Enhancing workflows by web technology; Wolfgang Grather, Wolfgang Prinz and Sabine Kolvenbach; Proceeding on the International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work: The Integration Challenge, 1997, pp. 271-280. |
Persistant Storage for a Workflow Tool Implemented in Smalltalk; Bob Beck and Steve Hartley; Proceeding of the ninth annaul conference on Object-oriented programming systems, language, and application, 1994, pp. 373-387. |
A Web Based Enterprise Workflow System; Charles K. Ames, Scott C. Burleigh and Stephen J. Mitchell; Proceedings of the International ACM SIGGroup conference on Supporting Group Wrk: The Integration Challenge, 1997, pp. 214-220. |
Expert Workflow: Building Knowledge-based Workflow Systems with Object Technology; Sven Erik Johansson, Benedikte Harstad Kallak, Thomas Bech Pettersen and Jan Erik Ressem; Addemdum to the 1997 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, and app. |