Not applicable.
Not applicable.
1. Field of Invention
This invention relates to hot nuclear fusion reactions of heavy and light Hydrogen and other fusion reactive gases for the production and recovery of energy.
2. Description of Prior Art
Electric illumination supplies a basic need of modern society. To this end, inventors created several types of electric lights. U.S. Pat. No. 514,170 to Tesla (1894), which is hereby incorporated by reference, discloses a partially evacuated spherical glass bulb within which is centered a sphere of refractory material. This central electrode is attached by a stalk containing an electrically conductive element. The conducting element is attached to a source of high voltage, high frequency electrical potential. This alternating potential ionizes and then alternately attracts and repels the positive ions of rarefied gases present in the bulb. These ions reach such speeds, that the central refractory electrode, due to the force of impact of these high speed ions, glows incandescently becoming a source of light. This starts occurring at frequencies of 20 KHz (thousand Hertz) and above, and at potentials of 20 KV AC (thousand volts alternating current) and above.
The light described above, is a net user of energy, with electrical energy transformed into light and heat energy. It utilizes the energy produced by the work of other power sources. It does not produce energy from chemical and or nuclear reactions that can be harnessed to do useful work.
In order to provide high voltage, high frequency electrical potentials to operate devices such as the light described above, inventors created sources of high voltage, high frequency potentials. U.S. Pat. No. 568,176 to Tesla (1896), U.S. Pat. No. 568,178 to Tesla (1896), U.S. Pat. No. 568,179 to Tesla (1896), U.S. Pat. No. 568,180 to Tesla (1896), U.S. Pat. No. 577,670 to Tesla (1897), and U.S. Pat. No. 583,953 to Tesla (1897) individually and collectively describe such sources of high voltage, high frequency alternating potential generation and control.
A reliable source of power supplies a basic need of modern society. To this end, inventors created several types of nuclear reactors. U.S. Pat. No. 3,530,497 to International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (1970), U.S. Pat. No. 3,258,402 to Farnsworth (1966) and U.S. Pat. No. 3,386,883 to Farnsworth (1968) collectively describe the “Farnsworth fusor.” The “Farnsworth fusor” utilizes the phenomenon of recirculation of large ionic currents in order to form a centrally located negative potential well. Low energy fusion reactive ions within this central well are impacted by high energy fusion reactive ions accelerated across this potential well from peripheral locations. The collision of these fusion reactive ions with fusion reactive velocities is its principle mode of operation as a controlled nuclear-fusion reactor. These reactors have control grids. These reactors have a cathode. These reactors depend upon thermionic or other forms of ion emission. These reactors may have ion guns. These reactors utilize direct currents as their principle drive potential. These reactors function with internal electrodes. These electrodes are therefore exposed to the extreme heat generated by the reaction. This results in decreased reliability since these vital structures are close to the reaction and are detrimentally affected by the extreme levels of heat generated by nuclear reactions. The varied reactor shapes available to the “Farnsworth fusor”, and the internal structures required for it's operation, limit the efficiency of energy transfer from the nuclear-fusion reaction to the power absorption medium.
An efficient source of Hydrogen fusion power supplies a basic need of modern society. To this end, inventors created several types of Hydrogen fusion reactors. U.S. Pat. No. 4,444,717 to de Breze (1984), which is hereby incorporated by reference, discloses a new and unique approach to Hydrogen fusion that discards the confinement theory. It uses Carbon as a catalyst in the Hydrogen-Carbon-Helium nuclear cycle. Described is a two stage reactor. In the first stage, Hydrogen ions are scanned against a Tungsten plate containing Carbon impregnated Zirconium targets. The reaction byproducts of Helium, Hydrogen and alpha particles are then mixed with Tritium and sent to the second stage. A magnetic field separates these ions from electrons. The resulting oppositely charged space charges are absorbed to provide a high voltage direct current potential. This serves as a secondary source of harvested power.
An efficient source of Hydrogen fusion power supplies a basic need of modern society. To this end, inventors created several types of Hydrogen fusion reactors. U.S. Pat. No. 4,654,561 to Shelton (1987), which is hereby incorporated by reference, discloses a plasma containment device. A ball of plasma is formed between the poles of an electromagnet excited by radio frequency potentials. The frequency is such that standing electromagnetic waves ionize, compress, confine, and excite this plasma ball. Gas jet means within the electromagnet poles keep this ball centered between the poles. Other gas jet means keep the plasma ball centered within the horizontal plane. Along the central horizontal axis are additional adjustable gas jets. Selective, controlled discharge of gas through these adjustable jets imparts rotational energy to the plasma ball. All of these actions are monitored by sensors feeding a computer system to coordinate these actions to keep this plasma ball positioned correctly.
An efficient source of Hydrogen fusion power supplies a basic need of modern society. To this end, inventors created catalyst means to facilitate such reactions. British patent 893,783 to Weiss (1962), which is hereby incorporated by reference, discloses a means of using Carbon as a catalyst in magnetic confinement reactors. Carbon is introduced into the heart of these reactions as a hydrocarbon. The quadrivalent nature of Carbon assists these reactions. The additional bombardment of the reacting mixture by gamma or x-ray radiation further facilitates these reactions. This is in addition to the high temperatures created by magnetic compression of the plasma.
The present invention comprises nuclear reactors, their ancillary and control equipment for the controllable hot fusion of heavy Hydrogen, light Hydrogen, or other fusion-reactive gases. The fuel for the preferred embodiment of this invention is Deuterium. The present invention also comprises processes and equipment for the separation of light water from a mixture of light and heavy water for the production of purified light Hydrogen as a nuclear fuel.
The reactors involved are alternating current particle accelerators. An alternating potential accelerates fusion reactive gases to and away from a target electrode, or virtual target electrode, centrally located in the reactor. The collision velocities obtained are sufficient to cause fusion reactions. Catalysts may be used to facilitate these reactions.
Using the example of a spherical reactor with a central target electrode. This is called a Phase one reactor. When the central electrode has a negative charge, the gas ions are accelerated towards the center. It will accelerate towards the central electrode as a collapsing sphere. This sphere may only be several atoms thick. These Deuterium ions will impact the target electrode and impact Deuterium atoms already at the surface of this electrode. In addition, further oncoming Deuterium ions will also impact these ions. The collision velocities will be sufficient to cause fusion.
Using the example of a spherical reactor without a central target electrode. This is called a Phase two reactor. When the conductive reactor shell has a positive charge, the gas ions are accelerated towards the center. It will accelerate towards the central virtual electrode as a collapsing sphere. This sphere may only be several atoms thick. These Deuterium ions will impact oncoming Deuterium ions from the opposite direction. These collisions will be followed by further collisions on the periphery of this initial colliding mass of Deuterium ions by additional Deuterium ions approaching peripherally. They will sequentially add energy to this mass as they collide with it. The energy of these molecules, atoms, and ions will be transferred to the reacting mass on impact. These resultant collisions will be sufficiently energetic to cause fusion.
This Phase two reactor is a conductive envelope suspended in an insulating and cooling fluid. It has no central target electrode. When the central virtual electrode has a negative charge, the gases are accelerated towards the center. With a mixture of Hydrogen and methane, these gases are differentially accelerated due to differing masses. The Hydrogen will accelerate faster, reaching higher peak velocities. It will accelerate towards the central virtual target as a collapsing shape approximating that of the given envelope. This shape may only be several atoms thick. These Hydrogen ions will impact oncoming Hydrogen ions approaching from the opposite direction. These collisions will be followed by further collisions peripherally to this initial colliding mass of Hydrogen ions. There will also be by Hydrogen ions approaching from behind the initial colliding ions. They will sequentially impact, adding energy to this mass as they collide with it. A short period of time latter, the methane ions, or free Carbon gas, will then impact with this assembled mass of fusing Hydrogen atoms. This will add additional energy to this assembly of fusing ions. The resultant collision velocities will be sufficient to cause fusion.
The methane approaching this fusing mass will probably disassociate into Hydrogen and free Carbon as a result of the high temperatures produced by fusion. This Hydrogen mass will be assembled into a virtual target in the instance of the Phase two reactors. This Hydrogen mass will be at the surface and within the pores of the target material in the instance of the Phase one reactors. The energy of these molecules, atoms, and ions will be transferred to the reacting mass on impact. With a Carbon catalyst, Carbon atoms will penetrate this reacting mass increasing the number of Hydrogen ions entering the nuclei of Carbon atoms. This will further promote fusion reactions by the Hydrogen-Carbon-Helium cycle. Four Hydrogen atoms may exist at a given time within a Carbon nucleus. As others are forced in by the energy of these collisions, fusion occurs as rapidly as additional Hydrogen ions enter the Carbon nuclei.
The impact of the Carbon atoms at the periphery of the reacting Hydrogen mass facilitates the production and maintenance of assembly of this fusing mass. Impurities within the catalyst gas are also accelerated centrally and impact the assembled reacting mass. They will also be differentially accelerated as a result of having differing masses. They will arrive at times separate from the arrival of the main body of catalyst gas. Depending on whether they contain Carbon, they may or may not catalyze the fusion reactions directly as does the Carbon. However, their impact will also impart energy to the reacting mass upon collision. This will promote fusion and also facilitate the maintenance of assembly of this fusing mass. The presence of impurities in small quantities will therefore have no adverse affect on the operation of this device.
Dr. Nikola Tesla's in the 1890's invented a Carbon button lamp as in his patent titled “System of Electric Lighting.” This apparatus consists of a central electrode, consisting of Carbon in most variants, in an evacuated chamber. This chamber is charged with gas at a very low pressure. This gas consists of Helium and or other noble gases. The particle velocities obtained impacting the central electrode cause it to glow incandescently. This incandescence started occurring at frequencies of 20 KHz (kilo Hertz) and above, and at potentials of 20 kV AC (kilo volts alternating current) and above. The apparatus was operated at potentials of up to 25 MV (million volts) AC. At these extremely high potentials high levels of visible light and X-rays are produced. Experiments were run by Tesla with hard substances to test the material's endurance of high particle collision velocities. The hardest substance exposed was the ruby gemstone. It was disintegrated by the collision of these high speed gas particles.
On Mar. 24, 1951, Argentine dictator Juan Peron announced that scientist Ronald Richter had successfully operated a controlled hot fusion reaction. The basis of this was the fusion of Hydrogen within an electric arc discharge. The claim was eventually disproved.
Within days of Juan Peron's announcement, Princeton astronomer Professor Lyman Spitzer conceived the idea of using magnetically confined plasmas to ignite and control hot Hydrogen fusion reactions. Many approaches were tried including mirror machines, magnetic bottles with magnetic end caps, and torus-shaped devices called stellarators. None worked efficiently.
In the 1950's, fusion reactions were produced with direct current particle accelerators. Most common are neutron tubes. These use a high voltage direct current potential to accelerate particles to a target where fusion occurs. These low power devices are primarily used for the generation of neutrons in certain measuring devices and in thermonuclear warheads.
In 1968, scientists in the Soviet Union developed the Tokamak reactor, with a tenfold increase in plasma temperature and pressure. Tokamak is a Russian acronym for toroidal chamber with magnetic coil. Most magnetic confinement reactors to date have been Tokamak variations.
Limitations of magnetic confinement reactors include high cost, low power yield in relation to power required to operate the device, large size, very heavy structure, and an intricate mechanism. They are not commercially operational. The most serious obstacle is that the magnetic field strength is in direct proportion to the current producing the magnetic field. Very significant amounts of power is lost in the ohmic heating of wire.
An approach to magnetic confinement is superconductivity. This will significantly reduce the ohmic heating power losses. This approach produces other problems. Energy must be expended in order to maintain the wires at extremely cold temperatures. A very large energy gradient exists. At one extreme is the high temperature of fusing plasma at the center of the magnetic field. At the other extreme is the electrical windings at temperatures approaching absolute zero. This gradient is necessary, but energy wants to flow down this gradient producing more problems. Power has to be transported across this gradient, without it's disruption, to harness the power produced. These conflicting requirements are not reconcilable with current materials and technologies.
The basic premises behind magnetic confinement is fundamentally flawed. The Sun does compress Hydrogen to a hot plasma at such pressures and temperatures to cause ignition of fusion. But the Sun has a much more massive gravitational field. It does not matter that compression is inefficient. Confinement reactors direct their energy to the increase of gas pressure and temperature. These are not the direct determinants of Hydrogen fusion. Particle collision velocity is the one and only direct determinant of fusion! The direction of energy toward the secondary determinants of fusion make the process inherently inefficient.
In the 1960's, Philo Farnsworth invented the “Farnsworth Fusor” in the labs of International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. The “Farnsworth Fusor” utilizes the phenomenon of recirculation of large ionic currents in order to form a centrally located negative potential well. Low energy fusion reactive ions within this central well are impacted by high energy fusion reactive ions accelerated across this potential well from peripheral locations. The collision of these fusion reactive ions with fusion reactive velocities is its principle mode of operation as a controlled nuclear-fusion reactor. These recirculating ionic currents are formed within electrical fields. With electrical field production, field strength is in direct proportion to the voltage potential. It is possible to generate high electrical field strengths with low power levels. It is possible to increase the electric field strength by ionic recirculation in ionic oscillations. The “Farnsworth Fusor” was proved to produce controlled hot Hydrogen fusion reactions and to produce of large amounts of neutrons. It is still used as a neutron generator. It consists of an inner and outer spherical grid mesh charged by a high voltage direct current potential. A low voltage radio frequency potential is placed on the outer grid to “modulate” the strong electrical field produced. This varies the dimensions of the contained negative potential well in order to increase efficiency. The electrical fields across the negative potential well drives ionized fusion reactive gases to the center of the sphere with sufficient velocity to result in fusion reactions. It has limitations. It's internal mesh grids are exposed to high temperatures of fusion creating reliability problems. It will also have problems with the efficient transport of power out of the reactor chamber. It also has problems with ionic recombination and focus.
