An embodiment of the present application is directed to an apparatus, method, and or article of manufacture. In at least one embodiment, the method includes receiving an indication of selection of an editing mode for editing a displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the displayed electronic screen overlays; receiving an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving the indication of selection of the editing mode; receiving an indication of selection of a parameter from a plurality of parameters associated with the selected key location; and receiving an indication of a change in the selected parameter.

The present application generally relates to an apparatus and method using polysemous (multi-meaning) symbols.


A system and method for producing synthetic single or plural word messages was developed by Bruce Baker et al. and is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,661,916 to Baker et al. (the Baker '916 patent) issued on Apr. 28, 1987, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. The system was directed to a linguistic coding system and keyboard for use by people with cognitive and/or physical impairments. The coding system and associated keyboard was used to store and access messages, which included words, plural word messages, phonemes, sentences, phrases, full names, letters, numbers, functions, or any combination thereof.

In such a system, the keyboard was coupled to a computer device, or was alternately part of the stand-alone entity which included a microprocessor, memory and display. The memory stored the messages for selective retrieval by the keyboard. The messages retrieved from the keyboard were then fed to a voice synthesizer, for example, which converted them through a loudspeaker to produce audible spoken messages. On this keyboard, associated with each of a plurality of keys, were polysemous (multi-meaning) symbols, also known as icons. By designating selected ones of the keys and their associated symbols or icons, selected stored messages or plural word messages (including but not limited to words, phrases and sentences) were accessed from the memory and then subsequently output.

With the system described in the Baker '916 patent, messages stored in the memory could be retrieved by activating a combination of symbol keys and other keys to vary the context of the polysemous symbols. Thus, a plurality of sentences could be selectively generated as a function of polysemous symbols in combination with other polysemous symbols. This allowed a user the ability to access thousands of words or messages based upon as little as one, two, or three keystrokes. Further, with symbols being polysemous, thousands of symbol sequences could be generated with only a small number of keys on a keyboard. Based upon ease of use of the system, the polysemous icons or symbols utilized, and the easily memorized symbol sequence combinations, such a system became ideal for many mentally and physically challenged users for whom spelling and typing, as well as speech itself, was extremely difficult.

The system of the Baker '916 patent allowed for an operator to go directly from thought to speech. This was possible because each key of the keyboard bore a central image or symbol which was polysemous and illustrated an important aspect of life and/or linguistic function. The keyboards could be varied depending on the intellectual level of the intended operator. Therefore, each keyboard could in itself be a language which was designed for or with a specific user.

Each of the polysemous symbols was developed to be rich in associations so that combinations of symbols could signal sentence or message ideas in the operator's memory. This enabled the generation of plural word or whole sentence messages by the activation of only a limited number of keys. The device allowed for the generation of many sentences or phrases and a large core vocabulary which could be easily retrieved from memory because of the ease with which the polysemous symbols on the keys portrayed the production of whole thoughts.

In the aforementioned system of the Baker '916 patent, the spatial configuration of the symbols on a given keyboard remained constant. Sequences of symbols in fixed places were consistent, allowing messages to be reliably produced with the same sequence each time. This constant mapping supported the learning of motor patterns associated with symbol sequences. As such sequences were learned, the user could establish motor programs that allow sequences to be produced quickly and accurately in the same way a touch typist efficiently spelled many words or a musician played an instrument.

The aforementioned Baker '916 patent provided an excellent means of accessing high frequency “core” vocabulary words using sequenced polysemous symbols. However, the system of the Baker '916 patent only provided limited access to the relatively large set of low frequency “fringe” vocabulary words that would only be used periodically.

A subsequent design that provided for a way to easily access fringe vocabulary utilizing non-polysemous symbols on dynamic graphical screens was disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,920,303 to Baker et al. (the Baker '303 patent) issued Jul. 6, 1999, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. In the system of the aforementioned Baker '303 patent, non-polysemous symbols were used for accessing fringe vocabulary. In the system of the Baker '303 patent, less than all of a plurality of keys on the displayed keyboard were dynamically redefined in response to selection of a symbol or sequentially selected symbols. These dynamic characteristics produced a dynamically redefined keyboard for accessing fringe vocabulary.

Even though the system of the aforementioned Baker '303 patent provided an improved method for accessing fringe vocabulary, it could still be limited in that it could not provide efficient access to a very large set of fringe vocabulary words. The fringe vocabularies of adolescents or adults may include many thousand words that are used on occasion in specific contexts. For example, most vocabulary words that are learned in academic or vocational settings are fringe vocabulary words related to specific topics. In the system of the Baker '303 patent, a subset of the plurality of keys on the displayed keyboard could contain dynamically re-defined non-polysemous symbols for selection of fringe vocabulary. In some embodiments, this subset of keys on the displayed keyboard may include one row of twelve keys, which may be used to access fifty different fringe words, for example. In this case, the operator may need to use command keys to browse through a set of non-polysemous symbols that is much larger than the number of available key locations. A control key may be used to dynamically redefine this subset of keys multiple times until the desired symbol is presented. In the system of the aforementioned Baker '303 patent, the operator may need to execute six or more keystrokes to access a desired fringe vocabulary word corresponding to one of a large number of non-polysemous symbols.

Although many people have learned to successfully use augmentative and alternative communication systems containing embodiments of the semantic compaction encoding techniques to communicate with very high levels of linguistic performance, some populations of children have had difficulty learning more advanced systems where the available language is effectively unlimited. Children with autism, in particular, may be overwhelmed by a large array of unfamiliar polysemous symbols and potential polysemous symbol sequences. Alternatively, they may perseverate on one symbol while a clinician is trying to provide structured instructional activities involving sequences associated with a different polysemous symbol.

The Baker '916 patent provided for embodiments that include a keyboard with a relatively large number of polysemous symbols suitable for individuals with relatively high cognitive and linguistic skills, and embodiments that included a keyboard with a relatively small number of polysemous symbols suitable for individuals with more significant cognitive or linguistic impairments. An individual who has difficulty learning the system may benefit from a system with a simpler keyboard, but this consequently limits the availability of stored language content.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,297,041 issued Mar. 22, 1994 (the Kushler '041 patent), the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference, provided for a predictive input system which only allowed an operator to select a polysemous symbol that would lead to the valid production of a sequence for accessing a previously stored message after, an initial polysemous symbol has been selected (or even prior to selection). The subsequent Baker '303 patent provided for a dynamically re-defined keyboard, where individual keys were dynamically re-definable after one or more initial polysemous symbols were selected to provide additional visual information about potential words or messages that may be produced by selecting one or more additional symbols. Such systems may support access to thousands of stored words or messages through selection of unique sequences of polysemous symbols, and provide feedback in relation to available sequences. Although these systems may store enough content to support selective generation of numerous unique sentences with a relatively small number of polysemous symbols, all valid polysemous symbol sequences and corresponding stored words and messages are accessible to the user at all times. Thus, access to the stored language content was effectively unlimited.

In the system of the Baker '916 patent, the communication device included a keyboard coupled to a microprocessor associated with an electrical programmable read only memory. Each key of the keyboards included a relatively centrally disposed polysemous symbol, and all keys were permanently displayed in a static configuration. A given pre-stored message including one or more words, for example, could be retrieved from the electrical programmable read-only memory by actuating a specific sequence of keys that included polysemous symbols, where the key sequence was associated with the given pre-stored message.

The systems of several subsequent patents improved on the design disclosed in the Baker '916 patent while consistently maintaining a requirement that pre-stored messages be retrieved from an electronic memory via actuation of a corresponding symbol sequence using a single keyboard or keyboard overlay. The system developed by Baker, et al, and disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,210,689 to Baker, et al, (the Baker '689 patent) issued on May 11, 1993, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference, provided for a continuous input system that allowed a user utilizing an icon or symbol mode to access stored morphemes, words, phrases, or sentences by selecting sequences of polysemous icon symbols and allowed a user utilizing a character, word prediction, or suffix mode to enter additional content using a text-based keyboard. In the system of the Baker '689 patent, the keyboards for the symbol mode and character, word prediction or suffix mode overlapped in space so that a user could automatically toggle between modes on a single keyboard without having to manually switch between modes.

The system disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,920,303, issued to Baker, et al on Jul. 6, 1999 provided for a dynamic keyboard on a graphical user interface including a plurality of keys with associated symbols that are dynamically redefinable to provide access to higher level keyboards. In this system, keys could be dynamically redefined based on one or more initially selected symbols in a sequence such that symbols on dynamically redefined keys could include embellished symbols and/or newly displayed symbols. This system also allowed for easy access to core vocabulary words through selection of sequenced polysemous symbols while providing improved access to fringe vocabulary words via selection of the new or embellished symbols corresponding to fringe vocabulary words.

In the systems of the above-mentioned patents, and other patents subsequent to the Baker '916 patent, sequenced polysemous symbols were selected from a keyboard to retrieve associated stored messages from an electronic memory. Where features of the keyboard have been dynamically redefined based on one or more initially selected polysemous symbols in a sequence, those dynamically redefinable features were limited to changes in individual keys or symbols.

An alternative to the polysemous symbols disclosed in the Baker '916 patent and subsequent patents involves the use of solely non-polysemous (single meaning) symbols. When solely non-polysemous symbols are used, a small number of non-polysemous symbols, for example 20 symbols in a four by five array, are initially introduced. Selection of one of these non-polysemous symbols is typically used to produce a stored message, such as a noun that is easy to represent with pictures of a pre-stored sentence. At this point, solely non-polysemous symbols may be used easily, and with minimal effort.

Use of solely non-polysemous symbols becomes much more challenging, however, when the number of available stored vocabulary words and sentences exceeds the number of available locations on the display of the communication device; when this happens, the set of non-polysemous symbols and associated stored messages must be sorted and divided across a plurality of linked pages, and the operator must navigate between these pages to locate and select desired messages. Typically, many of the non-polysemous symbols on the highest level “master” page include links to additional pages of non-polysemous symbols. These additional pages may contain non-polysemous symbols that include links to even more pages, a link back to the master page, and/or some non-polysemous symbols that are associated with stored messages.

The words on these various pages are often organized into semantic categories. In these systems, selecting a non-polysemous symbol on the master page that represents a superordinate semantic category links the operator to a second page containing non-polysemous symbols associated with category members and/or subordinate categories. On the second page, selecting a non-polysemous symbol associated with a subordinate category activates a link to a third page containing additional non-polysemous symbols, and so on. Selecting a non-polysemous symbol associated with a category member generates the associated stored message.

As an example, the master page on a communication device may have non-polysemous symbols linking to the categories “people,” “food,” “school”, “fun times,” and clothing.” Selecting the non-polysemous symbols that includes a link to the “clothing” category may link to a page containing non-polysemous symbols associated with the category members “shirt,” “pants,” “underwear,” and “shoes,” as well as non-polysemous symbols that include links to the subordinate categories “winter clothing,” “summer clothing,” and “formal clothing,” and a non-polysemous symbol including a link back to the master page.

As the vocabulary increases in size, the number of pages of non-polysemous symbols on such a system must necessarily increase, which in turn increases the cognitive complexity of tasks involved in using the system. In order to produce any given word, the operator must recall the categorical organization of the system well enough to identify the superordinate and subordinate categories that must be linked in order to navigate to the page containing the desired word, and visually search for each symbol that should be selected during navigation.

For example, the operator may recall that “coat” is located under the superordinate category for clothing, and still not be sure whether “coat” is located under the subordinate category for “winter clothing” or “formal clothing.” This becomes a recurrent problem when navigating many pages. In order to store a 1,000 word vocabulary, consistent with that of a typically developing three-year-old, a minimum of 56 linked 20-location pages of non-polysemous symbols are required. When an operator must navigate such an extensive set of categorically organized pages, actual communication using the system may be very limited because the cognitive demands of page navigation are so extensive.

Recent developments in broadly available consumer technologies have included tablets, smart phones, and other portable multifunction devices with touch-screen interfaces, such as iPADs, iPhones, and Android devices. These devices have allowed programmers to develop and implement a wide range of third-party application programs, including assistive technology programs, as long as the program was compatible with the device hardware and the software platform that was integral to the device's operating system. The software platforms on portable multifunction devices were highly compatible with a wide range of third-party augmentative and alternative communication programs containing numerous pages of non-polysemous symbols, but were not necessarily compatible with established embodiments of the Baker '916 patent or any subsequent patents using polysemous symbol systems.

Previous embodiments of the Baker '916 patent and all subsequent patents have relied on a method of retrieving stored messages from an electronic memory when a corresponding symbol sequence is selected on a keyboard. This process could have involved a large and complex computer program with over a million lines of code and a database defining the interactions between the various polysemous or non-polysemous symbols, words, and speech. Modifying such a program to be elegantly and efficiently transferred between a plurality of operating systems on tablet, smart phone, and other portable multifunction devices may have been very difficult or even impossible.

Previous embodiments of the Baker '916 patent and all subsequent patents have incorporated a plurality of polysemous symbols that were rich with association, and could be used sequentially to produce a plurality of previously stored messages using various polysemous symbol sequences. The association between a polysemous symbol sequence and a corresponding previously stored message often was not immediately obvious to an inexperienced operator learning to use a polysemous symbol system for communication, or to that person's instructor. Experienced operators have often needed to give explanations of the associations between polysemous symbol sequences and corresponding previously stored messages have often been required in instructional and clinical settings. Rationales to explain these associations have been provided in printed (hard copy) manuals that service providers could access who were teaching an inexperienced operator to use a polysemous symbol system for communication. Such hard-copy manuals can provide critical reference material for non-disabled service providers in instructional and clinical settings.

