Traditional methods for consumer storage of bananas; like laying bananas on a table, or in a bowl actually cause bruising to the banana's peeling or protective barrier. Bruising to the banana pealing is then often transferred to the banana fruit itself, adversely affecting the fruit's usability.
Most other banana hanger type securing systems hang a banana bunch but cannot hang a single banana alone. The securing systems that can hold a single banana require the banana to be moved, and then manipulated or wedged into place. These previous more traditional banana hangers banana securing systems use where the bananas stems join together to hang two or more bananas. Usually this is accomplished by simply hanging the grouped bananas by where their stems join together, from an upper hook or by sleeveing them through or over a single object, appendage, rod, barb, or hook. While traditional banana hangers do a decent job of limiting bruising and allowing off gassing, once the bananas begin to ripen, they often prematurely separate at the stem's base. The reason is, previous more traditional hanger type banana holders apply more pressure along the shorter inside of the banana's natural, crescent moon, semicircle shape. This is created by the weight of the bananas pulling downward, do to gravity, thereby creating a continual force attempting to straighten the banana's natural, crescent moon, semicircle shape. This force pulls opposite and away from the banana's natural shape and therefore transferring more stress to the inside shorter side of the banana's natural, crescent moon, semicircle shape. This stress often manifest itself by premature separation of the inside portion of the banana's protective barrier/peeling where it joins at the base of the stem. If the bananas' protective barrier fails, the consumer is forced to have to hastily utilize any remaining bananas due to the rapid natural decaying process of exposed bananas, or be forced to simply discard them due to their un-usability. For these reasons conventional banana hangers often actually shorten the useable life span of banana(s).
The above more traditional hanger type banana holders method's problems are only exaggerated each time the bundle of bananas has to be handled for a banana(s) extraction from a device by consumers and or as the banana(s) ripen.
This banana holder/hanger, banana securing system design addresses the more traditional hanger type banana holder's problems by helping to prevent the bananas protective pealing from being bruised and or tearing away from their stem prematurely. Preventing bruising and premature stem separation keeps the banana's natural protective barrier intact, which helps the banana last as long as naturally possible.
While this banana holder/hanger, banana securing system can hold as many bananas as a conventional banana hanger, this banana holder/hanger, banana securing system can also hold the last and or a single banana, without having to reposition the remaining bananas. This system only requires minimal movement as a consumer stabilizes bananas on the devise with one hand while they extract their desired number of bananas, one by one, with the other hand. This banana holder/hanger banana securing system does not require bananas already in the system to have to be repositioned or manipulated, to include the last sole banana.
When loaded with a bundle of bananas, one version utilizing this system takes up no countertop space at all, because it may be mounted to a wall, or may be under mounted to a cabinet or shelve to preserve valuable counter top space. When the system is use with a more traditional mobile rendition, this system has an overall smaller loaded countertop footprint than a loaded traditional banana hanger.
When this banana securing system is used in a more traditional portable version, it can be simply placed on a flat surface. However when this portable version utilizes this banana securing system the bananas now hang inverted backwards from the more traditional renditions. The banana(s) utilizing this banana securing system now curve downward and back toward the device's base. When bananas are inverted in this fashion they typically have an overall smaller countertop footprint than their well-known more traditional renditions which simply hang the grouped bananas by where their stems join together, from an upper hook or by sleeveing them through or over a single object, appendage, rod, barb. These more conventional counterparts, cause the bananas to swing their unsecured ends of the bananas away from their device due to forced weight centralization caused by their crescent moon, semicircle shape being hung from one end.
This banana holder/hanger, banana securing system is an inexpensive, simple, unique, innovative, product and therefore a far superior banana holder banana securing system unlike any known.
This banana holder/hanger banana securing system can store, hold, display and serve a bunch of bananas as well as a single banana, in the same devise, without having to ever significantly move or manipulate the remaining bananas. With a minimum of two, curved offset; points, objects, appendages, rods, or barbs this securing system secures the bunch's or single banana in place by utilizing their stem(s), the strongest part of the banana. Using some of the banana bunch's or single banana's stem(s) portion between the, minimum of two offset points; objects, appendages, rods or barbs, utilizes the bottom, minimum of one; object, appendage, rod or barb as a fulcrum. The banana's stem(s) are then used as lever(s). The weight of the banana bunch or single banana is now used as a counter balance, which in turn causes the farthest portion of the stem(s), away from the fruit, to push in an upward direction. This upward force along with where the stems naturally larger portion join together, secure the bunch or a single banana into the device. The banana bunch or single banana now hang inverted, with the weight of the bunch or single banana now pulling along with the outside longer portion of the banana's natural, crescent moon, semicircle shape, and in a similar direction as the banana peeling's and phloem strands which aids in the prevention of the premature separation of the banana's body where it joins into the stem's.
This banana/hanger securing system, lends the utility of the banana securing system to countless alterations, ornamental variations and or combinations thereof.
This banana holder/hanger securing system is further described by way of illustrative examples, with reference to the attached annexed drawings, in which:
The banana holder/hanger securing system shown in
Also attached to further illustrative examples his banana holder/hanger securing system are black and white photographs taken of both original, handmade, constructed prototypes illustrated in FIG. 1's and FIG. 2's.