The invention relates to artificial reverberation and ambiance systems that create the illusion of real acoustic spaces, and more specifically to systems for simulating more accurately the natural statistics of a physical reverberation process.
In an acoustic space, the sound travels from the source to the listener via many different paths. The direct path, referred to as the “dry” signal, corresponds to the signal of an anechoic space, an outdoor performance, or a close microphone. The indirect path, referred to as the “wet” signal, bounces off the walls or other surfaces multiple times and appears at the listener delayed, attenuated, and spectrally modified. The process continues with more and more reflections arriving at the listener later and later. Thus, all reverberation processes can be thought of as a rapidly increasing series of reflections or echoes. In audio signal processing, “ambiance” is the general sense of creating an illusion of a space. “Reverberation” is more specifically the decay process once the process has become so complex that only a statistical representation is useful. Ambiance includes reverberation and spatial location of the listener. Since the earliest days of radio broadcasting and recorded music, the need for artificial reverberation and spatial ambiance has been well known. When a microphone is placed close to a performer to avoid picking up background noise, very little of the environmental reflections appear in the signal. Reverberation, created by an artificial system, is added to the microphone signal to recreate the perception of the acoustic space.
Typically, signal processing systems often fail to accurately duplicate natural acoustics for both practical and theoretical reasons. The echo pattern or impulse response is extremely complex and only the early part of the process can be characterized in detail. Impulse response measurement decays into the noise level because the amount of source energy is limited to a fraction of the atmospheric pressure. Averaging cannot be used because of the lack of thermal equilibrium, which causes minor changes in the speed of sound. For the same reason, frequency response measurements never reach a stable steady state. Also, the computational burden on ray tracing algorithms grows exponentially. Moreover, the detailed echo pattern is different for each seat in every space and the physics of a 3-dimensional space is fundamentally different from the 1-dimension properties of signal processing. Along a given axis, the speed of sound varies as a function of the angular orientation, giving a sound wave two extra degrees of freedom. In a signal processing system, signals travel at a fixed rate through all delay lines. Fortunately, the physical complexity of the process does not match the human's ability to perceive minor differences. As a result, there is a large body of research that teaches which attributes are perceptible.
Because of these factors, artificial systems attempt to create the perceptual illusion of a real acoustic space without trying to be physical simulations thereof. Large spaces have been better analyzed in terms of statistics rather than in terms of an explicit impulse response. When an artificial system has similar statistics the illusion is good; when those statistics differ, the illusion is weak. However, the prior art shows a tendency to either use an artistic or purely mathematical approach. There is very little prior work that provides a formalism that can relate the statistical properties of an artificial system to the perceptually relevant properties of acoustic performance spaces.
The current generation of artificial reverberation systems is based on a few digital signal processing primitives including delay lines, multipliers, and adders. From these primitives, more complex elements are created. A comb filter, that is implemented with a delay line having feedback of less than 1, derives its name from the fact that the frequency response is comb shaped. An allpass filter, which is a comb filter combined with a feedforward path, has a flat frequency response, hence the name allpass. An energy transmission network, which is composed of a large delay line, holds and transmits the energy between different parts of the system. These transmission networks are directly analogous to a linear path through cubic sections of air in a real acoustic space, which also hold and transmit acoustic energy. Other elements, such as filters, are added to provide the more subtle attributes such as high frequency absorption of wall surfaces and the air itself.
Historically, reverberation systems were based on one of two basic topologies. One of these topologies uses a multiplicity of comb filters fed in parallel from a series of allpass filters. The other topology uses a single large loop composed of a multiplicity of delays, lowpass filters, and allpass filters. About 15 years ago, these structures were represented as static mixers using a matrix notation. Not only can the matrix notation represent all of the basic reverberation topologies by selecting appropriate numbers, but the notation can also be used to create other topologies as long as the numbers are constrained to a set of mathematical rules. The matrix column vectors should have unity magnitude and each of these vectors should be orthogonal to all the others. Any set of numbers that satisfies these rules is the to be a unitary orthogonal matrix. However, there are an infinity of matrix numbers that satisfies the mathematical rules. The prior art does not teach a selection criterion. Constraining the mixer coefficients to be consistent with these rules is necessary, but not sufficient, to create a high quality reverberation system because the rules ignore additional perceptual issues that are unrelated to the mathematical formalisms. The various necessary perceptual optimizations often conflict with one another; optimizing one, while de-optimizing the other.