In communication devices using a combination of polysemous and non-polysemous symbols, such as that disclosed in the Baker '303 patent for example, the programming tasks that an operator would have had to execute to add stored messages may have been more complex. For example, one process that may have been used to add a stored message that corresponded to a sequence of polysemous symbols, and another process may have been used to add a stored message that corresponded to a non-polysemous symbol that appeared after an initial one or more polysemous symbols were selected. At times, these programming tasks were overwhelmingly complex and acted as a deterrent to individuals who may have otherwise benefited from access to a communication device using a combination of polysemous and non-polysemous symbols.


The inventors have discovered that there is a need for a single, consistent programming strategy that an operator may utilize to edit parameters of any of a plurality polysemous symbol sequences at any point within a symbol sequence, including a need for a single, consistent programming strategy for editing parameters of any given symbol in an application program utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols, regardless of whether the selected symbol currently functions as a polysemous or non-polysemous symbol.

At least one embodiment of the present invention is directed to a system (such as an AAC system for example), apparatus, computer readable medium and/or method for selectively editing parameters corresponding to any one of a plurality of stored messages that may be included in an application program utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access messages. Note that throughout the embodiments of the application, the word “message” or “messages” is used to mean any of words, plural word messages, phonemes, morphemes, sentences, phrases, full names, letters, numbers, functions, commands or any combination thereof, stored in association with sequenced polysemous symbols and/or at least one entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the system, apparatus, computer readable medium and/or method may be directed to at least one of:

    • 1. Implementing an apparatus, computer readable medium method and/or an application program that may be adapted to a plurality of consumer devices, including tablets, smart phones and/or other devices computer processors, touch screen interfaces, memory and/or a plurality of different operating systems; and/or using sequenced multi-meaning symbols in such a system, apparatus, method and/or application program.
    • 2. Implementing an application program, system and/or method involving a single, consistent programming strategy for an operator to edit parameters of entries to an interactive dictionary database that correspond to both polysemous symbol sequences and non-polysemous symbols, throughout all key locations and all electronic screen overlays of the system, including overlays with polysemous symbols, overlays with a combination of polysemous and non-polysemous symbols, and overlays containing categorically organized non-polysemous symbols. In at least one embodiment, this may include implementing a consistent programming strategy for modifying existing entries in the interactive dictionary database, adding new entries to the interactive dictionary database, and/or deleting existing entries from the interactive dictionary database. This may include a system, method and/or application program for automatically searching the interactive dictionary database and notifying a user if he/she is attempting to store a new entry in the interactive dictionary database that duplicates a word corresponding to an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database and give the user the option to cancel the save request, complete the save request, edit parameters corresponding to the requested new entry, or view the definition of the matching existing entry in the interactive dictionary database (including a symbol sequence and rationale).

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to a method, comprising: receiving an indication of selection of a currently displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays for editing, to thereby permit editing of the currently displayed linked electronic screen overlay without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the currently displayed electronic screen overlays; receiving an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving of an indication of selection of an editing mode; receiving an indication of selection of a symbol from a plurality of available symbols; and associating the selected symbol with the selected key location and a plurality of editable parameters including parameters of at least one corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to an apparatus, comprising: a processor, configured to receive an indication of selection of a currently displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays for editing, to thereby permit editing of the currently displayed linked electronic screen overlay without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the currently displayed electronic screen overlays, receive an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving of an indication of selection of an editing mode, receive an indication of selection of a symbol from a plurality of available symbols, and associate the selected symbol with the selected key location and a plurality of editable parameters including parameters of at least one corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to an article of manufacture, comprising: a first code segment for causing a computer device to receive an indication of selection of a currently displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays for editing, to thereby permit editing of the currently displayed linked electronic screen overlay without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the currently displayed electronic screen overlays; a second code segment for causing the computer device to receive an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving of an indication of selection of an editing mode; a third code segment for causing the computer device to receiving an indication of selection of a symbol from a plurality of available symbols; and a fourth code segment for causing the computer device to associate the selected symbol with the selected key location and a plurality of editable parameters including parameters of at least one corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to a method comprising: receiving a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary database stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase; searching the interactive dictionary database, in response to receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with to the request; and executing a differential response behavior depending on whether or not an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database corresponding to the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is found.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to an apparatus, comprising: a processor configured to receive a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary database stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase; search the interactive dictionary database, in response to receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with to the request; and executing a differential response behavior depending on whether or not an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database corresponding to the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is found.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to an article of manufacture, comprising: a first code segment for causing a computer device to receive a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary database stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase; a second code segment for causing a computer device to search the interactive dictionary database, in response to receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with to the request; and a third code segment for causing a computer device to execute a differential response behavior depending on whether or not an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database corresponding to the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is found.


FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating components of an example portable multifunction device with a touch-sensitive display;

FIG. 2 illustrates an example portable multifunction device having a touch sensitive display;

FIG. 3 is a flow diagram illustrating an example embodiment of a method of scrolling through a list of entries in an interactive dictionary database;

FIG. 4A illustrates an example embodiment of the application program of an embodiment of the present invention running on a portable multifunction device which is a tablet type consumer computer device, including a touch sensitive display;

FIG. 4B illustrates an example embodiment of the application program of an embodiment of the present invention running on a portable multifunction device which is a smart phone type consumer device, including a touch sensitive display;

FIGS. 5 A-D illustrate example embodiments of electronic screen overlays;

FIG. 6 illustrates an example embodiment of an electronic screen overlay with non-polysemous symbols;

FIG. 7 illustrates an example embodiment of an interactive dictionary database;

FIGS. 8 A-C illustrate examples of an Edit Mode of an embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 9 illustrates a popup message presented to an operator working in the Edit Mode of an embodiment of the present invention; and

FIG. 10 illustrates an electronic screen overlay containing a Word Finder tool for searching the interactive dictionary database of an embodiment of the present invention.

It should be noted that these Figures are intended to illustrate the general characteristics of methods, structure and/or materials utilized in certain example embodiments and to supplement the written description provided below. These drawings are not, however, to scale and may not precisely reflect the precise structural or performance characteristics of any given embodiment, and should not be interpreted as defining or limiting the range of values or properties encompassed by example embodiments. For example, the relative thicknesses and positioning of molecules, layers, regions and/or structural elements may be reduced or exaggerated for clarity. The use of similar or identical reference numbers in the various drawings is intended to indicate the presence of a similar or identical element or feature.


Various example embodiments will now be described more fully with reference to the accompanying drawings in which only some example embodiments are shown. Specific structural and functional details disclosed herein are merely representative for purposes of describing example embodiments. The present invention, however, may be embodied in many alternate forms and should not be construed as limited to only the example embodiments set forth herein.

Accordingly, while example embodiments of the invention are capable of various modifications and alternative forms, embodiments thereof are shown by way of example in the drawings and will herein be described in detail. It should be understood, however, that there is no intent to limit example embodiments of the present invention to the particular forms disclosed. On the contrary, example embodiments are to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the scope of the invention. Like numbers refer to like elements throughout the description of the figures.

Before discussing example embodiments in more detail, it is noted that some example embodiments are described as processes or methods. Although the processes describe the operations as sequential processes, many of the operations may be performed in parallel, concurrently or simultaneously. In addition, the order of operations may be re-arranged. The processes may be terminated when their operations are completed, but may also have additional steps not included. The processes may correspond to methods, functions, procedures, subroutines, subprograms, etc.

Methods discussed below may be implemented by hardware, software, firmware, middleware, microcode, hardware description languages, or any combination thereof. When implemented in software, firmware, middleware or microcode, the program code or code segments to perform the necessary tasks will be stored in a machine or computer readable medium such as a storage medium or non-transitory computer readable medium. A processor(s) will perform the necessary tasks.

Specific structural and functional details disclosed herein are merely representative for purposes of describing example embodiments of the present invention. This invention may, however, be embodied in many alternate forms and should not be construed as limited to only the embodiments set forth herein.

It will be understood that, although the terms first, second, etc. may be used herein to describe various elements, these elements should not be limited by these terms. These terms are only used to distinguish one element from another. For example, a first element could be termed a second element, and, similarly, a second element could be termed a first element, without departing from the scope of example embodiments of the present invention. As used herein, the term “and/or,” includes any and all combinations of one or more of the associated listed items.

It will be understood that when an element is referred to as being “connected,” or “coupled,” to another element, it can be directly connected or coupled to the other element or intervening elements may be present. In contrast, when an element is referred to as being “directly connected,” or “directly coupled,” to another element, there are no intervening elements present. Other words used to describe the relationship between elements should be interpreted in a like fashion (e.g., “between,” versus “directly between,” “adjacent,” versus “directly adjacent,” etc.).

The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting of example embodiments of the invention. As used herein, the singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the,” are intended to include the plural forms as well, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. As used herein, the terms “and/or” and “at least one of” include any and all combinations of one or more of the associated listed items. It will be further understood that the terms “comprises,” “comprising,” “includes,” and/or “including,” when used herein, specify the presence of stated features, integers, steps, operations, elements, and/or components, but do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other features, integers, steps, operations, elements, components, and/or groups thereof.

It should also be noted that in some alternative implementations, the functions/acts noted may occur out of the order noted in the figures. For example, two figures shown in succession may in fact be executed substantially concurrently or may sometimes be executed in the reverse order, depending upon the functionality/acts involved.

Unless otherwise defined, all terms (including technical and scientific terms) used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which example embodiments belong. It will be further understood that terms, e.g., those defined in commonly used dictionaries, should be interpreted as having a meaning that is consistent with their meaning in the context of the relevant art and will not be interpreted in an idealized or overly formal sense unless expressly so defined herein.

Portions of the example embodiments and corresponding detailed description may be presented in terms of software, or algorithms and symbolic representations of operation on data bits within a computer memory. These descriptions and representations are the ones by which those of ordinary skill in the art effectively convey the substance of their work to others of ordinary skill in the art. An algorithm, as the term is used here, and as it is used generally, is conceived to be a self-consistent sequence of steps leading to a desired result. The steps are those requiring physical manipulations of physical quantities. Usually, though not necessarily, these quantities take the form of optical, electrical, or magnetic signals capable of being stored, transferred, combined, compared, and otherwise manipulated. It has proven convenient at times, principally for reasons of common usage, to refer to these signals as bits, values, elements, symbols, characters, terms, numbers, or the like.

In the following description, illustrative embodiments may be described with reference to acts and symbolic representations of operations that may be implemented as program modules or functional processes include routines, programs, objects, components, data structures, etc., that perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types and may be implemented using existing hardware at existing network elements. Such existing hardware may include one or more Central Processing Units (CPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs), application-specific-integrated-circuits, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) computers or the like.

Note also that the software implemented aspects of the example embodiments may be typically encoded on some form of program storage medium or implemented over some type of transmission medium. The program storage medium (e.g., non-transitory storage medium) may be magnetic (e.g., a floppy disk or a hard drive) or optical (e.g., a compact disk read only memory, or “CD ROM”), and may be read only or random access. Similarly, the transmission medium may be twisted wire pairs, coaxial cable, optical fiber, or some other suitable transmission medium known to the art. The example embodiments not limited by these aspects of any given implementation.

It should be borne in mind, however, that all of these and similar terms are to be associated with the appropriate physical quantities and are merely convenient labels applied to these quantities. Unless specifically stated otherwise, or as is apparent from the discussion, terms such as “processing” or “computing” or “calculating” or “determining” of “displaying” or the like, refer to the action and processes of a computer system, or similar electronic computing device/hardware, that manipulates and transforms data represented as physical, electronic quantities within the computer system's registers and memories into other data similarly represented as physical quantities within the computer system memories or registers or other such information storage, transmission or display devices.

Spatially relative terms, such as “beneath”, “below”, “lower”, “above”, “upper”, and the like, may be used herein for ease of description to describe one element or feature's relationship to another element(s) or feature(s) as illustrated in the figures. It will be understood that the spatially relative terms are intended to encompass different orientations of the device in use or operation in addition to the orientation depicted in the figures. For example, if the device in the figures is turned over, elements described as “below” or “beneath” other elements or features would then be oriented “above” the other elements or features. Thus, term such as “below” can encompass both an orientation of above and below. The device may be otherwise oriented (rotated 90 degrees or at other orientations) and the spatially relative descriptors used herein are interpreted accordingly.

Although the terms first, second, etc. may be used herein to describe various elements, components, regions, layers and/or sections, it should be understood that these elements, components, regions, layers and/or sections should not be limited by these terms. These terms are used only to distinguish one element, component, region, layer, or section from another region, layer, or section. Thus, a first element, component, region, layer, or section discussed below could be termed a second element, component, region, layer, or section without departing from the teachings of the present invention.

Embodiments of a portable multifunction device, user interfaces for such devices, and associated processes for using such devices are described herein. In some embodiments, the portable multifunction device is a portable communications device such as a mobile telephone that also contains other functions, such as PDA and/or music player functions. It should be noted that the portable multifunction device described hereafter is an example of a device capable of performing the methodology provided in the present application and discussed in detail hereafter, and that the methodologies of the embodiments of the present application can be performed on the hereafter discussed portable multifunction device, but are not necessarily limited thereoto.

The portable multifunction device may support a variety of application programs or applications, such as a telephone application, a video conferencing application, an e-mail application, an instant messaging application, a blogging application, a digital camera application, a digital video camera application, a web browsing application, a digital music player application, and/or a digital video player application.

