"On The Computation of Motion From Sequences of Images-A Review" by J. K. Aggarwal; Proceedings of IEEE: vol. 76, No. 8, Aug., 1988 pp., 917-935. |
"Computational Aspects of Determining Optical Flow" by D. Lee et al; 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision: Dec. 1988; pp., 612-618. |
"Determining Optical Flow" by Horn et al; Artificial Intelligence 17 (1981) pp., 185-203. |
"Computing Motion Using Analog and Binary Resistive Networks" by Hutchinson et al; Nikkei Electronics 1988 8.8.; pp., 175-185 (This is a Japanese translation of a report printed in IEEE Computer, vol. 21, No. 3, pp., 52-63, Mar. 1988.) |