Power systems often include multiple circuit breakers used to protect and isolate individual branch circuits powered from a common buss. Such branch circuit breakers are used to protect equipment and wiring from the effects of overcurrent resulting from abnormal overload and short circuit conditions. In certain applications it is desirable or necessary to monitor the current of each branch circuit in order to determine the portion of total buss current drawn by each circuit.
Such current monitoring may be used to meter power consumption for billing purposes, preventive maintenance, load shedding or for other purposes. Power system designers often use off-the-shelf stand-alone current sensors in applications where current monitoring is required. These may take the form of current shunts, current transformers, Hall Effect sensors, or other varieties of variable sensors.
Stand-alone current sensors have certain disadvantages, including, for example, the complexity of additional wiring and the modification of standard circuit breakers to accommodate the current sensors.
Apparatus of the present invention provides a simple, self-contained current sensor unit as an adjunct to a standard circuit breaker. Minimal modification of the circuit breaker is required to incorporate the current sensor unit, which, after manufacture, becomes an integral part of the circuit breaker. The user of the apparatus benefits from reduced wiring, decreased engineering time, higher accuracy, and matched current sensor and circuit breaker ratings. The integrated current sensor unit uses non-invasive inductive technology and is electrically isolated from the circuit breaker. This provides added flexibility and safety for the user.
In a preferred embodiment, the current sensor unit can be configured in a number of ways, ranging, for example, from a basic sensor unit to a sensor unit that has a variety of options to provide a user with desired selected functions according to need and cost constraints. A programming device is used to provide calibration and other adjustment functions on a manufacturing assembly line, reducing labor and inventory requirements. Individual sensor units can be adjusted to the required parameters without making changes to the physical circuitry, by simply programming the correct values at the time of product assembly. The standardized units avoid the need for component changes for calibration and other adjustment functions. By virtue of the fact that the sensor unit is self-contained, it can be designed as a compact attachment to a standard circuit breaker with minimal modification of the circuit breaker.
The invention will be further described in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, which illustrate preferred (best mode) embodiments of the invention, and wherein:
FIGS. lA, lB, and 1C show a standard IEL (magnetic) circuit breaker 10 having a generally rectangular box-shape case 12 having opposite ends to one which the generally rectangular box-shape case 14 of a current sensor unit 16 is added as an attachment. In the form shown, the case of the circuit breaker is divided along a central plane and is constituted by two generally rectangular box portions 12A, 12B joined at the corners by fasteners such as rivets 18, for example. One of the box portions serves to hold essential parts of the circuit breaker, while the other box portion serves as a cover of the circuit breaker. The case 14 of the current sensor unit 16 may be similarly constructed. The case portions 14A, 14B are provided with legs 20 that overlap respective corners of the circuit breaker case 12 and that are joined to the. circuit breaker case by the same fasteners 18 that join the portions of the circuit breaker case.
The circuit breaker comprises a magnetic circuit and an electrical circuit and is essentially a toggle switching mechanism having a handle 22 (or other operating mechanism, e.g., rocker) that opens and closes the electrical circuit as the handle is moved to an “ON” or “OFF” position. The handle is connected to a contact bar by a collapsible link. When the link collapses, it allows contacts of the circuit breaker to fly open, thus breaking the electrical circuit. The magnetic circuit may comprise a frame, an armature, a delay core and a pole piece. The electrical circuit may comprise a terminal, a coil, a contact bar, contacts, and another terminal. As long as the current flowing through the circuit breaker remains below 100% of its rated trip current, the breaker will not trip, and the contacts will remain closed. Under these conditions, the electrical circuit can be opened and closed by moving the toggle handle. If the current is increased beyond the rated current by a predetermined amount, magnetic flux generated in the coil is sufficient to move the delay core against a spring to a position where it comes to rest against the pole piece. This increases the flux in the magnetic circuit, causing the armature to move from its normal position, triggering the collapsible link, and opening the contacts.
In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention, a main current carrying conductor 24 is routed through a toroid/Hall Effect device 26 that may be mounted on a circuit board 28. The toroid 26A serves as a flux concentrator of the magnetic field created by the current. The flux level may be magnified by passing the conductor through the toroid multiple times. In this way, very low currents may be accommodated. Multiple parallel conductors may be used with only a portion of them passing through the toroid. This method may be used to provide for measurement of very high currents.
