Application modification system and method


  • Patent Application
  • 20040025170
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    July 12, 2002
    22 years ago
  • Date Published
    February 05, 2004
    20 years ago
The present invention is directed to a system and method for utilization of applications on a device having an embedded operating system. Typically, the applications comprise third-party applications without source code. The system and method provide for the modification of the behavior and appearance of such applications and include the functionality to capture and respond to various events occurring in the applications.


[0001] The present invention relates generally to software technology. It further relates to a method and system for user interface (UI) modification and behavior modification of applications, including those applications without source code.


[0002] Current technology provides for application integration in selected environments; i.e., bringing together data or a function of one application program with that of another application program. In particular, the introduction of program objects provides standard interfaces so that the so that objects designed for use in one application can be reused in other applications. Typically, this technology is available in desktop environments for specifically selected applications; i.e., software is created to extract object components or controls from a first specifically selected application such as a word processing application for recognition by a second specifically selected application such as a spreadsheet application.

[0003] Such technology, however, fails to provide for functionality derived from any third party application for utilization in a specific environment. As such, users of specific systems, such as those having embedding operating systems, are typically limited to use of the applications designed specifically for use with that device. Additionally, even if such integration means were available, the space-constrained nature of such devices further limits options in terms of market-available applications for use therewith.

[0004] What is needed, therefore, is a versatile system and method that provides the functionality necessary to use various applications, including third-party applications, within specific environments such as devices having embedded operating systems and specific delimitations. For broad application, the system and method should provide such functionality in the absence third-party application source code. Further, it is desirable for the system and method to include the functionality necessary to retain desired attributes of the third-party application while permitting modification of the user interface and/or behavioral attributes of the third-party application.


[0005] The present invention addresses the shortcomings of the current art by provision of a system and method for metamorphosis of third-party applications. The system and method provide the functionality to intercept and modify the behavior and appearance of third-party software applications, with or without source code (hereafter, applications). The system and method are particularly suited to environments having embedded operating systems or other space delimitations.

[0006] In one embodiment of the present invention, a method of the present invention includes the steps of capturing and responding to various events that occur in the application. The step of capturing events in the application includes detecting the start of the application; ensuring early access to window handles of interest; routing windows' messages to appropriate message handlers; intercepting at least one server library-based application programming interface (API) from the process of interest; altering parameters; providing a substitute implementation of the API; providing the functionality of at least one member of the group consisting essentially of pre-processing of the API call and post-processing of the API call. The step of responding to various events that occur in the application includes providing the functionality of at least one member of the group consisting essentially of hiding window components of an existing application; moving window components of the existing application; resizing window components of the existing application; creating a new UI; extending application features; and fixing existing application defects.

[0007] A system according to the present invention includes a starter component; a manager component; and a core component. Various embodiments also include an API hooking component. The starter component starts and initializes the system as well as dynamically associating an application and its customization dynamic-linked library (DLL) through a registration process. The manager component monitors the start up of any process and determines if the application needs to be intercepted and modified in any way (morphed). If morphing is required, then the manager component proceeds appropriately to begin the morphing process. The core component comprises various interface components to provide the core functionality described herein. In various embodiments, the API hooking component provides the functionality necessary to override system APIs, both globally and locally. Generally, the API hooking component is provided for use with X86-based systems and ARM technology or other microprocessors for cell telephones and the like.

[0008] Further advantages of the invention are brought out in the following portions of the specification, wherein the detailed description is for the purpose of fully disclosing preferred embodiments of the invention without placing limitations thereon.


FIG. 1 illustrates an architectural schematic of a system according to the present invention;

FIG. 2 illustrates a schematic of the manager component process according to the present invention; and

FIG. 3 illustrates a schematic of the SrvHook.dll process according to the present invention.


[0012] The present invention provides the functionality necessary to utilize third-party applications, with or without source code, on a device having an embedded operating system. The method and system of the present invention capture and modify such applications, including transformation of their appearance and behavioral aspects. In a preferred environment, the method and system are utilized in conjunction with an environment having the Windows CE® operation system, typically including COM, ATL, GWES, and GDI components. It is contemplated that the components of the present invention will be utilized in a trusted environment; however, it is possible to include the components in a Bin (binary) file or the like. A skilled artisan will note that the present invention contemplates various arrangements and selections of components, environments, platforms and the like, so long as the functionality described herein is accomplished.

