This invention relates generally to wireless communications and networks, and more particularly to cooperative networks where multiple access points (APs) transmit the same message to an end user device using the same time and frequency resources and wherein the APs obtain the message via a set of unreliable backhaul links.
Driven by the sheer popularity of mobile devices, data-intensive applications, and emerging paradigms such as the Internet of Things (IOT), traffic volume is predicted grow exponentially. To keep pace with the growing traffic demands, wireless network are expected become more dense and heterogeneous in the future.
With such massive access point (AP) deployments, the backhaul links connecting the APs to the network backbone, or “cloud,” are also expected to become denser. However, given the excessive costs associated for a highly-reliable wired backhaul, future backhaul links will most likely be wireless and thus inherently unreliable. Moreover, this network densification will also make backhaul deployment more challenging due to topology and access issues. This suggests that the future backhaul infrastructure would mostly comprise non-line-of-sight (non-LOS) links. This marks a departure from conventional wireless networks, which have traditionally been assumed to have highly reliable, e.g., by optical fiber or LOS wireless backhaul links.
For the above, see generally Andrews et al., “What will 5G be?” IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 32, pp. 1065-1082, June 2014, Andrews, “Seven ways that HetNets are a cellular paradigm shift,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 51, pp. 136-144, March 2013, Tipmongkolsilp et al., “The evolution of cellular backhaul technologies: Current issues and future trends,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tutorials, vol. 13, pp. 97-113, 2011, and Coldrey et al., “Small-cell wireless backhauling: A non-line-of-sight approach for point-to-point microwave links,” Proc. IEEE Veh. Tech. Conf., Canada, September 2012.
This paradigm shift in wireless network architecture has spurred significant interest in the design and analysis of wireless networks with unreliable backhaul links. The impact of finite capacity backhaul on network performance and optimal compression schemes is described by Simeone et al., “Robust communication via decentralized processing with unreliable backhaul links,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 57, pp. 4187-4201, July 2011, and references therein. There, the assignments are fixed assignment, and the unreliable nature of the backhaul link is dealt with using compression of the message.
Another line of work considers cooperative wireless network with heterogeneous backhaul, see Pantisano et al., “On the impact of heterogeneous backhauls on coordinated multipoint transmission in femtocell networks,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., June 2012. There, a game-theoretic approach is used to study the impact of a heterogeneous backhaul on the downlink performance of a cooperative femtocell network.
In related work, the downlink of a coordinated multi-point network is considered to study the impact of unreliable backhaul on network performance, see Z. Mayer, J. Li, A. Papadogiannis, and T. Svensson, “On the impact of backhaul channel reliability on cooperative wireless networks,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. It was shown that unreliable backhaul could severely limit the performance gains promised by cooperation.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,748,212 describes a method to monitor the effect of adjacent and co-channel interference on a single backhaul link.
U.S. Publication describes a method for assigning a backhaul site to an access point via a beam steering approach where the AP has multiple antennas. There, a selection among multiple possible backhaul sites, based on the loading of each particular backhaul site, is conducted.
WO 2014093050 Patent describes a method for optimizing backhaul transport based on user data priority. When a highly reliable backhaul link becomes congested some of the low priority data can be switched onto a backhaul link with lower priority.
As described above, in modern wireless networks, it is not uncommon to encounter cooperative networks where a group of multiple wireless nodes (or APs) transmit a message to an end user (receiver or client) using the same time-frequency resources. A control unit (CU) is connected to each AP via unreliable backhaul links. The backhaul links are independent and can have different reliabilities. The CU needs to schedule the backhaul resources to communicate with each AP in order to maximize the overall communication reliability from the CU to the end user.
A control unit (CU) simultaneously communicates with a set of K access points (APs) using K independent backhaul links, which can be unreliable. The backhaul links are used to provide a message, to the APs. Then, the message is transmitted simultaneously from the APs to an end user.
Logic in the control unit (CU)) needs to assign the backhaul links to the APs such that the network performance is reliable even though the CU may not have an instantaneous knowledge about the wireless channels from the APs to the end user. The CU can have information about the long-term reliability of each backhaul link and also knows the distance between each AP and the end user.
The embodiments of the invention provide an analytical model of a cooperative wireless network with a backhaul that allows for direct computation of optimal assignment of backhaul links and resources to APs. Thus, given a network where only statistical knowledge of the backhaul link reliability and end user location information is used, backhaul assignments can be rapidly determined and applied to the network.
Cooperative Wireless Network
In the example network, there are K=3 APs and one end user. There are K=3 backhaul links 102 that can be assigned to the three APs. This leads to a problem of determining the best backhaul assignment from K!, i.e., 6, possible assignments.
Method for Assigning Based on Probability of Successful Reception
Generally, the parameters βi, xi, r can be measured, predetermined or estimated by the CU, or obtained from elsewhere in the network, e.g., from the APs and end user in feedback information.