Modification of a standard circuit breaker to incorporate a current sensor unit in accordance with the invention is simple. Mechanical modification involves attachment of the case of the current sensor unit to an end of the case of the circuit breaker, and providing opposed openings in the ends of the respective cases. Electrical modification involves re-routing a current-carrying conductor that normally connects a terminal of the circuit breaker to the coil of the circuit breaker, so that the conductor passes through the toroid (or other suitable magnetic concentrator) along its path from the terminal to the coil.
A simplified version of electrical and magnetic components of the invention will now be described with reference to
Hall Effect Device—This component is a programmable Hall Effect device 26B with capabilities for attaching a programming device (30) to adjust the range, offset, temperature compensation, linearity, filtering, and other input and output parameters of the sensor.
Magnetic Structure—This component is comprised of a magnetic yoke 26A (e.g., toroid) incorporating features for inserting and positioning the Hall Effect device 26B in the magnetic path, directing sufficient magnetic flux to the Hall Effect device, attaching the magnetic yoke to the sensor assembly, and electrically and thermally insulating the yoke. Versions of the invention intended for high current applications may not require the magnetic structure. In this case the Hall Effect device may simply be placed in the natural flux path of a current-carrying conductor 24. Other versions may use alternative magnetic structures instead of the toroid.
Signal Conditioner—This component (32) can be used to convert the raw output of the Hall Effect device into a form required by the end user. It can shift the level of the Hall Effect device signal and provide gain to increase or decrease the signal. It is also capable of providing increased current output. As shown on the schematic diagram of
Power Supply—This component (34) is used to convert the power provided by an end user installation into the regulated voltage and current required by the circuitry of the current sensor unit. This component is not required for end user installations that provide sufficiently regulated power of the proper voltage and current. It is an enhancement that provides value in installations where power is available but incompatible with the requirements of the other sensor circuitry.
Hall Effect Voltage Regulator—This component (36) provides a stable voltage to the Hall Effect device so that its output is insensitive to power supply fluctuations. It provides enhanced accuracy for applications requiring non-ratiometric performance. Ratiometric performance means that the signal from the Hall Effect device will follow changes in the input voltage. This behavior is useful in certain applications and, in this invention, can be achieved by elimination of the Power Supply and Hall Effect Voltage Regulator sections. With these sections gone a percentage increase or decrease in the supply voltage to the Hall Effect device will result in an equal percentage increase or decrease in the output signal.
Programming Device—This component (30) is not a part of the current sensor unit but is a tool used to provide calibration and other adjustment functions on the assembly line. Using this tool to set up the current sensor unit reduces the labor and inventory required to manufacture the current sensor unit. Individual sensors can be adjusted to the required parameters without making changes to the physical circuitry but by simply programming the correct values at the time of product assembly.
Following is a more detailed description of the electronic circuitry of an actual embodiment organized by functional sections, referring to the schematic diagram in
1. Hall Effect Device
The Hall Effect device is used to detect the magnetic field created by a current carrying conductor. To better capture the magnetic field and reduce the effects of spatial variations a magnetic yoke composed of a magnetically permeable material and formed in a shape conducive to concentration of the magnetic field is used. The Hall Effect device is inserted into a gap that interrupts the otherwise continuous torus of magnetic material. In this way, the magnetic field of any conductor extending through the center of the magnetic structure will be induced into the magnetic material. With the insertion of the Hall Effect device in the gap, the magnetic circuit can only be completed by directing the induced magnetic field through the gap and thus through the device.
The Hall Effect device is a 3 pin programmable integrated circuit (e.g., Micronas part no. HAL805) containing analog and digital circuitry as well as memory. Upon receipt, input signals are converted into digital format. All signal processing is thereafter performed digitally. After processing, the digital signal is converted to an analog signal available at the output. This processing method greatly reduces the effects of temperature drift, analog offsets, and mechanical stress that result in output error. Programming is accomplished by modulating the supply voltage. The device is designed for use in hostile environmental conditions and has an operating temperature range of −40°-150° C.
The programmable options include range, span, output voltage, frequency response and temperature compensation. Programming for a 0.5-4.5 volt output range provides the maximum sensitivity and represents the standard output span used. Programming tools may include PC based computer applications provided by the manufacturer of the Hall Effect device and applicable software.
Programming the current range of the sensor is accomplished by connecting the calibration test equipment to P1 and performing the calibration sequence. In
In order to form a magnetic circuit of suitable intensity, it is necessary at lower currents to amplify the effective magnetic field by passing the conductor through the center of the toroid multiple times, thus increasing the number of ampere-turns (eg.: 5 amperes and 5 passes through the toroid=25 ampere turns). The minimum sensitivity of the Hall Effect device dictates a minimum number of ampere-turns that will provide acceptable accuracy.