[0013] In the preferred embodiment, the starter component is encoded as Morpheus.exe, the only executable of present invention. The manager component is encoded as MorphMgr.dll, and is run as a module in GWES.exe. The API hooking component comprises CliHook.dll, which provides a means to hook any PSL (Protected Server Library) API and SrvHook.dll, a server part to be used implicitly by CliHook.dll. The core component comprises Morpheus.dll, the main component of the preferred embodiment, and consists of MOM (Morpheus Object Model). Various embodiments also comprise CustomDll, which uses MOM to modify or implement the user interface. Each customized DLL is specifically tailored for an individual application. Each of the aforementioned components of the present invention is hereafter described in detail.

[0014] Referring now to the drawings, wherein like elements are referenced using the same numeral, and with reference to FIG. 1, there is shown generally at 10 the architecture of a system of the present invention, wherein the system startup 12 launches Morpheus.exe 14 after Gwes.exe 16. Morpheus.exe 14, in turn injects MorphMgr.dll 18 into the Gwes.exe 16. MorphMgr.dll's 18 DllMain component (not shown) is invoked with DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. MorphMgr.dll 18 creates a new thread to hook NotifyCallback function 20 in WMGR PSL Set 22, which is the first entry in the table. Morpheus.exe 14 finishes and exits. When the application 24 starts up, the system invokes the NotifyCallback 20 entry. MorphMgr 18 catches this call with Morpheus Callback 26 and determines if the application 24 is registered to be morphed. If the registry 28 contains the registered information, then MorphMgr18 injects Morpheus.dll 30 into the application 24. An initialization function, exported in Morpheus.dll 30 is called. Morpheus.dll 30 then loads the CustomDll 32 and invokes MorpheusMain, the required exported function in every customized DLL. CustomDll 32 begins modifications of the UI of application 24 through MOM 34.

[0015] The starter component, Morpheus.exe, performs two functions: starting and initializing the system at system boot as well as dynamically associating an application and its customization DLL through the registration. Typically, there is no graphical user interface for this component, nor do users interact with it. The command line parameters are parsed to determine the associated actions. An example of a command line interface and its parameters are listed as follows:
1Morpheus.exe[-e <application.exe> [-m <customization.dll>]]-eFull path of application to be registered/unregistered-mif -m is missing, Morpheus deregisters the<Application.exe>; otherwise, Morpheus registers the<Application.exe> to be morph-ed by< customization.dll>

[0016] If no parameter is entered, Morpheus.exe attempts to initialize the system of the present invention. Initialization is mostly likely accomplished at system boot, through registry setup. The application and customization DLL paths are checked to ensure the EXE or DLL exists in the system. An example of the registry entry in project.reg file at system boot is:
2[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init]“Launch40” = “Morpheus.exe”“Depend40” = hex: 14,00, 1e,00

[0017] Launch order can be changed, but it must be launched after Gwes.exe and before Explorer.exe. To ensure Explorer.exe is started after the Morpheus.exe, the registry entry in wceshellfe.reg must be modified at the “Depend50” line to:

[0018] “Depend50”=hex: 14,00, 1e,00, 28,00

[0019] To start and initialize the system of the present invention, the starter component; e.g., Morpheus.exe performs the following steps: creates a named event “MorpheusStarted”; gets the Gwes.exe process handle; injects MorphMgr.dll to Gwes with the handle obtained previously through an InjectDll function (described below); waits for named event to be signaled; calls SignalStarted; and exits the process. The InjectDll function is accomplished by using an API in Window CE® similar to the CreateRemoteThread API in desktop Windows®. Instead of creating a new thread in a remote process, this API migrates the current calling thread over to the destination process and executes the specified function pointer in the address space of the remote process. In the present invention, for example the LoadLibrary could be specified as the function pointer. As such, the DLL can be loaded in the remote process. Morpheus.exe uses Registry to keep the registration data. The following is where the data is kept and its format:
3[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\BSQUARE\Morpheus]“<FullPathExeName>” = “-m <FullPathCustomDLL>”

[0020] The path of exe is stored in with all backward slashes (‘\’) replaced with forward slashes (‘/’) and all converted to lower cases. In various embodiments, the command line can be used to dynamically add and remove the registration of an application. Morpheus.exe can run at anytime after the device is booted. If at the boot time Morpheus.exe is already started up, the running Morpheus.exe with no parameters causes a dialog pop up warning that other instances of Morpheus are already running. Morpheus then exits after displaying the dialog. All parameters are checked. An invalid filename causes the registration to fail with appropriately displayed messages. The order of parameters is not important; e.g., the −m can go before −e.

