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Applying Formal Specification and Functional Testing to Graphical User Interfaces Yip & Robson, 1991, pp. 557-561, Proc. Adv. Comp. Tech. Reliable Sys. & Applications. 5th An Ev 91'. |
Validation of Motif GUI Widbet Set. Steve Sydorowicz, 1991, pp. 102-103 Proc. 24th Annual Hawaii International Conf. on Sys. Sciences. |
Distributed Debugging & Tumult. Scholten & Jansen, 1990, pp. 172-176, Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Comp. Sys. |
Experience in Testing the Motif Interface, Su & Ritter, Date Mar. 1991, pp. 26-33 IEEE Software, vol. 8, Iss 2. |
Full-Screen Testing of Interactive Applications, Maurer, 1983, pp. 246-261, IBM Systems Journal. |
D. A. Morton, Microsoft Systems Journal, Nov. 1992. |
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