The initial “Farnsworth Fusor” used this low voltage radio frequency modulation to vary the dimensions of the negative potential well. In the Jun. 28, 1966 patent: “In producing nuclear reactions, this invention utilizes unique apparatus for creating an electric field in space within which charged nuclear particles are oscillated at sufficient velocity that resultant collisions of particles produces nuclear reactions.” A high voltage at about 100 kV DC (kilo volts direct current) potential is applied to an inter meshed set of grids that contains ions at or about the center, forming a virtual cathode. This strong electrical field is “modulated” by a low voltage, high frequency RF (radio frequency) potential of about 10 VAC at about 100 MHz (million Hertz). This RF potential causes the oscillating ions within the negative potential well to vary their paths and periods within this virtual cathode. Objects of this apparatus include: “to provide a method of converging a space current onto a common point-like region for developing an electrical field which oscillates ions through said region until the ions interact with each other,” “to provide a method of producing ionic oscillations though a point-like region in space.”
In the final form, the Sep. 22, 1970 patent, this radio frequency modulation is removed. This is described in the patent application as: “Involved in this invention is a nonmagnetic method for the confinement of ionized fusion gases and the utilization of this phenomenon for the construction of a controlled nuclear-fusion reactor.” This embodiment uses only direct current potentials for the production of the electrical fields, ionic oscillations, and the resultant negative potential well.
During the 1960's the laser ignition concept of fusion was invented. A small pellet of Deuterium and Tritium fuel is suspended in a field and then bombarded by high intensity laser or particle beams. The fuel is compressed, ignited, and reacted in a fusion reaction lasting but a fraction of a second. A tiny star exists for this minute period of time, releasing much energy. It has been hoped to achieve these reactive pulsations as rapidly as 20 times a second. Unfortunately, it has not been successfully operational as a commercial power source.
In the 1980's, Anne de Breze invented a new and unique approach to fusion. It discards the confinement theory. It utilizes the Hydrogen-Carbon-Helium nuclear cycle, with Carbon serving as a catalyst for the fusion fusion reactions. Ionized Hydrogen is accelerated to 457 kV (thousand electron volts) by a linear particle accelerator. This beam is controlled by magnetic fields which scan it vertically and horizontally across a perforated Tungsten target plate. This action is similar to how a television screen is scanned by an electron beam. The perforations contain Zirconium impregnated with Carbon. The Hydrogen penetrates the Carbon nuclei, which can not hold more than four protons at one time. Once this saturation is reached, two Helium atoms and two neutrons are emitted as the corresponding number of new protons impact the target. A plasma comprised of Helium, non reacted protons, and alpha particles is extracted on the opposite of the target plate. This plasma is then extracted through a second perforated plate. It is then pumped from this chamber and mixed with Tritium. This mixture is then pumped into the second reactor chamber. This secondary plasma travels across a magnetic field where it is differentially separated into positive and negative space charges. Conductors absorb these charges thus producing high voltage direct current. This current represents a secondary source of energy in addition to the heat generated by the first reactor stage.
A cluster impact fusion device was developed by Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1989. It is disclosed in Beuhler, R. J., Friedlander, G., and Friedman, L, “Cluster Impact Fusion,” Physical Review Letters, Sep. 18, 1989, pages 1292 to 1295, volume 63, number 12, which is hereby incorporated by reference. It uses a direct current particle accelerator to accelerate heavy water ice crystals to impact a Deuterium loaded Titanium target. The particle energy was only about 300 keV. The ion beam approached the target along a single axis, moving in one direction. The researchers concluded that “the experiments reported here provide a novel approach to the study of fusion reactions in dense assemblies of reactant atoms. The high fusion rates and the sensitivity to projectile energy suggest the possibility of a new path to fusion power.” It indeed represents a new approach to fusion power. Because of unidirectional and single axis particle acceleration, it does not represent an efficient fusion power generation apparatus.
In 1989, the Fleishmann-Pons-type cold fusion electrochemical cell was disclosed and it's related derivatives. These have not been proven to produce power.
Significantly is sonoluminescence or bubble fusion. Sonoluminescence was discovered in 1933. Research into this phenomenon has been continued by physicist William Moss at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This involved the study of expanding and collapsing bubbles of gas in water exposed to ultrasonic stimulation. The bubbles were found to collapse at a speed of about Mach 4, which is about 1 mile per second. A very far cry from the speed of light! The temperatures inside were at least 10,000 degrees centigrade and possibly up to a million degrees centigrade. A joint US-Russian research team has made this process work using a water and acetone mixture. Sonoluminescence has one very big drawback, it is still cold fusion. Even if it functions, it is limited to the boiling point of water. It will not efficiently produce power because it is cold!
This invention relates to the fusion of fusion reactive gases in an alternating current electric field. These reactors are alternating current particle accelerators. They are called inertial storage, ionic impact hot Hydrogen fusion nuclear reactors. They are named the “DeLuze Fusion Reactors.”
What Brookhaven created was a convincing lab experiment proving a new principle of fusion. In this experiment fusion reactive particles were accelerated to a target along a single axis and in a single direction. In a target variation of my reactors, the particles are accelerated to the target in a three dimensional pattern, along all of the axis. With a spherical target the particles approach as a collapsing sphere of incoming particles, hitting the target from all exposed directions. The particles are alternately accelerated outward from the target to the reactor shell, and then inward to the core and target. This is a result of using an alternating current potential. The reaction goes on and off at a high rate. This gives the reaction stability and controllability. It allows the injection of fresh fuel gases and the extraction of waste exhaust gases. The Brookhaven experiment is like firing a gun. After shooting, it has to be reloaded. It can't run on a “continuous” basis like this invention and therefore is not a practical power generator. My reactors can run “continuous,” actually rapidly turning off and on, and will function as a power source!!
An alternate variant of my reactor accelerates the particles to a virtual target. These particles, in the case of a spherical reaction chamber, approach this virtual target as a collapsing sphere. Over most of the distance there is no interaction between particles. As they get within the interaction distance several things occur that promote fusion. If an individual particle were to attempt to veer off of it's axis of movement, the repulsion forces of nearby currently converging particles will repel this motion, keeping the particle on it's original axis of travel. When approximating the virtual target, all of the axis are converging. The other alternative is for the particle to reverse direction along it's original axis. When the driving potential is of sufficient magnitude the particle has acquired a tremendous amount of speed, with high amounts of potential energy stored as inertia. In relation to the distance with respect to imminent collision with a particle approaching on the opposite axis, the particle approach speed is too great for the particle to not collide head on with the opposing particle. Collision and resultant fusion occur. The collision velocity will approach twice the particle approach velocity. It is possible to produce collision velocities approaching speed of light, with sub speed of light particle velocities. This reactor variant is capable of fusing light Hydrogen.
My reactor works on a similar idea to that of sonoluminescence or bubble fusion. The reaction consists of a single “bubble,” in the case of a spherical reactor, collapsing at very high speed to a target or virtual target electrode centrally located. This “bubble” consists of a shell of fusion reactive ions. This shell may be only a few atoms thick. It exists in a relatively high vacuum of approximately 0.01 Torr. Due to the high potentials used, estimated to be between 50 kV AC to 5 MV AC, the particle velocities are at nuclear reactive speeds. Fusion occurs as a result of these high speed collisions.
Dr. Tesla's research proves the efficacy of this type of device to obtains such particle speeds. The Brookhaven experiments indicate that target impact fusion occurs with particle velocities in the vicinity of 300 keV. The sonoluminescence experiments show the efficacy of the collapsing “bubble” concept of fusion. These steps are not new or exotic. They are just combined in a new, revolutionary approach to fusion.
I will now address solutions to some of the technical barriers to controllable, efficient hydrogen fusion. The inefficient use of energy to sustain fusion reactions by directing energy to only the secondary determinants of fusion are overcome by only directing energy to effect particle acceleration. This acceleration occurs within an oscillating electrical field strength which is directly proportional to the applied voltage. This eliminates energy loss by the ohmic heating of wire. At high enough potentials, the power lost in this manner is totally insignificant. The issue of the energy gradient is not an issue, for there is no energy barrier to be overcome. The faster energy can be removed, the higher the power level that a reactor can operated at.
Electrodes in proximity to the reaction, as in the “Farnsworth Fusor,” is an issue with the Phase one reactor. Their power level is limited by the power at which the internal electrode, or electrodes, are compromised. The Phase two reactor is basically the Phase one reactor inverted. The electrode at which the reactions occur is only virtual. In the case of a spherical reactor, the reactor is a conductive sphere in a suitable insulation fluid, such as oil. This fluid also facilitates heat removal from the reactor. The limiting power level of this reactor is that at which the reactor shell itself becomes compromised. This level can be increased by increasing the size of the reactor shell. This may require a higher driving potential, but this is not a problem. The issues of the Brookhaven reactor, that of single direction and axis acceleration is overcome by using bidirectional and three dimensional particle acceleration. The issue of “one shot” operation is overcome by the alternating electrical field. The particles are accelerated to the reactor core and at the next instant are accelerated outward to the reactor shell. During this outward expansion phase, new fuel can be injected and waste gases extracted.
In the late 1950's and early 1960's, Jacques Weiss of France described in French and British patents the use of Carbon as a catalyst for fusion reactions. His disclosure goes on to describe this process. The reaction is that leading to the condensation of four atoms of Hydrogen into one atom of Helium. The apparatus already placed into operation to contain, heat and fuse Hydrogen into Helium did not prove to do so efficiently.
His discovery is a new industrial process for efficient Hydrogen fusion by the use of a catalyst containing Carbon to assist this reaction. The preferred method is to introduce a hydrocarbon, preferably methane. This Carbon is introduced into the heart of the reaction. Quadrivalent Carbon on absorption of four Hydrogen atoms under the right conditions will release Helium and energy. This process requires magnetostriction to raise the temperature of Hydrogen to about ten million degrees. The Carbon is introduced into this high temperature zone. The introduction of Carbon in the form of a methane, or other complex hydrocarbon, is not of importance because such molecules become dissociated at such temperatures. Free Carbon is then released to serve as the catalyst to facilitate the fusion reactions. This is also to be facilitated by bombardment of this high temperature zone by x-ray or gamma radiation.
It is claimed that quadrivalent Carbon can be used to assist the described fusion of Hydrogen at high temperatures into Helium (claim 1). That the Carbon so functions by its release into the heart of this reaction (claim 2). That this reaction is further speeded up by the introduction of energy in the form of x-ray or gamma radiation in addition to the action already due to the high temperature (claim 3). That this described process is a means of production of thermal energy from the fusion reaction of Hydrogen, as substantially hereinbefore described (claim 4).
While the present state of the art has been able to produce fusion reactions, it has not been able to do so in an efficient and controllable manner consistent with what is needed to become a commercially viable source of power.
Tesla's inventions did provide a source of electric light. But the apparatus was complicated and cumbersome. In addition, the Carbon button lamp produced high amounts of dangerous x-ray radiation.
The “Farnsworth Fusor” is an operational device, but is subject to limitations of the peak power output available due to delicate internal grids exposed to high temperatures near the reaction center. My Phase one reactor, the one having a target electrode, faces the same limitations. This is resolved in the Phase two reactor by using a virtual central target.
The de Breze reactor is an interesting new approach to fusion. I do not know if it has ever become operational. Its operation is similar and yet different from my reactor. In the stage one portion of the de Breze reactor, it utilizes particle acceleration. However, it operates using a DC accelerator which scans a target containing the Carbon catalyst. This catalyst is in a fixed position and the protons are accelerated to its location. The catalyst is within the pores of Zirconium metal. The amount of available catalyst is limited to that which can be absorbed into the pores of the Zirconium. The amount of available catalyst in my reactors can be adjusted on a continuous basis to meet the instantaneous demand. The available catalyst is not able to be replenished in the de Breze reactor without shutting the process down, pumping the reactor down, heating the metal and re introducing a Carbon gas. In my reactor, the Carbon catalyst is constantly introduced and mixed with the fuel gas. The Carbon catalyst in my reactor is not stationary. It is differentially accelerated and impacts the reacting mass along its periphery.
The Shelton reactor uses a plurality of various gas discharge jets to recirculate the gases utilized by the device. This recirculation system is shown in
Besides the introduction of gases, one of the main functions of the gas system in the Shelton reactor is to impart various amounts of energy to the enclosed ball of plasma. The device operates with the contained gases under pressure, with initial pressurization of about 1 pound per square inch gage (psig). Jets 40 & 42 in
Shelton postulates that it might be possible to maintain the current in the ball by spinning it with gas jets or ion beams; electrons and nuclei would be differentially retarded by the external magnet field due to their different magneto-resistance. But this involves imparting power to the ball. But to also claim that the this laminar flow would be of sufficiently low magnitude to prevent turbulence is contrary to a gas stream of sufficient magnitude to imply such rotational energy. However, possibly the plasma ball could formed with such a low magnitude gas stream by allowing it to develop in the absence of the magnetic field. If it is then planned that once this plasma ball is up to proper speed that then the magnetic field could be turned on. If this were to happen, the ball would quickly stop rotation due to the energy consumed by rotating such ions within the magnetic field. It is unlikely that such rotational power could be added to such a plasma ball by purely gas friction. But if even that were possible, there would be considerable turbulence within the reactor chamber. These needs are not reconcilable.
The functions of the gas delivery means of my reactor is to serve purposes opposite to those described by Shelton. The injection of pulses of small quantities of gas across a low pressure differential into a baffled surge tank accomplishes the prevention, as far as feasible, of the introduction of energy into the reaction chamber due to gas flow. The motion of the gases within the reactor chamber is to be controlled solely by the alternating electrical field, as far as feasible, and not by the flow of gases into and out of this chamber.