[0021] The manager component; e.g., Morpheus Manager, is implemented in MorphMgr.dll and monitors the start up of any process. After start up, MorphMgr.dll checks with the registration information to see if the application needs to be morphed. If so, Morpheus Manager injects the Morpheus.dll into the application and remotely invokes the initialization function exported in Morpheus.dll with appropriate parameters to startup the “morphing”. There is no user interface associated with this component.

[0022] Turning now to FIG. 2, there is shown a schematic of the manager component-related processes. To monitor for the start of a process, Morpheus Manager hooks into the NotifyCallback 36 entry of SH_WMGR APISet 38 in Gwes.exe. When a process starts up, the system does a NotifyCallback 36 to every APISet by calling the function pointer in the first entry of the APISet (shown at 40). Thus, when DllMain is invoked 42, it creates a named event 44, MorpheusStarted and a thread 46, whereafter the manager component monitors for the start of the process 48. The tasks involved in the hooking process are further detailed with reference to the API Hooking Component, including its CliHook and SrvHook There is no user interface associated with the manager component.

[0023] The API Hooking Component is used in conjunction with X86 microprocessors, ARM microprocessors and the like. The API Hooking Component provides a powerful way to override system APIs either globally or locally. This component comes with two DLLs, CliHook.dll and SrvHook.dll. An application can choose to override any API that is provided through the PSL mechanism by simply using the exported functions in CliHook.dll. SrvHook.dll is a “behind the scene” component that is interfaced by CliHook.dll. CliHook exports the following are functions:
4BOOL SetAPIHook(BYTE bApiSet,WORD uApiIndex,PFNVOID pfnHookProc,PFNVOID* ppfnOrigProc,)DWORD fHookProcessbApiSetThe APISet index which contains the API to be hookeduApiIndexThe API index in the APISet, specified by bApiSet, of theAPI to be hooked.pfnHookProcThe hook procedure. This procedure must have the samesignature as the hooked API.ppfnOrigProcThe address of function pointer will be filled with addressthe original API procedure. This can be NULL. Clientshould not attempt to call this function directly as it canresign in different process.fHookProcessA masked DWORD indicates the process to be hooked.fHookProcess = 0, only current process is hooked;fHookProcess = −1, all processes are hooked; the bit x isset, the process with index x is hooked. Client can setmultiple bits to hooked API from multiple processes. IffHookProcess is not 0, client must set the correspondingbit if it wants its own process to be hooked. If the otherprocess already hooked a same API in the same processspecify by fHookProcess that API will not be hooked bythis process. The corresponding bit in fHookProcess isignored.In Windows CE, processes index are from 1 to 32. So thebit set is always 1 less the process index. For example, tohook process with index 6 you would have to set the bit5; to hook process with index 9 you would have to set thebit 8.Remark:bApiSet and uApiIndex of most WindowsCE API can befound from header files in%_WINCEROOT%\public\common\oak\inc\.BOOL RemoveAPIHook(BYTE bApiSet,WORD uApiIndex,)DWORD fHookProcessbApiSetThe APISet index which contains the API to be hookeduApiIndexThe API index in the APISet, specified by bApiSet, of theAPI to be hooked.fHookProcessA masked DWORD indicates the process to be unhooked.fHookProcess = 0, only current process is unhooked;fHookProcess = −1, all processes are unhooked; the bit xis set, the process with index x is unhooked. Client canset multiple bits to unhooked API from multipleprocesses.Remark:bApiSet and uApiIndex of most WindowsCE API can befound from header files in%_WINCEROOT%\public\common\oak\inc\.BOOL SetThreadHookOption(BOOL bHookBypass,BOOL bAutoReset)bHookBypassTRUE, the hooked APIs will not be hooked if originatesfrom this thread. FALSE, bypass status is removed.bAutoResetTRUE, bypass status is removed as soon as the firstbypass happens.FALSE, thread must call SetThreadHookOption to resetthe bypass option.Remark:Thread can use this option to permanently/temporarilyturn off API hooking. Thread can use this function tomake the “real” API call.

