A system for temporally associating a user with a location. The system includes a receiving component for receiving identity data from an electronic sensor, the identity data being indicative of a user's presence being detected at a location at a given time. The receiving component further receives scheduling information about the availability of the location for the given time, and an analysis component determines from the scheduling information and the user's detected presence whether the location is available for use by the user.


Embodiments of the present invention will now be described, by way of examples only, with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:

FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a system of tag identification in a meeting location environment, in accordance with an illustrative embodiment;

FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the automated meeting location scheduler along with the individual components of an RFID sensor and a directional sensor in accordance with an illustrative embodiment;

FIG. 3 is flow diagram detailing the operational steps of the automated meeting location scheduler when receiving a trigger from an RFID sensor in accordance with an illustrative embodiment; and

FIG. 4 is a flow diagram detailing the operational steps of the automated meeting location scheduler when receiving an input from a calendaring function in accordance with an illustrative embodiment.


With reference to FIG. 1, an automated resource scheduler application 130 is provided, a user 100 is provided with an electronic tag 105, and a location 110, such as a room, building, office, or area etc., is provided with an electronic sensor 120. The sensor 120 detects radio frequency waves emitted by the electronic tag 105. The electronic tag 105 includes information unique to the user 100. The automated resource scheduler 130 monitors sensor information transmitted from the electronic sensor 120. Depending on the information received from the electronic sensor 120 and information received from a calendaring function, the automated resource scheduler 130 either schedules a location as available or unavailable, and/or notifies participants of their non-attendance i.e. with respect to an arranged meeting, and/or updates the calendaring function with new status information.

An embodiment of electronic tag 105 is provided by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, although other forms of tags and sensors may be used.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology may be used in which electronic tags 105 are provided in the form of transponders that are embedded in items to act as identifiers. Readers or scanners on the sensor 120 act as an interface between the transponders and a data environment including the automated resource scheduler 130. Conventional transponders and readers are available in a number of forms. Any suitable form can be used for the purposes of the disclosed system.

An antenna located on the sensor 120 emits radio signals to activate the electronic tag 105 and to read data from it and/or write data to it. Antennas can be built into a door frame, for example, to receive electronic tag data from persons or objects passing through the door. The electromagnetic field produced by an antenna can be constantly present when multiple electronic tags 105 are expected continually, or, if constant interrogation is not required, the field can be activated by the sensor device 120.

The antenna has a transceiver and decoder to provide a reader. When an electronic tag 105 passes through the antenna zone, it detects the reader's activation signal. The reader decodes the data encoded in the tag's integrated circuit and the data is passed to a host computer for processing.

The tag 105 may be either active or passive. Active RFID tags are powered by an internal battery and are typically read/write. Passive RFID tags are read only and operate without a power source by obtaining operating power generated from the reader. The advantage of RFID tags is that they do not require contact or line-of-sight to be read.

One or more electronic tags 105 can be inserted into any form of object at the time of manufacture and may remain in the object until the object is destroyed. It may also be possible to destroy or deactivate the electronic tag 105 before the object hosting it is destroyed. Similarly an electronic tag 105 may be added to an object at any time during the lifetime of the object.

A user 100 carries an electronic tag 105 which may be embedded into a chip into a user's security badge, for example. The user enters into a location such as meeting room 110 through an entry and exit point 115. The entry and exit point 115 includes one or more electronic sensors 120 for sensing the presence of and receiving information from the user's electronic tag 105. The entry and exit point 115 further includes a directional indicator 125 for sensing if a user has entered or exited the meeting room 110. The sensor 120 receives an ID which is unique to the user 100 from the electronic tag 105. The electronic sensor 120 combines this information with information from the directional indicator 125 and transmits the combined information across a communication network for receipt by the automated resource scheduler 130. For purposes of explanation herein, the term “location” will be understood to refer to a room, building, area, office and other specific types of locations in which the disclosed system may be operable.

The automated resource scheduler 130 receives information from the sensor 120, and determines, based on the received information, if the user is supposed to be in the meeting room 110. If the user 100 is supposed to be in the meeting room 110, the automated resource scheduler 130 determines if there are supposed to be further participants in the meeting room 110, which are associated with the user 100, e.g. further participants for the user's meeting. If the determination is positive, the automated resource scheduler 130 waits for further data from the sensor 120 in order to determine who has entered the location and who has not. If, for example, five minutes after the meeting was due to start, some participants have not arrived, the automated resource scheduler 130 may generate a notification via email, instant messaging or an automated voice alert, to notify the non-attending participants of their absence.

