Shayne C. Gad, Brendan J. Dunn, Donald W. Dobbs, Christopher Reilly, and Robert D. Walsh, "Development and Validation of an Alternative Dermal Sensitization Test: The Mouse Ear Swelling Test (MEST),"Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 84, 93-114 (1986). |
Internet publication entitled "Unleashing the Power of the Banana Peel," Internet website for Exorex.TM.. Applicant first became aware of this internet publication on Dec. 15, 1997. Applicant is unaware when it was first available. |
Internet publication entitled "Treatment for Psoriasis and Eczema" Applicant first became aware of this internet publication on Dec. 15, 1997. Applicant is unaware when it was first available. |
Internet publication entitled "Exorex New Breakthrough Psoriasis Medication Launched" Applicant first became aware of this internet publication on Dec. 15, 1997. Applicant is unaware when it was first available. |
Internet publication entitled "IMX Pharmaceuticals Signs Ecked Drug Stores for National Distribution of Exorex" Applicant first became aware of this internet publication on Dec. 15, 1997. Applicant is uaware when it was first available. |
Newspaper article entitled "Banana Peel Cure Probably All in the Head." Applicant first became aware of this publication on Dec. 3, 1997. Applicant is unaware when it was first availale. |