[0024] The CliHook.dll interacts with the client of this component. CliHook.dll can be loaded by any process, either implicitly or explicitly. Once it is exported functions are invoked, CliHook.dll checks whether the appropriate SrvHook.dll is being loaded in the server process, based on the bApiSet parameter. If not, CliHook.dll injects SrvHook.dll to that sever process. Through the window messaging system, CliHook.dll will submit a request to SrvHook.dll to perform the service. Messages formatted from CliHook.dll to SrvHook.dll follow. All CliHook.dll share an array of 32 HWNDs to keeps HWND of ServerHookWindow in the PSL Server. HWND will be stored at the same index as the PSL server process index. Write access to this table is protected by a mutex (mutual exclusion object) of the name ServerHWNDTlbMutex. If HWND is not in the Table, the SrvHook.dll is not loaded in the server. Sharing is done by #prama “Shared”. Complete syntax is as follows:
5#pragma data_seg(“CliHook”)HWND g_rgSeverHWND[MAX_PROCESS];#pragma data_seg()#pragma comment(linker, “/section:CliHook,rws”)

[0025] All CliHook.dll instances must create their own mutex of the same name. If the creation mutex does not generate ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, CliHook must enter the mutex then initialize the share table of HWND. The following are structs (structures) used in the communication between CliHook and SrvHook:
6typedef struct _SRVINITINFO{UINT uProcIndex; //current processIndex, the process load CliHookUINT uTlsTOIndex //TLS index used to store Hook Option.}SRVINITINFO, *PSRVINITINFO;typedef struct_APIHOOKINFO{UINTuProcIndex;BYTEbApiSet; //Api Set which contains API to beHookedUINTuApiIndex; //Index in the set of API to be HookedDWORDfHookProc; //Dword masked of process to be hookPFNVOIDpfnHookProc;}APIHOOKINFO, *PAPIHOOKINFO;

[0026] The following are data types that are used for dwData:
7HD_INITCLI0x00000000Init server with clientHD_DEINITCLI0x00000001Deinit Server with clientHD_SETAPIHOOK0x00000002SetApiHookHO_REMOVEAPIHOOK0x00000003RemoveApiHookInit SrvHook.dll with this instance of CliHook.dlluMsg = WM_COPYDATAhWndHWND created by SrvHook.dll per Server process. TheWindow Name is based on the strip down server modulename. For example,GWES.EXE would have the window with the caption ofGWES_ServerHookWindow.wParamNULL.lParamPCOPYDATASTRUCTdwDataHD_INITCLIcbDatasizeof(PSRVINITINFO)lpDatapSrvInitInfoReturn ValueTBDRemark:Deinit SrvHook.dll with this instance of CliHook.dlluMsg = WM_COPYDATAhWndHWND created by SrvHook.dll per Server process. TheWindow Name is based on the strip down server modulename. For example,GWES.EXE would have the window with the caption ofGWES_ServerHookWindow.wParamNULL.lParamPCOPYDATASTRUCTdwDataHD_DEINITCLIcbDatasizeof(PSRVINITINFO)lpDatapSrvInitInfoReturn ValueReturn TRUE if successfully deinit. False otherwise.Remark:Hook new API request.uMsg = WM_COPYDATAhWndHWND created by SrvHook.dll per Server process. TheWindow Name is based on the strip down server modulename. For example,GWES.EXE would have the window with the caption ofGWES_ServerHookWindow.wParamNULL.lParamPCOPYDATASTRUCTdwDataHD_SETAPIHOOKcbDatasizeof(PAIHOOKINFO)lpDatapApiHookInfoReturn ValueThe address of the original API if successful.CLI_NOTINIT if client has not been ‘registered’ -through HD_INITCLI.CLI_NOTINIT = 0x80000000. Or NULL if FailedRemark:To Unhook the APIuMsg = WM_COPYDATAhWndHWND created by SrvHook.dll per Server process. TheWindow Name is based on the strip down server modulename. For example,GWES.EXE would have the window with the caption ofGWES_ServerHookWindow.wParamNULL.lParamPCOPYDATASTRUCTdwDataHD_REMOVEAPIHOOKcbDatasizeof(PAIHOOKINFO)lpDatapApiHookInfoReturnReturn TRUE if successful else FALSE. CLI_NOTINITValueif client is never initialized through HD_INITCLI.Remark:

[0027] The CliHook.dll handles SetThreadHookOption internally. To handle this function, CliHook.dll allocates a TLS index when DLLMain is call with DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. This entry is initialized to 0 whenever DLL_THREAD_ATTACH is called. Since TLS is also migrated with the thread to other process, when the thread making the PSL call SrvHook will check this TLS entry to fine out the bypass option in this thread. Following is the format of the DWORD stored in this TLS:
8HO_NOBYPASS0x00000000No bypassing option is set.HO_AUTOBYPASS0x00000001Bypass with auto reset.HO_MANUALBYPASS0x00000002Bypass with manual resetWith regard to accessing the system API table, the address is mapped to: (CINFO**)UserKInfo[KINX_APISETS].

