Approach for transforming XML document to and from data objects in an object oriented framework for content management applications


  • Patent Grant
  • 6785685
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, August 22, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, August 31, 2004
    20 years ago
A method and system for transforming XML documents to and from data objects in an object oriented framework includes: importing the XML document; parsing the XML document; building a DOM tree from the parsed XML document; constructing at least one DDO or at least one XDO based on the DOM tree; and storing the DDO or XDO in a datastore. The present invention provides a transformation bridge connecting the XML world and the object world, allowing conversions from XML documents to data objects and vice versa to be performed seamlessly. It enhances the existing framework with a feature to process XML documents utilizing the existing framework facilities. Application developers can thus exploit the key advantages of XML representation as well as object orientation.


The present invention relates to database management systems, and more particularly, to the transforming of documents to and from data objects in the database management systems.


The use of database management systems to manage information is well known in the art. For complex data management, object-oriented approaches are generally used. The term “object-oriented” refers to a software design method which uses “classes” and “objects” to model abstract or real objects. An “object” is the main building block of object-oriented programming, and is a programming unit which has both data and functionality (i.e., “methods”). A “class” defines the implementation of a particular kind of object, the variables and methods it uses, and the parent class it belongs to. Some known programming tools that can be used for developing search and result-management frameworks include C++ and Java.

FIG. 1

illustrates a content management object oriented framework, the Enterprise Information Portal (EIP). The EIP


comprises a plurality of class libraries


, including a dynamic data object (DDO) class


. The DDO is a database-neutral representation of an object's persistent data. Its purpose is to contain the data for a single object. The DDO comprises a set of attributes and is a self-describing data object. Some of the DDO attributes could be of the extended data object (XDO) type. The XDO is used to hold content which is usually a large object (LOB). The DDO class has methods to support persistent operation on its data content, i.e., add, delete, update, and retrieve the data. These methods are used to bring data objects in and out of the persistent store. In these operations, the content or LOB will also be made persistent as well. The DDO specification is further described in the industry standard as established by the Object Management Group (OMG).



also comprises datastores


. A datastore is a term used to refer to a generic data storage facility, such as a relational data base, flat-file, hierarchical data base, etc. For example, for the CONTENT MANAGER, developed by INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION, the EIP datastores


comprises a content manager datastore


. The content manager datastore


would store the different types of data managed by the Content Manager.

However, the EIP


is not able to import documents with the extensible markup language (XML) format into its framework as data objects. The use of the XML document format has received widespread adoption by the industry. This approach provides numerous advantages, such as interchanging electronic documents between document repositories, automating business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions, and allowing application programs to communicate regardless of programming languages and computing platforms where the applications run. Because the EIP


cannot import XML documents as data objects, it cannot exploit these advantages.

Accordingly, there exists a need for a method and system for transforming XML documents to and from data objects in an object oriented framework. The present invention addresses such a need.


A method and system for transforming XML documents to and from data objects in an object oriented framework includes: importing the XML document; parsing the XML document; building a DOM tree from the parsed XML document; constructing at least one DDO or at least one XDO based on the DOM tree; and storing the DDO or XDO in a datastore. The present invention provides a transformation bridge connecting the XML world and the object world, allowing conversions from XML documents to data objects and vice versa to be performed seamlessly. It enhances the existing framework with a feature to process XML documents utilizing the existing framework facilities. Application developers can thus exploit the key advantages of XML representation as well as object orientation.


FIG. 1

illustrates a content management object oriented framework, the Enterprise Information Portal (EIP).

FIG. 2

illustrates a preferred embodiment of an object oriented framework in accordance with the present invention.

FIG. 3

is a process flow chart illustrating a preferred embodiment of importing an XML document into the object oriented framework as a data object in accordance with the present invention.

FIG. 4

is a process flow chart illustrating a preferred embodiment of exporting an XML documents from a data object in the object oriented framework in accordance with the present invention.


The present invention provides a method and system for transforming XML documents to and from data objects in an object oriented framework. The following description is presented to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention and is provided in the context of a patent application and its requirements. Various modifications to the preferred embodiment will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art and the generic principles herein may be applied to other embodiments. Thus, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiment shown but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and features described herein.

