9310326 Chakel This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project deals with the development and applications of high resolution, high mass-accuracy matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry (MALD). Both high resolution and high mass accuracy have been demonstrated in the Phase I project on a novel triple electrostatic sector time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Many biochemical techniques such as peptide mapping require accurate mass assignments to identify various proteolytic fragments. These fragments can be rapidly and unambiguously identified in a single MALD experiment. The Phase II research will develop innovative methods for achieving routine high mass resolution and accuracy measurements of biomolecules. Specific applications illustrating the power of the MALD technique for accurate biomolecule analysis will be developed. The inherent sensitivity, speed of analysis and simplicity of MALD analyses will provide major advantages in applications of immediate and valuable use to the clinical and biological research communities. %%% This SBIR Phase II project will continue the advances initially started in the Phase I project. An important goal of the SBIR Program is the ultimate conversion of NSF-supported research into technological innovation and commercialization. ***