The various applications that may be executed on the portable multifunction device may use at least one common physical user-interface device, such as the touch screen. One or more functions of the touch screen as well as corresponding information displayed on the portable multifunction device may be adjusted and/or varied from one application to the next and/or within a respective application. In this way, a common physical architecture (such as the touch screen) of the portable multifunction device may support the variety of applications with user interfaces that are intuitive and transparent.

The user interfaces may include one or more soft keyboard embodiments. The keyboard embodiments may include a reduced number of icons (or soft keys) relative to the number of keys in existing physical keyboards, such as that for a typewriter. This may make it easier for users to select one or more icons in the keyboard, and thus, one or more corresponding symbols. The keyboard embodiments may be adaptive. For example, displayed icons may be modified in accordance with user actions, such as selecting one or more icons and/or one or more corresponding symbols. One or more applications on the portable device may utilize common and/or different keyboard embodiments. Thus, the keyboard embodiment used may be tailored to at least some of the applications. In some embodiments, one or more keyboard embodiments may be tailored to a respective user. For example, based on a word usage history (lexicography, slang, individual usage) of the respective user. Some of the keyboard embodiments may be adjusted to reduce a probability of a user error when selecting one or more icons, and thus one or more symbols, when using the soft keyboard embodiments.

FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an example embodiment of a portable multifunction device 100 with a touch-sensitive display 112. The touch-sensitive display 112 is sometimes referred to herein as a “touch screen”, “touch panel” “integrated input and display device”, or “display system 112” for convenience. The portable multifunction device 100 may include a memory 102 (which may include one or more computer readable storage mediums for example), a memory controller 122, one or more computer processing units (CPU's, sometimes referred to herein as a “processor” or “controller” for convenience) 120. These components may communicate over one or more communication buses or signal lines 103.

It should be appreciated that the portable multifunction device 100 is only one example of a portable multifunction device, and that the portable multifunction device supporting various embodiments of the present application described hereafter may have more or fewer components than shown, may combine two or more components, or a may have a different configuration or arrangement of the components, etc.

The touch-sensitive display system 112 provides an input interface and an output interface between the portable multifunction device 100 and a user (hence the previous reference to integrated input and display device). The touch-sensitive display system 112 displays visual output to the user. The visual output may include for example, graphics, text, icons, video, and any combination thereof (collectively termed “graphics”). Additional outputs can be that of, for example, a printer (not shown), an audible output via a speaker 111 and audio circuitry 110, and/or other output devices. Peripheral interfaces 118 can be included between the processor(s) 120/controller 122 and the output devices (touch-sensitive display system 112, and audio circuitry 110/speaker 111).

The touch screen in the touch-sensitive display system 112 may use LCD (liquid crystal display) technology, or LPD (light emitting polymer display) technology, although other display technologies may be used in the embodiments of the invention as well, and is not limited as such.

In some embodiments, in addition to the touch screen in the touch-sensitive display system 112, the portable multifunction device 100 may include a touchpad (not shown) for activating or deactivating particular functions. In some embodiments, the touchpad may be a touch-sensitive area of the device that, unlike the touch screen, does not display visual output. The touchpad may be a touch-sensitive surface that is separate from the touch screen in the touch-sensitive display system 112 or an extension of the touch-sensitive surface formed by the touch screen. Further, other types of known input devices (keyboard, mouse, microphone, etc.) and/or output devices (speaker, printer, etc.) may also be integrated therein/connected thereto.

Application programs 136 of embodiments of the present application, utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access messages (sequenced polysemous symbols module 137), can also be stored in memory 102. Such application programs 136 of various embodiments of the present application, as will be discussed hereafter can be implemented on the portable multifunction device 100 and/or can implement the methods discussed above and hereafter.

FIG. 2 illustrates a portable multifunction device 100 having a touch screen 112 in accordance with some embodiments. The touch screen 112 may display one or more graphics. These graphics can include symbols, icons, text, a virtual keyboard with virtual keys, etc., such as those described in the embodiments hereafter. In an embodiment, as well as others described below, a user may select one or more of the graphics by making contact or touching the graphics, for example, with one or more fingers 202 (not drawn to scale in the figure).

FIG. 3 is a flow diagram illustrating a method 300 of scrolling through a list in accordance with some embodiments. The presence of an object is detected on or near a touch screen display of a portable multifunction device 302. In some embodiments, the object is a finger. In response to detecting the presence, a list of items displayed on the touch screen display. Movement of the detected object may then trigger the multifunction device to scroll through the list of available items in a first direction 304. In some embodiments, the scrollable list is a list of available entries in an interactive dictionary database 306. In some embodiments, the list is a complete list of a plurality of entries in an interactive dictionary database, which may be organized alphabetically. In some other embodiments, the list is a selected subset of a plurality of entries in an interactive dictionary database, which may be organized alphabetically. In some embodiments, the first direction is a vertical direction; in some other embodiments, the first direction is a horizontal direction.

Scrolling the list in the first direction while the object is still detected on or near the touch screen display may continue at least until a terminus of the list is reached. The scrolling process 300 may be re-initiated upon subsequent detection of another movement of an object on or near the touch screen display 302. When the scrolling process 300 is re-initiated, the list may be scrolled in the first direction again, or in the opposite direction.

If the list of entries fills more than the allotted screen area, the user may scroll through the items using vertically upward and/or vertically downward swipe gestures on the touch screen display. A user performs a vertically downward swipe gesture to scroll toward the top of the list, or a vertically upward swipe gesture to scroll toward the bottom of the list. The vertically downward gesture, which may be a finger gesture, corresponds to the movement of an object on or near the touch screen that is detected in operation 302 of process 300. The vertically downward gesture need not be exactly vertical; a gesture within a predetermined angle of being perfectly vertical is sufficient and results in vertical scrolling.

In one embodiment an item from the scrollable list may be selected by a finger tap on that item.

The scrollable list of entries may be a list of entries in the interactive dictionary database 306. In some embodiments not all elements of each entry in the interactive dictionary database may be displayed. For example, in some embodiments, the scrollable list may display the term of each entry in the interactive dictionary database, where the term includes a previously stored message of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, morpheme, command and phrase. There may also be a definition associated with each entry in the interactive dictionary database, which may be displayed when the term is selected (e.g., triggered by a finger tap). The definition corresponding with a selected term may include at least one of a polysemous symbol sequence that may be triggered to produce the corresponding term, a rationale explaining the association between the corresponding term and the polysemous symbol sequence, an indicator of the entry's active or inactive status, and a frequency counter.

It should be noted that the apparatus described above with reference to FIGS. 1, 23 references a general description of hardware for an apparatus described hereafter regarding embodiments of the present application, as well as a general description of hardware for an apparatus to implement the methods and programs described below regarding embodiments of the invention.

Application programs of embodiments of the present application described hereafter, utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access stored messages, can also be stored in memory 102. Such application programs of various embodiments of the present application as will be discussed hereafter can be implemented on the portable multifunction device 100 discussed above.

At least one embodiment of the present invention is directed towards an application program utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access stored messages, on tablet devices such as the portable multifunction device 100 including but not limited to iPADs and Android devices, for example, as well as other computer devices with at least one processor 120, memory 102, integrated input and display device or touch screen display 112, etc. Thus, it should be noted that while hardware relating to the portable multifunction device 100 is described above for implementing the application programs of embodiments of the present application described hereafter in an example manner, the embodiments of the present application are not limited to the portable multifunction device 100 described above and can be implemented on various portable and non-portable computer devices including at least one processor, memory, integrated input and display device, etc.

For example, at least one embodiment of the present invention is directed towards an application program utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access stored messages on smaller portable smart phone devices such as iPhone devices, for example.

At least one embodiment of the present invention is directed towards an apparatus, computer readable medium, method, article of manufacture and/or an application program utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access stored messages on computer devices with touch screen interfaces, as well as other computer devices with at least one processor, memory, touch screen interface, etc.

At least one embodiment of the present invention is directed towards an apparatus, computer readable medium, method, article of manufacture and/or an application program utilizing sequenced polysemous symbols to access stored messages with an elegantly structured (internally consistent) database that can be easily and efficiently adapted to establish compatibility with a plurality of operating systems and devices. For example, an embodiment of the present invention may include an application program such as an Sqlite (for example) or other database program that is natively supported by a plurality of software platforms, including mutual compatibility across different platforms.

FIG. 4A illustrates an example embodiment of the application program of an example embodiment of the present invention running on a portable multifunction device 100 which is a tablet type consumer computer device 410, including a touch sensitive display 112. The touch sensitive display 112 includes a plurality of graphic symbols arranged in an initial or first level electronic screen overlay 500. Again, the illustrated structure of FIG. 4A is that of an example embodiment and the embodiments of the present application should not be limited to such a portable multifunction device 100, or even to portable devices.

FIG. 4B illustrates an example embodiment of the application program of an example embodiment of the present invention running on a portable multifunction device 100 which is a smart phone type consumer device 420, including a touch sensitive display 112. The touch sensitive display 112 includes a plurality of graphic symbols arranged in an initial or first level electronic screen overlay 500. Again, the illustrated structure of FIG. 4B is that of an example embodiment and the embodiments of the present application should not be limited to such a portable multifunction device 100, or even to portable devices.

Note that FIGS. 4A and 4B are merely non-limiting examples of portable multifunction devices 100 including a graphical touch sensitive display 112 which are encompassed by the embodiments of the present application, used to illustrate a relationship between symbols arranged on an electronic screen overlay 500 and the portable multifunction devices 100 including a graphical touch sensitive display 112. It should be understood that the embodiments of the present application are applicable to any portable or even semi or non-portable multifunction devices including a graphical touch sensitive display capable of displaying electronic screen overlays such as those shown in FIGS. 4A and 4B.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed towards an interactive dictionary database that may be fully integrated with an application program containing a plurality of polysemous symbol sequences, each of which may be triggered to produce a corresponding previously stored message of at least one of a letter, word, morpheme, phrase, phoneme, sentence, full name, letter, number, plural word message, function, and command being stored in a memory in such a way that:

the interactive dictionary database may be searched to identify at least one polysemous symbol sequence associated with a given previously stored message of at least one of a letter, word, morpheme, phrase, phoneme, sentence, full name, letter, number, plural word message, function, and command; and a rationale for that association,

individual polysemous symbol sequences may be independently configured to an active or inactive status, and

each entry in the interactive dictionary database may be associated with a frequency counter that automatically records the number of times the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence is triggered to produce a given previously stored message of at least one of a letter, word, morpheme, phrase, phoneme, sentence, full name, letter, number, plural word message, function, and command; and data from these frequency counters may be used to help automatically expand the range of active polysemous symbol sequences.

Embodiments of a sequenced polysemous symbol system using sequentially linked electronic screen overlays are described herein in such a way that each polysemous symbol sequence is fully integrated with an entry in an embodiment of an interactive dictionary database. These embodiments are non-limiting, in that other sequenced polysemous symbol systems that do not utilize sequentially linked electronic screen overlays may also be integrated with entries in an interactive dictionary database. At least one embodiment of the present invention includes a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, each of which displays a virtual keyboard with a plurality of virtual key locations that may include a symbol, such as a relatively centrally disposed symbol for example.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, each of which displays a virtual keyboard, as described above, where a configuration of the virtual key locations of the virtual keyboard may be held constant across the plurality of electronic screen overlays.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, all of which may occupy the same region of space on a graphic display when they are displayed so that only one overlay may be displayed for the operator at any given moment.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture displaying a plurality of polysemous symbols, each of which may be relatively centrally disposed on at least one location of the virtual keyboard of a subset of one or more of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture displaying a plurality of virtual key locations, as described above, each of which may include a corresponding polysemous symbol and a corresponding embedded link to retrieve and display an electronic screen overlay that differs from the electronic screen overlay that is currently displayed for the operator. As such, the electronic screen overlay that is displayed for the operator may change when a key location including a polysemous symbol and an embedded link is triggered or selected. Although key locations and/or polysemous symbols may be included on a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, the embedded link that corresponds to a key location and/or symbol on one electronic screen overlay may be unique and differ from an embedded link that corresponds to the same key location and/or symbol on other electronic screen overlays. Note that the same symbol can be included on multiple electronic screen overlays and may exist at the same key location, for example.

At least one embodiment of the present invention provides an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of polysemous symbols, each of which may be relatively centrally disposed on a location of the virtual keyboard of at least one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, and which may produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message when triggered. Although each polysemous symbol may be included on a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, the previously stored message that corresponds to a symbol on one electronic screen overlay (when sequenced with other symbols) may be unique and differ from the previously stored message that corresponds to the same symbol on other electronic screen overlays (when sequenced with other symbols). Note that the same symbol can be included on multiple electronic screen overlays and may exist at the same key location, for example. Each of these polysemous symbol sequences that may be triggered to produce a previously stored message may be integrated with a corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database. In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, an operator may trigger, via selection thereof, a sequence of two polysemous symbols that are located on two sequentially displayed linked electronic screen overlays to produce a speech or text output of a previously stored message using the following process, for example.

An initial electronic screen overlay 500, such as that shown in FIGS. 4A and 4B for example, is shown on the touch sensitive display 112 of the portable multifunction device 100; the initial electronic screen overlay 500 including a grid of symbols for example, stored in a database in memory 102 for example, and visually displayed to the user on an LCD display, for example, of the touch sensitive display 112. The initial electronic screen overlay 500 may be referred to as the ‘CORE HOME overlay,’ for example.

