The disclosure relates to apparatus and methods for processing images.
Manga, or comic, is a popular art form and medium of entertainment over the world. It is unique in its elegant use of rich sets of screens, and a tidy and fine drawing style.
Such a line drawing and screening process done by manga artists is tedious and labor intensive. The task is rather tedious and labor-intensive, especially when large amount of irregular regions exist.
Therefore, it is required to provide a computer-assisted method for converting color photographs to manga-style images.
One aspect of the disclosure is to provide a method of generating a manga-style image from an input image, comprising: generating a line drawing from the input image; generating a manga-style screening from an input image; and overlaying the line drawing and the manga-style screening to generate the manga-style image.
Another aspect of the disclosure is to provide an image processing apparatus, comprising: an image inputting section for inputting an image; a line drawing section for generating structure lines from the input image; a screening section for generating manga-stytle screening from the input image; and an image outputting section for outputting manga-style image by overlaying the structure lines and the manga-style screening.
Another aspect of the disclosure is to provide a method of generating line drawing from an input image comprises: detecting edge lines from the input image; calculating a importance value of each of the edge lines; and obtaining structure lines by removing lines with importance values smaller than a threshold.
Another aspect of the disclosure is to provide a method of generating a manga-style screening from an input image comprises: extracting segments from the input image; matching a screen type to each of the segments based on the texture similarity mapping and the chrominance distinguishability mapping; and assigning a luminance consistent screen to each segment.
Hereinafter, a detailed description will be given with reference to the appended drawings.
The image inputting section 10 is implemented by an image reading apparatus, such as a scanner, a copying machine, and a camera. It may also be implemented by an apparatus for reading an image from an medium, such as a CD-ROM (compact disk-read only memory), a hard disk, a floppy disk and a magneto-optical disk, which contains an image previously read from an original, as well as by a semiconductor memory.
The image outputting section 40 is implemented by an image displaying apparatus, such as a CRT (cathode ray tube) and an LCD (liquid crystal display). It may also be an image printing apparatus such as a printer. Further, it may also be implemented by an apparatus for writing out an image on ar medium, such as a CD-ROM, a hard disk, a floppy disk and a magneto-optical disk, as well as by a semiconductor memory.
The line drawing section 20 and the screening section 30, are implemented, for example, by a computer and software.
Line Drawing
Hereinafter, we will describe the line drawing method implemented by the line drawing section of the present application in detail.
The lines drawn by manga artists are usually tidy and without being too crowded or chaotic. They intentionally omit many detail lines in order to maintain the tidiness of the manga. Usually, all structural lines are retained. This reveals that some lines are more important than others, and these lines usually form the main structure of an object or building.
Several attempts have been done for mimicking artistic line drawings in a computational way. Santella and DeCarlo (Visual interest and NPR: an evaluation and manifesto. In Proc. of International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2004 (NPAR), pp 71-78) proposed a system that transforms images into a line-drawing style using large regions of constant color; this style is very different from the painterly approaches of previous image-based work, and perhaps more closely approximates the style of printmaking. Holger (Real-time Video Abstraction, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2006) Vol. 25, No. 3, pp 1221-1226) then extended this work by presenting an automatic and real time video and image abstraction framework. A similar visual style was used in the film Waking Life for producing “loose and sketchy” animation (CURTIS, C. 1999. Non-photorealistic animation. In ACM SIGGRAPH 1999 CourseNotes #17 (Section 9)). Recently, several researches have proposed the automatic stylization for the goal of effective visual communication, so that the presented visual contents can be understood quickly and easily (RASKAR, R., TAN, K.-H., FERIS, R., YU, J., and TURK, M. 2004. Nonphotorealistic camera: depth edge detection and stylized rendering using multi-flash imaging. ACM Transactions on Graphics. Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 679-688). For example, Gooch et al. (Human facial illustrations: Creation and psychophysical evaluation. ACM Transactions on Graphics. Vol. 23, No. 1, pp 27-44) automatically created monochromatic human facial illustrations from Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) edges and a simple model of brightness perception. Hong (HONG Chen, Ziqiang Liu, Chuck Rose, Yingqing Xu, Heung-Yeung Shum, David Salesin: Example-based composite sketching of human portraits. In Proc. of International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2004 (NPAR), pp 95-153) and his research group proposed an example-based composite sketching of human portraits that automatically generates human portraits in cartoon style.