The parameters are used by an assignment computation block 204 in the CU to determine probabilities, according to an analytical expression, of successful reception of the message by the end user. Each of the possible backhaul assignments can be evaluated in this manner. Then, the assignments 205 can be made according to the probabilities, e.g., in a high to low probability order.
The method can be implemented in a microprocessor, field programmable gate array (FPGA), digital signal processor (DSP), or custom logic.
Method for Assigning Based on Equal Power Transmission
For example, β(1)=max({βi}i=1K), and β(K)=min({βi}i=1K). The CU sorts 211 the distances {xi}i=1K associated with each AP in an ascending order. The notation is used to represent the ith smallest distance. Thus,
=min({xi}i=1K) and
=max({xi}i=1K). The arrows 215 show the assignment that is produced by using the most reliable backhaul link to transmit the message to the AP nearest the end user, the second most reliable backhaul link to transmit the message the second nearest, so on. In other words, assigning the backhaul links is in the descending order of the distances and the ascending order of the distances.
Backhaul Reliabilities
We define βi, (i=1, 2, . . . , k) as the backhaul reliability for each of the K links. Additionally, for the time being, we consider that the ith backhaul link is used to transmit the message to the ith AP 101. Thus, the ith AP successfully decodes the message transmitted over the backhaul link with probability A. The message is erased (not decoded) with probability 1-βi due to an unreliable backhaul link. We assume the erasures to be independent across messages. Therefore, we model the probabilities using a Bernoulli distribution Bern(βi). The model can also include operating conditions contributing to a link failure, e.g., incorporate network congestion, delay, hardware imperfections, etc., by defining βi to be a function of these parameters.
We define {xi}1K to be the distances between the APs and the end user. We assume that the transmitter-receiver links undergo independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) block flat Rayleigh fading with coefficients {Hi}i=1K such that the corresponding channel power gains {Hi}i=1K are exponential with unit means, where Hi=|hi2|). Assuming that each AP has perfect channel knowledge, the ith AP uses linear beamforming with coefficient
to transmit information symbol s in the message 115, where s is drawn from a normalized constellation, i.e., E[s]=0 and E[|s|2]=1). If AP i transmits with power Pi, then the signal received at the receiver at time t is
y(t)=Σi=1K√{square root over (i(t)Pixi−η)}hiνi(t)s(t)+n(t),
where an indicator function i(t) is used to model the unreliability of backhaul links such that Pr{
i(t)=1}=βi and Pr{
i(t)=0}=1−βi. The noise n(t) is assumed to be zero-mean complex Gaussian with variance σ2. Omitting the time index t for simplicity, the instantaneous signal-to noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver is
where Hi=|hi|2 and
In the above, γ denotes a lower bound on the instantaneous received SNR. Herein, we describe how this lower bound can be evaluated and used to characterize the performance at the receiver for given backhaul link assignments. Given that this bound is tight, we can develop a method to assign backhaul links to APs so that performance objectives, e.g., the probability of successful reception can be fulfilled.
At the end user, we define the probability of successful reception ps as a function of the number of APs K, transmit SNR,
and an outage threshold θ as
We define Ĥi=ρi|hi|2xi−η, and note that the summation in the above expression can be written as Σi=1LiĤi. This expression is a sum of independent but non-identically distributed Bernoulli-weighted exponential random variables i.e., Ĥi˜exp(ρi−1xiη).
We now derive a generalized closed-form expression for the distribution of a sum of Bernoulli-weighted exponentials and then use the sum to characterize the SNR distribution at the receiver.
Consider a sum of K independent Bernoulli-weighted exponential random variables ({εi}i=1K}), such that SK=Σi=1Kεi with εi=ziGi. Here zi is a Bernoulli variable distributed with parameter pi≡1−qi, that is zi˜Bern(pi), and each zi is assumed to be independent across i. Independently of the zi's, we define {Gi}i=1K to be independent exponential random variables with distinct means such that Gi˜exp (λi), λi εΛ and Λ={λ1, . . . , λK}. For ease of this description, we define
and Q=Πi=1Kqi, Then, the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) FS
where the operator Σ+[•] returns the sum of the elements of the set.
The notation
is defined to be the set of all products of the elements of Λ taken K−i at a time. There for the set
has cardinality
If we consider K=3 exponential random variables with parameters Λ={λ1, λ2, λ3}, then we have
With the above definitions, we can now express the probability of successful reception for the network of
We define ={ρ1−1x1η, . . . , ρK−1xKη},
and as a set of parameters that provide the expected received SNRs assuming that each of the APs transmitted the message. Likewise, the set
can be thought of as the same set of SNRs, however, this time normalized by the failure probability of the particular backhaul link that is used by the CU to transmit the message to the access point. For the set
defined as
we assume that the 1st backhaul link (with success parameter β1) is assigned to the 1st AP and so on, with the Kth backhaul link assigned to the Kth AP. This is the case that is shown in
We can now use the formula derived for the CCDF of the sum of Bernoulli weighted random variables derived above to express the outage probability of the network in
Thus, we have a closed-form expression that takes the backhaul reliabilities and distances as input, and outputs that the probability of successfully reception of the message 115 by the end user.