Another problem of the prior art is that it is limited to using a relatively small number of energy transmission networks because of their high economic burden. It is essentially impossible to fill these networks uniformly because statistical averaging requires a large number of such elements. In a real acoustic space, the energy density becomes uniform after the reverberation process has continued for a modest amount of time. Artificial systems show a much weaker tendency to produce a uniform energy distribution and, hence, often produce energy periodicity in the reverberation, which is perceptible to the listener.
Because there are different classes of defects in reverberators, it is useful to first consider two extreme classes of sound: broadband pulses and narrow band continuous signals. The former is typical of a pluck on a guitar or a bang of wood blocks, while the latter is typical of a flute, organ and other instruments that have a long steady state. Most music falls between these two cases. In discussing reverberations systems, professional audio engineers will often refer to the system behavior when excited either by an impulse or by a steady state sinewave, representing the two extreme cases. A defective reverberation system will show undesirable properties with one or both of these cases. Typically, an audio engineer first looks for the perceptual smoothness of the reverberation tail as the dominant quality criterion. Secondly, he also looks for spectral coloration in the tail. Does the spectrum of the reverberation have the same spectral content as the original? The untrained listener does not detect these defects explicitly but has the sense that the reverberation is not quite right. Professional sound engineers are, however, very sensitive to even the most minor defects. Experts in the field can catalog dozens of critical cases that form the tool chest for evaluation. The fundamental difficulty in creating the illusion of reverberation derives from the fact that optimizing one set of properties often de-optimizes others.
The prior art has a strong proclivity to describe artificial reverberation systems as being a complex linear and time-invariant filter. The linearity property dictates that scaling the input by a factor will typically scale the output by the same factor. The time-invariant property dictates that shifting the input in time will typically shift the output by the same amount. A similar approach has been rejected when applied to a large acoustic space, such as a concert hall, because it is very misleading and unproductive. It is useful only in the degenerate example of a small and rectangular shaped acoustic space. A concert hall might easily have more than 100,000 resonances and 100,000 discrete echoes. Scientists therefore often use a statistical notation that talks about the frequency response in terms of its average, standard deviation, slope rates, etc. The reverberation decay is described in terms of the spectrum of the amplitude envelope and spectrum of the phase changes. An impulse response can be described in terms of the spectrum of energy variation within a 1 msec. time window. The scientific literature shows that there have been some notable successes in mapping the statistical metrics to the perceptual properties.
In contrast, artificial systems are generally very limited in their complexity. Audio engineers have traditionally not described the reverberation response in terms of statistics but have stayed with the deterministic notion of a linear, time-invariant construct. Some reverberation designers abandon all structured methods and resort to a purely artistic creation process. Because artificial systems are generally built out of less than 20 network modules with only some 50 free parameters, there is no obvious method to incorporate a statistical approach into the design process. There are simply not enough degrees of freedom. Consider, for example, how the resonance density behaves when excited with a narrow band musical note. A large concert hall can easily have a density of well over 10 resonance per Hz, whereas an artificial system might have only 0.3 resonances per Hz. When the density is extremely high, many excited resonances contribute to the response resulting in a random envelope and phase response. With only 2 excited resonances, the envelope will have a characteristic beat tone at a frequency equal to the difference between the two resonances, which sounds very unnatural. This problem has been intuitively understood but has not been extensively studied. Historically, the solution has involved some kind of isolated parameter randomization. For example, a delay can be slowly changed, or a delay output can be panned between random values. All of these methods have limited utility and some negative artifacts. Very few methods work within the main recirculation processing because any artifact, such as needle generation, will also recirculate. The prior art has not solved these problems. The prior art generally ignores the subject of statistical randomization, even though it is critically important.