To more particularly describe the features of the present invention, please refer to

FIGS. 2 through 4

in conjunction with the discussion below.

FIG. 2

illustrates a preferred embodiment of an object oriented framework in accordance with the present invention. The Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) framework


comprises a plurality of class libraries


. The class libraries


comprise a dynamic data object (DDO) class


for creating DDO's and an extended dynamic object (XDO) class


for creating XDO's. The DDO class


includes a DDO constructor


for importing XML documents into the framework


and transforming them into data objects, such as a DDO or an XDO. The DDO or XDO would be stored in one of the datastores


, such as the content manager datastore


. The DDO class


also includes a toXML( ) method


for exporting a DDO or XDO as an XML document. The importing and exporting of XML documents is based on the persistence properties of DDO's and XDO's, as described in the standard established by the Object Management Group (OMG). Applicant incorporates this standard in its entirety by reference.

FIG. 3

is a process flow chart illustrating a preferred embodiment of importing an XML document into the object oriented framework as a data object in accordance with the present invention. First, an XML document


is input into the DDO constructor


as an input parameter. The XML parser


of the DDO constructor


parses the XML document


, via step



, and checks the format of the XML document


according to a Document Type Definition (DTD) file


, via step



. The DTD file


defines the valid format of an XML document to be transformed by the DDO constructor


. The XML parser


then validates the XML document format, via step



. If the XML document


does not conform to the format defined by the DTD file


, then an error is indicated. If the XML document


does conform to the format defined by the DTD file


, then a Document Object Model (DOM) tree is built based on the XML document


, via step



. A DOM tree is a representation of the hierarchy information in the XML document


. In the preferred embodiment, steps






are performed in memory.

Next, the parser's API's


extract data from the DOM tree, via step



, i.e., the Application programming Interfaces (API)


call methods in the DDO class


against the DOM tree to obtain desired information. The data includes the values for the DDO's or XDO's to be created. The values of the DDO, XDO or collection of DDO's and XDO's, can be either embedded in the XML document


or the values for the XDO or collection of XDO's can be in data files


which are referenced in the XML document


. If the values are embedded, then they are parsed and imported. If the values are in data files


, then the API's


retrieve the data files


referenced in the XML document


from the local file system, via step



. Approximately simultaneously, the EIP's object oriented (OO) API's


identifies control data from the DTD file


, via step



. The control data in the DTD file


describes the format of the DDO's and XDO's which can be created by the DDO constructor


. The DTD file


describes the XDO's in sufficient detail for the DDO constructor


to create the XDO's. The DDO constructor


then and constructs a DDO data structure in memory based on the extracted data and the control data, via step



. Objects are then created using the methods in the DDO class, and the DDO data structure is populated with these objects by calling the .add( ) method, via step


. These objects may be modified by calling the .update( ) method. These objects can be a DDO, an XDO, a collection of DDO's, and/or a collection of XDO's. The populated DDO is then placed in persistent store in the content manager datastore



In the preferred embodiment, the import function is implemented with the following Java code:



Creates a new DKDDO object using the given XML input file.


All references to binary data (blob or xdo) will be resolved and brought into





@param xmlSource

is a DLNVPair class specifying the XML source


characteristics, with the following possible values:




 <li> (“BUFFER”, <buffer_ref>)


buffer_ref is a reference to a string in




 <li> (“FILE”, <file_name>)


string file_name is the name of the file


containing the XML


 <li> (“URL”, <url_address>)


string URL-address location of the XML


 <li> (“STDIN”, null)


input XML is taken from standard input






@param options options to govern the construction of xdo classes, if exists in the


 XML input


Valid values are specified by constants in


 public static int DK_CM_XDO_EMBED = 0;


  retrieve any reference to blobs into memory


 public static int DK_CM_XDO_REFERENCE =1;


  do not retrieve any reference to xdo, i.e. in form of file reference or URL,


  into memory, but delay it until the value is needed. If the value is needed


  for an add operation, i.e. to make it persistent, then it will try to optimize


  the operation via xdo.add(fromFile) whenever possible.


public DKDDO(DKNVPair xmlSource, int options);

public DKDDO(DKNVPair xmlSource);

In the preferred embodiment, the DTD file


is as follows:

<!ELEMENT ddo:ddo (ddo:pid, ddo:propertyCount?, ddo:property*,

ddo:dataCount?, ddo:dataItem*)>

<!ATTLIST ddo:pid ddo:dsType






<!ELEMENT ddo:propertyCount (#PCDATA)?

