The present invention relates generally to binding elements for holding a plurality of perforated sheets or the like, and more specifically to automated processes and machines for handling and binding a plurality of successive perforated sheets into a book.
Typically, mechanically bound books are created using either relatively small, inexpensive machines that require a significant amount of labor to create each book, or large, expensive machines that require much less labor per book. Use of small, inexpensive machines is widespread inasmuch as they are present in many offices. Such machines are adequate for creating relatively small quantities of books, provided the operator has received some training in their use and has sufficient time to devote to the effort of making the books. As the number of books to be assembled increases, however, the manpower required is significant when utilizing such small, inexpensive machines. In practice, it is not uncommon for operators to spend an hour or more assembling twenty to fifty books.
Automated machines, on the other hand, are relatively uncommon in offices. Rather, they are most often found in dedicated print shops or binderies. While these machines may be capable of creating the twenty to fifty books in as little as two to five minutes, the size and cost of automated machines can be prohibitive to smaller or occasional users. As a result, these more efficient, automated machines are typically available to only a very small percentage of people who desire mechanically bound books. Further, it is often time consuming for operators to set up such automated machines or to modify machines to change from one size or color of binding element to another. The specialized training required to operate and set-up automated binding machines further limits benefits available to general office users.
The preceding two decades have witnessed a dramatic change in the way documents are created and printed, however. The advent and adoption of personal computers and word processing software have greatly increased the user's options for production of documentation. Significant decreases in the cost of computers and printers, along with significant strides in efficiency and power have allowed nearly anyone the ability to design and print pamphlets, manuals, books, calendars and the like. As the ability to design and print documents has become widespread, the amount of time required to create a document has dropped dramatically. Unfortunately, however, for a majority of the people creating these documents, the ability to do mechanical binding has not improved significantly over the past two decades.
The ability to mechanically bind documents has not kept pace with the ability to create, edit and print the documents due in large part to fundamental problems with the currently available binding styles. Various types of binding elements have been utilized to mechanically bind a stack of perforated sheets or the like, including metal spiral wire or plastic spiral, double loop wire, wire comb, or hanger-type designs, plastic comb, hot-knife or cold-knife strip (marketed by the assignee of the present invention as VeloBind®), loose leaf binders, such as 3-ring binders, and other dedicated mechanical binding structures, such as the assignee's ProClick®. Examples of such binding elements which are of a wire comb or hanger-type design are disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 2,112,389 to Trussell and U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,832,370 and 4,873,858 to Jones, while machines for assembling such binders are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,031,585 to Adams, U.S. Pat. No. 4,398,856 to Archer et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,525,117 to Jones, U.S. Pat. No. 4,934,890 to Flatt, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,370,489 to Bagroky. Other binding devices are disclosed, for example, in the following references: U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,089,881 and 2,363,848 to Emmer, U.S. Pat. No. 2,435,848 to Schade, U.S. Pat. No. 2,466,451 to Liebman, U.S. Pat. No. 4,607,970 to Heusenkveld, U.S. Pat. No. 4,904,103 to Im, U.S. Pat. No. 5,028,159 to Ammich et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,369,013, Reexamination Certificate B1 U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,369,013 and Re. 28,202 to Abildgaard et al. Machines for assembling plastic comb or finger binding elements are disclosed in patents such as U.S. Pat. No. 4,645,399 to Scharer, U.S. Pat. No. 4,900,211 to Vercillo, U.S. Pat. No. 5,090,859 to Nanos et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 5,464,312 to Hotkowski et al. Nail-type and VeloBind® elements are disclosed in patents such as U.S. Pat. No. 4,620,724 to Abildgaard et al., and U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,685,700, 4,674,906, and 4,722,626 to Abildgaard. All patents and publications referenced in this disclosure are included herein by reference.
Non-spiral binding elements typically include a spine from which a plurality of fingers extends that may be assembled through perforations in a stack of sheets. This spine may be linear, with or without a longitudinally extending hinge. Alternately, the spine may be formed by sequential bending of a wire, as with wire comb or hanger type binding elements. While each of these binding arrangements has its advantages, each suffers from various limitations particular to the type of binding.
Due to the structure of such binding devices, which typically include elongated spines and fingers, the binding devices commonly become entangled when stored in a group. Detangling the binding elements in order to assemble and individual element into a stack of sheets or lay the element into a binding machine can be a tedious and potentially time-consuming process. Further, this tendency to become entangled may complicate or prevent the use of such binding devices in automated binding processes or machines wherein an automated feed is desirable. The time required to manually feed binding elements into a machine would be prohibitive to efficient, high-volume automated binding operations. Moreover, maintaining an inventory of such binding elements in an automated machine can require a large volume of space within the machine, necessitating a relatively large footprint.
