An operating system for an automated vehicle equipped with limited field-of-view sensors is provided. The system includes an object-detector and a controller. The object-detector detects objects proximate to a host-vehicle. A field-of-view of the object-detector is characterized by a preferred-portion of the field-of-view, where the preferred-portion is characterized as preferred for using the object-detector. The controller is in communication with the object-detector. The controller steers the host-vehicle to align the preferred-portion with a detected-object. The system optionally includes an intersecting-road-indicator that indicates an intersecting-road connected to an intersection approached by the host-vehicle, and the controller is in communication with the intersecting-road-indicator. The controller designates an intersecting-road as the detected-object, and steers the host-vehicle to align the preferred-portion of the object-detector with the intersecting-road when the host-vehicle approaches the intersection.

This disclosure generally relates to an operating system for an automated vehicle equipped with limited field-of-view sensors, and more particularly relates to a system that steers a host-vehicle to align a preferred-portion of a field-of-view of an object-detector with a detected-object.


It is known to equip an automated vehicle with an object-detector to detect objects proximate to the automated vehicle. However, most examples of object-detectors (e.g. camera, radar, or lidar) are not omnidirectional, but have a preferred direction of use and are fixedly attached to a host-vehicle. As a result, the range and/or sensitivity of object detection may be better in some directions based on the mounting orientation of the object detector with respect to the automated vehicle. For example, a side-view radar may be better able to detect objects located at +/−90° of angle relative to the forward-direction of travel of the host-vehicle, when compared to other-directions, e.g. +/−45° of angle relative to the forward-direction of travel of the host-vehicle.


In accordance with one embodiment, an operating system for an automated vehicle equipped with limited field-of-view sensors is provided. The system includes an object-detector and a controller. The object-detector detects objects proximate to a host-vehicle. A field-of-view of the object-detector is characterized by a preferred-portion of the field-of-view, where the preferred-portion is characterized as preferred for using the object-detector. The controller is in communication with the object-detector. The controller steers the host-vehicle to align the preferred-portion with a detected-object.

In another embodiment, the system includes an intersecting-road-indicator that indicates an intersecting-road connected to an intersection approached by the host-vehicle. The controller is in communication with the intersecting-road-indicator. The controller designates an intersecting-road as the detected-object, and steers the host-vehicle to align the preferred-portion of the object-detector with the intersecting-road when the host-vehicle approaches the intersection.

Further features and advantages will appear more clearly on a reading of the following detailed description of the preferred embodiment, which is given by way of non-limiting example only and with reference to the accompanying drawings.


The present invention will now be described, by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 is operating system for an automated vehicle in accordance with one embodiment; and

FIG. 2 is a traffic-scenario encountered by the system of FIG. 1 in accordance with one embodiment.


FIG. 1 illustrates a non-limiting example of an operating system 10, hereafter referred to as the system 10, which is suitable for use on an automated vehicle, e.g. host-vehicle 12. As will become apparent in the description that follows, the system 10 overcomes the aforementioned problem of detecting objects when the host-vehicle 12 is equipped with limited field-of-view sensors, e.g. an object-detector 20 such as a radar 20A, a lidar 20B, a camera 20C, or any combination thereof. The aforementioned problem is generally due to the object-detector 20 being fixedly attached to the host-vehicle 12. That is, no means is provided to change the base direction or boresight of the field-of-view 18 of the object-detector 20 with respect to a forward-direction 22 (FIG. 2) of travel of the host-vehicle 12.

It is recognized that the problem could be overcome by attaching the object-detector 20 to the host-vehicle 12 with an adjustable aiming means that could vary the orientation of the object-detector 20 with respect to the host-vehicle 12. However, this solution adds undesirable expense and complication with regard to operating the aiming means and keeping track of the aiming direction of the sensor being aimed. The system 10 described herein overcomes the aforementioned problem by steering the host-vehicle 12 so the object-detector 20 is better aimed at an object 24 being identified tracked, classified, or otherwise detected.