This invention improves artificial reverberation and ambiance processing systems by providing a mechanism to create the appropriate random envelope and phase statistics in the output signal. The inventive system uses two new building blocks: (1) a notchpass filter as a constituent part of an energy dispersive transmission network and (2) an energy preserving modulation mixer in a recirculation topology, both of which can be used separately, but which reinforce each other when used together. In a typical embodiment, the modulation mixer creates feedback by randomly routing the output energy from a plurality of transmission networks back to their respective inputs. As the energy recirculates, both the networks and the mixer repeatedly change the audio in a statistically desirable way thereby avoiding the more typical structured periodicity and beat tones typical of prior art systems.
The notchpass filter may comprise a delay line with both feedback and feedforward appropriately adjusted to have gain minimums at the same plurality of frequencies as the group delay maximums. The notchpass filter is then combined with a second, longer delay line and an attenuator to form an energy dispersive transmission network. This network has the dual desirable properties of both increasing the echo density for pulse signals and differentially delaying the spectral components for steady A state signals. By appropriate selection of the network parameters, the reverberation time can be made independent of frequency even though the filter's gain, by itself, is not spectrally constant. Having a constant reverberation time may be critical because any spectral component with a longer decay time would remain audible while all other components had decayed. It is desirable for the spectral balance of the reverberation decay to remain constant and to be the same as the input audio to avoid coloration, a situation where a few tones completely dominate. Because most reverberation topologies are based on recirculation, the energy dispersive transmission network will operate repeatedly on the previous signals as they circulate around the feedback loop. On each iteration, the echo density will be dramatically increased and the spectral components will be further spread in time. Perceptually, the constantly changing recirculated signals take on a random quality without any periodicity.
An energy preserving modulation mixer may also be used to create n audio output signals, called an audio output vector, from n audio input signals, called the audio input vector, using a transformation by which each output signal is composed of a changing weighted sum of the input signals. The transformation mapping between the audio input vector and the audio output vector may be continuously changed such that the amount of a given audio input signal that appears in a given audio output signal is not static. The transformation, driven by a set of m randomizer signals, is constrained so that the energy in the audio output vector is typically the same as the energy the audio input vector. The modulation mixer's n audio outputs feeds a set of n energy dispersive transmission networks and their respective n outputs feed the mixer's n audio inputs, thus creating an energy recirculation loop. Because the transformation may be continuously changing, the energy from a given network is distributed differently to each of the other networks on each iteration. The modulation mixer does not increase or decrease the energy in the audio vectors; hence the reverberation time is not influenced by the time varying transformation. The m randomizer signals serve to randomize the interconnections between the plurality of energy dispersive transmission networks rather just randomizing a single parameter. The reverberation response can be made to have natural statistics by the appropriate choice of the m randomizer signals. With a static mixer, the reverberation would have a characteristic beat envelope equal to the difference between neighboring resonances. Such undesirable property is avoided by randomization of the topology, or equivalently by randomizing the resonances, but without changing the energy decay process. Randomly moving resonances emulate the high resonance densities of large acoustic spaces.
Since the invention is based on randomization, the total system energy is the only attribute that remains relevant as the individual signal's phase and amplitude are continuously modified during recirculation. Achieving a linear decay process at the output is equivalent to having the total system energy decay at a logarithmic rate. The energy preserving modulation mixer does not change the total energy in the system but does change the distribution among the plurality of networks. Each energy transmission network reduces the energy at a constant rate but does change its signal's phase and amplitude. Both mechanisms have a random quality to create natural statistics at the final output.