2. Hall Effect Voltage Regulator
The Hall Effect device exhibits ratiometric behavior. That is, any change in supply voltage will be reflected by a proportional change in output level. Obtaining good accuracy therefore depends greatly on the accuracy and stability of the power supply serving the Hall Effect device. For this reason the supply used to power the Hall Effect device is designed for high accuracy and stability. An LM4050AEM3-5.0 micropower voltage reference supplies 5.0 volts to a ¼ LM124 op amp configured as a X 1 voltage follower. Both devices exhibit high stability over the full −40°-125° C. temperature range. Accuracy of this circuit is ±0.1% over the full range.
3. Power Supply
The power supply section comprises a wide input tolerance switching power supply that provides 12 volt power to the other current sensor circuitry. Any DC voltage between 20 and 95 Volts may be used to power the current sensor. The power supply is based upon the National Semiconductor LM5008 High Voltage Step Down Switching Regulator.
4. Level Shifter
The level shifter combines with sections 5, 6, and 7 to form the signal conditioning circuitry for the current sensor. This section is a X1 voltage follower that buffers the voltage set by the divider formed from R6 and R7. The resulting voltage is used to provide a non-zero reference for the primary gain stage that will cause its output voltage to be shifted. For example, if the minimum voltage out of the Hall Effect device is 0.5V and that represents 0 amperes current, then setting the output of the divider at 0.5V will cause the output of the primary gain stage to be shifted down by 0.5 volts to a level of zero volts when zero current is applied. R6 and R7 have a resistance tolerance of 0.1% and a temperature coefficient of 25 ppm The output of the level shifter is represented by the following formula:
5. Primary Gain
The primary gain stage is a combination difference and summing amplifier used to provide amplification of the signal from the Hall Effect device. The series combinations of R3-R23 and R4-R24 allow precise values of resistance to be created from standard resistors. The output voltage is described by the following formulae:
As an example, suppose R29 and R30 are uninstalled, R3 is 249K, R23 is 1K, R4 is 249K, R24 is 1K, R1 is 200K, and R2 is 200K. For an input ranging from 0.5 to 4.5 volts at R2 and an input (as described previously) of 0.5V at R1, the amplifier will yield a range from 0.0 to 5.0 Volts. All resistors must be 0.1% and 25 ppm in order to keep overall error at less than 1%.
6. Secondary Gain Stage
The secondary gain stage is used to buffer the output of the primary gain stage, and provide any additional amplification required. As an example, it might be used to amplify the 0-5 Volt output described previously by 2 times for an output of 0-10 Volts. For this stage:
7. Output Stage
The output stage is an optional feature of the signal conditioning circuitry. It is constructed from a complementary Mosfet pair connected in push-pull fashion and a suitable biasing resistor network This arrangement provides two advantages where needed. First, it is capable of sourcing high currents and second, it is capable of making voltage excursions extremely close to the power supply rail.
Operation close to the rail is important for accuracy when signals are small. Implementing a 0-1 volt output requires that the zero value at the output be less than 10 milliamps to be within 1% accuracy. For a 0.0-100 millivolt output a zero value of less than 1 millivolt is required. Operational amplifiers cannot achieve such performance. So, even when high output current is not required, it will be necessary to use the output stage if operation near zero volts is required.
Electronic Assembly Options
There are several options that are achieved by the inclusion or exclusion of certain functional sections, and by the installation of correct zero ohm jumpers. The production PC board is arranged in such a way that sections may be populated or left empty to achieve the desired functionality. Following is a description of the product options.
Any of the signal conditioned options also have a choice of output voltage ranges. See below for examples.
The construction of the case of the current sensor unit can be modified from that shown in
As stated earlier, one of the advantages of the invention is that a current sensor unit can be constructed as an adjunct to a standard circuit breaker with minimal modification of the circuit breaker. However, there may be instances in which it is desirable to incorporate a current sensor unit of the invention in a case of a circuit breaker that has been specifically designed to receive the current sensor unit. FIG. BC shows an embodiment in which box portions of the current sensor unit case are integrally molded with corresponding box portions of the circuit breaker case. See, e.g., 14A″, 12A″.
While preferred embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, changes can be made without departing from the principles and spirit of the invention, the scope of which is defined in the claims which follow. For Example, the sensor unit can be programmed to measure voltage. AC or DC current or a combination thereof can be sensed, for example. Moreover, some of the principles of the invention can be used to provide self-contained adjuncts to other types of current-carrying electrical devices.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/654,074 filed Feb. 18, 2005, incorporated herein by reference.
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