In another example, if a user 100 is detected as entering a meeting room 110 and the user 100 is not supposed to be in the meeting room 110 because they have not booked the meeting room 110, and the location is in fact already booked by another user, the automated resource scheduler 130 generates a notification to the user 100 informing the user 100 that the meeting room 110 is unavailable at this time. The automated resource scheduler 130 may also inform the user 100 of the dates and times at which the meeting room 110 is available for booking. If however, the meeting room 110 is available for booking, and user 100 enters meeting room 110, using the user's unique ID, the automated resource scheduler 130 books the meeting room 110 on behalf of the user 100 until the next booked time slot.

Moving to FIG. 2, the various components of an illustrative embodiment of the automated resource scheduler 130, the sensor 120 and the directional indicator 125 are shown. Each of these components will be explained in turn.

As previously explained, entry and exit point 115 includes an electronic sensor 120 and a direction indicator 125. The direction indicator 125 provides at least one infrared beam 245 which is beamed across the width of the entry and exit point 115. Two beams may be placed horizontally so that when a user 100 enters or exits the location they are broken in sequence. Based on the sequence in which the beams are broken, it can be determined whether user 100 was entering or exiting the location. This information is stored, and an identifying component 250 communicates the information to a controller 255 located on the sensor 120.

An antenna 265 detects the presence of an electronic tag 105, and a reader component 260 decodes the data encoded in the electronic tag's integrated circuit (e.g. a user's unique ID). Optionally, a transmitter 270 may transmit the data to the reader 260 for decoding (e.g. in an active tag embodiment). The controller component 255 includes logic which detects multiple tag reads of the same tag within a predetermined number of seconds, and filters out any unwanted reads. The controller 255 date and time stamps the decoded data and transmits this information along with the direction information, e.g. via a transmitter component 270, for receipt by the automated resource scheduler 130.

The automated resource scheduler 130 receives the data from the controller 255 and extracts the unique ID and the direction information from the received data. The receiving component 200 interfaces with an event trigger component 205 and the event trigger component 205 determines if the data has been received from a sensor 120 or a calendar component 230, as the automated resource scheduler 130 may be triggered by identity data (e.g. indicating that a user has entered or exited the location), or by a calendaring function indicating that a meeting has been booked at the location, and that monitoring should begin for user activity.

Depending on which kind of trigger is detected, the event trigger component 205 will either send a request back to the receiving component 200 to begin monitoring for further identity data, or will transmit a request to an analysis component 215 requesting for the processing of this information.

The analysis component 215 interfaces with a calendar component 230. The calendaring function 215 holds location booking information. Such location booking information may, for example, include the dates and times at which rooms are available and unavailable, the capacity of each of the rooms, the facilities available in each of the rooms, and, for each room, the names of each of the participants for one or more meetings.

The analysis component 215 requests from the calendar component 230 location booking status information for the location in which an event has been triggered. For example, if information has been received from sensor 120 located in meeting room 110 at 10:00 am on Tuesday the thirteenth of June, then the analysis component 215 requests status information from the calendar component 230 for meeting room 110 at 10:00 am. The calendar component 230 communicates back to the analysis component 215 the requested information, and the analysis component 215 proceeds to analyze the information to detect any discrepancies between the calendaring status information and the sensor information. Thus, the following situations may occur:

Calendaring Status and Sensor Status:

Location number
Booking status
Sensor data

Mr. A, Mr. B, Miss C,

Users: Mr. A, Mr. B,
Mrs. T, Mrs. R

Miss C, Mrs. T, Mrs. R


Miss Z, Mr. C

Users: Miss Z, Mrs. T,

Mr. U, Mr. V, Mr. C

Mr. B, Mr. A

Miss G, Mrs. G, Mr. L,

Mr. K, Mr. M


The analysis component 215 analyses the above data to detect any discrepancies between the two sets of data (booking status and sensor data). If the analysis components determines any discrepancies, the analysis component 215 determines an appropriate action to be performed. Appropriate actions may, for example, include requesting that the calendaring function update current location booking information with the latest location booking information, and/or sending a notification to a number of users informing them of a status update and/or an action to be performed.