This reactor operates at a relatively high vacuum of about 0.01 Torr as compared with the Shelton device operating at 1 psig. Gas flow dynamics are very different at these differing pressures. It is likened to a candle flame. With the Shelton device, energy is applied to this flame altering its position. In my reactor, it is important that the flame position not be altered. This would in effect blow out the flame.
The injector valves are pressurized at about 1 Torr by the gas apparatus feeding them. They inject minute, controlled amounts of gas into a large baffled chamber operating at a pressure of about 0.01 Torr. By operating the injector valve at such a low pressure differential, the draft turbulence introduced into the baffled surge tank is minimized. The baffles further dampen these pulsations prior to the gas reaching the reactor chamber proper. The exhaust injector valve extracts minute quantities of gas from a baffled surge tank. This also minimizes draft pulsations from being imparted into the reactor chamber proper.
The Weiss industrial process using catalyst to facilitate fusion reactions was developed and patented in the late 1950's and early 1960's. The processes known and attempted at that time to produce controlled fusion included the Richter electric arc, the neutron tubes, magnetic confinement reactors, inertial confinement, and probably the “Farnsworth Fusor.” The electric arc did not function. The neutron tubes are low power, one shot devices. The Weiss catalyst system is not applicable to the inertial storage process. The “Farnsworth Fusor” had, and still has promise. Being an electric field device, its actions can benefit from the Weiss Carbon catalyst system. The Weiss system was developed to facilitate magnetic confinement reactions, which remain problematic to this day.
The de Breze reactor, cluster impact fusion, electrochemical cells, bubble fusion, and the “DeLuze Fusion Reactor” were future devices. The state of the fusion reactor art at that time would not have made such use of a catalyst, as used in my reactors, obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art of the time. In addition, the reactors as invented by this inventor are of a totally new concept in the fusion art. The understanding of their operation has not been obvious to those with ordinary skill, and even exceptional skill, in the fusion art up to the present. There has been much research into the fusion art worldwide over the last 50 years. Prior to the invention of the “DeLuze Fusion Reactor”, the use of an inertial storage, ionic impact fusion device of such design has not been obvious to anyone skilled in the art. Weiss is very clear in his application that his process requires the operational conditions as produced by what he described as a magnetostriction apparatus. Weiss goes on to be specific that the catalyst Carbon was to be introduced into the high temperature zone of such apparatus. This is consistent with the level of understanding of the fusion art of the time.
The attempts at fusion generally have depended upon the creation of high temperatures and pressures in order to ignite such reactions. Like de Breze and Brookhaven, my reaction process discards the confinement theory. To date, most researchers skilled in the fusion art have focused on the necessity of increasing temperature and pressure in order to achieve fusion reactions. In order to develop my fusion process, it was necessary to drop concerns of increasing temperature and pressure completely. Yes, high temperatures will occur, and at periodic intervals within the reaction process, high pressures may also be developed. But as far as operational parameters for the function of this process, temperature and pressure must be discarded. The operational parameters of particle velocity, acceleration, and particle collision velocity only must be considered. Temperature and pressure are distractions which have hindered the advancement of this art over the last 50 years. This is a fundamental advance and change of direction in the fusion art. Only de Breze and Brookhaven have made such attempts.
The use of a Carbon catalyst in my reactors uses a process unlike that as described by Weiss. With the Weiss process, the Carbon is introduced into the heart of the reaction. With confinement reactors, the most massive atoms and molecules will be driven to the center of the reacting mass. This mass will remain assembled for the duration of the ongoing reactions. It is not periodically assembled and then disassembled as in my reaction process. In my reactors, the Carbon is introduced to the periphery of the reacting mass. The main Carbon compound, and the contaminants, will collide with the reacting mass, transferring energy as a result. This will facilitate the momentary assembly of the reacting mass.
The physical properties of the Carbon will also promote the fusion process as Hydrogen atoms enter the nuclei of the Carbon atoms. As de Breze points out, there are multiple known Hydrogen-Carbon-Helium reactions. I have no theoretical knowledge as to which reaction will predominate, but they may be different from those predominating in Weiss or de Breze when fusing Deuterium. Comparing Weiss and de Breze makes it appear that the dominant Hydrogen-Carbon-cycle is different in the de Breze reactor and in the Weiss process. It is the main object of this invention to promote the fusion of light Hydrogen in my reactors capable of the fusion of light Hydrogen. Neither Weiss or de Breze claimed to be able to fuse light Hydrogen with their processes. Weiss describes the condensation of four atoms of Hydrogen into one atom of Helium. He then states that the apparatus has already been placed in operation in order to contain and heat Hydrogen to temperatures at which it was expected that the fusion into Helium would occur with the release of energy. He then states that the reaction did not occur to a usable extent due to the lack of introducing a suitable catalyst into the heart of the reaction. At the time Weiss made these claims, efforts at fusion almost exclusively used the heavy Hydrogen isotopes of Deuterium and Tritium. The fuel used in the Weiss process and the de Breze reactor are different than what is proposed in this invention. Yes, a Carbon catalyst may also help the fusion of heavy Hydrogen isotopes, but that is not the significant use and preferred embodiment of this invention. What is most important is that the mechanism of promoting such reactions in my reactors is totally different from de Breze and Weiss.
With the Weiss process, the Carbon is confined in the heart of the reaction. The Hydrogen is compressed about the Carbon at high temperatures and pressures for this reaction to occur. It is also advantageous that the reaction be also stimulated by further energy supplied by x-ray or gamma radiation. This is in addition to the energy supplied by the high temperature.
In the de Breze reactor, the Carbon is held in the porous structure of Zirconium metal. It is a stationary target. This stationary Carbon catalyst is bombarded by a beam of Hydrogen ions at a specific energy level of 457 keV. It seems that de Breze implies that the careful control of the energy level of this Hydrogen ion beam is very important for this given Hydrogen-Carbon-Helium reaction to occur.
My reaction process is totally different. Hydrogen ions are accelerated to a target. The collision velocities of these ions with Hydrogen at the surface of the target and with Hydrogen ions following the initial ions is what causes fusion. This process is facilitated by the subsequent collision of the Carbon based catalyst materials. These substances arrive slightly after the Hydrogen ions because of their having a greater mass. They are differentially accelerated from the lighter Hydrogen. This collision of the catalyst provides additional energy to these reactions. It also facilitates assembly of the reacting mass.
When the polarity of the accelerating electric field reverses, there will be a subsequent disassembly of the reacting mass. This disassembly is retarded in time with relation to the field polarity change due to the energy provided by the catalyst atoms and by their inertia which resists disassembly. This adds to the time of assembly for a given electric field frequency. This further promotes fusion.
In addition to the transfer of energy by the catalyst, the catalyst Carbon nuclei penetrate into the reacting Hydrogen mass. This drives Hydrogen nuclei into the Carbon nuclei, promoting fusion by yet another means. In a reactor with a virtual target, the reaction will start at the assembled mass center. It will also start at the periphery of the reacting mass. Shock waves will proceed outward from the mass center. Shock waves will also proceed inward from the periphery. This will result in a energy pattern within this mass similar to a diffraction pattern. These will be zones of high energy where these shock waves add. There will also be zones of lower energy where the waves subtract. The zones of high energy will become locations of further fusion. Shock waves with then proceed inward and outward form these zones, creating new zones of high energy and low energy. The process will continue as long as the mass remains assembled.
In a reactor with an actual target, the reaction will start at the surface of the target. It will also start at the periphery of the reacting mass. Shock waves will proceed outward from the surface of the target. Shock waves will also proceed inward from the periphery. This will result in a energy pattern within this mass similar to a diffraction pattern. These will be zones of high energy where these shock waves add. There will also be zones of lower energy where the waves subtract. The zones of high energy will become locations of further fusion. Shock waves with then proceed inward and outward form these zones, creating new zones of high energy and low energy. The process will continue as long as the reactions are assembled.
When the polarity of the field is reversed and the inertia of the catalyst is overcome, the catalyst, reacted ions and non reacted ions will be accelerated to the reactor periphery. This again will be a differential acceleration, with the more massive ions proceeding last. All of these ions will strike the periphery of the reactor. This will transfer energy form the core of the reactor to the reactor shell. All of the ions, atoms, and molecules will participate in this process. The catalyst atoms, ions, and molecules will as a result act as an energy transport means for removal of energy from the reacting mass to out of the reactor. This will involve the non reacted Hydrogen, the Helium byproducts, the catalyst, and the contaminants. Energy will also be released by radiation transfer. The movement of the catalyst in the oscillating field will promote energy transfer out of the reactor. This reaction process, as compared with Weiss and de Breze, is a periodic, pulsatile process, and not a continuous process.
Tesla's Carbon button lamp consists of a central target on an insulated stalk within an insulated chamber. It also functions with high frequency AC like my reactor. Here is a difference, and it is necessary for the proper functioning of my reactor. Tesla's insulated chamber is suspended in a conductive atmosphere which is at or about ground potential. The ground plane is on or about the outside of the chamber envelope.
A toy version of the Tesla device is available today in stores. They are usually a glass sphere with a central target. When in operation, there are multiple purple electric discharges between the glass envelope and the target sphere. If someone places a finger on the glass, the electric discharges all congregate to the position inside the envelope where the finger is touching outside. A persons body is a good conductor of high frequency AC. The point touched becomes the point most closely grounded. For my reactor to work, such internal arcing must be prevented!
In my reactor, no internal arcing must be permitted. It is necessary for the electrical fields to be symmetrical and undistorted. The Brookhaven device is a DC particle accelerator, just like devices called neutron tubes. The “Farnsworth Fusor” is a DC ionic oscillator. Brookhaven and Farnsworth show the increased efficiency of using electric fields instead of magnetic fields. Farnsworth got fusion with about 100 thousand volts of potential difference. Brookhaven used particles at about 300 KeV energy levels. These devices are all operating within a similar voltage range.
My rector is like taking the Tesla device and first making sure there are no conductive tracks on the outside of the envelope. The envelope of the Tesla device is modified to have axial and radial symmetry. This device is then suspended in an insulating fluid, solid, or a vacuum. The outer layer of the envelope is insulated from the ground plane. It's ok for the container holding this insulator to be the location of the ground plane. This will prevent internal arcing resulting in a symmetrical and even electrical field. This field oscillates in intensity and polarity with the AC drive potential. Ions are formed and oscillate within this space. The resultant ground plane is located a distance from the outer layer of the reactor envelope. The outside of the reactor envelope is at an electrical potential removed from that of the ground plane. As a result, there is no internal arcing within the reactor chamber.
Accordingly, besides the objects and advantages of the reactors described in my above patent application, several objects and advantages of the present invention are:
(a) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases without magnetic or electrostatic confinement of ionized gases.
(b) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases using cylindrical, spherical, and other electrode shapes.
(c) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases without control grids.
(d) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases without a cathode.
(e) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases without thermionic emission.
(f) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases with cylindrical, spherical, toroidal, and other reactor shapes.
(g) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases within an oscillating electrical field.
(h) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases without ion guns.
(i) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases within a reactor shape promoting greater energy transfer efficiency.
(j) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of heavy, light Hydrogen, or a mixture of both heavy and light Hydrogen.
(k) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases in a Phase two reactor without internal electrodes. This results in greater reliability since vital structures can be distant from the reaction. They are therefore much less exposed to the extreme heat generated by the reaction therefore having greater reliability.
(l) to provide for the controllable hot fusion of fusion reactive gases utilizing alternating currents.
Further objects and advantages are to provide energy from fusion in a fashion in which this energy is efficiently harnessed. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which can be throttled via electrical current amplitude variation. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion which can be throttled via electrical current frequency variation. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion which can be throttled via electrical current waveform shape. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion which can be throttled via electrical current duty cycle variation. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion which can be throttled via electrical current focus voltage amplitude variation. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion which can be throttled via electrical current frequency variation with respect to reaction chamber resonance phenomena. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion which can be throttled via a combination of two or more of the electrical current characteristics of amplitude, frequency, waveform shape, duty cycle, focus voltage amplitude, and or resonance. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the control parameters of the reaction are within a feedback loop.
Further objects and advantages are to provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which a vacuum is required for operation. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the disruption of the reactor vessel integrity results in internal pressure changes resulting in immediate termination of the reaction.
Further objects and advantages are to provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the reactions are pulsatile in nature. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the pulsatile nature of the reaction leads to control stability. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the pulsatile nature of the reaction allows the reaction to immediately cease with the withdrawal of drive current. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the pulsatile nature of the reaction allows fine control over the power output to match the power output load requirements.
Further objects and advantages are to provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the reaction occurs in an oscillating electrical field.
Further objects and advantages are to provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the Phase two type of reactor can operate with light Hydrogen, Deuterium, Tritium, or a combination of these. To provide energy from fusion reactions in a fashion in which the Phase two type of reactor operating on pure light Hydrogen has no radioactive fuels, significant radioactive reaction intermediates, or significant radioactive reaction byproducts.
Light Hydrogen is much more plentiful in the environment, in an approximate ratio of 5000 to 1, therefore water purified of heavy water will produce only light Hydrogen on electrolysis. This separation of natural water into two halves with all of the heavy water in one half is a much simpler task than concentrating pure heavy water. There is sufficient light water on Earth to provide for mankind's power needs for millions of years.
The significant byproduct of a light Hydrogen fusion reaction is pure Helium, an inert gas.
My light Hydrogen fuel production plant produces pure light Hydrogen gas. This light Hydrogen fuel production plant is of sufficient simplicity of design, operation and cost to be included with each light Hydrogen reactor power plant. The liquid effluent of my light Hydrogen fuel production plant does not contain heavy water in excess of 2500 to 1. The liquid effluent of my light Hydrogen fuel plant is 100 percent water. The liquid effluent of my light Hydrogen fuel plant can be safely discharged into the environment without further treatment.