[0028] With reference now to FIG. 3, there is shown a schematic of the internal data structure of SrvHook.dll. All instances of SrvHook share an array 50 of 32 entries, one for each client process 52 identified by its process index 54. Each entry is a pointer 56 of PCLIINFO type. Below is the definition of PCLIINFO.
9typedef struct tagCLIINFO{UINTuTlsTOIndex;HANDLEhProcess;List <PHOOKTHUNK> 1stThunks;}CLIINFO, *PCLIINFO;PHOOKTHUNK is defined as following:class CLHOOKTHUNK{public:BYTEm_bApiSet;UINTm_uApiIndex;// m_rgHkedbyProc stores the process index of the client process// who requesting the hook from another process whose index is the// index to the array. For example, Process index 5 wants to hook// an API which are called from process 2 then m_rgHkeybyProc[2−1]// would have the value of 5. Another example, if Process index 5// wants to hook an API which are called from processes 5, 7, and 9// then all m_rgHkeybyProc[5−1], m_rgHkeybyProc[7−1], and// m_rgHkeybyProc[9−1] would have the value of 5.BYTEm_rgHkedbyProc[MAX_CE_PROCESSES];// m_rgpfnAlt stores the address of the replaced API at the index// of the process index. For example, process 5 wants to hook an// API then its replaced API is stored at m_rgpfnAlt[5−1]PFNVOIDm_rgpfnAlt[MAX_CE_PROCESSES];//Dont add in between or change order of the following 2 members.CHOOKTHUNK* m_pthis;_Thunkthunk;CHOOKTHUNK(BYTE bApiSet, UINT uApiIndex);BOOL SetHook(PFNVOID pfnHookFunc, UINT uProcOwner,DWORD fHookProc);BOOL RemoveHook(UINT uProcOwner, DWORD fFlookProc);};typedef CHOOKTHUNK* PHOOKTHUNK;

[0029] _Thunk 58 is a struct of self-modifying code, thus it is platform dependent; e.g., ARMV4 and X86 are supported. The address of this thunk will replace the function address of the actual API in the API table when the API is hooked. When a hooked API is called by the OS, the associated thunk is invoked instead. The thunk itself performs a jump to a GenericProxy with a pointer 56 to its HOOKTHUNK struct. GenericProxy is also a platform dependent code. Base on HOOKTHUNK data which passed to by the Thunk 58, GenericProxy will decide whether to call and how to call a hooked function or just simply call the actual API.

[0030] CliHook.dll is responsible for loading/injecting SrvHook.dll to appropriate PSL server. In DllMain, on DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, SrvHook.dll creates a thread that will be responsible for handling Window Message sent from CliHook.dll. The new thread creates a window with the caption of the format “xxx_ServerHookWindow” and a Thread Enter message pump.

[0031] A number of associated messages are detailed as follows.

[0032] On WM_DATACOPY with dwData=HD_INITCLI:

[0033] The client sends this message to initialize its instance with the Server. The client can send this message anytime to reset. Typically this message is sent before the first request to Sever from the client.

[0034] On WM_DATACOPY with dwData=HD_DEINITCLI:

[0035] Client sends this message to de-initialize and remove all API hooks associated with the client process. Client can send this message anytime. This message is typically sent when client DLL is detaching from the client process; i.e., when DllMain is called with DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.

[0036] On WM_DATACOPY with dwData=HD_SETAPIHOOK:

[0037] Client sends this message to request hooking a particular API. Any number of clients can request hooking the same API as long as the fHookProc is not already specified by previous hook request. Server will make sure only one HOOKTHUNK is created per API regardless the number of client process.

[0038] If the API is not hooked by any process, a HOOKTHUNK struct is created. The Thunk is then built and its address replaces the address of the API in the System API table. Internal data of HOOKTHUNK are initialized to record the address of the replaced function and the process from which it originates. The address of the HOOKTHUNK is then added to a list of the client process information for maintenance reason. (See FIG. 3 above).

[0039] If the API is already hooked by another process, the HOOKTHUNK struct is retrieved. Additional data is added to internal data of the HOOKTHUNK to record information of the new hook request. The address of the HOOKTHUNK is also added to the list of current client process information.