Due to the structure of such binding devices, which typically include predetermined length of fingers for a given binding element, the binding devices are commonly utilized to bind pre-selected thicknesses of stacks of sheets or, alternately, only a limited range of thicknesses of stacks of sheets. As a result, a user that may have the occasion to bind a larger range of stack thicknesses would be required to maintain an inventory of a range of sizes of binding elements. This inventory of various sizes of binding elements may be further multiplied when a user may bind a range of sizes of sheets themselves, i.e., when the stacks of sheets to be bound vary in length. This problem would be compounded in an automated binding process, requiring a large element storage space within the machine and/or frequent element changes within the machine to accommodate varied book sizes.
In order to accommodate varying thicknesses of stacks of sheets to be bound, various binding designs have been proposed. U.S. Pat. No. 2,779,987 to Jordan discloses a first strip from which two prongs extend, each of which is received in an opening in a retaining strip, wherein the retaining strip includes a ratcheting structure that secures the prong in position. More commonly used designs typically include a pair of bendable prongs extending from a first strip, which are inserted through openings in the stack of sheets and then into openings in a retaining strip. Each bendable prong is then bent over such that it is disposed substantially adjacent the axis of the retaining strip and then held in position by an interlocking structure or a locking flange or the like, which is slid over the bent end of the prong. Examples of binding structures of this type are disclosed in patents such as the following: U.S. Pat. No. 699,290 to Daniel; U.S. Pat. No. 2,328,416 to Blizard et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 3,224,450 to Whittemore et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 4,070,736 to Land; U.S. Pat. No. 4,121,892 to Nes; U.S. Pat. No. 4,202,645 to Sjöstedt; U.S. Pat. No. 4,288,170 to Barber; U.S. Pat. No. 4,302,123 to Dengler et al.; U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,304,499, 4,453,850, and 4,453,851 to Purcocks; U.S. Pat. No. 4,305,675 to Jacinto; and Great Britain Patent 1,225,120. In such designs, the user can typically reopen the resulting bound structure in order to remove or add further sheets.
A more complex design is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,970,331 to Giulie. The Giulie design is intended for use in libraries or other institutions for replacing the bindings on books or providing permanent bindings on magazines or the like. The binding structure is designed for assembly without the use of expensive machinery for clamping a book together, or the application of heat or mechanical pressure. The Giulie binding structure includes a pair of backing strips that are positioned along opposite sides of the stack of sheets adjacent preformed holes along one edge of the stack. One of the backing strips includes a plurality of studs having ratchet teeth, the other including a series of holes having a mating ratchet tooth. The studs ratchet through the holes, and a blocking means on the receiving strip is generally broken off of the strip and forced into the opening to permanently couple the studs within the openings. The studs may then be broken off or cut off. Thus, a book formed in this manner cannot be opened to edit the contents and then reengaged. Moreover, such a bound book cannot be readily folded back on itself, or lie open in a surface.
Such binding elements are not generally adaptable to highly automated binding machines. Automated binding machines require a supply of binding elements be located in or proximal to the device. The greater number of binding elements that can be loaded into a binding element magazine, the longer the machine can run without operator intervention. A smaller the overall size of the magazine, however, theoretically allows the machine to be designed with a smaller physical size.
While an element magazine of fifty to one hundred binding elements would seem ideal for general office use, the bulky nature of most currently available binding elements would generally make magazines required to accommodate such a large number of binding elements impractical. Loose-leaf binders, for example, are the poor from this standpoint inasmuch as the integral covers and ring assemblies take up considerable space. Although they can be nested one inside the other, a magazine of considerable length would be required to accommodate fifty to one hundred loose-leaf binders. Even if alternatingly stacked, this requires a considerable volume. For example, fifty binders capable of binding a one-half inch thick document would have a volume of 1700 cubic inches. Similarly, fifty plastic comb, metal spiral, double ring wire or plastic spiral binding elements would each require a volume on the order of 240 cubic inches, respectively, assuming that they are not allowed to mesh within each other and that they are provided to the machine already formed. ProClick® binding elements of the assignee of the present invention, assuming each element is provided to the machine in its open state, would require on the order of 320 cubic inches, while VeloBind®, likewise binding elements of the present assignee, would require on the order of 206 cubic inches. Each of these approximate volumes assumes that the elements are able rest in contact with each other in their most compact organization. Accordingly, these volume estimates do not include any provision for controlling orientation or assisting in delivery to the machine.
