational velocity components generated by the impact. These output voltages are read by the processor. Given the calibrated relationship between the applied torque, the moment of inertia of the internal test mass, and the resulting rotational velocity of the sensor, calibrated scaling factors SRX, SRY, SRZ are generated for the gyroscope and provided by the manufacturer. The three rotational velocity components of the sensor's motion are calculated in the IMD CPU by multiplying the measured output voltages by the corresponding scaling factors:
With efficient and low-distortion coupling between the sensor and the head, as provided for in the invention, the linear and rotational motion of the head at the location of the sensor will be the same as the linear and rotational motion of the sensor itself.
With reference to
where mB is the mass of the brain, aL(t) is the linear acceleration during the time interval Δt, ΔdL(t) is the incremental linear displacement of the sensor during the time interval Δt, vL(t)=ΔdL(t)/Δt is the linear velocity during the time interval Δt beginning at t1 and ending at t2, calculated as
The processor also reads the gyroscope output voltages VRX(t), VRY(t), VRZ(t) at a pre-selected sampling rate for the duration of the impact event, and calculates the sensor rotational velocity components vRX(t), vRY(t), vRZ(t) as described above for each sampling time interval Δt during the impact event. Assuming that the rotational motion of the brain is the same as the rotational motion of the head, the corresponding incremental rotational power ΔPR(t) transferred to the brain during each time interval Δt during an impact event can be calculated in the processor:
where IB is the moment of inertia of the brain, Δθ
As shown in
Using the following average values of the human brain, for example: m=1.3 kg, a=83 mm, b=70 mm, c=46 mm:
x,CoM=0.0018 kg m2
x,CoM=0.0023 kg m2
x,CoM=0.0030 kg m2
As shown in
The corresponding moments of inertia for the brain are then given by:
x=0.0045 kg m2
y=0.0051 kg m2
z=0.0030 kg m2
The above values for the moment of inertia of the brain are consistent with those measured using human cadavers and calculated using detailed finite element models of the human head, neck, and brain.
At the end of each time interval Δt during an impact event, the CPU stores the following data in the IMD's data memory:
{t1, t2, Δt, aL(t), ΔPL(t), vR(t), aR(t), ΔPR(t)}
The processor also calculates and stores updated values of the total impact power transferred to the brain for the current impact
At the end of each impact event, the CPU calculates and stores the final value of the total power transferred to the brain during the impact event, Pimp. The CPU then calculates and stores an updated value of the accumulated impact power for all impact events that have occurred during the current period of time for which this value is being monitored:
The CPU then utilizes one or more of the twelve individual x, y, z components of the linear and rotational contributions to Pimp and Pacc, or a combination of any two or more components, to calculate the value of a neuro-mechanical biomarker Bnm. Next, the CPU compares the calculated value of Bnm to a corresponding injury risk threshold value stored in the device for the wearer; and sets an alarm if a threshold is met or exceeded. For example, the CPU may calculate Bnm=Pimp and set an alarm if Pimp exceeds a single impact power threshold value that has been stored for the device wearer (Pimp≥Pth,imp) or if Pacc exceeds an accumulated impact power threshold value that has been stored for the device wearer (Pacc≥Pth,acc).
Once an alarm has been set as described above, the IMD can utilize one of several methods to signal the alarm condition directly to the wearer of the device or to supervisory personnel monitoring the wearer of the device. In some embodiments of the invention, the I/O component of the IMD may include the ability to signal the alarm condition directly to the wearer through an onboard vibrational or auditory element, such as a MEMS speaker, or directly to local supervisory personnel via an auditory element, such as a MEMS speaker, or an optical element, such as an LED. In other embodiments, the alarm signal is transmitted from the IMD to the charger/wireless base station using the long range 868/915 MHz radio, and may be routed further from the charger/wireless base station to supervisory personnel devices or other remote locations via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or USB connectivity.
In the preferred embodiment, all of the above steps are implemented substantially in real time at the time immediately following each impact event to which the user is exposed.