The gaseous discharge of my light Hydrogen fuel production plant is pure oxygen. The gaseous discharge of my light Hydrogen fuel production plant can be discharged into the environment without further treatment.
Further objects and advantages are to provide energy from fusion reactions in a Phase two type of reactor can operating with light Hydrogen, Deuterium, Tritium, or a combination of these gases.
Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing description and drawings.
For space considerations, on the drawing sheets Figure is sometimes replaced by FIG.
This invention is comprised of equipment representing standard engineering practice in their respective fields. The materials and construction of this invention conform to current standard electronic, mechanical, power plant, plumbing, and construction design practice. The electrical and electronic components used conform to current standard high voltage, high frequency electronic construction. This section lists some of the preferred materials for the preferred embodiments of this invention.
The pipe and the body of all valves and pumps is stainless steel. However, the body of all valves and pumps can consist of any other material capable of containing high vacuum and pressure, and having high temperature stability. The valve bodies of the solenoid injector valve 74 and exhaust solenoid injector valve 93 are stainless steel.
Wire conductor 13 is copper. However, the wire can be any appropriate metal with proper conductivity and high temperature stability. Resistor 144 is a Carbon composition type with adequate voltage rating for anticipated voltages. Tesla transformer secondary 135 is a rod constructed of fluorocarbon polymer, glass, or a glass ceramic composite wound with insulated copper wire. The insulation is fluorocarbon polymer. However, the insulation can be enamel, or any other substance with high temperature stability, chemical resistance to the cooling bath material, and appropriate electrical insulating qualities. Capacitor plate 162 is copper. However, it can be any appropriate metal with proper conductivity and high temperature stability. Alternately the capacitor plate may be a conductive material coating such as deposited metals coated directly onto the wall of the insulating and cooling bath 241.
Amplifier 145 has an output stage using vacuum tubes. The electrical and electronic components used conform to current standard high voltage, high frequency electronic construction. There is one exception in triode vacuum tubes 177. These tubes must operate with voltages in excess of 50,000 volts. They do not need to have high current carrying capacity. There may not be adequate tubes currently in production, so these may need to be custom manufactured for this application. Their design would conform to the construction of the high voltage regulator tubes used in vacuum tube color television sets, with adaptation to higher voltages. All other components are of standard, current electronics engineering practice.
The concrete layer is standard concrete reinforced with sufficient structural steel to bear the structural loading. The layer of Earth is regular compacted soil. The ground rod is copper or copper coated steel. Insulated high temperature coating 382 is a standard paint like coating but is selected for having high electrical resistance and high voltage insulation.
Pipe 75 is stainless steel. However, it can consist of any other material capable of containing high vacuum and having high temperature stability. In the vicinity and at the connection to a conductive reactor vessel the pipe must be an insulator. In this event, the pipe should be glass or a glass ceramic composite. If connected to a suitable coupling (not shown), the distal portions of the pipe need not be an insulator. Suitable materials include copper, steel, ceramics, and fluorocarbon polymer. However, the pipe can consist of any other material capable of containing high vacuum and pressure and having high temperature stability.
The target in a reactor is about 99 percent pure Titanium or Palladium metal. However, it can be any other metal, ceramic or substance with the qualities of absorbing, adhering, and facilitating the fusion reaction of the given Hydrogen isotope, isotopes, or fusion-reactive gas.
Non-conducting spherical reactor vessel 21, non-conducting cylindrical reactor vessel 24, non-conducting toroidal reactor vessel 25, non-conducting mirror reactor vessel 29, and insulated support 22 are a glass ceramic composite or glass. However, they can be any other material that can contain high vacuum, insulate, and have high temperature stability such as fluorocarbon polymer or ceramics. The reactor vessel is sealed and charged with rarefied light Hydrogen, heavy Hydrogen, or other fusion reactive gas at a pressure of about 0.01 Torr or as conducive to a given nuclear reaction.
Non-conducting mirror reactor vessel 29 is a a glass ceramic composite or glass. However, it can be any other material that can contain high vacuum, insulate, and have high temperature stability such as fluorocarbon polymer or ceramics. Conductive spherical mirror 31 and focus electrode 30 are stainless steel or Titanium. However, they can be any other material that can conduct electrical charge and have high temperature stability such as other metals or alloys. They also may be constructed of nonconductive material such as a a glass ceramic composite, glass, ceramic, or fluorocarbon polymer. Upon this nonconductive material a conductive material coating such as deposited metals or an internal conductive mesh is attached to the inner electrode or mirror surface. If deposited metals or an internal conductive mesh is used the shape of the non-conducting mirror reactor vessel 29 wall shall be shaped to correspond to that of spherical mirror 31.
Conductive spherical reactor vessel(s) 23, conductive toroidal reactor vessel 26, conductive cylindrical reactor vessel(s) 27, and conductive helically wound cylindrical reactor vessel 28 are stainless steel. In complex reactors of vessels interconnected with pipe, the pipe is stainless steel. However, the conductive reactor vessel, and pipe if used, can be any other material that can contain high vacuum, conduct electrical charge, and have high temperature stability such as other metals and alloys. Alternately it may be nonconductive materials such as a a glass ceramic composite, glass, ceramic, or fluorocarbon polymer with an internal conductive material coating such as deposited metals or an internal conductive mesh attached to the inner reactor surface. Additionally, the inner lining of the reactor vessel can be coated with a catalyst. The catalyst is Titanium or Palladium metal. However, the catalyst can be any other metal, ceramic, or substance with the qualities of absorbing, adhering and, facilitating the fusion reaction of the given Hydrogen isotope, isotopes, or fusion-reactive gas. This inner conductive coating is to be made in electrical contact with the wire conductor which passes through the reactor vessel wall in such a way to maintain a vacuum seal. The reactor vessel is sealed and charged with rarefied light Hydrogen, heavy Hydrogen, or other fusion reactive gas at a pressure of about 0.01 Torr or as conducive to a given nuclear reaction.
Insulating and cooling bath 241 is constructed of stainless steel and contains high temperature insulating oil. However, it can contain any liquid or gas with non-conductivity, low radiation absorption, high radiation transmittance, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability. An example of a gas would be dry Nitrogen. The shell of the insulating and cooling bath can consist of any other material with low radiation absorption, high radiation transmittance, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability.
Heat absorbent bath 238 is constructed of stainless steel and contains molten lithium metal as the circulating heat transfer medium. It can contain any other fluid with high radiation absorption, low radiation transmittance, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability. It can also contain any other material with high radiation absorption, low radiation transmittance, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability to serve as an energy absorber. In the case of such a material being a solid, pipes containing a heat transfer fluid will be embedded therein. This material will have appropriate thermal characteristics for the application. The shell of heat absorbent bath can consist of any other material with low radiation absorption, high radiation transmittance, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability.
The heat and temperature insulated vessel and the insulated cap are a glass ceramic composite or glass. However, they may be any other material that can contain high vacuum, insulate, and have high temperature stability such as fluorocarbon polymer or ceramics. The fluid in the constant temperature bath is water.
Insulating and cooling bath contains high temperature insulating oil. The insulating and cooling fluid surrounding reaction chamber 242 is a high temperature insulating oil. However, this insulating fluid can be any liquid with non conductivity, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability.
The insulation between the cooling bath and the lead shield 342 is fire brick. However, this insulation can be any appropriate material with high temperature stability, sufficient structural strength, temperature and electrical insulative qualities, and radiation transmittance qualities such as fluorocarbon polymer or ceramics. The lead shield and the lead shield cover 379 are lead metal with an appropriate structural steel frame.
Insulating and cooling bath 241, insulated and cooling bath cover 275, insulated pipe 381, coupling 372, insulated supports 24, and coupling end cap with wire conductor feedthru 373 are a glass ceramic composite or glass. However, they may be any other material that can contain adequate pressure at high temperature, insulate, and have high temperature stability such as fluorocarbon polymer, or ceramics. Cooling bath inlet pipe 371, cooling bath outlet pipe 375, and insulated support 22 are a glass ceramic composite or glass. However, they can be any other material that can contain adequate pressure at high temperature, insulate, and have high temperature stability such as fluorocarbon polymer or ceramics. Insulating and cooling bath 241 contains high temperature insulating oil. However, insulating and cooling fluid 241 can be any liquid or gas with non-conductivity, low radiation absorption, high radiation transmittance, high temperature stability, and appropriate thermal transfer capability.
A basic process schematic of a side view through cross section 9C-9C of
A basic process schematic view of a Phase two reactor and it's basic associated systems is shown in
A basic schematic view of a Phase one reactor within a calorimetric cell is shown in
A basic process schematic of a Phase one reactor providing heat output for power generation, or other processes, is shown in
A basic process schematic of a Phase two reactor providing heat output for power generation, or other processes, is shown in
A mid-cross sectional side view of a spherical vessel Phase one reactor is shown in
A mid-cross sectional plan view of a cylindrical vessel Phase two reactor is shown in
A side view of a complex Phase two reactor vessel consisting multiple spheres arranged around a circle is shown in
A process schematic of a side view through cross section 9C-9C of
The next sets of drawings
A top view of a prototype demonstration reactor using a Phase one reactor vessel is shown in
Cooling bath inlet pipe 371 is connected to and forms a cooling plumbing system with transformer containment pipe, the cooling bath, and the cooling bath outlet pipe 375. They pass through lead shield body 378. The cooling bath is surrounded by insulation 342. Integral with the bottom wall of this cooling vessel is voltage sense capacitor 143. It is further detailed in
A side view of a detail of the voltage sense capacitor and it's associated components is shown in
A schematic diagram of the reactor power source and control circuitry for a Phase one reactor is shown in
The primary winding 136 of the Tesla transformer is driven by amplifier 145. It is driven by a digital to analog converter 146 (DAC) of the digital bus. Other DACs drive other operators including fuel solenoid injector valve 74, exhaust solenoid injector valve 93, and motor controllers 150. The central computer system 200 is represented in this drawing by some of it's component parts. These include analog to digital converter 147, waveform generator 158, central processing unit 157, master clock oscillator 156, feedback bus 160, and system monitors, controls, and recorders 159.
The only difference in
The next part of the plumbing system comprises the exhaust gas system. The very low pressure gases in the reactor are sequentially increased in pressure through a series of plumbing components and then stored in an exhaust tank 81. This tank can be removed for waste gas processing via a coupling. The components include a baffled surge tank, an exhaust solenoid injector valve 93, a turbine vacuum pump 77, a high pressure pump 80, surge tanks, valves, and check valves. Vacuum and pressure sensors monitor operational parameters. Control over the system is by motor controllers and valve operators as per standard process engineering.
There are two heat output systems shown. These are representations to illustrate the principals of operation. Insulating and cooling fluid is circulated by a pump between a heat exchanger and insulating and cooling bath 241. A second pump circulates cooling fluid between this heat exchanger and cooling tower 86. This is a representation of the inner cooling system for the reactor chamber. It's primary function is to keep the reactor within operating temperature parameters and to keep the reactor electrically isolated from the ground plane. In a power plant, if the heat output is of sufficient quantity through this system, this heat may be used to drive a steam generator or for other industrial purposes. In this representation, it is shown as just a cooling system only.
Heat transfer fluid is circulated by a pump between a heat exchanger and heat absorbent bath 238 which is the main primary heat output for a power generator. A second pump circulates water through this heat exchanger which is converted to steam. This steam drives steam turbine 82 which drives generator 83 producing electricity. The spent steam is sent to steam condenser 84 which converts the spent steam back to water. This water is stored in water surge tank 85 and then is pumped back to the heat exchanger repeating the process.
A schematic representation of the light Hydrogen fuel production plant is shown in
A schematic diagram of a high voltage pulse amplifier is shown in
This invention consists of two variants of fusion reactors, called Phase one and Phase two, the associated control and other subsystems for their operation, and a light Hydrogen fuel production system.
These reactors are described as inertial storage, ionic impact, hot Hydrogen fusion nuclear reactors. They are named the DeLuze Fusion Reactors. They are particle accelerators using an alternating electric field for particle acceleration. The Phase one reactor has a central target electrode. A spherical version has a sphere coaxial and concentrically centered in the spherical reactor envelope. The envelope is constructed of electrically insulating material. An insulating support is attached to the inner surface of the and concentrically locates the target at the center. It contains an electrical conductor which connects the central target to the power supply. The other terminal of the power supply is grounded.
The Phase two reactor has no physical central target. The target is virtual. The reactor envelope is a conducting material. It is suspended in an electrically insulative and cooling medium. The power supply is connected between the reactor envelope and ground.
The fusion contained gas is at a predetermined pressure from 0.00000001 Torr and 760 Torr, preferably from 0.0001 to 1 Torr, in particular about 0.01 to 0.001 Torr.
AC potential applied between the reactor and ground produce an alternating electric field within. Typically, about 100 KV, kilovolts, RMS, root mean square, to 150 KV RMS is to be applied. The potential provided by power supply is at a predetermined voltage from 10 KV AC RMS to 25,000,000 AC RMS, preferably from 50 KV AC RMS to 500 KV AC RMS, in particular from 100 KV AC RMS to 250 KV AC RMS. This potential is at a predetermined frequency from 25 Hertz to 1,000,000 Hertz, preferably 10,000 Hertz to 100,000 Hertz, in particular from 20,000 Hertz to 50,000 Hertz.
Using an example of 100 KV RMS, factoring for the internal resistance losses of the power supply and adding a 50 percent safety factor, the puncture breakdown of the insulating medium 242 should be about 840 KV. The transformer oil of this embodiment has a puncture breakdown of about 50 KV per millimeter at 60 Hz. This comes to about 1.7 cm, centimeters. A thickness of 10 inches should be entirely adequate. With the net operating voltage of the reactor being 100 KV RMS, the power supply should put out 200 KV RMS for peak efficiency of energy transfer.