Of course, a particular assignment of backhaul links impacts the overall probability of successful reception. Of particular interest is the assignment that provides the greatest reliability. The equation for the success probability can be used by the CU to determine this optimal assignment. Essentially, the CU is provided with a set of K backhaul link reliability measures βi's, and estimates of the distances xi's between the APs and the end users. For the case when each of the APs uses the same transmit power, Pi=P for all i. The rule is to simply assign the backhaul links in descending order of reliability starting with the nearest node. Thus backhaul link with the largest success probability, max({βi}i=1K), is assigned to the AP that is nearest to the end user, i.e., min ({xi}i=1K). Subsequent assignments are carried out in a similar fashion for the remaining backhaul links.
In general, there are K! ways to assign the K backhaul links to the AP. In the case of equal transmit powers and known or estimated AP-end user distances, the optimal assignment is as above.
We now described other embodiments of assignment methods based on relaxed assumptions about the transmit powers, wireless parameters and end user.
Assignment Computation
We further describe the operation of the assignment computation 204. In one embodiment, the computation essentially performs a search of possible backhaul assignments such that the performance of the network is optimized. Let us consider a general case where there are a set of K access points labeled 1, 2, . . . , K, and a consider again the set of backhaul link reliabilities {βi}i=1K={β1, β2, . . . , βK} also indexed from 1, 2, . . . , K.
We can also consider any permutation of the backhaul reliabilities π({βi}i=1K)={β{1}, β{2}, . . . β{K}}, where π(•) denotes a permutation operator, which reorders the set {βi}i=1K. For ease of notation, we define the permuted set of backhaul reliabilities as βπ=π({βi}i=1K)={β{1}, β{2}, . . . β{K}}. Using the permuted set βπ, we can define another backhaul assignment where the backhaul link β{1} is assigned to AP 1, and β{2} is assigned to AP 2 and so on.
As described above, there are K! unique permutations of the set {βi}i=1K and therefore there are K! unique assignments that can be considered. We now consider the probability of success for the permuted assignment. To do so, we define
We can write an expression for the probability of success based on equation (1) as
where we use the notation ps(K, {ρi}i=1K, θ; π) to indicate that the success probability is for the assignment defined by the permutation π( ). We note that the only difference between equation (1) and equation (2) is the use of the set .
As shown in
The CU generates 310 the set of permuted probabilities, and assumes an assignment according the set , The CU evaluates 320 the success probability according to equation 2. To obtain ps(K, {ρi}i=1K, θ; π*), where π* denotes the permutation that has the best success probability that has been obtain so far. Then, the CU generates another permutation of the backhaul reliabilities and the associated set
, and again evaluates the success probability.
If 330 the success probability of the newly generated permutation is greater than ps(K, {ρi}i=1K, θ; π*), then the CU replaces 340 π* with π. The process continues until all K! permutations have been evaluated. It is expected that the number of APs in a set will become large as the density of APs in a network is limited by cost and installation expenses values of K, up to 6, are reasonable and thus the number of permutations that need to be tested remains below 720 (6!).
The CU can reduce the number of permutations evaluated when it is unnecessary to determine the optimum assignment, but an assignment that meets a target success probability, e.g., based on the user reliability requirement r. In this case, as soon as a permutation that produces a success probability, which that is greater than the target success probability r, the CU can use this assignment.
Transmit Power Reduction
An alternative embodiment minimizes the transmit powers of the APs. Minimizing the powers is of interest because the example network is typically part of a larger network serving multiple end users via other sets of APs. Thus, minimizing the transmit powers of the AP also reduces the interference at other end users. We assume that a suitable permutation and assignment of the set , has initially been determined. By suitable, we mean an assignment that achieves the desired probability of success meeting the end user reliability requirements. Recall that the APs use transmit powers, {Pi}i=1K. The CU can perform further analysis to consider the effect of reducing the transmit powers.
Specifically, for the AP that is nearest to the end user and using power PC, the CU can determine the effect of reducing the transmit power by incremental amount Δ, i.e., using power PC−Δ. This transmit power can be used in the evaluation of the success probability and when the required probability of success is still achieved, the CU can continue to reduce the power in steps of Δ. After a suitable power has been determined, the CU can attempt to reduce the power of the remaining AP in order of the distance to the end user. The CU can inform each AP, via some control message, as to the suggested transmit power levels that should be applied.
Although the invention has been described by way of examples of preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that various other adaptations and modifications may be made within the spirit and scope of the invention. Therefore, it is the object of the appended claims to cover all such variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.
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