Polysemous and non-polysemous symbols are initially provided for selection on the initial electronic screen overlay 500 or ‘CORE HOME overlay’, displayed with symbols for selection on touch sensitive display 112, for example. Thereafter, triggering of an initial polysemous symbol of the sequence on the initial or first level electronic screen overlay then may begin upon user selection (via selection using a touch panel key or other form of input, for example on the touch sensitive display 112), as described above, where the initially selected polysemous symbol may include an embedded link to retrieve (upon the processor 120, for example, receiving an indication of selection of a key location corresponding to the symbol) and trigger display of a second level electronic screen overlay (the display being displayed on touch sensitive display 112, for example, in place of the first level electronic screen overlay, for example).

The aforementioned may occur, for example, by the processor 120 receiving an indication of user selection by determining the XY position of the activation on the touch sensitive display 112 to identify the position of the initially selected polysemous symbol within the CORE HOME overlay. This selected polysemous symbol may be one of a plurality of selectable polysemous symbols of the ‘CORE HOME overlay’ stored in association with, and marked in the database in memory 102 for example, a pointer to a second level electronic screen overlay. In response to the processor 120 determining selection of the initially selected polysemous symbol, the processor 120 may then control the touch sensitive display 112 to display the second level electronic screen overlay indicated by the pointer, the second level electronic screen overlay being the electronic screen overlay associated via a pointer with the selected polysemous symbol and being different from the initial electronic screen overlay or ‘CORE HOME overlay’. The contents of this second level electronic screen overlay can further be directed by the processor 120 to replace the content of the CORE HOME overlay on the touch sensitive display 112 from which the initial polysemous symbol was selected.

Thereafter, the processor 120 may receive an indication of selection of a terminal (final) polysemous symbol of a sequence, from the currently displayed second level electronic screen overlay for example (via selection using a touch panel key or some other form of input, for example), as described above, where the selected final polysemous symbol triggers (upon the processor 120, for example, receiving an indication of selection of a key location corresponding to the terminal symbol) output of a previously stored message (word, phrase, morpheme or message) corresponding to the symbol sequence including the selected first and terminal symbols (displayed on touch sensitive display 112, output via a speaker, etc.). Thus, a polysemous or non-polysemous symbol on the second level electronic screen overlay can serve as a terminal symbol. In this case, detection of selection of the symbol, through that described above, may cause the processor 120 to access a message (word, phrase, morpheme, message, etc.) stored in memory 102 and linked in the database to a symbol sequence including the initially selected symbol and the selected symbol provided on the displayed second electronic screen overlay. The message may contain a text string which can be shown on the LCD display of the touch sensitive display 120, spoken via a speech synthesizer, printed, etc., or otherwise output. Further, each of these previously stored messages and each corresponding polysemous symbol sequence may be integrated with a corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database 700.

Selection of the terminal polysemous symbol of the two symbol sequence that is on the second level electronic screen overlay may further trigger display of the first level electronic screen overlay or ‘CORE HOME overlay’ (in place of the second level electronic screen overlay for example and in addition to the outputting of the stored message, e.g. subsequent thereto or simultaneous therewith). This may occur subsequent to the symbol being selected so that the operator may thereafter begin executing a new function, such as selection of a next sequence of polysemous symbols, for example. This automatic function may allow the system to act as a continuous input device that does not require additional keystrokes to return to the first level electronic screen overlay after completion of a valid two symbol sequence. In addition to acting upon linked text string as described above, the selection of a terminal symbol may also trigger the contents of the second level electronic screen display to be replaced by the contents of the CORE HOME overlay. Again, similar to that discussed previously, this can occur via storage of an embedded link in association with the terminal symbol in the database of memory 102 for example.

Note that all key locations on the any level electronic screen overlay need not correspond solely to symbols including an embedded link, let alone polysemous symbols including an embedded link. Note also that key locations corresponding to a symbol including an embedded link on any level electronic screen overlay may be differentiated from key locations corresponding a symbol which does not include an embedded link, by including a common displayable additional symbol for all key locations corresponding to symbols which include an embedded link, for example (and/or in any other way, such as by including differentiated lettering on the corresponding key location, for example).

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, an operator may trigger a sequence of three polysemous symbols that are located on three sequentially displayed linked electronic screen overlays to produce a speech or text output of a previously stored message using the following process, for example.

Polysemous and non-polysemous symbols are initially provided for selection on the initial electronic screen overlay 500 or ‘CORE HOME overlay’, displayed with symbols for selection on touch sensitive display 112, for example. Thereafter, triggering of an initial polysemous symbol of the sequence on the initial or first level electronic screen overlay then may begin upon user selection (via selection using a touch panel key or other form of input, for example on the touch sensitive display 112), as described above, where the initially selected polysemous symbol may include an embedded link to retrieve (upon the processor 120, for example, receiving an indication of selection of a key location corresponding to the symbol) and trigger display of a second level electronic screen overlay (the display being displayed on touch sensitive display 112, for example, in place of the first level electronic screen overlay, for example).

It can further include triggering an intermediate polysemous symbol of the same sequence (via selection of, and detection of selection by processor 120, a symbol of the displayed second level electronic screen overlay using a touch panel key or some other form of input on touch sensitive display 112, for example), as described above, where the selected intermediate polysemous symbol includes a corresponding embedded link stored in memory 102 and retrievable via processor 120 to trigger the processor 120 to control display of a third level electronic screen overlay on touch sensitive display 112. The aforementioned may be achieved by an initial electronic screen overlay being shown on the visual display of the touch sensitive display system 112; an electronic screen overlay being a grid of symbols, stored in a database in the memory 102 and visually displayed to the user on an LCD display of the touch sensitive display system 112, for example. The initial electronic screen overlay will be referred to as the ‘CORE HOME overlay.’

Symbol activation may be detected by the processor 120 on the touchscreen of the touch sensitive display 112 or alternative input device. The processor 120 may then determine the XY position of the activation to identify the initial polysemous symbol within the CORE HOME overlay. This polysemous symbol may be marked in the database in memory 102 with a pointer to a second level electronic screen overlay. The contents of this second level electronic screen overlay may then be controlled by processor 120 to replace the content of the CORE HOME overlay from which the initial polysemous symbol was selected.

A second polysemous symbol can then be selected from the symbols of the second electronic screen overlay. Again, the processor 120 receives an indication of and determines the XY position of the activation to identify the second selected polysemous symbol within the second level electronic screen overlay. This polysemous symbol may be one marked in the database in memory 102 with a pointer to a third level electronic screen overlay. In response to the processor 120 determining selection of the second selected polysemous symbol, the processor 120 may then control the touch sensitive display 112 to display the third level electronic screen overlay indicated by the pointer, the third level electronic screen overlay being the electronic screen overlay associated via a pointer with the second selected polysemous symbol and being different from the second electronic screen overlay. The contents of this third level electronic screen overlay may replace the content of the second level electronic screen overlay from which the second polysemous symbol was selected.

Selection of a the terminal polysemous symbol of the sequence may then occur on the currently displayed third level electronic screen overlay (via selection using a touch panel key or some other form of input, for example), as described above, where the final polysemous symbol triggers (upon a processor, 120 for example, receiving an indication of detection of a key location corresponding to the terminal symbol) output of a previously stored message (word, phrase, morpheme or message) corresponding to the symbol sequence including the selected first, second and terminal symbols (displayed on touch sensitive display 112, output via a speaker, etc.).

Thus, as described above, a polysemous or non-polysemous symbol on the second level or third level electronic screen display can serve as a terminal symbol. In this case, detection of selection of the symbol, through that described above, may cause the processor 120 to access a message (word, phrase, morpheme or message) stored in memory 102 and linked in the database to a symbol sequence including the initially selected symbol, and the selected symbol provided on the displayed electronic screen overlay (and potentially an intermediate symbol as well). The message may contain a text string which can be shown on the LCD display of the touch sensitive display 120, spoken via a speech synthesizer, printed, etc., or otherwise output.

Selection of the terminal polysemous symbol of the three symbol sequence that is on the third level electronic screen overlay (or similarly the second level electronic screen overlay in a two symbol sequence) may further trigger display of the first level electronic screen overlay or ‘CORE HOME overlay’ (in place of the third level electronic screen overlay for example, or similarly the second level electronic screen overlay in a two symbol sequence) and in addition to the outputting of the stored message, e.g. subsequent thereto or simultaneous therewith). This may occur subsequent to the symbol being selected so that the operator may thereafter begin executing a new function, such as selection of a next sequence of polysemous symbols, for example. This automatic function may allow the system to act as a continuous input device that does not require additional keystrokes to return to the first level electronic screen overlay after completion of a valid three symbol sequence. In addition to acting upon linked text string as described above, the selection of a terminal symbol may also trigger the contents of the second level or third level electronic screen display to be replaced by the contents of the CORE HOME overlay. Again, similar to that discussed previously, this can occur via storage of an embedded link in association with the terminal symbol in the database of memory 102 for example.

Note that all key locations on the any level electronic screen overlay need not correspond solely to symbols including an embedded link, let alone polysemous symbols including an embedded link. Note also that key locations corresponding to a symbol including an embedded link on any level electronic screen overlay may be differentiated from key locations corresponding to a symbol which does not include an embedded link, by including a common additional symbol for all key locations corresponding to symbols which include an embedded link, for example (and/or in any other way, such as by including differentiated lettering on the corresponding key location, for example).

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, a pointer associated with each of a plurality of second level linked electronic screen overlays may store, in memory 102, the name of the polysemous symbol on the first level linked electronic screen overlay that can be triggered to retrieve and display the second level linked electronic screen overlay. Similarly, a pointer may be associated with each of a plurality of third level linked electronic screen overlays which stores, in memory 102, the names of the symbols on the first level linked electronic screen overlay and subsequent second level linked electronic screen overlay that can be triggered to retrieve and display the third level linked electronic screen overlay. There may also be a pointer that stores in memory 102 a name associated with the first level linked electronic overlay, “Core Home” for example. These pointers may automatically populate an overlay name field to create a unique name for each of the plurality of linked electronic screen overlays that corresponds to the symbol sequence used to retrieve and display that overlay, and may be accessed via processor 120 from memory 102. The contents of the overlay name field may be used to automatically assign a new unique name to any new electronic screen overlays that are added to the system when an operator edits a selected key in an edit mode, for example.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, where the virtual keys of the virtual keyboard on each electronic screen overlay may include one of a plurality of polysemous symbols, as described above, wherein the included corresponding polysemous symbols may vary across the plurality of electronic screen overlays, and may exist at the same key location, for example.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, where a given polysemous symbol may be relatively centrally disposed on one or more locations of the virtual keyboard of one or more of the plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, and where the given polysemous symbol may be relatively centrally disposed in the same one or more locations on the virtual keyboards of all linked electronic screen overlays that include the symbol. In this way, the key locations of the given polysemous symbol may be held constant across the whole plurality of linked electronic screen overlays.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of polysemous symbols, as described above, each of which may be included on the virtual keyboards of a subset of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, where the key locations of each of the plurality of polysemous symbols may be held constant across the whole plurality of linked electronic screen overlays.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, which may include all of a plurality of polysemous symbols, as described above.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, which may include all of a plurality of polysemous symbols, as described above, where at least one of these polysemous symbols may include an embedded link to a second level electronic screen overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, which may include a plurality of polysemous symbols, as described above, and a plurality of symbols which, when triggering or activation is detected, can trigger production of a speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message. Each of these symbols that may be triggered or activated to trigger production of a speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message and each corresponding previously stored message may be integrated with a corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, each of which may be accessed by triggering a link that is embeddedly connected or corresponded to a polysemous symbol and/or key location on the first level electronic screen overlay.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, each second level electronic screen overlay can only be accessed by triggering or selecting one of the plurality of polysemous symbols on the first level electronic screen overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include a subset of the plurality of polysemous symbols included on the first level electronic screen overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include a subset of one or more keys which may be blank and which do not include any corresponding symbol which can be triggered by an operator (and thus at least temporarily inactive).

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including at least one key location and/or symbol on each of at least one of a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, that includes and/or corresponds to an embedded link to the first level electronic screen overlay to return the user to the first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include at least one polysemous symbol that can be selected and thus triggered to produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message and that includes an embedded link to the first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, as described above. As such, the user may be returned to the CORE HOME overlay as a function of a continuous input system that eliminates the extra keystrokes necessary to change screens. The at least one sequence of two polysemous symbols, including the previously selected polysemous symbol on the initial electronic screen overlay and a second polysemous symbol on the currently displayed second level linked electronic screen overlay that can be selected as described and thus triggered to produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message, and the corresponding previously stored message may be integrated with at least one corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include at least one non-polysemous symbol that can be triggered to produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message and includes an embedded link to the first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, as described above. The at least one sequence of two symbols, including the previously selected polysemous symbol on the initial electronic screen overlay and a non-polysemous symbol on the currently displayed second level linked electronic screen overlays that can be selected as described and thus triggered to produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message and the corresponding previously stored message may be integrated with at least one corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include at least one polysemous symbol that includes an embedded link to a third level electronic screen overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of second level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include at least one non-polysemous symbol that includes an embedded link to a third level electronic screen overlay. At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of third level electronic screen overlays that may be accessed by triggering a link that is embedded in a polysemous or non-polysemous symbol on one of the plurality of second level electronic screen overlays.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, each third level electronic screen overlay can only be accessed by triggering, via a processor receiving an indication of selection thereof, one of the one or more polysemous or non-polysemous symbols on one of the plurality of second level electronic screen overlays. Given that a second level electronic screen overlay may only be accessed by triggering one of the plurality of polysemous symbols on the first level electronic screen overlay, there may be only one sequence of symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays that can be used to access a specific third-level electronic screen overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of third level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include a subset of one or more of a plurality of polysemous symbols.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of third level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include one or more non-polysemous symbols.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes at least one symbol on each of a plurality of third level electronic screen overlays, as described above, that includes an embedded link to the first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, as described above.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture including a plurality of third level electronic screen overlays, as described above, each of which may include at least one polysemous or non-polysemous symbol that can be triggered to produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message and includes an embedded link to the first level electronic screen overlay or CORE HOME overlay, as described above.