Insulating and cooling fluid 242 is a major functional change in order to make this invention function as a nuclear reactor. All previous devices have the earth ground point 153 within the reactor chamber, at the reactor chamber itself, or along the outer surface of the reactor chamber. This will function adequately at DC, direct current, potentials. However, because of the characteristics of AC potentials, this will not reliably work at AC frequencies. Functioning becomes even more difficult as the frequency of the AC increases. I will briefly recite these problems. They are addressed and resolved by the insulating and cooling fluid and by the concentrically and axially placed relationship between the target or virtual target and the inner surface of the reactor. This invention can also work with shapes other than spheres, such as toroids, cylinders, and spiral helix shapes. But the symmetrical relationship between a given reactor envelope and it's correspondingly shaped target must be maintained for operation as a fusion reactor. Fusion requires the overcoming of intense near inter particle repulsive forces as the particles collide. This requires an evenly and symmetrically developed electric field between the target and the inner surface of it's containing envelope. Electric field asymmetry and variation will allow for scattering, rather than collision of particles. Lack of fusion would be the result. Sufficient impact for incandescence of the target may permit illumination, but it would prevent fusion.
Removal of RF ground potential from beyond the outer surface of the reactor envelope to the outer surface of insulated insulating and cooling bath 241 or beyond permits the development of a nearly equal potential difference point along the inner surface of a reactor envelope. As a result, a symmetrical electric field will develop in the enclosed space between the target or virtual target and the inner surface of the reactor envelope. Focus of ions onto the target or virtual target is the result. Worked results later presented on a example embodiment of this invention indicate at 50 KHz about 99.99 percent of the applied AC potential appears between the inner surface of a reactor chamber and it's target. This is about 0.01 percent voltage variation within this electric field. Without insulating and cooling fluid this would be impossible. Suspension of such a device within an atmosphere conductive at RF frequencies would lead to considerable voltage variation along both the outer and inner surfaces of a reactor envelope. The result would be internal arcing and the formation of plasma filaments short circuiting the potential difference between these locations. The presence of increasing amounts of capacitive reactance with increasing frequency of AC potential would sufficiently load down the power supply to make practical delivery of sufficient acceleration voltage at reasonable power levels impossible. Conductance of AC through this capacitance would also cause overheating. It would result in the target having to dissipate more power than the resultant fusion reactions would be permitted to produce. Such a device would consume more drive power than energy produced. This is permitted when the device is operated as a neutron generator or source. It precludes operation of the device as a net producer of energy.
Another advance in this invention is the enclosure of the insulating and cooling means 241 within insulation 342. This permits the outward radiation of power, particulate radiations, and waveform radiations, but restricts the inward movement of heat energy released within the absorber medium from moving backward into the reactor thereby increasing it's heat loading. It provides for the absorption of emitted radiations from the reactor. This allows for: the harnessing of these radiations to do work, the shielding of the external environment of the reactor from radiations, and the cooling of the contained reactor and it's associated internal components.
This apparatus is an alternating current particle accelerator. In the first variant, called a Phase one reactor, there is a central target electrode in an electrically insulating envelope. The enclosed volume contains fusion reactive gas. This space is ion and electron permeable. A high voltage alternating potential is applied between the target electrode and Earth ground. This forms an oscillating electric field within the enclosed open space of the reactor. The fusion reactive gas released into this open space is ionized once this electric field reaches sufficient intensity. Differentially, the positive and negative charges are accelerated in opposite directions producing an oscillating space current in this open space region.
When there is a positive charge on the target electrode, it attracts electrons and repels positive ions. These positive ions travel to the inner surface of the envelope forming a virtual cathode. These positive ions are charge carriers, thus they constitute a conductor. Their presence forms a conductive lining to the inner surface of the envelope, and are thus the plate of a capacitor composed of these positive charge carriers. With relation to the central target electrode they are more negative. With relation to the ground plane they are more positive. They are at a potential intermediate between the central target and the external ground plane. As the positive and negative charges move in opposite directions, the open space between the target and this virtual plate of this inner capacitor becomes a non conductor. It thus becomes the dielectric of this inner capacitor.
The outer plate of this inner capacitor also becomes a virtual plate of a second intervening capacitor between the target and ground. The innermost plate of this outer capacitor is the outermost plate of the inner capacitor. They are one and the same. The outer plate is the charge carriers of the ground plane. The intervening material is an insulator and forms the dielectric of this outer capacitor. The potential across the power supply is placed across these series connected capacitors. The potential divides in inverse proportion to their relative values of capacitance.
When there is a negative charge on the target, it attracts positive ions and repels electrons. These electrons travel to the inner surface of the envelope forming a virtual anode. These electrons are charge carriers, thus they constitute a conductor. Their presence forms a conductive lining to the inner surface of the envelope, and are thus the plate of a capacitor composed of these negative charge carriers. With relation to the central target they are more positive. With relation to the ground plane they are more negative. They are at a potential intermediate between the central target and the external ground plane. As the positive and negative charges move in opposite directions, the open space between the target and this virtual plate of this inner capacitor becomes a non conductor. It thus becomes the dielectric of this inner capacitor.
The outer plate of this inner capacitor also becomes a virtual plate of a second intervening capacitor between the target and ground. The innermost plate of this outer capacitor is the outermost plate of the inner capacitor. They are one and the same. The outer plate is the charge carriers of the ground plane. The intervening material is an insulator and forms the dielectric of this outer capacitor. The potential across the power supply is placed across these series connected capacitors. The potential divides in inverse proportion to their relative values of capacitance.
These anodes and cathodes form a capacitor. With a positive charge on the target electrode it is one plate of a capacitor having a positive charge and is an anode. The virtual cathode formed by the positive ions at the inner surface of the envelope form the other virtual plate of this capacitor. This capacitor is charged to the magnitude of the electric potential applied across it. When the target reverses polarity, these charges reverse with the target becoming a plate of a capacitor with a negative charge and is a cathode. The virtual anode formed by the electrons at the inner surface of the envelope form a virtual plate of a capacitor. This capacitor is again charged to the magnitude of the electric potential applied across it, but of opposite polarity.
The insulation properties of envelope form part of the dialetric of a second capacitor which is a virtual capacitor. The virtual plate at the inner surface of the envelope form a virtual plate which is a plate of this virtual capacitor. All intervening material between this virtual plate and earth ground comprise this virtual capacitor. The capacitor formed within the reactor and this resultant virtual capacitor are electrically in series. The power supply applies an alternating potential across these capacitors in series. The alternating potential divides between this outer virtual capacitor and the internal capacitance in an amount inversely proportional to their individual values of capacitance.
As the alternating potential between the target and ground cycles, the space current proportionally cycles in magnitude and direction. On one alternation the potential distribution in the open region has a minimum positive potential adjacent to the target with a maximum positive value extending radially outward therefrom to adjacent to the virtual anode located at the inner surface of the envelope. On the reverse alternation the potential distribution in the open region has a minimum negative potential adjacent to the target with a maximum negative value extending radially outward therefrom to adjacent to the virtual cathode located at the inner surface of the envelope.
Fusion reactive positive ions are in this region of space. On the alternation with a minimum positive potential at the central target, the power supply provides sufficient potential at this polarity whereby minimum and maximum potential values within this space are of a magnitude such as to propel these positive ions toward the target at nuclear reacting velocities. These positive ions form a collapsing sphere in this space region. These fusion reactive positive ions of this collapsing sphere collide with or about the surface of the target sphere. Collisions of these ions with the target produces bunching of the ions adjacent to the surface of this target sphere. Additional ions oncoming within this collapsing sphere of ions collide with ions at the surface of the target with nuclear reaction collision velocities.
The reaction consists of a single “bubble,” in the case of a spherical reactor, collapsing at very high speed to a target centrally located. This “bubble” consists of a shell of fusion reactive ions. This shell may be only a few atoms thick. It exists in a relatively high vacuum of approximately 0.01 Torr. Due to the high potentials used, estimated to be between 50 kV AC to 5 MV AC, it is possible to produce extremely high particle speeds. The Brookhaven experiments show that extremely high velocities are not needed for fusion. They got high levels of fusion with ice crystals having energy levels in the 200 to 335 keV levels. These particles were no where near the speed of light. Brookhaven subsequently accelerated Gold ions to the speed of light causing head on collisions between them. The result was that these ions were shattered into sub atomic particles. Speeds much lower than needed to shatter ions into sub atomic particles are sufficient to cause fusion reactions. The point is that these reactors are capable of accelerating particles to such high speeds. Therefore, these reactors are capable of accelerating particles to velocities needed for fusion.
For most of the distance through which the positive ions travel they are not close enough to each other to be electrostatically repelled by each other. While these nuclei are accelerating through this electrical field, this energy of acceleration is stored in the form of inertia. The velocity of the ions continues to increase as they radially move inward. As ion speeds increase the effective mass of the particles increases, just as the effective mass of a particle approaches infinity as it approaches the speed of light. As the positive ions get within the interaction distance several things occur that promote fusion. If an individual particle were to attempt to veer off of it's axis of movement, the repulsion forces of nearby currently converging particles will repel this motion, keeping the particle on it's original axis of travel. When approximating the target, all of the axis are converging. The other alternative is for the particle to reverse direction along it's original axis. When the driving potential is of sufficient magnitude the particle has acquired a tremendous amount of speed with high amounts of energy stored as inertia. In relation to the distance to imminent collision with a particle already located at or in the matrix of the target, the particle approach speed is too great for the particle to not collide head on with those particles. The inertia is so high that these ions cannot change direction or significantly slow down. The result is collision of the fusion reactive ions at or near the surface of the target. This is followed by collision from the rear from other incoming nuclei. The impact velocity is of a magnitude resulting in fusion, creating significant amounts of energy.
At a given instant in time where the target is negative and a cathode, positive ions are accelerated centrally toward the target while electrons are accelerated radially outward to the inner surface of the reactor envelope. As the electrons reach the envelope, they are held along it's spherical inner surface and form an anode having a positive charge with respect to the target. This electron layer provides an equipotential surface defining a given volume free of tangible structure save for the target and the insulated support. They form a conductive layer which becomes a plate of a new capacitor. This capacitor is in series connection with the remaining capacitance between it and Earth ground. The intervening conductors and insulators placed between Earth ground and the inner conductive layer of the spherical envelope form the remaining net capacitance, a second capacitor. These series connected capacitors form a capacitive voltage divider across the power supply. The voltage drop across each of these capacitors is with inverse relationship between their capacitance and the total capacitance of the voltage divider. The proportion of the power supply voltage applied between the electrons along the envelope inner surface and the target electrode is the acceleration potential.
As these plates of this capacitor charge, a space current forms between them. With the target negative this space current consists of electrons flowing radially outward and positive ions flowing radially inward. During this negative alternation the component of the space current formed by moving electrons drops to a very small value as the electrons collect at the inner layer of the envelope. The potential distribution created by this space current is such that a maximum positive value is adjacent to the electrons at the inner surface of the envelope and a minimum positive value next to the target. As the negative potential increases, the voltage developed between the inner surface of the envelope and the target increases. For fusion reactive velocities to occur, this potential should be in the 100-150 KV range. With the negative alternation applied to the target, the target is at a higher negative potential with respect to the electron layer which in relation to the target is at a positive potential. During this time the value of this potential distribution reaches a magnitude such as to propel positive ions to the target electrode with nuclear reacting velocities and energies.
At times where the target is positive, it is an anode with electrons accelerated radially inward and positive ions accelerated radially outward to the inner surface of the reactor envelope. The impact of these ions from the prior location of nuclear reactions forms an important means for the transfer of energy outward from the reaction center. Positive ions trapped at the inner surface of the envelope form a cathode and have a negative charge with respect to the target. No fusion reactions occur at these times. As positive ions and electrons cross paths, recombination occurs forming neutral gas. This neutral gas can be extracted and new fusion reactive gas added. These actions repeat as the potential goes through these repeated cyclic alternations. As a result of this ongoing polarity change, the nuclear reactions alternately start and stop with these polarity changes. This start stop nature of operation adds stability, controllability, and safety to these nuclear reactions.
The suspension of the reactor envelope in an insulating and cooling fluid provides for electrical insulation from Earth ground potential. This allows the formation of an equipotential surface along the outside surface of reactor envelope. This insulating fluid is critical to the operation of this device as a nuclear reactor. Herein is a major difference between this device and Tesla's Carbon button lamp. The outer surface of his lamp was exposed to a conductive atmosphere. Points on or about the outer layer were at or near to ground potential. Examples are the “light show” devices which display multiple “lightning” like arcs inside. These arcs represent short circuiting between the inner target electrode and Earth ground potential located at the outer surface of the envelope. In this invention, the outer surface of the reactor chamber will also charge to a positive potential with respect to Earth ground. But the insulating and cooling fluid and all other intervening insulating layers will maintain this surface at a potential far from that of Earth ground. For proper operation of this devise, this equipotential outer surface must be maintained far from Earth ground. This will provide for symmetrical development of the contained electric fields which is necessary for proper operation. No arcing must be permitted! Such arcing or electrical discharges would create disturbances in the symmetry of the electrical fields generated within the reactors. This distortion of the electrical fields would lead to erratic functioning or nonfunctioning of the reaction process.