The invention can be better understood with reference to the following drawings and description. The components in the figures are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention. Moreover, in the figures, like reference numerals designate corresponding parts throughout the different views. In the drawing:
This invention provides a system capable of actively creating the required random temporal and spectral statistics of natural reverberation for audio signals, especially speech and music. An impulse and a sinewave are generally used to illustrate the behavior of the invention because they span the complete range of interesting audio cases. The former exists only in short instant of time but has a very broad spectrum; the latter exists for a long time but has a very narrow spectrum. The invention allows for the simultaneous optimization of both the impulse and sinewave response. The prior art puts these two optimizations in conflict. An unstructured high echo density no longer produces spectral coloration and vice versa. These conclusions may apply to a vast number of reverberation topologies and architectures.
Most reverberation systems contain a multiplicity of long delay lines with attenuation, called energy transmission networks. They hold and transmit the acoustic energy. Except for the case of a very long series chain of energy transmission networks, the networks are configured to recirculate energy via one or more feedback paths. In order to achieve a uniform system reverberation time, all energy transmission networks should have the same ratio of attenuation, when expressed in dB, to its matching delay time. System reverberation time, abbreviated RT, is defined as the time to decay 60 dB. A 100 msec. delay line having an attenuation of 3 dB has the same decay rate as a 200 msec. line with 6 dB of attenuation. Both decay at a rate corresponding to a 2 second RT. Since both the delay length and the attenuation are constant, independent of frequency, the resulting ratio is also constant. Thus, all frequencies typically have the same RT.
This invention modifies the standard energy transmission networks to also produce dispersion. Frequency components are each delayed by a different amounts (spectral spreading) and a single impulse is transformed into a plurality of impulses (temporal spreading). Because these energy transmission networks are embedded in a feedback topology, the temporal and spectral dispersion will modify the signal on each iteration. The continuous change achieves the requirement of preventing coherent patterns in the decay process. Typically, a comb filter added to a delay line will create dispersion. However, the comb filter's frequency response has a grossly non-uniform amplitude and group delay shape. An allpass filter could be used instead to create a flat frequency response, but its group delay would still have a comb filter shape. These structures cannot be used, because they will result in an unacceptable comb shaped RT as a function of frequency. These structures produce a high level of spectral coloration. Only a few frequencies dominate with their much longer RT.
To achieve the requirement of a spectrally flat RT while adding dispersion, this invention creates a new structure, called a notchpass filter. It is built from a comb filter with feedforward, but has the added property that its frequency response is the mirror image of its group delay response. The gain is made to have periodic minimums at the same frequencies as the group delay maximums. Because both the gain minimums and delay maximums can be controlled independently, the energy transmission network's RT can be made to be independent of frequency. The notchpass filter in combination with a standard energy transmission network becomes a new building block, an energy dispersive transmission network, that may replace standard energy transmission networks in reverberation topologies.
For example, a notchpass filter may have a 10 msec. delay line that produces group delay peaks at 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. Hz, and group delay minimums at 50, 150, 250, 350, etc. Hz. A typical notchpass filter group delay is shown in
When the energy dispersive transmission networks are used in a reverberation system, each spectral component experiences a different reverberation process because the group delays are different for each musical overtone. Each overtone, being at a different frequency, has its own a unique recirculation pattern. On repeated iterations, each overtone is time shifted relative to the others by the difference in group delays at the overtone frequencies. The phase coherence in the decay is completely removed. Impulse signals have the same property. One each iteration, the signal is dispersed anew by the notchpass filter. Furthermore, the echo density at the output increases dramatically as would happen in a natural process because there are k impulse in the notchpass filter output for each input impulse. On the next iteration, each of those k impulse itself produces k more impulses, etc. Even though there is no active randomization, the invention allows each part of the reverberation to be very different from every other part in both its time and spectral structure. RT is defined as the time for the signal to decay by approximately 60 dB. Thus, it is often determined by extrapolating the decay rate, which is the change in signal per unit time with units of dB per second.
