Latin name of the genus and species: Botanical classification: Malus domestica.
Variety denomination: The new apple tree variety denomination is ‘PE’.
The present invention is a new and distinct cultivar of apple tree botanically known as Malus domestica and referred to by the cultivar name ‘PE’. ‘PE’ was discovered as a spontaneous limb mutation of a ‘Cripps Pink’ tree in an orchard planting of the variety ‘Cripps Pink’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 7,880) in Tasmania, Australia.
‘PE’ was first observed on Feb. 21, 2013 in Dover, Tasmania, Australia, where it was distinguished by very early full pink-red color over the entire fruit surface, even in shaded areas of the limb. ‘PE’ is also distinguished from its parent by its early maturity, reddish-brown wood color on the sunny side, very large levels of leaf anthocyanin, high levels of young fruit anthocyanin, and high intensity of pink-red overcolor. The pattern of overcolor is solid blush. Leaf blade incisions are serrate type 1, there are fewer lenticels on one-year-old wood and leaf blade length and width are also smaller than for the parent ‘Cripps Pink’. Asexual reproduction of ‘PE’ was carried out by bud grafting in 2013 and trees of ‘PE’ were planted for additional observation at Lucaston, Tasmania, Australia. ‘PE’ has since been fruited through 3 successive asexually propagated generations at Lucaston, Tasmania, Australia and has been observed to remain true to type with the distinguishing characteristics retained through successive generations of asexual reproduction.
The new variety ‘PE’ claimed herein is primarily distinguished by its very early full pink-red color over the entire fruit surface, even in shaded areas and its early maturity. These and other distinguishing characteristics are set forth in the tables below. Under similar growing conditions in Tasmania, Australia, under commercial practice, ‘PE’ is distinguishable from its parent ‘Cripps Pink’ as described in Table 1 below:
A comparison of ‘PE’ to ‘PLBAR B1’ (U.S Plant Pat. No. 21,606), ‘Ruby Pink’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 16,725), and ‘Lady in Red’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 18,660), the most similar varieties of common knowledge, are set forth in Table 2a, 2b and 2c below:
Typical specimens of the tree and blossoms for the new apple tree variety ‘PE’ are shown in the accompanying photographs. The colors shown are as true as possible within the usual limits of this kind of illustration.
The following-detailed botanical description is based on observations made during the 2016 and 2017 growing season at Lucaston, Tasmania, Australia of three-year old trees planted on MM106 rootstock (unpatented). The cultivar has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary significantly with variations in the environment such as temperature, length of day and light intensity, without any variance in genotype. It should be understood that the characteristics described will vary somewhat depending upon cultural practices and climatic conditions, and will vary with location and season. The plant and flower quantified measurements and foliage size are expressed as an average of measurements taken from a number of individual plants of the PE using standard commercial cultural practices. The measurements of any individual plant or any group of plants of the ‘PE’ may vary from the stated average. All colors are described according to The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (5TH edition 2007).