This invention provides the means to achieve nuclear reactions based on the following steps: Application of a high voltage alternating current electric potential across a series capacitance voltage divider. Connection of one terminal of this voltage source to a target located centrally within a concentric particle accelerator. Connection of the second power supply terminal to Earth ground. The enclosure of a defined space within a concentric reaction chamber which is vacuum tight and insulated to provide a sealed environment for nuclear fusion. The centering, fixation and insulation of a target from the enclosing envelope. Provision of a target to provide an impact surface to generate nuclear fusion reactions. Suspension of the reactor chamber in an insulated medium to provide nearly symmetrical insulation of the inner defined layer of this enclosure from surrounding structures and Earth ground. The radiation outward from the target of an alternating electric field. The nearly equipotential interception of this radiating electric field by the reactor envelope. Introduction of fusion reactive gas within the reactor envelope at a predetermined sub atmospheric pressure. Ionization of the enclosed gas by the electric field. At times when the target is negative, the acceleration of electrons radially outward. Interception and holding of electrons by the inner surface of the envelope. Formation of an equipotential conductive layer of electrons at the inner surface of the envelope. Formation of capacitance between the target and the enclosed electron layer. The division of the electric potential between the elements of the voltage divider including the target, the electron layer at the inner lining of the envelope, Earth ground, and all potential difference points in between. The development of a more positive charge at the electron layer along the inner envelope while the target has a relative negative charge. Convergence, focus and acceleration of positive ions toward the centrally located target. Formation of a virtual anode at the inner enclosing layer of the envelope when the target has a negative charge. The target becoming a cathode when it has a negative charge. Formation of a space charge of electrons and ions between the anode and cathode formed within the reactor envelope. Development of a value of potential difference between the enclosed anode and cathode of sufficient intensity to accelerate positive ions to the target at nuclear-reacting velocities and energies.
The central target is connected to one terminal of the power supply and is a plate of a capacitor formed within the reactor. It becomes part of a capacitive voltage divider as more clearly shown in
On the application of the subsequent reverse alternation, the reverse occurs. This is not detailed, for it does not illustrate the particle acceleration resulting in nuclear reactions. What does happen is the stopping of the nuclear reactions and the disassembly of the central reacting mass. The positive ions are accelerated outward to the reactor envelope. They transfer energy to the reactor envelope upon impact. This becomes one of the means of transport of energy out from the reaction center.
A basic schematic view of a cylindrical Phase one reactor driving a power generator is shown in
Shown are the electrical insulation and heat insulation layers. These layers are critical for proper operation of this invention and is the main point of this figure's illustration. Insulating and cooling fluid 242 conducts heat directly from the reactor envelope. It's function is to cool and insulate the reactor with minimal absorption of the radiation passing through it. Importantly, it is an electrical insulator. It's purpose is to insulate the outer surface of the reactor envelope from Earth ground. It is critical to the function of this device that the electric fields produced within the reactor are as symmetrical as possible. This insulating layer allows the formation of an equipotential surface on the outside of the reactor envelope, and to keep this surface insulated from Earth ground.
Shown is insulation 342. In the preferred embodiment, this is constructed of firebrick. It needs to be an effective block against heat transmission. At the same time it needs to be transparent to the nuclear radiations coming out from the reactor, allowing the transmission of these radiations easily outward. The insulation is placed between the inner insulating and cooling fluid and the outer radiation absorbing layers. In this demonstration reactor drawing, the outer radiation absorber is shown to be Lead within a stainless steel jacket. This is just for test and demonstration purposes. In the actual construction of a power generator, these insulating, cooling, and absorbing layers will be arranged for practical changing of the reactor components and for efficient heat output. Other radiation absorbing materials may be used including salts, molten metals such as Sodium, and water. Means of boiling water would be included here. The outer absorber functions to absorb all of these radiations and to transform them into heat energy. The insulation properties of this intervening layer is to prevent and or minimize the transport back into the reactor of that heat. This reduces the heat loading on the inner reactor and the inner insulation and cooling system.
This apparatus is an alternating current particle accelerator. In the second variant called a Phase two reactor there is no central target electrode. The reactor envelope is of conducting material. It is suspended in an electrically insulative medium. Its means of suspension comprises an electrical insulator. This reactor envelope provides an equipotential surface defining a given volume free of tangible structure. The enclosed volume contains fusion reactive gas. This space is ion and electron permeable. The target is virtual. It represents the low energy point of an alternating electric field. The reactor envelope is connected to one terminal of the power supply and this envelope is a plate of a capacitor. It becomes part the of series capacitance and resistance circuit as shown more clearly in
The enclosed space defined by the conductive reactor shell is free of all tangible structure and contains an oscillating electric field. The fusion reactive gas released into this space is ionized at points when this electric field reaches sufficient potential. An oscillating space current results by the movement of this ionized fusion reactive gas comprised of positive ions and negative electrons.
The conductive envelope alternately becomes a cathode and then an anode. At times during the alternating potential cycle when the conductive envelope has a positive charge it is an anode. When it has a negative charge the conductive envelope is a cathode. When there is a positive charge on the conductive envelope, it attracts electrons and repels positive ions. These positive ions travel to the center most portion of this open space and are a virtual cathode. These positive ions are at a lower positive potential than that of the envelope. When there is a negative charge on the conductive envelope, it attracts positive ions and repels electrons. These electrons travel to the center most portion of this open space and are a virtual anode. These electrons are at a lower negative potential than the envelope.
These virtual anodes and cathodes form the innermost plate of capacitor C2. With a positive charge on the conductive envelope it is the other plate of this capacitor C2 having a positive charge and is an anode. The virtual target at the center most portion of this open space is then a virtual cathode. This capacitor C2 is charged to the magnitude of the electric potential applied across it and this state of charge is the acceleration potential. When the potential difference is high enough, positive ions are accelerated centrally with fusion reactive velocities.
When the applied alternating potential reverses polarity these charges reverse. The conductive envelope becomes the plate of a capacitor with a negative charge and a cathode. This capacitor C2 is again charged to the magnitude of the electric potential but in opposite polarity. A virtual anode formed by the positive relative potential at the center most portion of this open space forms a virtual plate of this capacitor C2. These virtual anodes and cathodes are alternately formed at center most portion of this open space. These virtual anodes and cathodes formed are at a virtual ground potential.
R2 is the virtual resistance between this central virtual capacitor plate and ground and is shown as resistor 144 between plate 138 and Earth ground. The total output potential of the power supply is applied across the series voltage divider circuit of capacitor C2 and resistance R2. As the current through this circuit drops as a result of the electrons reaching the outer plate of C2, the voltage drop across R2 decreases. A greater portion of the power supply potential is now placed across C2. C2 comprises the particle accelerator of this invention. The shell of the reactor forms a plate of two capacitors, C1 and C2. A capacitance C1 is formed between this plate and Earth ground. The series circuit of capacitance C2 and resistance R2 is in parallel with capacitance C1. The power supply is connected across the parallel circuits comprised of C2 and with R2 and C1. The total potential of the power supply is applied across these two parallel circuits.
When the reactor envelope is positive, this space current consists of electrons flowing radially outward and positive ions flowing radially inward. During this positive alternation, the component of the space current formed by moving electrons drops to a very small value as they reach the reactor envelope. At the instant of time where the inner capacitor within the reactor is charged between 120 to 150 kV with the virtual target negative there exists conditions appropriate for fusion. In fact, the power supply provides sufficient potential that the R.M.S. equivalent potential will exceed 120 to 150 kV negative with respect to the reactor envelope. At that time and following the positive ions are accelerated to the virtual target with fusion reactive energies and velocities. The power supply has placed sufficient potential across this inner capacitor to form an electric field of sufficient magnitude to accelerate ions of fusion reactive gas radially inward to collide with ions oncoming from opposite directions, and with ions bunched within the vicinity of this virtual target, at nuclear-reacting velocities and energies.
When the power supply applies a positive potential to the conductive envelope, the space current develops a magnitude and polarity which produces a potential distribution in the open region of maximum positive potential adjacent to the conductive envelope and of a minimum positive value radially inward therefrom to the virtual cathode formed by the positive ions at the center most portion of this open space. Fusion reactive positive ions are in this region of space. The power supply provides sufficient potential at this polarity whereby minimum and maximum potential values within this space are of a magnitude such as to propel these positive ions toward the center most portion of this open space at nuclear reacting velocities. These positive ions form a collapsing sphere in this space region. These fusion reactive positive ions of this collapsing sphere collide with each other at or about the center most portion of this open space. Collisions of these positive ions with each other produces bunching of the positive ions at or about the center most portion of this open space. They form an assembled mass of positive ions undergoing nuclear reactions. Additional positive ions oncoming within this collapsing sphere of positive ions collide with positive ions of this assembled mass with nuclear reaction collision velocities.
The reaction consists of a single “bubble,” in the case of a spherical reactor, collapsing at very high speed to a “virtual” target centrally located. This “bubble” consists of a shell of fusion reactive positive ions. This shell may be only a few atoms thick. It exists in a relatively high vacuum of approximately 0.01 Torr. Due to the high potentials used, estimated to be between 50 kV AC to 5 MV AC, it is possible to produce extremely high particle speeds. However, the Brookhaven experiments show that such high velocities are not needed for fusion, for they got high levels of fusion with ice crystals having energy levels in the 200 to 335 keV levels. These particles were no where near the speed of light at those energy levels. Brookhaven subsequently accelerated Gold positive ions to the speed of light causing head on collision of these Gold positive ions. The result was that these positive ions were shattered into sub atomic particles. Speeds much lower than needed to shatter positive ions into sub atomic particles are sufficient to cause fusion reactions. The point is that these reactors are capable of accelerating positive ions to high speeds. Therefore, these reactors are capable of accelerating particles to velocities needed for fusion.
As the alternations of the potential change polarity, the positive ions are alternately accelerated inwards with nuclear reacting velocities. This is followed by a time when the positive ions are accelerated outward to the inner surface of the reactor envelope. At these time the nuclear reactions are stopped. However, the impact of these ions from the prior location of nuclear reactions forms an important means for the transfer of energy outward from the reaction center. As a result of this ongoing polarity change, the nuclear reactions alternately start and stop with these polarity changes. This start stop nature of operation adds stability, controllability, and safety to these nuclear reactions.
Over most of the acceleration distance there is minimal positive ion interaction. When positive ions are close enough to interact several things occur that promote fusion. Attempts of the positive ions to veer to the side are repulsed by the neighboring positive ions concurrently accelerating toward the reactor center keeping the particle on it's original axis of travel. When approximating the “virtual” target, all of the axis are converging. When the driving potential is of sufficient magnitude the positive ions have acquired tremendous amount of speed with high amounts of energy stored as inertia. The effective mass of the positive ions has increased significantly. As a result of the high speeds and inertia these positive ions cannot change direction or significantly slow down. What happens is collision with the positive ions approaching the center from the other side and further collision occurring from the rear from other incoming positive ions approaching along the same axes. The other alternative is for the positive ion to reverse direction along it's original axis. In relation to the distance to imminent collision with a positive ion approaching on the opposite axis, the positive ion approach speed is too great for the positive ion to not collide head on with the opposing positive ion. With sub speed of light velocities, these collision velocities may approach the speed of light. This speed is of such magnitude that fusion results releasing significant amounts of energy.
The suspension of the reactor envelope in insulating and cooling fluid provides for electrical insulation from Earth ground potential. This allows the formation of an equipotential surface along the outside surface of reactor envelope. This insulating fluid is critical to the operation of this device as a nuclear reactor. Herein is a difference between this device and Tesla's Carbon button lamp. The outer surface of his lamp was exposed to a conductive atmosphere. Points on or about the outer layer were at or near to ground potential. Examples are the “light show” devices which display multiple “lightning” like arcs inside. These arcs represent short circuiting between the inner target electrode and Earth ground potential located at the outer surface of the envelope. In this invention, the outer surface of the reactor chamber will also charge to a positive potential with respect to Earth ground. But the insulating and cooling fluid and all other intervening insulating layers will maintain this surface at a potential far from that of Earth ground. For proper operation of this devise, this equipotential outer surface must be maintained far from Earth ground. This will provide for symmetrical development of the contained electric fields which is necessary for proper operation. No arcing must be permitted!
The next five
On the application of the subsequent reverse alternation, the reverse occurs. This is not detailed, for it does not illustrate the particle acceleration resulting in nuclear reactions. But what does happen is the stopping of the nuclear reactions and the disassembly of the central reacting mass. The positive ions are accelerated outward to the reactor envelope. They transfer energy to the reactor envelope upon impact. This becomes one of the means of transport of energy out from the reaction center.
This invention provides the means to achieve nuclear reactions based on the following steps: Application of a high voltage alternating current electric potential across an internal capacitance resistance voltage divider. Connection of one terminal of this voltage source to the reactor envelope located peripherally within a concentric particle accelerator. Connection of the second power supply terminal to Earth ground. The enclosure of a defined space within a concentric reaction chamber which is vacuum tight and insulated to provide a sealed environment for nuclear fusion. Suspension of the reactor chamber in an insulated medium to provide nearly symmetrical insulation of the outer defined layer of this enclosure from surrounding structures and Earth ground. The radiation inward from the reactor envelope of an alternating electric field. The nearly equipotential interception of the radiating electric field by the central virtual target location in free space. Introduction of fusion reactive gas within the reactor envelope at a predetermined sub atmospheric pressure. Ionization of the enclosed gas by the electric field. At times when the reactor envelope is positive, the acceleration of electrons radially outward. Formation of capacitance between the virtual target region of space and the enclosing reactor envelope. The division of the electric potential between the elements of the voltage divider including the inner capacitance and it's series connected resistance. The development of a more positive charge at the layer along the inner reactor envelope while the virtual target region has a relative negative charge. Convergence, focus and acceleration of positive ions toward the centrally located virtual target. Formation of an anode by the reactor envelope when it has a positive charge. The virtual target region becoming a cathode with a negative charge. Formation of a space charge of electrons and ions between the anode and cathode formed within the reactor envelope. Development of a value of potential difference between the enclosed anode and cathode of sufficient intensity to accelerate positive ions to the virtual target at nuclear-reacting velocities and energies.