[0041] The HOOKTHUNK of the API is retrieved. m_rgHkedbyProc and m_rgpfnAlt array are updated to reflect the request. If there is no other Process hooked by this Client then the HOOKTHUNK reference is removed from list of client process information. If there is no other Process is being hooked and no other process wants to hook this API, then the original API address is restored to the System API table and the HOOKTHUNK struct is deleted.

[0042] Although this component is designed to run in conjunction with the remaining components, this component also runs independently of the same. As such, any application can use this component by simply calling the exported functions of CliHook.dll. The ability trap any API call in the system is a very effective and powerful way to “embrace and extend” the window architecture. It provides a unique way to modify the behavior of any existing application. In essence, the system of the present invention can be one of its applications.

[0043] The principle functionality of the system resides in the core component; i.e., Morpheus.dll, which contains various COM-based interfaces. In various embodiments, the following interfaces are utilized:

[0044] User Interfaces:

[0045] The application interacts with the system through MOM and Window Sub-Classing interfaces.
10Window Sub-Classing Interfaces:IMorpheusFactory:IunknownAttach WindowHWNDHRESULTHWND hWnd, [out, retval]LPUNKNOWN*ppUnkWin[in] LONG windowId, [in] HWNDAttachWindowIdHRESULToWindowParent, [out, retval] LPUNKNOWN*ppUnkWin[in] LONG windowId, [in] HWNDAsyncAttachWindowIdHRESULToWindowParent, [in] VARIANT vtCallbackFunc,[in, defaultvalue(0)] ULONG ulUserData, [out,retval] ULONG* puAttachId[in] LPTSTR lpCaption, [in] LPTSTRAttachWindowNameHRESULTlpClassName, [out, retval] LPUNKNOWN *ppUnk Win[in] LPTSTR lpCaption, [in] LPTSTRAsyncAttachWindowNameHRESULTlpClassName, [in] VARIANT vtCallbackFunc,[in, defaultvalue(0)] ULONG ulUserData, [out,retval]ULONG* puAttachIdCancelAsyncAttachHRESULT[in] ULONG uAttachIdObjectProducerHRESULT[in] IUnknown* oWindow, [out, retval]LPUNKNOWN* pObjectProducerIEnumWindow:IunknownLockHRESULTVoidUnlockHRESULTVoidResetHRESULTVoidCountHRESULT[out, retval] UINT* puCountNextHRESULT[out, retval] HWND* phWndSkipHRESULTUINT uNumItemIStealthWindow:IunknownSubscribeMsgHRESULTULONG uMsg, ULONG wParam, ULONGlParam, VARIANT vtCallback, [in,defaultvalue (0)] ULONG IUserDataUnsubscribeMsgHRESULTULONG uMsg, ULONG wParam, ULONGLParamGetHWNDHRESULT[out, retval] HWND *phWndChildWindowsHRESULT[out] IEnumWindow** oEnumWindowSiblingWindowsHRESULT[out] IEnumWindow** oEnumWindowBitmap based User Interface and Utility interfaces:IObjectProducer:IunknownNewObjectHRESULT[in] UINT