The at least one sequence of three symbols, including the previously selected polysemous symbol on the initial electronic screen overlay, the previously selected polysemous or non-polysemous symbol on the previously displayed second level linked electronic screen overlay, and a polysemous or non-polysemous symbol on the currently displayed third level linked electronic screen overlay that can be selected as described and thus triggered to produce the speech and/or text output of a corresponding previously stored message and the corresponding previously stored message may be integrated with at least one corresponding entry in an interactive dictionary database.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, a unique name may be assigned to each of a plurality of sequentially linked electronic screen overlays such that the name assigned to each overlay reflects a sequence including one or more polysemous symbols on the sequentially linked electronic screen overlays that may be triggered in order to retrieve and display the specific electronic screen overlay. In this way, an operator who is reviewing the name of any of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays can immediately identify the corresponding sequence including polysemous symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays that may be triggered in order to retrieve and display the specific electronic screen overlay. Note that the name of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay may be displayed in a message window of the electronic screen overlay when one is working in an edit mode, for example. The name of a corresponding next level linked electronic screen overlay may be displayed on a list of editable parameters when an operator is editing a selected key in an edit mode, for example.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, a unique name may be assigned to each of a plurality of sequentially linked electronic screen overlays, where the first level linked electronic screen overlay may be assigned a default name, “core home”, for example.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, a unique name may be assigned to each of a plurality of sequentially linked electronic screen overlays, where each of a plurality of second level linked electronic screen overlays may be assigned a name that includes the name of the polysemous symbol that may be triggered on the first level electronic screen overlay to retrieve and display the specific second level linked electronic screen overlay.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, a unique name may be assigned to each of a plurality of sequentially linked electronic screen overlays, where each of a plurality of third level linked electronic screen overlays may be assigned a name that includes the name of the polysemous symbol that may be triggered on the first level electronic screen overlay and the name of the polysemous or non-polysemous symbol that must be triggered on a second-level electronic screen overlay to retrieve and display the specific third level linked electronic screen overlay.

FIGS. 5A-C show a series of three sequentially linked electronic screen overlays for display on a touch sensitive display 112 of a portable multifunctional device 100 for example, from an embodiment of the present invention with 84 locations on the virtual keyboard on each of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, which may be sequentially retrieved and displayed when an operator is using the system in a communication mode. Each of the plurality of previously stored messages in this embodiment, and each of the corresponding polysemous symbol sequences may be integrated with a corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700. Each key location on each electronic screen overlay may include a relatively centrally disposed polysemous or non-polysemous symbol. FIG. 5A is the first level electronic screen overlay 500. FIG. 5B is a second level electronic screen overlay 501, which may be retrieved and displayed when an operator triggers a key location or virtual key on the first level electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A that includes a polysemous symbol that functions as an initial symbol in a plurality of polysemous symbol sequences. FIG. 5C is a third level electronic screen overlay 581, which may be retrieved and displayed when an operator triggers a sequence of two symbols, including selection of a key on the first level electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A that includes a polysemous symbol that functions as an initial symbol in a plurality of polysemous symbol sequences, and including selection of a key on the second level electronic screen overlay 501 of FIG. 5B that includes a polysemous symbol that functions as an intermediate symbol in a plurality of polysemous symbol sequences.

FIG. 5A shows a first level or initial electronic screen overlay 500, named the “CORE HOME” overlay for example with an 84 key location virtual keyboard and a plurality of polysemous symbols associated with various virtual keys or key locations of the virtual keyboard. On the first level electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A, the key 510 corresponding to the polysemous “I” symbol 512 may be triggered as the initial symbol in a plurality of polysemous symbol sequences. When the “I” symbol 512 (associated with key 510 located in Row 3, Column 1 of the virtual keyboard first level electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A) is triggered, a second level electronic screen overlay 551 named the “I” overlay for example, may be retrieved and displayed, and the operator may trigger one of a plurality of keys corresponding to second polysemous symbols to continue producing one of a plurality of previously stored messages, such as “I,” “me”, “I am”, or “I can.” Each of these previously stored messages and each corresponding polysemous symbol sequence may be integrated with a corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

When the key 520 corresponding to the RAINBOW symbol 522 (associated with key 520 located in Row 5, Column 11 of the virtual keyboard first level electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A) is triggered, a second level electronic screen overlay named the “RAINBOW” overlay for example may be retrieved and displayed, and the operator may trigger one of a plurality of second polysemous symbols to continue producing one of a plurality of previously stored messages, such as “color,” “coloring,” “pretty,” “paint,” “red,” “blue,” and “green.” Each of these previously stored messages and each corresponding polysemous symbol sequence may be integrated with a corresponding in the interactive dictionary database 700.

When the key 524 corresponding to the APPLE symbol 526 (Row 7, Column 5 of the virtual keyboard first level electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A) is triggered, the second level electronic screen overlay, named the “APPLE” overlay for example may be retrieved and displayed, and the operator may trigger one of a plurality of second polysemous symbols to continue producing one of a plurality of previously stored messages, such as “eat,” “ate,” “bite,” “hungry,” “am I,” or “anyone.” When the APPLE symbol (Row 7, Column 5) is triggered and the second level electronic screen overlay, named the “APPLE” overlay has been retrieved and displayed, the operator may also trigger one of a subset of second symbols that are non-polysemous to produce one of a plurality of previously stored messages that may be a fringe vocabulary word, “apple,” “banana,” or “burrito,” for example. Each of these previously stored messages and each corresponding polysemous symbol sequence may be integrated with a corresponding in the interactive dictionary database 700.

FIG. 5B shows a second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 with an 84 location virtual keyboard similar to the 84 location virtual keyboard of the first level electronic screen overlay 500 in FIG. 5A. This overlay 501, named the “APPLE” overlay for example, may be retrieved and displayed when the APPLE symbol 526 on the first level linked electronic screen overlay 500 is triggered while the operator is working in a communication mode. Symbols on this overlay (some of which are the same as those in the same key locations as FIG. 5A and some of which are embellished symbols) may be selected as the second symbol in polysemous symbol sequences that begin with the APPLE symbol 526, which is triggered on the first level electronic screen overlay 500.

The I symbol 512 (Row 3, Column 1), VERB symbol 539, embellished from symbol 538 of FIG. 5A (Row 3, Column 3), ADJECTIVE symbol 543, embellished from symbol 542 of FIG. 5A (Row 3, Column 9), and MOUNTAIN symbol 545 (Row 5, Column 9) on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may be triggered as the terminal symbol in sequences of two polysemous symbols beginning with the APPLE symbol 526. When a key corresponding to one of these symbols is triggered, the corresponding previously stored message (corresponding to the two symbol sequence) is produced and the first level linked electronic overlay 500 is retrieved and displayed once again. Each of these previously stored messages and each corresponding sequence of two polysemous symbols may be integrated with a corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The (embellished) DOG symbol 553 on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may be triggered as the intermediate symbol in at least one sequence of three polysemous symbols beginning with the APPLE 526 and DOG 553 symbols. When the key corresponding to this (embellished) DOG symbol 553 is triggered, the third level linked electronic screen overlay 581 of FIG. 5C, named the “APPLE DOG” overlay for example, may be retrieved and displayed. The (embellished) DOG symbol 553 on the second level linked electronic overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may be used as an intermediate symbol in polysemous symbol sequences for producing different forms of the verb “bite.” Each form of the verb “bite” may correspond to a different previously stored message and a different sequence of three polysemous symbols. Therefore, each form of the verb “bite” may be integrated with a different entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The (embellished) PHONE symbol 559 (Row 6, Column 7) on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may be triggered as the intermediate symbol in at least one sequence of three polysemous symbols beginning with the APPLE 526 and PHONE 559 symbols. When this symbol is triggered, a third level linked electronic screen overlay, named the “APPLE PHONE” overlay may be retrieved and displayed. The PHONE symbol 559 on the second level linked electronic overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may be used as an intermediate symbol in polysemous symbol sequences for producing different forms of the adjective “delicious.” Each form of the adjective “delicious” may correspond to a different previously stored message and a different sequence of three polysemous symbols. Therefore, each form of the adjective “delicious” may be integrated with a different entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The key 567 including the DAIRY symbol 569 (Row 1, Column 4) and the key 571 including the FRUIT symbol 573 (Row 1, Column 5) on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 in FIG. 5B are non-polysemous symbols that are each associated with a semantically related category of fringe words. The DAIRY symbol 569 on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may function as an intermediate symbol in one or more sequences of symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays beginning with the polysemous APPLE symbol 526 and the non-polysemous DAIRY symbol 569. When the DAIRY symbol 569 is triggered, a third level linked electronic screen overlay, named the “APPLE DAIRY” overlay for example may be retrieved and displayed. This “APPLE DAIRY” overlay may include one or more non-polysemous symbols corresponding to previously stored messages that are members of the category of “dairy” words. Examples of “dairy” words may include “milk,” “cheese,” and “yogurt.” Each “dairy” word may correspond to a different previously stored message and a different sequence of one polysemous and two non-polysemous symbols. Therefore, each “dairy” word may be integrated with a different entry in the interactive dictionary database 700. The FRUIT symbol 573 on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 501 in FIG. 5B may function as an intermediate symbol in one or more sequences of symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays beginning with the polysemous APPLE symbol 526 and the non-polysemous FRUIT symbol 573. When the FRUIT symbol 573 is triggered, the third level linked electronic overlay 600 of FIG. 6, named the “APPLE FRUIT” overlay for example may be retrieved and displayed. This “APPLE FRUIT” overlay may include one or more non-polysemous symbols corresponding to previously stored messages that are members of the category of “fruit” words.

FIG. 5C shows a third level linked electronic screen overlay 581 with an 84 location virtual keyboard similar to the 84 location virtual keyboard of the first level electronic screen overlay in FIG. 5A. This overlay, named the “APPLE DOG” overlay, may be retrieved and displayed when the APPLE symbol 526 on the first level linked electronic screen overlay 500 is triggered and then the (embellished) DOG symbol 553 on the corresponding second level linked electronic overlay 501 is triggered while an operator is working in a communication mode. Symbols on this overlay 581 may be selected as the third symbol in polysemous symbol sequences that begin with the APPLE 526 and DOG 553 symbols. As discussed above, each of these previously stored messages and polysemous symbol sequences may be integrated with a corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

FIG. 5D shows a second level linked electronic screen overlay 591 with an 84 location virtual keyboard similar to the 84 location virtual keyboard of the first level electronic screen overlay in FIG. 5A. This is an example using a two symbol sequence including a polysemous and non-polysemous symbol. This overlay, named the “MONEY” overlay, may be retrieved and displayed when the MONEY symbol 544 (Row 4, Column 7) on the first level linked electronic screen overlay 500 is triggered or selected while an operator is working in a communication mode. The key 531 including the PENNY symbol 533, the key 535 including the NICKEL symbol 537, the key including the DIME symbol 527, and the key including the QUARTER symbol 529 on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 591 in FIG. 5D are non-polysemous symbols that are each associated with fringe vocabulary words that are members of the semantically related category of “money” words. The words associated with each of these non-polysemous symbols, namely “penny,” “nickel,” “dime,” and “quarter” can each be produced with unique sequences of two keystrokes that include one polysemous symbol and one non-polysemous symbol. Each “money” word may correspond to a different previously stored message and a different sequence of one polysemous and one non-polysemous symbol. Therefore, each “money” word may be integrated with a different entry in the interactive dictionary database 700. The polysemous WANT symbol 511, the polysemous MOUNTAIN symbol 545, the polysemous RAINBOW symbol 522, and the polysemous APPLE symbol 526 on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 591 in FIG. 5D all function as the intermediate symbol in at least one sequence of three polysemous symbols. A corresponding third level linked electronic overlay is retrieved and displayed when any of these intermediate polysemous symbols is triggered or selected. The WANT symbol 511, MOUNTAIN symbol 545, RAINBOW symbol 522, and APPLE symbol 526 on the second level linked electronic screen overlay 591 in FIG. 5D are not embellished, meaning that they have the same appearance as the corresponding WANT 511, MOUNTAIN 545, RAINBOW 522, and APPLE 526 symbols of the first level linked electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A. As described above, each of these messages and polysemous symbol sequences may be integrated with an entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