Energy is radiated outward from the reactor as electromagnetic, particulate, and ionizing radiations. As this energy is radiated outwards, it is absorbed by the insulating and cooling fluid 242 within the insulating and cooling bath 241. This fluid also insulates the reactor electrically from Earth ground potential. The radiation not absorbed here proceeds outward and is caught by the heat absorbing material 376 (not shown) within the heat absorbent bath 238. This heat absorbing material can be a single medium or a combination of one or more components. It can consist of solely heat transfer fluid 243. It can be a radiation absorbing material enclosed within the heat absorbent bath. In this event, heat absorbing plumbing means will circulate heat transfer fluid through this radiation absorbing material to provide for heat transfer out of the system. Not shown are all of the insulating layers, which have been elaborated on above. This system is so designed that all nuclear radiations released by the reactor are contained. This heat energy is transported out of the reactor system by the heat transport plumbing system as shown. This heat energy is transmitted out from the reactor to one of two heat loads indicated at the heat output 240. This energy is used to due useful work, such as operate a steam power electric generation plant.
A schematic diagram of a Phase one reactor power source and control circuitry is shown in
High voltage AC is applied to the to the reactor by a secondary circuit of a Tesla transformer connected between the reactor and ground. The circuit is resonant. The current at the grounded side of the Tesla transformer secondary is much larger than the reactor side, and the voltage potential swing is much lower. The current at the reactor side of the Tesla transformer secondary is much lower than the grounded side, and the voltage potential swing is much higher. This circuit acts like an RF source connected to a ¼ wave antenna, resulting in high voltage potentials between the reactor and ground.
A voltage sense capacitor 143 is capacitively coupled to the output by capacitor 161. This coupling capacitor is formed by the location of the sense capacitor within the electric field developed between the reactor and the ground plane. The potential across this sense capacitor is developed across a resistor and digitized by an ADC. With calibration this output is a close representation of the wave shape of the potential on the reactor vessel. A representation of the current in the secondary system is generated by the output of feedback coil which is digitized. Actual waveforms can be compared with intended waveforms creating error signals. Temperature, radiation, pressure, and vacuum data is digitized and sent to the central computer. These sensors positioned at predetermined locations within the reactor and it's associated apparatus. A plurality of valve position and other position sensors (not shown) generate control signals indicative of the status various parts of the apparatus. The sensors shown are typical. A plurality of these sensors will generate operational data for the system. These data representations are sent to the central computer. They form the inputs to the process control system of the reactor.
Control output involves operating valves, motors, other mechanical controllers (not shown), and driving amplifiers. These operate apparatus which control gas flow, fluid flow, and voltages applied to apparatus of the system. Data input with operator output function within feedback process control of this system. In a power generation system, data representing power demand can be added into these calculations, thus matching power output to the load.
The central computer system receives process control signals and calculates solutions to the acquired data to provide control input for process control. These include power level, power output, load demand, and operational parameters. These include voltage, vacuum, pressure, radiation intensity, valve position, and other apparatus position at predetermined locations. The central computer system calculates the operational parameters of the reactor and it's associated apparatus and compares the calculated results with predetermined algorithms in order to generate operational parameter adjustment signals. These operational parameter signals are used to make operational parameter adjustment changes by changing: (a) voltage intensities (b) voltage frequencies (c) voltage waveform shape (d) voltage waveform duty cycle intensity (e) opening and closing of valves (f) operation of motor starters to turn on and off motors associated with pumps, compressors, and other apparatus. For this embodiment of this invention, only voltage intensity changes will be used to control the reactor power level. The central computing system periodically adjusts all operational parameters of the nuclear reactor and its associated systems. This allows the various apparatuses to function in a coordinated and predetermined manner. The central computer system also contains memory units so that calculated responses to operational conditions may be used to learn from such responses and be used to predict potential future responses to new variations of operational control. These operations are done during all phases of operation and control including initial contaminant removal, reactor start up, ongoing operation, shutdown, and emergency situation. The calculated solutions are such as to maintain operation within safe limits and provide power output consistent with load demand.
The coordinated action of the fuel injection system along with the exhaust system is to operate in such a manner that a continuous supply of fuel gas in a enters the reactor. As this gas enters the reactor, an equal amount of exhaust gases are to be removed. These gases are exchanged in amounts needed to maintain adequate concentrations of fuel gas for the reaction to proceed. They are introduced and removed from the reaction in a manner such that turbulence to the reaction chamber is minimized to where it has minimal to no effect upon the function of the reactor.
In operation, the signal chosen via operation of the cpu is generated by the waveform generator, then digitized and sent to the digital to analog converter driving the power amplifier connected to the Tesla transformer primary. This amplified waveform is inductively coupled to the resonant secondary circuit. If just a single pulse or cycle were sent, the resulting current in the secondary circuit would be a dampened oscillation.
This secondary current is sensed by the Tesla feedback coil and the voltage sense capacitor. This waveform data is digitized and sent back to the cpu. An appropriate waveform is then generated by the waveform generator and sent back to the secondary system via the data buss, digital to analog converter, amplifier and Tesla coil primary. This forms a feedback loop giving precise control over the shape and intensity of the electrical potentials in the secondary circuit.
The control system of the overall reactor is schematically represented as computer system 200. This computer consists of a conventional high speed digital computer of the type used for scientific applications. The signals are provided to the central processing unit through appropriate interfaces and buffer circuits. This facilitates the reduction of noise and to place the sensor signals in appropriate form to be received by the central processing unit. Such circuitry may include analog to digital convertors, averaging circuitry, switch debouncers, Schmitt triggers, random access memory modules, programmable logic arrays, electrically programmable read-only memory, interface transceivers, addressing circuitry, and other associated circuits (not shown).
There will most likely be present several sets of micro controllers (not shown). Such mini systems may be used with the operation of the fuel, catalyst, and exhaust injector valves along with the associated vacuum sensors in the baffled fuel and exhaust surge tanks. The main cpu computer system will determine and calculate the needed parameter. In the case of fuel and exhaust gas flow, this parameter will be sent to the micro controller for execution. The micro controller will use sensory input from the vacuum sensors to operate the injector valves in a manner to maintain such fuel flow, along with corresponding catalyst flow, and associated operation of the exhaust injection valve to maintain a predetermined pressure. This will reduce traffic over the main digital bus, decrease overhead on the main cpu. However, the actions of the micro controller will be monitored by the main computer system. Thus micro controller may relay its actions at given time intervals, rather than these actions having to be monitored in real time over the main system bus lines.
It will be appreciated by those having skill in the art that the control commands from the computer system may first pass through interface and buffer circuitry as required to interface the central processing unit with the various control circuitry. Such devices include digital to analog convertors (146), analog to digital convertors (147), and amplifiers (145). This will also include transceivers and addressing circuits. Each of the control units actuated by the controller circuitry may also include conventional feedback devices such as tachometers, volt or current meters, pressure transducers, position sensors, etc. (not shown) for producing a feedback signal indicative of the system control unit response to a particular control command. These feedback signals are sent to the computer system to determine at what point to terminate or modify a control command. This process may be modified when micro controllers are used as described above, allowing such realtime decisions to be made by the micro controllers, as supervised by central computer system.
The function of the computer system is to receive various sensory input signals, to receive given set of desired system operational parameters, and to calculate and implement a set of control commands to operate the system at such operational parameters. This involves reception of a plurality of differing types of sensory information and the issuance of a plurality of differing control commands. For a single sensory input related to a single control command, there may are several parameters to consider. These parameters result in a time lag between sensation, control output, and system correction. These include system capacitance, system resistance, capacity lag, and transport lag as understood by those with skill in industrial electronics and process automation. The accuracy of the desired correction also needs to be considered. The rate and amount of correction must also consider these relationships. To not do so will often result in excess correction and system hunting about a desired operational parameter.
This invention, and its associated reactor system involves multiple interacting variables, each with its own individual system capacitance, system resistance, capacity lag, and transport lag. It is very likely that these various parameters will interact. The computer system will initially be programed with estimated, predetermined operational algorithms. As the system operates, the response and interaction of all operational parameters will be recorded in memory. From this data of operational experience, the map of algorithms will be expanded and made more accurate. This will facilitate the computer system in making responses more accurate in responding to given data input. This will decrease hunting about a desired solution, and reduce the need for excessive minute control adjustment.
Computer system (200) also includes display devices such as monitors for human monitoring of the ongoing processes. It also includes human input devices such as keyboards, mice etc. for human input. At all times human input will have the ability to terminate or change all command signals issued by computer system. Memory recording equipment such as hard and removable drives will be included.
This leads to
A schematic diagram of an high voltage pulse amplifier is shown in
Control signals from analog converter 146 drive an amplifier and a phase converter. The phase inverted signal drives a second amplifier. These 180 degree out of phase signals are applied to the grids of the vacuum tubes. Grid bias supplies apply appropriate grid bias. The tubes conduct alternately on the differing phase of the signal. A load resistor is in the plate circuit of one tube and another in the cathode circuit of the other tube. One provides positive voltage swings through its coupling capacitor to the reactor while the other provides the negative swing through its coupling capacitor to the reactor. These reverse on signal polarity alternation, resulting in an AC waveform from the output.
This system includes gas injection apparatus, gas extraction apparatus, plumbing apparatus, and electronic control apparatus to provide for initial evacuation of the reactor chamber. It is to further provide for subsequent pressurization of the reactor with fusion reactive gas in predetermined amounts at a predetermined optimal sub atmospheric pressure. It also provides for the concurrent extraction of waste gas in order to maintain the fusion reactive gases within the reactor chamber in a predetermined amount at a predetermined pressure. It includes tanks to store fuel gas and extracted waste gas. It includes plumbing apparatus to control the delivery, direction and pressure of these gases.
The fuel gas system provides for the introduction of fusion reactive gas into the reactor chamber for subsequent ionization and as a fuel for nuclear reactions. It includes a plurality of valves, pipes, pressure regulators, and expansion tanks. It also includes a fuel storage tank and it's disconnect plumbing. The gas extraction system provides for the selective sealing of the reactor chamber during initial evacuation and the subsequent discharge of gas from the reactor during sustained nuclear reactions. It includes a plurality of valves, pipes, pumps, and compression tanks. It also includes a exhaust gas storage tank and it's disconnect plumbing.
The exhaust solenoid injector valve discharges minute pulses of waste gas into high vacuum surge tank which has a volume many times that of reactor and the following surge tank. This surge tank is at a much higher vacuum, about 0.000001 Torr or greater than the reactor chamber. This combination of high surge tank volume with relation to reactor chamber volume and the internal baffles minimize or prevent prevent gas pressure fluctuations in the reaction chamber. In addition, it minimizes back pressure fluctuations from the downline waste gas compression system. This waste gas passes through a plumbing system of surge tanks, valves, and pumps and is compressed and stored in an exhaust tank.
Three feedback loops control the pressure of the reaction chamber. This system of having controlled minute pulsations of fuel gas and waste gas into baffled surge tanks of much greater volume than the reactor chamber results in very incremental and precise control of the pressure within the reaction chamber. Feedback loops also control the waste gas compression process.
This function is the exact opposite of the function of the peripheral gas jets used by Shelton. Shelton uses streams of gas introduced to the periphery of a plasma ball to impart rotational energy to this plasma ball. The gas control system in this invention is designed to minimize and or eliminate the transfer of energy into the gases contained within the reactor chamber. It is necessary for proper function that the gas movement within the reactor chamber be solely controlled by the actions of the contained electric fields within the reactor chamber. Any jetting by gas jets will disrupt the process and hamper function. The fuel solenoid injector valve 74 and the exhaust solenoid injector valve 93 are respectively open able and close able in response to individual signals from the central computer system 200.
The reactor is surrounded by insulating and cooling fluid which is circulated through heat exchanger. The primary purpose of this means is to keep the reactor envelope and it's associated structure within an appropriate temperature range and to appropriately electrically isolate the reactor from the ground plane. It will in addition function as a heat absorption means. If it's heat absorption is significant, this heat can be transferred into the net heat output of the system for commercial purposes.
The majority of the energy output of the reactor will be absorbed in heat absorbent bath 238 by contained heat absorbent material 376 transforming the various radiations into heat energy. This heat absorbing material may be the same as the heat transfer fluid in the case of materials such as molten lithium metal. In this case it is circulated directly through the heat exchanger. The heat absorbing material can also be a solid or fluid that is not circulated, but imbedded within would be plumbing means through which heat transfer fluid is circulated between the heat exchanger and this heat absorbing material. In both cases, this heat absorbent bath and it's heat transfer fluid serve primarily as a heat output means to produce power or run other processes.
Water circulated through the heat exchanger is boiled to steam and drives steam turbine 82 which powers generator 83 making electricity. The spent steam is condensed in steam condenser 84 to water and stored in water surge tank 85 is re circulated through the process. The steam condenser is cooled by process water circulating through cooling tower 86 which dissipates waste heat into the atmosphere. These processes use standard power generation technology know to those skilled in the power generation art.
Distillation is at a partial vacuum or at atmospheric pressure. At one atmosphere heavy water has a boiling point of 101.42 degrees centigrade and light water has a boiling point of 100.00 degrees centigrade. The lowest temperature fraction of the first distillate is passed on to the next distillation. The remaining fraction is discharged via the waste water discharge line. Most of the very small percentage of heavy water will remain in the larger, higher temperature discharged fraction. Distillation is repeated a predetermined number of times to give high quality of heavy water removal.
Heavy water has a specific gravity of 1.1055 grams per cubic centimeter and light water has a specific gravity of 0.99978 grams per cubic centimeter. The water is centrifuged at a force of about 10,000 times the acceleration of gravity in a standard centrifuge unit. If necessary, some ammonia may be added to the water to facilitate separation, and the ammonia removed by ion exchange prior to electrolysis. The upper predetermined portion, the lightest fraction, is decanted and sent on to further centrifugation steps. The remaining heavier fraction is discharged via waste water discharge line. Separation by specific gravity is repeated a predetermined number of times to give high quality of heavy water removal.