Packaging binding elements for automation presents significant additional challenges. The durability of the binding element itself may limit the methods by which binding elements are provided to an automated machine. Metal spiral and double loop wire, for example, are constructed of a thin metallic wire, which is relatively easy to deform, either before binding, which will make binding difficult or impossible, or after binding, which may impair page turning or damage the sheets themselves. Inasmuch as metal spiral and double loop wire binding elements are particularly susceptible to damage prior to binding, packaging of the binding element must protect the element for delivery to the binding machine.
Alternately, metal spiral and plastic coil elements are more efficient spatially when only the filament is provided to the binding machine and the binding machine itself creates the spiral or coil shape and binds the book. This method is utilized by many binderies in large, automated machines today. For fifty or one hundred elements, however, the space savings of this packaging are more than offset by the space required by the forming mechanism itself. Further, such coil formers introduce additional costs, as well as reliability and operator training issues.
When previously formed binding elements are utilized, not only must the element magazine contain a sufficient quantity of binding elements to minimize operator loading, it must support, align and present the binding elements in a form suitable for interaction with the binding machine. Thus, the binding elements must be presented such that the binding machine may remove an element from the magazine and position it in the binding mechanism for interaction with a stack of sheets and before finally finishing the book. The structure of virtually all loose binding elements, i.e. the elongated spine and fingers, makes them highly prone to tangling unless the elements are controlled by the magazine. Even plastic combs, which individually appear generally as a hollow tube with radial slots, sometimes become entangled when the spine of one element slips under the wrapped edge of another. As a result, if the packaging method does not control the elements, the binding machine must have sufficient mechanism to disentangle the elements. Such detangling mechanisms would presumably be prohibitively complex, as well as expensive and unreliable.
Large automated machines have attempted to control binding elements to eliminate or minimize tangling in various ways. For example, double loop wire is often formed as a continuous “rope” that is wound around a spool. To prevent entangling on the spool, a strip of paper or other separator material is wound jointly with the element to act as a barrier. This paper strip must be then unwound as the element is used and disposed of by the binding machine. Beyond the fact that the spools tend to be quite large (15-inch diameter spool that is 15 inches wide has a volume of 2650 cubic inches), this method adds cost to the element packaging, creates a waste product and adds an extra step during element changeover.
Plastic comb has been automated by attaching the binding elements to a continuous web of fanfold paper using an adhesive, as shown, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 5,584,633. The machine drives the paper using a tractor feed system and separates individual elements from the paper as needed. In practice, this system can be problematic, however, inasmuch as the adhesive may be sensitive to time and environmental factors. If the adhesive does not adequately retain the elements, the elements will either disconnect from the paper completely, or twist or rotate on the paper, resulting in waste elements and/or causing jams within the binding machine.
Plastic coil elements have also been delivered to binding machines in compartmented cartridges that keep each element separated from the others, preventing entangling, as shown, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 5,669,747. This system typically has the obvious disadvantages of high packaging cost and generally poor packing efficiency. The exception to this general rule has been VeloBind®, which is a two-part binding element structure with plastic male nails from one strip being received in female openings of another strip. VeloBind® has been efficiently packaged in cassettes of one hundred strips (e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,844,974, 5,051,050, and 5,383,756). While VeloBind® has proven to be a successful packaging and automation solution, a document bound with VeloBind® type elements cannot “lay flat”, i.e., remain opened flat without the user holding the pages. This characteristic limits VeloBind's® potential with users seeking a pure “lay flat” bound book arrangement. Further, the VeloBind® element does not allow pages to cleanly “wrap around” behind the book after turning, a feature that allows the document to consume less space during use.
Dimensional stability of the binding elements themselves also significantly affects automated binding processes. Many mechanical binding styles have inherent manufacturing variations or material properties that make it difficult to automate them successfully. For example, double loop wire consists of a single wire filament formed into a comb pattern. The fingers of the comb are then bent toward the spine to create a “C” profile. The binding process then forces the fingers toward their opposing root on the spine, closing the element and creating a round “O” shape. Since the metallic wire has some inherent elastic properties, the tips of the fingers must be forced past the root some distance in order to ensure the element is closed after spring back. The amount of over-travel necessary to get a correct bind depends on the diameter of the wire, the diameter of the loop, the wire material properties and any work hardening induced on the metallic wire during forming of the “C” shape. Manufacturers of wire binding elements use different brands of wire filament and utilize slightly different profiles for the shape of the loops. Within a given manufacturer's double loop wire binding elements, standard manufacturing tolerances will also cause enough variation from box to box that the required over-travel is not necessarily consistent. These variations require a binding machine to have an adjustable closing stroke or stop position, not only for size changes, but also for each batch of wire elements. This may be acceptable if the machine is being set up for a long run or an operator is in constant attendance. Unfortunately, however, it is very difficult to create an easy to set up, easy to change, reliable binding machine in view of such variations.