Different from existing work, our target result is dedicated to manga drawing. Our goal is to properly filter unimportant or detailed lines from the result of conventional edge detection methods, so to produce a tidy line drawing result. To achieve the goal, we try to find a mathematical way to measure the relative importance of each line, and this leads to our line importance model. In the model, we try to address the structural semantics of a line. In contrast to simply portrait auto-generation, our work focuses more on the general manga and cartoon style rendering. The dedicated work can speed up the whole production process and reduce the cost comparing to the labor intensive workflow.
To detect edge lines from the input image in step S510, edge pixels are first extracted from the input image in step S511 using an edge detection method, e.g. the classical canny detector or an improved method like (MEER, P., AND GEORGESCU, B. 2001. Edge detection with embedded confidence. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 23, 12, 1351.1365), which is capable to detect consistent results even on weak edges. The detected edge pixels however are only a set of unstructured entities, as illustrated in
The edge pixels are then connected to form an intermediate result. For example, the edge pixels are then connected by using 8-connectivity to produce an intermediate result in step S512. The intermediate result is shown in
To resemble lines drawn by artist which usually contain no branching or self-intersection, we break the lines into pieces at the point where there is an abrupt change in tangent in S513. For example, the green line in
To avoid being over broken, we reconnect the broken lines with similar tangent value in S504. For example, the green line and the red line in
However, the edge lines formed in step S510 are far from satisfactory. Many noisy edges exist. Therefore, we propose a model to measure the importance value of a line, so that unimportant lines can be filtered away.
In an embodiment of the present application, the importance value of a line e can be calculated based on the factors including a length le of the line, a curliness ζe of the line, and a visibility value ρe. In addition, a size of largest associated segment se can also be used to calculate the importance value.
In step 801, the length le can be obtained by counting the number of pixels on a line. In step 802, we measure the curliness ζe by computing the deviation of curvatures of each edge pixel on the line. In step 803, we identify the structural lines by measuring the size of a largest segment, se associated with the line e. The size of a segment can be obtained by counting the number of pixels of the target segment. Here, the segment is formed by using a conventional segmentation method, or a segmentation method which will be described in detail in the screening method portion. The curvature at each pixel can be estimated from the fitted polylines. The visibility level ρe in step 804 is computed by first forming an image pyramid, and lines with a counterpart in higher level have a larger visibility value. To be specific, we initialized ρe with 1, and detect the counterpart of each line in a higher level of the image pyramid, a successful counterpart will increate ρe with 1, otherwise 0.
In step 805, the importance value of a line e is calculated based on the factors including a length le of the line, a curliness ζe of the line, a size of largest associated segment se, and a visibility value ρe. For example, the importance value H(e) of a line e can be defined as,
H(e)=K(le,ζe,se,ρe)=ƒ(le)+g(ζe)+βƒ(se)+αρe (1)
where ƒ(x) is an increasing function, that increases non-linearly with the segment size. One of the example implementations of ƒ(x) is a Lorentzian function:
and g(x) reduces the importance of twisted lines according to the curliness ζe. One of the example implementations of g(x) is:
g(x)=min(λe−x,Tg) (3)
Wherein threshold Tg is adjustable and upper bounds g(x). α, β, and λ are the weights of the contributing factors.
In order to produce a tidy line drawing result, those lines with importance values smaller than a threshold are removed from the edge lines, so that only the important structural lines are left. The threshold may be set according to the practical implementation.
Hereinafter, we will describe the screening method implemented by the screening section in detail.
In an example, the extracting step S1201 could be a standard segmentation method for segmenting. In another example, the extracting method could include segmenting the input image to produce small segments; and regrouping the small segments to form larger segments for screening. The re-grouping could be performed according to the similarity of color and distance between regions. This regrouping is optional to avoid over fragmentary segments.
For example, by assuming {hacek over (s)} regions is obtained after a standard mean-shift segmentation method on a color image I(x,y). The steps for re-grouping can be summarized as follows:
1. The re-grouping criteria is based on both the color (colora & colorb) and spatial distance distab between segments a and b, we define a similarity metric Ψa,b as a weighted average between the color and spatial difference. And a possible way is listed here:
where wc and wd are the weighting given to color and spatial difference.
2. A re-group is performed whenever the similarity metric Ψa,b is lower than a user defined threshold. As a result, segments a and b will be unified as a single segment if similarity metric smaller than the threshold.
3. The re-grouping repeats iteratively until no further re-group is possible, and finally a number of segments can be obtained.
As a result, we can obtain a segmentation map similar to 304 which is a segmentation result of input 301. As the segmentation map is indicating each pixel's segmentation, it is with same size as original input and spatially one-one correspondence for each pixel.