The purified light water is split into oxygen and pure light Hydrogen in electrolysis unit 91 operated by direct current. Waste oxygen is discharged via oxygen discharge line back to the environment. Light Hydrogen is compressed and then stored in a light Hydrogen tank.
A basic schematic view of a Phase one type reactor within a calorimetric cell is shown in
The reactor chamber proper is first cleaned of impurities. It is pumped to a high vacuum of about 1×10−8 Torr. It is placed in an oven and heated to about 300-400° C. to drive out impurities and contaminants from surfaces and within the pores of it's materials. It then undergoes a gas burnout. While at 300-400° C. the given fusion reactive gas to be used is introduced at an approximate pressure between 10 to 100 psig. This hot gas will react with most remaining contaminants, removing them from the pores of the reactor materials, both metallic and glass. While still heated, the reactor will then be pumped down to a vacuum of about 1×10−8 Torr. The gas burnout process may be repeated. The reactor chamber should be maintained at the high gas pressure for about 24 hours for each gas burnout procedure. After the last gas burnout, the reactor will then be pumped down to a vacuum of about 1×10−8 Torr and held at this pressure for another 24 hours while maintaining a temperature of about 300-400° C. It is then let cool to room temperature. The reactor is then charged with the fusion reactive gas to be used at a pressure of 0.01 Torr. It is now cleansed of impurities. The reactor is installed and hooked up to it's gas inlet, gas outlet, and electrical connections. The other components of the system are tested and connected as per the design in accordance with standard procedures and practices of those in the given fields.
The initial test reactions are to be run with a fusion reactive gas composed of equal molar amounts of Deuterium and Tritium. The purity of this gas is to be at least about 99%. A gas catalyst can be used. The initial catalyst gas is to be methane of at least about 99% purity. An initial test mixture will be of 90-99% fuel and 10-1% catalyst based on molar amounts.
The system is relatively immune to the presence of impurities, especially in the catalyst gas. Most catalyst impurities will facilitate fusion in some manner. Those containing Hydrogen and Carbon may be about as efficacious as the methane itself. The most prominent impurities likely to be in the catalyst would contain Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Sulfur, and Bromine. These will participate in the transfer of energy to the reacting mass on collision. They will also facilitate the transfer of energy out of the reactor on collision with the reactor envelope. In small amounts they will not hamper the fusion process. At the energy levels at which these reactions operate these contaminants may contribute catalytic actions. These elements exist in the Sun and in stars and do not poison fusion. They will not poison the reactions within my reactors.
With confinement systems it is imperative that the plasma be kept from touching the reactor chamber. With this system of alternating acceleration the reaction also occurs away from the chamber wall. But it is also important that the reacting mass be cyclically disassembled, stopping the reaction. During disassembly it is important that the reacted and non reacted particles impact the reactor wall as a means of transport of energy out of the system. The on off nature of these reactions is also vital for stability and throttling power output by duty cycle control.
The reactor is to be charged with the predetermined mixture of catalyst and fuel gas. Initial drive potential will be a sine wave at about 50 KHz at about 5 KV AC. It will slowly be increased at a predetermined rate as sensors monitor temperature, voltage, pressure, gamma radiation, and neutron counts. Once the reaction starts it's intensity will be calculated. It will be assessed for stability at this initial power level. Then the drive potential will be increased in a small predetermined increments. Power output and stability will be incrementally assessed. This process will continue until the reaction meets maximum predetermined intensity for the given reactor. This process will be repeated with other gas pressures, fuel mixtures, fuel catalyst combinations, drive frequencies and so forth. This will map the operational parameters of this reactor.
In the descriptions above, I have put forth theories of operation that I believe to be correct, such as the storage of inertia and the way charged particles move in the reactor. While I believe these theories to be correct, I don't wish to be bound by them. While there have been described above the principals of this invention in connection with specific apparatus, it is to be clearly understood that this description is made only by way of example and is not as a limitation to the scope of the invention.
In the descriptions above, the reader has seen several embodiments of my nuclear reactor and it's ancillary apparatus. There are differing applications for these reactors. One example is a fixed power plant for the generation of electricity. Another example is a portable reactor part of a jet engine powering an aircraft. These very different applications make best use of differing embodiments of my reactor.
The operational embodiment of this invention is a worked example of how this invention functions. A small 10 kilowatt (KW) device is presented. This device operates with a power gain of about three which is very good for fusion power sources. But increased efficiencies can be expected on upsizing this example. It is given is to demonstrate the utility of this invention.
The operational embodiment of this invention is applicable to power production and neutron production. The physical target version of this invention limits the device to given power levels. The following worked embodiment has a target rod of 0.5 inches in diameter by 13 inches long. The target is axially centered in a cylindrical glass envelope which has an inside diameter of 16 inches and a long axis of 28 inches. Such a device can dissipate no more than about 10 KW. This example is for demonstration and calculating purposes only. Up scaling of the target rod to 1 by 13 inches allows of about 15 KW, to 4 by 26 inches of about 162 KW, and to 8 by 44 inches of about 570 KW. A conservative estimate of the last reactor would be a cylinder 36 inches in diameter by 64 inches long. It would be immersed in a tank about 60 inches in diameter by about 84 inches high. The possible power level scales up very rapidly with increasing target size. These power levels can be further increased by placing cooling passages within the target electrode. Such modification would be a future improvement of this basic invention. The other major embodiment in this patent application, the target is replaced by a virtual target representing an axially located region in space. Such a device could easily operate within megawatt power levels. This invention is also able to operate with other shapes such as toroids, cylinders, and helixes. Gases other than straight Deuterium may be used, such as Tritium, Deuterium Tritium mixtures, and other fusion reactive gases. Catalyst gases such as methane or deuterane may be used to increase efficiency.
This 10 KW device consists of a Titanium target rod of 0.5 inches in diameter by 13 inches long. It is axially centered in a cylindrical glass envelope which has an inside diameter of 16 inches. This cylinder has a long axis length of 28 inches. It contains Deuterium gas at a pressure of about 0.01 Torr. It is within an insulated tank with an inside radius of 18 inches containing silicon transformer oil. The capacitance between the internal electrode and the inner surface of the envelope is about 0.6 picofarads, which will be referred to as C1. The capacitance between this surface and a RF ground located at the outside of the insulated tank is about 71 picofarads, and is referred to as C2. The capacitive reactance of C1 is about 5.5 million ohms at 50 Khz. The capacitive reactance of C2 is about 45 thousand ohms at 50 KHz. The AC potential applied is 200 KV RMS. Peak operational current is about 18 ma, miliamps. The net duty cycle where the instantaneous applied voltage is to the target is 100 KV or greater with respect to ground is about 25 percent.
The device will be operated at an average power of 10 KW. This corresponds to about 80 watts per square cm of target electrode. This is the operational parameters for a Tungsten cathode operating in a vacuum tube. This is taken from “Electron Tube Design,” by the Electron Tube Division of Radio Corporation of America, a privately issued edition for internal use by employees, first printing 1962, which is hereby incorporated by reference. There are no figures available for Titanium. It is assumed that the thermal qualities of Titanium will approximately equal or exceed that of Tungsten. At 80 watts per square cm, the electrode will be at a temperature of about 2600 degrees Kelvin and have an operational life of about 10,000 hours. The heating due to ion impact is about 25 watts per square cm for a total of about 3.2 KW. Operating at 80 watts per square cm is about 10 KW total power output, with 3.2 KW input. This represents a power gain of about 300 percent. This is a significant increase over the 105 to 110 percent recently obtained with other fusion reactors. The device can operate at a reduced power level even at higher power gain levels. It can be also upscaled for better efficiency.
In the descriptions above, the reader has seen several embodiments of my reactor. There are differing applications for these reactors. One example is a fixed power plant for the generation of electricity. Another example is a portable reactor part of a jet engine powering an aircraft. These very different applications make best use of differing embodiments of my reactor.
In the descriptions above, I have put forth theories of operation that I believe to be correct, such as the way charged particles move in the reactor. While I believe these theories to be correct, I don't wish to be bound by them. While there have been described above the principals of this invention in connection with specific apparatus, it is to be clearly understood that this description is made only by way of example and is not as a limitation to the scope of the invention.
I will start, in conclusion, with a summary of the necessary parameters for this reactor to be operational. Tesla achieved luminescence with drive frequencies to his central electrode starting with about 20 KV at 20 kHz. This luminosity was a result of ionic bombardment of the target electrode. Brookhaven achieved high levels of fusion with large levels of fusion with beam energies in the 225-300 KeV and with an acceleration voltage at about 330 KV. They used DC. Farnsworth used about 100 KV DC for the operation of his electric field ionic recirculation reactor. My reactor would require an alternating drive potential of about 20-50 KHz in frequency. The voltage potential would be approximately 100-500 KV AC. The total current would be in the low milliamp range thus requiring a driving power in the low kilowatt range. A small experimental reactor would most likely function well with about 1 Kilowatt of drive power. This is very conservative for Brookhaven observed beam currents in the nano ampere range. But their experimental reactor had the ions approach the target along a linear, single axis path. The ions approach the target from all axial directions to a central sphere or point in space. The beam current would be expected to be higher. It is disclosed in Beuhler, R. J., Friedlander, G., and Friedman, L., “Cluster Impact Fusion,” Physical Review Letters, Sep. 18, 1989, pages 1292 to 1295, volume 63, number 12. The ions approach the target in my reactor from all axial directions to a central target or location in space. Their approach can be likened to a collapsing bubble, sphere, or shape in concentric and radial proportion to the enclosing envelope shape. The beam current would be expected to be higher than used by Brookhaven.
Brookhaven also found that some contaminants may contribute to fusion (page 1294). A postulated process is “the compression of dense matter by shock waves is known to operate as a one-dimensional strain, with changes in inter nuclear distances in the shocked material, initially, almost exclusively along the direction of the shock . . . Pressures exerted by (D2O) clusters of ions with 300 KEV initial kinetic energy impacting on an area of about 10−14 cm2 can be very roughly estimated from stopping-power energy losses.
If we take 100 EV for the energy loss per water molecule in the top atomic layer of TiD, the deceleration of the (D2)) projectile traversing that layer as a one-dimensional disk is estimated to produce a pressure of about 80 Mbar. Calculations of densities of Deuterium compressed in much weaker shocks by pressures an order of magnitude less than 80 Mbar give values of about 0.8 g/cm−3,11, about 5 times the density of liquid D2 under normal pressure. The transient compression and heating associated with the impact of 300-KEV (D2O) clusters suggested the possibility of the generation of conditions that would produce very large increases in fusion rates.” Beuhler, R. J., Friedlander, G., and Friedman, L., “Cluster Impact Fusion,” Physical Review Letters, Sep. 18, 1989, page 1295, volume 63, number 12.
The farnsworth fusor operated at a pressure of about 0.01 Torr. This is a reasonable pressure to operate my apparatus since this pressure has been used successfully before. The materials used for the components are as described in the above specifications. Before operation, the apparatus will undergo a gas burnout as described above. This will remove contaminants within the cracks, lattices, and other porous structures of the materials involved. The initial reactant gas should be either Deuterium or Tritium. 99 percent purity will be sufficient.
The basic mechanism of the reactors of this invention and that of the Brookhaven experiment are the same: high speed collision nuclei of fusion reactive gas (initially Deuterium or Tritium) with others of the same gas. In the Phase one reactors and the Brookhaven reactor, these nuclei collide with nuclei at and slightly below the surface of the target. Extremely high pressures in the order of 8 Mbar are produced resulting in very high temperatures, sufficient for fusion reactions, are produced by these collisions. This gas approaching the target is more than one atom thick. So these colliding nuclei are then hit from further oncoming nuclei. The process repeats. In the Phase 2 reactors the target is virtual. Nothing initially occupies that space. Nuclei colliding from all axis in all directions form a sphere or other concentric shape of nuclei. When the energy imparted form collision is sufficient, fusion reactions occur. In both Phase 1 and 2 reactors, the fusion reactions stop as the electric field changes polarity. In the Phase 1 reactor, nuclei at the target surface are accelerated away from the target towards the peripheral shell of the reactor. In the Phase 2 reactors, the assembled mass of fusing nuclei are disassembled, stopping the reactions. The nuclei are then accelerated away towards the peripheral shell of the reactor, facilitating the transport of energy out of the reactor.
Accordingly, the reader will see that the reactors, processes, and light Hydrogen fuel production plant of this invention can be used to provide an unlimited source of energy for humanity for the next several million years, can provide this energy without hazard to the environment, and can produce this energy in a highly controlled manner. In addition, the fuel supply for this energy production is water. These reactors can fuse both heavy and light Hydrogen. The energy produced within these reactors can be efficiently transferred to the receiving load. Furthermore, the reactors, processes, and fuel production plant of this invention has the additional advantages in that:
While my above description contains many specificity's, these should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the invention, but rather as an exemplification of one preferred embodiment thereof. Many other variations are possible. For example:
In the descriptions above, I have put forth theories of operation that I believe to be correct, such as the storage of inertia and the way charged particles move in the reactor. While I believe these theories to be correct, I don't wish to be bound by them. While there have been described above the principals of this invention in connection with specific apparatus, it is to be clearly understood that this description is made only by way of example and is not as a limitation to the scope of the invention. Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be determined not by the embodiment (s) illustrated, but by the appended claims and their legal equivalents.
“This application is a Divisional Application of application Ser. No. 10/214,372 filed, Aug. 6, 2002 by the present inventor which claims the benefit of Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/311,453, filed Aug. 8, 2001 by the present inventor.”
Number | Date | Country | |
60311453 | Aug 2001 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 10214372 | Aug 2002 | US |
Child | 13317838 | US |