<!ELEMENT ddo:property EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST ddo:property ddo:propertyID






<!ELEMENT ddo:dataCount (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ddo:dataItem (ddo:dataPropertyCount?,


(ddo:dataValue |



<!ATTLIST ddo:dataItem ddo:dataID




<!ELEMENT ddo:dataValues (ddo:dataValueCount?, ddo:dataValue+)>

<!ELEMENT ddo:dataValueCount (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ddo:dataValue (#PCDATA | ddo:xdoRef | ddo:ddo)>

<!ELEMENT ddo:xdoRef (ddo:xdoPid, ddo:xdoValue)>

<!ELEMENT ddo:xdoPid EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST ddo:xdoPid












<!ELEMENT ddo:xdoValue (ddo:contentType?, ddo:searchEngineInfo?,

ddo:smsInfo?, ddo:xdoContent?)>

<!ATTLIST ddo:xdoValue











<!ELEMENT ddo:contentType (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ddo:searchEngineInfo   EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST ddo:searchEngineInfo

ddo:searchEngine CDATA #REQUIRED

ddo:searchIndex  CDATA #REQUIRED

ddo:searchInfo  CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT ddo:smsInfo EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST ddo:smsInfo











<!ELEMENT ddo:xdoContent (#PCDATA)>

FIG. 4

is a process flow chart illustrating a preferred embodiment of exporting an XML documents from a data object in the object oriented framework in accordance with the present invention. First, the DDO's or XDO's are retrieved from the content manager datastore


, via step


, using the .retrieve( ) methods of the DDO class


. The DDO or XDO is retrieved from persistent store into memory. The toXML( ) method


is then called. The EIP OO APIs


query the properties of the DDO's or XDO's in memory, via step



, and generate data files


on the local file system from any referenced XDO objects that are in memory, via step



. The properties of the DDO's or XDO's include the attributes of the object and the properties of the object itself. Approximately simultaneously, the parser's APIs


build a DOM tree based on the properties of the DOD's or XDO's, via step



. In the preferred embodiment, the DOM tree is built on the fly and in memory. The toXML( ) method


then serializes the DOM tree, via step


, by producing the desired format based on the options for the output XML document


. Options include whether to embed the XDO values in the XML document


or have a reference in the XML document


to data files


which contain the values. The XML document



In the preferred embodiment, the export function is implemented with the following Java code:



Generates the corresponding XML from this DKDDO. If the DDO is a nested


object, it assumes that the DDO has been instantiated/retrieved up to the desired


level of depth.


@param xmlDestination specifies where the XML output should go, valid values






<li> (“BUFFER”, <buffer_ref>)

: buffer_ref is a reference to a string in memory


<li> (“FILE”, <file_name>)

: string file_name is the name of the file to


 contain the XML


<li> (“URL”, <url_address>)

: string URL-address location for the XML


<li> (“STDOUT”, null)

: output XML is directed to the standard


 output (STDOUT)




@param options same as options described in the constructor above.


DK_CM_XDO_EMBED means to embed the xdo value in the generated XML,


either in plain text form (#PCDATA) or in Base64 encoding.


DK_CM_XDO_REFERENCE means that you want to represent any blob with a


reference to a file or URL, in which the file or URL will be created by


writing the xdo content out to it.


Both options above are mutually exclusive.


The following option is complementary to the above:


DK_CM_XDO_RETRIEVE means that in addition of either one of the two


options above, if the xdo content is not retrieved then it will be retrieved. If


the destination is file, URL, or STDOUT, the implementation may want to


optimize the content transfer directly to the destination, without storing


intermediate copy in main memory.