The previous discussion illustrated the invention under the assumption that having a spectrally flat decay rate was ideal. In practice, it is more desirable to have a longer RT at low frequencies than at high frequencies. A modest change in RT duplicates real acoustics because the higher frequencies experience more absorption from air attenuation and surface reflections. The desired RT frequency response generally has a downward slope with, for example, values of 3 seconds at 100 Hz, and 1.5 seconds at 5 kHz being typical. In a standard energy transmission network, a simple filter was added to make the main attenuation have the same kind of gradual increase as a function of frequency. The invention may include a matching compensation filter within the notchpass filter so that the depth of its gain minimums also increase with frequency. System RT now has the desired shape, a gradual decrease with increasing frequency, but without any of the comb shape had the notchpass filter not been modified with a matching compensation filter.
There is a direct analogy between an energy transmission network in an artificial system and a volume of air in a natural acoustic space since they both hold and transmit acoustic energy. Because sound travels in 3-dimensions, the energy in a given volume of air can chaotically move to any of its 6 neighboring regions: above, below, left, right, front, and back. Conceptually, the physical space can be thought of as having thousands of individual cubic energy storage volumes. As the natural reverberation process continues, the energy gets uniformly distributed to all of them.
Many prior art systems have achieved the equivalent complex connection between a large number of energy transmission networks by using a 2 or 3 dimensional mesh topology. Such systems remain laboratory curiosities because of their extremely L high compute cost. Economic limitations generally require that only a few energy transmission networks be used. It is also well known that good quality reverberation 1; may require a resonance density of at least 3 per Hz, implying a total delay in all energy transmission networks of 3 seconds. By having four delay networks of 750 msec. each to incorporate 3 seconds of delay, it would take a very long time for the reverberation process to distribute energy uniformly to such large delay lines.
This invention achieves the equivalent statistics using only a modest number of energy transmission networks with only a modest amount of total delay. The smaller delays allows for rapid filling while the small number of networks satisfies the economic requirements. This invention provides a methodology for time randomization of the topological connections between energy transmission networks. Its is well known that a static mixer based on the unitary orthogonal matrix properties can provide a energy distribution but the statistics only work when there are a large number of energy transmission networks. The invention solves these problems by randomly changing the topological connections represented by the modulation mixer. Without such randomization, and with a limited amount of total delay, the decay envelope will have a very disturbing periodic beat. That frequency of the beat tone will be equal to the difference between neighboring resonances.
The need for randomizing in artificial reverberation systems has been well known but the techniques currently in use are either insufficient or have undesirable properties. Random delay is very difficult to implement in a digital signal processing environment because the interpolation between taps produces a high rapid time amplitude modulation of high frequency signals. Interpolation artifacts limit the use of the changing delays to be mostly outside of the major recirculation loop. This invention provides a new scheme for producing the desired statistics by changing the nature of the recirculation rather than by changing isolated delay values.
A multiplier can be used for two distinct purposes when one of the inputs is an audio signal. The second input can be a fixed number, which produces a linear scaling of the audio signal in the form of an attenuator or amplifier, or the second input can be another time changing signal, which creates a modulation process. While implemented in a similar fashion, they serve fundamentally different functions. An attenuator is not the same as an amplitude modulator. In this invention, each of the fixed constants in a mixer is replaced with a corresponding modulator. That modulator is driven by a process that creates continuously changing coefficients. When the process is correctly designed, the mixer continuously changes the topological connections between the energy transmission networks without producing any artifacts.
In one embodiment of the invention, the n2 fixed coefficient multipliers of the static mixer with are replaced with corresponding modulators each having a second time varying input signal. As a black box, the complete modulation mixer should be considered as having n audio input signals, called the audio input vector, n audio output signals, called the audio output vector, and n2 coefficient modulation input signals, called the coefficient modulation vector. The invention contains an additional network to drive the coefficient modulation vector so that the modulation signals are constrained to satisfy the energy conservation property of the audio output vector. When the energy in the audio output vector is constrained to be the same as the energy in the audio input vector, the modulation mixer can be used in the feedback recirculation topology of a reverberator containing a plurality of energy transmission networks. The modulation signals can be random, pseudo-random, or periodic but within the constraint.