A key benefit of the invention compared to other approaches for impact injury monitoring is the elimination of the need to carry out iterative manual inspections and computerized analyses of sensor motion traces to filter out non-impact events. Even if these non-impact events generate spurious motion of the IMD with large peak linear or rotational accelerations, the linear displacement of the sensor during these spurious impacts (˜1 mm) is typically at least two orders of magnitude lower than during a real impact (˜10 cm), hence the velocity and resulting contribution to the measured power is typically negligible. In one embodiment of the present invention, spurious impacts can be filtered from the measured power by neglecting any events for which the linear displacement of the sensor is less than a preset threshold, for example 5 mm.
In a preferred embodiment of the current invention, the threshold value Bnm for a single impact is Pth,imp, and is initially set equal to 10 kW, and the threshold value of Bnm for cumulative impacts is Pth,acc, and is initially set equal to 35 kW within any two-hour period, based on data available from studies completed to date. These injury thresholds can then be adjusted for individual users based on additional data collected for a generalized population of similar users based on metrics such as the user's height, weight, age, gender, strength of one or more portions of their body, previous injury history, and genetic predisposition to injury risk, as well as the specific risk-generating activities in which the user is participating. The injury thresholds may also include dynamic metrics such as the user's level of hydration, fatigue level, recent energy expenditure, and levels of specific electrolytes, metabolites, brain injury biomarkers, or other chemical substances measured in the user's cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, blood, saliva, perspiration, or urine.
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a lookup table is stored in the onboard IMD memory, and contains threshold values of Bnm and values of all static and dynamic metrics used to calculate Bnm for the user. The lookup table may be updated manually during IMD configuration, or may be updated automatically as part of a computer or cloud-based injury management application or service.
In another preferred embodiment of the invention, more complex shapes than the solid ellipsoid illustrated in
Other embodiments of the current invention may utilize different methods to detect the start and the end of an impact event. The start of an impact event can be based on methods as simple as waiting for the linear acceleration to exceed 10 g, since this is above the maximum value typically observed for simple running motion. Both the start and the end of an impact event can also be determined using more complex motion classification algorithms, including such algorithms available in commercial MEMS sensors.
The multi-unit charger box is further equipped with USB, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth connectivity in order to communicate with software or browser applications running on smartphones, tablets, other mobile devices, PCs, remote hubs, routers, or servers, or in the cloud, and used to control, configure, or manage the IMD devices. The IMD devices themselves, whether physically inserted in a charger or worn by users, can communicate with the charger box via the multi-channel 868/915 MHz radio link. Functions provided by the software or browser applications include: managing user and team rosters; assigning sensor devices to specific users; managing, downloading, and displaying impact data stored in the device's memory; and transferring data from sensor devices to computer or cloud-based data storage, analytics, and reporting components.
In another embodiment of the present invention shown in
In another embodiment of the present invention shown in
It is useful for the electronics system within the IMD to have a positional and axial frame of reference when attached to the wearer. In one embodiment of the invention, the enclosure may include a directional indicator to guide application of the IMD in a particular orientation, aiding in determining the axial reference frame of the IMD on the user. In other versions, the IMD may employ other visual, physical, or electronic means for determining an axial frame of reference.
A preferred IMD may optionally utilize outputs from the MEMS accelerometer and gyroscope, or from a separate orientation sensor, such as a MEMS magnetometer, together with algorithms stored in memory, to determine its orientation on the user. Low-cost MEMS orientation sensors are available that are small enough in size to be incorporated into a preferred embodiment of the IMD to provide information to the processor regarding the positional orientation of the device. The IMD would preferably also include a visual indicator of a preferred orientation for the device when attached to the wearer, for example indicating with an LED when the IMD is oriented to within ±5 degrees of each of the three perpendicular linear axes defining the orientation of the head when the user is standing vertically and facing straight forward toward magnetic north.
Additional sensors may also be incorporated into the IMD. One such sensor is an altimeter that can monitor the vertical position of the head with respect to the ground with centimeter accuracy, and quickly determine whether the user has experienced a fall in conjunction with an impact event.