FIG. 6 shows a third level linked electronic screen overlay 600 with an 84 location virtual keyboard similar to the 84 location virtual keyboard of the first level electronic screen overlay 500 in FIG. 5A. This overlay 600, named the “APPLE FRUIT” overlay, may be retrieved and displayed when the polysemous APPLE symbol 526 on the first level linked electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A is triggered and then the non-polysemous FRUIT symbol 573 on the corresponding second level linked electronic overlay 501 of FIG. 5B is triggered while an operator is working in a communication mode. Each of the locations on the virtual keyboard of the “APPLE FRUIT” overlay of FIG. 6 may include a relatively centrally disposed non-polysemous symbol corresponding to a previously stored message that is a member of the category of “fruit” words. Since all of the locations of the “APPLE FRUIT” overlay may correspond to members of the category of “fruit” words, as many as 84 members of the “fruit” category may be produced with unique sequences of only three keystrokes each. Each “fruit” word may correspond to a different previously stored message and a different sequence of one polysemous and two non-polysemous symbols. Therefore, each “fruit” word may be integrated with a different entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database that includes a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes storing an interactive dictionary database in a memory, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase; and providing, in the interactive dictionary database, information useable to assign at least a subset of the plurality of symbol sequences at least one of an active and an inactive status. At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes a memory configured to store an interactive dictionary database, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase; and an integrated input and display device configured to display at least portions of the interactive dictionary database to a user upon receipt of user input, including information useable to assign at least a subset of the plurality of symbol sequences at least one of an active and an inactive status.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes storing an interactive dictionary database in a memory, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with a rationale and at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase, each of the respective the rationales relating each of the respective symbols sequences to the associated at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase; and displaying, upon a processor receiving an input from a user, at least portions of the interactive dictionary database to the user, the at least portions including at least one associated symbol sequence, rationale and at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes a memory configured to store an interactive dictionary database, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase, each of the respective the rationales relating each of the respective symbols sequences to the associated at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase; and an integrated input and display device configured to display at least portions of the interactive dictionary database to a user, the at least portions including at least one associated symbol sequence, rationale and at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database that includes an entry corresponding to each of a plurality of previously stored messages, as described above, where the definition of each entry includes at least the corresponding unique name of the final linked electronic screen overlay in a sequence of linked electronic screen overlays that may be accessed to produce the corresponding previously stored message.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database that includes an entry corresponding to each of a plurality of previously stored messages, as described above, where a definition of each entry includes at least the corresponding sequence of polysemous symbols that may be triggered to produce the corresponding previously stored message.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database that includes an entry corresponding to each of a plurality of previously stored messages, as described above, where the definition of each entry further includes a rationale relating each of the respective symbols sequences to the associated at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase, each of the respective the rationales are useable to explain how the respective symbol sequence relates to the respective stored at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of the present invention, at least portions of the interactive dictionary are displayable to a user, and wherein the information is displayable to the user in a selectable manner.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of the present invention, the interactive dictionary includes a plurality of symbol sequences stored in association with a common at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database that includes an entry corresponding to each of a plurality of previously stored messages, as described above, where each entry may correspond to at least one adjustable binary setting, such as a binary setting that can be used to assign the corresponding entry to an active or inactive status, for example.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of the present invention, when an inactive status is assigned, a corresponding symbol sequence is rendered unselectable by a user.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database that includes an entry corresponding to each of a plurality of previously stored messages, as described above, where the terms of two or more entries including the texts of two or more previously stored messages are identical matches, and the corresponding definitions of those two or more entries differ. There may be multiple symbol sequences for producing a same stored message, and each of those symbol sequences may be stored as a separate entry in the interactive dictionary database. As such, the interactive dictionary may include a plurality of symbol sequences stored in association with a common at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above. In at least one embodiment, the dictionary database may be integrated with the system of electronic screen overlays in such a way that editing the dictionary results in corresponding changes in the use of symbol sequences on electronic screen overlays to produce words, etc. The integration of the database with the rest of the system may be established by explaining that changes in the dictionary database result in changes in the use of symbols on electronic screen overlays, and that changes to symbols on electronic screen overlays result in changes in the dictionary database 700.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, such that adding a new entry to the interactive dictionary database results in the addition of a new previously stored message that may be produced by triggering a corresponding sequence of polysemous symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, such that deleting an existing entry from the interactive dictionary database removes that previously stored message from the plurality of linked electronic screen overlays so that the corresponding sequence of polysemous symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays cannot be triggered to produce the message that has been deleted.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, such that modifying an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database results in a corresponding change in the corresponding plurality of linked electronic screen overlays.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, such that modifying features of a key on a sequentially linked electronic screen overlay so that it can be triggered to produce a newly stored message results in the addition of a corresponding entry to the interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, such that deleting features of a key on a sequentially linked electronic screen overlay that otherwise could be triggered to produce a previously stored message results in deletion of the corresponding entry from the interactive dictionary database.

At least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the manufacture of the present invention includes an interactive dictionary database, as described above, which is fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, as described above, such that modifying features of a key on a sequentially linked electronic screen overlay that may be triggered to produce a previously stored message results in a corresponding change in the corresponding entry of the interactive dictionary database.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, the interactive dictionary database is searchable.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, the plurality of entries in the interactive dictionary database may be browsed in order using known methods, a scrollable list for example.

FIG. 7 shows a non-limiting example embodiment of several entries of an interactive dictionary database 700 that may be stored in memory 102 of the portable multifunction device 100 and fully integrated with the contents of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays. Each row includes one entry in the interactive dictionary database 700. The first column 705 includes an alphabetized list of messages in the interactive dictionary database 700. Each message includes text contents of a previously stored at least one word, sentence, phoneme, plural word message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase stored in memory 102. The second column 715 and the third column 725 include two different parts of the definitions that correspond to each entry in the interactive dictionary database 700. The first part of the definition includes a polysemous symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol in column 715 that may be triggered on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays to produce the corresponding message of column 705 (previously stored). The interactive dictionary database 700 may further include a plurality of symbol sequences stored in association with a common at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

The second part of the definition includes a rationale in column 725 that explains an association between the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence in column 715 and the corresponding previously stored at least one word, sentence, phoneme, plural word message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase in column 705. In other words, the interactive dictionary 700 includes a plurality of rationales, each respectively relating a respective one of the plurality of symbol sequences to a respective associated at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letters, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase, wherein each of the respective the rationales are useable to explain how the respective symbol sequence relates to the respective stored at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

The fourth column 745 corresponds to a binary setting that can be configured for each entry in the interactive dictionary database 700. Specifically, this binary setting in column 745 useable to assign at least a subset of the plurality of polysemous symbol sequences at least one of an active and an inactive status, which may be adjusted to independently assign each entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 to an active or inactive status. In the example interactive dictionary database 700 of FIG. 7, the binary setting 747 corresponding to the stored message “drop” 746 is assigned an inactive status. Several other entries are assigned an active status (see column 745). As such, the corresponding or associated symbol sequence of “ELEPHANT”, “UMBRELLA” and “MR. ACTION MAN” will be inactive and thus rendered unselectable by a user.

The fifth column 755 corresponds to a frequency counter that may be included in the interactive dictionary database 700, corresponding to each of the entries in the interactive dictionary database 700. The frequency counter corresponding to a given entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may increment each time the corresponding message of column 705 has been input by a user, via triggering the associated polysemous symbol sequence of column 715. Note that the values of frequency counters of column 755 are illustrated with varied numbers because the different messages in the interactive dictionary database 700 may be produced a different numbers of times.

Note that two or more messages in the interactive dictionary database 700 may correspond to identical messages, but correspond to different polysemous symbol sequences and rationales, just as there may be multiple definitions of a word in a written dictionary. In the example of FIG. 7, messages 731 and 735 of column 705 both correspond to the word “paint.” However, these entries correspond to different definitions. The message “paint” 731 corresponds to polysemous symbol sequence 732 and rationale 733, while the message “paint” 735 corresponds to polysemous symbol sequence 736 and rationale 737. It should be further noted that the active/inactive status of these two entries may be configured independently; the entry corresponding to the message “paint” 731 is configured to an active status 734 while the entry “paint” 735 is configured to an inactive status 738.

An additional column 765 may be included in the interactive dictionary database 700, corresponding to an optional threshold argument for of the entries in the interactive dictionary database 700. The threshold argument 765 may include a threshold defining, when reached, a point when an inactive entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 should probably be re-configured from an inactive to an active status, or at least a point in time when reconfiguring should be considered, as will be discussed later. The threshold argument 748 corresponding to the stored message “drop” 746 indicates that the stored message “drop” 746 should probably be re-configured from an inactive to an active status, or at least this should be considered, when the frequency counter 768 corresponding to the stored message “lift” 766 has been produced twenty-five times using the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence 767.

In at least one embodiment, the information of the interactive dictionary database 700, useable to assign at least a subset of the plurality of symbol sequences at least one of an active and an inactive status, is stored in the memory 102. The information is stored in association with at least a plurality of the symbol sequences as indicated above. The integrated input and display device 112 may be configured to display the information to the user in a selectable manner. When the processor 120 receives input information relating to the at least one of an active and an inactive status of a symbol sequence, it may further edit the interactive dictionary database 700 stored in memory 102 to reflect this change.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to a method comprising: receiving an indication of selection of an editing mode for editing a displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the displayed electronic screen overlays; receiving an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving the indication of selection of the editing mode; receiving an indication of selection of a parameter from a plurality of parameters associated with the selected key location; and receiving an indication of a change in the selected parameter. The parameters may include a symbol associated with the selected key location and the change in the selected parameter may include a change from the symbol to a different or modified symbol. The method may further include displaying the parameters associated with the selected key on a list. The change in the selected parameter may result in a change in at least one visual characteristic of the selected key on the displayed electronic screen overlay; the different or modified symbol may be displayed at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay; and/or the different or modified symbol may be displayed at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay. The indication of selection of a parameter may include an indication of a text entry, and the method may further comprise associating the text entry with the selected key location. The associating may include displaying the text entry at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay. Further, the indication of selection of a parameter may include an indication of a text entry and the method may further comprise displaying the selected symbol at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay and displaying the text entry at least one of above and below the selected symbol. Still further, the receiving of an indication of selection of a parameter may include receiving an indication to edit at least one of font, text, size and color of the text entry.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to a computer readable medium including program segments for, when executed on a computer device, causing the computer device to implement any of the above-mentioned embodiments of the method.

At least one embodiment of the present application is directed to an apparatus, comprising: an integrated input and display device, configured to display one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays; and a processor, configured to receive an indication of selection of an editing mode for editing a displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the displayed electronic screen overlays, receive an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving the indication of selection of the editing mode, receive an indication of selection of a parameter from a plurality of parameters associated with the selected key location, and receive an indication of a change in the selected parameter. The parameters may include a symbol associated with the selected key location and the change in the selected parameter may include a change from the symbol to a different or modified symbol. The integrated input and display device may be further configured to display the parameters associated with the selected key on a list. The change in the selected parameter may result in a change in at least one visual characteristic of the selected key on the displayed electronic screen overlay. The different or modified symbol may be displayed at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay and/or the different or modified symbol may be displayed at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay. The indication of selection of a parameter may include an indication of a text entry, and the processor may be further configured to associate the text entry with the selected key location. The associating may include displaying the text entry at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay. Further, the indication of selection of a parameter may include an indication of a text entry and the integrated input and display device may be further configured to display the selected symbol at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay and displaying the text entry at least one of above and below the selected symbol. Finally, the receiving of an indication of selection of a parameter may include receiving an indication to edit at least one of font, text, size and color of the text entry.

In at least one embodiment there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to selectively display any one of a plurality of sequentially linked electronic screen overlays, enter an edit mode that is integrated with the interactive dictionary database, and selectively modify parameters of a selected key on the currently displayed electronic screen overlay. In at least one embodiment of the system or method at least one of:

    • a. An operator selects one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays to display on the integrated input and display device 112 and edit. This overlay may be selected and displayed while working in a communication mode for example, by beginning with the first level linked electronic screen overlay and triggering a sequence of one or more polysemous symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays to reach the desired second or third level linked electronic screen overlay, for example. For example, starting on the first level linked electronic screen overlay, an activation may be detected by the processor 120 receiving an indication of selection on the integrated input and display device 112 or alternative input device. The processor 120 may then determine the XY position of the activation to identify a selected symbol within the first level linked electronic screen overlay. This symbol may then be marked in the database in memory 102 with a pointer to a second level linked electronic screen overlay. The same process can be used to link to a third level linked electronic screen overlay from a symbol on a second level linked electronic screen overlay. As such, the user can access any electronic screen overlay to display or edit by triggering a sequence of polysemous symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays.
    • b. While the selected linked electronic screen overlay is displayed on integrated input and display device 112 for example, the operator may then enter an edit mode that allows him or her to edit the currently displayed linked electronic screen overlay without editing any of the plurality of other linked electronic screen overlays that are not currently displayed.
    • c. In the edit mode, the operator may selectively trigger one key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed linked electronic screen overlay (as detected by processor 120 in the manner described above) to edit the selected key. The selected key may be blank or contain a centrally disposed polysemous or non-polysemous symbol that may be triggered to produce a corresponding pre-stored message and/or triggered to access an embedded link to display a next level linked electronic screen overlay. Accordingly, while in the edit mode, the operator may select any one of the plurality of virtual keys on the currently displayed linked electronic screen overlay. The processor 120 will then retrieve from the database in memory 102, the parameters associated with the selected key and display them on a list on the screen of the integrated input and display device 112. The list of displayed parameters may be a scrolling list.
    • d. The operator may selectively edit any of the displayed parameters of the selected key.
    • e. Editing parameters of the selected key may result in corresponding changes in visual characteristics of the selected key as it appears on the currently displayed electronic screen overlay.
    • f. Editing parameters of the selected key may result in corresponding changes in the response behavior that occurs when the selected key is triggered in communication mode.
    • g. Editing parameters of the selected key may result in corresponding changes in one or more entries in the interactive dictionary database 700 that include the symbol of the selected key as part of their one or more corresponding polysemous symbol sequences.
    • h. After all edits are completed, the operator may save any changes that have been made. The operator may optionally return to a communication mode or continue working in an edit mode to edit parameters of other keys on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, as described above, where the parameters of any key on the virtual keyboard of any of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays may be edited, including keys that are blank, and keys that currently function as part of one or more of a plurality of sequences of polysemous symbols on sequentially linked electronic screen overlays that may be selected to produce one or more of a plurality of previously stored messages.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, as described above, where the editable parameters include parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected key which appear when the selected key is displayed on the integrated input and display device 112.