After extracting segments from the input image in step S1201, we can match a screen type to each segment based on the texture similarity mapping and the chrominance distinguishability mapping in step S1202.
The matching step S1202 assigns a screen type to a segment exhibiting texture characteristics. To quantify the texture characteristics, we are required to employ a texture analysis technique to form a texture feature vector. In particular, we can use the Gabor wavelets features, which captures characteristics of textures in various scales and rotations. Usually, the texture feature vector will be a high dimensional one, for example ranging from 10 to 30.
Therefore, screen pattern with minimum difference, in terms of the texture feature vector, to a segment is considered as the best match.
The detail steps of texture similarity based matching are described in
In an embodiment, a color image I(x,y) is inputted and performed a segmentation method to constitute a segmentation map including φ number of segments. In addition, a database is provided with all kinds of screen types c.
In step 1302, for each of the segment s, we compute its texture feature vector gs by averaging the texture feature vectors computed at all pixels or from a percentage of randomly sampled pixels. The texture feature vector may be a conventional texture feature vector, for example, a Gabor wavelet feature.
If Gabor wavelet feature is used as the texture feature vector, at each sampled pixel, the Gabor wavelet feature [μm,n, σm,n] is computed with following formulation,
σm,n=√{square root over (∫∫(|Wm,n(x,y)|−μm,n)2dxdy)} (4)
where Wm,n(.) is the mother Gabor wavelet. For example, 6 rotations and 4 scales is suggested, i.e. m=1, . . . , 6; n=1, . . . , 4. As a result, the Gabor wavelet feature [μm,n, σm,n] is a 24 dimensional vector. The computation operates within the window Ω, a window size of 16×16 is advised. Note, the feature computation is performed on the grayscale of image I(x,y). Then, we can obtain texture feature vector gs for each segment s by averaging all or a percent of sample's Gabor wavelet features [μm,n, σm,n].
In step 1304, same as in the above point 2, each screen type c of the database performs a texture feature computation and results in texture feature vector gc.
In step 1306, the difference in texture characteristics is then quantified by distance between gs and gc. Any reasonable distance measuring method can be used. Euclidean distance is one of the possible distances we can consider, i.e. Dsc=|gs−gc|. The best match for segment s is one with minimum Dsc, i.e. min(Dsc).
In step 1308, the match is rejected when min(Dsc)>ε, otherwise, the screen type c corresponding to the min(Dsc) is assigned to the segment s. As there is always a min(Dsc), we will reject a match whenever the difference in texture feature vectors is larger than a user defined threshold ε, so as to filter some in fact unmatched screen types.
For example in
After the screen type matching based on the texture similarity, we can match screen types, based on the chrominance distinguishability, to segments without an assigned screen type in the texture feature based matching.
The chrominance distinguishability based matching assigns every segment with a screen type according to the chrominance of a segment. The assignment aims to maintain the visual richness after screening. In more specific, when a color image has rich variety of colors, a rich variety of screen types is expected after screening; in contrast, we will keep using similar screen types for an image with less color variation.
As shown in
In this step we can use mapping technique to correlate the objective colors with screen patterns in the database. For example, screens can be non-repeatedly randomly assigned to the target color region (A); we can also assign screens to colors by their sorting in 1D space (B) or 2D space (C), according to various relative distances measure.
(A) Stochastic Chrominance Based Matching
To assign screen types to segments according to their chrominance, we can rely on a stochastic assignment approach.
In order to better preserve a consistent appearance to the original image, we are not randomly assigning screen types to different segments. Instead, we first collect all different segment chrominance, and then perform a match for every different chrominance value to a randomly selected screen. The detail procedures are described as following:
1. Suppose there are t different screen types and we have
2. Each chrominance value
3. The matched screen type τ to a particular chrominance value
(B) Relative Distance Preserving Screening—Based on Sorting
To better preserve the relative difference between colors during screening, we can sort both colors and screens in their own order, and then assign screens to color regions according to the sorting. As shown in
The detail procedures are described as following:
1. Suppose there are t different screen types. pi is the u-dimensional texture feature vector of the i-th screen. We have
2. For all color segments, we reset them into a new order by their color difference with red color, which has the Hue value 0. The color value can be Hue value in HSV color space, or a*b* in CIE La*b* color space. Then calculate the Euclidean distance of each color with respect to the red color, and record this distance into DCi. Sort DCi from minimal to maximal, we can get the color set into new order C′.