Note: If destination is memory BUFFER or STDOUT and the path is not null and


the options is REFERENCE, then a reference form to the xdo will be created as


described above.

  public void toXML (DKNVPair xmlDestination, String path, long options);

For example, assume that a simple DDO contains two attributes: (1) name=“Title”, value=“How to marry a millionaire”; (2) name=“Author”, value=“Dr. Ruth Wildheimer”. Assume also that this DDO has been stored in persistent store in the content manager datastore


. This DDO can be retrieved and the toXML( ) method


called, resulting in an XML document


approximately like the following:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>

<!DOCTYPE ddo:ddo SYSTEM “ddo.dtd”>

<ddo:ddo ddo:entityName=”DLSAMPLE”


<pid dsType=”DL” dsName=”LIBARNEY”

 pidString=”44 2 DL8 LIBARNEY8 DLSAMPLE19 16 FKX$S0A9PPGZSS41”/>


<property propertyId=”1” propertyName=”item-type”

propertyValue=”document” />

<!—or folder, etc.-->


<dataItem dataId=”1” dataName=”Title”>

 <dataProperty propertyId=”1” propertyName=”type”


 <dataProperty propertyID=”2” propertyName=”nullable”


 <dataValue>How to marry a millionaire</dataValue>


<dataItem dataId=”2” dataName=”Author”>

 <dataProperty propertyId=”1” propertyName=”type”


 <dataProperty propertyId=”2” propertyName=”nullable”


 <dataValue>Dr. Ruth Wildheimer</dataValue>



In the preferred embodiment, there are four different ways to import and export an XDO or blobs from and into the resulting XML document: (1) embedding, (2) reference to a file, (3) reference to a URL, or (4) using PidString. These four approaches are first discussed for the exporting of an XDO or blob.

Per embedding the blob content in the XML document


, if the blob contains binary-data, it is converted to Base64 encoding before embedding it in the XML document


. If the data is of type plain text, then encoding is not necessary. In this case, the encoding is set to plain-text. The advantage of this approach is that since the blob content is packaged together with the XML, the document will be self contained.

Per referencing a file, the blob content is written out into a local file or network file system


. A reference is established to the file system. This approach assumes that the process which will import the XML has access to the same file systems. Either directory path and file name or a URL notation can be used to specify the reference, for example:


Per referencing a URL, the blob content is written into a web server directory, and a reference is established to the directory. This approach assumes that a web server exists, and the process which will import the XML has access to the web server to retrieve the content.

Per using PidString, PidString is a persistent identifier defined in the OMG standard. It is mechanism used to find particular items in a datastore. Once a PidString is created for an item, it can be stored within the DDO or the XDO and reused. The PidString created for the blob content can be used to retrieve the blob content.

The four approaches are next discussed for the importing of XDOs or blobs.

Per embedding the blob content in the XML document


, if the content is embedded using Base


encoding, it will be decoded by a Base


decoder. If the content is plain-text, it will be read in directly.

Per referencing a file, there are two possibilities. First, the blob content is read in immediately to main memory. Second, if the blob content is stored in a file, then the XDO should make a note of it. When the add operation is called, the blob content will be transferred directly to the persistent store. In this approach, the XDO class is modified to handle this delayed content read.

Per referencing a URL, during the add operation, the blob content will be retrieved from the web server and transferred directly to the persistent store.

Per using PidString, the URL string will be parsed to extract the PidString and the object type. Based on this information, the proper blob object and its Pid can be created.

The same approaches may be used when importing or exporting collections of DDO's or XDO's.

The XML segments imported into the framework


or exported from the framework


can comprise representations for single-valued data-items, representations for multi-valued data-items, a reference to a single XDO whose value is embedded into the XML document, a reference to a single XDO whose value is in a file, a reference to a single DDO, a reference to a collection of XDO's, a reference to a collection of DDO's, and/or a self reference to the source XML document to be stored as an XDO. Examples of each of these are as follows:

The following is an example of an XML segment with representations for single-valued data-items:

<dataItem dataId=1” dataName=”Author”/>


<dataProperty propertyId=”1” propertyName=”type” propertyValue=


<dataProperty propertyId=”2” propertyName=”nullable”


<dataValue>Dr. Ruth Wildheimer</dataValue>


The following is an example of an XML segment with representations for multi-valued data-items:

<dataItem dataId=”1” dataName=”Authors”/>


<dataProperty propertyId=”1” propertyName=”type”