The editable parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected key may include the symbol that is centrally disposed on the selected key. The operator may optionally select the symbol that is centrally disposed on the selected key from a list of available symbols. The symbol that is centrally disposed on the selected key may act as either a polysemous or non-polysemous symbol.

The editable parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected key may include parameters related to a text label that is displayed on the selected key. Parameters related to the text label that is displayed on the selected key may include font, size, color, or content of the text label, for example.

The editable parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected key may include parameters related to the background of the selected key, background color or brightness, for example.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, as described above, where editing parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected key may result in corresponding changes in visual characteristics of the selected key as it appears on the currently displayed electronic screen overlay.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, as described above, where editing parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected key may result in corresponding changes in visual characteristics of the symbol of the selected key as it appears in the polysemous symbol sequence of one or more entries in the interactive dictionary database 700.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, as described above, where the editable parameters include a binary parameter that may be configured to allow the symbol of the selected key to function as a non-terminal (initial or intermediate) symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences or prevent the symbol of the selected key from functioning as a non-terminal (initial or intermediate) symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences.

In at least one embodiment of an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture of the present invention, configuring a binary parameter to allow the symbol of the selected key to function as a non-terminal (initial or intermediate) symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences may direct processor 120 to enable a pointer associated with a next level linked electronic screen overlay stored in a memory 102 so that the next level linked electronic screen overlay may be retrieved and displayed when the symbol of the selected key is triggered in communication mode.

A pointer stored in memory 102 associated with the selected key may direct processor 120 to automatically assign a unique name to the next level overlay that corresponds to the symbol sequence that may be used to retrieve and display the next level overlay on the integrated input and display device 112 by populating an overlay name field.

If a binary parameter is configured to allow the symbol of the selected key to function as a non-terminal (initial or intermediate) symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences, the selected key may be used as a non-terminal (initial or intermediate) symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences associated with one or more entries in the interactive dictionary database 700, which may be triggered to produce a corresponding message of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, as described above, where the editable parameters include a binary parameter that may be configured to allow the symbol of the selected key to function as the terminal symbol in a polysemous symbol sequence or prevent the symbol of the selected key from functioning as the terminal symbol in a polysemous symbol sequence.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture that only allows the selected key to be used as the terminal symbol in a polysemous symbol sequence associated with an entry in the interactive dictionary database 700, which may be triggered to produce a corresponding message of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase if a binary parameter is configured to allow the symbol of the selected key to function as the terminal symbol in a polysemous symbol sequence.

At least one embodiment of the present invention includes an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode to edit parameters of a selected key on the virtual keyboard of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay, and configure a binary parameter to allow the symbol of the selected key to function as the terminal symbol in a polysemous symbol sequence corresponding to an entry in the interactive dictionary database 700, as described above, where additional parameters may be edited to modify the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The additional parameters that may be edited to modify the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may include a corresponding message of at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, which may produced by triggering the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence.

The additional parameters that may be edited to modify the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may include a rationale relating the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence to the corresponding message of at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, which may be useable to explain how the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence relates to the corresponding message of at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase.

The additional parameters that may be edited to modify the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may include a binary parameter that may be used to assign the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 to an active or inactive status.

The additional parameters that may be edited to modify the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may include a threshold argument that may used to define a point when the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 should be re-configured from an inactive to an active status, or at least a point in time when re-configuring should be considered.

The modifying the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may also include creating a new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 that is associated with the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence.

The modifying the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may also include deleting the corresponding entry from the interactive dictionary database 700.

FIGS. 8A-C shows an example of the Edit Mode that may be used to edit parameters of any key on any of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays in at least one embodiment of the present invention. In the example of FIG. 8, the currently displayed overlay is a “WATCH” overlay 805, namely a second level linked electronic screen overlay, which may be retrieved and displayed after the polysemous WATCH symbol 505 is triggered on the initial electronic screen overlay 500 of FIG. 5A. Any of the displayed symbols available for selection on the WATCH overlay 805 may be triggered as the second symbol in a polysemous symbol sequence beginning with the WATCH symbol 505. In the example of FIG. 8, an operator has entered an edit mode by displaying WATCH overlay 805, triggering Menu key 802 and then selecting an Edit Overlay option from a corresponding drop-down menu, for example, that may be used to selectively edit one or more parameters of any selected key on the WATCH overlay 805. The name of the currently displayed WATCH overlay 803 may appear in a banner or message bar near the top of WATCH overlay as an indication that the system is currently in an edit mode. While the system is in an edit mode, an indicator may appear on any keys of the currently displayed overlay that are blank and are not currently used as part of a polysemous symbol sequence corresponding to an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database 700, the word “blank” 810 displayed on keys 811 and 812 for example. While in an edit mode, the operator may optionally trigger any key of the currently displayed electronic screen overlay to direct the processor 120 to retrieve and display an editable parameters list 800 that may be used to edit a plurality of parameters associated with the selected key. When all desired editing operations are completed, the operator may trigger a command to direct the processor to return to a communication mode, by triggering Done key 804, for example.

In an embodiment, blank keys 811 and 812 may be edited in an edit mode to add a new entry to the interactive dictionary database and/or enable a link to a newly created third level electronic screen overlay. In an embodiment, parameters of key 813 which includes a polysemous symbol may be edited in an edit mode. In an embodiment, parameters of key 814 which includes a non-polysemous symbol may be edited in an edit mode. In an embodiment, parameters of blank keys 811 and 812, parameters of key 813 including a polysemous symbol and parameters of key 814 including a non-polysemous symbol may all be edited using the same edit mode. In an embodiment, parameters of any one of keys 811, 812, 813, and 814 may be edited by triggering any one of keys 811, 812, 813, and 814 in an edit mode to direct the processor 120 to retrieve and display an editable parameters list 800 populated with editable parameters corresponding to the selected key.

In the example embodiment of FIG. 8, an operator may direct the processor 120 to store any changes made to parameters of the selected key using editable parameters list 800 by triggering Save key 806, for example. In the example embodiment of FIG. 8, an operator may direct the processor 120 to cancel any changes made to parameters of the selected key using editable parameters list 800 and return each of the plurality of parameters of the selected key to their previous status by triggering Cancel key 807, for example. In the example embodiment of FIG. 8, the plurality of editable parameters on the editable parameters list 800 may fill more than the allotted screen area, and the editable parameters list may be scrollable using swipe gesture 808 of FIGS. 8A and 8B, for example. FIGS. 8A-8C show a scrolling through editable parameters list 800 to display a plurality of editable parameters of a selected key within the allotted screen area.

In the example embodiment of FIG. 8A-8C, the polysemous MOUNTAIN symbol 545 of WATCH overlay 805, has been selected for editing in an edit mode, and editable parameters list 800 includes a scrollable list with a plurality of parameters that may be edited to change corresponding parameters of the MOUNTAIN symbol 545 on the WATCH overlay 805 and in one or more corresponding polysemous symbol sequences.

The plurality of editable parameters listed in editable parameters list 800 includes a plurality of parameters related to visual characteristics of the selected MOUNTAIN symbol 545. Editing any of these parameters may result in changes of the appearance of the key corresponding to the selected MOUNTAIN symbol 545 on the currently displayed WATCH overlay 805 but no other overlays and changes in the appearance of the MOUNTAIN symbol in one or more corresponding entries in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The editable parameters related to the visual characteristics of the selected symbol may include the choice of the symbol displayed on the key, which is shown in a corresponding symbol field 815. Note that the symbol in symbol field 815 corresponds to the MOUNTAIN symbol 545 of the selected key. The symbol displayed on the selected key may be edited using control keys 816, 817, and 818 for example.

The editable parameters related to the visual characteristics of the selected symbol may also include parameters related to a text label that is displayed on the selected key, including the text of a key label that may be entered in Key Label field 820, a font parameter 821, a font size parameter 822, and a text color parameter 823, for example. Binary Label On Top field 824 may be configured to display or not display the text of the corresponding key label as defined in Key Label field 820, for example. In the example of FIGS. 8A-C, the text label of the selected MOUNTAIN key 545 corresponds to the text entered in Key Label field 820.

The editable parameters related to the visual characteristics of the selected symbol may also include features related to the background of the selected key, such as Background Color parameter 830 and Border Color parameter 831, for example. In the example of FIGS. 8A-C, the background color of selected MOUNTAIN key 545 is blue, and is consistent with the selected blue background color of Background Color parameter 830.

In at least the example embodiment of FIGS. 8A-C, the plurality of editable parameters listed in editable parameters list 800 includes a binary parameter to allow the MOUNTAIN symbol 545 of the selected key to function as a non-terminal (intermediate) symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences, Visit next overlay parameter 835, for example. In the example of FIG. 8, Visit next overlay parameter 835 is set to an off position, preventing MOUNTAIN symbol 545 of the currently displayed WATCH overlay 805 from functioning as an intermediate symbol in one or more polysemous symbol sequences. Overlay name field 836 may be automatically populated with the unique name of a corresponding third level electronic screen overlay that may be retrieved and displayed by triggering the selected MOUNTAIN symbol 545 in a communication mode after Visit next overlay parameter 835 is re-configured to an on position.

In at least the example embodiment of FIGS. 8A-C, the plurality of editable parameters listed in the editable parameters list 800 includes a binary parameter to allow the MOUNTAIN symbol 545 of the selected key to function as the terminal symbol in a two symbol sequence consisting of WATCH symbol 505 on initial electronic screen overlay 500 and MOUNTAIN symbol 545 on second level electronic screen overlay 805, Produce Message parameter 840 for example. In the example of FIG. 8, Produce Message parameter 840 is configured to the on position.

In at least the example embodiment of FIGS. 8A-C, the plurality of editable parameters listed in the editable parameters list 800 includes a plurality of editable parameters that may be used to edit an entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 corresponding to a polysemous symbol sequence ending with the selected MOUNTAIN symbol 545 on second level electronic screen overlay 805. In an embodiment, the stored message of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase of the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may be edited by changing the text in Key Message field 845 of the editable parameters list 800. In an embodiment, the rationale of the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may be edited by changing the text in Rationale field 850 of the editable parameters list 800. In an embodiment, the editable parameters list 800 may include a binary parameter used to configure the corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database to an active or inactive status, Mask Message parameter 855, for example.

In the example embodiment of FIGS. 8A-C, the editable parameters list 800 may include an editable threshold argument corresponding to at least one existing entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 with an initially inactive status, that may be used to define a point when the at least one corresponding entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 should be re-configured from an inactive to an active status, or at least a point in time when re-configuration should be considered. For example, threshold argument fields 860-861 may define a point in time when one or more three-symbol sequences beginning with the initial WATCH symbol 505 and the intermediate MOUNTAIN symbol 545 should be re-configured to an active status and Visit next overlay parameter 835 should be re-configured to the on setting so that the one or more newly active polysemous symbol sequences can be made available for selection. In the example of FIGS. 8A-8C, threshold argument fields 860 and 861 indicate that this re-configuration will occur when the frequency counter of an entry in interactive dictionary database 700 corresponding to word “go” is incremented to 25.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for receiving an operator's request to store a new entry in an interactive dictionary database 700 in a memory 102, including at least a new polysemous symbol sequence in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary database 700 including a plurality of existing entries, each of the plurality of existing entries corresponding to at least an existing polysemous symbol sequence and an existing stored message of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase; searching the interactive dictionary database 700, in response to receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with to the request; and executing a differential response behavior depending on whether or not an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 corresponding to the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is found.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for automatically searching the contents of an interactive dictionary database 700 for one or more existing entries that corresponds to the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with a requested new entry an operator attempts to store in the interactive dictionary database 700, as described above, where the requested new entry is stored in the interactive dictionary database 700 with no additional steps if no matching existing entries are found.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for automatically searching the contents of an interactive dictionary database 700 for one or more existing entries that corresponds to the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with a requested new entry an operator attempts to store in the interactive dictionary database 700, as described above, where at least one matching existing entry is found, and the processor 120 controls a display of feedback on the screen of the integrated input and display device 112 to inform the operator that at least one matching entry has been found.

The feedback to inform the operator that at least one matching entry has been found may include a prompt to direct the processor 102 to complete one of a plurality of potential responses, including at least:

    • a. Canceling the request to store the new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.
    • b. Completing the request to store the new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 even though there is already at least one existing entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 that corresponds to the same at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase.
    • c. Retrieving from the database in memory 102, the parameters associated with the key including the terminal symbol of the polysemous symbol sequence of the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 and displaying them on a list on the screen of the integrated input and display device 112 so that parameters of the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database can be selectively edited.
    • d. Retrieving and displaying on the screen of the integrated input and display device 112 identifying information about the one or more existing entries in the interactive dictionary database 700 that corresponds to the same at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase as the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The displayed identifying information about the one or more existing entries in the interactive dictionary database 700 that corresponds to the same at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase as the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may include at least one corresponding polysemous symbol sequence.

The displayed identifying information about the one or more existing entries in the interactive dictionary database 700 that corresponds to the same at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase as the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 may include at least one corresponding rationale relating the corresponding polysemous symbol sequence to the corresponding message of at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase.