3. For all screens, we reset them into a new order by their texture difference with respect to the dots pattern, which has uniform distribution on all directions. Calculate the Euclidean distance of pi with the texture feature vector of dot pattern p_dot, and record this distance into DTi. Sort DTi from minimal to maximal, we can get the screen set into new order T′.
4. Assign T′i to C′i.
(C) Relative Distance Preserving Screening—Based on Multi-Dimensional Scaling
In this embodiment, we relate the chrominance and screen types in a way that the relative differences of chrominance and relative differences of patterns are maintained faithfully by color-to-screen-type mapping.
In color-to-screen-type mapping, the high-dimensional texture feature vector (for example, 24D Gabor wavelet feature) is used for measuring texture characteristics of a screen type (step 1702).
Then, the segment color is measured with chrominance channels in color space (step 1704). For example, we can adopt a*b* channels, which is 2D, in CIE La*b* color space.
Since the chrominance and screen type has different dimensions, we can unify the dimensionality of both spaces and then relate the colors in segments and texture features in screens in step 1706. A dimensionality reduction scheme is required. In particular, we employ the technique multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) [Cox and Cox 1994].
Our goal is to reduce the dimensionality of the high-dimensional texture feature vector to dimension the same as chrominance channels (e.g. 2D in CIE La*b*), while best maintaining the relative distance among features. We describe the details in computing the color-to-screen-type mapping using MDS:
Suppose there are t different screen types. pi is the u-dimensional texture feature vector of the i-th screen and dij is the distance between screen types pi and pj. Let the qi be the dimension reduced coordinate of pi in color space. We further assume that the centroid of all data points lies about the origin, i.e.
MDS formulates the relations between the projected coordinate qi and dij in a matrix form as,
here, Q is a u×t matrix with columns being the projected coordinate vectors, D is the dissimilarity matrix which stores the feature distances between all pairs of textures dij and [1] is a matrix with all elements being 1.
Since D is symmetric, so as the whole right hand side of Equation 5. Hence it can be decomposed using singular value decomposition (SVD) as follow,
Q=VΛ1/2, (6)
here Λ is diagonal matrix with all the eigenvalues. Then, we extract the major components by simply keeping the first u rows and truncating Q in Equation 6 into a u×t matrix {circumflex over (Q)}. Then, the columns of
After the unification of dimensionality, we have to define a scheme to relate the projected coordinates q and coordinates in chrominance space.
According to an embodiment, a simple yet efficient approach is to map a coordinate in chrominance space to the nearest projected coordinates q. For example, the region average color are matched with the screen type with the nearest qi.
If the nearest coordinate mapping is used, such a mapping is dependent to the transformation of projected coordinates q in the chrominance space. In particular, we can fix the scale relationship by normalizing all qi to [−1,1] in all u dimensions or to the range of all available colors on segments (as in step 1708).
As an option in step 1712, which tries to facilitate user control on the total number of screen types K actually used in the final screening result, it is possible to first cluster all available region average colors. We can perform a K-means clustering on the region chrominance with K being the number of clusters. Then, the centroid of each cluster is used as a representative chrominance to match with the nearest qi.
Region matched with qi is assigned the i-th screen type.
The color-to-screen-type mapping is not unique, as the MDS only maintains the relative distances. According to another embodiment, we can still transform the mapped coordinates qi by rotation, scaling, translation, or flipping. These degrees of freedom therefore enable users to adjust for a favorite combination of mapping, and become user controllable parameters. However, it is suggested both scaling and translation are fixed by normalization and zero-mean. The controllable parameters, therefore, left the rotation angle θ and flip ƒ.
An automatic decision (step 1710) on these parameters can be determined by the system based on the texture matched result in earlier procedure. The rationale behind such a decision is trying to resolve conflicts between results in texture feature based matching and color-to-pattern mapping.
For example,
We first design an objective function to achieve our desired goal. Our ideal situation is to determine a transformation in color-to-screen-type mapping so that the inconsistency with pre-assignments can be minimized. Therefore, we quantify the inconsistency by the aggregate textural feature differences between current assignment and pre-assignment. Also, we give higher weighting to segments with larger area. The whole optimization is done as follow:
1. Suppose we have S segment with a pre-assigned screen type in the texture feature based matching step, out of a total of Ŝ segments. τs and C(s) are the pre-assigned screen type in color-to-screen-type mapping and the average color of regions s respectively. T(τ) is the texture feature for screen pattern τ. Our objective formulation is as follow,
where Q(θ, ƒ, C(s)) is the screen selected via color-to-screen-type mapping given the
color C(s), rotation angle θ, and flipping ƒ· as is the size of region in terms of pixels and
So, the term is measuring the textural feature difference between current and pre-assignments. as is used as a weighting factor to the importance of this difference.
