This Academic Research Facilities Modernization Program (ARFMP) award from the Research Facilities Office provides funds to Beloit College for the renovation and repair of the Chamberlin Science Building which houses that institution's biology research and research training activities. This building was constructed in 1967 and has not had any major renovations since then. The ARFMP grant of $146,000 and $170,020 provided by the grantee as cost sharing will be used to modernize these research and research training facilities. This project will address the need to improve the current research infrastructure by facilitating the conduct of a greater diversity of projects. The renovation can be expected to reduce contamination that currently challenges some research efforts and to allow investigations to proceed with more exacting controls. This award contributes to the infrastructure of science by providing an improved environment for the conduct of research and research training of quality undergraduate students. In this biology program, individual research is dominant and students, alone or together with faculty, are trained primarily through their own independent investigations.