Another such sensor is a magnetometer that can monitor the horizontal directional orientation of the head with respect to magnetic north with degree accuracy, to aid in establishing an absolute reference orientation for the device on the user's head.
Another such sensor is a thermometer configured to detect the temperature of the surface on which the IMD is mounted. Preferably, the thermometer is positioned sufficiently close to the user-facing surface of the IMD, or through an opening in the adhesive, such that the thermometer will detect the temperature of the wearer at the location of the IMD. In one version, the detected temperature may be used to determine IMD proximity to the skin and therefore whether the IMD is attached to a user. In other versions, the thermometer data is collected and associated with impact sensor data to facilitate evaluation of the overall health of the wearer, or the safety of the user's surrounding environment.
Further embodiments of the IMD may include a heart rate sensor. As with a temperature sensor, the heart rate sensor may be used to detect the presence of a pulse of the wearer and thereby confirm that the IMD is positioned on a living person. In addition, heart rate data may be collected by the IMD and stored in the memory to track the user's heart rate, particularly at times before and after an impact event.
An additional embodiment of the IMD may include a hydration sensor such as a low-cost, small microelectromechanical MEMS sensor. The hydration sensor is positioned in the IMD to make sufficient contact with the skin in order to detect the hydration of the wearer, preferably by being configured to extend through an opening in the adhesive. Similarly, the IMD may include one or more chemical sensors to detect and enable evaluation of the concentration of electrolytes, metabolites, brain injury biomarkers, or other chemical substances that may be present in the user's perspiration or subdural blood flow. Impact injury thresholds may be modified in real time during the user's activities as a function of the chemical levels measured with the above sensors.
In another embodiment of the present invention, remove-from activity and safe return-to-activity status are determined by utilizing one or more components of the inherent body sway power or statistical gait irregularities, alone or in combination, as a physio-mechanical biomarkers whose values are each compared to a baseline value for the user stored in the device for both single impact events and cumulative sequences of impacts. The baseline values may be determined directly from postural sway and gait measurements of the user made with the IMD, or may be based on postural sway and gait data for a generalized population of similar users. Deviations from the baseline values are used to assess the degree of accumulation of permanent physiological changes and the degree of recovery from transient physiological changes, to generate alerts when a user should be removed from activity, and to generate alerts when a user can return to active following sufficient recovery from transient physiological changes.
Balance impairments due to vestibular dysfunction are triggered by repetitive sub-concussive head impacts at levels that can be detected via postural sway measurements using a variety of instruments. As illustrated in
More recently, studies of postural sway in healthy individuals and patients suffering from Parkinsons's disease have demonstrated very good correlation between motion data measured using head-mounted and belt-mounted accelerometers, indicating that an IMD can be utilized to directly measure and correlate motion disorders resulting from cumulative head impact loads measured by the same device.
Wearable sensor data has also shown that variations in the step-to-step and stride-to-stride regularity of medial-lateral (ML), anterior-posterior (AP), and vertical (V) head accelerations provide a sensitive complementary measure of motion disorders when the user is in motion, as illustrated in
The present invention enables significant advances and improvements in real-time monitoring of impact injury risks by allowing supervisory personnel to continuously monitor balance control and motion deficits and correlate these changes in real time with cumulative head impact power, using a single IMD device that can calculate:
In one embodiment of the invention, when the user is determined by the IMD to be in a quiet stance, an audio alert can be given to the user that a postural sway measurement is about to begin and they should remain standing in place for a predetermined period of time, for example between 10 seconds and 60 seconds. A second audio alert can be given to the user when the measurement period has ended, so that they no longer need to remain standing in place.
One benefit of the current invention over waist/torso-mounted sensors and force plates is enhanced sensitivity to abnormal strategies of head stabilization following repetitive head impacts, which lead to en bloc movement of the head and upper torso and faster angular velocities/higher total sway powers for the head and upper torso, illustrated by the larger total sway path length observed for head-mounted vs. waist-mounted accelerometers in
A further benefit of the present invention is that direct measurement by an IMB, throughout training or competition activities, of both total sway power when the user is determined by the IMD to be in a quiet stance, and variations in the regularity of step-to-step and stride-to-stride acceleration when the user is determined by the IMB to be walking or running, allows more accurate isolation of motion deficits due to cumulative head impacts versus those due to other confounding variables such as physical exhaustion and dehydration, together with a more comprehensive multi-variate determination of objective remove-from-activity and return-to-activity conditions.