<dataValue>Dr. Ruth Wildheimer</dataValue>

<dataValue>Ivonna Trump</dataValue>



The following are examples of XML segments with a reference to a single XDO. The value of the XDO can either be embedded inside the XML document or can be in a file. The following is an example of a XML segment with a reference to a single XDO when the value of the XDO is embedded inside the XML segment:

<dataItem dataId=”1” dataName=”Employee_Photo”/>


<dataPropertyId=”1” propertyName=”type” propertyValue=”xdo”/>

<dataProperty propertyId=”2”





<xdoPid dsType=”DL” xdoType=”DKBlobDL”/>

<xdoValue refType=”embed”




<searchEngineInfo searchEngine=”SM” searchIndex=



<smsInfo collection=”CBR.CLLCT001”/>

<!—following is XDO binary content, embedded in

Base64 encoding -->








The following is an example of a XML segment with a reference to a single XDO when the value of the XDO is in a file:

<dataItem dataId=”2” dataName=”Employee_Resume”/>


<dataPropertyId=”1” propertyName=”type” propertyValue=”xdo”/>

<dataProperty propertyId=”2”





<xdoPid dsType=”DL” xdoType=”DKBlobDL”/>

<xdoValue refType=”file”





<searchEngineInfo searchEngine=”SM” searchIndex=



<smsInfo collection=”CBR.CLLCT001”/>





The following is an example of a XML segment with a reference to a single DDO:

<dataItem dataId=”1” dataName=”InvoiceRecord”/>

<dataProperty propertyId=”1” propertyName-”type” propertyValue-


<dataProperty propertyId=”2” propertyName=”nullable”



<ddo entityName=”Invoice”>

<pid .../>

<propertyCount> ...

<property ...>

<dataItem ...>

<!-- ...etc....this structure can be nested -->




The following is an example of a XML segment with a reference to a collection of XDO's:

<dataItem dataId=”3” dataName=”DKParts”/>


<dataProperty propertyID=”1” propertyName=”type”


<dataProperty propertyId=”2” propertyName-“nullable”





<xdoPid dsType-“DL” xdoType-“DKBlobDL” partId-“1”







<searchEngineInfo searchEngine=”SM” searchIndex=



<smsInfo collection=”CBR>CLLCT001”/>

<!—following is XDO binary content,

embedded in Base 64 encoding










<xdoPid dsType=“DL” xdoType=

”DKBlobDL” partId=”1”/>

<xdoValue refType=”file”





<searchEngineInfo searchEngine=”SM” searchIndex=



<smsInfo collection=”CBR>CLLCT001”/>






The following is an example of a XML segment with a reference to a collection of DDO's:

<dataItem dataId=”5” dataName=”DKFolder”/.



propertyId=”1” propertyName=”type”



propertyId=”2” propertyName=”nullable”





<ddo entityName=”DLSAMPLE”>

<pid .../>

<propertyCount> ...

<property ...>

<dataItem ...>

<!...etc....this structure can be nested -->


<ddo entityName=”DLSAMPLE”>

<pid .../>

<propertyCount> ...

<property ...>

<dataItem ...>

<!-- ...etc....this structure can be nested -->





The following is an example of a XML segment with a self reference to the source XML document to be stored as an XDO. This self reference is useful for including the original XML source in the DDO to be constructed during the import process, either as an individual part or as a part in a collection. The preferred embodiment captures the current XML source and sets it as the content of the newly created XDO object:



<xdoPid dsType=”DL” xdoType=”DKBlobDL”/>





<searchEngineInfo searchEngine=”sm” searchIndex=



<smsInfo collection=”CBR.CLLCT001”/>



A method and system for transforming XML documents to and from data objects in an object oriented framework has been disclosed. The present invention provides a transformation bridge connecting the XML world and the object world, allowing conversions from XML documents to data objects and vice versa to be performed seamlessly. It enhances the existing framework with a feature to process XML documents utilizing the existing framework facilities. Application developers can thus exploit the key advantages of XML representation as well as object orientation.

