The invention allows various embodiments. In order to fuirther illustrate their basic principle, one of them is shown in the dranving and is described below. The following is shown:
FIG. 1 an artificial joint in a frontal section,
FIG. 2 the artificial joint of FIG. 1 in a sagittal section; and
FIG. 3 the artificial joinit shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 in a cutaway top view.
The fundamental stiicture of an artificial joint 1 accordinpg to the inivention, especially one that is intended to replace a hu-man hiip joint. is described with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2, where a cutaway depiction shows the joint 1 in a plane running parallel to the front as well as in a sagittal plane perpendicular thereto. The joinit 1 has a spherical condyle 2 and a joint soclket 3, consisting of a socket part 3a and an inlay 3b, whose associated finctional surfaces 4, 5 are functionally interlinlced. The cross section of the inlay 3b of thejoint socket 3 has concave section contours. whereby the orbital radii 6, 7 of the fuinctional surface 5 of the inlay 3b differ from each other in a main functional plane relative to the secondary furctional plane that is rotated by 90° with respect to the tmain functional plane. Therefore, tlhis configuration of the orbital radii 6, 7 of the functional surface 5 allows a deflection movement by means of which an acting external force F does not cause damage to the connection betweenl the joint socket 3 and la bone (not shown here).
FIG. 3 shows the antificial joint 1 depicted in FIGS. 1 and 2 additionally in a cutaway top view as well as in an enlarged detail view of the joint socket 3 with the socket part 3a and the inlay 3b as well as the condyle 2 includding the: fmcntional surfaces 4, 5. The diarneter DF of the functional surface 5 of the joint socket 3 in thie frontal plane is approxii-iiately 2 mm greater than the diameter DS in the sagittal plane, thus yielding the additional degree of freedom. In order for the orbital radii 6, 7 determined by the different diameters DF, DS of the ftinctioonal surface 5 in the main functional plane and in the secondary functional plane to be optinally aligned with the frontal plane as well as with the sagittal plane of the patient, the functional surface 5 can be affixed in different positions relative to the socket part 3a. This is done, for example, by locking stages 8 formed by teeth located between the socket pant 3a of the joint socket 3 and the inlay 3b with the functional surface 5, which allows a fixation of the relative position in 1° increments.