For example, working through the above table—the analysis component 215 may determine that from 9:00 to 10:00 am meeting room 110 has been booked for five users, namely Mr. A, Mr. B, Miss C, Mrs. T, and Mrs. R. The received identity data also shows that the same five users have been detected as entering meeting room 110 at the requested time. Hence on this occasion, the analysis component 215 detects that there are no discrepancies and no further actions need to be taken.

From 10:00 am to 12:00 am meeting room 110 is shown as available. In the event that no identity data is received for meeting room 110 during this time, the analysis component 215 once again determines that no further action is required.

However, from 12:00 am to 13:00 pm location 110 has been booked for Miss Z, Mrs. T, Mr. U, Mr. V, and Mr. C. In the event that identity data has only been received for Miss Z and Mr. C, the analysis component 215 may wait for a further predetermined amount of time (e.g. 5 minutes). If no sensor data has then been received for Mrs. T, Mr. U, nor Mr. V, then the analysis component 215 sends a notification to the notification component 220 requesting that a message be sent to Mrs. T, Mr. U and Mr. V informing them of their absence.

Another scenario is shown with respect to the 13:00 pm to 14:00 pm time slot. The calendaring status information indicates that meeting room 110 is available, but the sensor information showing that Mr. B and Mr. A are in meeting room 110. As the location is available, the analysis component informs the update component 210 that meeting room 110 is now unavailable, and requests that the calendaring status information be updated to reflect the new booking information. The analysis component 215 also communicates with the notification component 220 requesting a notification be sent to Mr. B and Mr. A informing them of their new location booking. Thus the analysis component 215 similarly works through each time slot in the above table to resolve any discrepancies occurring for each time slot.

A further type of scenario is when a user 100 reserves a location for a time period of, for example, two hours, and after the first hour the user and all the user's associated participants leave the location, without returning. If after a predetermined amount of time none of the participants including the user are detected as re-entering the location, then the location's reservation status for the rest of the two hour time period is changed to available.

The automated resource scheduler 130 may be deployable on a server and operable with other calendaring and scheduling software. The server may be a mainframe or other type of server. The server may be operable with a local area network, a wide area network or other type of communication network which is configurable for transmitting and receiving data from on location to another.

FIG. 3 shows the operational steps of an illustrative embodiment of the present invention. The process is initiated by a user 100 entering a location at an entry or exit point 115. The user 100 is carrying an electronic tag 105. The antenna 265 on the electronic sensor 120 (located at the entry and/or exit point) detects a radio wave signal and a reader 260 decodes the encoded user's unique ID for transmitting to the controller component 255. The controller component 255 also receives directional information indicative of whether a user has entered or exited the location. At step 300, a receiving component 200 receives the unique ID of the user and the location number, along with the directional information and a time stamp of the time of the user's entry into or exit from the location. The receiving component 200, via an event trigger component 205, transmits the data to an analysis component 215.

At step 305, the analysis component 215 requests booking status information pertaining to the location that the user was detected entering or leaving. The calendar component 230 sends back the calendar information for the location for that time period that covers the time indicated in the time stamp included with the user's identity data. For example, if the received data includes a time stamp indicating 10:00 am, the calendar component 230 would send back booking status information for the time period of 10:00 am to 11:00 am etc. Alternatively, the calendar component 230 may send back the booking status information for the whole day or partial segments of the day.

The analysis component 215 begins the step of comparing the calendaring status information with the identity data received from the sensor located in the room. First, the analysis component 215 determines whether the location is booked over the time period in question. If yes, the analysis component 215 determines at step 315 whether it has received identity data at step 310 for each user 100 who is registered as having booked the location, or is going to be using the location. If the analysis component 215 has not received all the required sensor data, the analysis component 215 waits for a predetermined amount of time at step 315 before proceeding any further at step 320. After it has waited for the predetermined amount of time, the analysis component 215 determines at step 320 whether there is a discrepancy between the calendaring information (e.g. booking status information) and the identity data (e.g. sensor data). If not, then no action is performed at step 325. Otherwise, an appropriate action is determined at step 330. For example, an appropriate action may be to generate a notification at step 335 via the notification component 220, e.g. requesting that a notification be sent to each of the users who have not attended the meeting. Alternatively, the action determined at step 330 may be no action at step 325.