Although the present invention has been described in accordance with the embodiments shown, one of ordinary skill in the art will readily recognize that there could be variations to the embodiments and those variations would be within the spirit and scope of the present invention. Accordingly, many modifications may be made by one of ordinary skill in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for transforming an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document to data objects in an object oriented framework, comprising the steps of:importing the XML document; parsing the XML document; building a document object model (DOM) tree from the parsed XML document, wherein the DOM tree comprises hierarchy information in the XMl document; constructing at least one dynamic data object (DDO) or at least one extended dynamic data object (XDO) based on the DOM tree; and storing the DDO or XDO in a datastore.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the parsing step (b) further comprises:(b1) checking the XML document format based on a document type definition (DTD) file; and (b2) validating a format of the checked XML document.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the constructing step (d) comprises:(d1) extracting values for the DDO or XDO from the DOM tree; (d2) identifying control data in a DTD file; (d3) constructing a DDO data structure in memory; (d4) creating the DDO or the XDO from the extracted data and the control data; and (d5) populating the DDO data structure with the DDO or XDO.
  • 4. The method of claim 3, wherein the control data comprises a format for the DDO or the XDO.
  • 5. The method of claim 3, wherein the creating step (d4) comprises:(d4i) retrieving values embedded in the XML document for the DDO or XDO; and (d4ii) creating the DDO or XDO from the embedded data.
  • 6. The method of claim 3, wherein the creating step (d4) comprises:(d4i) retrieving a data file referenced in the XML document; and (d4ii) creating the XDO from the data file.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the storing step (e) stores the DDO or XDO in persistent store.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, further comprising:retrieving the DDO or XDO from the datastore; building the DOM tree from the retrieved DDO or XDO; and producing the XML document from the DOM tree.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, wherein the building step (g) comprises:(g1) querying a plurality of properties of the retrieved DDO or XDO; and (g2) building the DOM tree based on the plurality of attributes.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the querying step (g1) further comprises:(g1i) generating a data file from a referenced XDO in the plurality of properties.
  • 11. The method of claim 8, wherein the producing step (h) comprises:(h1) producing the XML document from the DOM tree based on an input option for the XML document.
  • 12. The method of claim 11, wherein the input option is to embed values for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 13. The method of claim 11, wherein the input option is to reference a data file for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 14. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a single DDO.
  • 15. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a collection of DDO's.
  • 16. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a single XDO.
  • 17. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a collection of XDO's.
  • 18. A method for transforming an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document from data objects in an object oriented framework, comprising the steps of:retrieving at least one document object model (DDO) or at least one extended dynamic data object (XDO) from a datastore; building a document object model (DOM) tree from the retrieved DDO or XDO, wherein the DOM tree comprises hierarchy information for the XML document; and producing the XML document from the DOM tree.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, wherein the building step (b) comprises:(b1) querying a plurality of properties of the retrieved DDO or XDO; and (b2) building the Dom tree based on the plurality of properties.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, wherein the querying step (b1) further comprises:(b1i) generating a data file from a referenced XDO in the plurality of properties.
  • 21. The method of claim 18, further comprises:(c1) producing the XML document from the DOM tree based on an input option for the XML document.
  • 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the input option is to embed values for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 23. The method of claim 21, wherein the input option is to reference a data file for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 24. The method of claim 18, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a single DDO.
  • 25. The method of claim 18, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a collection of DDO's.
  • 26. The method of claim 18, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a single XDO.
  • 27. The method of claim 18, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a collection of XDO's.
  • 28. A computer readable medium with program instruction for transforming an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document to data objects in an object oriented framework, comprising instructions for:importing the XML document; parsing the XML document; building a document object model (DOM) tree from the parsed XML document, wherein the DOM tree comprises hierarchy information in the XMl document; constructing at least one dynamic data object (DDO) or at least one extended dynamic data object (XDO) based on the DOM tree; and storing the DDO or XDO in a datastore.
