"Invited Address: New Backlighting Technologies for LCDs" by Y. Mesaki, et al. of Fujitsu Ltd. published in SID 94 Digest 1994, pp. 281-284. |
"New Backlighting Technologies for LCDs" by Kevin J. Hathaway, Jeffery A. Hawthorne and Allan Fleischer of Display Engineering, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA., published in Society of Information Display (SID) 91 Digest, pp. 751-754, 1991. |
"A Flat Collimator: A Backlighting Assembly Utilizing Microprisms for High Energy Efficiency" by Y. Tai and H. Zou of BriteView Technologies, Inc. of Toledo, Ohio, published in SID 94 Digest Applications Digest, pp. 10-13, 1994. |
"Multiplicity of Discharge Channels For a Flat Fluorescent Lamp to Backlight a Full Color LCD" by M. Anandan and Doug Ketchum, of Thomas Electronics, Inc. Wayne, New Jersey. No Date Provided. |
"A Non-Imaging CCFT Coupler for LCD Backlighting" by F. Lin, of CTX Opt-Electronics Corp., Taiwan R.O.C., published in SID 94 Applications Digest, pp. 14-15, 1994. |
"A Full-Color Field-Sequential LCD Using Modulated Backlight" by H. Hasebe, and S. Kobayashi, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, published in SID 85 Digest, pp. 81-83 1985. |
"High-Brightness Backlights for Color LCDs" by S. Lu Bohary, of Landmark Technology, San Jose, CA, published in SID 94 Applications Digest, pp. 6-9. |
"Desktop Projection Products: LCD Projection Panel, LCD Projectors and Interactive Pointer Systems" catalogue by Proxima, Inc Brochure No. 709-001174-1, No Date Provided. |
"Figure 1: How The Touch Screen Works" in the Newton MessagePad, published in Oct. 1993 MacUser (1 page). |
"Diffraction-grating-enhanced light emission from tunnel junctions" by J.R., Kirtlay, et al. Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, Applied Physics Letters vol. 37, No. 5, Sept. 1, 1980. pp. 435-437. |