The invention functions to randomize the topology of the recirculation. At different times, each of the energy transmission networks feeds a different amount of its energy to the other networks, including itself. Since these ratios change with time, the connections are thus randomized. At one instant of time, network 1 might feed 20% of its energy to itself, 40% to network 2, 10% to network 3, and 30% to network 4. At another instant of time, network 1 might feed 50% to itself, 5% to network 2, 25% to network 3, and 20% to network 4. As long as the distribution energy sums to a constant, namely 100%, such a structure will produce smooth reverberation decay. A large energy burst in one energy transmission network is relatively quickly distributed to the other networks.
The two parts of the invention are closely related in that the illustrative embodiment contains a modulation mixer, that is energy preserving. The modulation mixer is also combined with one or more energy transmission networks, each of which has a uniform energy decay rate. As a result, the reverberation decays uniformly; it is not degraded by either of the two processes. Neither the modulation process of the mixer nor the dispersion of the energy transmission networks produces spectral coloration of the reverberation time; but they both break up repeating patterns.
An implementation of the reverberation apparatus, as shown in
Notchpass filter 26 comprises a feedback loop around delay 23, multiplier 24 and adder 21. The amount of dispersion and the peak group delay is determined by the value of gP input of multiplier 24. The closer to 1.0, the larger the value. The feedforward path via multiplier 22 with coefficient gZ allows for controlling the gain minimum at those frequencies where the group delay peaks.
where g is the composite gain and T is the composite delay. Given any two parameters, Equation (1) can be used to compute the third. The minimum group delay in the notchpass filter is defined by Equation 2 below
where Tap is the delay line in the notchpass filter and g is the average of gP and gZ, as defined in Equation (7). Similarly, the maximum group delay is defined by
Equations (2) and (3) represent the frequencies where the delay produces an out of phase condition and an in-phase condition, respectively. Notice that on a linear scale, Equation (3) dominates because Tmax rapidly goes to infinity as g approaches 1.0. At the frequency where the group delay is a maximum, the minimum gain is defined by Equation 4 below
where gZ is the gain coefficient for the zeros and gP is the gain coefficient for the poles. Similarly, the maximum gain is defined by Equation 5 below
at a frequency where the group delay is a minimum. When the energy storage network, having a gain of gRT, is combined with the notchpass filter, the composite g is equal to gRT*Gmin and gRT*Gmax for the minimum and maximum, respectively. Similarly the composite delay is TRT+Tmin and TRT+Tmax for the same two cases where TRT is the delay of the energy storage network. Since both the composite gain g and composite delay T are a function of frequency, the values of gP and gZ are selected so that RT is remains constant. Effectively, Equation (1) is solved twice, once at the in-phase frequency and once at the out of phase frequency.