In another embodiment of the present invention, remove-from activity and safe return-to-activity status are determined by utilizing one or more components of eye-tracking motion, including fixations, saccades, vergence movements, smooth pursuit, and the vestibular-ocular reflex, alone or in combination, as neurophysiological biomarkers whose values are each compared to a baseline value for the user stored in the device for both single impact events and cumulative sequences of impacts. The baseline values may be determined directly from corrected eye-tracking measurements of the user made with an IMB and eye-tracking device (ETD), or may be based on eye-tracking data for a generalized population of similar users. Deviations from the baseline values are used to assess the degree of accumulation of permanent physiological changes and the degree of recovery from transient physiological changes, to generate alerts when a user should be removed from activity, and to generate alerts when a user can return to activity following sufficient recovery from transient physiological changes.
As illustrated in
In another embodiment of the present invention, remove-from activity and safe return-to-activity status are determined by utilizing one or more components of corrected eye-tracking motion, including fixations, saccades, vergence movements, smooth pursuit, and the vestibular-ocular reflex, alone or in combination, to derive a neurophysiological biomarker that can quantify deficits in the user's ability to direct their visual attention. The measured value of this neurophysiological biomarker is compared to a baseline value for the user stored in the device for both single impact events and cumulative sequences of impacts. The baseline values may be determined directly from corrected eye-tracking measurements of the user made with an IMD and eye-tracking device (ETD), or may be based on eye-tracking data for a generalized population of similar users. Deviations from the baseline values are used to assess the degree of accumulation of permanent physiological changes and the degree of recovery from transient physiological changes, to generate alerts when a user should be removed from activity, and to generate alerts when a user can return to activity following sufficient recovery from transient physiological changes.
As illustrated in
Large-scale quantitative analyses of fixation points and gaze paths provide ground truth data for research into visual perception, and large collections of images and eye-tracking data are available in databases that have been made available for vision and graphics research communities. This ground truth data reveals many visual attention strategies common to all viewers. For example, as illustrated in
In one embodiment of the current invention, eye-tracking is utilized to detect deficits in the user's visual attention that lead to changes in coverage area of the ground truth scan path within static and moving images presented for viewing. The basic steps involved in this process are illustrated in
In order to overcome the strong bias for human fixations to be near the center of the image, and to present opportunities for users to fixate on the same location within an image as well as to disperse viewers' fixations more widely over the image, we utilize a combination of images with one central object, as well as images with multiple objects and textures (
At the beginning of each eye-tracking test, a calibration procedure is carried out in which the user's attention is directed to 5 points on the screen (
In one embodiment of the present invention, following head impact exposure, the user is presented with a series of 10 static images, as illustrated in
In another embodiment of the present invention, following head impact exposure, the user is presented with four series of three images each moving across the screen, as illustrated in
While the preferred embodiment of the invention has been illustrated and described above, many changes can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, including use to monitor impact risks to many parts of the body and in many hazardous situations, use of many different methods of attachment to the body, and the integration of additional sensors to further aid in determining motion of the user, calculating values of other relevant injury biomarkers, or adjusting impact injury thresholds for remove-from-activity and return-to-activity guidance. Accordingly, the scope of the invention is not limited by the disclosure of the preferred embodiment. Instead, the invention should be determined entirely by reference to the claims that follow.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/412,979, filed Oct. 26, 2016, U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/437,951, filed Dec. 22, 2016, U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/544,905, filed Aug. 14, 2017, U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/553,886, filed Sep. 3, 2017, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/560,969, filed Sep. 20, 2017, the contents of each such application is incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
62560969 | Sep 2017 | US | |
62553886 | Sep 2017 | US | |
62544905 | Aug 2017 | US | |
62437951 | Dec 2016 | US | |
62412979 | Oct 2016 | US |