Pitch is also a concern with regard to automation of binding processes to provide a bound book with a professional appearance. Pitch is a particular problem with double wire in that the spacing between successive finger loops is not necessarily constant. As the comb shape is formed from a single filament, there is no continuous feature, or spine, on the element that holds each finger in position relative to the next one. The binding machine must then constrain or guide the fingers in order to ensure that they properly line up with the perforations in the sheets to be bound. This is also a problem for metal spiral and plastic coil binding elements. As these elements are, in essence, springs with a low spring constant, the binding machine must control and guide the axial position of the leading point on the element as it is rotated through the document.
Plastic coils have an additional disadvantage caused by their material properties. A plastic coil element is generally an extruded vinyl filament that is heated to a softening temperature range and wound around a mandrel before being allowed to cool. This process tends to leave stresses in the binding element similar to that found in injection molded plastic pieces. If the element is subsequently exposed to elevated temperatures, these stresses will cause the element to “relax,” changing the diameter, and, thus, the length of the element. Due to the low melt temperature of vinyl, these elevated temperatures can potentially be encountered during normal transportation, storage and usage. This is particularly problematic in the summer when the elements may be in a truck for several days during the transportation stage. These dimensional changes make feeding the element through the perforations more difficult and can impair the crimping process used to prevent the element from rotating out of the sheets after binding.
Thus, each of the binding elements currently known and available in the industry presents certain disadvantages, either in the packaging of the elements prior to binding, the automation of the binding process in connection with the elements, or in the qualities of a book bound by the elements. Even traditional loose-leaf binders are bulky and not readily, compactly packaged. They are cumbersome during use, and take up considerably more space than the documents they enclose. Further, even if the cover of a loose-leaf binder can wrap around behind the binder, the individual pages certainly cannot.
Accordingly, it is desirable to create binding elements and moderately priced, user-friendly, reliable mechanical binding machines that will be available other than exclusively to large volume binderies.
The invention provides an automated machine for processing a plurality of sheets into a bound book, including a plurality of inventive subassemblies. The machine receives a succession of single sheets from another processing machine, such as a printer or the like. If not yet punched, the machine punches an edge of each sheet before passing the sheets on to a stacker. If necessary, the machine reorients the sheets such that the edge to be punched becomes the leading edge. After punching, the sheet may be redirected so that the unpunched edge becomes the leading edge, depending upon the location of the binding module relative to the tray on which the perforated sheets are stacked. Such a reorientation mechanism is disclosed, for example, in International Application Serial No. PCT/US2006/030542 filed Aug. 4, 2006, and the priority applications thereto, which are hereby incorporated by reference for all matter disclosed therein.
Preferably, binding elements of a stack are held in relative positions without the need for a cartridge. Such binding elements are disclosed, for example, in International Application Serial No. PCT/US2005/024620 filed Jul. 12, 2005 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/462,532 filed Aug. 4, 2006, and the priority applications thereto, which are hereby incorporated by reference for all matter disclosed therein. Such binding elements may include an elongated spine, a plurality of fingers extending from the spine, and adhesive on the spine configured to releasably attach the binding elements in the stack to one another and to attach the free ends of the respective fingers to the spine during the binding process.
A binding element is separated from the plurality of binding elements by an element feeder. One such appropriate structure for feeding elements includes a vacuum or suction member that initiates a separation of a portion of an element from the stack of elements. The binding element may then be further separated by structure such as a rotary separator and/or a sliding separator to separate the binding element from the stack. The element feeder may then direct the separated element into position for further conveyance, operation, or feeding. Preferably, the element feeder includes structure for retaining the stack of binding elements in a ready position for further feeding, including structure for retaining the last element or backing paper within the machine as the second to the last element or the last element, respectively, is separated.
The separated binding element may be further conveyed through the machine by an appropriate clamp, receiving member, or the like. If a flat or generally planar binding element is utilized, a bending and gusseting mechanism may be provided for establishing a bend and a gusset at an appropriate position on the binding element.
The fingers of the separated binding element are placed into respective perforations in the stack of perforated sheets. A binding mechanism, or a loop, size, and seal mechanism, then loops the free ends of the fingers around and engages the free ends of the fingers and the spine, such that the adhesive secures the free ends of the fingers to the spine. The bound book is then dropped to an output tray.