Thus, if the analysis component 215 receives the required identity data within the prescribed period, the analysis component 215 determines that no further action is needed to be taken. However, if the sensor detects that users are in a location and the calendaring information status information states that the location is available, at step 330 the analysis component 215 may determine that the calendar component 230 is to be updated with new booking information at step 340, and a confirmation notification to be generated at step 335 to the users detected in the location informing them that the location is now booked on their behalf FIG. 4 shows the same operation steps as FIG. 3, but in this example, an initial trigger from the calendar component 230 triggers the receiving component 200 to monitor for identity data for a given date and time. This embodiment is useful for when the calendar component 230 is located remotely, for example on a server located across a network, and/or where the calendar component 230 is a legacy application interfacing with the automated resource scheduling application 130.

At step 400, a receiving component 200 receives a trigger from a calendaring function 230. The trigger may, for example, include a time period in which to monitor at step 405 for identity data from electronic sensor 120 located in meeting room 110. On receipt of the sensor data, the receiving component 200 transmits the data to an analysis component 215. The analysis component 215 requests calendaring status information pertaining to the location that the user was detected entering or leaving. The calendar component 230 sends back the calendaring information for the location for that time period that covers the time notified in the user's identity data. For example, if the identity data indicates the time 10:00 am, the calendar component 230 would send back the status information for the time period of 10:00 am to 11:00 am etc. Alternatively, the calendar component 230 may send back the status information for the whole day or partial segments of the day.

The analysis component 215 begins the step of comparing the calendaring status information with the identity data received from the sensor located in the room. Firstly, the analysis component 215 determines whether the location is booked over the time period in question. If yes, the analysis component 215 determines at step 410 whether it has received identity data for each participant who is associated with the user. If the analysis component 215 has not received all the required sensor data, the analysis component 215 waits for a predetermined amount of time before proceeding at step 415. After it has waited for the predetermined amount of time and if no further identity data has been received, the analysis component 215 determines at step 415 if there is a discrepancy between the calendaring information and the identity data. If not, at step 420 no action is taken. Otherwise, at step 425 it determines an appropriate action to be performed. For example, one appropriate action would be to generate a notification at step 430 via the notification component 220 requesting a notification be sent to each of the users who have not attended the meeting.

Thus, if the analysis component 215 does receive the required identity data within the prescribed period, the analysis component 215 determines that no further action is needed to be taken, and step 415 is followed by step 420. However, in the event that the sensor detects that users are in a location, and the calendaring information status information indicates that the location is available, the analysis component 215 determines that the calendaring function 230 is to be updated at step 435 with the new booking information, and a confirmation notification is generated at step 430 to the user's detected in the location informing then that the location is now booked on their behalf.

The disclosed system can take the form of an entirely software embodiment, an entirely hardware embodiment, or an embodiment containing both software and hardware elements. The figures include block diagram and flowchart illustrations of methods, apparatus(s) and computer program products according to an embodiment of the invention. It will be understood that each block in such figures, and combinations of these blocks, can be implemented by computer program instructions. These computer program instructions may be loaded onto a computer or other programmable data processing apparatus to produce a machine, such that the instructions which execute on the computer or other programmable data processing apparatus create means for implementing the functions specified in the block or blocks. These computer program instructions may also be stored in a computer-readable memory that can direct a computer or other programmable data processing apparatus to function in a particular manner, such that the instructions stored in the computer-readable memory produce an article of manufacture including instruction means which implement the function specified in the block or blocks. The computer program instructions may also be loaded onto a computer or other programmable data processing apparatus to cause a series of operational steps to be performed on the computer or other programmable apparatus to produce a computer implemented process such that the instructions which execute on the computer or other programmable apparatus provide steps for implementing the functions specified in the block or blocks.

Those skilled in the art should readily appreciate that programs defining the functions of the present invention can be delivered to a computer in many forms; including, but not limited to: (a) information permanently stored on non-writable storage media (e.g. read only memory devices within a computer such as ROM or CD-ROM disks readable by a computer I/O attachment); (b) information alterably stored on writable storage media (e.g. floppy disks and hard drives); or (c) information conveyed to a computer through communication media for example using wireless, baseband signaling or broadband signaling techniques, including carrier wave signaling techniques, such as over computer or telephone networks via a modem.

While the invention is described through the above exemplary embodiments, it will be understood by those of ordinary skill in the art that modification to and variation of the illustrated embodiments may be made without departing from the inventive concepts herein disclosed.

