Bartek, Richard J. and Booker, Iris J., "Selection of a Robust Set of Signature Features for a Multi-Sensor Perimeter Intrusion Detection System", Proceedings of the 1986 Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, May 1986. |
Hunt, A.R. et al., "Development of a Distributed, Adaptive, Intrusion Detection System: Hardware and Software Operation", Proceedings of the 1983 Carnahan Conference on Crime Counter-measures and Security, May 1983. |
Sanders, Ann H. et al., "A Data Acquisition System for Physical Security" Proceedings of the 1986 Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, May 1986. |
Hunt, A.R. and Kline, F.J., "Development of a Distributed, Adaptive, Intrusion Detection System; Field Test Results", Proceedings of the 1984 Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, May 1984. |
Lapman, Gary B. and Carrig, James E., "Archiving and Retraining Tradeoffs for a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System", Second Annual Joint Government-Industry Symposium on Security Technology, American Defense Preparedness Association Jun. 1986. |
Sanders, Ann H., "Laboratory and Field Test Results for a Multi-Node Intrusion Tetection System", 1986 ADPA Symposium on Security Technology, Jun. 1986. |
Bartek, Richard J., and Tanner, Melissa Bartholomew, "Multi-Sensor Signal Processing Architecture for a Perimenter Intrusion Detection System", Proceedings of the 1986 Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, May 1986. |
Hunt, A.R., "Performance simulation of a Local Area Network For Real Tiem, Distributed Data Processing", Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, Mar. 1983. |
Sanders, Ann H. and Bartek, Richard J., "Final Testing of a Multi-Sensor Perimeter Intrusion Detection System", Proceedings of the 1986 Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, May 1986. |
Kline, F.S. et al., "Development of a Distributed, Adaptive, Intrusion Detection System: Algorithm Operation Performance Countermeasures and Security", May 1983. |