The design of the binding elements allows the automated binding machine to bind a range of thicknesses of stacks of perforated sheets and provide bound books having a professional appearance with an appropriately-sized binding element. Accordingly, the automated binding machine does not require a large inventory of various sizes of binding elements. Moreover, the automated binding machine requires minimal intervention by a user to bind books, regardless of the size of the stack of perforated sheets. The automated binding machine occupies a relatively small footprint such that it may be utilized in an office atmosphere in conjunction with other processing machines, such as a printer or copier. Should the user not wish to bind a plurality of sheets exiting the processing machine, the automated binding machine may include a bypass path simply to pass the sheets to an output tray or other processing machine.
Other features and aspects of the invention will become apparent by consideration of the following detailed description and accompanying drawings.
a is a fragmentary side view of a stacker of
b is a top view of a stack of perforated sheets configured to be supported in the stacker of
c is a partial top view of a stack of perforated sheets, having an alternative configuration of perforations, configured to be supported in the stacker of
a-4d are enlarged fragmentary side views of one of the fingers of the stacker of
a is a fragmentary perspective view of the binding element feeder of
b is a fragmentary perspective view of the binding element feeder of
c is a fragmentary perspective view of the binding element feeder of
a is a top perspective view of a portion of an individual binding element from the stack of binding elements of
b is a bottom perspective view of the binding element of
c is a side view of a stack of pre-bent or generally L-shaped binding elements.
d is a top perspective view of a portion of an individual binding element from the stack of binding elements of
e is a top perspective view of a portion of an individual binding element from the stack of binding elements of
f is a top perspective view of a portion of an individual binding element from the stack of binding elements of
g is a top view of a portion of an individual binding element having an alternatively configured alignment aperture in a first orientation.
h is a top view of a portion of an individual binding element having an alternatively configured alignment aperture in a second orientation.
Before any embodiments of the invention are explained in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the following drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or of being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Unless specified or limited otherwise, the terms “mounted,” “connected,” “supported,” and “coupled” and variations thereof are used broadly and encompass both direct and indirect mountings, connections, supports, and couplings. Further, “connected” and “coupled” are not restricted to physical or mechanical connections or couplings.
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The machine 50 may optionally punch and then bind a series of successive sheets to produce a book with no or minimal operator involvement. To allow the machine 50 to be utilized in a sheet processing system such that the binding operation may be performed on a plurality of sheets or the processes of the machine 50 may be bypassed, a sheet exiting the processing machine 52 along the entry path 54 to the machine 50 may bypass the operations of the machine 50 entirely by proceeding along the exit path 56. Alternately, the sheet may proceed for further processing by the machine 50 along path 62.
To prepare the sheets for further binding within the machine 50, the machine includes a punch 64. A suitable punch 64 is disclosed in greater detail in International Application Serial No. PCT/US2006/030542 filed Aug. 4, 2006, which is incorporated herein in its entirety for everything disclosed therein. The now leading edge of the sheet received at the punch 64 is perforated by the punch 64 and then redirected to path 66 for further processing. As explained in greater detail in International Application Serial No. PCT/US2006/030542, this punch and redirect arrangement allows the punching of consecutive sheets at a very high rate of speed such that the punching operation itself does not slow the flow of sheets through the machine 50. Moreover, it does not require the rapid accelerations and decelerations typically associated with incheck for end-of-line hyphenline punching arrangements. In the embodiment illustrated herein, the unperforated edge becomes the leading edge as the sheets exit the punch 64. When utilizing pre-punched sheets, the movement of the die within the punch 64 in the illustrated embodiment may be deactivated, such that the punch 64 is utilized merely to redirect the pre-punched sheets to path 66 such that they are properly presented for the next operation.
Alternate punching arrangements may be provided, however. If an in-line or rotary punching arrangement is provided, such as the arrangements disclosed in published U.S. Patent Application Nos. 2005-0081694 A1 or 2005-0039585 A1, which allow the sheet to pass through the punch after or with the punching operation, the perforated edge would lead as the sheet exits the punch. As a result, a redirection module (not shown) would be disposed following the punch such that the unperforated edge of the sheet would proceed along path 66 in the arrangement shown in
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In order to urge the proper placement of the sheets on the tray 72, the stacker 68 may further be provided with a placement element that exerts a downward force on the uppermost sheet of a stack 81 to minimize float and minimize the possibility for entanglement or tie-up with a following sheet that is placed on the stack. The placement element further preferably exerts a pulling force to ensure registration of the sheet against the flange 78. In the embodiment illustrated, the placement element comprises a plurality of fingers 82 spaced along the length of the sheet, as shown in
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a-4d illustrate one of the fingers 82 in each of the four relevant positions of the finger 82 as the cam 92 rotates. More specifically, as a sheet advances along the stacker entry path 70 into the tray 72, the sheet flows over the lowered finger (see
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In one embodiment, additional devices or elements can be coupled with the stacker 68 to further facilitate proper stacking of the sheets. In one example, a plate can be linked with movement of one or more of the fingers 82 to engage the top sheet over a substantial portion of the surface area. Such a plate can act to tamp or compress the stack 81 to help eliminate air between the sheets.