  • 1. An apparatus for temporally associating a user with a location, comprising: a receiving component for receiving identity data from an electronic sensor, the identity data being indicative of a user's presence being detected at a location at a given time;the receiving component further for receiving scheduling information about the availability of the location for the given time; andan analysis component for determining from the scheduling information and the user's detected presence whether the location is available for use by the user.
  • 2. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a notification component for notifying the user of the location's unavailability in the event that the analysis component determines that the location is not available for use by the user.
  • 3. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein if the analysis component determines that the location is available for use by the user, the analysis component transmits a request to a calendar component requesting that the location be reserved for use by the user.
  • 4. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein the calendar component reserves the location for use by the user until a next reserved temporal time slot.
  • 5. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the analysis component determines whether a participant is associated with the user and on receipt of subsequent identity data determining whether the subsequent identity data is associated with the participant.
  • 6. The apparatus of claim 5 wherein if the subsequent identity data is determined by the analysis component to not be associated with the participant, a notification component generates a notification that the location is not available for use.
  • 7. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein a notification component further generates a notification informing the user of the reservation of the location.
  • 8. The apparatus of claim 5 wherein the analysis component, upon determining that a participant is associated with a user and no identity data is received for the associated participant, notifies the associated participant of the presence of the user at the location.
  • 9. The apparatus of claim 8 wherein a notification component is operable to provide said notification by one of the set consisting of electronic mail, instant messaging, and voice communication.
  • 10. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the user's presence is detectable in response to an electronic tag.
  • 11. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the electronic tag comprises an RFID tag.
  • 12. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the electronic tag is detectable by an electronic sensor.
  • 13. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the electronic sensor is locatable at an entry point at the location.
  • 14. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the electronic tag is connectable to the user.
  • 15. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the electronic tag is embedded within an identity means.
  • 16. A method for temporally associating a user with a location, comprising: receiving identity data from an electronic sensor, the identity data being indicative of a user's presence being detected at a location at a given time;receiving scheduling information about the availability of the location for the given time; anddetermining from the scheduling information and the user's detected presence whether the location is available for use by the user.
  • 17. The method of claim 16 further comprising, in the event that the location is determined to not be available for use by the user, notifying the user of the location's unavailability.
  • 18. The method of claim 16 further comprising, in the event that the location is determined to be available for use by the user, transmitting a request to a calendar component requesting that the location be reserved for use by the user.
  • 19. The method of claim 18 further comprising reserving the location for use by the user until a next reserved temporal time slot.
  • 20. The method of claim 16, further comprising determining whether a participant is associated with the user, and, on receipt of further identity data, determining whether the further identity data is associated with the participant.
  • 21. The method of claim 20 further comprising, in the event that the further identity data is determined to not be associated with the participant, generating a notification that the location is not available for use.
  • 22. The method of claim 19 further comprising generating a notification informing the user of the reservation of the location.
  • 23. The method of claim 21 further comprising, in the event that the user is determined to be associated with a participant and no identity data is received for the associated participant, notifying the associated participant of the user's presence at the location.
  • 24. The method of claim 23, wherein the notifying is by one of the set consisting of electronic mail, instant messaging and voice communication.
  • 25. The method of claim 16, wherein the user's presence is detected by way of an electronic tag.
  • 26. The method of claim 25, wherein the electronic tag comprises an RFID tag.
  • 27. The method of claim 25, wherein the electronic tag is detected by an electronic sensor.
  • 28. The method of claim 27, wherein the electronic sensor is located at an entry point at the location.
  • 29. The method of claim 24, wherein the electronic tag is connected to the user.
  • 30. The method of claim 19, wherein the electronic tag comprises an identity means.
  • 31. A computer program product including a computer readable storage medium, the computer readable storage medium having computer program code stored thereon, which when executed would cause the computer system to temporally associate a user with a location, comprising: a receiving component for receiving identity data from an electronic sensor, the identity data being indicative of a user's presence being detected at a location at a given time;the receiving component further for receiving scheduling information about the availability of the location for the given time; andan analysis component for determining from the scheduling information and the user's detected presence whether the location is available for use by the user.
  • 32. A system for temporally associating a user with a location, the system including a central processing unit, a memory device and a storage device, comprising: receiving means for receiving identity data from an electronic sensor, the identity data being indicative of a user's presence being detected at a location at a given time;the receiving means further for receiving scheduling information about the availability of the location for the given time; andanalysis means for determining from the scheduling information and the user's detected presence whether the location is available for use by the user.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
GB0612359.0 Jun 2006 GB national