As used herein, the term automated vehicle may apply to instances when the host-vehicle 12 is being operated in an automated-mode 14, i.e. a fully autonomous mode, where a human-operator (not shown) of the host-vehicle 12 may do little more than designate a destination in order to operate the host-vehicle 12. However, full automation is not a requirement. It is contemplated that the teachings presented herein are useful when the host-vehicle 12 is operated in a manual-mode 16 where the degree or level of automation may be little more than providing an audible or visual warning to the human-operator who is generally in control of the steering, accelerator, and brakes of the host-vehicle 12. For example, the system 10 may merely assist the human-operator in certain circumstances to steer the host-vehicle 12 to better aim the object-detector 20 at the object 24. The object-detector 20 is generally configured to detect objects such as, but not limited to, an other vehicle 26, an intersection 28 being approached by the host-vehicle 12 and/or an intersecting-road 30 that intersects with a travel-road 32 (FIG. 2) presently traveled by or proximate to the host-vehicle 12.

FIG. 2 illustrates a non-limiting example of a traffic-scenario 34 that the host-vehicle 12, equipped with the system 10 described herein, may encounter. The host-vehicle 12 is illustrated as having followed a travel-path 36 along the travel-road as the host-vehicle 12 approached the intersection 28. The reason for the swerve-maneuver 48 in the travel-path 36 just prior to reaching the intersection 28 will be described later. In this non-limiting example the field-of-view 18 is the area between arrow 18A and arrow 18B, and is generally centered about a boresight 38 of the object-detector 20. The field-of-view 18 of the object-detector 20 is characterized by or defines a preferred-portion 40 of the field-of-view 18 that in this example is an area defined or bounded between arrow 40A and arrow 40B. As used herein, the preferred-portion 40 is an area that is narrower than, and entirely within, the extents of the field-of-view 18. In other words, the preferred-portion 40 is a subset of the field-of-view 18. Furthermore, the preferred-portion 40 is characterized as preferred for using the object-detector 20 to identify, track, monitor, classify, or otherwise detect an instance of the object 24, which could be, but is not limited to, the intersection 28, the intersecting-road 30, and/or the other-vehicle 26. The preferred-portion 40 may be selected based on some performance characteristic such as, but not limited to, sensitivity, resolution, and/or detection range being better within the preferred-portion 40 when compared to the area within the field-of-view 18 but outside of the preferred-portion 40.

Continuing to refer to FIGS. 1 and 2, the system 10 includes a controller 42 in communication with the object-detector 20. The controller 42 may include a processor (not specifically shown) such as a microprocessor or other control circuitry such as analog and/or digital control circuitry including an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for processing data as should be evident to those in the art. The controller 42 may include memory (not specifically shown), including non-volatile memory, such as electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) for storing one or more routines, thresholds, and captured data. The one or more routines may be executed by the processor to perform steps for determining a presence of and/or distance/direction to the object 24 based on signals received by the controller 42 from the object-detector 20 as described herein. The controller 42 may be configured to operate (e.g. steer, accelerate, brake) the host-vehicle 12 by way of vehicle-controls 44. Those in the automated vehicle arts will recognize that there are many known ways for the controller 42 to be configured or adapted to operate the host-vehicle 12 via the vehicle-controls 44, so the details of that arrangement will not be discussed in this document.

However, it is pointed out that the controller 42 is configured or adapted to steer the host-vehicle 12 to align the preferred-portion 40 with a detected-object 46, e.g. a particular instance of the object 24 such as the intersection 28, the intersecting-road 30, and/or the other-vehicle 26. As shown in FIG. 2, the travel-road 32 and the intersecting-road 30 intersect at an angle other than the typical right-angle of many or most intersections. However, because of the intersection-angle 52 in this example, the preferred-portion 40 of the object-detector 20 may not be well aimed toward where an approaching-vehicle (e.g. the other-vehicle) on the intersecting-road 30 may be located if the host-vehicle 12 merely stops with the forward-direction 22 oriented parallel to the travel-road 32 (being parallel is not what is shown in FIG. 2). Accordingly, the controller 42 may be advantageously configured to steer the host-vehicle 12 to align the preferred-portion 40 with the detected-object 46, e.g. a particular instance of the intersection 28, the intersecting-road 30, and/or the other-vehicle 26. As suggested above, depending on the configuration of the intersection 28, the steering of the host-vehicle 12 to align the preferred-portion 40 with the detected-object 46 may include a swerve-maneuver 48 to better situate the orientation of the host-vehicle 12 at the intersection 28 to align the preferred-portion 40 of the object-detector 20 with the detected-object 46.