  • 29. The medium of claim 28, wherein the parsing instruction (b) further comprises:(b1) checking the XML document format based on a DTD file; and (b2) validating a format of the checked XML document.
  • 30. The medium of claim 28, wherein the constructing instruction (d) comprises:(d1) extracting values for the DDO or XDO from the DOM tree; (d2) identifying control data in a DTD file; (d3) constructing a DDO data structure in memory; (d4) creating the DDO or the XDO from the extracted data and the control data; and (d5) populating the DDO data structure with the DDO or XDO.
  • 31. The medium of claim 30, wherein the control data comprises a format for the DDO or the XDO.
  • 32. The medium of claim 30, wherein the creating instruction (d4) comprises:(d4i) retrieving values embedded in the XML document for the DDO or XDO; and (d4ii) creating the DDO or XDO from the embedded data.
  • 33. The medium of claim 30, wherein the creating instruction (d4) comprises:(d4i) retrieving a data file referenced in the XML document; and (d4ii) creating the XDO from the data file.
  • 34. The medium of claim 28, wherein the storing instruction (e) stores the DDO or XDO in persistent store.
  • 35. The medium of claim 28, further comprising instructions for:retrieving the DDO or XDO from the datastore; building the DOM tree from the retrieved DDO or XDO; and producing the XML document from the DOM tree.
  • 36. The medium of claim 35, wherein the building instruction (g) comprises:(g1) querying a plurality of properties of the retrieved DDO or XDO; and (g2) building the DOM tree based on the plurality of attributes.
  • 37. The medium of claim 36, wherein the querying instruction (g1) further comprises:(g1i) generating a data file from a referenced XDO in the plurality of properties.
  • 38. The medium of claim 35, wherein the producing instruction (h) comprises:(h1) producing the XML document from the DOM tree based on an input option for the XML document.
  • 39. The medium of claim 38, wherein the input option is to embed values for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 40. The medium of claim 38, wherein the input option is to reference a data file for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 41. The medium of claim 28, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a single DDO.
  • 42. The medium of claim 28, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a collection of DDO's.
  • 43. The medium of claim 28, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a single XDO.
  • 44. The medium of claim 28, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a collection of XDO's.
  • 45. A computer readable medium with program instructions for transforming an Fxtensible Markup Language (XML) document from data objects in an object oriented framework, comprising the instructions for:retrieving at least one dynamic data object (DDO) or at least one extended dynamic data object (XDO) from a datastore; building a document object model (DOM) tree from the retrieved DDO or XDO, wherein the DOM tree comprises hierarchy information for the XML document; and producing the XML document from the DOM tree.
  • 46. The medium of claim 45, wherein the building instruction (b) comprises:(b1) querying a plurality of properties of the retrieved DDO or XDO; and (b2) building the Dom tree based on the plurality of properties.
  • 47. The medium of claim 46, wherein the querying instruction (b1) further comprises:(b1i) generating a data file from a referenced XDO in the plurality of properties.
  • 48. The medium of claim 45, wherein the producing instruction comprises:(c1) producing the XML document from the DOM tree based on an input option for the XML document.
  • 49. The medium of claim 48, wherein the input option is to embed values for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 50. The medium of claim 48, wherein the input option is to reference a data file for the XDO in the XML document.
  • 51. The medium of claim 45, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a single DDO.
  • 52. The medium of claim 45, wherein the at least one DDO comprises a collection of DDO's.
  • 53. The medium of claim 45, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a single XDO.
  • 54. The medium of claim 45, wherein the at least one XDO comprises a collection of XDO's.
  • 55. A system, comprising:a class library, the class library comprising: a dynamic data object (DDO) class, the DDO class comprising: a DDO constructor for transforming an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document to data objects in an object oriented framework, wherein the DDO constructor: imports the XML document, parses the XML document, builds a document object model (DOM) tree from the parsed XML document, and constructs at least one dynamic data object (DDO) or at least one extended dynamic data object (XDO) based on the DOM tree; and at least one datastore, wherein the DDO or the XDO is stored in the datastore.
  • 56. The system of claim 55, wherein the DDO class further comprises:a DDO retrieve( ) method for retrieving the DDO or XDO from the datastore; and a toXML( ) method for transforming the DDO or XDO to the XML document, wherein the toXML( ) method: builds the DOM tree from the retrieved DDO or XDO, and produces the XML document from the DOM tree.
  • 57. A system, comprising:at least one datastore, wherein a dynamic data object (DDO) or an extended dynamic data object (XDO) is stored in the datastore; and a class library, the class library comprising: a DDO class, the DDO class comprising: a DDO retrieve( ) method for retrieving the DDO or the XDO from the datastore, and a toXML( ) method for transforming a DDO or an XDO to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document, wherein the toXML( ) method: builds a document object model (DOM) tree from the retrieved DDO or XDO, and produces the XML document from the DOM tree.
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