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Turning now to the binding element feeder 110, which is shown generally in
The spine 188, the fingers 210, or both include one or more areas or spots of adhesive 186 for subsequently coupling the distal ends or tips 204 of the fingers 210 to the spine 188 (see
Inasmuch as the binding elements 112 do not require a cartridge or bulky coupling structure from which the binding elements 112 must be separated, there is virtually no waste from the binding elements 112 within the machine 50, and no provision or space is required within the machine 50 for collection of waste for later disposal or recycling. Rather, the stack of binding elements 112 may be loaded directly in the feeder 110 as a single unit. Depending upon the structure of the element stack indexer (as will be discussed below), any release paper disposed along the adhesive of the lowermost element 112 may be removed prior to placement of the stack of elements 112 into the machine 50. To facilitate loading, the binding element feeder 110 or a portion thereof may be disposed on drawer slides or the like, or may be otherwise accessible to allow placement of the supply of binding elements 112 into the machine 50. Although the particular design of binding element may vary from the illustrated design, the illustrated binding element design provides a large inventory of binding elements 112 in a relatively small volume. For example, rather than providing flat or generally planar binding elements 112 to the binding element feeder 110, pre-bent or L-shaped binding elements may be used.
As shown in
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Rather than providing a circular alignment aperture 121 or changing the location of the aperture 121, the binding element 112 may include an alternatively-configured alignment aperture 366, such as the triangular alignment aperture 366 illustrated in
Rather than relocating the alignment member 119, different configurations (e.g., different shapes, sizes, and orientations) of the alignment member can be used to distinguish between different brands of binding elements 112 (e.g., a triangular cross-sectional shape to receive triangular aperture 366, see
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Returning to the illustrated embodiment in
The actual suction drawn through the suction cup 134 is likewise governed by the rotation of the cam 140 in the illustrated embodiment. More specifically, the cam follower 144 is coupled to a spring-loaded piston 180 within a cylinder 182. As the cam 140 rotates, the piston 180 is biased outward from the cylinder 182 as the cam follower 144 follows the peripheral surface of the rotating cam 140. As the piston 180 moves outward, it draws a vacuum within the cylinder 182. This vacuum is transmitted to the suction cup 134 by way of a coupling tube 183. It should be appreciated that the rotation of the cam 140 is timed such that the piston 180 moves outward from the cylinder 182 to draw the vacuum just as the suction cup 134 is placed upon the finger 210a of the binding element 130. In this way, the suction cup 134 remains under suction as it pulls the finger 210a of the binding element 130 away from the stack of binding elements 112 for further engagement and separation of the forward-most binding element 130 from the stack of binding elements 112. It should be appreciated by those of skill in the art that the suction may be developed by an alternative arrangement, such as, for example, a vacuum pump. The illustrated embodiment, however, has the advantage that both the movement of the suction cup 134 and the suction drawn therethrough are governed by a single motor.
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Following this separation, the remaining portion of the spine 188 with its adhesive 186 is separated from the remaining stack of binding elements 112 by a linearly-movable member, or a sliding or a gliding separator 192 that progressively separates the remaining spots of adhesive 186 along the length of the spine 188. The gliding separator 192 moves from the partially-separated end of the binding element 130 to the opposite end of the binding element 130 to complete the separation of the forward-most binding element 130 from the stack of binding elements 112 (see
To retain the stack of binding elements 112 in position during this separation process, a retaining guide (not shown) may be provided at the end of the stack of binding elements 112 opposite the rotating separator 184. Such a retaining guide may be similar to that shown and described in the previously-referenced U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. Nos. 60/708,579 and 60/709,710. As the trolley 194 with the projecting edges 196 moves toward the retaining guide 200, the retaining guide may be moved out of engagement with the remaining portion of the stack of binding elements 112. The trolley 194 eventually comes to rest with the projecting edge 196a disposed along the end of the stack of binding elements 112 to retain the stack of binding elements 112 in position. Upon eventual return of the trolley 194 to the opposite end of the stack of binding elements 112, the retaining guide may return to its biased or home position at the end of the stack of binding elements 112 opposite the rotating separator 184.