The values of delay 27, delay 23, gain gRT, and g are design choices with a set of reasonable values being 100 msec, 25 msec, 0.7, and 0.5, respectively. The equations are then used to compute the values of gP and gZ. Equations (2) and (3) evaluate directly since all of the independent parameters are given. The differences between gP and gZ is approximately given by Equation (6) below
which can be used to determine gP and gZ when equation (6) is added or subtracted from the definition of g by Equation (7) below
gZ+gP=2*g (7)
A numerically exact solution can be obtained by using any number of mathematical tools such as Mathcad software, commercially available from MathSoft, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. 02142, but Equation (6) is almost perfect because Gmax is both very close to 1 and not very sensitive to changes in the gZ and gP values. An alternative solution method requires the computation to be done twice, initially assuming Gmax, is 1, and then using the actual Gmax based on the previously computed values of gP and gZ. When these values are used in the system of
The same result will be achieved if notchpass filter 26 is replaced with any of the alternative implementations shown in
In the invention, the notchpass filter parameters are adjusted to produce a group delay and amplitude characteristics shown in
The more general case of feedback using the energy dispersive transmission networks is shown in
Applications for the energy dispersive transmission network are shown in
In order to duplicate the gradual decrease in RT with increasing frequency, a very gentle lowpass filter replaces the gRT coefficient of multiplier 28 of
The inventive notchpass filters, regardless of the implementation or topology, can be described using standard signal processing notations in the form of the s-plane representation for continuous-time systems, or, in the form of the z-plane representation for discrete time systems. It is well known that s-plane and z-plane representations are equivalent. It is also well known that a linear, time-invariant filter can be converted to one of these two representations. The notchpass filters described herein can be equivalently described either in terms of the s-plane poles and zeros or in terms of a network diagram. In the s-plane representation, the poles of the notchpass typically appear on a vertical line and are equally spaced along the vertical or imaginary axis. The zeroes are also on a line but, unlike the poles which are in the left half plane, the zeros are in the right half plane. The line of zeroes is typically closer to the vertical axis than the line of poles in order to achieve the periodic comb-like attenuation of the notchpass filter.
When the gRT has been replaced by a filter, and when the notchpass is modified to take this property into account, the poles or the zeros will typically no longer be on a straight line.
While optimum ripple free reverberation time is desirable, economic considerations may allow more ripple. Such would be the case when gRT had been replaced by a filter, but the line of poles and zeros was left straight as shown in
for all angles.
The modulation process comprises modulation multipliers 139A, 139B, 139C, and 139D in mixer 138. The randomization signal which appear at input 134 is created by signal generator 129. Within converter 135 the randomization signal 134 is supplied to trigonometric functions, that given an input value, generate a corresponding function value as the output thereof. Such trigonometric outputs serve as the coefficient vector 137 by which the audio input vector is modulated by the modulation mixer 136. The resulting output audio vector 138 comprises signals 132 and 133. In
The major advantage of the start-stop algorithm is that it avoids a defect when using periodic or random signals as the source of the modulation coefficients. A mixer produces the maximum amount of energy spreading when all of the coefficients have a value of +/−0.5; each energy transmission network feeds 25% of its energy to each network. The mixer produces the least amount of mixing when all of the four diagonal terms are 1.0 and all off-diagonal terms are 0.0. Each network feeds 100% of its energy to itself and none to the others. Because of the randomization, the mixer will occasionally exist in one state and occasionally in the other. A given musical note may be perceived differently in these two extreme cases. The start-stop algorithm solves this problem because the four thresholds all correspond to coefficients with a magnitude of 0.5. Only the running signal is not at one of these thresholds.
The nature of the phase randomization signals is critical to the operation of the invention. If they are changing too slowly, there will be no perceived randomization of the reverberation topology. If they are changing too rapidly, there will undesirable modulation artifacts introduced, i.e. new spectral side-bands are created. The higher the modulation frequency, the more spectral spreading. The amplitude and phase of natural reverberation also has also has spectrum spreading. The randomization signals should be selected to match the spreading that would appear in natural reverberation, which is a function of the RT. For typical reverberation times, the spreading corresponds to a spectrum between 0.3 to 3 Hz. Hence, the randomizer should be adjusted to produce a similar amount of spectral spreading. Phase randomization signals may generally be in the range from 0.3 to 3.0 Hz, to make the reverberation tail have an unstructured and non-periodic personality.
Any of the signal processing circuits and, including the inventive notchpass filter, energy dispersive transmission networks, and modulation mixer shown in
An application will often have additional processing components inserted at various point, e.g. there may be components of the energy dispersive transmission network inter-mingled with other functional blocks. In some cases, the functionality is implicit. For example, the main attenuation can be embedded within the notchpass filter without being explicitly represented. These variations do not change the basic invention but are designers implementation preferences.