By way of example and not limitation, the object-detector 20 may consist only of, or may include along with other devices, the camera 20C. The camera 20C may be operable to a wide-view-mode 50A (which may include operating at a relatively high-resolution) that views all or the entirety of the field-of-view 18, and a telescope-mode 50B (which may include operating at a relatively low-resolution due to viewing a specified or limited region of interest) that views only the preferred-portion 40 of the field-of-view 18. The controller 42 may operate the camera 20C in the wide-view-mode 50A until the object 24 is detected (which then becomes or is designated by the system 10 as the detected-object 46), and then steer the host-vehicle 12 (if/when possible) so the object 24 (i.e. the detected-object 46) is within the preferred-portion 40 before switching to the telescope-mode 50B. For example, if the detected-object 46 is the intersecting-road 30 connected to the intersection 28 approached by the host-vehicle 12, and the controller 42 steers the host-vehicle 12 to align the preferred-portion 40 of the camera 20C with the intersecting-road 30, then the camera 20C may be operated to the telescope-mode 50B so that an instance of the other-vehicle 26 (if an instance is present) can be more readily detected/classified/tracked by the camera 20C.

As another example, the object-detector 20 may consist only of, or may include along with other devices, the radar 20A. The field-of-view 18 of the radar 20A may be characterized by a sensitivity-pattern 54 that defines side-lobes 54B and a main-lobe 54A. By way of further example, the detected-object 46 may be the other-vehicle 26 approaching the host-vehicle 12 by traveling on the intersecting-road 30 that intersects the travel-road 32 of the host-vehicle 12 at the intersection 28. Accordingly, the controller 42 may steer the host-vehicle 12 to align the main-lobe 54A of the radar 20A with the other-vehicle 26. It is contemplated that the radar 20A may be operable to a low-frame-rate/wide-mode and high-frame-rate/narrow-mode similar to the how the camera 20C is operable to the wide-view-mode 50A and the telescope-mode 50B.

In the above examples, the same sensor (the radar 20A or the camera 20C) that is used to initially detect the detected-object 46 is also redirected by steering the host-vehicle 12 so the detected-object 46 is with the preferred-portion 40. It is also contemplated that two distinct or different sensors can be used cooperatively or synergistically for this two-step process. For example, the system 10 may include, in addition to the object-detector 20, an intersecting-road-indicator 56 that indicates the presence of the intersecting-road 30 connected to the intersection 28 that is being approached by the host-vehicle 12. The intersecting-road-indicator 56 may be a radar, a lidar, a camera, a digital-map 58, or any combination thereof. While FIG. 1 may be interpreted to suggest that the object-detector 20 and the intersection-road-indicator 56 each have, for example, a dedicated instance of a camera, this is not a requirement. That is, the camera 20C shown as part of the object-detector 20 and the camera (no reference number) shown as part of the intersecting-road-indicator 56 may be the same camera that is shared by the object-detector 22 and the intersecting-road-indicator 56.

It follows that the controller 42 is also in communication with the intersecting-road-indicator 56. The controller 42 may designate the intersecting-road 30 as the detected-object 46, and steer the host-vehicle 12 to align the preferred-portion 40 of the object-detector 20 with the intersecting-road 30 when the host-vehicle 12 approaches the intersection 28.

As suggested above, in a non-limiting example of the system 10 the intersecting-road-indicator 56 may be is a digital-map 58 such as those used on known navigation devices to plan a route to a destination for the host-vehicle 12 to travel. In order for the system 10 to determine where on the digital-map 58 the host-vehicle 12 is located, the system 10 may include a location-detector 60 such as a global-positioning-system (GPS) receiver that provides GPS-coordinates and/or a heading (direction of travel on a compass) of the host-vehicle 12. The digital-map 58 may indicate an intersection-location 62 of the intersection 28 and/or information regarding the intersection-angle 52 of the travel-road 32 with the intersecting-road 30. The information from the digital-map 58 may be used to determine how to steer the host-vehicle 12 at the intersection 28 so the preferred-portion 40 of the object-detector 20 is better aligned with the intersecting-road 30 so the other-vehicle 26 (if present) can be more readily or reliably detected.