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In order to obtain a finally bound element that closely resembles a round shape, the separated binding element 130 may be bent and preferably provided with a gusset 130a to inhibit the straightening or relaxation of the bent binding element 130 (as shown, for example, in
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In order to provide quality binding of different heights or thicknesses of stacks 81 of sheets, the binding mechanism 240 forms a smaller or larger loop (i.e., an appropriately-sized loop) based upon the height or thickness of the stack of sheets 81. This can be referred to as dynamic sizing. It should be appreciated by those of skill in the art that the relative position of the pivot point 244 of the binding mechanism 240 (as determined by the pivot shaft 245, see
Once the stack 81 of sheets is bound, the binding mechanism 240 is rotated out of engagement and the pivoting clamp 212 disengages and pivots away from the bound book. Returning to
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It should be appreciated by those of skill in the art that the modules and subassemblies within the machine 50, as well as the particular design of the binding elements themselves, may be of an alternative configuration than those disclosed in the illustrations herein. While this invention has been described with an emphasis upon preferred embodiments, variations of the preferred embodiments can be used, and it is intended that the invention can be practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein. Accordingly, this invention includes all modifications encompassed within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the following claims. For example, various aspects of the invention may be practiced simultaneously. All of the references cited herein, including patents, patent applications, and publications, are hereby incorporated in their entireties by reference.
Various features of the invention are set forth in the following claims.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/708,579 filed on Aug. 16, 2005 and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/709,710 filed on Aug. 18, 2005, both of which are incorporated herein by reference.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/US2006/030410 | 8/4/2006 | WO | 00 | 7/15/2008 |
Publishing Document | Publishing Date | Country | Kind |
WO2007/021578 | 2/22/2007 | WO | A |
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
699290 | Daniel | May 1902 | A |
754791 | Mentzer | Mar 1904 | A |
1005423 | Elder | Oct 1911 | A |
1119786 | Morden et al. | Dec 1914 | A |
1343103 | Wolf | Jun 1920 | A |
1537675 | Horn | May 1925 | A |
1816021 | Meyerson | Jul 1931 | A |
1970285 | Douvry | Aug 1934 | A |
2099881 | Emmer | Nov 1937 | A |
2112389 | Trussell | Mar 1938 | A |
2139480 | Young | Dec 1938 | A |
2170147 | Lane | Aug 1939 | A |
2200877 | Farkas | May 1940 | A |
2206394 | Farkas | Jul 1940 | A |
2242185 | Spinner | May 1941 | A |
2311090 | Schade | Feb 1943 | A |
2314204 | Fontecilla | Mar 1943 | A |
2322180 | Vernon | Jun 1943 | A |
2328416 | Blizard et al. | Aug 1943 | A |
2363848 | Emmer | Nov 1944 | A |
2367687 | Phillips | Jan 1945 | A |
2374803 | Broadwell | May 1945 | A |
2407656 | Emmer | Sep 1946 | A |
2435848 | Schade | Feb 1948 | A |
2459541 | Russell | Jan 1949 | A |
2466451 | Liebman | Apr 1949 | A |
2489706 | Emmer | Nov 1949 | A |
2502493 | Trussell | Apr 1950 | A |
2571525 | Blitstein | Oct 1951 | A |
2582953 | Bender | Jan 1952 | A |
2629382 | Gomez | Feb 1953 | A |
2664897 | Derringer | Jan 1954 | A |
2779987 | Jordan | Feb 1957 | A |
2930054 | Bardy | Mar 1960 | A |
3038180 | Levitan | Jun 1962 | A |
3038181 | Nadherny | Jun 1962 | A |
3107375 | Byland et al. | Oct 1963 | A |
3180488 | Heusmann | Apr 1965 | A |
3191319 | Wasigerber | Jun 1965 | A |
3205897 | Jamison | Sep 1965 | A |
3224450 | Whittemore et al. | Dec 1965 | A |
3235925 | Gerhardt | Feb 1966 | A |
3246653 | Sexton | Apr 1966 | A |
3270749 | O'Connell | Sep 1966 | A |
3276450 | Pelezzare | Oct 1966 | A |
3280240 | Bardy | Oct 1966 | A |
3362411 | Moller | Jan 1968 | A |
3373748 | Maccormack | Mar 1968 | A |
3433688 | Winkelmann et al. | Mar 1969 | A |
3475775 | Staats | Nov 1969 | A |
3483067 | Staats | Dec 1969 | A |