nObjId, [out, retval]LPUNKNOWN*pDispObjRemoveObjectHRESULT[in] iUnknown* pDispObjWindow-based MOM:IStaticBitmap:IunknownConfigHRESULTITileImgList* pbtGetDestRectHRESULTPRECT pDestRectShowHRESULTBOOL bShow, PRECT pDestRectIStaticText:IUnknownLPTSTR lpText, COLORREF crfFore = 0,DWORD fTextAlign =ConfigHRESULTDT_BOTTOM|DT_CENTER|TX_CLIPPED,IFont* pFont = NULL, ITileImgList*pbmBgrd = NULLShowHRESULTBOOL bShow, PRECT pDestRectGetDestRectHRESULTPRECT pDestRectILink:IUnknownICommand* pCmd, LPTSTR lpText, DWORDffextAlign = DT_BOTTOM|DT CENTER|ConfigHRESULTTX_CLIPPED, COLORREF crfFore[4] =NULL, IFont* pFont = NULL, ITileimgList*pbmBgrd = NULLGetCommandHRESULTICommand** ppCmdSetCommandHRESULTICommand* pCmdShowHRESULTBOOL bShow, PRECT pDestRectGetDestRectHRESULTPRECT pDestRectSetFocusHRESULT[in]BOOL bFocusSelectHRESULT[in]BOOL bSelectIButton:IUnknownICommand* pCmd, ITilelmgList* ptillcon,LPTSTR lpCaption, DWORD flconAlign =DT_TOP|DT_CENTER, DWORDConfigHRESULTfCaptionAlign =DT_VCENTER|DT_CENTER|TX_CLIPPED,DWORD fBtnStyles, COLORREF crFore[4],IFont* pFont = NULL, ITilelmgList* ptilBgrd= NULLSetKbAccelHRESULTLPACCEL pAccelObjSetToolTipHRESULTLPTSTR ipToolTipsGetCommandHRESULTICommand** ppCmdSetCommandHRESULTICommand* pCmdShowHRESULTBOOL bShow, PRECT pDestRectGetDestRectHRESULTPRECT pDestRectSetBtnStatesHRESULTDWORD fBtnStateGetBtnStatesHRESULT[out]DWORD* pfBtnStatesNon-Window-Based MOMIMomFont: IUnknownInitHRESULT[in]LPCTSTR lpFontName, [in] LONG ifHeight,[in]LONG lfWeightDeleteHRESULTVoidGetFontHRESULT[out]HFONT* phFontSelectDCHRESULT[in]HDC hdcDeselectDCHRESULTVoidICommand:IUnknownMessageCmdHRESULT[in] ULONG hWnd, [in] WPARAM wParam,in, defaultvalue(NULL)] LPARAM lParam,[in, defaultvalue(WM_COMMAND)] UINTuMsgCallbackCmdHRESULT[in] VARIANT vtCallback, [in] LPARAMIParamExecuteHRESULTVoidIImageLdr:IUnknownInitHRESULTLPTSTR strFileNameInitResIdHRESULTULONG hInstance, UINT uResIdSizeHRESULTPSIZE pSizeMaskColorHRESULTCOLORREF* pcrfMask[in]ITilelmgList** pTil, [in]PRECT pImgRect,TileImgListHRESULT[in]DWORD fOptions, [in,defaultvalue(1)]UINT uImgCountITileImgList:IUnknownConfigHRESULTIImageLdr* pImg, PRECT pImgRect, DWORDfOptions, UINT ulmgCount = 1SetTileGridHRESULTPRECT pGridRectDrawHRESULTHDC hdc, PRECT pDestRect, UINTuImgNumber = 0SetImgListRectHRESULTPRECT pImgRectGetImgListRectHRESULTPRECT pImgRectGetImgSizeHRESULT[out]SIZE* pSizeIPanel:IUnknownConfigHRESULTPPOINT ptOrigin, DWORD fOptions, PRECTpMaxRect, ITileImgList* ptilBgrdAddObjectHRESULTIUnknown* pObject, SIZE sObject, BOOLbShow, UINT *puObjIndexRemoveObjectHRESULTUINT uObjIndexObjectToIndexHRESULTIUnknown* pObject, UINT* puObjIndexCountHRESULTUINT uObjCountShowHRESULTBOOL bShow