In another non-limiting embodiment the object-detector 20 may be the lidar 20B, and the controller 42 steers the host-vehicle 12 to align the field-of-view of the lidar with the intersecting-road 30. If the lidar is used as both the object-detector 20 and the intersecting-road-indicator 56, it is contemplated that the lidar may be operable to a slow/wide mode where a slower frame is used but all of the field-of-view 18 of the lidar is scanned, and operable to a fast/narrow-mode where the preferred-portion 40 of the field-of-view is scanned, but an increased frame-rate is possible.

In another non-limiting example of the system 10, the intersecting-road-indicator 56 may be the camera (optionally the camera 20C), and the object-detector 20 may be the radar 20A. As previously noted, the field-of-view 18 of the radar 20A may be characterized by the sensitivity-pattern 54 that defines the side-lobes 54B and the main-lobe 54A. The controller may then steer the host-vehicle 12 to align the main-lobe 54A of the radar 20A with the intersecting-road 30 based on the detection of the intersecting-road 30 and/or the intersection 28 by the camera. For example, information from the camera may be used to determine the intersection-angle 52, and the controller 42 may determine the shape of the swerve-maneuver 48 necessary to align the preferred-portion 40 with a detected-object 46.

Accordingly, an operating system (the system 10), a controller 42 for the system 10, and a method of operating the system 10 is provided. The system 10 steers the host-vehicle 12 so that a sensor that is being used as the object-detector 20 is better aligned with an instance of the detected-object 46, where the instance may be, for example, the other-vehicle 26, the intersection 28, or the intersecting-road 30.

While this invention has been described in terms of the preferred embodiments thereof, it is not intended to be so limited, but rather only to the extent set forth in the claims that follow.