3596929 | Abildgaard et al. | Aug 1971 | A |
3706503 | Foley | Dec 1972 | A |
RE28202 | Abildgaard et al. | Oct 1974 | E |
3939513 | Crathern et al. | Feb 1976 | A |
3950107 | Seaborn | Apr 1976 | A |
3956798 | Wright | May 1976 | A |
3970331 | Giulie | Jul 1976 | A |
4031585 | Adams | Jun 1977 | A |
4070736 | Land | Jan 1978 | A |
4121892 | Nes | Oct 1978 | A |
4135832 | Saltz | Jan 1979 | A |
4200404 | Agnew et al. | Apr 1980 | A |
4202642 | Sjostedt | May 1980 | A |
4256411 | Podosek | Mar 1981 | A |
4288170 | Barber | Sep 1981 | A |
4302123 | Dengler et al. | Nov 1981 | A |
4304499 | Purcocks | Dec 1981 | A |
4305675 | Jacinto | Dec 1981 | A |
4369013 | Abildgaard et al. | Jan 1983 | A |
4398856 | Archer et al. | Aug 1983 | A |
4429901 | Clery, Jr. et al. | Feb 1984 | A |
4453850 | Purcocks | Jun 1984 | A |
4453851 | Purcocks | Jun 1984 | A |
4511274 | Chen | Apr 1985 | A |
4525117 | Jones | Jun 1985 | A |
4577985 | Beyer | Mar 1986 | A |
4607970 | Heusinkveld | Aug 1986 | A |
4620724 | Abildgaard et al. | Nov 1986 | A |
4645399 | Scharer | Feb 1987 | A |
4674906 | Abildgaard et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4685700 | Abildgaard | Aug 1987 | A |
4693624 | Moosmuller | Sep 1987 | A |
4708560 | Abildgaard et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4722626 | Abildgaard | Feb 1988 | A |
4743048 | Groswith, III | May 1988 | A |
4832370 | Jones | May 1989 | A |
4873858 | Jones | Oct 1989 | A |
4900211 | Vercillo | Feb 1990 | A |
4904103 | Im | Feb 1990 | A |
4934890 | Flatt | Jun 1990 | A |
4997208 | Staats, III | Mar 1991 | A |
5009537 | Stengel | Apr 1991 | A |
5015114 | Miller | May 1991 | A |
5028159 | Amrich et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5037229 | Stengel | Aug 1991 | A |
5051050 | Scharer | Sep 1991 | A |
5090859 | Nanos et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5102167 | Groswith, III | Apr 1992 | A |
5123675 | Staats, III | Jun 1992 | A |
5162141 | Davey et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5167463 | Corbishley | Dec 1992 | A |
5370489 | Bagrosky | Dec 1994 | A |
5383756 | Coleman et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5393156 | Mullin et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5464312 | Hotkowski et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5524997 | von Rohrscheidt | Jun 1996 | A |
5584633 | Scharer | Dec 1996 | A |
5653544 | Cabre Pijoan et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5669747 | Scharer | Sep 1997 | A |
5782569 | Mullin et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5895190 | Viola | Apr 1999 | A |
6000894 | Suzuki et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6168337 | Adams | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6270280 | Baumann | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6394684 | Kapur et al. | May 2002 | B2 |
6435753 | Gusack | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6450492 | Coombs et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6655868 | Drew | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6669392 | Rebora | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6955493 | Acquaviva et al. | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6976719 | Agayof et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
7198422 | Ng et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
20030147687 | Freund et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20040052615 | Fuchs et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040240967 | Crudo et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
Number | Date | Country |
509621 | Feb 1955 | CA |
692912 | Dec 2002 | CH |
1094708 | Dec 1960 | DE |
1200252 | Sep 1965 | DE |
1903490 | Jul 1970 | DE |
8622425 | Oct 1986 | DE |
29808713 | Sep 1998 | DE |
0390199 | Oct 1990 | EP |
0527246 | Feb 1993 | EP |
0704322 | Apr 1996 | EP |
0842790 | May 1998 | EP |
1124694 | Jan 2003 | EP |
31504 | Dec 1960 | FI |
1060284 | Mar 1954 | FR |
1228267 | Aug 1960 | FR |
1364099 | May 1964 | FR |
1569497 | Jan 1908 | GB |
229515 | Feb 1925 | GB |
755953 | Aug 1956 | GB |
1225120 | Mar 1971 | GB |
1372055 | Oct 1974 | GB |
2193466 | Feb 1988 | GB |
9240184 | Sep 1997 | JP |
Number | Date | Country | |
20080298881 A1 | Dec 2008 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60709710 | Aug 2005 | US | |
60708579 | Aug 2005 | US |