In at least one embodiment of the present invention, there is an apparatus, method, computer readable medium and/or article of manufacture for an operator to enter an edit mode. In at least one embodiment, the method includes receiving a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary database stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase; searching the interactive dictionary database, upon receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; storing the requested symbol sequence and associated at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase in the interactive dictionary database upon determining that the interactive dictionary database does not include an existing symbol sequence associated with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; and providing to the user, upon determining that the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database in association with an existing symbol sequence, information permitting entry of the requested symbol sequence as an additional sequence. The method may further include storing, upon receiving entry of the additional symbol sequence, the requested symbol sequence in the interactive dictionary database in association with the at least one of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; and/or displaying the associated symbol sequence in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to determining that at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database; and/or displaying the additional symbol sequence in association with associated symbol sequence and the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to receiving an indication of input of the additional symbol sequence.

A computer readable medium is disclosed, including program segments for, when executed on a computer device, causing the computer device to implement the method of an embodiment of the invention.

Further, an apparatus is disclosed, comprising: a processor configured to receive a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase; search the interactive dictionary database, upon receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; store the requested symbol sequence and associated at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase in the interactive dictionary database upon determining that the interactive dictionary database does not include an existing symbol sequence associated with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; and control a display to provide to the user, upon determining that the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database in association with an existing symbol sequence, information permitting entry of the requested symbol sequence as an additional symbol sequence. The apparatus may further include the display, wherein the display is an integrated input and display device to display the information permitting entry of the requested symbol sequence as an additional symbol sequence; and/or the memory, to store, upon the processor receiving input of the additional symbol sequence, the additional symbol sequence in the interactive dictionary database in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request. The apparatus may further include the display to display the associated symbol sequence in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to determining that the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database; and display the additional symbol sequence in association with associated symbol sequence and the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to receiving an indication of entry of the additional symbol sequence. Further, the apparatus may include the memory, configured to store, upon the processor receiving an indication of input of the symbol sequence, the symbol sequence in the interactive dictionary database in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request.

FIG. 9 shows an example embodiment wherein a popup message 900 that is presented to an operator working in Edit Mode when the operator attempts to store a new message to a key that matches the previously stored message of one or more existing entries in the interactive dictionary database 700. When an operator attempts to store any new message in the interactive dictionary database 700 in memory 102, in correspondence to any key, an embodiment of the system first automatically searches the interactive dictionary database 700 for any matching entries. If one or more matching entries is found, the popup message 900 of FIG. 9 is presented.

The operator may optionally trigger Cancel key 905 to direct the processor 102 to cancel the request to store the new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700.

The operator may optionally trigger Continue Saving key 910 to direct the processor 102 to complete the request to store the new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 even though there is already at least one existing entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 that corresponds to the same at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase.

The operator may optionally trigger Edit Message key 915 a key to direct the processor 102 to retrieve from the database in memory 102, the parameters associated with the key including the terminal symbol of the polysemous symbol sequence of the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 and display them using parameter editing list 800 of FIG. 8 for example so that parameters of the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 can be selectively edited.

The operator may also optionally trigger Show Where Used key 920 to direct the processor 102 to retrieve and display identifying information about the one or more existing entries in the interactive dictionary database 700 that corresponds to the same at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase as the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 using the Word Finder tool of electronic screen overlay 1000 in FIG. 10 for example.

FIG. 10 shows a non-limiting example of an electronic screen overlay 1000 that contains a Word Finder tool that may be used for searching for an existing entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 that matches a search term entered by an operator. This tool includes at least a search term field 1005 that may include the text of a search term such as “paint” for example, one or more results fields 1010 that may include a display of search results, a FIND key 1015 to trigger a search command, and a Cancel key 1020 to close the electronic screen overlay 1000 used for searching the interactive dictionary database 700.

After receiving an indication that the Show Where Used key 920 of FIG. 9 has been triggered, the processor may retrieve and display the Word Finder overlay 1000 of FIG. 10 on integrated input and display device 112. The processor 102 may automatically populate the search term field 1005 with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase of the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 and then automatically trigger a search command to execute a search of the interactive dictionary database 700 for any existing entries associated with the same one or more word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase as the requested new entry. If one or more matching existing entries are found in the interactive dictionary database 700, the corresponding definitions of the one or more matching existing entries may be displayed in one or more results fields 1010. Each definition may include at least a polysemous symbol sequence (such as sequence 732 consisting of polysemous symbols 522, 1025, and 1030 for example; and/or sequence 736, consisting of polysemous symbol 522 and nonpolysemous symbols 1045 and 1050 for example) that can be triggered to produce the same one or more word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase as the requested new entry. In this example of FIG. 10, there are two different matching existing entries associated with the word of the requested new entry, “paint”, namely there are two different symbol sequences that, when selected, will output the word “paint”. Further, the respective definitions may also include a respective rationale 732, 736 relating each of the plurality of symbol sequences to their associated at least one of words, sentences, phonemes, messages, letters, numbers, morphemes, commands and phrases, each of the respective the rationales being useable to explain how the respective symbol sequence relates to the respective stored at least one word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and/or phrase.

In the example of FIG. 10, the processor 102 has automatically triggered a search for existing entries in the interactive dictionary database 700 that are associated with the message “paint” of the requested new entry in the interactive dictionary database 700 and has found two existing entries associated with the message “paint.” A corresponding polysemous symbol sequence (732 and 736) and rationale (733 and 737) are displayed in a results field for each matching existing in results fields 1010.

The patent claims filed with the application are formulation proposals without prejudice for obtaining more extensive patent protection. The applicant reserves the right to claim even further combinations of features previously disclosed only in the description and/or drawings.

The example embodiment or each example embodiment should not be understood as a restriction of the invention. Rather, numerous variations and modifications are possible in the context of the present disclosure, in particular those variants and combinations which can be inferred by the person skilled in the art with regard to achieving the object for example by combination or modification of individual features or elements or method steps that are described in connection with the general or specific part of the description and are contained in the claims and/or the drawings, and, by way of combinable features, lead to a new subject matter or to new method steps or sequences of method steps, including insofar as they concern production, testing and operating methods.

References back that are used in dependent claims indicate the further embodiment of the subject matter of the main claim by way of the features of the respective dependent claim; they should not be understood as dispensing with obtaining independent protection of the subject matter for the combinations of features in the referred-back dependent claims. Furthermore, with regard to interpreting the claims, where a feature is concretized in more specific detail in a subordinate claim, it should be assumed that such a restriction is not present in the respective preceding claims.

Since the subject matter of the dependent claims in relation to the prior art on the priority date may form separate and independent inventions, the applicant reserves the right to make them the subject matter of independent claims or divisional declarations. They may furthermore also contain independent inventions which have a configuration that is independent of the subject matters of the preceding dependent claims.

Further, elements and/or features of different example embodiments may be combined with each other and/or substituted for each other within the scope of this disclosure and appended claims.

Still further, any one of the above-described and other example features of the present invention may be embodied in the form of an apparatus, method, system, computer program, tangible computer readable medium and tangible computer program product. For example, of the aforementioned methods may be embodied in the form of an apparatus or device, including, but not limited to, any of the structure for performing the methodology illustrated in the drawings.

Even further, any of the aforementioned methods may be embodied in the form of a program. The program may be stored on a tangible computer readable medium and is adapted to perform any one of the aforementioned methods when run on a computer device (a device including a processor 120). Thus, the tangible storage medium or tangible computer readable medium, is adapted to store information and is adapted to interact with a data processing facility or computer device to execute the program of any of the above mentioned embodiments and/or to perform the method of any of the above mentioned embodiments.

The tangible computer readable medium or tangible storage medium may be a built-in medium installed inside a computer device main body or a removable tangible medium arranged so that it can be separated from the computer device main body. Examples of the built-in tangible medium include, but are not limited to, rewriteable non-volatile memories, such as ROMs and flash memories, and hard disks. Examples of the removable tangible medium include, but are not limited to, optical storage media such as CD-ROMs and DVDs; magneto-optical storage media, such as MOs; magnetism storage media, including but not limited to floppy disks (trademark), cassette tapes, and removable hard disks; media with a built-in rewriteable non-volatile memory, including but not limited to memory cards; and media with a built-in ROM, including but not limited to ROM cassettes; etc. Furthermore, various information regarding stored images, for example, property information, may be stored in any other form, or it may be provided in other ways.

Example embodiments being thus described, it will be obvious that the same may be varied in many ways. Such variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the spirit and scope of the present invention, and all such modifications as would be obvious to one skilled in the art are intended to be included within the scope of the following claims.

  • 1. A method, comprising: receiving an indication of selection of an editing mode for editing a displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the displayed electronic screen overlays;receiving an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving the indication of selection of the editing mode;receiving an indication of selection of a parameter from a plurality of parameters associated with the selected key location; andreceiving an indication of a change in the selected parameter.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the parameters include a symbol associated with the selected key location and wherein the change in the selected parameter includes a change from the symbol to a different or modified symbol.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising: displaying the parameters associated with the selected key on a list.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the change in the selected parameter results in a change in at least one visual characteristic of the selected key on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the different or modified symbol is displayed at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 6. The method of claim 2, wherein the different or modified symbol is displayed at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the indication of selection of a parameter includes an indication of a text entry, and wherein the method further comprises associating the text entry with the selected key location.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the associating includes displaying the text entry at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 9. The method of claim 2, wherein the indication of selection of a parameter includes an indication of a text entry and wherein the method further comprises: displaying the selected symbol at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay and displaying the text entry at least one of above and below the selected symbol.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the receiving of an indication of selection of a parameter includes receiving an indication to edit at least one of font, text, size and color of the text entry.
  • 11. A computer readable medium including program segments for, when executed on a computer device, causing the computer device to implement the method of claim 1.
  • 12. An apparatus, comprising: an integrated input and display device, configured to display one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays; anda processor, configured to receive an indication of selection of an editing mode for editing a displayed one of a plurality of linked electronic screen overlays, without editing any of the plurality of electronic screen overlays linked to the displayed electronic screen overlays,receive an indication of selection of a key location for editing on the displayed electronic screen overlay, subsequent to the receiving the indication of selection of the editing mode,receive an indication of selection of a parameter from a plurality of parameters associated with the selected key location, andreceive an indication of a change in the selected parameter.
  • 13. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the parameters include a symbol associated with the selected key location and wherein the change in the selected parameter includes a change from the symbol to a different or modified symbol.
  • 14. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the integrated input and display device is further configured to display the parameters associated with the selected key on a list.
  • 15. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the change in the selected parameter results in a change in at least one visual characteristic of the selected key on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 16. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the different or modified symbol is displayed at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 17. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the different or modified symbol is displayed at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 18. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the indication of selection of a parameter includes an indication of a text entry, and wherein the processor is further configured to associate the text entry with the selected key location.
  • 19. The apparatus of claim 18, wherein the associating includes displaying the text entry at the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay.
  • 20. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the indication of selection of a parameter includes an indication of a text entry and wherein the integrated input and display device is further configured to display the selected symbol at a relative center of the selected key location on the displayed electronic screen overlay and displaying the text entry at least one of above and below the selected symbol.
  • 21. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the receiving of an indication of selection of a parameter includes receiving an indication to edit at least one of font, text, size and color of the text entry.
  • 22. A method, comprising: receiving a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary database stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary database including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase;searching the interactive dictionary database, upon receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request;storing the requested symbol sequence and associated at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase in the interactive dictionary database upon determining that the interactive dictionary database does not include an existing symbol sequence associated with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; andproviding to the user, upon determining that the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database in association with an existing symbol sequence, information permitting entry of the requested symbol sequence as an additional sequence.
  • 23. The method of claim 22, further comprising: storing, upon receiving entry of the additional symbol sequence, the requested symbol sequence in the interactive dictionary database in association with the at least one of at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request.
  • 24. The method of claim 22, further comprising: displaying the associated symbol sequence in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to determining that at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database.
  • 25. The method of claim 23, further comprising: displaying the associated symbol sequence in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to determining that at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database; anddisplaying the additional symbol sequence in association with associated symbol sequence and the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to receiving an indication of input of the additional symbol sequence.
  • 26. A computer readable medium including program segments for, when executed on a computer device, causing the computer device to implement the method of claim 22.
  • 27. An apparatus, comprising: a processor configured toreceive a request to store a symbol sequence in an interactive dictionary stored in a memory, the symbol sequence including at least one polysemous symbol and being associated with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase, the interactive dictionary including a plurality of symbol sequences, each of the plurality of symbol sequences including at least one polysemous symbol and each of the plurality of symbol sequences being stored in association with at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase;search the interactive dictionary database, upon receiving the request, for the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request,store the requested symbol sequence and associated at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase in the interactive dictionary database upon determining that the interactive dictionary database does not include an existing symbol sequence associated with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request; andcontrol a display to provide to the user, upon determining that the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database in association with an existing symbol sequence, information permitting entry of the requested symbol sequence as an additional symbol sequence.
  • 28. The apparatus of claim 27, further comprising the display, wherein the display is an integrated input and display device to display the information permitting entry of the requested symbol sequence as an additional symbol sequence.
  • 29. The apparatus of claim 27, further comprising: the memory, to store, upon the processor receiving input of the additional symbol sequence, the additional symbol sequence in the interactive dictionary database in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request.
  • 30. The apparatus of claim 27, further comprising: the display todisplay the associated symbol sequence in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to determining that the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request is stored in the interactive dictionary database; anddisplay the additional symbol sequence in association with associated symbol sequence and the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request, in response to receiving an indication of entry of the additional symbol sequence.
  • 31. The apparatus of claim 30, wherein the memory is further configured to store, upon the processor receiving an indication of input of the symbol sequence, the symbol sequence in the interactive dictionary database in association with the at least one of a word, sentence, phoneme, message, letter, number, morpheme, command and phrase associated with the request.

The present application hereby claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. provisional patent application No. 61/676,491 filed Jul. 27, 2012, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61676491 Jul 2012 US