2. We optimize the transformation by iteratively evaluate the objective function and seek the combination of angle θ and flip ƒ(takes 1 or −1) which achieves a minimum. Or other optimization method whenever applicable.
3. The optimized color-to-screen-type mapping is then applied on all the regions based on the nearest qi. Region matched with qi is assigned the i-th screen pattern.
Luminance Based Matching Between Regions and Screens
Every region s is matched with a screen pattern after the previous procedures. We perform a luminance matching by selecting the appropriate screen tone (horizontal dimension in
As shown in
Our proposed color-to-pattern matching can be applied to any color-to-bitonal image applications that require chromaticity distinguishability. For example, color artwork and cartoon drawing can also be converted to bitonal images. In the manga industry, cartoon (anime) may be published, not only in video form, but also in a manga form. Current practices simply print the cartoon key frames in color, probably due to the high and manual color-to-manga cost. With the proposed method, it is possible to publish the color cartoon in bitonal manga form (lower printing cost) in a style consistent with traditional manga.
For an 800_1000 input image, our system can automatically generate the result in about 4 minutes, on a PC with P4 3.2 GHz CPU, 2 GB memory. This includes the time for segmentation, texture matching, color-to-pattern matching, tone matching, plus the minimal user control.
Special Effects
User Controlled Levels of Detail
With the proposed automatic screening and line abstraction processes, user can still control the desired level of complexity shown in the final manga. As manga artists usually put multiple panels within a page, and each panel has a different size and shape decided according to the relative importance in the storytelling. For instances, larger panels are used for important scenario and smaller ones for transitions. The size of panel obviously affects the desired complexity inside. It is not desirable to draw too much details (e.g. too many lines or too many distinct screen types) in a small panel.
To control the complexity of screens, user can specify a desired number of screens K (as in step 1712) used in the final outcome, e.g. five screens for a complex scene, and two for a simple one. The K-means clustering can automatically optimize for texture similarity and color distinguishability given the desired number of screen types. The operation usually takes just a few seconds for one image. User can also adjust the anchoring of transformation during color-to-screen mapping by controlling the rotation angle θ interactively. For line abstraction, the desired complexity can be interactively controlled by dragging a slide bar that controls the threshold for H(e). Since our system can generate a result instantly, user can interactively fine-tune the user parameters.
Fuzzy Silhouette Tiling
Fuzzy silhouette refers to the boundaries of fuzzy objects, e.g.: the boundary of a furry surface consisting of similar fur structures; or the boundary a leavy tree, where the silhouette is usually scattered with leaves. The idea of fuzzy silhouette tiling is to tile along the lines with small primitives, so as to simulate the fuzzy nature on the target objects.
The detail procedure of fuzzy silhouette tiling is explained in
Screening for Periodic Patterns
Sometimes the same object can be presented in the form of lines as well as screens. This is common for regions containing regular or statistically similar patterns. For example, a brick wall can be hand drawn as lines or screened with a pre-printed brick pattern. Manga artists may prefer screening, not only to save workload, but also to maintain the tidiness. Our system provides a convenient tool for user to replace edge map containing those periodic line structure with a screen. By scribbling on the desired edge region as in
Our objective is to find the best screen pattern which is high in terms of texture similarity. Image 2308 in
All the methods as described above may be executed by a processor, a computer or any other processing devices.
The disclosure also provides a computer program including instructions for controlling the execution of the methods as described above, which may be performed with a processor, a computer or any other processing devices.
The various embodiments described above can be combined to provide further embodiments. These and other changes can be made to the embodiments in light of the above-detailed description. In general, in the following claims, the terms used should not be construed to limit the claims to the specific embodiments disclosed in the specification and the claims, but should be construed to include all possible embodiments along with the full scope of equivalents to which such claims are entitled. Accordingly, the claims are not limited by the disclosure.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application No. 61/285,480 filed on Dec. 10, 2009 which is explicitly incorporated by reference in its entirety as part of this application.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
20050226502 | Cohen et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20110187721 | Furukawa et al. | Aug 2011 | A1 |
Number | Date | Country |
PCTJP2008072272 | Aug 2009 | JP |
Entry |
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Number | Date | Country | |
20110148897 A1 | Jun 2011 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
61285480 | Dec 2009 | US |