The actual parameters in the embodiment are a few strong function of the application. Is the system to simulate a symphony hall, a bathroom, a train station, a small chamber or an opera hall? Is the listener sitting close to the stage or in the 3rd balcony? Is the music classical, popular or hard rock? The number of questions is so large, and each of the answers determines the optimum settings for the network parameters. Furthermore, economic considerations determine the amount of signal processing that can be used. The design shown in
In the preferred embodiment, additional optimization can be performed to achieve better performance. Smoothness in the reverberation decay can be improved if the energy in each 1 msec. interval is essentially the same as the neighboring intervals. To use this approach, the proposed design is simulated in a computer with starting values for all parameters. An impulse is entered into the input and the complete output is analyzed as a sequence of 1 msec. windows. This represents the average energy or amplitude in the output envelop. A metric such as the peak variation in envelop or the power in the envelop is applied to the output to create a figure of merit. The process is repeated a large number of times with each iteration using slightly different design parameters. This is known as a Monte Carlo simulation.
A simple example illustrates the process. Consider having 4 parameters that need to be optimized and that each parameter can have 3 values. The middle value is the starting reference and each of the other values represents an incremental increase or decrease in that value, for example, 1% change. Since each of the 4 parameters can each have one of three possible values, there are a total of 34, or 81 cases. After the figure of merit has been computed for each, the optimum is selected as the new starting reference and the process repeats. One of those 81 cases will be more optimum than all the others. Because computers are so inexpensive, a very large system can be so optimized by long computer runs. There are many other equivalent numerical techniques that can be used. The exact technique for finding the optimum is not important. It is important that the reverberation decay have minimum energy variations in the envelop over a 1 msec. averaging window. The size of the window is not critical since it is only an approximation to human hearing.
A software implementation of the above-described embodiments may comprise a series of computer instructions either fixed on a tangible medium, such as a computer readable media, e.g. diskette, CD-ROM, ROM, or fixed disk, or transmittable to a computer system, via a modem or other interface device, such as communications adapter connected to the network over a medium. Such medium can be either a tangible medium, including but not limited to optical or analog communications lines, or may be implemented with wireless techniques, including but not limited to microwave, infrared or other transmission techniques. The series of computer instructions embodies all or part of the functionality previously described herein with respect to the invention. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that such computer instructions can be written in a number of programming languages for use with many computer architectures or operating systems. Further, such instructions may be stored using any memory technology, present or future, including, but not limited to, semiconductor, magnetic, optical or other memory devices, or transmitted using any communications technology, present or future, including but not limited to optical, infrared, microwave, or other transmission technologies. It is contemplated that such a computer program product may be distributed as a removable media with accompanying printed or electronic documentation, e.g., shrink wrapped software, preloaded with a computer system, e.g., on system ROM or fixed disk, or distributed from a server or electronic bulletin board over a network, e.g., the Internet or World Wide Web.
Although various exemplary embodiments of the invention have been disclosed, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made which will achieve some of the advantages of the invention without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. It will be obvious to those reasonably skilled in the art that other components performing the same functions may be suitably substituted. Further, the methods of the invention may be achieved in either all software implementations, using the appropriate processor instructions, or in hybrid implementations that utilize a combination of hardware logic and software logic to achieve the same results. Such modifications to the inventive concept are intended to be covered by the appended claims.
This application claims priority to U.S. provisional application No. 60/226,844, entitled “Artificial Ambiance Processing System, by Barry A. Blesser, filed Aug. 22, 2000.
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5491754 | Jot et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5555306 | Gerzon | Sep 1996 | A |
5614686 | Van Duyne et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5621801 | Kunimoto et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5633993 | Redmann et al. | May 1997 | A |
5729613 | Poletti | Mar 1998 | A |
5812674 | Jot et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5857026 | Scheiber | Jan 1999 | A |
5896291 | Hewitt et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5943427 | Massie et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946400 | Matsuo | Aug 1999 | A |
6078669 | Maher | Jun 2000 | A |
6188769 | Jot et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6665409 | Rao | Dec 2003 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
60226844 | Aug 2000 | US |