[0046] A method of the present invention includes the steps of detecting the start of the application; ensuring early access to window handles of interest; routing windows' messages to appropriate message handlers; intercepting at least one server library-based application programming interface (API) from the process of interest; altering parameters; providing a substitute implementation of the API; and providing the functionality of at least one member of the group consisting essentially of pre-processing of the API call and post-processing of the API call.

[0047] Having illustrated and described the principles of the system and method of the present invention in various embodiments, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art that the embodiment can be modified in arrangement and detail without departing from such principles. For example, the code format and structure may be changed if preferred. Therefore, the illustrated embodiments should be considered only as example of the invention and not as a limitation on its scope.


[0048] The present invention addresses the shortcomings of the current art by providing a system and method for metamorphosis of third-party applications. The system and method provide the functionality to intercept and modify the behavior and appearance of third-party software applications, with or without source code (hereafter, applications). The system and method are particularly suited to environments having embedded operating systems or other space delimitations. In light of the foregoing, it is contemplated that the present invention will prove highly marketable to consumers in various venues, particularly those seeking the technical functionality and features provided in the invention.


[0049] Although the description above contains much specificity, it should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention but as merely providing illustrations of some of the presently preferred embodiments of this invention. Thus the scope of this invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents. Further, it is appreciated that the scope of the present invention encompasses other embodiments which may become obvious to those skilled in the art, and that the scope of the present invention is accordingly to be limited by nothing other than the appended claims, in which reference to an element in the singular is not intended to mean “one and only one” unless explicitly so stated, but rather “one or more”. All structural and functional equivalents to the elements of the above-described preferred embodiment that are know to those of ordinary skill in the art are expressly incorporated herein by reference and are intended to be encompassed by the present claims. Moreover, it is not necessary for a device or method to address each and every problem sought to be solved by the present invention for it to be encompassed by the present claims. Furthermore, no element, component, or method step in the present disclosure is intended to be dedicated to the public regardless of whether the element, component, or method step is explicitly recited in the claim. No claim element herein is to be construed under the provisions of 35 U.S.C. 112, sixth paragraph, unless the element is expressly recited using the phrase “means for”.

  • 1. A method for metamorphosis of applications on a device having an embedded operating system, the method comprising the steps of: capturing events that occur in the application; and responding to various events that occur in the application.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of capturing events that occur in the application further comprises the steps of: detecting the start of the application; ensuring early access to window handles of interest; routing windows' messages to appropriate message handlers; intercepting at least one server library-based application programming interface from a process of interest; altering parameters; providing a substitute implementation of the application programming interface; and providing the functionality of at least one member of the group consisting essentially of pre-processing of the application programming interface call and post-processing of the application programming interface call.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the step of responding to various events that occur in the application further comprises the steps of: providing the functionality of at least one member of the group consisting essentially of hiding existing window components of the application; moving existing window components of the application; resizing existing window components of the application; creating a new user interface; extending application features; and fixing existing defects in the application.
  • 4. A method for metamorphosis of applications on a device having an embedded operating system, the method comprising the steps of: detecting the start of the application; ensuring early access to window handles of interest; routing windows' messages to appropriate message handlers; intercepting at least one server library-based application programming interface from a process of interest; altering parameters; providing a substitute implementation of the application programming interface; providing the functionality for pre-processing of the application programming interface call; providing the functionality for post-processing of the application programming interface call; hiding existing window components of the application; moving existing window components of the application; resizing existing window components of the application; creating a new user interface; extending application features; and fixing existing defects in the application.
  • 5. A system for metamorphosis of applications on a device having an embedded operating system, the system comprising: a starter component for start and initialization functionality; a manager component for monitor and invocation functionality, the manager component associated with the starter component; and a core component for modification functionality, the core component associated with the manager component.
  • 6. The system of claim 5, further comprising an application programming interface hooking component for overriding at least one computer system application programming interface, the application programming interface hooking component associated with the core component.
  • 7. The system of claim 6, wherein the application programming interface hooking component further comprises at least one member of the group consisting essentially of CliHook.dll and SrvHook.dll.
  • 8. The system of claim 5, the starter component further comprises the steps: starting and initializing the system at computer system initialization; and dynamically associating an application and its customization DLL through registration.
  • 9. The system of claim 5, wherein the manager component further comprises the steps of: monitoring the startup of any application; and determining if the application needs to be metamorphosed.
  • 10. The system of claim 5, wherein the core component further comprises at least one interface.
  • 11. The system of claim 10, wherein the at least one interface further comprises sub-classing interfaces.
  • 12. The system of claim 10, wherein the at least one interface further comprises bitmap-based interfaces.
  • 13. The system of claim 10, wherein the at least one interface further comprises utility interfaces.
  • 14. The system of claim 10, wherein the at least one interface further comprises window-based morpheus object model.
  • 15. The system of claim 10, wherein the at least one interface further comprises at least one non-window-based morpheus object model.
  • 16. A system for metamorphosis of applications on a device having an embedded operating system, the system comprising: a start and initialization component for use at system initialization; a dynamic association component for association of an application and its customization DLL through registration, the dynamic association component associated with the start and initialization component; a monitor component for monitoring the startup of applications, the monitor component associated with the dynamic association component; a determination component for determining if the application needs to be metamorphosed, the determination component associated with the monitor component; at least one interface for modification functionality, the at least one interface associated with the determination component; and an application programming interface hooking component for overriding at least one computer system application programming interface, the application programming interface hooking component associated with the at least one interface.
  • 17. The system of claim 16, wherein the at least one interface further comprises at least one member selected from the group essentially consisting of bitmap-based interfaces; utility interfaces; sub-classing interfaces; window-based morpheus object models and non-window based morpheus object models.
  • 18. The system of claim 16, wherein the programming interface hooking component further comprises at least one component selected from the group consisting essentially of the CliHook.dll and SrvHook.dll.