  • 1-7. (canceled)
  • 8. A system comprising: at least one location detector to determine a first location of a vehicle;at least one object detector to detect at least one object and a second location of the at least one object, wherein the at least one object detector comprises a camera configured to operate in a wide-view mode or a telescopic mode, wherein a field of view in the wide-view mode is larger than the field of view in the telescopic mode, wherein a precision of detection in the wide-view mode is lower than the precision of detection in the telescopic mode; anda controller to determine a distance between the first location and the second location, wherein the controller is configured to activate the telescopic mode of the camera if the distance is less than or equal to a threshold value, wherein the controller is configured to activate the wide-view mode of the camera if the distance is more than a threshold value, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the at least one detected object with the field of view in the telescopic mode if the telescopic mode has been activated, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the at least one detected object with the field of view in the wide-view mode if the wide-view mode has been activated.
  • 9. The system of claim 8, wherein the precision is based on one or more of sensitivity, resolution, or detection range of the camera.
  • 10. The system of claim 8, wherein the controller is configured to switch the camera from the wide-view mode to the telescopic mode when the distance exceeds the threshold value, wherein the controller is configured to switch the camera from the telescopic mode to the wide-view mode when the distance becomes less than or equal to the threshold value.
  • 11. The system of claim 8, wherein the at least one object detector further comprises a radar, wherein the field of view of the radar is characterized by a sensitivity-pattern comprising side lobes and a main lobe, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the main lobe with the at least one object.
  • 12. The system of claim 8, wherein the at least one object detector further comprises a light detection and ranging device, wherein the light detection and ranging device is configured to operate in a slow and wide mode or a fast and narrow mode, wherein the controller is configured to activate the light detection and ranging device in the slow and wide mode when the field of view of the light detection and ranging device is scannable by the light detection and ranging device, wherein the controller is configured to activate the light detection and ranging device operates in the fast and narrow mode when only a particular portion of the field of view of the light detection and ranging device is scannable by the light detection and ranging device.
  • 13. The system of claim 8, wherein the vehicle is traveling on a first road, wherein the at least one object is one or more of a second road that intersects the first road or another vehicle.
  • 14. A method comprising: determining, by at least one location detector, a first location of a vehicle;detecting, by at least one object detector, at least one object and a second location of the at least one object, wherein the at least one object detector comprises a camera configured to operate in a wide-view mode or a telescopic mode, wherein a field of view in the wide-view mode is larger than the field of view in the telescopic mode, wherein a precision of detection in the wide-view mode is lower than the precision of detection in the telescopic mode;determining, by a controller coupled to the at least one location detector and the at least one object detector, a distance between the first location and the second location;activating, by the controller and if the distance is less than or equal to a threshold value, the telescopic mode of the camera, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the at least one detected object with the field-of-view in the telescopic mode if the telescopic mode has been activated; andactivating, by the controller and if the distance is more than a threshold value, the wide-view mode of the camera, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the at least one detected object with the field-of-view in the wide-view mode if the wide-view mode has been activated.
  • 15. The method of claim 14, wherein the precision is based on one or more of sensitivity, resolution, or detection range of the camera.
  • 16. The method of claim 14, wherein the controller is configured to switch the camera from the wide-view mode to the telescopic mode when the distance exceeds the threshold value, wherein the controller is configured to switch the camera from the telescopic mode to the wide-view mode when the distance becomes less than or equal to the threshold value.
  • 17. The method of claim 14, wherein the at least one object detector further comprises a radar, wherein the field of view of the radar is characterized by a sensitivity-pattern comprising side lobes and a main lobe, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the main lobe with the at least one object.
  • 18. The method of claim 14, wherein the at least one object detector further comprises a light detection and ranging device, wherein the light detection and ranging device is configured to operate in a slow and wide mode or a fast and narrow mode, wherein the controller is configured to activate the light detection and ranging device in the slow and wide mode when the field of view of the light detection and ranging device is scannable by the light detection and ranging device, wherein the controller is configured to activate the light detection and ranging device operates in the fast and narrow mode when only a particular portion of the field of view of the light detection and ranging device is scannable by the light detection and ranging device.
  • 19. The method of claim 14, wherein the vehicle is traveling on a first road, wherein the at least one object is one or more of a second road that intersects the first road or another vehicle.
  • 20. A non-transitory computer program product storing instructions that, when executed by at least one programmable processor, cause the at least one programmable processor to perform operations comprising: determining, by at least one location detector, a first location of a vehicle;detecting, by at least one object detector, at least one object and a second location of the at least one object, wherein the at least one object detector comprises a camera configured to operate in a wide-view mode or a telescopic mode, wherein a field of view in the wide-view mode is larger than the field of view in the telescopic mode, wherein a precision of detection in the wide-view mode is lower than the precision of detection in the telescopic mode;determining, by a controller coupled to the at least one location detector and the at least one object detector, a distance between the first location and the second location;activating, by the controller and if the distance is less than or equal to a threshold value, the telescopic mode of the camera, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the at least one detected object with the field-of-view in the telescopic mode if the telescopic mode has been activated; andactivating, by the controller and if the distance is more than a threshold value, the wide-view mode of the camera, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the at least one detected object with the field-of-view in the wide-view mode if the wide-view mode has been activated.
  • 21. The non-transitory computer program product of claim 20, wherein the precision is based on one or more of sensitivity, resolution, or detection range of the camera.
  • 22. The non-transitory computer program product of claim 20, wherein the controller is configured to switch the camera from the wide-view mode to the telescopic mode when the distance exceeds the threshold value, wherein the controller is configured to switch the camera from the telescopic mode to the wide-view mode when the distance becomes less than or equal to the threshold value.
  • 23. The non-transitory computer program product of claim 20, wherein the at least one object detector further comprises a radar, wherein the field of view of the radar is characterized by a sensitivity-pattern comprising side lobes and a main lobe, wherein the controller is configured to steer the vehicle to align the main lobe with the at least one object.
  • 24. The non-transitory computer program product of claim 20, wherein the at least one object detector further comprises a light detection and ranging device, wherein the light detection and ranging device is configured to operate in a slow and wide mode or a fast and narrow mode, wherein the controller is configured to activate the light detection and ranging device in the slow and wide mode when the field of view of the light detection and ranging device is scannable by the light detection and ranging device, wherein the controller is configured to activate the light detection and ranging device operates in the fast and narrow mode when only a particular portion of the field of view of the light detection and ranging device is scannable by the light detection and ranging device.
  • 25. The non-transitory computer program product of claim 20, wherein the vehicle is traveling on a first road, wherein the at least one object is one or more of a second road that intersects the first road or another vehicle.

This application is a continuation of and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/658,065, filed Jul. 24, 2017, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 15658065 Jul 2017 US
Child 17222900 US