BHP Research paper entitled "Shipping Ballast Water-Heating as a Means of Destroying Potentially Harmful Marine Organisms" by Dr. Geoff Rigby and Alan Taylor--dated Jun. 1993 (8 pages). |
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., vol. 50, 1993 (pp. 2086-2093)--Title: "Ballast Water Exchange as a Means of Controlling Dispersal of Freshwater Organisms by Ships" by A. Locke, D.M. Reid, H.C. van Leeuwen, W.G. Sprules and J.T. Carlton. |
Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1822--Abstract and pp. 42-43 by A. Locke, D.M. Reid, W.G. Sprules, J.T. Carlton and H.C. van Leeuwen--1991--"Effectiveness of mid-ocean exchange in controlling freshwater and coastal zooplankton in ballast water". |
Science, vol. 261--Jul. 2, 1993 (pp. 34-35)--Article entitled "Foreign Invaders" by Joel W. Hedgpeth. |
Science, vol. 261--Jul. 2, 1993 (pp.78-82)--Article entitled "Ecological Roulette: The Global Transport of Nonindigenous Marine Oranisms" by James T. Carlton and Jonathan B. Geller. |
Article from the Chicago Tribune dated Jan. 4, 1995--p. 1--"Rising tide of invaders spills into Great Lakes" by William Mullen. |
Focus 10,000--Jul. 1993(pp. 12-15) Article entitled "Ballast Water Exchange" by Marcia Baer. |
Principles of Naval Architecture--Volume One--written by a "Group of Authorities" dated 1942--Title page and pp. 88-97, 99-101, 144-146, 204-212. |
Design and Construction of Steel Merchant Ships--written by a "Group of Authorities" dated 1955--Title page and pp. 51-55. |