Portfolio of Flow Sheets--Reprinted from Coal Age, Jan. 1978, pp. 66-83. |
Coal Beneficiation, by Ash Agglomeration-Capes et al, 28th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, pp. 118-131-Halifax, N.S., Oct. 1978, NRCC No. 17141. |
Effect of Chemical Pretreatment on the Desulfurization of Coal by Selective Oil Agglomeration, Edward C. Patterson, Sep. 1978, Energy and Mineral Resources Research Institute, Iowa State University-Ames, Iowa, IS-ICP-64. |
Colloidal Fuels, Their Preparation and Properties, S. E. Sheppard, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Jan. 1921, vol. 13, No. I-pp. 37-47. |
Rejection of Trace Metals from Coal During Beneficiation by Agglomeration, Capes et al., vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 1974, pp. 35-38, Environmental Science and Technology. |
Agglomeration in Coal Preparation, Capes et al., Proceedings of the Institute of Briquetting and Agglomeration, 12th Biennial Conference, vol. 12, Aug. 1971, pp. 11-5-11-17 (53-65 NRCC 12767). |
Economic Assessment of the Application of Oil Agglomeration to Coal Preparation, Capes et al. (NRCC #14068) Jul. 1974, CIM Bulletin. |
Pilot Plant Testing of the Spherical Agglomeration Process in Coal Preparation, Capes et al., Presented at the 16th Biennial Conference Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration, San Diego, California (1979) (Jul.). |
Cleaning of Eastern Bituminous Coals by Fine Grinding, Froth Flotation & High Gradient Magnetic Separation (A paper said to have been presented Sep. 1978 at Hollywood, Florida, by Freyberger, Keck, Spottiswood, Solem & Doane of Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931). |
Feasibility Study of Molecular Grafting to Solubilize Coal (A report prepared for the United States Energy Research & Development Administration, by Lester Burgess & available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161 at $8.00 paper). |